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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1899)
T Our stock of Dry Goods , Slices , 49 49 JJats , Caps , Trunks , Valises , Clothing fa 49 fafa 49 ing and Gents Furnishings has been fafa 49 fafa 49 replenished throughout and we now fafa 49 fate 4 ? have some of the best values ever tote * to ? offered for the money. tofa 49 49 Get our prices on Groceries. fate 49 tote 49 to 49 tofa 49 fafa 49 fafa 49 fafa 49 fafa 49 fafa 49 fafa 49 fafa 49 VALENTINE NEBRASKA fafa 49 fa 49 Our spring line is now complete. We are better pre pared to fill the wants of customers than ever before COMPETITION DEFIED Our prices are made on the lowest cash basis. Prac tical tailoring in connection. All work guaranteed D. Stinard , Clothier. H- I will fill a set of wagon wheels , set the tires , boil the wheels m oil and paint them , for 15.00. This iru'cu ' , a wagon about as good as new. Call on me for all kinds of wagon work Spring work is opening up and it is time you are getting your machinery put in working order. "We can do your ivork , and offer the following prices : Plow Lay , first class , 3.00 Pointing Set Cultivator Shoves , 2.CO Everything in the line of blacksmithing and repairing solicited TEVENSON SUCCESSORS TOTHEO.TILLSON , W HAVE RECENTLY DOUBLED THE SIZE OF OUR BARN A. M. MUJKKlSiSEY ATTORNEY AT LA AY O VALENTINE , NEB O.W.MOREY THE VALENTINE WATCH / MAKE ] AND JEWELER Carries a full line of sterling - ling silver novelties ( J. A. WELLS J. B. WELLS WELLS BROS. DENTIST % - . , Office over Cherry County fianh ? I M. EICE | 0 [ REPRESENTS THE FAEMEES' MUTUAL 4 and NEBEABEA MBEOAHTILE _ MUTUAL Insurance Oompaiiies of Lincoln . f < ! * - A. N. COMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURG-KON Office Jit Qtiigley's Drug Store. Nights-Upstairs-Red Front. J. S. KSTABROOlv COUNTY I SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness mid accuracy Office at Estabrook Honse on Cherrv St. VALPNTINE. NEB- j. c. mvrai. E. H. DWYER BEOS. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Superintendents of A Private Hospital , For the Treatment of Diseases - All Kinds of Surgical Oper ations Successfully Performed. ALENTINE , - - ' NEB It A WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT aOBEET GOOD , Editor and Publisher fil.OO Per I'etir in Atfvnttc0 PUBLIbWEI ) EVERY fHUKSDAi. t Knlired at t&e. Pust-oflice : it Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. i 1 This paper will be mailed regularly ; co its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full. ' 'MJJI inKra Coainiissioners * meeting June 15. ra 'ing in June. Save 3'our monej' for the races. Spring1 Capes at T. C. Hornby's. Did you see T. C. Hornby's silk win dow'- ' 14 Fence posts for sale at W. A. Petty- crew's. 10 W. M. Cooper , of Crawford , was in town Monday. Large invoice of shoes af cost , at E. McDonald's. H. E. Dewey , of Woodlake , was in the city Sunday. Mrs. Dell Rowley irf visiting at the home of John Shore. Fine line of Mackintoshes on sale at Farnham & Dikeman's. 10 $7.00 will buy a saddle and bridle. Call at this ollice.- GW. R. Towne moved into his new residence yesterdaj- . Attorne3r Morrissej' returned from Lincoln Sunday night. J. F. Cross and wife were in town Saturday , from Rosebud. John Wilhitevis down from Gor don on business , Friday. New York apple butter for sale at Farnham Dikeman's. 3-2 Leonard and Agnes Pierc3T yisited in the cit3' the past week. E. E. Crane is in town with the as sessor's books of Eli precinct. We will sell shoes at cost for the next thirtyda3Ts. . E. McDonald. Ha3r , grain and feed bought and sold at W. A. Pettycrew's. 10 Mrs. A. W. Scattergood , of Ains- worth , visited in town this week. When in town stop at the old Val entine House , Geo. Tracewell , Prop. Minnie DeWood3 * , of Ainsworth , visited in town several da3 s this week i A fine lot of fence posts for sale. Max E. Viertel , Crookston , Nebraska. When in town give the West Side Hotel a trial. We strive to please. A roundup of the western part of the count3' started from Merriman the 29th Wm. Metzger , of Newton. Avas in the city yesterday on his way to Omaha. W. T. Kincaid will build a residence on Macomb street , north of the Bates propert3 * . Geo. L. Parker , of Iowa , has been appointed a blacksmith at the Rose bud agenc\r. John "Brown and D. Walsh , of , Rose bud , came over and took in the circus Saturday night. Woodruff Ball and H. L. Van- Schaick were in from the ranch the first of the week. Erhart Opp , of Stuart , president of the Citizens' Bank , was here last Fri- on land cilice business. If 3ou arc in need of glasses , do not fail to consult Dr. Seymour at the , Donoher Hotel June 22. Consultation free. . i Jack Cronin came in from his ranch Tuesda3 * and announced that he will give a dance at his place tomorrow ni ht. ] W. A. Selden. Uriah Chester and Squire Jones were up from Brown county yestercla3' making reservoir filings. Dr. H. P. Belt was over from Rose 1 bud -Monday" on a business trip , and took occasion while here to josh the editor a while. WANTED TO TRADE A seven year old mare and colt and two 3rearling colts , all well bred , for a two-year old bull. HANS ULRICH. You get the best insurance