Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, June 08, 1899, Image 11

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"Kindly inform your readers that for the
Kit 80 days we will send a sample box of
( ( ; -wonderful 5 DKOPS Salve free , which
never fails to Piles Eczema
cure ,
" - . - . . . * . _ -
zema , and all skin diseases ;
also old running and chronic
sores. It is a specific forPiles ,
and the only one in existence
which gives in- slant relief and
cures within a T"DC MRlt f e w days. Its
effect is wonderful when applied to Burns ,
ScaMs , Sunburn , Boils , Abscesses , Scrofu
lous Affections , Scalp Humors , Chafing
Parts and Uaw Surfaces Write to-day
for a free sample of 5 DKOPS Salve to the
Swansori Rheumatic Cure Comnany , 100 to
11)4 E. Lake Street , Chicago , III.
In the Great Grain and
Grazing Belt * of West
ern Canada and Information
mation as to how to se-
oiirs them can b had OB
application to the Dc-
pxrttsaatof the Interior ,
Ottawa , Canada , or to
> ' liurlhoioiiipu. 306 5th Street , DCS Molnti. Iowa.
Atffiit for the- Government of Canada.
LAW DS bought ami o' < l. We- buy and
sell feiunt UANCIiKS in South
eastern h'outh Dakota , and answer all letters.
I'KICSCOTT & WLI > AV25LL , Milohull , S. I ) .
Technical Knowledge.
A two-foot rule wag given to a labor
er in a Clyde boatyard to measure an
Iron plate. The laborer , not being well
up to the use of the rule , after spending
a considerable time , returned.
"Now , Mick , " asked the plater ,
"what size is the plate ? "
"Well , " replied Mick , with a grin of
eatisfaction , "it's the length of your
rule , and two thumbs over , with this
piece of brick and the breadth of my
hand , and my arm from here to there ,
bar a finger ! "
Diiequaletl for Its Purpose.
As a covering for walls and ceilings ,
there is nothing equal to Alabastine ,
the celebrated product of the Alabas
tine Company of Grand Rapids , Mich.
It is eminently healthful and econom
ical. Being porous , it permits ventila
tion , in which it is superior to wall pa
pers , which , besides , are often tainted
with poison. This makes Alabastiue
unequal for use in sleeping rooms. Too
much thought cannot be given to the
condition of the apartments in which
we sleep , and they should be freed as
much as possible from the germs of
disease and death. By coating the
walls and ceilings of these rooms with
the pure Alabastiue , this danger is ob
viated. There is nothing more pure
and cleanly than this wall coatiug , the
base of which is a natural rock product
that sets on tAe wall and hardens with
age. Alabastine docs not rub or scale
off and requires no scraping before re-
tinting. There is absolutely no com
parison lu'tween the beautiful and dur
able Alabastiue and the dirty kal-
Bomines ami other disease-eugenderiug
appliances of which the world is now
weary. It is the ouly preparation
which can be properly applied by the
householder himself. It is ouly neces
sary to mix it with cold water. It is
then ready for use , and a child can
brush it on.
Alabnstino is for sale by paint deal
ers , who , when requested , will give
inquirers a card of tints , running from
white to twelve other beautiful colors.
Or this may be hul. with a free copy of
their paper "The Alabastiue Era'r by
writing to the company. Purchasers
Rhould refuse any offers of "something
just as good" as Alabastine. By insist
ing on having Alabastiue in packages
and properly labeled , they will get sat
isfactory results and beautiful walls.
The Aye of Birds.
An observer mentions the instance of
a raven having lived sixty-nine years ;
a pair of cngle owls , one of which is
sixty-eight and the other fifty-three
years old ; a Bateleur eagle and a con
dor in the zoological gardens at Am
sterdam , aged fifty-five and fifty-two ;
au imperial eagle of the age of fifty-sir ,
a golden eagle of forty-sir and a sea
eagle of forty-two ; and many birds of
the age of forty downward are also
"While You Wait. "
In New York a man may get almost
any portion of his raiment rehabili
tated "while he waits , " which means
anywhere from three to thirty min
utes , according to whether he wants
his hat brushed by electricity or his
shoes heeled and soled. The "while
you wait" industry thrives best in the
big otlice buildings down town , whore
the men who own the establishments
must pay high rent. Last autumn a
tailor started a stall in one of these
skyscraper arcades. Business was dull
and he did not know which way to
turu. A clerk brought him an overcoat.
