T7. D. nlcGAA. Creston , S. B. Left or either sldi of cattlealso ; Vlef side ot neck. Svval low fork rijht car underbit left ; righ ear nubbed off : rn dorbit lef oar RE Home on left raC jaw and some k * . waltly left jaw Other brands lei side or n part of anfinal. it sue or anv , . part of .uiiiiKil. s MU-J branded i'/ the following , lelt Also some cattle l 'Mnns tlie follow IiiK brands : \lf-Jt neck , X left side oi On left tde Yf-3 ! 7v < 3 .t-K it-ji ii-it it-it nip or thigh Hugh thigh , ortnigh , hip. Anyone soiling horses or cattle bearing tli above brands mil l > e nroser-uted. Infonnatio regarding thelt liberally rewarded. Range u Hitrney borings und Cottonwood. HICKBERT O. BISOXETTE. Postomcfi addrcps Pine R'dze ; , s. D Cattle branded as out < -ut , 5JO55 on lei si lo ; some litero either side ; Some on left side ; $ & & some older stock , .anvwhereo . on left hi ' ' ' ° n en miles norUi- 'IT east of Pn.e m.ljje. in Shannon Co JOHN GIIOT BEAK , MANAGER Postuffice a < Jdr < ss Pine Ridge , S. D. Cattle branded 15 C on loflhiuofca-ttlPH-i on out : * omehr..iKled on I * ft side ; also D Jt on lelt side ; her > es rnincunk'ft shoulder Range \Vounded KII.JO and Walcium- MilLake.bhannouCo. L. C. Peyton r ja Lavaca , Nebraska. SHOUT UURX BULLS xt- ' for sale $ * 'Wy 3 -g r MI Geo. H. Hill. Gallop , Nebraska On leftside Raiige-10 miles i of aierriman P. W. Pruden. Merrhnan , Vrb. Some i r 'iidtv ! same as cut on botl ; . : ! ) . > Ji'iijje Northct-t ot .Morriiuaa o1Ht'y TJ 2j iKl/55 * Goo. L. Coleinan. Conj , Nebraska On leftside ; horses O eft shoulder nance Ten miles west of Snake River Falls Alex Burr. Pullman , Nebr. On right side ; same left shoulder. nerd mark-Dew Range Brush e and South Geo. W. Monnier. SIcrrlman , Neb. Left shoulder and left en left liphor- ! Bes same k-fi thish Kangc East and Southeast ilernmaii Grant Bixler. - _ - , Merrlman , Neb. Some on left side : some on lelt hu > . horses same lef1 thigh. isangp Six miles Northeast of Merrl man. H. R. Sears. Cody. Vlost'.j-on rJ iomeon both h5p < Range-Modiune 3. J. Goodin. Cody , Nebraska Cattle branded as on cut ; horses same , Range North of the Snake /Coilv / , Nebraska On left side E- ' > n left side * Ranga Betweea i and Nlobrari. I MARTIN RED BEAR. POB'office address Pine Ridge , S.D. On left sid- ; horses same left ting i. Range--Woli Creek. A THOilPSON PoetoClce Addres S'meonHeb Stock brandei oamo as oat be hind Icftsboulde Ranjro on th Ochlaglo a CARSOJI rostofllce Addre Simoon Neb Stock branded an left hip same : scut Range , head- \ irter ; of the : < lilngle D M 6EATC3 6EATC3FostofRo FostofRo : Kennedy Neb Cattle branded a1 on cut.lef t side ; somt en left hip Horse : same on loft shoul der Range , Bquan Lake 3JGIIGAREIDGE and SON 'os'offlce address Tatt branded as > n "lit : or I J or V I ) < iii lelt luj > with hole : i rglit ear when nu- 'er.Nrr.