Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, May 25, 1899, Image 6
ty ftto to tote to Our stock of Dry Goods , Shoes , tote & Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises , Cloth tote 49 49 ing and Gents Furnishings has been to 49 tot 49 replenished throughout and we now to 49 49 have some of the best values ever tote tote 49 offered for the money. tote tote to 49 49 Get our prices on Groceries. tote tote 49 tote 49 49 tote 49 tote 49 49 49 49 RED FRONT tote tote tote tote 49 to 49 tote 49 VALENTINE NEBRASKA 49 tote 49 to And are prepared to do business. "We receive new goods every day and assure customers that our prices are right , Anyone in need of hardware should see ns before buying. "We also have the Agency for Aermoter "Wind Mills , on which we make prices that simply cannot be duplicatedcon- sidering durability and ability of the mill. Pumps , pipes , cylinkers and all kinds of fittings always . ' . on hand' I will fill a set of wagon wheels , set the tires , boil the wheels m oil and paint them , for $15.00. This makes a wagon about as good as new. Call on me for all kinds of wagon work Spring work is opening up and it is time you are getting 3rour machinery put in working order. We can do your ivork , and offer the following prices : , Plow Lay , first class , $3.00 Pointing Set Cultivator Shoves , $2.CO Everything in the line of blacksmithiug and repairing solicited V\/ALCOTT \ / TEVENSON SUCCESSORS TOTHEO.TILLSON , KM Ui LIVERY li fi 8 BARN WE HAVE RECENTLY DOUBLED THE SIZE OF OUR BARN A. M. MOBRISSET o ATTORNEY AT LAW VALENTINE , NEB O.W.MOREY | THE VALENTINE } WATCH / MAKER AND JEWELER & Carries a full line of sterling - J ling silver novelties C. A. WELLS J. B. WELLS WELLS BROS. DENTISTS ! Office over Cherry Couttty JBanh I M. BICE 1 1 REPRESENTS THE IAEMEES' MUTUAL and NEBBABEA 'HEBO ANTILB MUTUAL Inenrance Companies of Lincoln * * * * * A. N. COMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Quigley's Drug Store. Front Niglits-Upstairs-Ked J. S. ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy Office at Estabrook Honse on Cherry St. VALENTINE , NEB. J. C. DAVZEE. E. H. DWYER. DWYER BROS. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Superintendents of A Private Hospital , For the Treatment of Diseases All Kinds of Surgical Oper ations Successfully Performed. r r NEBBi S WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT ROBEBT GOOD , Editor and Publisher Per Yeur in Advance PUBLIbHED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at 1 h e Post-office at Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full. Commissioners' meeting June 15 , Decoration Day Slay 30. Horse nuing in June. Spring Capes at T. C. Hornby's. Did 3'ou see T. C , Hornby's silk win dow * 14 Felice posts for sale at W. A. Pettr- crew's. 10 Mr. Nelson Jr. , of Cody , was in town Friday. Large Invoice of sheep af cost , at E. McDonald's. Otto Micheel was up from the Fairfield - field Tuesday. Geo. Baker , stock solicitor , was in Valentine , Tuesday. Dr. Seymour will be here June 22d for one day only. Fine line of Mackintoshes on sale at Farnham & Dikeman's. 10 $7.00 will buy a saddle and bridle. Call at this office. New York apple butter for sale at Farnham & Dikeman's. 3-2 Geo. Kellar was in town from the Loup country last Tuesday. We will sell shoes at cost for the next thirty days. E. McDonald. Hay , grain and feed bought and sold at W. A. Pettycrew's. 10 The Sands & ' Astley's English-Am erican Shows will be here May 27. When in town stop at the old Val entine House , Geo. Tracewell , Prop. A fine lot of fence posts for sale. Max E , Viertel , Crookston , Nebraska. When in town give the West Side Hotel a trial. We strive to please. Anson Newberry was a Codyite in town one day the forepart of the week" . John Bothwell was in town from the south stock country several days this week. John Brown , one of the leading lights at the Rosebud agency , was in town Saturday. E. H. Wilson has cleaned and newly fitted the Massingale House and so licits your patronage. C. A. Johnson , the Woodlake bank er , was in Valentine a few hours be tween trains Tuesday. Carl Seely , deputy revenue collet tor , was in Valentine thia week in the interest of Uncle Sam. Dawson & Wood were in town Mon day after seven loads of goods for their store on Oak Creek. Joe Burleigh disposed of forty or fifty head of horses to parties on the Rosebud reservation last week , Mr. Hopkins , the landlord at Cody , was in Valentine , Tuesday , shaking hands with his many old friends. The West Side Hotel , formerly Massingale house , is an accommodat ing place to stop at when in town. E. R. Vandegrift , Geo. Kellar Jr. , and brother , were people here from the south country this week. Leo Orscher , stockman on the old Mrs. Cole ranch near Cody , was trans acting business in Valentine , Tuesday You get the best insurance from the Nebraska Mercantile Mutualand , Farmers' Mutualand at a lower rate. I. M. Rice , asrent. 