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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1899)
W. D. SJcGAA. ( Jreston , S. D. Left or either side of cattlealso Vleft .side of neck. Swal low fork right car , underbit left ; right ear nubbed oil : nn- dr-rbit U f oir : Some on left jaw and some wattle left jaw Other brands 6ide or any part of animal , ' " ft si Jeer aiiv partof.inimnl , ome branded tbe following , lelt M" : Also some cattle Ri Fv bearing the follow- m injr brands : j li'lt KM. neckX left side or bMoumcr , W leu hip i. fhich or On left * de lett Horse brands at Iowa der ! ( .H li 11 H-U It-It lilp or thigh Hugh thigh , ortnlgh , hip. Anyone selling horses or cattle bearing tin ; above brands will be prosecuted. Information regarding theft liberally rewarded. Hange at Humey Springs and Cottonwood. HERBERT O. BIPOXETTE. MANAGER. Postofflefi address Pine Ridge , S. I ) ? X Cattle branded as on lit , IIO55 on left side ; some 15XC 3 either side ; Some on left side ; older stock , .anywhere on animal. Horses E K onlcfthip Range-Seven Ca8t of Pine r. I8ef in JOHN GHOST BEAU , MANAGER Postofflce address Pine Ridge , S. Cattle branded B 0 on left hip oi cattle aden on cut : some branded on leftside ; also r u on left side ; horses game on kit shoulder Hanse Wounded Knee and Walcpam- ml Lake.yhaimon Co. L. C. Pe37ton. Lavaca , Nebraska. a gc Pole Creek. SHOUT nnn.v for sale Geo. H. Hill. ffw * < Gallop , Nebnxska On leftside oiuli of aiernman P. W. Pruden. Merriman. Neb. Some l r. > nded same as cut on both lllflS. iiiiige Northo1 ! t of : > lernnmn * . < ra'V nt'/'M < iii JfA . , Xy.\ kuS SJ iMd Geo. L. Colernan. 5 M , . > Cody , Nebraska t-- * T . - . . . , , . On left side : horses O fe''rr j5 f | off - Wcr vl . . * - 3ii'22KV.- ' &ia ? uange , -Ten miles Pi t west of Snake River Falls W l 'l ' Alex Burr. Pullman , Nebr. On right side ; horses same left shoulder. nerd mark-Dew lap Geo. W. Monnier. Horrtman , Neb. Left shoulder and lefttfhlghjsome on lefthiphor- m ges same left thigh jiange East and Southeast Merriman Grant Bixler. - - . Merriman , Neb. Some on left side ; some on lelt hip ; horses same lef1 thigh. Range Six miles Northeast of ilerri H. E. Sears. Cody. Nebraska Uostlyon rigbtbip < iome on both hips Lake S. J. Goodin. Cody , Nebraska Cattle branded as on cut ; horses same. Range North of the Snake G. Bvenson. odv , Nebraska On left side : > $ hlRh ; horses banio u left side RangB Between and NJobrara. MARTIN RED BEAR. PoB'omce address Pine Ridge , S.D. On left hid ; ; horses same left thiff'i. Wolf Creek. A THOMPSON PcgtoSce Addres Simeon Neb Stock brandoi same ts out be bind leftoboulde Range on th. . Bchlaglo O CARSOH TostofHce Address Simoon Keb Stock branded in left hip same 13 cut cutRange Range , head- ' n ten of the ichlngle KJK'S' xsswwj . . . a . * hJ > tt.Uir ! ii- * - * f. ! - ( * $ * D 51 SEARS Postofo2 ! adflreis Kennedy Neb Lag00' ? 