Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, June 01, 1899, Image 11
The Time of Births and Dcnthn. According to the British Medical Journal , Rascrl , vlio has analyzed 2. > , - 474 cases of death and 30,515 of birth , where the exact time of day was noted , finds that the maximum number of deaths occur in the early afternoon (1 ( to 7 p. in. ) , and the -minimum in the last hours before midnight , while the maximum number of births occur in the early hours of morning , and the mini mum in the early hours of the after noon. As regards the cause of this , he points out that the hours of the maxi mum number of deaths are precisely those when the pulse rate and tempera ture are at their highest in health , and when there is a febrile ercerbatiou in -illness. Left No Stone Unturned. A Welshman who was in London a couple of weeks ago lost his watch , and told the Scotland Yard people about it. They said they would leave no stone unturned to find the watch. The other day the Welshman went up again lo London ; he saw street after street turned up , and was told that in all thirty-six miles of roads were in the same condition. lie rushed down to Scotland Yard , and said , "I didn't think I was giving you all that trouble. If 3011 don't find the watch by Sunday I wouldn't break up any more. " Scottish Leader. Thej Knew Ma. The train had stopped for a few min utes at a station out on the plains , and two or three barefooted little boys and girls had their backs against the depot and their fingers in their mouths , while they stared at the passengers. Suddenly a boj' of about JO years dashed round a corner of the station and called to his brother and sister : "You . ! Ma ' if an' , .loey saj's you Mag gie don't come right straight home she'll she'll well , I forgit what , but she'll do it , sure , for you know what ma is when she gits started ; so you'd better git home straight off ! " Joey and Maggie evidently knew what ma was when she "got started , " for they started homeward as fast as their bare little feet would carry them. Youth's Companion. Eiderdown from Norway. The rearing of eider ducks for their down is a novel industry on the Norwe gian coast islands , which are owned by private individuals. The birds are naturally wild , but , being fed when necessary by the keepers , who also pro tect them from the ravens and eagles , lose much of their shyness and come at feeding time in great numbers , attend ed often by a train of gulls and wild ducks of many varieties. The industry is highly profitable. f i AHERE are women everywhere who suffer almost constantly - stantly because they cannot bring themselves to tell all about their ills to a physician. Such women can surely explain their symptoms and their suffering by letter to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn , Mass. , for the con fidence reposed in her has never been violated. Over a million women have been helped by her advice and medicine. Mrs. Pinkham in attending to her vast correspondence is assisted by women only. If you are ill , don't delay. Her reply v/ill cost you nothing and it will be & practical help as it was to Miss ELLA E. BRENNER , East Rochester , Ohio , who says : "I shrunk from the ordeal of examination by our physician , yet I knew I must have treatment. My troubles were backache , nervous tired feeling , painful menstruation and leucorrhoea. I am so grateful to you now that I am willing to > ISf tagaitETiwaa.\'j& : \ ' uw { f foa- . ' . . have iny name published to help other girls to take their troubles to you. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound used as you wrote me has made me entirely well and very happy. I shall bless you as long as I live. " Mrs. Pinkham receives thou sands of such letters from grate ful women. Miss NELLIE RUSSELL , of 138 Grace St. . Pittsburg , Pa. , in a letter to Mrs. Pink- ham says : ' ' From childhood - < hood I suffered from kidney _ _ _ _ trouble and as I grew older my troubles increased hav ing intense pain running from my waist to my womb and the menses were very painful. One day , seeing your advertisement in one of our 'papers , I wrote to you. "When your reply came I began taking your Compound and followed your advice and am now in perfect health , and would ad vise any lady rich or poor to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , which I can praise above all other remedies. It is a wonderful help to women. " 'Forbid a Fool a Thing and That He Will Do. " Don't Use UseLIO * ? ASK YOURSELF A FEW QUESTIONS If Deering Ideal Harvesting Machines are not the best in the world , why is it that the Deering works are the largest in the world ? If there is not a greater demand for Deering machines than for any other make why is it that the Deering works employ over six thousand five hundred skilled mechanics more than twice as many as any other reaper plant in the world ? If Deering machines have not earned the right to universal approval why is it that the Deering works are increasing the output for 1899 by 50,000 machines as against the product of 1898 ? IV Deering ball and roller bearings are not applied to binders and mowers in the only correct way why is it that competitors are at their wits' ends to make their machines as light draft as the Deering Ideals ? DEERING HARVESTER CO. , Chicago. tt & & ; & & 'i tt& 9' ; tti&tt & & > 1" WE t OUR TOUR ECONOMIC a vacation was spent. A charming story. 