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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1899)
WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT ! V > \VN. Farm ami Stock ROBERT OOI > . - aia nager Valentine , ISebx-aska AI.OXXO HEATJT Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska On left side ; i- ' $ & ii' rtli o Cutcomb Lake S A WINSLOW Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska Branded on either side ; horses same on left slioulder Range 3-mi. northeast - east ol Ell ami south of Nlohnim river. 13- nti bonthwehl of Cody A C RDZMENSCHNEIDER Postofflce address Codv , Nebraska On right side ; alsoX cm riirht shoulder and 2 on Jaw. 33 on left hii > also 3 on j ! W Ramie-OKI Foor Ranch on Niobrara A D COLE Postofllce address Cody , Nebraska Sxnn-a.s on cut. left n'l sliouliler eiiStillldsOUtll- and \\fjit of Cody CHAS. E ROBERTS Postoflice address Cody , Nebraska Qri ert'ier ' side : so ii" ti i'f2 ; .some i : : n Rtiue . .urthwi st of Cudy FRANK .1. JONES Postoflice address CodyNebraska On right sirtehor- .v.s MIIIIC on left shoulder Eitufe. eight miles v\os.t of Cody CHAKLES GART3IDE Postoffice address Cody , Neb rattle branded on left -side ; also C G o , . lelt hip ! witIB- und left shoulder on hordes Kuimcon Niobrara in JOHN S1IANGKAN PoHtofflce address Cody , Nebraska ! Ou lelt side Also on left MI ! * Hotses J S < > " .shoulder Range between Cody and Lake Creek J P GARDINER Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska On left side of cat tle ; horses O right arm Range , north and south of Niobrara River,12-miles south west of Cody FRED AND WILLIAM MAYBEE. Postofflce address Cody Neb ! rtfI < ft side ; horses until ? left shonlder fjin/iark noN-li on H/irtpr ideof rhr.'H tsu Kifte * n l a" * ' i.tIt ! of rH .1 H oTEELR Postotllce address Cody , Nebraska On left side ; also L.O or W L on left side ol somecattlei AlsoS ! on left lilp and horses n left shoulder Ranee-Mouth of Hear Creek G II SEAGER Postoffice address Codv , Neoniska Taffle branded us on nit on It-it side , hip ninldioiilner : hori > < i Hi' ' Mange , Snake Creek FRANK 3IOGLE Postofflce address Cody. Nebnvska On either de cattle herdmark left ear clipped and rl ht ear spJitjliorses branded same on lett shoulder Range on Niobrara § ? nid > IcdicineCHnyou EARL CDJI8TOCK , MANAGER. , . . . , addix'ss Valentine. Nebi Like eut on titber rUl eli left hip and C iHfi m VSO.OO R K W A It 1) J r sufficient evidence - r dence to convict any of r /bo above brands. CIIA8 S NICHOLS Ran e between Bear Ciert and Niobrara River , IMnl southeast of Merriumn SELDER BROTHERS Poslotlice address M'Triuiun , NH > On iefr sirli' of ' Son n-fr fesii.-u S&5 \ M Rfingf. nonl. .1 suill of KM. : r u uM of Memmaii G H FOLSOM Postofflce address Merriman , Neb Branded ou lett Bide Range no.tii o1 Merrimau E F DEVINE Postoffice ad.i re * .s Merriman , Neb Branded on left side ; horses sume on left shoulder Range between Bear Creek aud the Niobiarariver,9-mi S.E. of Merrimau GEORGE STOVER Postofficp nd'lr"S- Merriman. Neb On left side ; hors - : uiie left shoulder R-imre Little While River South Dakota GEORGE JESSEN Postoflice address Merriman.Neb on ither lull .side or hip : horst s sune : < i > h ft .shoi.Mer R iig.i'istofCot tciiiuool Like GENTRY. ABBOTT &MONAI1AI' Postoffice address Hyaunls. Ncbl Both "n lefi sitV ume.stork hnindfd . ' ieflshoiii der A left hip ; uls-i NT N N anywhere on leftside ; also O A left side Range head Middle Loup C S WILLIAMS PI > . tofli co address Gallop , Nebraska On leit .sii'.fi ; also AV I left side : also Jlefthipalso : W on side and S on hip ; horses S on left jaw Range-Eight m 10. south of Gallop ALBERT NENZEL PostofHfe On. 