Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, May 18, 1899, Image 6
4 ? tote to NEW SPRING GOODS tote tote to tote to tote to 4 ? toft 4 ? ftto 43 Our stock of Dry Goods , Shoes , tote to 4 ? toft 4 ? Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises , Clothing ftto 49 to 49 4 ? ing and Gents Furnishings has been tote 49 replenished throughoiit and we now tote 49 to 49 have some of the best values ever tote tote 49 to 49 offered for the money. tote tote 49 to 49 Get our prices on Groceries. tote tote 49 tote 49 tote 49 tote 49 tote 49 49 49 49 RED FRONT tote tote tote tote 49 to tote 49 to tote 49 VALENTINE' NEBRASKA to tote 49 to tote 49 to i * Of tinware and small hardware are our specialty , and on them we make prices that simply cannot be beaten. All goods new and of the first quality. Let us show you what we have to offer , whether you buy or not. Another of our specialties is the making of picture frames , and for that purpose we carry in stock a fine line of mouldings. See our spring mattresses. mo ' 1/M/ I will fill a set of wagon wheels , set the tires , boil the wheels in oil and paint them , for $15.00. This makes a wagon about as good as new. Call on me for all kinds of wagon work Spring work is opening up and it is time you are getting your machinery put in working order. TVe can do your ivork , and offer the following prices : Plow Lay , first class , 83.00 Pointing Set Cultivator Shoves , $2.CO ' Everything in the line of blacksmithing and repairing solicited 3) ) ' ALGOTT TEVENSON SUCCESSORS TO THEO. TILLSON , LIVERY BARN WE HAVE RECENTLY DOUBLED THE SIZE OF OUR BARN A. M. MORRISSEY o ATTORNEY AT LAW 7ALENTINE , NEB O.W.MOREY THE VALENTINE WATCH / MAKER AND JEWELER Carries a full line of sterling - ling silver novelties ft C. A. WELLS J. 33. WELLS "WELLS BROS. DENTISTS ! Office over Cherry County ItanJt I M. RICE I B EBESBNIfl THE f FARMERS' ' MUTUAL and _ 5EBBAJJKA MERCANTILE MUTUAL A. N. COMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Quigley's Drug Store. Front Nights-Upstairs-Ked J. S. ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy Office atEstabrook Hoase on Cherry St. VALENTINE , NEB. J. C. D W rER. E. H. D W YEK. DWYER BROS. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Superintendents of A Private Hospital , For" the Treatment of Diseases All Kinds of Surgical Oper ations Successfully Performed. ALEOTTNE , - - NBBRi. S WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT BOBEBT GOOD , Editor and Publisher $1.OO Per Yenr in Advance PUBLIbUEI ) EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at t he Post-office at Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. This paper will be mailed regularly lo its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full. Comma Events. Commissioners' meeting ; June 15. Commencement exercises May 19. Decoration Day May 30. Horse nuing in June. School ends May 19. Spring Capes at T. C. Hornby's. Did you see T. C. Hornby's silk win- 14 Fence posts for sale at W. A. Petty- crew's. 10 Large invoice of shoes af cost , at E. McDonald's. E. S. Newman was iu town from Cody , Monday. Pine line of Mackintoshes on sale at Farnham & Dikeman's. 10 Hon. Frank Rothleutner was down from Georgia , Saturday. New York apple butter for sale at Farnham & Dikeman's. 3-2 I. H. Emery is building" an addition to his Main street property. We will sell shoes at cost for the next thirty days. E. McDonald. Hay , grain and feed bought and sold at W. A. Pettycrew's. 10 The Sands & Astley's English-Am erican Shows will be here May 27. When in town stop at the old Val entine House , Geo. Tracewell , Prop. A fine lot of fence posts for sale. Max E. Viertel , Crookston , Nebraska. J. B. Sweeney , Phil and Will Pull man were in town the first of the week. Remember , you haven't very much longer for cleaning up your alley and back yard. S. D. Ditto of Gillette , Wyo. , and Ernest Ditto , of Hemingford , were in Valentine. Monday. S. W. Chestnut and .Tudd N. Morey , of Gordon , were in town looking up : 'reservoirs , " Saturday. G. H. Sawyer , the Sparks post master , was in town Saturday buying goods for his store. Chas. Conger and Myrtle McDougal , both well known here , were married in Neligh last week. Among the visitors in town the first of the week were W. G. ? .nd John Ballard , of Dewey Lake. Frank Harrison , of the Omaha Bee , is in town today recreating and look ing over the political field. Ed Parry , of Sparks , is tending bar for Walter Meltendorlf and expects to move his family to town. The Brown County Stock associ ation held a meeting in Ainsworth and as but few were present adjourn ed to July 7. The Pike Bros , and Tom Kelly , of Crookston , were in town this week and made a pleasant call at these headquarters. You get the best insurance from the Nebraska Mercantile Mutualand Farmers' Mutualand at a lower rate. I. M. Rice. atrent. 