"It is the only one I have , " he said ,
"and I want a new collar put on in
three hours , before I go to lunch. " lie-
suit eighty other clerks in that build
ing wanted the same thing , and several
more in other buildings. The tailor
Dad to hustle , but he made money.
Try Allen'8 Foot-Ease ,
A powder to be shaken into the shoos.
At this season your feet feel swollen ,
nervous and hot , and get tired easily. If
yon have smarting feet or tiyht shoes , try
Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and
makes walking easy. Cures ingrowing
nails , swollen and sweating feet , blisters
and callous spots. Relieves 'corns and
bunions of all pain and gives rest and
comfort. Try it to-day. Sold by all drug
gists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial pack
age FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted ,
LeR-oy , N. Y.
Recovery from Appendicitis.
It is stated in the New York Medical
Journal that surgeons admit that 7o
per cent , of all cases of appendicitis
will recover without operation , but
that they claim that 98 per cent , could
be saved by operating promptly ou
every case as soon as discovered. This
discloses a debate of great significance.
A contributor to that journal says : "It
is estimated that there are 200,000 uew
'cases of appendicitis discovered each
year in the United States. If this is
true and the surgeons are right , 40,000
of them would be ruthlessly sacrificed
under medical treatment. But physi
cians assort that autopsies upon sub
jects that have died from other diseases
than appendicitis show old inflamma
tory processes about the appendix in
one-third of the cares , just as old tuber
culous cicatrices are found iu the lungs
where tuberculosis has never been sus
pected. Iu other words , one-third of all
coming to the autopsy table , and by
inference a large proportion of the pop
ulation , have gotten well spontaneous
ly from an unsuspected trouble which
would have subjected them to a life-
endangering operation had they fallen
into the hands of a surgeon of sufficient
skill to make the diagnosis.
Resources of Claimants.
Prince Victor Napoleon the possible
Napoleou V. lives in a very quiet es
tablishment in the Avenue Louise , in
Brussels , aud cannot , at an outside
computation , be worth more than
5,000 a year. His brother , Louis Napoleon
leon , colonel of a Russian regiment ,
possesses about the same amount. The
ex-Empress Eugenie , who is reputed to
be one of the wealthiest women in Eu
rope , has stated her inteution of leav
ing a fortune of 2,000,000 to the one
who is accepted by the Bonapartist
party as its leader. The entire wealth
of the Bonaparte family is estimated
to be not more than 4.000,000 sterling ,
most of which is owned by the ex-Em
press Eugenie. The actual claimants
to the imperial throne are not worth
20.000 a year between them. On the
other hand , the house of Orleans is re
puted to be worth at least 15,000,000.
Lite of a Pianist.
Padereswski lives in a house ttiat is
a veritable museum of musical relics.
Articles that have belonged to all the
great composers are everywhere ; and
the faces of their departed owners gaze
upon you from the walls. Flowers there
are in profusion , for admirers send to
the famous pianist great bunches daily.
The whole of the wall in one room is
occupied by the enormous laurel
wreath presented "to him at Leipsic.
'ANY young women are completely prostrated for a
" week out of every month by menstrual sufferings.
The terrors of menstruation overshadow their whole
lives. How needless this is in most cases is shown by the
thousands of grateful letters constantly
coming to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn. Mass. ,
from women she has helped.
Miss JOIE SAUL , Dover , Mich. , writes
as follows to Mrs. Pinkham :
"I suffered untold agony every
month and could get no relief until I
tried your medicine ; your letter of ad
vice and a few bottles of Lydia E. Pimaham's Vegetable
Compound have made me the happiest woman alive.
1 shall bless you as long as I live. "
liss ROSA HELDEN , 126 W.
tveland Ave. , Canton , O. ,
writes :
Four years ago I had almost
given up hope of ever be
ing well again. I was
afflicted with those
dreadful headache spells
which would sometimes
last three or four days.