from the Nebraska Mercantile Mutualand Farmers' Mutual.and at a lower rate. I. M. Rice , a ent' 10 Bishop Scanlan , of Omaha , has been in Valentine this week looking after the condition of the Catholic church at this place. I. N. Russell and daughter and G.E. Russell and wife were in town Fridar The first named came in to turn over e : his assessors books for Gillaspie pre : cinct. Man3' of our" readers who were un n able to meet Dr. Seymour rduring n his previous visit , will be pleased to learn that he will be here June 22 for ij f one day's visit at the Donoher Hotel. Closing Out Sale , We will commence at once to cBose © nt our entire stock at cost , anil continue until all as Mold. & Weeks. Strawberries for sale at Farnham & Dikeman's. 12 Edward Blake3T , of Hot Springs , inspector - specter for the South Dakota Stock Association , was in town the first of the week. Remember the the races in Valen tine June 14 , 13 and 10. See program elsewhere in this issue of the NEWS- DEMOCRAT. Bennie Roberts is expected in from the west tonight with a train load of cattle. He will unload at Irwin. Gordon Journal. Sociable at Brownlee Frida3r eve ning , June 9. Ice cream , cake and strawberries will be served. Ever3- body is invited. Mrs. Dan Adamson was quite ill last week and has been brought to the home of her mother , Mrs. Doc John son , on the Niobrara. We are pleased to announce that Dr. Seymour , Omaha's leading op tician , will visit Valentine , June 22. At the Donoher Hotel. Chas. D. Rakestraw. U. S. Inspec tor of Indian Schools , was in the cit3r Monday after having inspected the Rosebud schools and found them in good shape. Alba He3rwood. the star of the compan3' is perfect in his line and was heartily applauded each time he appeared. Omaha Bee. At Cornell's Hall. June 12. Do not miss this opportunit3r of having your eyes examined by the latest improved scientific instruments for that purpose. Dr. Seymour at the Donoher Hotel , June 22nd. Major W. W. Anderson , one of our heavy stockmen , was here Monday and accompanied J. A. Hornback to Sparks where the former Avent to look at land with a view of buying. Prof. R. H. Watson and wife leave in the morning to spend their vaca tion at the professor's old home. Roanoke , West Virginia. They will stop at Wahoo a few da\Ts on business The Modern Woodmen and Ro3'al Neighbors will hold joint memorial services at the Presbyterian church SundaA- morning at 10:30. : meeting at their hall and goingto the church as a body. Stra3"ed One ba3r horse , o years old , star in face , wheighs about 1,000 pounds , branded diamond J on left hip. Liberal reward for return of horse to Valentine or Rosebud. A. W. Clarkson. Dr. W. I. Se3-mour. Omaha's emi nent optician will be at the Donoher Hotel June 22 , where he will be pleased to meet all those who are having trouble with their e3'es. Con sultation free. The Sands & Astle3'"s circus which gave a performance here last Satur day showed to about 1,100 people. The circus was a comparatively small one , but the performance was good. But little ' 'crooked" work was done , most of it in the ' 'short change' ' line. Elliott Brown , a wealthy flock- master on the range of Wyoming , was drowned last Saturday while crossing the Crazy Woman while the creek was u i. He was riding a horse and the ci rrent swept its footing from under it. Norris Brown has declined to run for congress again. We'think Norris is wise be3rond our previous concep tions of the man.Senator Currie is being spoken of for the republican nomination , and so are others. When it comes to office most any old repub lican is willing to make the race. Webb Hilsinger has resigned his position with the mill , and will start on an overland trip to Oregon and Washington next week , for the pur pose of "seeing the countiy. " We wish Webb a pleasant trip , and be lie vehe , will be home before fall. Eenry Taylor has accepted the posi tion with the mill which was left va- : ant by Webb's resignation. At a meeting in Chadron two weeks [ igo a Dawes County Stock Associa tion was formed with W. A. Birdsall is president , S. G. Canfield vice-presi- lent and Chas. Peterson secretary- measurer. The principal subject un- ler discussion was the sheep question , md became quite acrimonious. The issociation by a vote decided to not oin the Western Nebraska organiza tion. James Abbott , one of the land narks in the cattle business of Cher- y county , and one of the many whose ' fforts have been crowned with suc- ess , was in town the first of the reek. Mr. Abbott has lately sold a mmber of his cattle and is getting aatters in shape to take a trip to Colorado for the purpose of investing things look favorable to him. Vhitman Sun. i CJ-00 } -u e Before - Buying - Elsewhere GENERAL MERCHANTS Wide Tire Wagons Are acknowledged to be the best and to meet the growing demand I ordered and HAVE JUST EECEIYED A CAE LOAD Iii addition to this I have just received a car of "WIND MOTOR" WIND MILLS Which I am selling very cneaply Try me before buying anything in my line elsewhere Valentine , Nebraska D. S. Ludwig Ever compare the expense of a city store with the expense of a country store i Look at their high rents , water taxes , heavy insurance , and a dozen other items that a country store don't have. Then does it look reasonable that they can sell you goods cheaper than we can. If you are ready for your spring purchase come in and see our stock and get our prices. "Will you be one to keep your money at home ? AX E VERTEL Amjnt for Pasteur Blackleg ; Vaccine. Crookston , Nebraska The Editor in the Country Continued , ing a lull which juts into the valley we saw "Arkansas Hob's" place , and drove up shortly after. . 