Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, June 08, 1899, Image 10
h i 'WAY TO A WOMAN'S HEART. . OW hard it is to make a man understand that a woman appre ciates little polite attentions from him more than all the costly gifts lie can possibly buy her. The heart of n real woman is easily touched , and a .sharp , cross , sarcastic or downright : rude speech from the man she IOA'CS cuts like a knife and leaves an impres sion that all his later sophistries fail < to eradicate. The masculine argument is that there Is uo occasion for a Avoinan to droop und pint- when she has everything that . . ( he- world can give her , but how little tie is able to gauge the untold trifling -items that the Avorld cannot give her , that he alone can bestow , and Avhich in the giv ug costs him nothing , but i makes her rich , indeed , so rich that she can smilingly look misfortune in the face , rejoice in sacrifice , soar superior fto every trial and regard her lot the .iliappk-st among mortals. In the rush and hurry of his business 'Jife a man forgets the curt reply , the lirusque criticism or the absolute indif ference indulged in by him before leaving - : -ing for the day's work. Not so with sthe woman. Busy though she may be ? in her domestic affairs , she carries a fheavy heart \vith her from one task'to .another , : iud the ready tears Avcll to ilicr eye * at the thought of what the man has forgotten all about by that time. Had he given her a Avord of jUraise , a lover-like look , a kiss not per- ; fuuctory , she Avould have blossomed forth as a rose in the sunshine , and the . - song in her heart Avould have been given - on utterance by her lips and nothing would seem hard or trying either to Thamls or brain. If men could only understand that -the women they love are like flowers , -.susceptible to every chill , but respoud- ving gratefully to every mark of alteu- -fion. company manners would be worn more in the intimate relations of life , iirnl there would be many happier AVOIU- en than at the present time exist. .Montreal Herald. The "Gibson Girl. " 'There : s scarcely a model in New "York who lias not claimed to have been < tbe model of Charles Dana Gibson , but all future dispute will now end with the announcement that Mrs. C. D. Gibson will be the "Gibson Girl" for all time to come. jji The Gibsons Avere f' married in Balti more four years ago , and Richard GBSOX. Harding Davis , ' The had previously traveled in Europe - , rope with Mrs. Gibson , Avas one of the ushers. The wedding Avas attended by 'representative people from everywhere , -and the young couple started out in life -.showered with rice and good wishes. 'It was at the horse SUOAV , New York. that Miss Langhorne and Mr. 'Gibson tnet for the first time , she indifferently , .and he fell in love at first sight. The courtship was a devoted one on his iparc. and finally at Milrador , the haud- tsome country seat of the Laiighorue . family in Virginia , the engagement was anounced. Those who followed Mr. Gibson's work at this time , Avhen this style was being molded , declare -that Miss Langhorne's face and Miss Xaughorne's figure can be seen in all Gibson pictures. Certainly the sniosl unprejudiced can follow the splendid - did lines which are her chief charm ; .and can see the same magnificent pose .of chin and head. TLack of Kxercise and .Lack of licauty. In some cases a poor complexion ii rises inn inly from lack of exercise. [ Exercise gives rapidity to the move- tment of the blood , stimulates digestion = and calms the nerves , and is frequently more beneficial than any sort of medi- ciue , although it should not be indulged .in immediately after meals. Physicians iire beginning to recognize the fact that -drugs are not the most potent restora tives , and that exercise , peace of mind , -congenial society and recreation are -not merely luxuries , but necessities , if soort health is to be perserved. Toilet isoap of inferior quality is extremely in . jurious to the complexion. Only the * best soap should be employed , and that -does not necessarily mean the soap most expensive. Pure glycerine or -olive oil soap , unscented , is very good .jind not specially costly. Hard Lot. Terson < ? complain that shopgirls do -iot jump actively to Avail upc-n them wheu they enter a store. Why not ? .Tlie other day I saw a girl approach a -respectably dressed woman of middle -lire ( that's . ' { 3) ) and heard her ask , over . -the counter , "What Avould you like , v ma'am ? " To this polite attention I le was shocked to hear the woman reply : ' don't talk to ! I n : - < 'You shut up ; you me can ask for what I want , and I don't want any impudence from clerks ! " A n few rebuifs from such creatures are nk .fluite enough to cool the ardor of any k .rshopgirl. New