Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, June 08, 1899, Image 7
J'ullman Neb Cherry Co. Brand on left > .idi and thigh Earmark , squan i crop right ear 1 Southern brandec .cattle have but OIK | "half-diamondE"oi [ left side Native cattle hav < throat wattle Ranee on Gordon and Snake Creeks Horses have same brand on left thigh A. Jletcartl of $ 5O will be paid to an : person for information leading to the arrest am Mnal conviction of any person or persons steal Ing cattle with above brand EDWARD BAD HAIR. Postofllce address Allen S D On left shoulder and baron side ; horses same on thigh Range-Bear Ciceic T J ASHBURN Postolflce uddres Valentine , Nel Branded on rlgh side ; horses same Range-10 miles eas of valentine 01 the Niobrara Joseph "W. Bownet P. O. address Mernrnan , Nebr. Right ear cropped Hole In center of leit car Range Lake creek S. D. 1 Joe Ylondrav Cody , Nebraska Left side. Left ea cropped. V on left shoulder o horses. Charles JBenard Rosebud S. D. Range-iRig White and Had Rivers Charles C. Tackett Jlosebti'J , 5. D. Range head of An telope near St , Marys mission Hordes branded on Mr thigh Peter Ylondray Rosebud , S. D. Left side. Left car cropped. Jlorted branded - VB . - Range Little White River , at mouth of Cedar 'reek. Louis J. Richards . Neb Gor.su ch Bros. Newton , Nebrnka Cattle branded as on cut cutSome Some ft sideorhij Ranee on Gordon Creek Louis F , Richards Mcrrlman Henry Pratt Rosebud S. D. Left side Horses same on left shoulder Deerhorn clip on some cattle John DeCory Rosebud. 8. D. Some branded 1D 417 on left side Houses JD on left hip liHiigein Meyer C < > on AiuVlope Cn-ek Tliomas Farren Ro.sebud , S. 1 > . ID 1183 either left' side or hip Horses Range head of Antelope Marquardt & Pmwlns OrroSxituiiK. Manager , Merriman. Neb Cattle brand OM on left shoulder. Some of cattle have various older brands. OS on loft hn . Horse br.i'd A OH left shouldei. Raiuro Formerly ( ieo W Monnier 5-miIeseast of . from F.E. & M. V. R. R. south to Leander Creek. Mar- quardt& BoivluS. Scribner.Nebraska. t fS > - W. W. ANDKKPOX. .T. C. Anderson & Rounds. .Simeon. Nebrask Cattle branded o left side as on cut ; also 1C on left sid with on left hip < some cuttle ; also S-i on right side Here brand , rake and 1 on left shoulder c hiji Home ranch-on Dewev Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east c Fort Xiobrara ; also between Snake River an Simeon , known as the Felch range , all in Chen County , Nebraska. Marshall & Wolf en den Kennedy , Neb. Some s on the left hiptlorses tlorses H on left shoulder Brand is small Earmark : Quarter clip behind , half cir cle forward on left ear Range Lone Tree Lake L T. llichardson. Kennedy , Nebr Some on left hip ft Horses on left shoulder William M. Dunbar Lessee from Heine & Kroeger Cody , Neb JUn Either side I low Also Ion right Left ear ot cattle Split Range head of Hay Creek Amelia Young. Cody , Nebraska On right side. Right ear split Range , Littl White river Peeler Thorsen. Gordon , Nebraska On right side : T on right hip. o horse brand and T on , right shoulder Also cattle branded JL S on leftTside Range , fowl miles1 south of Irwin Henry Young , Cody , Nebraska Horse brand HI on left shoulder Cattle , right ear split Range , Little White river , S. I ) . Stotts & Stetter. Cody.yehnisku Branded on leftside Range. Tin Can Lake and Morgan Flats I ) . C. JS'elson. forty. Nebraska On right hi | > . Range. iMediciiu ! ake to the Snake HUT \ , J if Ilutt Gordon. Nebraska Raiige,14 miles north of Gordon. F. C. Dueri'ellt , Manager. Gordon , Nebraska Cattle also brandet 90 on right hip Horses and mule : branded same as cu on left shoulder J. C. Jordan Hnrdon , Nebraska One bunch branded , as on cut on left side One bunch branded C I ; on left htp Horses J on left shoulder Range. 10 miles southwest of Gallop , between Niobrara Mid. Snake rivers George F Damon Albany. Neb Cattle branded FlPon lett ribs 01 right shoulder ; I ) on right hip and lef i ribs ; 6 on left hip Horses FI > or 3D or right shoulder Range 7 mi nortl castof AlbanyNel Agent for Pasteui Black Leg Vaccine Jospph Fickel Gordon Neb Also Morse brand F on left shoulder Kange 10 m'les ' northeast of Gordon Wheeler Bros , Cody Neb Also B on rigb side Range Chamberlaii Flats and Snaki River Strnj/c l or Stolon. % Several head of horses andcat- tie , tAmes Amos Strong , Valentine , Neb. The third annual meeting oftin Elkhoru Valley Editorial Assocfatioi took place in Ainsworth last Saturday about 30 active vrorkers in