Also had backache , bear
ing-down pains , leucor-
rhcea , dizziness , and terri
ble pains at monthly periods'
confining me to my bed.
After reading so many testimonials
menials for your medicine , I
concluded to try it. I began
to pick up after taking
the first bottle , and have
continued to gain
rapidlv. and now feel
. . rt like a different woman.
f * I can recommend Lydia
; E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound in highest terms
to all sick women. "
Pain leaves its mark. Faces become pale and thin. Fea
tures grow sharp and haggard. The stamp of suffering is un
mistakable. Write to Mrs. Pinkham for aid. Her experience
" t 4 is the widest in the world and her advice is free.
, .
Derrick for Hay.
This hay derrick for Held stacking
Js reported1 by a correspondent of the
National Stockman as having worked
satisfactorily. The frame can be bolt
ed together if the maker wishes to take
it down and put under shelter for use
in after years or spiked together if he
wishes to let it stand in the field. A
pulley is used at each end of the long
arm across the top. The pulleys can be
best attached to the arm by clevises of
suitable size. A third pulley is at
tached to one of the lower corners of
the frame as most convenient when the
derrick is in position for stacking. The
base of the frame illustrated is 10 feet
square , 10 feet high and 5 feet square
at the top. Three sides are cross-
braced. The fourth side is not , as it
makes it more convenient to take the
pole down. The pole is 25 feet long.
It should be 7 inches in diameter at
base aud 5 inches at top. Across the
runners at center use a piece of tim
ber 2 incites by lynches , 10 feet loug ,
with 2-iuch hole or larger in center
for tenon , cut at end of pole to rest in ,
the shoulder around the tenon resting
on the timber. The long arm is lo feet
long , and the correspondent thinks it
should be two feet longer. Short end
is y/2 feet long , long end 11 % feet.
About three feet from the base of the
pole will be noticed a projecting rod.
This is erne inch iron about four feet
long , fitt&ig in an auger hole in the
pole. This is used as a lever to turn
the arm around over the stock when
loaded. The high end of the long arm
as shown in the illustration is about
28 feet from the ground. The frame
must set close to the butt of stack or
rick , the bulge of the stack coming out
against the frame.
To Stop Growth of Horna.
For stopping the growth of horns
upon calves this mixture has been suc
cessfully used in experiments conduct
ed by the "United States Department of
Agriculture Bureau of Animal Indus
try. Take fifty parts caustic soda ,
twenty-five pai-ts of kerosene oil , and
twenty-five parts of water. An emul
sion is made of the oil and soda by
heating and vigorously stirring , and
this is then dissolved in water. The
mixture should be placed in a bottle
with a solid rubber cork. The calves
should not be over three weeks old ,
from five to twenty days being the
proper age. A horn will sometimes be
killed that is even from four to six
weeks old , but it can not be depended
upon with certainty. In applying the
solution the following directions should
be observed : With a pair of scissors
clip the hair around the embryo horn
so as to expose a spot about the size of
a nickel. "While an assistant holds the
calf securely drop two or three drops
of the mixture on the horn , and with the
ends of the rubber cork rub it thor
oughly in over the bare spot. Apply
the fluid first to one horn , then the
other , until each has received three or
four applications. The rubbing should
be continued until the caustic has soft
ened and removed the hair and surface
skin around the horn. Care should be
taken that the fluid does not spread
over too large a surface or run down
the side of the face. The Jersey Hus
Moisture and Strawberries.
Jslthough strawberry plants will not
thrive where the- soil Is nermaneutly
wet , they do require abufdant mois
ture both during the growing and
fruiting seasons. The non-observance
of this requirement is the occasion of
heavy losses. In the first place , the
ground for strawberries is often left
until planting time before plowing , and
breaks up in clods , occasioning much
labor in preparation with harrow and
roller. Although it may be possible to
put such a soil into fairly good condi
tion for planting , the water which has
been lost cannot be restored , and weeks
may elapse before sufficient rain falls
to keep the plants alive.
