Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, June 15, 1899, Image 5

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    Metzger Bros. ,
rnllman Neb
Cherry Co.
lirand on left hide
Earmark , square
crop right ear
.Southern branded
i cattta have but one
[ leftside
Native cattle have
throat wattle
Ranee on Gordon and Snake Creeks
Horses have same brand on left thigh
A Jtcicara of $25O will be paid to any
person for information leading to the arrest and
final conviction of any person or persons steal
ing cattle with above brand
Postofllce address
Allen S D
On left shoulder and
baron side ; horses
same on thigh
Range-Hear deck
Postollice addres
Valentino , Neb
Branded on right
side ; horses same
liange-10 miles east
of Valentino on
the Niobrara
Joseph W. Bownet
P. ( ) . address
.Merrnnan , Nebr.
llight ear cropped
Flole in center of left
ear Range Lake creek
S. D.
Joe Vlondrav
Cody. Nebraska
3 Left .side. Left car
S croppnl.
fl V on left shoulder ol
Charles JBenard
Rosebud S. D.
Range .Big White' '
and Bad Rivers
Charles C. Tackett
Roseuii'l , S. D. !
Range head of An
telope near St. Marys
mission f
Horses branded
on left thigh
Peter VJondruy
Rosebud. S. D.
Left. side. Left car
Horses branded
Ran e Little White
Riwr. at month of
Cedar ( 'reek.
Louis J. iiicharcls
Merriman. Neb
Gorsuch Bros.
Newton , Nebraka
Cattle branded
as on cut
Some if
ft sideorhii
Range on Gordon"
Louis F. Bichards
jre.'riman Neb
Oi >
Henry Pratt asC
Rosebud S. D. C :
Left side sh
Horses same on ]
left shoulder so
Deerhorn clip on be
some cattle an
-To ! ) 11 DeCory
Rosebud. S. D.
Some branded ID
417 on left side
Horses JD on left
Range in Meyer Co
on Antelope Creek
Thomas Farren Al ;
Rosebud , S. n.
ID 1183 either left' lefi
jide or hip
F on left
Range head of
Marquardt & Rowltis
Merriman. Neb
Cattle brand OM on
fr shoulder. Some
[ of cattle have various
I older brands. OS on
left hip. Horse bra'd
' A on left shoulder.
Range Formerly
JGeo WMonnler
Branch 5-mlles east of
i 3Merriman.fromF.E.
& M. V. R. R. sontu to Ieander Creek. Mar-
iiiar ] U. & Ilmvln& . Scribnor.Nebniska. Ail
IV. W. AKDKRSOX. . ; . C. KOU > DS I
Anderson & Hounds.
Simeon. Nebraska
Cattle branded 011
left side as on cut ;
ulso IG on left side
with on left hip of
borne cattle ; also S4G
on right side Hoise
brand , rake and 1C
on lelt shoulder or
Home ranch-on
Dewev Dike. Range on Niobrarn River , past efFort
Fort Niobrara ; also between Snake River and
Simeon , known as the Felch range , all in Cherry
County. Nebraska.
Marshall & Wolfenden
Kennedy , Neb.
Some 3 on the left
Horses % on left
Brand is small
Earmark : Quarter
clip behind , half cir
cle forward on left ear
Range Lone Tree
I. T. Richardson.
Kennedy , Nebr
Some on left
Horses on
left shoulder
William M. Dun bar
l.cset ! from Heine & Kroeger
Only Neb
Dt'n Either side
j low
Also I Oil
Lefl i-ir ot cattle
Range head of Hay
Amelia Young.
Cody , Nebraska
On right side.
Right car split
Range , Little
White river
Ped r Thorsen.
GordonNebraska II It
On right sidef
rght hip. horse I
brand and T on . S
riuht shoulder C
ANo cattle branded
I , on Ipft side e
Range. i wl mile.- * e
south of Irwiu q
Henry Younfr , e
Cody , NebrasK.i g
Horse brand JtY
on left shoulder t
Cattle , right ear t
split rj
Range. Little rjt
White river. S. I ) . rji i
1a 1h
Stotts & Stetter. t ;
3ody. Nebraska ;
Branded on l ft side g
tango. Tin Can Lake Si
ind Morgan Flats
D C. kelson
C"odv. Nebraska.