'ither sid ? of ca- : ! e ; horses .same > fime ; northeast of Nenzel DAN ADAMSON Postoffice address Chesterfield , Neb. Br nded as on cut' ; some5on left hip ; some just 01 e brand Hue on cut on left thiu'Ii Range between Bordmau aud Snake W G SAWYER Postoflice address Oasis. Nebraska Sutler & Quisenberj' lave cJiarg" of these atlle ; horses ! > NOII elt sjioiiirtpp oiue * ti > ck branded i ] ' 1C \ \ ' - . vj.ii-i.,1 , .Snake river I K1CIIARDS & CAIRNEH CO. Cattle branded un any part ofruiimal : also thy following brands : torses branded the same Range between Gordon on the F.E. &M. V.R. R. aud lyannls on B , & M. R. R. in Northwestern Nebraska. Address , BAIITLKTT * RICHAKUS. 'hadron , Nebraska ' , T W OSTRANDEK ' ostoffi ceSad d ress Rushville , Neb ) n left tlnjrh or hip ; ; orses.J lell thigh UHngi'-H'ead waters * f Gordon Creek Al < 'ivftrtlof-lOtt will be paid to auv erson for information leading to the arrest and nal conviction of anv person or persons steal- ig cattle with above brand. MOREY & HEWETT Poktoffice address Gordon , Neb On leftside of cattle 1 left on-es same shou der ; also , 21O and Eangfe south > f Snnke35-mt south- rlSLOt ( SOI dull ER1CKSON & AUSTIN ostoffice address Kennedy , Neb i left side a id hip : orsei { > or A " < II jaw Ratige two rnilPS orthwest of Ken- edy DAWSON & BALL Posioflice address Chesterllel- . rattle branded on -ft side as on cut ; ; ilso VleltneckandZ i"tt hip ; some V left , 'ieek. Vf left shoulder and Zlefthiujliorseg , VZ left hip. Rnnge , Snake River,31,32.3a. GEORGE G BOTinVELL Postoffice ad dress tullman , Neb Branded as on cut ; a ' > i lefthip Kangf south and east of Pullman PPULLMAN Postofflee address Pullman. Neb Bnuuled : is on ect : Also P on shoiiir r oil side J' 1.1 hi | : ilsu " ' sii.- I i.i also I' on sii.iiio./-t W on sidt J' 'ii lnii Ramie north poug of North Lou ) ) TIIAS S 110YT Posto'nce ' address Pullman , Neb ROSEBERRY Postoflice address I'lillman. Branded on lef : Iiin : liorse.s same e d- niark-double dew-lap Range south and east of Brush Hili S H DYE Postoflice'address Pullman , Neb Branded ou leftside A reward of $100 > ! will lie paid for in formation leading to the sirresr and liual eouvietion of any person for killing , driving off or conceal ing any ol my cattle II A BUCK Postolilcc atdress Hy.nuis , Neb Brandeil on lelt side Range eighteen miles north of Hvannis I. L MORRILL Postoffice address Ilvannis , N b On left side ; : ilso S on left hip ; Horses left shoulder Range 2.vmiles north of Hyannis H C MASON Postoflice address Hyannis. Neh Cn left side ; some Wa/J SSRSSSS ! same on lei l side : uid K-fSZ ; w3 $ & & % $ ' ' ' * " ' Dip < in let Some hip & * Wf&'J&W \ $ m m feT J . S- Range-Mother il\e , - * * f * * " * - * * - - * i \ v * - | ( - al. ' -j- * - v i , rj jr nSKffiaTA A SAULTS Postoffice address 9 Gregory , JNeb On left side or hip ; horses same on left shoulder Range-Arkausa Valley and Snakr JOE CULBERTSON jt ( Tiee adc'refs Piil'niii-i. ' > d on I n - ilit in leit earnd'it i niK Nor h I up Ri\t- C .1ENSE.V ostoffice a dress Gallop , Nebraska -s C .J shoulder. Range-Eiuht miles south of Gnllop JULIUS PRTEKSON ! ' < i l ! ' ce n" ! Ir s % tin p' r.