York Press. Girls Study Farminjr. hici ' Fifty girl students haATe this year en- ci -teced upon a full scientific course of cik < f arming at the agricultural college In k ; t < J Minneapolis. Heretofore the opportu nities afforded girls for study were confined to the few Aveeks of summer vacation allotted to the male students , but this year , as in others to come , one may assume , they are to enjoy full privileges with the men. It is supposed , if the experiment proves successful , that other States may be induced to follow the example set by Minnesota , and that henceforth farm life may pre sent such unwonted attractions to farmer lads as to induce them to stay at home. Youth's Companion. Will Wed a Prince. The engagement of Miss Julia Dent Grant , granddaughter of Gen. Grant , to Prince Cautacurzene , of Russia , has been confirmed by Brig. Gen. Frederick D. Grant , her fath er. Gen. Grant has given his consent to the match. Miss Grant is 18 and the prince is 25. The couple met " " in Rome , five ' " * " MIS'S months ago. The prince is an officer in the Czar's imperial guard , and is now attached to the Russian embassy at Rome. The Aveddiug Avill take place next Avinter. The young woman is now abroad with her aunt , Mrs. Potter Palmer. The young prince possesses vast estates to the east of Moscow , Avhere he maintains - tains a magnificent chateau. A mem ber of the house of the prince AAras the Russian minister to the United States not many years ago. Wrinkles 5-how Character. WririlHes are the bane of their pos sessors , who will even resort to sur gical operations to have them removed ; yet others love them on faces that are dear. They are the marks of events and of character , and , much as we might like our own wrinkles removed , we" could not spare one from the faces in the home circle. These character Avriukles are needed to give expression as youth passes ; but there are complexion wrinkles , and these are sometimes helped by care. Bathing , exercise , proper food these are all helps , and the nightly applica tion of an unguent keeps the skin pli able. But the best preventive of all is , "Don't worry. " The perpendicular Avriukles between the eyes come from two immediate causes : A need for glasses , which causes a strain on the eyes Avhen reading or working ; and a habit of puckering the brow from un conscious imitation of others. It is a noticeable fact that the blind are with out these Avrinkles. Pittsburg Dis patch. Woes of American Housewives. The English papers luwe discovered in some occult way that the servant girl problem has reached a crisis in the United States. They announce the formation of a Universal Domestic Ser vants' Union. Among the demands of this formidable organization still , ac cording to the English press are mini mum Avages of $10 a month , two weeks'n holiday on full pay each year , oue en tire day a week "off , " a special parlor S where they may receive their friends , and relief from cleaning stairs and windows. dren should be very careful to wear a dress vrhich does not rustle and shoes which do not creak. The bed shouJd not be shaken , neither should the nurse fidget near it , so as to disturb and : needlessly fatigue the invalid. A child should never be discussed within his own hearing. Unfortunate is that family where the little ones leaVfl that they may appeal successful ly from one parent to another , or where upon one falls the onus of every : necessary denial or reproof , Avhile the ) other stands sponsor for every pleas m ure and indulgence ! m A child should never be taught to m .walk. Let it roll and craAvl about un c : til it gets old and strong enough to pull tl itself up into a standing position by tlul ul holding on to a chair. Dreadful injuries ult are risked by teaching children to walk fc before their legs are strong enough to fctl support the body. When old enough to 01 exercise out of doors a child should be st alloAved to play freely in the open air 01 and sing and shout and run as he if pleases , thus deA'eloping the lungs and si the muscles and strengthening the IS bones. Don'ts for Bachelors. jtai Don't marry a smart girl she'll be ai lonesome. Don't marry an ignorant girl she might neA'er learn her mistake. ot Don't marry a charitable girl she tl might give you away. of Don't marry a fast girl you can't ofw keep up with her. w Don't marry a clairvoyant you'll thw have to pay for the Avraps. w Don't marry a duchess some one Avill \t \ call you a Dutchman. Don't marry a countess everybody w knows you Avill be no count bl SIMPLE OE FANCIFUL JUNE DRESSES IN TWO DISTINCT CLASSES. Simplicity ( Somewhat Modified ) la the Key Nets with Some of Them , While Others Arc as Elaborate as Dressmakers Can Make Them. New York correspondence : UNE finds fashiona