10 Henry VanLeer. of Brownlee , was in town last Friday and while he don't think much of this paper ordered us to send it for another year. Alex Burr , of Pullman , was a Val _ entine visitor Monday and took ad vantage of his opportunity while hereto ' to file'on a few ' "reservoir" sites. Joy Hackler , Bruce Thomas and Roy Phelps , of Spring view , were in town Tuesday on their way to the Black Hills and other western points by wagon. J. C. Northrop and family returned Sunday from their eastern visit. They returned by way of Harrison , where they visited with Mrs. North- rop's parents. Martin Christensen was in Wood- lake last week working on the inter ior of C. A. Johnson's residence. He says Gene West runs the best hotel in the northwest. J. N. and Wm. Steadman and fami lies were in town Friday on business. Jim has opened his store at Kennedy , and is after all the southern trade as will be noticed by his advertisement in another column. P. J. Murphy was in town from Longpiue Friday looking for a loca tion for a meat market. He found the field well occupied and has since purchased the Longpine shop. Martin Christensen is the busiest man in town. Everybody wants paint ing , frescoing or paper hanging done , and they want it right away. One woman wanted him to do her work 'in the morning before he started to work , and in the evening after he quit. " The announcement of the coming { risj.t of 'Sands & Astley's English-Am- j srican Shows is interesting our community - j munity on account of its exalted prominence in amusement realms. It K414be be-pe May -2-7. Closing Out Sale , We will commence at once to close out our entire stock at cost , and continue nntil ail is mold. Stinard & , Weeks. Strawberries for sale at Farnham & Dikeman's. 12 R. J. Cook is in town from Ander son's ranch. Mrs. Cook will be home from Fairbury this week. T. C. Hornby is building a three- room addition to his residence on Cherry street , consisting of two bed rooms and a kitchen. Eastern papers pronounce Sands and Astley's English-American Shows the best ever organized. The bi shows will be at Valentine , May 27. Geo.Tracewell has opened the hotel near the court house and requests all to give him a call. He promises a square meal and hospital treatment. Wm. Johnson , of Washingtou D. C. , has bought the Bob McQuade ranch and stock , and with his family movec thereon last week. We welcome them to Cherry county. Lieut. Fred Rapp , of Torrey's cav airy regiment , and Conductor Leadei were in town yesterday. Lieut. Rapp is visiting relatives in Longpine while home from Havana on 60-days leave. C. M. Hutchenson received a blood ed Galloway bull from Dundee , Minn. , last Thursday. We are always glad to chronicle the importation of blood ed stock , and trust that our people will steadily improve along that line. Ainsworth Journal. Louis Buck set out a fire last Fri day afternoon which got away from him and sweeping east burned the residence of "widow" Osborne , neai Sparks , and burned almost all oi Newt Grooms' stuff , valued at $1,500 , Buck has been arrested and will be tried next week. The horse race season has berun. a scrub race of 200 yards last Satur day , will be followed June 3d by a $100 race between one of Dad Davis' fleet- footed animals and an unknown horse. Ainsworth Journal. That's right. Get your horses in shape for the Cherry county races June 14. 15 and 16. The editor has gone out in the country and Avill be away about a week. Meanwhile if you want to .pay your bills , call at the office and Geo. H. Reinert will attend to the busi ness. If you want to collect a bill , don't call : if you want to whip the editor , go around and see John Bor- man. Geo. Monnier was up from Merri- man last Tuesday and got the re mainder of his cattle , about fifty head , which A. L. Davis has been keeping through the winter. He found his stock in excellent condition , having gone through the long winter without a single loss , and expressed himself as well pleased with the care that had been given them. Gordon Journal. Sweeney Bros , lately purchased all of John Snoddy's cattle 270 and sent them to their Pullman ranch. The boys are getting right to the front in the cattle business. S. Washburn , who was here in the employ of the railroad for abont a week , looking after their interests in the school districts where they pay taxes , left for Valentine , Thursday morning. He