\ . \ i7i | > Mti C s Ul. 'UI Rxngtf iw lorth of ( Gregory D N GOURLEY r-MiV Postofflce address ' Rushville , Neb On left hip : also .iOO on left side ; horses left shoulder faime-fVdar Lake QBE CHURCH ostofllce addres Merriman , V m li-'t Bide ; ! ( ir es o leftslumider : ngc north and autli of Merrlmau CHARLES LONE WOLF Postoflice address Allen S D On riuht side and .shoulder , horses same ou right thiuh ear Creek MORRIS .TANIES Postofflce address Roseoud , s. 1 > . Tattle brand . -,1'ou left side ns on cut norsfja on JOHX A LOGAN Postofflco address Allen , S. D,1 On left slioulder and hip ; some 1 ou SFQ left slu.uldr.indj | j on left side. i ar- mai ! c-left ear croj'd Range-Bear Creelc FRA"WK A GALLIGO Postofiice nddress Manderson , S. D. Left side and on young stock. Old stock ranged leitsitie Range-Rock Springs Basin JAMES BUSH Postotliee address Allen S D On lett sid t n I f. Horses on let' : hip itauge- Dear Creek R M FADDIS Postoffice address Pass , Neb Rftnge , Nor.h Loup River CHARLESLONG MAN Postofiiee address Allen S I' On li.-ft side of cattle Range Bear Creek GEORGE N DAVIS .Postoffice : Simeon , Neb Branded on right side or hip Also on left hip TI ) r-es on right liouldor as on cut. R.intre.Gotdon and sSnake CHARGING BEAR Postollice nddress Alien S D Ou left siufrtudthigh horseaon Ihlgli Range Bear Creek 6TEAD31A > I'.ROS Postofflco address Pans Nsb Brand on leit sid' j ? MF < native. , bull C. . . Creek C F COOPER Pobtofflce addiess Kenned ) , Cattle brande-l on left side Mime . ' : eut Stoek over one year olden on rijiht side : liort > es same on left shoulder Range soutji& west di lliickberrv Lake and ( . urlew Also some braiule "n eft leg JACOBSON BROTHERS Postoffice address Gregory , Neb Ou left side ; some same with I on left shoulder horses lett shoulder Range Gor don and Goose Lake DAN WEBSTER Postofiice address Harlan , Nebraska ) n left side or hip ; iir.indcil same ett sh id ler [ Jange between Nio" 'iam iiml Suate riv" : rs , noutii of Merri- nan O J KELLAR PostoTli e addresi BrownVe Nebr On eft side Range , betweer Goose Creek and Loup A T BRACKETT 'ostoffice address Riegc Neb Iranded on left side 'auge-Three miles oiitlieast of Georgia WILLIA3I WILSON Postofflce address Kiljore Nebi' ' Branded on loft side llange-Southeast of Georgia II SCHULTZ Postothce address McCann Net ) 'stock branded as ( n tut Range North aud south of Georgia WILHELM. ANDERSON Postofiice address McCann Neb Branded on left side horses same on leit hip Range between the Niobrara and Snake .JOHN DUBRAV Po-stoffice address Merriman , Neb On left side , jaw or hip Range Lake Creek South Dakota. A. B. CAP WELT , Postoftiee address Pii'iman Xeli on lefi M'deoi cattle Range North Loup 11ARNAN BROS. Newton N > tr < tudnd > rut on left side , in Badcet JOE ROOKS JR , Posiofiice address Allen S l ) Ou left side ; horses ou teigh Kange Bear Creek > - f , V j ; , ' ; > t.K * " " ' ' ' " ' J , * * I- , Jl'/a lolt siii-u H V DOWNING Postoflloe addreas Gregory. Neb On left.sideih ; : > < > COLE on side Range Stevenson Lake J W PIKE & SONS Postoffice address Crookston , Neb Branded on eithe sideofanimaljB- Semen n right hip Range On i\lin- neehaduza. 