8qUan MOROAREIDGE and SON address Simeon Neb Cattle branded ab ' / v 5a"--'rWyg' . i cut ; or f J or V I ) P ; PftW ( . .n left hij > with hole . S WHa - Sit J J * * A V-iJ frt WJ - in rght ear when nu- S ier2-yrs ! old ; horses Ifc 5iimeas cut and I J x.i'-iiK fi/ Kange LJonlon L'reelc and NSobrara liiver ALBERT AVniPPLB Postonsce address , S.D. Branded on left idr cither slwulSE - Some ar , brr.ndcfl or eithar shonl. FRANK ROTIILEUTNER Posfofflce address _ _ _ _ _ ZJ SS Kilsore. Neb. PH | Cattle branded on fo g S either side as on ut. ame on hip Some on left side ROBERT BAD WOUND. j 1'ostotllce address v T'i . i. ij Allen. S. ! ! > fr liii- . Range Corn Creek T. F. FRANKS , i'ostofflco address Merriman , Neb " ) n left sideear-mark . 'iider slope Iiorses J S ou left shoulder Ranjjo ten miles lortheast of Merrl- nan. 3. H. KIMifEL. ' d. S. D. Also B 0 n left side Ca tie un li rent on both ears ; horses branded 4 < u left shoulder Range On Ante lope and Sprin , Creeks Joseph Fairhead. Lavaca. Neb. left' .aide e > Als - J' on left side jjf i ilso same re- rertcd on left thigh Torses lange-Bt-tween Fair icad Lake and Snake river Clarence Cutcomb. Cody , Nebraska. Left side on large ccttle. On ' " ; Email stock vVJ u left side ; { 22 horses 4\ . f > r-7J left shoulder Range-Southeast o Cutcomb Lake Sbadbolt and Fleishman. Jody , Nebraska -eft side ; S F left boulder ; hcrdmark- lew lap. uange nanges 36 .nd 37 , between # Io- irara aud the Snake. James Goodfello\v and Son. Coily , Nebraska. On left site ; her. ses JG right side and mostly on jaw. iianpe Betwefn 'he Niol rin Medicine Lake. WH. Carter. Cody. N > n left side ; some L T left side , horses ? left shoulder HORT HORX stock. Range Between ilobrara &nd the HORACE WAT.LTI7GFORD Postofflce address Ches.terfield Neb Cattle branded ou left jide and nln : left ear cropj square ; Ho on left side wl left shomder horsea brand s cd cross an chor on left shoulder. 8 E and A B MCALYBY Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded a : on out ; horses sami on left shoulder Range on Squan Lake K1MH fostofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded as on cut or on hip ; horses same. Seme Jon lelt side oa " .one Tree Valley PLOTD KI1IB Postof3ce address Kennedy Neb Cattle brand jd on left hip or side 01 both iiorsea with n on i left shoulder , Rang- : nusji Lake , Gordon and xdrlh N 8 ROWLEY f'ostofnce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on ' -it sidehnd hinbnr- c-s on left 'loulderjalso the . . . . .j either hip the lett" on Also efSfSf ° n on either side fi $ § 3 Banco , Bnrdmnn between EfKr-Irrj clg cend aud the Springs KVK & rostofflee address Valentine , Neb Cattle branded same as on cut ; some on left side and hip ; horses same on lei ! shoulder. Cattle range , Gor don and Bordman ; Horse range , Steei Creek , between the Mobraia aud Snake D L McLANE I'ostofflce Address Rosebud , 3 D Cuttle branded "s cut on either .side ; also F L R uiid F R Horses branded on lefp shoulder and calls these Range mouth of Cottonwool , RED SHIRT , Postofflco Address " Rosebud,3 D Cattle branded on left side same as cut. Horses brand eden left shoulder with a K. Rancli fs % > ! In Little White PBKRY PARKER . 'ostofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded imoascut. Horses , P on left ' .loulder Rr.nge.llouth of i'ordman CLEMENT WHIRLIND SOLDIER Postofflce Address Rosebud. S I ) Cattle brand oa left hip like cut Iiorses branded same on left shoul der. Range , on Big White Elver THEODORE DOTLB 'ostoffloe nddrese Konnedv Neb Cattle branded on . it side and hip Horses same on left . 'loulder Some on left side Range.Rush L&keOordoa aud North .oup KliEB Postofflcs address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left side with both ears croppedsquaie Horses sanu as ait- tle but on left shou- ! der His Weir's cat tle , also. D BI utntje.Gordon Greet G W LADELY address Newton Neb Cattle branded i nie as cut or on hip Horses L on left .ink Range , between 'rordon creek and lie Loup B STONES Postoffloa nddreaa Newton Neb Cattle branded a * on cut Also U on shoulder , a on side , I on hip left side Alao C on left \n.v- in addition to U B I on side Range ot > GordBn creak aud . D ? attlo branded left boulder aadhlp , . Hors 9 branded i } iTith oaly sa 8 oo ? OEORGK PETT ? Bonesteel.SD Some ABE loft side and left hip Horses M. on left ftlpand soma same on left shoulder No horses sold un less brand Is invert * 'cd making j { Range head of "Whet Stoaef MI , Poatofflce Addres Simeon Neb Cattle branded o ritrhtsidc ; horsi same on le'.t shoul dor. llange. sun : mer. on Sucjre j-li or , 4 milea frcn EioulLi j wintrr. miles south of Slir ton BENNTSTT PostoOTee Addrwa Simeon Neb Stoclc branded v ilh 7 on left hip also same as cut Ranse , between Gordon and Snaita creeks and on Niobraru river . " 'ostofflce Afltlrcs : Simeon , Neb. Gattie and horse ; branded same t. ' cut on left sldo Ennge tctwcer GordonandEnakv creehs and on th < Niobrara river K B LOUD PostofHoe Addres Simeon Neb Stock branded same ca cut baok of right shonlder and on right hip Range , oil 46e Nlobrara REUBEN BEAU. Postofilco Address Rosobad B I Cattle orfuided sain as cut er on hip Ranch on Blaci Pipe Creek TODD SMITH. Poatoffloe Address Rosebud SD CKttle branded same &s cut a Dla- " -.iond T Horsss branded , ho same. Ranch < n \Vbno TlmntieSr Jreok ROBERT PoBtofftee ndrtrcs. Neivton Neb Stock brande' ' eame ae cut Range on Gorc'o GEORGE DECORT. PoatofHce Adlress Rosebud , 8 D Cattle branded on left eldc 9dFa3 ctitHorses Horses branded G D on left hip Ranch on Lone and Antelope creoJc east of Rosebud BEN BEAUOVIS PostofHce Address Rosebud , S L Stock branded lefi shoulder three inclicj long ; side four inchf. long. Brand Fecord fl 22 yrs. Ranch 01 ; ? Iorse Creek D. BSAY roatofflce Addroas Rosebud , 8 D Cattle branded on ( eft thigh or hip same aa cut Horses branded -ir.raeon left shoul- Oar BEN TDRGEON : _ _ Postofflce Bonesteel. 8 r Cattle branded 01 , left side same as cir and risht eai crop Horses branded left shoulder Also with clr cle A WM. F. SCHMIDT. Postoffice Address Rosebud , S , Dt i randed same aa on ; ut or with uncer he S ; rlsjnt ear slip vnd dulaped. Horses branded ? ama on left hip ALUX BORDEAUX Postofflce Address Rbacbud , 8 J Horses are brand f [ onleft thlfjb ; cattl. f on lett side with h crop on left Ktef ar. Alsocat-irtV Ua > i B with ncfloS - ip on ear u SS. Gustave Gunderson. -ody , Nebraska On left side ; horses 1 on left shoulder. lange-Between Snak kiui the Nlobrara SOUS H IJARNAN. Brownleo