ble women divided into two distinct classes of dressers. With one sort sum mer elaboration will appear to have gone to greater extremes than usual ; with the other simplicity will represent the key note , though the less fanciful sorts of trim mings may be em ployed freely and in original design. Even with the latter' in evi dence in marked de gree , the costumes will stand out in con trast with the other sort. The elaboration of simplicity has a paradoxical sound , yet it applies to some of the prettiest of the forthcoming gowns. Their elaboration does not interfere with simplicity of out line , and they will enable women of fine figures to be handsomely attired without hiding all their graceful lines by skirts that are all frills from hem to belt , or by bodices that show arbitrary lines and un expected fullnesses. A downright stylish woinnn is supposed to change her figure every season or two. It is a pity that it is not now reasonable to hope that these changes are at an end. for this season there is such a fine chance for normally graceful lines. The pronounced hips of last spring have departed ; likewise , alas ! the very expen sive corset that helped to accomplish the pinched waist and shelf hip. The chest must be high and well developed , the waist always small compared to Venus. CORDING AS NOW APPLIED. but not small enough to be uncomfortable. The figure there must be round , the out curve at the back being just about the same < as the out curve of the hips. Indeed the round of the figure from below the ivaist at the back should be only a little more pronounced than that of the bust in front , and should extend over the hips without losing symmetry. There is a standard for you ! Upon such a figure a woman may safely hang any style of the season , even one of absolute simplicity like the gown of gray cloth in the first sketch , whose applique lines of black vel- ret would be so frying to any but the rc- juired form. The flat front bodice helps suggest these lesirable lines. Revers are so managed IB to add width and roundness to the bust Ine , and ( he woman in the modified tailor jown of the moment , say like the coffee jrown serge of the next pictured model , ivith its brown cording and rever of brown lotted silk , should be a graceful and nat- iral figure. The only place the dress of he moment does not help us out is at the irm , and the tight sleeve certainly is cruel f the arm be not rounded and well shap- id. But no one need insist on the sleeve if the moment. Many modified sleeves ire worn , though the absolutely plain ileeve prevails for tailor gowns. Since me may elect to her liking simplicity of olor , line and material , the fact that com- inations and elaborations exist need not jother her. For a wardrobe including nany gowns it is well to be able to com- nand what women call a change , and in naking over it is to the Inter fashions in ombination < of color , material and odd cut hat women look for mod 'Is. Cording has suddenly become very pop- ilar. A recent rush to wide braids seems o have flashed in the pan so far as gowns or exclusive folk are concerned. Instead , he same effects are secured by close lines if fine braid , or more often and more tylishly , by fine cords. A large variety if designs is attainable in this way , and cording is to be taken a > a comprehen- ive term , there is hardly an end to the tossibilities. At the right in this picture a typical employment of soutache cord. ts shade was red , it was put thickly on vhite broadcloth , and this in turn wn * pplied to dark red berege. Sometime * I ording is accomplished by sewing the j uaferial over an under cording , the niate- ial thus being lifted in cord effect. In ther cases silk cord is laid on the top of he material , as it was upon the bands this dress. Correctly considered as in the cording ray was much of the ornamentation of he middle gown of these three , though it ras quite unlike that employed on the wo gowns last described. It was in floss a violet shade , and was shaped in quares that enclosed an odd design of the reave. The goods thus treated was a ilue-lilac light weight silk. The rest was a soft weave of ladies' cloth. The quaint apron joverdress was loose at the belt in front , making the gown an exception to the prevailing flatness. Its bodice of cord ed blue gray cloth demands a graceful young figure. Cloth flounces at the foot of the skirt gave the needed fullness. Such a dress will be useful in the house at any time of year , and will be suitable outdoors in spring and early summer. Black net' gowns are still in favor with the most exact dressers , but in the selec tion of such the utmost care should be exercised. A black net gown may be made to do valuable service , but the com monness that fell upon the