10 Peter Evenson and Gus Gunderson , both of Cody , were prominent stock men doing business in Valentine this week W. Anderson , the accommodating and efficient blacksmith at Kilgore , had business in Valentine Thursday , of last week. The West Side Hotel will spare no pains to see that its guests have plenty to eat and are given the best of treatment. Geo. Tracewell wishes to announce that he is preparing to accommodate all guests at the Valentine House dur ing the show and June races. Joseph Wisser and wife were in town from Nenzel. Mr. Wisser call ed and advanced his subscription to this paper before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Layport , parents of Lee Layport , of Mars.hatown } , { qwa , arrived here Monday night to pay son and his estimable wife a visit. Prideaux Sanford left the where with with the writer to pay for the publication of his stock brand in this moral and religious journal. Mr. Sanford , besides caring for his own herd , wintered seventy head for Clint Anderson and never lost a , head. Closing Out Sale , "We will commence at once to close ont our entire stock at cost , and conimne nntil all is sold. 2tiiiard & Weeks. Strawberries for sale at Farnham & Dikeman's. 12 Attorney Morrissey is in Lincoln on important legal business. Eastern papers pronounce Sands and Astley's English-American Shows the best ever organized. The big- shows will be at Valentine , May 27. Ice cream , cake , lemonade , sand wiches and coffee will be served all day Saturday by the Epworth League in the tent west of G. H. Hornby's. Constable Layport was on the north table Tuesday serving papers on par ties to testify in a case betAveen Camm and Ward. Let us have peace gentle men. men.Dr. Dr. W. I. Seymour informs us that he will be here for one day , June 22 , at the Donoher House. Remembei the date if you wish to be sure of see ing him. Jas. Hudson , of sparks , was in town Saturday and talked both business and politics. Jim is a very bright thinker and does one good to con verse with. The write-up o ± the graduating ex" ercises of the high school pupils was demolished by one of our country cousins , he resting his elbow thereon after it was set in type. Ed Harris was thrown from a horse one day last week , badly fracturing an arm. He came to town and had the doctors bandage the same , which afforded him great relief. The best equestrian , gymnic and athletic talent in the circus profess ion is represented in Sands & Astley's English-American Shows , which ex hibits in Valentine , May 27. Frank Sundance , of the Brownlee country , was before the Ian d office this week proving up on a valuable piece of land. Barney McNitt and S. E. Orr accompanied him as witnesses. Major W. W. Anderson and J. Rounds , prominent stockmen , were in town this week. They arranged to have their stock brands published , which appears in this paper for the first time. Grant Bothwell and Wm. Harnan were stockmen in town last week who called and paid substantial respects to this educational institution. Both are exceptionally good men and a credit to the county. The announcement of the coming visit of Sands & ' Astley's English-Am erican Shows is interesting our com munity on account of its exalted prominence in amusement realms. It will be here Ma } * 27. The greatest features of the eve ning were the impersonations of Alba Heywood who unquestionably has no superior in his line. Albany Dailj- Democrat. At the Cornell Hall , June 12. Wm. Steele returned to Valentine Thursday , of last week , Avith Mrs. Steele , AVIO had taken suddenly very * ill while attending a funeral near Gordon. She Is noAv on the road to recovery Avhich AVC are pleased to note. We are pleased to announce that Cherry county has been recognized by Governor Poynter in the make up of the state brand commission by the selection of J. H. Quigley. Mr. Quigley is a prominent stockman and Avill honor the position to Avliich he has been chosen. Dr , W. I. Seymour , Omaha's emi nent optician , Is again to visit Valen tine , June 22nd. - Dr. Seymour needs no introduction here. His great skill as one of the foremost opticians has "made him many friends in this com munity. He Avill be here June 22d at the Donoher House. Daniel Webster , of Merriman , a prominent citizen and stockman , had business in Valentine last Friday and called at this office to pay his respects. He offers through the NEWS-DEMO CRAT a reward of $100 for informa tion leading to the arrest and convic tion of parties stealing any stock bearing his brand. Come to Valentine on May 27 and see the circus. It Avill be a great day here. The great free outside exhibi tion that will be given on the sho\v grounds will be