It has been shown that more than
3i500 barrels of water per acre may
esbape from unpldwed ground in one
in excess of the quality which
will pass off from an equal area which
has been plowed early and harrowed
at frequent intervals. Moreover , the
ground whicht has been plowed late
will continue to dry out during the sea
son at a rate in excess of the early
plowed. This shows plainly that
plowing and frequent harrowing are
essential in order to retain soil mois
ture , even though planting may be de
layed. Ohio Agricultural Station.
Orchard Treatment.
Good drainage , natural or artificial ,
is essential to success. Trees are im
patient of wet feet.
Good tillage increases the available
food supply of the soil and also con
serves its moisture.
Tillage should be begun just as soon
as the ground is dry enough in the
spring , and should be repeated as often
as once in ten days throughout the
growing season , which extends from
spring until July or August.
Ouly cultivated crops should be al
lowed in orchards early in the season.
Gi/aiu and hay should never be gro-
Even hoed or cultivated crops may
rob the trees of moisture and fertility
if they are allowed to stand above the
tree roots.
Watch a sod orchard. It will begin
to fail before you know it.
Probably nine-tenths of the apple or
chards are in sod , and many of them
are meadows. Of course , they are
The remedy for these apple failures
is to cut down many of the orchards.
For the remainder , the treatment is
cultivation , fertilization , spraying the
trinity of orthodoa apple growing.
Potash is the chief fertilizer to be ap
plied to fruit trees , particularly after
they come into bearing.
Potash may be had in wood ashes
and muriate of potash. It is most com
monly used in the latter form. An an
nual aplication of potash should be
made upon bearing orchards , 500
pounds to the acre.
Phosphoric acid is the second im
portant fertilizer to be applied arti
ficially to orchards. Of the plain su
perphosphates from 300 to 500 pounds
may be applied to the acre.
NitrogOQ can be obtained cheapest
by means of thorough tillage ( to pro
mote nitrification ) and nitrogenous
green manures.
Barn manures are generally more
economically used when applied to
farm crops than when applied to orf
chards ; yet they can be used with good
results , particularly when rejuvena
ting the old orchaUUs.
Cultivation may be stopped late in
the season , and a crop can then be
sown upon the land. This crop may
serve as a cover or protection to the
soil , and as a green manure. Prof.
Bailey , Cornell University.
The Tomato Rot.
The tomato rot is caused by a fungus
which is blown by the wind from plant
to plant or carried by insects. The best
preventive for this disease is to plant
on fresh sod ground that has been fall-
plowed , and use well-rotted manure
mixed with a Mttle phosphate. As soon
ns the loung fruit commences to form ,
spray the vines with the Bordeaux
mixture after the dew is off. The
vines should be sprayed once every ten
days. The spraying not only kills the
fungus , but it helps the growth of the
vines ; larger , finer and more perfect
fruit can be grown when the vines are
thoroughly sprayed. It takes but one
hour to spray thoroughly five hundred
vines. *
Way to "Cool" Sitting Hens.
If rightly handled , the hen may be
induced in a few days to go to scratch
ing and give up all idea of sitting ,
without being cruel to her , either. Get
a grocery box , or something similar ,
and convert it into the affair shown in
cut. It has no botonl , but one end has
a sloping top to throw off rain , and also
protect the hen from the sun. The
remainder of the top is covered with
slats. The two holes at the side give
the hen , or hens , access to dishes of
water and food , which , by the way ,
should be light and small in quantity ,
to reduce "bidy's" condition. Oats arfe
about the best substiute for "bread"
when refractory hens thus have to be
placed on "dungeon diet. " Ohio
How Rinjriits : Affects Grapes.
Ringing grapes is practiced by many
growers to secure early maturity and
larger bunches. It consists simply of
removing a ring of bark from the bear
ing arm between the main vine and
the buds which nro to produce fruit the
first season. This does not interfere
with the ascent of the sap , but it does
prevent the return of the food that has
been formed iu the leaves. The parts of
the branch above the ring can draw
upon all the food formed in the leaves
of that branch. As a result the overfed
bunches grow faster and become larger
than thejr otherwise "would.
Neighbors' Trees.