-5 ' old ; horses ameas cut and I J v > ek aud .Niobrani Uiver ALBERT WHIPPLE PostoCJce address Itos 'ud , S. D. Rrandci ! ou tefl side SOS Horses o wither Mioul- ? & 5 derSomo Some arv branded on itll"r Sh0al lerthus FRANK ROTHLBUTNER Pc toHlce address ROBERT BAD WOUND. Posioflice address Allen. S Left sidealsr ; Horse [ Qon efr in" . Corn Creek T. F. FRANKS. 1'ostofnce address Merrlman , Ntb , On left silcear-m < uk nrter slope Iiorses J S on leit shoulder Hanjre tea miles northeast of IMerrl- S. H. KIMMEL. Rose v d. S. D. Also B U n left side Ca tie un h rent on both ears ; horses branded 4 tu left shoulder Range On Ante lope and Sprin. Creeks Joseph Fairhead. Lavaca. Neb. loft ; eide Als on lott sulo il < ! o s.unt ro- i-erted on left thigh Florses houlder ! : aime-Between Fair le.ut Lake and Snake river Clarence Gutcomb. Cody. Nebraska. Left side on shoulder Range-Southeast o Cutcomb Lake Sbadbolfc and Fleishman. , Nebraska [ .eft side ; S F left .houlder ; herdmark- lewlaj , . Kange nanges 36 ind 37 , bftween Nio- irara and the Snake. James Goodfellow and Son. Codv. Nebrask- On left slds ; nor. scs JG right M . > and mostly on jaw nance Betwenj "if Xiolr-T-i nn.l Medicine Lake. W. H. Carter. ostoffire ndddr * n i , K.y. .N ji.ia.ij. . ) n left side ; some C. Tloft side , horses P left shoulder HOHT HORN Stock. Range Between Hobrara find the HORACE Postofllce address Chesterfield Neb Cattle branded on left tide and hlpJeJt ear cropped square ; some < nleftslde & ulllllnoraea brand ttSSfiaed cross an chor on left shoulder. S B and A B 3ICALYEY Postofflce addresi Kennedy Neb Cattle branded a on cut ; horses sami on left shoulder Range on Squan Lake G W KlilB Postomce address Kennedy yeb Cattle branded SR on cut or on hip ; horses saina. Some | on leftside ! and bar on hip nange , ' .one Tree Valley FLOYD EI2JB PoetoDlcQ address Kennedy Neb Cattle brand jd on left hip or side oi both Horseawith n oa left shoulder , and K6tlh N 3 ROYPLEY ' c.s'o31ce eddress Kennedy Neb Gattlo branded on It side : \rA on the * - * ; * the latt r ight s ! AIso $ jgJSJ | on oa ettliur side ? between Blu-aend and'thc Springs rostoEHro address Vulcntine. N b Cattlebranded amc as on < * tit , so'iuon left Bide and hip : horses same on leil shoulder. Cattle rnnye , Gor don and I > ordnan ; Horse ran e , Stet'i Cieek , between the Mobniia and Snake D L McLANE i'oEtofflee Address Rosebud , 3 D Cattle branded 9 cut on either jHle ; also F L R did F R Horses branded i on left shoulder and colts ? § tliroe lluts Range mouth of Cottontvood , R2D SHIRT * PostofTlce Addresa RosebudS D Cattle branued on loft side saiao : cut. Horaes brand cd on lelt a'aoul Itr with a lv. Ranch In Little White PERRY PARKEH istofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded . .mo as cut. Iiorses , P on left loulder KanKe.Mouth ot .ordman CLEMENT "WHIRXIND SOLDIER Postofflce Ad < lress Rosebud , S P Cattle brand oa leit hip like cut Horses branded same on left shoul der. Range , on Big White River TKEODORB DOYLB ' 'stofflce addrnsa Konnedv Neb f'attle branded on it side aad hip .orses same on left oultier Some left side fen . Lake.Gordon and North KIME Postodce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left side