found everything in fair shape here , and will continue in the same work in Cherry county. Rushville Standard. Notice , TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : I hereby give notice that I have given my son , Benjamin F. Steadman , his time , and have authorized him to transact business on his own account. CATHARINE STEADMAN. Dated this 13th day of April , 1899. The Greater America Exposition , Which will open at Omaha , Neb. , July 1st and close November 1st , 1899 , will be the most unique as well as the most successful exposition that has ever been held in the United States. The opportunity for special features which recent conquests have given the management , will be utilized to the fullest extent. In addition to the regular features , such as exhibits of all of the industrial interests of the country , agriculturemining and arts , there will be a most complete collec tion of war relics , direct from the seat of war , which will be of great interest to all. An exhibit that will especially appeal to the people in general , will be the colonial exhibits from the Philippines , from Cuba and trom Hawaii. Not only the represen tative people from these islands will 3e at the exposition , but they will be placed before you in their own habi- : ations , just such as they live in in ; heir own countries , surrounded by Topical plants and trees , such as you vould find were you to visit these far iway islands. Eyen more excellent nusical talent has been secured than ast yearamong them being London's band. X -fc-I Before Buying - Elsewhere T GENERAL MERCHANTS SHOES Our spring line is now complete. "We are better pre pared to fill the wants of customers than ever before COMPETITION DEFIED Our prices are made on the lowest cash basis. Prac tical tailoring in connection. All work guaranteed D. Stinard , Clothier. Wide Tire Wagons Are acknowledged to be the best and to meet the growing demand I ordered and HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CAE LOAD In addition to this I have just received , a car of "WIND MOTOE" WIND MILLS "Wjiicli I am selling very cneaply Try me before buying anything in my line elsewhere Valentine , Nebraska D. S. Ludwig r SEND THE LITTLE GIRL Or the boy if you can't come your self. Just make a note of what you want. The little folks can trade here as conven iently as the sharpest lawyer that's be cause we have but one price for everybody and everything , and that is the LOWEST Come and be convinced MAX E. VIERTEL We arft Agents for PasCrnnlt if on T " ' teur's Blackleg Vaccine Hearts. Mrs. T. C. Hornby gave a "Pro gressive Hearts''party to twenty-four of her friends last Friday evening" , which was a decided novelty. Each of the six tables \vas ornamented with a red heart bearing" the number of the table , and the score cards were large red pasteboard hearts. The favors were hand painted hearts , and the games were recorded by pasting tinr red hearts on the favors. Hearts was played until midnig-ht. at which time a dainty lunch was served. Salted almonds were served in heart shaped dishes , the salad came on hearts of lettuce and heart sand wiches and cakes , and strawberries , wafers and Saratoga chips completed the menu. The ladies' first prize , won by Mrs. J. W. Spirk. was an em broidered heart photograph holder , and the consolation prize , carried away by Mrs. Good , was an embroid ered heart covering sheets of court plaster. The gentleman's prize. Pete Donoher. was a hand painted easel with a heartshaped opening for a photograph , and Al Thacher's boob } * was a heart basket filled with a 'patch and button * ' outfit. As a hostess Mrs. Hornby stands in the front rank , and at this part } ' she excelled herself. With that tact which is more natural than acquired she makes everyone feel at ease , and the most diffident cannot long remain quiet or inactive when at her house. Speaking of his recent trip to this place Editor Miles of Ainsworth says : We would have no complaint to make of our treatment while there if the darned " 'yokels" hadn't made us I climb the mountain just north of the city. This mountain seemed to us to be covered with twelve feet of sand and to be twenty thousand feet above the top of the mill dam. Curious , isn't it , how a few drinks of Minnechaduza water will affect the imagination. WATCH THIS M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTED Valentine , Nebraska Practices in District Court and U. H. Land Office. Heat Estate and Ranch Property bought and sold. Bonded Abstractor. FOR HOPvoES AXD CATTLE VYe sold 200 pounds in 20 days. Try it. 7b Boxes , 50c * f 12ft Bags , 75u - ' ' DRUG QUICLEY' STORE.