More than one court has decided that
a person may chop off the branches
a neighbor's tree which hang over his
line , first giving notice to the neigh
bor of his intentions , that the owner
may chop them himself if he wishes
to. The branches , however , belong to
the owner of the tree , and must be
thrown over the fence. Roots may
also be chopped off , but nothing put
into the ground to cause the death of
the tree. Practical Fanner.
Accuracy is the twin brother of hon
esty ; inaccuracy of dishonesty. ( X
Goat's Milk.
Modern Medicine says that goat's
milk , contrary to the general impres
sion , differs from cow's milk not in be
ing more digestible , but iu being less
digestible and less nutritious , although
it contains a larger amount of solid
matter than cow's milk. It is , indeed ,
the most indigestible of all milk. It
has a peculiar and unpleasant odor and
flavor , due to hircic acid , or bircine. It
contains an excess of fat , and is there
fore altogether too rich for an infant's
Summer Tours.
The Grand Trunk Railway is the ideal
route for summer travel , reaching with its
own lines or direct connections all the pop
ular resorts of Northern Michigan , St.
Clair , the Muskoka Lakes , Lake of Bays
( Highlands of Ontario ) , Niagara Falls.
St. Lawrence River , White Mountains
and the scacoast resorts of the North At
lantic. Also Watkins Glen , Glen Summit ,
Atlantic City , Asbury Park and many
other popular resorts on and reached by
the Lehigh Valley R. R.
Vestibule Train Service.
For copies of illustrated tourist litera
ture , rates and full information apply to
J. II. Burgis , 249 Clark street , corner
Jackson boulevard , Chicago.
"Evidently Not.
"They say Nibley saves just half of
his income every year. "
"How does that happen ? Have they
no neighbors that Nibley's wife doesn't
outshine ? "
Supreme Court Sustains the Foot-
Ease Trade Mark.
Justice Laughlin , in Supreme Court , P.uf-
falo , Has ordered a permanent injunction ,
with costs , and a full accounting of sales , to
issue against Paul B. Hudson , the manu
facturer of the foot powder called "Dr.
Clark's Foot Powder , " aud also against a
retail dealer of Brooklyn , restraining them
from making or selling Dr. Clark's Foot
Powder , which is declared , in the decision
of the Court , an imitation and infringement
of "Foot-Ease , " the powder to shake into
your shoes for tired , aching feet , now so
largely advertised and sold all over the
country. Allen S. Olmsted , of LeKoj , N. Y. ,
is the owner of the trade-mark "Foot-Ease , "
and he is the first individual who ever ad
vertised a foot powder extensively over the
country. He will send a sample Free to
any one wh * writes him for it. The decis
ion in this case upholds his trade-mark and
renders all parties liable who fraudulently
attempt to profit by the extensive "Foot-
Ease" advertising , in placing upon the mar
ket a spurious and similar appearing prep
aration , labeled and put up in envelopes and
boxes like Foot-Ease. Similar suits will be
bcought against others who are now infrin
ging on the Foot-Ease trade-mark and com
mon law rights.
The New Office Hoy.
"Jimmy , how old are youV"
"I'm ten. "
"Ten ? How long have you been
ft ? "
"Aw I've been ton more'n a year. "
Ball Bearings on the
It is probably a safe prediction that all
manufacturers of harvesting machinery
will eventually adopt ball bearings wher
ever it is possible to use them. In 1891
the Deering Harvester Company of Chicago
cage equipped all their machines with
ball and roller bearings , and the great
popularity of the idea led other manufac
turers to experiment with several styles
of roller bearings , hoping to apply them
to their machines without appearing to
imitate the originators too closely. The
application of ball bearings is more cost
ly , but Bopular demand will yet force all
competitors to follow the lead of the
Deeriug Company.
Mexico's Presidents.
Mexico has had fifty-five presidents
since 1S21. Of these sixteen died a violent
lent death.
Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is taken internally. Price 75 cents.
The absent are never without fault ,
nor the present without excuse.
Piso's Cure for Consumption has been
a godsend to me. Wm. B. McClellan ,
Chester. Fla. . Sept. 17. 1895.