the news paper field being present. The meet ing was by long odds the best evei held , especially from a business stand point. The program was carried ou almost in its entirety , and the after noon session was a veritable feat o : wit and wisdom. Lack of space alom prevents us from giving a detailed ac count , but suffice it to say that froa : the welcoming address of the lion. L , K. Alder to adjournment , everything was good. In the evening a banquet was served at Rising's Hall , 100 covers being laid and the feast was a marvel , surpassing many we have partaken of in largei cities. The success of this portion o ] the entertainment was due to the heroic labors of the menu committee , Mesdames Howe , Porter and Bailey , assisted by Mrs. Rice and eight young ladies , and these ladies deserve to be placed on the ufree list' ' of every news paper man who partook of the feast. The closing act of the association was the adoption ot the following reso lutions : WHKUKAS , The third annual meeting of the Elkhorn Valley Editorial Association convened in Ainsworth on Saturday , JuueS , 1899 , and WIIEUEAS , Said meeting has proven an ui.- bounded success and has been most thoroughly enjoyed by each and every member of said as- bociation , and WHEUEAS , The citizens of Ainsworth by their hosuitality and good-fellowship have been in strumental In contributing to the success of the meeting , therefore be it RESOLVED. That we , the members of this association , extend our sincere thanks to the citizens of Ainsworth for their cordial welcome , to the Ainsworth C .rnet Band for the line music rendered , and to Bros. Butleigh and Miles who. by their uutinng efforts , materially assisted in making the meeting a success. And be it furtuer RESOLVED , Thai a vote of thanks be extended by the association to the retiring otllcers for the ellicient and successful manner in which they conducted the affairs of this association during the past year , uud that a copy of these resolu tions be spread upon the record. ( U. E. FOSTEH , Com.-T. { S. AUMSTKONG , ( KOB GOOD. The following resolution was handed in by the committee but not read : WHEKKAS , The angel of death since our last meeting , entered the home of one of our most honored members , Goo. II. Reiuert , taking therefrom Ills dearlv beloved wife , therefore be it RESOLVED. By the ElUhorn Valley Editorial Association that we extuiul to him our sincere sympathy in this hour of deep sorrow , and Rii&oi.vKL > , That u copy of these resolutions be spread upon the records of thia absoc ution. Arrangements for making- July 3rd , next , "Schley Day" at the Greater America Exposition , Omaha , are about completed. The great Com modore will honor tue occasion by his presence. Every day will be a special day at the Greater America , from July 1st to November 1st , 1801) . Presi dent McKiuley and Admiral Dewey will both visit the Greater America Exposition. Dates will be announced later. A complete Filipino village , people nouses animals , etc- , will be at the Exposition. The jumoua God- frep's British Military Band , the crack band of London , nas been se cured , as well as some of the finest bands in United States , for the Greater America. Special features in every department. The Exposition grounds have been almost trans formed by the landscape artist , and alone will be worth a long trip and admission fee to see. The buildings are chock full of fine exhibits. The Indina Congress better than last year. Grand Opening Day , July 1st , 1899 It looks as if it would take several > ears , says the Texas Stock Journal , to bring the supply of cattle up to a point tLat will justify holding young steers on the range until they get much past two years old. Threes sell now at good prices as compared with twos and beem to be in strong demand. It is probable that a great many twos will nave to be taken next fall if the feed lots are to be tilled. IJli Ihe ab&esbor returned his books last wick. " C. S. Nichols started out shearing sheep. . School district 55 is out bt debi and a lew dollars in the treasury. T. F. L ranks is putting up tv-supply tank on his ntiicti for the parpoae of irrigating his garden and jurd aud watering his stock. lorn Tliomas was in Valentine ou Imsinesrf : ast week one day. Wm. Nichols and E. F. Jjevine had a , little misunderstanding the other day aud started to Mittle it without arbitration , but Nick thought they ought to arbitrate aud separated them before - fore any serious damage was done. Dan Sullivan , who