Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, May 18, 1899, Image 11
Catalogues by Carloads. A statistical genius has figured that the vari&us manufacturers of harvesting ma- greater portion of this literature has been expended on the farmers of this country in an effort to make them believe that almost any kind of a machine is "as good as the Deering. " In the meantime the Deering Harvester Company of Chicago cage has prospered until at the present time its works employ more hands than any single manufacturing plant of any kind in America. Kitht in i-euson. "See , milkman , here's a fish in this milk. " "Well , you're kecpin' Lent , ain't you ? " Chicago Record. NnilB Grow on Amputated Fingers. It has been observed in the hospitals that nails on amputated fingers con tinue to grow. The Most Violent Explosions of Coaching are etopped t > 7 IIale's Honey of Horehoui J and Tar. Pike's Toothache Drops Cure la one Minute. We love to expect , and when expecta tion is either disappointed or gratified we want to be again expecting. John son. son.Mrs. Mrs. YPInBlow'H SOOTHWO STBUP lor Children teething : sottcns the cums , reaticea inflammation , illayn pain , cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottle. WANTED.-Case of bad health that RTP'A'N-S will Dot benefit. Send 5 cents to Ulpans Chemical Co , New York , for 10 eamules and 1.00(1 ( testimonials. The easiest and best way to expand the chest Is to have a good heart in it are assailed at every turn by troubles peculiar WOMEN sex * Every mysterious ache or pain is a symptom. These distressing sensations will keep on coming unless properly treated. The history of neglect is written in the worn faces and wasted figures of nine- tenths of our women , WOMEN WHO every one of whom may receive the invaluable ad vice of Mrs. Pinkham , MEED MRS. without charge , by writing ' to her at Lynn , Mass. PINKHAM'S AID Miss LULA EVANS , of Parkersburg , Iowa , writes of her recovery as follows : ' DEAR MRS. PINKHAM I had been a constant sufferer for nearly three years. Had inflammation of the womb , leucorrhcea , heart trouble , bearing-down pains , backache , headache , ached all over , and at times could hardly stand on my feet. My heart trouble was 0 bad that some nights 1 was compelled to sit up in bed or get up and walk the floor , for it seemed as though I should smother. More than once I have been obliged to have the doctor visit me in the middle of the night. I was also very nervous and fretful. I was ut terly discouraged. One day I thought I would write and see f you could do any thing for me. I followed your advice and now I feel : e a new woman. All those dreadful troubles I have no more , and I have found Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Sanative Wash a sure cure for leucorrhoea. I am very thankful for your good advice and medicine. " JOHN M , SMYTH COMPANY 150-166 W. Madison St. , CHICAGO. We Meet and Defeat ALL Competition enTWINE TWINE AND WE FULLY CUARANTEETHETWINE. YOUR MONEY BACK IF NOT AS REPRESENTED. IN OTHER WORDS , IF WE FAIL TO DELIVER THE GOODS AT SMALLER COST THAN ANYWHERE ELSE FOR EQUAL QUALITY , TAKE THE OTHER & SEND OURS BACK AT OUR EXPENSE. IS THAT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU ? have not already ordered your twine will please take notice that we stand ready to furnish you for less money than any other house asks for'equal quality. A big deal closed by us enables us to back up this broad statement to the letter , provided orders come in not later than June 1st. After that date we can make no definite promise , as al prices quoted , no matter how big the quantity , it would be scattered over the grain- growing regions in short order. Why not two or three of you get together and order in quantities , thus facilitating shipment and saving on freight charges ? IN ORDER TO KEEP THIS TWINE OUT OF DEALERS' HANDS AND GIVE THE FARMER THE FULL BENEFIT , WE LIMIT SALES TO NOT MORE THAN FIVE SACKS IN ONE ORDER (6O LBS. IN SACK ) , THE SMALLEST ORDER WE CAN FILL BEING ONE SACK. Now Glastee Over the Speclfieat sons and Prises and Order Promptly , AS THERE IS NO TELLING HOW LONG THE STOCK WILL LAST. No. f. No. 2. No. 3. CLEAN WHITE STANDARD , 60O-ft. MANILA SISAL-Pure , A very popular twine is long fibre Manila , es Runs about 500 feet to pecially brought from our the pound and is evenly clean and evenly spun , new possessions in the spun this twine is noted being free from lumps , Philippines for this pur for being t o all intents gnarls and thin spots. pose Is used in proportion and purposesinsect proof Both STANDARD and SISAL tion of 3 to 1 with pure and is much soughtfor white Sisal and runs from in the regions tributary SAL will give entire sat 575 to 615 feet to the to Kansas and Nebraska. isfaction pound. We particularly recommend this , as , al cents cents though it costs more , it is economy in the long per per run to use it. pound pound cents per THESE PRICES ARE FREE ON BOARD CARS IN CHICAGO-NO DISCOUNT UNDER ANY CIR pound CUMSTANCES-CASH to ACCOMPANY ORDER. YOUR MONEY BACK IF NOT AS REPRESENTED IS YOUR SAFEGUARD. Suppliers of everything John M Smyth Company to eat , wear and use. Cat- , , aloguefree on application 150 , 152 , 154 , 156 , 158 , 160 , 162 , 164 , 166 Reference : Every man , man and child in Chi- WEST MADISON STREET ago. Established 1867. L CHICAGO Bear in Mind that "The Gods Help Those.WhoHelp Themselves. " Self * Help Should Teach You to Use s SAPOLIO COPPER-LINED STOMACHS. Remarkable Gastronomical Feats of an Englishman and an American. John Collins , who has lately distin guished himself by swallowing ninety- one pebbles and has just come out of Peterborough Infirmary , where he has been In retirement as the consequence of his feat , no doubt thinks he has beaten the record. He is mistaken , however. A much more remarkable feat is recorded in the museum of Guy's hospital , where they have some scraps of pocket knives that have been swal lowed by one John Cummlngs , an Amer ican sailor. He and his mates went tea a fair and saw a mountebank doing some wonderful things in the way of swallowing knives. Most of them were greatly Impressed by the performance , but Cummings made light of it and de clared he could do the same if he liked. On being dared to do it he took out his own pocket knife and bolted It His shipmates were naturally delighted. They plied him with grog and affection ately encouraged him to still further achievements. Cummlngs boldly de clared his readiness to swallow all the pocket knives on shipboard. Three were instantly offered him and he actu ally swallowed them all. One of the four he seemed to have permanently appropriated and for six years he ex perimented no more in this way. Event ually , however , he tried a few more of these somewhat indigestible articles of diet and , it was said , would swallow a knife with the utmost indifference. When Curnmiugs told his story to the doctors , as , of course , he had to do in the end , they thought him a monoma niac and were inclined to pay no at tention to it. External examination , however , showed that a metal point had perforated the wall of the stomach and induced the hospital authorities to ad minister powerful solvents in order , if possible , to get rid of the obstructive fragment of this singular dietary. Per haps the stomach which had held out against pocket knives gave in to the Doctors' strong medicine. At all events the man died , and they have on show at Guy's some forty or fifty scraps of metal blades and bits of handles and other component parts of pocket knives all testifying to the truth of the story the man had told and proving indispu tably that he had long been in the habit of amusing himself or astonishing his friends or perhaps turning an honest penny occasionally in this original way. Collins certainly has beaten him by coming out of the infirmary alive. Lon don News. MARBLE AND MUD. The Greatest Contrasts In the Most Luxuriant Cities. Probably in Constantinople , which has been described as he "city of hov els , " there Is a greater contrast be tween the public and private buildings than in any other city in the world. The streets are narrow , tortuous and dirty , and even the better class of pri vate houses are mean in comparison with those of a similar class in other countries. On the other hand , the mosques and palaces are magnificent in size , design and materials of construc tion , most of them being of marble , white or gray. The seraglio is one of the most splendid buildings in Europe. Berlin is a close second in this re spect , boasting the finest street in Eu rope , Berlin is a close second in this re spect , boasting the finest street in Eu rope , Unter den Linden , and its public buildings will compare favorably with those of any other capital , but its slums and tenement houses are squalid and filthy in the extreme. Another city which is close in the running is Lisbon. When it was rebuilt after the earth quake the public buildings were built on a scale by no means justified by the finances of the country , while the pri vate buildings had to be erected in ac cordance with their owners' means. The contrast between'them is there fore naturally very striking. Paris Exhibition Telescope. When the idea was first mooted of constructing a telescope powerful enough to allow the moon to be viewed from what would seem to be close at hand , no little amusement was caused in Paris. Innumerable pleasantries were made at the expense of "the moon a yard off , " and in the end the project was thought to have been dropped , or rather it was never supposed that it had been seriously entertained. How ever , it is now announced that the scheme Is to be realized up to a certain point. The image of the moon , on which visitors to the exhibition will be able to gaze , will appear to be distant only about one hundred kilometers , or sixty miles. The telescope that is to attain this result , which will far out strip all that has been previously achieved , is in course of construction. Its tubes , which are to be made of steel , will have a diameter of over a yard and a half , and will weigh some twenty tons. The instrument will be what is known to astronomers as a Foucault's siderostat. By its aid it will be possible to take photographs of the surface of the moon on a scale ten thousand times larger than any obtain ed up to now. The great difficulty that has had to be overcome has been the polishing of the reflector , a most labori ous and highly delicate process that is now approaching successful comple tion. London Standard. Life's Compensation. "You can't spell long words like hip popotamus and parallelogram , " said the little boy who wore spectacles and a sailor suit. "Well , " answered the boy who was leading a dog by a piece of rope , "data were I'm lucky. I don't have to. " Washington Star. Hope is a pleasing acquaintance , but one you can seldom depend upon. Papered Ceilings Out of Style. Householders and others who are ar ranging for spring renovating will soon notice that all the better class of wall papers are now being made without ceilings , and