On rteht hip.
Range , Medicine
l ake to the
Snake river
Jlntt Brotheis.
Jordon. Nebniskfl I.ol
lange.14 miles north ol
Gordon. C
F. C. Dnerl'elit , Manager. erPi
Gordon , Nebraska ri
Cattle also branded riA
DO on right hip A
Horses and mules di
Branded same as cut dt
on left shoulder
J. C. Jordan
lordon , Nebraska
ne bunch branded
on cut on left side
One i bunch branded
It on left hip
Horses f on left
Range. 10 miles
nulnvest of Gallop , :
etween Niobrara -
nd Snake rivers
George F Damon Di
Albany. Neb Cit
Cattle branded WlI
Fl onleft ribs or I
right shoulder ; MIen >
on right hip and left fei
ribs ; (5 on left hip St.
Horses FI ) or SI ) on sel
right shoulder
Hange 7 mi north jec
, cast of Albany Neb nu
\ , . Agent for Pasteur wl
' Black Leg Vaccine
doSe > t
Joseph Fickel
Se ;
Gordon Neb r
Horse brand F on wo
shoulder cit
KatiKC 10 miles chi
irtheast of Gordon
Wheeler Bros ,
m < 3
Cody Neb lin
Also It on right
side cit ; ;
Range Chamberlain
Flats and Snake rai
River bui
Sti'fij/ed of Stolen.
Several head of horses and cattle
tle , * Ral
mos Strong , Valentine ,
Cross Eyes the Cause of Grief
to Those Affected ,
Dr. Seymour Tells How Much Pain and
Mortification May Be Avoided By
Wearing Properly Fitted
The usual feeling produced by seeing
a pair of cross eyes is one of repulsion
or pity. Anything imperfect or inhar
monious is contrary to the sublime
laws of nature , whose wondrous sys
tem is one of perfect harmony and
beauty. It is only man whose imper
fections mar an otherwise perfect crea
tion , and so strong is the antipathy in
the human breast to anything distorted
or disproportioned that it would seem
to prove that he , too , was intended to
manifest perfection in his bodily health
as well as in all other ways. This in
herent disgust for the deformed , which
shows itself in pity , ridicule or sym
pathy , as the case may be , is one which
most of us feel when looking into eyes
whose beauty has been marred , and
whose expression changed by being
crossed. Their owner secretly bears a
heavy burden ; a consciousness of the
deformity is ever present and throws
a shadow over the sweetest and bright
est disposition. This consciousness of
defect robs life of half its joy , for it
takes a brave heart indeed to face the
world undaunted , weighed down by
such an affliction as cross eyes. The
knowledge that one is always subject
to criticism , to ridicule , or what is
worse , pity , overwhelms the unfor
tunate with a sense of despair that
those blessed with perfect eyes can
never understand. We need to have all
of our five senses unimpaired in order
that we be properly equipped to fight
the battle of life , aad one who is af
flicted with cross eyes is handicapped
at the very start by a burden which
grows heavier as the years go on.
It has not been many years since this
trouble was considered incurable ; later
on it was found that a partial cure , or
at least an improvement in the ap
pearance , could occasionally be made
by a surgical operation , which any
physician was at liberty to undertake
so long as he was a graduate of medi
cine. In this way many hundreds of
eyes were hopelessly ruined , but sci
ence in its onward march took up this
question of such vital interest to so
many , and after years of labor and re
search , proved conclusively that cross
eyes can be straightened by the aid of
glasses alone , that there need be no
more dangerous operations , and that
glasses are the only scientific cure for
this trouble. The eyes under this
treatment quickly manifest improve
ment. They regain their correct posi
tion and the change in the expression
is : often wonderful. The sinister , evil
look < gives way to one of frankness and
ieauty , and the joy of restored sight ,
is well as improved appearance , makes
his : world a much brighter and hap-
ier place than it was before .