spangled robe of last season should be a warning now to all purchasers. Delicate effects in che nille embroidery brightened by a few broad or striking effects in jet , silver or steel are among the latest and most con servative designs. All-over spangling is not used , though sometimes the silk under gown is beaded all over in steel or jet , the beads glinting beautifully through the black net overgown. _ A gown of this grade that was in excellent taste has a picture. It was in chenilled silk lawn , yoke , sleeves and a portion of the under skirt being of black net chenilled and embroidered in jet. Very pretty low neck arrangements for summer evening gowns are accomplished by a wreath of delicate flowers , violets forget-me-nots or primroses in faint yel low. This wreath lies about the shoul ders and droops i na graceful cut-out line front and back. The material of the bed ice'is draped loosely and folds are drawn up under the wreath between flowers and neck to make the bodice of the desired de gree of lowness. The same folds droof below the shoulder to make the sleeve , the bare arm showing between fold and wreath as it passes over the shoulder. This lower sleeve finishes at the elbow with o deep frill. There never was a sleeve sc friendly to an arm a little too slender 01 not well rounded , and those are the arms most current sleeves don't favor. It seems likely that in its many variations the sleeve will remain fashionable throughout the season. Copyright , 1899. i - \ The Mistress' Touch. "Oh , " sighed a weary woman , "most of the work that I do is like washing one's face ! One receives no credit for - doing it , and yet it shows and is a dis grace if it is not done. " She might have added that only the lady and house mother would think of doing just the things she does , says Harper's Bazar. It is the trained eye of the mistress that notes the finger marks on the edge of the door , where it , instead of the knob , has been seized by not overclean hands. It is never Bridget or Xorah who thinks tq wash out the soap cups in the various bed rooms , or yho remembers every few days to scald out the water pitchers , less they acquire a musty odor. And it is the mistress Avho dusts the upper back rungs of the chairs after Norah I has given the drawing room a "thor e ough cleaning. ' ' Only the mistress dis ti cerns these things and sets them right. titl It is the lady housewife's touch ated tlw supervision that make of an ordinary n house a true home. Since her little VI touches , that she feels do not show , in bring about such results may she not sc be satisfied ? scm scm Remedy for "Wrinkles. m When fine lines begin to show under tt the eyes , procure a small package of id fullers' earth and mix with it an equal idM quantity of wheat flour. Take a little M of this and mix it into a paste with to clear water. Spread it beneath the ai eyes and let it remain an hour , then c.i moisten it and gently wipe it off. For of wrinkles on other parts of the face P make a paste of white wax and oil of th sweet almonds and gi apply it as hot as can be borne , using a small pine stick cc for the purpose , that it may be applied thm to the line and nowhere else. Woman's thw Home Companion. w bi Marriagre Ajjeg. at The marrying age differs in different atw countries. In Turkey any boy and girl thin who understand the can religious ser vice may marry. In Portugal , Spain , r Switzerland and Hungary a "man" | ing must be 14 years old and a "woman" 12 ? ° years old before they can marry. y Protestants in Hungary must be 18 and tn' 15 respectively. In Austria boys and W girls may marry at 14. In France , Russia in sia and Germany the man must be IS of ! and the woman 1C. Col. Women at a University. fir There are now 322 women attending reW the University of Illinois at Urbana , by W < far the largest number in the history 5re. of the institution. In all the schools mi connected with the university there ar ? fire 1,492 men the This talk of war Ave're havin' now re minds me of the fun Some of us thought that war would be , back there in ' 61 ; The woods were full of fellows then who hollered day and night , And tried to make the folks believe they fairly ached to fight , But \vhcn good Father Abraham sent out his call for men The fellows thnt had screeched before were mighty quiet then. I never heard of Grant or Meacle or Sher idan before The time arrived for men to act till streams were red with gore ; I never heard of any of the men who rose to fame Through gallant fightin' then , until the time for action came ! I guess the Shermans and the Grants had uothin' much to say Before the day had come for men to plunge into the fray ! Now , there Avas Ebeuezer Webb , who lived in our town ; I tell you he knew how to put the worst rebellion