5-miles east or Crook. ton E E AND H E WOODRUFF Postoffice address Hyannis , Neb On ii.ft hip and left -ide. Also < toclc branded on lelt side and reversed S on right shoulder ; also right nip and lett SJ < IH Range-Mother Lake RICHARDSON Postoffice address McCann Neb Branded on leftside Range McCann A T DAVIS Postoflice address Hyannis , Neb On ridit sidr here on left shoiiMe also cattle 7T7 on ri ht sifi Range ifi north of Hjannls E A WESTOVER Postofflce address Lakeland. Neb Branded on left hip and shoulder , Some on right side Range iu Brown and Cherry c-uuuue ; nt head waters of the Calamus river. R. HANSON. 'ostoffice ' addroso Valentine. Neb Cattle branded on left hip ; iion.cs the wine Range ju Dry Val ley Brand siatl Paper $ Jic Year § 3.50 RobertGood , Valentine , P S ROUSCHE Postoflice address Brownlee , j On left side or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut off ; her es branded same on left hip.AIso has stock branded H ou side or shoulder , orJKorWorO'VL ' orO or FZ. Also the following , the first on betnt : on side and hip IEH AND 8ON3 FoatoQce addresi Brownies Neb On rlsht de. 01 LKoa same side , also LEU on lefi side Range , north * > > rorrnlee , 2 to * GEO HIGGINS Postoffice address , Brownlee , Neb Branded on left side ; some side and thighanc anc El on left thigh Range Duck Lake v JOHN J 8TEEN Postofflca address Brownlee Neb On dght side Range. Horse Vallejr CLARENCE 1C SMITH Postoflice address Whitman , Nel On left side ; horses same on leftshouider on leftside 'anywhere ' on " animal. OnR ! hip or . . Range north .Middle Loup river and Buffalo Lake S W Chesnut Gordon , Nebraska Brand same as cut on left hip. Kange licad of Gordon Creek , forty miles southeast of Gordon. Breeder of Hereford cattle. J G COOLEY Postoffice address Hyannis , Neb on right side ; hor- es same on right shoulder ngc six miles nortliwest of Moth er Lake precinct A J PLUMER Postofflce address Ilyannis , Neb Branded on right side and h' p Also have stock branded on right side and hip Horses on right hip Range-Southwestern Cherry County. W E STANSBIE AND D O BAUGII Postoflice address Ryannis , Neb On left hip anc left side Also on left hip and leftside horses same Kb- brands on shoulders Kange 23-iniles orth of Hyannis MASON COMPANY .Postofflce . address Ilyannis , Neb On right hip ; 3Ji either side rig bt left ses right bhouluer Range seven miles north of Hyannis. SWEENEY BROS. Postoffice address Pullman , Neb Jattle branded as on silt ; horses branded lame as cattle except eversed s , jee block tange Stever ind Slephenson .akes and South A HUMPHREY Postofflce a'ldres-j Hyannia , Neb Branded anywhere on right side ; horses ses same on left shonlder Range - - sixteen miles northeast of > Hyann ROBERT I oatofflce address Cody , Nebraska randed on left side ; oraes same left shoul sr ange on § nake south ! Codr. 1 I Charles Kichards >