13ob was asleep in a tent , but came out with his usual cheeiy greeting when our presence was made known. Despite his remonstran ces we stopped but a few minutes after taking a hastv glance at his extensive sheds and corrals , and then drove across the valley about half a mile to Richardson's. After putting the horses away and eating one of those bountiful meals for whose proluction Mrs. Kichavdson is justly celebrated , we were ready for bed. Rising early \ve took a look around the'place , which is in ail ideal location Water for both house and barns is furnished by a copious spring of splendid water and here we sau one of those old spring houses like the ones our grandmothers were always so proud of. About nine o'clock Bob Gillaspie and I took a horseback ride across the hills , passing Teeters Bros. ' place , onto the Gordon and up to Jebbe Gorsuch's. On the I way we saw a small portion of the herds which occupy this range and are being br d up with Short Horn bulls. All cattle wercr looking well , and the range was in good condition. JJob re cently bought Ira Richardson's place , and this will give him plenty of hay. The cattle belonging to himto , Ira Rich ardson , Bill and Jim Gillaspie and J. W. Stetter , all range around the head of the Boardman and number about 2,500 head. Plenty of fresh water is found on the range , buc where it is lacking windmills and tanks have been erected. "We arrived at headquarters in time for dinner , and at two o'clock looked up and started on the back track , but in order to see more country ive crossed the range of hills and came lown "dry valley , " striking it just jast of Dan Adamson's. BOB. For Sale. Thorough-bred and graded Short lorn bulls. Can be seen at Frank Jummell's livery barn. Write for rices. FRED S. BARCLAY , 2t Gordon , Nebraska. pn up , at my place about 4 miles east of 'ort Xiolmtra , May 2C. one borrel elding , 5 years old , and one bay : years old , both branded on left shoulder - > 'jssr SKAKS L. C. Sparks has resigned his posi- ion with Davenport & Thacher , and 5 now in Chicago buying- goods for a l eneral merchandise store which he rill open in Cody. Valentine House J. A. HOOTON , Trop. Recently opened and newly furnished. Not a restaurant , but a hotel. PEE , DAY The best of viands and treatment given to our patrons. First Door South of Bank of Valentine M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTOR Valentine , Nebraska Practices in District Court and U. S. Land Ofiice. Keal Estate and Jianch Property bought and sold. Bonded Abstractor. O filer of Hearing * State of Nebraska ( hs Cherry County , t" In the matter of the estate of Edward McDonald deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Catherine McDonald , proving ihat the instrument , tiled on the ' t. day of May , IS/ ! ) , and purporting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased , mnyb" proved , approved , probated , allowed , and recor.lPd as the las-will and testament of the said Bdward McDonald , deceased , and that the execution of said instrument may be com mitted and the admmistra ion of said estate mav be granted to Catherine McDonald as executrix. Ordered that .hint 10 , A. D. 1SDO , at 'Oo'clock a. m. . I * assigned for hearing said petition , when all persons interested in said matter may ap pear at a county court to be held in and for said county , and > how cau-e why the prayer of peti tioner should not be granted ; and that notice ot tne pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof , be given t < all bersons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order m \VESTKU.VXKWS.DKMOOHAT. . a weekly newspaper pi luted m said county , for three suc cessive weeks , prior to said day of hearing. ( A true copy ) . w. n. IOWXR. 3-23 County Judge Arabia. Mr. and Mrs. II. Kilgore who haVd been vis iting their son , W. S. Kllgore , departed a few das'a ago for Granger , Wyoming , where they go to make their future home. Father Lichleituer held divine service In the school house Sunday , Mav li. Misses hmma and JJasa O'lliley , former resi dents of Arabia , but now of Granite Canon , Wyoming , are here visiting old friends and neighbors. F. Welch and family spent Saturday and. Sun- ilay visiting friends and relatives at Sparks. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Heelan departed for Omaha last week where they go to secnre medi- zal treatment for Mrs. Ucclan Her many friends hope she will soon return much im proved in health. J. T. Kief is building a new house on his ranch southeast of town. Mr. Kief leased his anch to Dell Query of Valentine. The hustler. M. P. Jordan , made a business rip to bioux City and Omaha a few days ago. IVhlle away he purchased a bran new bugcy \ - md harness ; also a flne hay claim known as the f Curnsr claim. \yjjg j J7 *