down ! For months and months before the time to shoulder muskets came He fairly howled for Avar and swore his soul was all aflame ; But when that dismal day arrived that men were called to go The folks were shocked to hear that Eb had lost his little toe. My cousin Cyrns , too , was fierce before the Avar began ; He ripped and tore and carried on just like a crazy man ; He'd hang around the grocery store and tell what he would do If he Avas in Abe Lincoln's place and folks believed him , too , And cheered the things he said , until the time for fightlu' came Then , by the great Jerusha , Cy pretended he was lame ! The only man from our town who AA-on a pair of stars Was Henry Gray , Avho never claimed to be a Son of Mars ; He'd merely stood around , without a war like word to say , But when they wanted men to fight he boldly marched away ! I have to smile when I recall some howlin' that was done Before the guns began to belch , back there in ' 01 ! til'f Cleveland Leader. Thrillinsr Incident of a Nijrht Attack. The following incident of the great civil Avar Avas related by the late Presi dent R. B. Hayes while en route from Chicago to Indianapolis in the fall of 1870 : "I have frequently been asked , " said Gen. Hayes , "to tell the most thrilling experience that occurred to me during the four years in the volunteer army. It was in 1SG4 that the Army of West Virginia tried to capture Lynchburg , Va. , but Gen. Lee rapidly sent a heaA'y force to drive us back , and it was thought bestto fall back to the Kanawha - wha Valley , where food and clothing could be had , and then go by the rail ways to Winchester again. " . . ' "Gen. .Tubal Early's army AAas press ing our forces at every point , and I was ordered by Gen. George Crook , who commanded the division to check the enemy , until our wagon trains and artillery could get out of the way. A gap was chosen in the mountains , tAvo or three regiments Avere ordered to build a barricade across the road in the gap , one regiment was sent up theIr mountain on the right and another on the left of the gap to protect the flanks ; Av these regiments selected Avere accurate in firing as riflemen could be. "It Avas dark by the time all these preparations could be made ; Gen. Crook was careful to give his instruc tion that the point must be held until the artillery and long Avagon trains were beyond the reach of Earlj * . Dark ness < , stillness and the mountains en veloped us. Finally an order came to march , to follow the army. Gen. Rus ly sell Hastings , my aid , was sent up the cc mountain on one side to direct the regi yt ment to come down and take the pike in the rear of the brigade and march rap as idly after the artillerj * . his "Another of my staff , Maj. William to McKiuley ( the President ) , was ordered his go up the mountain on the other side and direct the regiment to come do\vn yc carefully and take the road in the rear me the breastworks. The duty was so isPr perilous and of such great importance PrGi that the instructions were repeatedly Gi given Avith the greatest care not to to come down the mountain in front of inTi the barricade , as in the darkness our Ti men Avould fire into them. Col. DeAol , Avho commanded the men behind the breastworks , fully understood the situ- ation. It seemed hours Avhile we were ex waiting ; for the regiments to come down ab mountain. sa "I was AA-alking from my horse to the sb line of men lying down with guns rest- Plj : across the pike. All at once the Ia clear ! , ringing command of Col. Devol si ( was heard , 'Ready ! Aim ! ' A thousand Isl ; thoughts rushed upon me ! Our men 10' were ( coming down the mountain , and ng the darkness were marching in front * > P the barricade. I tried to cry out to til' ' . Devol : 'They are our men don't lot Ire1 ! I rushed toward him and the line , : ne ready to grab him and the men who were ready to fire. My soul was on u . I was too choked to cry out : 'Our - men ! Our men ! Don't fire ! Don't I or ! ' but I Avas too late. Devol gave order 'Fire ! ' and one vast volley of , 'j f guns roared out In the darkness. Groana I and cries and curses followed. I jump ed over the barricade , shouting to our men. loading their guns : 'Those are ' ' Col. Devol ! our men ; don't fire ? But and his men tried to seize me , saying- 'They are rebels , Colonel ; do not go over the breastAA-orks. ' I hurled them off , and seized the first Avounded or dead man , yelling : 'To Avhat regiment do you belong ? ' No ansAver. I grab ' bed' another by the neck , turned him OA-er and shouted : 'What regiment ? ' The road was full of them , and the man was Avouuded , but faintly ans\vered. ' th Virginia ; Early's Army ! ' Our men had coiue doAAa the mountain un der the guidance of Hastings and Mc Kiuley and gone on