Dr. Seymour has devoted years to
he treatment of cross eyes with *
'lasses and has met with marvelous \
mccess in every instance.
vVith Those in Need it is a Ques
tion of ScienceNot Spectacles. :
r. Seymour is Here for the Benefit of 6
Those Who Would Not Ti ust Their "
Eyes to Any But a Skilled
There seems to be an impression
mong many that the visit of Dr.V. . >
Seymour of Omaha is a mere matter >
f fitting glasses , but such is not the
ase. Dr. Seymour does not appeal to o
he simple cases of erroneous vision n
hat can be corrected by ordinarj' tl
lasses , which are usually sold by dea -
rs , but to the more difficult and com- ii
licated cases tnat have railed to de iirr
lve any benefit from ordinary glasses. rr
.s : a matter of fact , out of the nun- ii
reds of patients who visit his office , 0
uring his stay in a city , there are )
Dmparatively few who nave not had
3me unfor'unate experience in trying Tt ]
make cheap glasses answer their
urpose and i ailing to get relief , have
sught the Assistance of one who is
commended to them in the highest
jrms by people whose word they can- m
ot doubt. have si
They paid dearly for
icir folly and have no more money to tl
aste in this way. They have realized in
tat their c ° se demands scientific treat- st
ient and therefore do what all sensi- tiiW' [
e people do under such circumstances W'
-seek the assistance of a specialist lil
hose worth is proven. Besides being
Jle to refer to many Omaha people , dc
r. Seymour brings letters from other be
ties throughout the west , copies of til :
hich appear in these columns. ni
The to whom Dr. ot
people Seymour re- otwl
TS are among the best known in his wl
ate , and it is only in justice to your- of
ilf if you have any doubt on the sub- sa
ct that you address any one of the us
imber of patients or acquaintances
ho have cheerfully given their in-
Those who are anxious to see Jr.
jymour should make an appointment
mail or leave their names at the
tel and thus be sure of an appoint-
ent. He has the most complete in-
ruments and arrangements for his
ark that were ever brought to this
by , and he otters consultation without
large. The only way for those who
It is a well known fact that Dr. Sfey- pr
3ur has the largest practice in his
16 in Omaha , and below are the
.hies of a few of his patients in that
y , whom he takes pleasure in refer-
ig to :
K < * Bnrf. president Union Pacific ha
ilroad ; Dr. Impy , Nov ; York Life Tl
S. H. H. Clark , former re- pu
iver of the Union Pacific ra'lrcad ; I :
G. Taylor , auditor B. and M. rail- ha
ad ; Prank E. Moores , present mayor
Omaha ; L. A. tSarner , superintend- Di' i
American Express company ;
tarles E. Belden. Thompson & Bel- To
, dry goods ; Dr. Ed. Arnold , Geo" ]
.Iston , manager Worthington Mili- the
tary academy ; Mr. George W. Davcn
port of Lincoln and hundreds of others
equally as good , whose names can be
had by calling on Dr. Seymour person
Sentiment of More Enlightened
Undergoing a Change.
Employers Apt to Be Thoughtless People
ple Taking Better Cure of Their
Eyes Nowadays.
Every one knows in general way
that spectacles are worn to assist the
sight , and there is a large number that
know nothing more than that they help
the aged to see to read and the near
sighted to see at a distance. The preju
dice against glasses has , on the "one
hand , acted to deter persons from wear
ing glasses who really need them , and ,
on the other hand , has acted to influ
ence employerg to decline to engage
applicants for work who are wearing
It is hardly possible in these few
lines to attempt to combat these preju
dices 'or to present arguments sufficient
to prove their fallacy.