4 / / will interest you. $ Sent free on application. Address F. M. Byron , Gen'l Western AgL , Chicago. | L % A. ] SMITH , Gcn'IPass'r and Tki. Agent , CLEVELAND. ( Acents to sell BI.IRR'S Compound licfrlgerathig Machines , for cooling Ice boxes and refrigera tors. Every family wants one. Saves from 33 to U ) per cent. A good thing. Patent applied for. County rights for sale. JLA66 REFRIGERATOR CO , , Sioux City , ia , A Natural Black is Produced by Buckingham' 50 ctt. of druggists or R.P.H II fc Co.N ihuBN.H TRUMPET CALLS.T Ram'B Horn Sounds a "Warning : Note to the Unredeemed. NLY the living lead. Bigotry is not loyalty. Prayer opens the hand of God. A purposeless life ends in per dition. Use of sense makes no one ] WV poorer. Meditation Is a tonic for poor memory. The nursery makes the nation. God never overtasks His servants. Short prayers bring quick answers. Only the ignorant man can be irrevei ent. The Cross is the best sermon on the Christ. Some little men love to live in the clouds. Attacks of self-esteem are cured by self-denial. Vice can only fasten on the diseased In character. All the world comprehends the argu ment of love. Genius is individuality consecrated to a lofty aim. Love's debts can only be paid in love's coinage. The least things are the ones we can least afford to lose. The flame of devotion is kindled at the altar of prayer. Godlikeness is the best argument for the existence of God. Slander is like mud ; it only stick where it finds afliuity. Some revival services are the puffing of wind on dead coals. Man may heal our diseases , but Christ heals our woes. Thorns are caught without effort , but roses must be plucked. Christ gives a new heredity when lie teaches us "Our Father. " The education of a villain will only give society more villains. Many men are trying to grow pump kins on gooseberry bushes. Better be true at the bottom than false at the top of the ladder. True Science is reading the writing of God on the face of nature. Christ stands at the summit of all be ing calling us to follow Ilini. You cannot turn too much light on the religion whose God is light. Special providences are only God's everyday acts made visible to us. It is true that God can use any tool , but lie would rather use a keen one. Culture does not supersede Christ , but Christ precedes the best culture. There are not many better cables in a storm than a mother's apron strings. The schools may grind good glasses , but God only can make the seeing eye. The sun-shiny Christian is the one who keeps near the Light of the world. Can we expect light on our difficul ties when we refuse it on our duties ? Storm-clouds hide the sun-lit peaks as sorrows hide the heights where sorrow row is unknown. When we believe that God has a plan for our lives , we will cease planning for our selfish ends. The "occasional glass" is the devil's string halter on the neck of the man who thinks that he is free. You may double one good action by praising it , but it is certain you will not naive a bad one By blame. RECENT INVENTIONS. One of the neatest-looking gear cases on the market is formed of an endless flexible tube slitted along its inner face and stretched over the chain , complete ly inclosing it between the sprocket wheels and opening par Kally for pass age around them as it revolves with the chain. To cleanse the dust from railway seats and other uphblstered cushions a new device is formed of a suction pipe entering a casing having an open bottom tom , the latter being drawn over the cushions or used to beat them to dis lodge the dust , which passes off through the pipe. In an improved letter box for the de livery of mail matter the entire face of the box is opened by the carrier , dis closing a series of pigeon-holes for the reception of letters. After the distri bution the face is closed and sub scribers can open their private boxes with a key. An improved car brake is formed of two semi-circular bands surrounding friction plates attached to the wheels , one end of each baud being attached to the car frame , while the other is con nected to a beam operated by the brake lever to tighten the bands around the disks. For use in excavating for the founda tions of bridge piers and other work under water a wooden caisson is fitted with an air chamber and weighted to sink it to the bed of the stream , jets of water being used to dislodge the dirt and cause it to flow toward a suction