I f a man loses his situation it's apt to
make him feel out of place
JVIrs. TVlnslcnv's SOOTHING STHUP for Children
teething : sottens the cums , reduces inflammation ,
allay a pain , cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottle.
WANTED. Case of bad health that R-I'P-A'N'S will
not benefit. Send 5 cents to RIpans Chemical Co. .
New York , for 10 lamolea and 1.000 testimonials.
Agreeable advice Is seldom useful ad
vice. Massilon.
"Pride Goeth
before a Fall. " '
Some proud people think they are strong
ridicule the idea of disease , neglect health
let the blood run down , and stomach , kid
neys and liver become deranged. Taker
Hood's Sarsaparilla and you < wul prevent. .
the fall and save your pride.
An Excellent Combinatioii.-
The pleasant method and beneficial'
effects of the well known remedy ,
SYRUP OF Fios , manufactured by the
CALIFOKHIA Fie SYRUP Co. , illustrate
the value of obtaining' the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting-
them in the form most refreshing- the
taste and acceptable to the system. It-
is the one oerfect strengthening laxa
tive , cleansing the system effectually
dispelling- colds , headaches and feverg
gently yet promptly and enabling- v
to overcome habitual constipation per *
manently. Its perfect freedom from-
every objectionable quality and sub
stance , and its acting on the kidneys ,
liver and bowels , without weakening
or irritating them , make it the ideali
In the process of manufacturing- - '
are used , as they are pleasant to the-
taste , but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna , and
other aromatic plants , by a method
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations , please *
remember the full 71 > { the Company
printed on the frontdit ery package.
For sale by all Druggists. Price 0c. per bottlft
'Botli my wife and myself have been
using CASOARETS and they are the best
medicine we Save ever had in the house. Lost
week my wife -was frantic with headache for
two days , she tried some of yourCASCARETS ,
and they relieved the pain in her heart almost
Immediately. We both recommend Cascarets. * *
Plttsburg Safe & Deposit Co. , Pittsburg , Pa ,
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good Dp-
Qood , Never Sicken. Weaken , or Gripe lOc. 2./c. iOa
8ter'Io Henxlj Conpaoj , Chicago , Montreal , K r T rt. SO
UflTfl and guaranteed by all rtrug-
EMI U OtJKK Tobacco Habit.
What would the world do without ink'
Just think of it 1
Forty years experience In the making.
you no more than poor Ink. Why not nave i 11
. Washiri-ton. 3) . (
R Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
s.ta Principal ExSmlnar D 8 Pennion Bureau.
rr in civil war 15 adjudicating claims attT iuce.
LADIES ! The Periodical Monthly Regulator
never falls : sealed box by mall , $1.00. NEW YORK
CHEMICAL CO. . Box 70. Milwaukee. Wisconsin.
Don't Stand in Your Own Light *
Perhaps yon intend to buy a binder or a mower this summer , and it may be that you Is
concluded that a cheap machine will answer your purpose. This means that you are .standing
in your own light.
It's better to investigate. There are some things that yon should think about before
putting j our dollars into so ezpensive a machine as a binder or a mower.
Here are Some Pertinent Facts. Think About Them.
Last season the sales of Deering harvesting machines were 50,000 greater than is any
previous year.
The area of ground covered by the Deoring works is C2 acres twice as large as that of aay.r
other reaper plant.
6500 employes are engaged in turning out the Deering product for 1S99 moro than three"
times the number at work in any other reaper plant.
During the busy part of last season Deering machines were built at the rate of one every
27 seconds.
Don't stand in your own light. Think about these things : they n > ean somfthinsj. They
mean that Deering machines are the lightest in draft , the easiest to operate and the most/
reliable and durable grain and grass harvesters manufactured.
H&RVESTER GO , , Ghicago * .
"Thoughtless Frolks Have the Hardest
Work , but Quick Witted
People Use
uuHta nntnt ALL tiat TAILO.
Best Cough Syrup. Tutcs Good. Use
in time. Sold by dnuiciats.
S. C. N. TT. - - - - 23-99
6et Your
Write Cut. OTAE3SLL , ? micaA eatWuhisgtca. D&