The first one is so unreasonable that
no sensible person in this enlightened
day would be rash enough to advise
people who have defective sight not to
wear glasses , nor would these people
be ioolish enough to listen to such ad-
vice. While in regard to the second
prejudice mentioned employers are
soon and easily convinced that the man
who notices his sight Is failing and
promptly uses -the means at 'his com
mand to restore it is the more wide
awake and capable workman and does
better service than the careless person
who fails to notice his impaired sight ,
or if he does , takes no interest or
makes no effort to restore it. The
truth of the matter is that in the hands
of a skillful oculist and optician there
is no means at the present time which
will correct so many eye troubles , such
as nervous headache , squinting , cross-
eyes and restore good sight as suitable
lenses in all their various combina
tion , and people have not been slow to
find t'.iis out a"d R"t in accordance.
Ths ccriiiTion Ignorance in regard to
glasses a d their use has given many
the idea that persons can choose their
own glasses. But the fallacy of sup
posing that the glasses that seem the
plsasantest for a few moments are apt
to prove the correct ones for constant e
use is not sc , general 33 formerly. Not t
every qne suffers from su.ch a course , r
and yet the great number that do n
makes it s ifer and advisable , in order
to avo'.d any risk , to have their eyes
thoroughly examined by a competent
optician , even in simple cases.
Experience has taught the public
much in this matter ( of the importance
of proper glasses ) , but there are still m
many persons who would decidedly ob
ject to ill-fitting , ready-made clothing ,
who still do not hesitate in the in ? ciH
finitely more -important a.nd delicate H
matter of s'ght , who will still follow d
up the advertisements of spectacle
dealers and go into a store to have a
pair of glasses fitted without thinking
af the danger of thus treating an organ
whose mechanism is ot the most deli
cate nature and whose use is almost as
valuable as life itself. You would not trK
think of go'ng to a prescription clerk trF :
ind asking Iv'm to prescribe for you in F
ase of sickness. How much less , then , C. !
should you think of trusting your oyea in
to a mechanic or salesman . who may
know absolutely nothing of the anat-
jmy , physiology or pathology of the F
jye or the detrimental effect of glasses
Itted to the temporary conditions of
sight which are found by the simple
Cleans of trying different lenses until
he customer has found what they
hmk will do. People who wear glasses A.
should have their eyes examined by an ,
ptician who understands their anat-
my and condition from a medical K !
rtfmdpoint. These examinations ca.n Ti
nly be made in properly appointed
oems , nd with lights arranged for
.his purpose.
Do not fail to have your eyes exam- cl
ned by Dr. Seymour during his visit cr
n this city , as his collection of instru-
nents for this work includes the latest
improvements known to the science of tn
iptics. ve
he Work of a Succa < * fnl Scientist Ac
knowledged by Prominent People pec
All Over the United States. eve
His position in his profession is
lerited by hard work , indisputable br ' <
kill and unvarying satisfaction to
housands of patrons in all the promtal1
aent cities in the United States. He ' '
Lands endorsed by leading medical , op- 2
cal and scientific men of his day , as ! ! ?
rell ' as business men in every walk in
fe.Difficult >
Difficult cases evaded and often aban-
oned BY OTHER OPTICIANS have wec
een conquered by his superior scien-
fic ability. Sufferers have flown to tha
is offices eager for his advice and to
btain his invaluable services. Many
'ho had but one FLUTTERING RAY li
light left in their sight have been liIi
ived from blindness and led by these Bet '
se of proper glasses out of darkness titii
nd into the light of day again. ad r
His exceptional ability , aided by ex- Bor
erience and the assistance of all sci-
itific instruments known to his pro- and
ission , make him one of the GREAT- bra
ell known people of this vicinity have the ]
sard of Dr. Seymour through their app
lends and welcome his arrival in this j co"
ty as a long looked for opportunity of i G-
seing a man whose ability has seldom j
sen equaled , and never surpassed in i T ;
iy age or at any time.
The following are testimonials from j -
-ominent people in different cities for4 1
ham he has done work : j
LINCOLN , April 14 , 1894. j
Dear S"if The glasses you fitted me , i
ive been used now for some weeks. one
hey seem to accomplish their wei
irpose admirably. For evening work
find them better than anything I
ive ever used. Truly yours ,
. Walter Seymour , Omaha , Neb.