has been woriung for lib uncle. P. Sullivan , for the last two jeais is talking ot leaving lor Colorado. J. E. SelderWeht to Rushville last Friday. C. B. Ricketts and wife were m Valentine the first of last weeK. Henry Jfeterson went to Murrimaii to work .u Hie railroad. While in Valentine last week we seen one old neighbor , L. C. Star. Level beems to take to city life like a duck to watei % SANDV. . We will again take our pencil in hand and pick up a few stray items. Everyone went to ths circlla so nobody had the laugh. Mrs. Dan Adaiibon aud family and Mrs. II. Wallingford are staying with Mrs , Doc Johnson at present. Ernest and Hum lieatb. went to the Hats Fn- diy after a cow they had bought from Mr Hull ; Cora Lansing visited several dsvs in ihid neighborhood last week. L. W. Parker anc Lucy Reilfernspent Sunday with J. A. . Adamson's family. Lon Mosher is buildlne himself a new house. Looks sorter suspicious. 11. Grooms is on the road again withjus vege- able wagon. . BAP Bov. The following resolution was passei by the Elkhorn Valley Editorial Asso ciation , of which we are a member : EESOLVKD , That no candidate , eitho for the nomination or election for UK legislature , be given the support of an ) newspaper published by members o ! this Association unless said candidat < first pledges himself to vote agains1 any bill looking toward the reductior of legal rates for printing. Motior carried unanimously. Little George Stetter had his right arm badly hurt Saturday by being thrown from a horse into a barb wire fence , but is rapidly recovering- the use of the member. P. O. Parsons , the photographer , has decided to extend his visit here , and will lemain at Shaw's gallery all of next weekon , account of the races. Chas. Honnen , a prominent stock man at Cams , Keya Paha county , is in Valentine today , having business before the land office. Curt Callen has sold his interest in the Rosebud mail route to W. P. Hunt , who has already taken charge of his wagon. Just as we go to press we discover that the account of our rip from the Ball & Dawson ranch to town has been omitted. Ed Parry is moving his family and household effects into the Fischer property , recently vacated by Geo. H. Reinert , SOME GOOD LETTERS. From People In Omaha Who Many of Us Know. TO BE HEKE FOE SHOET VISIT ONLY Dr. Seymour's Reputation a Guarantee of the Work Done By Hlin An Ex ceptional Opportunity Of fered Our Citizens. BKOWXIXO , KING & Co. , OMAHA , Dec. 16 , 1898. To Whom It May Concern : The bearer of this letter , Dr. W. I. Seymour , I have known for the past four or five years and can say in his behalf that he is an A No. 1 man in his profession , namely optician and oculist. He has done considerable work for both myself and family during the time of my acquaintance with him and E have found his work very satisfactory and can recommend him to anyone needing his services. Yours very truly , R. S. WILCOX. E. E. BRUCE & Co. , WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS , OMAHA , Neb. , Dec. 15 , 1898. Dr. W. I. Seymour , Omaha , Neb. : Dear Doctor In relation to the pro fessional work you have done for my- aelf and friends , in the fitting of glasses , I wish to say that I am very much pleased with the results you have .obtained and can highly recom mend you as a skilled specialist. I trust your trip to Texas will prove beneficial to you and that the people of the south will appreciate your work as highly as your own home patients do. do.With kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip , I am , ( Yours sincerely , E. E. BRUCE. OMAHA COMMERCIAL AND BUSINESS COLLEGE , OMAHA , Neb. , Dec. 18th , 1898. Dr. . W. I. Seymour : Dear Doctor I am very much pleased with the glasses you have made for me , as they are far more satisfac tory than anv I have ever used in the past. I am glad to echo the sentiment of your many patients in this city , as I have never heard anything but the highest praise for your professional work. Accept my b st wishes for a pleasant and successful trip through the south. Yours very respectfully , M. G. ROHRBOUGH , Pres. Omaha Com. College. W. G. BROWXRIGG , M. D. EYE , EAR , NOSE & THROAT , 411 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. OMAHA , Neb. , Dec. 17 , 1898. To Whom It May Concern : It gives me great pleasure in recom mending to you Dr. W. I. Seymour , personally known by me to be very sompetent , honest and conscientious. Should you need glasses you will not find any who will give you better sat isfaction