with both cropped square sas sam. ; oa c.it- on ieftabou1- dCr lies Wolr'sodt- tte , also. UBI uoctje.Gordon Croet G W laLDELY , rofflce address Newton Neb Cattle branded iiue ao cut or on hip 'ior&cs L on left ink Range , between . ) -don creek and "j Lbup B 6TOKSB addrtea Newton N b Qattlo branded a * qacut Also u on shoulder , K on side , " I op "hip left side Also C on left lap ia addition to U I oa sWe ttango o ; ' Gerdon creak aud aoufh 2 W RAYMOND 'ostofflce ' Addresa Ro&eboO , 8. D attle brooded left Horiei ( Xfy 1 82 GEOEGF. PETE Borne ABE lelt aide and left blp Horses Mon left lilpand sonw same on left shoulder Xohor.sosjold nn- less brand Is Invert- 'ed making K Raoge head oi Whet Stone L T7ALKER Poatofflce Addre : Simeon Xeb Cattle branded o rlchtside ; hors < eame on lef.t shcui der. Range , sac racr. on Snefeo rt er , 4 , miles fror raouh ; wmtfr , miles south of Sin con C T7 BENNETT Postofflea uWrws SUncon Neb StocK branded v ith 7 on left hip also same as cut Range , butvrcon Gordon and Snake creeks and on tbe NiobrarA rlrer Acldres Slzneon , Neb. Cattle and horse branded same a cnt on left side Range betweei Gordon and Snak crcelts and on th Niobraru nver JOTN B LORD Postofflco Adftres Simoon K b Stock br.inded aa cnt fcacfc of right 8h nldfrr tad on rigUt hip nse , oa the REUBEN QUICK BEAR. Postofiloo Address Rosetttid S ] Cattte orajwled sam as cat or oa hip Ranch on Blac Pipe Creek TODD S.HTH. i'oitofflce Adil esa Rosebud SD Caitte branded .snsoasout a Diamond mend T Ilors-s bran fled Ji j f ama , 2 incj > a U iiuu Tlmiidor Jroek ROBERT FINI-AT3ON Postoffleo nddreB Ncrrton Ne\s Slock brande game as cut Range on Gorco GEORGE DECORY. Postofflco Adilraas Rosebad , S D Cattle branded an left sidcsscQ.s BUtHosses Hosses branded G D on left liip Ranch on L ne and Auteiape creek ! Rosebud BEN BEAUOVTS Postofuce Address Rosebud , S I Stock branded lef shoulder three inclip ; long ; side fotir Incho Brand record . . . Ranch oi Sg'Iorse Creek D. B3AY PoatofUce Address Rosebud , 8 D Cattle branded on eft thigh or bJp -iiine aa cut Horsas branded M-j-me on loft shoul- 5cr BEN TDRGEON Postofflco Addrepi Bonesteel , S I. Cattle branded or left side same as eui and right eai crop pea. pea.Horses branded Tor ? left shoulder i Also with cir I cle A WM. F. SCHMIDT. 'ostofSce Address Rosebud , 8 , D , randed same as ca u : or with under heSrlntear ; dip Jid dulaped. Horses branded ame on left hip ALEX BORDEAUX PostoOce Address Rosebud , S 1 Horses era brancVtc [ onleft thigc ; cntUi f on lef t side with hal on , , Ue M B wUh n op on e&r Qmstave Gunderson. ody , Nebraska > nteft side ; horses , on left shoulder. ange-Betvreen Snak wl tbo Hlobrara JOHN H IJARNAN. tostofQceaddreM Bro\vnlee Neb Same as on cut Also - and AE Horses on left shoulder Ranpo GnoBe Crefik and North Loup L K BELDINO addrcs : _ Brown ! > Neb On rlRiit aide 01 nip On left sfde or hip ; or , Jj i * OQ * - iWtf ri left hip. Range , Calf Creel j B and E T SMITH Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Cattle and horses on left