OMAHA , March 31 , 1895. ft
Dr. W. I. cjeymour : wit h '
Dear Sir I am much pleased wire enl
glasses I purchased from you , hav-
Everything fresh ana clean , and prices
ihat are right Special attention given
to pumps , tanks , and ra ? ; h supplies
ing found them a vast assistance in my
professional work , and I am glad to
echo the sentiments of your many cus
tomers in this city , as I have never
heard anything but compliments ' for
your professional work.
Yours , etc. ,
Judge Court of Equity.
OMAHA. March 30. 1895.
To Dr. W. I. Seymour ;
Dear Sir In relation to the glasses
you furnished me I would say that I
am highly pleased with them , as well
as with the skillful manner in which
they were adjusted to my eyes. I find
that I can now attend to the duties of
life without being hampered by not
being able to see. Very truly , :
Tenth and Jackson Sts.
March 30 , 1896. !
Dr. W. I. Seymour :
Dear Sir The glasses for far and
near sight bought of you last Decem-
her have given better satisfaction than
any I ha > e ever worn. I also wish to
say that I consider your new folding }
glass a wonderful invention and money i
would not buy the pair I have. I
Yours , .etc. , j
Supt. 0. & St. L. Ry.
RY. Co.
WATERTOWN , S. D. , Nov. 23,1892.
Knowing the need of properly ground -
glasses for the cure of many nervous I
troubles , such as headaches , painful i
rision , etc. , and having perfect confl-
lence in Dr. Seymour as a skillful and
scientific optician , I can recommend
lim to all having trouble with their
jygs. In my personal observation
Tom the work done here , I feel war-
-anted in recommending him to those
leeding such services.
Exciting Times on the Face Track.
Asve go to press the annual June
aeeting- running horses is bein- . ,
in Valentine , and a fair sized
rowel is present to witness the sport.
lotels , restaurants und saloons are
oin < a land office business , and beds
re at a premium.
Three events took place yesterday , '
s follows : !
Quarter mile dash for ponies. Enj j
ries : Minnie Lee by Bud Martin of
e\'a Paha : Maud S. by Frank Tate :
'annie ; by Dan Truax : Musk-rat by C.
. Thompson : Flora by Jones. Finish
i order named. Time 'Hi.
Half mile and repeat. Entries
'lying- : Brook by Truax : Moonlight
y Farnham : Goodeye by Eads. Fin-
ih as named. Time 50. Second
eat oOi.
Six hundred yard dash. Entries
.lasano by Eads : Nigger Bab } ' by
ohn Cordier : Tasso by Gardner :
ate by Thompson. Finish as named.
irae 34f.
All the events were good , every-
ling being on the square and finishes
lose enoug-h to make the races ex-
ting. A number of match races are
eing arranged for , and it is thought
le three days meet will prove to be
jry profitable and pleasant.
Everyhody is rejoicing over the .Tune pros-
cts for ciops and hay stock looks better than
er considering their condition this spring.
Mm. I'elerson and daughters visited with U.
oems and family Sunday.
'da Marks visited her parents on the north
lie Sunday. K <
Fohn Ormesher and the Heath boys went to lei
Schlagle fishing Wednesday. It is reported
y caught 05 of the speckled beauties.
t is reporto'l th re will be a wedding on the
er in the near future.
. Keed is building a pasture on his farm this
"rank lleese h.is in 42 acres corn. How is
it for an old bachelor like him ?
For Atliiiinlstrtitor
n County f'onrt , Cherry County , Nebraska ,
.n the nmMcr of the estate of .lames W De-
rde , deceased.
'illie DeBorde having filed in my office a pe-
ion praying for the appointment of herself as
ministrator of the estate of .lames W. De-
rde. deceased. All -rsous i interested in said
ate will take notice tlint I have fixed s nr-
y. Suly 1.1890. ar in o'clock a. in. ns the .me
my office in Valentine. Cherry conntv. Ne-
iskii , an the place forbearing of said petition ' SI
which time an-t place all persons interested ! 2
said estate may appear and show canse if any j
robe why such administrator should not / < e i
oimed. ' '
Viinessmy hand and teal of the county i
in this 14th day of June. iswi.