after the army. "Early's army had left us and gone toward Staunton ; but the stragglers of his army had taken the wrong road and followed us. Some of them were killed and wounded , but I learned aftenvard that it Avas a severe lesson , -their men not keeping up with the column ; it was valuable to us in showing the danger cf moving soldiers at night. " Chicago Tribune. Pretty Ftory of Grant. "Certainly the story'is authentic that President Grant once asked nie if I could not raise the standard of beauty in the dead letter office , " said Assist ant Attorney General James N. Tyner. laughingly , "but the sequel to it has never been published. "The President was passing through the department and jokingly comment ed on the unattractive appearance of the clerks and quizzically inquired if I could not raise the standard of female beauty. "Naturally I regarded the matter as a jest and replied that I would be glad to do so , and was open to suggestions. " 'Why , employ one handsome Avom- an and perhaps she Avill leaven the Avhole loaf , " he ansAvered , and Avhen I assented he inquired seriously : " 'Would you give a pretty girl an appointment if I sent her to you ? " " 'Of course I would , ' I replied , never dreaming , however , that he was in earnest. "But the next day a lovely young girl came into my office with a note from President Grant , simply asking me to fulfill my promise , without referring. hoAvever , to its character. I questioned her closely and fouud her as innocent and unsophisticated as she was pretty. She Avas a Southerner , and had lived on a plantation all her life , but wanted a government position , and , being backed by the President. I set her at work in the dead letter office. "While Grant was on his trip around the world I spent a couple of months with him in Paris , and one evening as Ave sat talking of the past I asked him if he remembered this young lady. ' 'Certainly I do , for 1 have good cause to remember her , ' he responded cordially. j "I intimated that I was satisfied there must be a slory back of his appointment - t pointment , and as he AA-as in one of his rare reminiscent moods he related the folloAviug extraordinary experience : " 'It was just before the battle of the Wilderness that I mounted my horse and AAent for a ride. I was full of anx iety , and in my preoccupation AA-ent outside of our lines and found to my dismay that I Avas being chased. " 'My horse was a good one and I rode hard until I came to a little , half- concealed cabin , where I dismounted and said to a man that came to the door : " ' "Areyou a Confederate or a Union man ? " " ' "I am a Confederate , " he an- SAA-ered proudly. " ' "Well , sir , I am Gen. Grant ; can you hide me for a little while , as I am being pursued ? " " ' "How do you know that I won't betray you ? " he inquired curiously. " ' "Because I trust your face , " I re plied , and Avithout more ado he seized my horse by the bridle and we Avent into a deep ravine back of his home , Avhere a moment later he left me , after bidding me to keep perfectly still. " 'It Avas a glorious moonlight night , and I could see every object distinctly. About 11 o'clock I heard the bushes crackle and for a moment my heart leaped for fear as my host came cau tiously up behind me. " ' "Have you betrayed me ? " I In quired sharply. " ' "No , sir , " he replied almost harsh , "the pursuing3arty has passed , the coast is clear and you can return to your army. " " 'He put me on the right road , and I jumped into the saddle I grasped hand and tried to thank him. I told him that if I could serve him or to let me know. " 'I never saAV him again , but the day you spoke to me his daughter came to with a letter from her father , who very poor , reminding me of my promise. And this , ' concluded Gen. Grant , 'Avas the sole reason I wanted raise the standard of female beauty the dead letter ' " office. Chicago j rimes-Herald. J Cheap Photographic Trays. 1 I send these directions for making m- j j expensive and serviceable trays suit- ' . ' ible for developing , toning , or fixing. ' says Harper's Round Table. Take a * shallow pasteboard box an empty late box is about the right depth and aste cloth over the corners , both In side and out. HaA-e a quantity of j i araffiue-Avax , and melt it in a shal- i ' ow dish , and dip the box into it , coat- | it thoroughly with the wax , taking 1 special care that the corners are well illed. If the eoating , Avhen hard , does 1 seem thick enough , it can be dipped j second time. One must have " j ' Miough wax to allow tie box to be im- nersed La it all over. Paraffine-wax is ry cheap , costing not over 10 cents 4 ' pound. Two pounds will coat a ' lumber of 5x8 plate boxes. "When the - , vax is hard , the tray is ready for use , r ' i 1 j i