that ceilings are being tinted. Any person who now buys paper and papers his house , if he wishes to be up with the times , should at least tint the ceilings. In such tint ing there is only one durable material that he can secure , and that is Alabas- tine , the unequaled wall coating. What are known as kalsomines are especially bad for ceilings , as the stuff scales and falls off. In fact , the word "kalso- mine" has become so unpopular , on ac count of the goods being only temporary ary , that the later manufacturers of kalsomines are giving their material some arbitrary name and not calling it a kalsomine. Every one of the strong points in re gard to Alabastine that has been proved to be such by the test of twenty years , is picked up by every new manufac turer of ordinary kalsomine and claim ed for his goods. These claims , on the face of them , are ridiculous , but it will take a householder who uses these goods perhaps two or three years to find out that he has gotten nothing but a temporary kalsomine ; and by that time the particular manufacturer may be out of the market. Alabastine is a rock-base cement , which sets , and hardens with age. It is the only material that can make the claim of durability and substantiate it by actual time tests. This phenomenal wall coating is adapted to all grades , from the most elaborate free-hand modeling with a machine to the cheap est plain tinting and whitening , and requires only cold water to mix it for use. It never needs taking oft' to re new , hustles out house pests , sweetens apartments , and fills cracks. Paint dealers furnish card of twelve beautiful tints. A free copy of "Ala bastine Era" may be had by addressing Alabastine Company , Grand Rapids , Mich. _ Pygmy Unbelievers. A good story is told by Captain Guy Barrows in his books , "The Land of the Pygmies , " about a white man who was amusing himself by explaining to some African savages , the Mobunghi , the wonders of the steam engine and steamship. He drew diagrams on the sand , and the audience listened and looked with apparently intense inter est. At last he asked his hearers whether they understood. "Yes , " they replied , "they thought they did. " "There was a deep silence , " Captain Burrows s.'lys , "for some time , and then a voice in the center of the crowd expressed the unspoken sentiments of the whole assembly in one emphatic word , uttered in a tone of the deepest conviction 'Liar ! ' " The lecturer's thoughts are not recorded. "Some Blaclc Consolation. " "People say that that kind of a wound heals , " said Ruuyard Kipling , writing to a father who has lost his little son , "but it doesn't It only skins over ; but there is at least some black consola tion to be got from the old and bitter thought that the boy is safe from the chances of the after years. I don't know that that helps , unless you hap pen to know some man who is under deeper sorrow tha'n yours a man , say , who has watched the child of his beget ting go body and soul to the devil , and feels that he is responsible. But it is the mother that bore him who suffers xaost when the young life goes out. " Interesting to Farmers. The item of Binder Twine is some thing of importance to farmers at this time of the year. The offer of the John M. Smyth Co. , of Chicago , made else where In this paper , to furnish Binder Twine to the farmers of the West is well worth considering. To purchase Binder Twine in this way at the rates offered by the John M. Smyth Co. will save the farmers thousands of dollars this season. Sprina : Bitters. Major Drinkerupp Did yo' evah take spring bitters , Kun'l ? Colonel Onceagain I did , suh. I was married in April. Judge. $1OO Reward , $1OO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages , and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the med ical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease , requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure taken internally , acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system , thereby destroying the foundation of the disease , and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address , F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , 0. by Druggists , 75c. Chinese Point of Etiquette. A polite Chinaman considers it a breach of etiquette to wear spectacles In company. Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder for the feet. It cures painful , swollen , smarting , nervous feet and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort dis covery of the age Allen YFoot-Ease makes tight-fitting or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating , callous and hot , tired , aching feet Try it to-day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c , in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address , Allen S. Olmsted. Le Kov. N. Y. If our neighbors would do things as tve think they should it would fre much easier to love them. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All drugcists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B . Q. on each tablet Avarice sheds a blacting influence over the fairest and sweetest of man kind. George Washington. For lung and chest diseases , Pise's Cure to the best medicine we have used. Mrs. J. L. Northcott , Windsor , Ont. , Canada. The greatest affliction that can befall & man is the unkindness of a friend. Fielding. FLORIDA FISH STORY. Cancht vhe Same Fish More than a Hundred Times. An Atlanta man who has been fish ing In Florida is responsible for the fol lowing : He followed the custom and cast his line In with the rest of them. In a few moments he landed a forty- pounder. Everybody flocked about him to see the big fish and congratulate him on his luck. The fish was a beau ty , and visions of fish chowder came to the minds of the other fishermen , when the tender-hearted fisherman from At lanta took his catch and tossed it back In the water. The spectators were dumfounded , but the Atlanta man said that he did not want the fish and would not eat it for the world. His queer action was remarkable enough , | but the story does not end here. He cast his line again , and , strange to tell , in j ' a few minutes he captured the same fish again. It was remarkable , and created some wonder , but that was not the end. He cast the fish back the second - I end time and took a rest of a half hour. ' For the third time he tried his luck , and In a few minutes he landed the same fish. Back in the water went the fish , only to be caught again inside of ten minutes. How long this was kept up the truthful fisherman refuses to say , but the story goes that he caught that same fish more than a hundred times a day for at least a week. Just why the fish would not bite any other hook than that of the Atlanta man is not known , and why he persisted getting caught again and again is a mystery , but it is one of those things that fisher men never explain and the public must take on faith. Atlanta Constitution. Danny's Letter. Danny's father , who is a farmer and stock-grower , took several car-loads of hogs , reared on his own farm , to Chicago , where he sold them to the great pork-packing firm of Armour & Company. While in Chicago Danny's father re ceived the following letter from the little boy : "Dere Papa : Did you see Mr. Ar mor kill the big fat hog with the black tale and didn't he think it was a bus- , Bter ? I was sorry to see the hogs leave i ' the farm and you most of all. Your loving son , DANNY. " Youth's Companion tfO/R / WO'MBN ' The debilitating- drains and discharges which weaken so many women are caused by Ca tarrh of the distinctly feminine organs. The sufferer may call her trouble Leuchorrhoea , or Weakness , or Female Disease or some other name , but the real trouble is catarrh of the female organs and nothing else. Pe-ru-na radically and perma nently cures this and all othei forms of Catarrh. I lisa positive specific for female troubles caused by catarrh of the delicate lining of the organs peculiar to women. 11 always cures if used ' persistently. It'is prompt and certain. I In the Giv&t Grain and Grazing Belts , of West ern Canada and information mation as to how to ae- our them can be had OB ' application to the Da- partmaat of the Interior , Ottawa , Cnn&da , or to N. Bartholomew , 306 5th Street , Des Moinei. Iowa , Agent for the Government of Canada. S. O. N. U. - 20-90 Nervous people not only suffer themselves but cause more or leas misery to everyone around them. They are fretful , easily worried and therefore & worry _ When everything annoys you ; when your pulse beats excessively - cessively when you are startled at the least unexpected sound , your nerves are in a bad state and should be promptly atten- dedjto. Nervousness is a ques tion of nutrition. Food for the is what nerva-s you j need to put you right , and- the best nerve food in the- world is Dr.Williams * Pink ) Pills' for Pale People. r. They give strength and , tone to every nerve in the' body , and make despondent , easily irritated people feel that life has renewed its. charms.J1ere is proof : Miss Cora Watrous , the sixteen-year-old daughter of Mr. T. C. Wattous , of 61 Clanon St. , Bradford , Pa. , was seized with a nervous disorder which threatened to end her life. Eminent physicians agreed the trouble was from impoverished blood , but failed to give relief. Mr. Watrous heard 3Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People were highly recommended for nervous - vous disorders , and ave them a trial. Before the first box had been taken , the girl's condition improved. After using six boxes herappetite returned the pain in her head ceased , and she was stronger than ever before. "My daughter's life was saved by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People , " said Mrs. Watrous. "Her condition was almost hopeless when she commenced taking them , but now she is strong and healthy. I cannot recommend these pills too highly. " Bradford ( Pa. ) Erx , 'The full name is on each package. - Sold by all druggists or sent , postpaid , by the Dr. Williams 'Medicine Co. , Schenectady. N.V. Price 5operbox6boxesE5- ? c V. . > * 1 * - f but jest as forceful today as one hundred years ago. It's good common sense advice in almost every transaction , bnt for present purposes let us suppose you are going to buy a binder , a mower or a corn narvester. Possibly yon have made up yonr mind to get something cbeaper tban the Deering Ideal. Perhaps it is not yet too late to "go back. " And it certainly is "better to go back than to go wrong. " That word "cheaper" is an old fraud. Do not be deceived by it. Deerinz Fc . - . grain and grass harvesters are "ideal" because they embody the best thoughts and suggestions of the farmer and the mechanic. I They are simple , scientific and substantial. They are the cheapest to buy because they are the best to own. Chicago. 3- . y > u2 = ? & 44 p Of// ? 'fit ? TOUR'fit / * HOHJD a 'vacation was spent. A charming story. It will interest you. Sent free on application. Address F. M. Byron , Gen'I Western Agt. , Chicago A.J. SMITH , Gen'IPass'randTkt. Agent , CLEVELAND.