than Dr. Seymour. Respectfully , W. G. BROWNRIGG , M. D. , 411 N. Y. Life Bldg. PROFESSIONAL VISIT TO THIS CITY OF DR. W. I. SEYMOUR. Many Years of Success In the Correct Adaption of Lenses to All Forms of Impaired Sight. Dr. Seymour brings with him the most complete line of scientific instru ments for thoroughly diagnosing and correcting all known errors of refrac tion that have ever been collected by one man in his profession. Many of these instruments have been especially constructed for his particular use by the most prominent manufacturing op ticians in Paris. Do not be discouraged because you have hitherto been unable to find the assistance in glasses that your friends flo. True , you may have spent many aollars and much time in search of per * feet sight and comfort , but science has not been idle in this branch of work any more than in other professions of perhaps less importance. A master of his profession and aided by every in strument known to science for hia work , Dr. Seymour is in a position sel dom equaled by the most proficient men in his line , and certainly never surpassed. First Day Wednesd 7 , June 14 : \V.1 Purse § 20. Quarter mile d i < li. Money divided. First 815.00 jsecond 83.00 ; third 82.00. For ponVs under 14 : hands and 1-in No. 2 P.ireo 860 00. Half mile and repeat. Money divided. First 844.00 ; second 810.00 ; tln.d 86.00. No. 3 Purse 840.00. Six hundred yml : dash. Money'divided. First 825.00 ; second 810.00 ; third 85.00. Second Day Thursday , June 15 JSro. 4 Purse § 40.00. Six hundred yard dash. Money divided. First $25.00 ; second 810.00 ; third § 5.00. For ponies under fourteen ands aud one inch , an < \ two-year old colts. i\o. 5 Purse $40.00. Half mile dash. Money dividod. First $25.00 ; second $10.00 ; third $5.00. For county horses only. No. 6 Purse $35.00. Quarter mile dash. Money divided. First § 25.00 ; second Slo.oo. Third Day-Friday , June 16 ' ' T ° - T Purse S-io.oo. Three quarter mile dash. Money divided. First § 25.oo ; second Sio.oo ; third So.oo. No. 8 Purse $5o.oo. Half mile and repeat Money divided. First § 35.oo ; second § lo.oo ; third § 5.oo. The winner of race No. 5 to carry fifteen pounds extra in this race. . Consolation Race. No. 9 Purse § 35.oo. Half mile dash. Money divided. First § 2o.oo ; second § lo.oo ; third § ( 5.oo. Free for all horses that have started at this meeting , and have won no money. Conditions. "Western Turf Congress "Rules and Weights to govern. Ponies will carry same weight as 2-year olds. Five to enter and three to start. . Entrance fee , 10 per cent of'purse in all races but 9ccConsolation , Race , " entrance free. Entries will close at S o'clock , night before 3ach race , except No. 9. Races free for all except No. 2. TV. E. Haley , Clerk of the course ; Geo. Elliott , Treasurer , C. H. Thomp son , "W. Francke , Clarence Waleott , race and managing committee. HANDISE , Everything fresli and clean , and prices that are right. Special attention given to pinups , tanks , and ranch supplies , J. N. STEADMAN & CO- Kennedy , Nebraska , SPECIAL FEATURES Colonial People Birds , Animals. . . Products , Homes Pain's Fireworks Art Exhibit , Mechanical - 5 OPENS AT OMAHA , NEBRASKA , JULY 1st , chanical Exhibits - yffv CLOSES OCTOBER 31st , 1899. its , The Midway , Godfrey's British THE EVERYTHING BUILDINGS NEW , EXCEPT Will Eclipse Last Year. | Military Band. . . . | J. A. Adamsun. Valentine. Neb On left side or hip fi. 4 left side or hip On left side Rangoon Niobrara Newman Urns. & Nations. Cod/ , Nebraska On point left shoul der. Also O < on point left slntilder Also ( J" nn left shoulder Same on left hin Left bide CHAMBERLAIN & CO Postofiice address Brownlee , Neb Branded on either side same as on cut also both jaws J. C. Trowbridfie Merriman , Neb < ? - Range between Ir \ win and Merriman , south of railroad Hugh IJovill , Manager Merriman Neb Also All on left aide or hip Range north of El Mrrrimah Left-side or hip Range north of Kii Parker & Son P 0 Address L. W. Parker Reige. Neb Brand same as cut , Also ZP Ranee on Niobrara soutn of Crookstou Prideaux Sanford Ke nnedy. > eb stock branded on left side Alex Marrivall Pine Kidge , S D Cattle branded as on cut and below on either side. Eernik swallow fork on leit and crop right Horse brands as below on left thigh or hip Eorses It. A. McQuade. Valentine. Neb Branded on either side Range between Thau.ierand Swan Lake 13. B. Teeter ? Uros. Newton , Neb. Horses same on It'ft shoulder Ranse between the Gordon and the Snukr