' 5 \V. II TOWN-K. '
County Judge j
'ak Mi up , at my place about 4 miles east of Va
it Xionrara , Jlay 26. on ; sorrel bald-Ourd Bn
ding , r > ears old. a id one bay mirgB ' sid
i-ars old , both branued on left jJhonlder H * ] '
ilt.-VKSl' JjP.ARH 3g Till
T r = , La !
tit-nif Taken L'p. \
.iken up by the undersicnert at his place in j
mil Lake precinct , on sorrel horse branded \ t
fliin. 10 yr * old.weight 1,000 pounds : One
'l mare hnimled X. fi vears old. weight ? 00 ;
brown inlmal , i branded 8. 5 veara old. '
hrhi. ? 5noiiiN. ] R. L , PAVls. '
lii Arabia , Nebr.
J'lKtft-i/M Taken Up. \
aken IIP by tinmuliMg pieil on iln north
of the Xiohnira , at the mouth of snake , one
wn mare wit n blai-k mane and tiul. 3-years
branded mi ri ht arm. one clavhank U-yr ,
gelding branded > - One .strawberry mm
white face , one year old branded *
lelt shoulder
I'robutcof in ft.
btite ot Nebraska i ss
Cherrv County f
In tlu * matter of the estate of W. ( J. Carson
On reading and filing the petition of Plnrcnce
1 ; . Ccrson. praing that tinin , trnn Mit. filed on
u'Sthdayol Jiii.f i.si : ! , and purporting to be
the last will and > r. tiiiifiit ; of the said deceased
may be prov i. miroved. probated , allowed and *
recorded us the hist will and n-Mamcnt ot tln
said W. G Carson dcceaM'd. anl that the execu
tion of said instrument may In * committed and
the adniinisiralion of said estate mav be grant
ed to Mary A. Carson and AUred Lewb ns exe-
Ordered that.lime'1.A.I ) isna.-.t 10 oYloek
a m. , is a signe.i for hearing said uetilion
when all persons Inferestf .1 in said matter may
appear at a county court to lip Uejd In md for
said county , and show fans' * why tlKpraer of
petit oner should m > t lit ; grunted ; and riminotire
or the pendency nt'satd petit ion SIMI the hearing -
ing thereof , lie given to all persons interested in
sai < matter by publishing a copv. of thif order
m the \ \ KSTKit.v Nuws-nwiucuAT. a xvi-ekly
newspapc-rprinted in said county , fdr three
succchsive wteks. prior to said day of hearin-
W. IJ. TOW.SE. County .Judge
J. A. Adamsou.
Valentine. Neb
On left bide or hip
A 4- left side or hip
On ( left side
Kangeon l
Newman Bros. & Nations.
Cod > . Nebraska
< On point left shoul
der. Also O on
point left shoulder
Also < [ Jon left
Same on left bin
Left side
n ldrcss
Urownlee , Neb
Rninded on either
side same us on cut
also both jaws
J. C. Trowbridfje
Merriman , Neb < r j
T , & & & & ?
vin Kange and between Merrima'i I r'V , . - < i S ' ? } Tri'n . I
.o th of railroad $ $ & , | S" ]
Hugh Hovill , Manager
Merriman Neb
All on left eideor
R inge north of El
Charlotte E. Hovill
Merriman Neb
Left side or hip
Range north of Eli
P O Address
L. W. Parker
Reige. Neb
Brand same as cut ,
Also ZP
Ranee on Niobrara
south of Crookston
Prideaux San ford
ennedy. N'eb
stock branded on
ft side
Alex Marrivall
Pine Ridge , S D
Cattle branded as
on cut and below on
either side. Eermk
swallow fork on leit
and crop right
Horse trands as
below on left thigh
or hip
11. A. McQuade.
ilcm ine. Neb
anded on either
Range between
mclier and Swan
B. I > . Teeter ? Bros.
Newtou , Sob ,
Horse * same on
left shoulder
Ranre between
the Gordon and }
f v