something neAv and novel. Think of a dog climbing a 60 foot ladder and diving dowmrard into a net. But he does and you Avill see : him do it if you come to town on cir cus day. A full house greeted the Alba HeyAvood Company at the Water man last night .and no oqe Avill ke. , heard to express any r-egrets of hav ing been there for it was an enter tainment of a high order. All lovers of both vocal and instrumental music Avere highly entertained Avith the fine selections rendered and the im personations of Alba HeyAvood com pletely captured the house. Plattsmouth ( Neb. ) Daily Hearld. " " At the Cornell Hall , June"12" . i i 3f -ue-p o e -1/fW t I ( S-e-fc Before - Buying - Elsewhere ER GENERAL MERCHANTS DOTS : SHOES Our spring line is now complete. "We are better pre pared to fill the wants of customers than ever before COMPETITION DEFIED Our prices are made on the lowest cash basis. Prac tical tailoring in connection. All work guaranteed D. Stinard , Clothier. Wide Tire Wagons Are acknowledged to be the best and to meet the growing demand I ordered and HAVE JUST KECEIVED A CAE LOAD In addition io this I have just received a car of "WIND MOTOK" WIND MILLS Which I am selling very cneaply Try me before buying anything in my line elsewhere Yalentine , Nebraska D. S. Ludwig SEND THE LITTLE GIRL Or the boy if you can't come your self. Just make a note of what you Avanfc. The little folks can trade here as conven iently as the sharpest lawyer that's be cause AA-e have but one price for everybody und everything , and that is the LOWEST Come and be convinced AX E. VIERTEL teur's Crookston , S. H. Dye and sons were in toAvn last Aveek to receive several hundred head of fine looking cattle shipped in from Sioux City. S. H. called and settled for his stock brand advertise ment noAv running in this leading stock journal. Agent McChesney with his polic e force Avas in town Monday to receive $150,000 which goes to pay the Rose bud Indians on account of an agree ment AArhereby certain Lower Brule Indians Avere allowed to come on the Rosebud reservation began Tuesday , over $20,000 being paid out. The Indians drew $33 per capita. It Avill take over three weeks to complete the payment oAving to the fact that the Indian agent can receive only 850,000 at one time. Much satis faction is expressed by the Indians at the prompt payment by the depart ment after the ratification of the agreement by congress. Bro. Miles and the Star- Journal man Avent up to Valentine week ago Sunday and attended church and had- not intended to say anything about it is it is of such common occurrence with us at home , but as Bro. Miles ind the Valentine "yokels" have seen fit to put a different construc tion upon our Arisit Ave feel called up- m to enter our protest against giv ing aAvay the secrets of the cra. t. &nd as a proof that AAre w.ert * np there is above stated we. call upon Bros. GJood and I\einer-t to acknowledge Ave iv nt to both the Episcopal and Methodist church Avhile there. Of : ourse as is natuial for church going people , we may have been a little late in retiring , owing to discussion jf the " . " "subject matter. Ainswortb , Fournal. As Ave are all co.m\n j. to Ainsworth Fune 3 , the parties called in evidence tvill refrain from sitting in judgment intil after that meeting. WATCH THIS SJfACE M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTED Valentine , Nebraska Practices in District Court and U. S. Land Office , Heal Estate and Hanch Property bought and sold. Bonded Abstractor. Order of Jlcariny. State of Nebraska t s Cherry County. J In the matter of the estate of Edward Arr deceased. On reading and film ? ? the petition olCitherlno McDonald , praving that the Instrunw flied the 2-rt day of May , 1899. and purport to on be the last will and testament of the said deVased may be proved , approved , probated , allowed" and recorded as the last will ana testament or the said Edward McDonald , deceased andI thar the execution of said instrument may be rnnw mitted and the administration of said estate mar be granted to Catherine McDonald-as executriv Ordped that June 10 , A. D. 13aoakK > o'clock a m is assigned for hearing said petition , when all persons interested in. saia raitter mav ap pear at a county court to , be held in and for saM county and show cau e why the prayer of peti tioner should not be granted ; and that noMcTof tbe pendency of said petition and Uie hp in tlicrcoi. DG civcn to all bpp < infi intot kea < i i said motterV publishingSpy of Ihh order nnevsnSnHnA7 ; > WS K oc T- eekly newspaper punted in saj l county , for three suc cessive Aveeks , prior to said day of hearing. Te C ° P1'V. . K. roATKjf. . 0'-5 - County JudKeA For Sale. Thorouhbred and grade & Sfiorf- Horn bulls. Can be seen , at Prank HummelPs livery barn. Write for prices. FRED S. BARCLAY , 2t- Gordon - , Nebraska.