side ; also horses ses on right slda Ranire.Gooso Greek E. R. VANDEGRIFT. PostofBce addresa Broun'.ee. Xeb Sams as on ctr Range between Goose Creek ai.d North Loup J. M. HANXA. Pos'cfflce address si. Kfb Branded as 1 * & % on cut ; some „ and some $ | 5 on right hip i Raoce CnlL . „ . Creek ValleyiuUEer- founty E. E. OKR. PostofTlca addres s Xev/ton , Keb. Cattle branded anj-- I W I whe : eon loft awe ; 57r VJ7. niJ i v * _ shoul- horses on left - ds-r Range , T > ctv/f > pn north prong and JOSEPH KENNEDY. PostofUce address Brownlee , Keb. Cattle and horses branded on left slda or hip Hange , North Loup R. M. FADDIS. Postomce address Pass Neb RanRC , horth Lour River I. L. MERCURE. I'ostomce address Seneca , Neb _ § H On right § ] side , or J on either hip 'lauRe , Southwest at Seneca P. GRIER. GRIER.Postofflce Postofflce address Seneca , N b. On left h p FV SS- " Onnghttr W& & left hip El5 - Rance , bei2 tween Seneca and Norway on IVIiddl- Loup B W PEAR302T PostofSce address Brownlee Neb Same as on cut Horses same on eft shoulder Range , Goose Creek JOHN H 8ALZ3IANN - - - Postofflce Brownlee Ne * > On left hip. Thr herd mark is a dev . Range on Goose FRANK T LEB Fostoulce address Brownlee JTeb r.ittle on left side ; Inrcps snme on left si ouider. Range 4 " iii * * northeast of frrownlee ! A GERMAN Postfnce uddress Nevrfon Xeb Cattle branded eft ! > ersidehorses ; same on left shoulder a so have care oi stf. branded SP under lined. Loup DICK MCNALIi : 'estofQce afldresa Brownlee Neb ) n left side and hip ilaoa oft left hip lance. North Loup CHARLES H Postofflco ddres § Brownlee , Nebr Either right or leftside on catllo Horses same on lett shoulder Left ear cut off ol cattle Hango. Louprlv- : r HEXRY FAULHABER Postofflce Brownlca. N Cattle on lef : aide Horses sam cs left shoulder i. Loup rtTK- DAVID STEADMAN Postofflce address P.i9. . Neb Cattle on leftsldt Has cbari"of entile branded > n P ! right side > horses ri , . . . hip Some horses der JOHN CHALOUD 5fcM a Postoffloe addr M m Brownlee , KO > m Cattle and horsw on right side Range. D E PERKINS PostofElce add Halsoy , Neb On left hip ' ange , loup Rive ? TALBOT & GALLOP Postofflce Seneca , Neb. Cattle branded ens left side Horses branded on leftshou'di Range be tween Jllddl and Dismal GEORGE GRA.Y Postofilce address lUoJfoid. Nebr On left hip DrA6 on rlgnt hip or side Kange. Loup and Dismal CRONIN BROS. Poatofflco address Piift * * 'S.i i7T-hT3 s 3 Thedford. Nsbj On right sld , w sfyp RanBebetwee ° Loup and WALT HARDY PostofUce address Seneca , Neb. Left side on c.-fJe ; n > ' i : t hip f § Range.coutn JULIUS HECKHAN. A PostofHce address Brownlee , KeB 8meason cat Ran e south < Brownlee M. DUNHAM. Postofflce acdreas Ketinefiy , stock braadcd onlrft side as on cut. T7 K GRA2JT rsrrn- - * ? tova j " i-vStKHSS'rfS ' a wTiH Brownies * On left sda ! Range. Loup BJrar- ? ? 3 ind Swan Lake Val- ey a a ORB iffi M Po3tof3ce a l * iSk-Rrfn l Brownlee N Range. S-.va : J R WALLINGFGRD Postofflce address Kennsdy tfet > Stock branded arae aa cut on left Ide Rome rlth