pipe to be pumped out. Bohemia's Stranjje Minerals. Not far from Trebisch , in Bohemia , are found many glassy-looking objects , of a bottle-green color , and tending , when unbroken , to an egg shape , to which the name raoladivites has been given. Professor Suess , of Vienna , from a recent study of these curious minerals , concludes that they are real ly meteorites , and should be adddd to the list of foreign bodies that have found their way to the earth's surface by falling from space. " ' * Wealthy-Monomaniacs. It is well known that many rich men are haunted by the fear that they will become poor , the dread being so strong 'n some cases that it amounts to a mania. An Englishman whose income 's twenty thousand pounds a year Is aow impressed with the belief that he lias not enough to live upon , but is comforted by finding on Lis plate at the breakfast table each week-day morning a sovereign , of which , most likely , he is careful not to spend more than a half , or perhaps one-fourth. Some few years ago a rich man. who had devoted all his life to making a fortune which he fancied that he had lost was employed in his own garden at one pound a week , and attained a great age , with perhaps as much hap piness as he had ever enjoyed. After all there is not much need to pity such men. and no especial reason to blame them. They had no opportunity in their young days of learning how to enjoy recreation , and they never knew the duty of having a hobby. Summer Outings. The most famous and popular summer tourist resorts on the continent are reach ed directly by the lines of the Grand Trunk Kaihvay system and its direct con nections. Vestibule Train Service. Copies of illustrated descriptive pam phlets of lake , mountain and seashore re sorts , with full information as to rates , etc. , will be sent on application to .1. H. Burjjis. City Passenger and Ticket Agent , 24' ) Clark street , corner Jackson boule vard , Chicago. Curious Burial Custom. The Servians have a curious cusrom of giving a parting kiss to their de ceased friends before final burial , and the observance of it has caused a seri ous epidemic of diphtheria. The police prefect of Belgrade has accordingly is sued stringent orders against the cus tom , prohibiting it for the present , how ever , only in the case of tho.se persons who have died from that malady. Spare Moments. Shake Into Your Shoes : Allen's Foot-Ea.se. a powder for the feet. } Jt cures painlul , swollen , smarting , nervous ' tcet and instantly takes thestiim out of corns and humous. It's the greatest comfort dis covery of the a e. Allen's Foot-Ease makes j nght-fittmi' or new .shoes feel easy. Jt is a ' certain cure for \\catin ? , callous and hot. j lircd. aching feet. Try it to-day. Sold by all " dammsts and shoe stores. By mail for"25c , j ' in .Mumps. Tiial package FJt'EE. Address , ' Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roy. N. Y. Accounted For. Major Blublud ( learnedly ) Three- fourths of the human body , Majah , is composed of water. Major Bluegrass ( learnedly ) Dear me ! I knew suthiu' or other ailed me. That accounts faw the strange taste I have in 1113 * mouth when I wake up mornings. Judge. To California for Half Kate. Account National Educational Associa tion meeting at Los Angeles June 25 to .July 8. Choice of routes going and re turning. For particulars call at North- vestern office. Security Bank Building , or address , II. C. CHCYXEY , General Agent , Sioux City , la. Stern Justice. "What do you suppose they will de with that tramp Avho killed the tele graph operator at Turnip Siding ? " "Hang him , sure. His act delayed freight movements for three hours. " Indianapolis Journal. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local application1 : , as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness , and that is by constitu tional remedies Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing. and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result ; and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition , hearing will be destroyed forever ; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh. which is nothing but an inflamed condition of he mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness ( caused by catarrh ) that can not be cured by Jlall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars , free. free.F. F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O. by Druggists , 75c. A Military Cook. Mistress Bridget , what is the clock doing on the range ? Jane Didn't you tell me ter boil the eggs five minutes by the clock ? Around the World In a Day. This globe of ours is a pretty jjood- , sized sphere , but we are told the Deenns , Harvester Company of Chicago can pro duce in a single day enough Binder j Twine to encircle it , with 3.500 miles to spare 30,000 miles of twine is a fair j day's output ! A reliable publication re cently proved by correspondence with dealers in all parts of America that 30 per cent , of the twine used in 1S9S was Deering Twine. The Scavengers of Paris. The streets of Paris are swept every morning by 2.GOO male and GOO female scavengers. I know that my life was saved by Piso's Cure for Consumption. John A. Miller , iu Sable , Mich. , April 21. 