Neb Same as on cut Alao and AE be yzfJ/iH / f& § HorecB oa left shoulder Baneo Goo e Creek and Nortli Loup K BELDIN3 'PostonToaddres ; Brownl Neb On right side 01 hip On lett sfdfl or hip ; or . L on left nip. Hft M * te 3 Range , Calf Creefe j B and E T SMITH PostoSlce aadress Brownlee Neb Cattle and horses on left sldq ; also horses ses on right sida Ranse.Goose Creek E. R. VANDEGRIFT. Same as on CQ Range ; baiwten Geese Craek aid : Nortl1 J. M. HAJWA. rostofHce address Seueca. Ntb. * S3 5 Branded as ia tM on cut ; some f53 ] P on right M ' ! @ hip and 8ono on nht hip ( * RaiiKe-Cain . 'reck Valley in < Jaef- E. E. O R. R.Poatofflce Poatofflce addres s horses on left shoul der north prong aafl JOSEPH KENNEDY. Postofllce address Brownlee , JS'eb. Cattle and horses branded on left side or hip Range , North Loup R. M. FADDIS. Pcstofflce address Paa * Kcb Range. North Loup River "W3 s $ I. L. MERCUR2. I'osrofflee address Seneca , NOb Kange , Southwest a p. GRIER. GRIER.Postofflce Postofflce address Seneca , Neb. On left hip Cn right or I't hip Ranee , between - tween Seneca au ' Norway on MlJdl Loup B W PEARSON Postofllce address Brownlee Neb Same as on cut Horses same on eft shoulder Range , Goose Creek JOHN H BALZiTANN 2 PostoSce a 1S&PB Brownlee n $ On left hip. The herd mark Is a < Jw _ w lap Ranga oa Creek. FRA17K T LEB address Brownlee Neb Battle on left side ; ! : - , rs.s same on left : , ' oulder. Range 4 ' u'ea northeast of Brownlee A GERHAN PosttHce address Nerrton Neb Cattle branded elt'i ersidehorses same onleftshoulder.a'so have care 01 btc < . branded SP under lined. Loup DICK MC3TALL Pestofflce addrezs Brownlee Neb Onleftsidcand also 8 o& left hip Range North CHARLES n Postofflco Brownlee. Nebr Either right or loft side on cattle Horses same on lelt shoulder Left ear cut off ol cattle Range , Loup riv er HENRY FAULHABER PostoDcs ai'.rf Brownlco Neb Cattle on Irf : aid a Horses sxr.-vi on left shoulder Range. Loup rlrea DAVID STEADMAN Postofflce address Pave. Neb CafUe on leftside lias chir { , ' - of cattle branded rlRhtsldei horses Soniehota oaleftBliouI- JOHN CHALOUZ ) Postoffl'-c address Brownlee , xcb Cattle and horsed on right side Range , lil D E PF > TCKTNS PostofSce cddrsss HALwv , Neb On left bSp ' auge , Loup River TALBOT & GALLOP * KLJS Postofflce aAA S3B ? 5rtif- . . . . Beneea , I > eb. f&v * Cattle branda e3 leftside Horses Range Be twcen Mktdle and Dismal © EOBGE GRA.Y Posiofflce adcuscsa The .iford. Nebr On left hip DrA6 on rigbt hip or si do Range. Loup and Dismal CRONTN BROS. Postodco srtilreso Thodford. .Nebr On right < Id flange , betneaa Loup and Dlstso WALT HARDY. Postofilce acldross Seneca. Neb. Loft siAe on cattle ; horses , Uft shoujdar ; ; ; ! on left s3&t on right hip Rance.eouth MiddTg Loup. JULIUS HECKMAN. PostoScc . Brown.Ne ! 8meaaon rut Ransa so alb. { Erownl&a M. DUNHAM. s fostoffie * eadress ptock braafled ooleft aide is oacut. Creak. If K GBAXT wnlo Nab On left side Kaszfi. Loup ElTQ IRA Crsssrulea 2t urnadod on lefts ! da Laio Val la/ OP.B : S3 , On lefi aide , Sv . J B WAUC.INGFORD PostoQee addrssa Kennedy el > Stock branded laiaeasoui ao lelt side 5 * > yaafl l