1S93. At the time of bis death , ex-Attorney General Garland had among his'clients j a large number of Cherokee Indians. [ who are claiming citizenship. Mrs. Wlnilow's SOOTHINO STROP tor Children teetlunp : sottens the gums , reanct-8 inflammation allays pain , cures wind colic. ' . cents a bottle WANTED. Caseof bad health thctll-I'P-A-N- not benefit. Send 5 cents to Rlpans Chemical Co. , New York , for lOsanioIes aud l.UUU testimonials. He overcomes a stout enemy who overcomes his own anger. Chilo. No old-time doctor discards the medicine which can show * n unbroken record of Fifty Years of Cures. To those doctors , who went up and down the country in every kind of wind and weather , faithful , patient , and true. Ayer's Sirsa- parilla owes its frst success. Today any doctor of repute who prescribes any Sarsaparilla prescribes Ayers. We have thousands of testimonials from doctors all over this land that it is the one safe Sarsaparilla , and the doctors know what it is. because we hive been giving the formula of it to them for over half a century. This is why is the leader of them all , " not because of much advertising nor because of what we put around the bottle , but because of what is in the bottle. It is the one safe spring medicine for you. Your n&me and address on a postal c rd will bring you absolute proof that Dr. Williams' Pink Pilfi for Pale People will cure you if you arc afflicted with any disease of the blood or nerves. Mention the disorder with which you are suffering and will send evidence that will convince and satisfy you that Or Williams' PinK Pills for Pale People will cure you These pills contain , in a condensed form , all the elements necessary to dive new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered , nerves. The/are an un failing specific for such diseases as * locomotor ataxia , St.Vitus' dance , sciatica. , neuralgia , rheumatism , partial paralysis and all forms of weakness either in men or women , To a Lawrence Journal reporter Mr. G. H. Snyder , a well known citizen of Lawrence , Kan. , related a wonderful story. He said : "I am now seventy years of age. About three years ago I experi enced a coldness or numbness In the feet , then creeping up my Tegs , until it reached my body. I grew thin , appetite poor and did not relish my food. 1 became unable to move about. Consulted several dis tinguished physicians , one telling me I had locomotor atazia , another , creeping paralysis. I took their medicines but continued to grow worse. A friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Before I had finished my first box I found that they were benefiting me. I used twelve boxes and was perfectly cured. Although over six months since I used my last pill there has been no return of the disease , lly appetite is good and general health better than for many years. " Look for the full name on the package. At druggists or direct from the Dr. "Wffliams Medicine Co Schenectady , N.Y. 50c.perbox. 6 boxes $2 0. "In Union There is Strength. " True strength consists in the union , the- harmonious working together , of z oery part of the human organism. This strength ' can never be obtained if the blood ts im- pure. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the standard" prescription for purifying the blood. In the Great Grain I Grazing BelU of West- era C nad and info- 1 mutton as to how to - | curt them C&B b bad o application to the D - partraiatof the laterior. Ottawa. CtB&cU , or to N Barlhoiomew 306 5lh Street , Des Mom e. lowx , Acenl for the Government of Canada S. C. - 22-99 THE NEWS SERVICE IS A FEATURE OF THE 1-1 READY PRINTS FURNISHED BY CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION 411 DOUGLAS STREET. . SIOUX CITY , IA. A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever. DK. T. FEMX < ; orUAUI > ' 8 OUIENTU. CREAM , OK .MAGICAL KKATJT1FIEK. Removes Tan. Pimple * . Freckles Moth Patches. Ka.-h. and Skis diteates. and every bjesiish OB beauty. tjs.d defiej detection. It but stood the teat of M 1-Jtl years , and is sc JJ harml t T % e taste tl to be sure it i ? prop. trly made. Accept 110 counterfeit oj. eimilarnane. Dr.I * . A. Sayre said to i lady of the haut-tcs ia patieutj ladies ill n-e them , . 1 recommend * Coui I aud's Cream ' aa the ' least harmful of all -I the Skin prepar * . - tion ? " For sale hi - - - all Prupslrfj &ntf > Fancy -Goods Dealers In the U. S. , Canada. atd Europe FERD. T. HOPKINS , Prop'r 37 Great Jones St.K.Tu LADIES ! The Periodical Monthly Regulator nerer falls ; w > aed ! box by mall , 51 00. NEW YORK CHEMICAi CO. , Box 70. Milwaukee. WlMonila. . i