WfcSFERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT 3cvrc , Farm and Stock ROSSERT ftOOI ) , - Manages Valentine , ALONZO HEATH P-vstofflce address Cody , Ncbraski On left side ; horses Isftslioulder Range noriti o Cutcomb Lake S A WINSLOW Festofllce address Cody , Nebraska1 Branded on either sielp ; hoi BCS sam on left shoulder Range-3-ml. nortli. east of Eli and south of Niobrara river , 13- ml southwestof Cody A C RIEMENSCHNE1DER Postofflce address Cody. Nebni kn On right side : alROi on right shouldei and 2 on jaw. 31) ) on lett hin also 3 on jaw llange Old Pool Ranch on Kiobrani A D COLE Fostofflce address Cody , Nebraska Same as on cut. left side and shoulder. Range east and sonth- and west of Codv CHASE .ROBERTS Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska On either side ; some it IS E ; some E EK Range northwest of Cody FRANK J. JONES Postofflce address Cody.Nebraeka On right sidehor. ; ses same on left shoulder Range , eight miles rrost of Cody CHARLES GART3IDE Postoffice address Cody , Neb Cattle branded op < - frside : also C f o left liiji < f cuttle itnd left shoulder on horses Rainre on Niobrara 10 mi southwest Codv JOHN SHANGRAN Postoflice address Cody , Nebraska On lelt side Also on left side Horses J S on shoulder Range between Cody and Lake Creek J P GARDINER Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska On left side of cat tle ; horses O right armRange Range , north and south of Niobrara River,12-miles south west of Cody FRED AND WILLIAM 3IAYBEE. Postofflce address Cody Nebl On left side ; horses same left shoulder Earmark notch on underside of right ear Range east and south of Eli H STEELE Postofllce address Cody , Nebraska On left side ; also 1,0 orV L on leftsule _ ol some cattlei Also on loft hipji and horses on : left shoulder Raiure-Mouth of [ Bear Creek G H SEAGER Postofflce address Codv , Neoraska Cattle branded as on cut on left side , hip and shoulder ; horses same Range , Snake Creek FRANK MOGLE Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On either de cattle herdmark left ear clipped and ri ht ear splithorses ; brande < same on lelt shoulder , . Ranee on Niobnira > and MediciueCanyon EARL COMSTOCK , MANAGER. Postofflce address Valentine , Nebf e Likeeut on * itber | ft side or TU OO 0h 0e Horses like cut on e left hip and C left shoulder 250.OO REWARDforsufflcient evi n dence to convict any person of stealing cattle of u < fbe above brands. CHA3 S NICHOLS address Mi-rrirnan , Neb "n hiu of cattle : h..iM3 .saute left < ! ) ulder lt..age between Bear Ci eek and Niobranv River , 9 ml southeast of Merriman SELDER BROTHERS Postofflce address Merriman , N On leftside of c eialso on left Range , north an' south of Niobrar : Ri ver,9-mi snntheasl of Merriman G H FOLSOM I'ostofflce address Merriman , Neb Branded on left side Range north o1 Merriman E F DEYINTE Postofflce address Merriman , Nel Branded on lefl side ; horses smiu on left shoulder Range betweer Bear Creek and the Niobrara river,9-m : S.E. of Merriman GEORGE STOVER Postofflce addros Merriman , Neb On left side ; horses same left shoulder Range Little White River South Dakota GEORGE JESSEN Postofflce address Merriman , Neb On either lelt side or hip ; horses same on left shoulder R nge-Eust of Cot touwood Luke GENTRY. ABBOTT & MONAIIA1 ; Postoffice address Hyannis. Nebl Both on lefi sit'e * ome stocks bninded V left shout der A left hip ; also N N N anywhere on leftside ; also C A left side Range head Middle Loup C S WILLIAMS Postoffice address Gallop , Nebraska On left side ; also W I left side ; also Jlcft hipalso ; W on side and Son hip ; horses S on left jaw Range-Eight mile ; south of Gallop ALBERT NENZEL 'ostofflce address Nonzel. Nebraska ) n either side of cat- le ; horses same fange northeast of Jenzel DAN ADAMSON Postofflce address Chesterfield , Neb. Br nded as on cut ; ! some5on left hip ; * * some just one brand like on cut on left thieli Range between Bordman and Suake W G SAWYER ostoffice address Oasis , Nebraska1 utler& Quisenbery ave charge of these attle ; horses Dson ft shoulder ; some tock branded X lywhere on animal ange , Snake river RICHARDS & CAIRNES CO. Cattle branded on any part of animal ; also the following brands : torses branded the same Range between Gordon on the F.E. &M. V.R. R. and yannis on B , & M. R. R. in Northwestern ebraska. Address , BAHTLETT RICHAHDS. ladron , Nebraska " J W OSTRANDER > stofllceaddress Rushville , Neb i left thigh or hip ; irses J left thigh llange-Head waters Gordon Creek \Retrtn't1oT$40O will be paid to anv rson for information leading lo the arrest and al conviction of any person or persons .steal- , ' cattle with above brand. MOREY HEWETT Postofflce address Gordon , Neb On leftside of tittle borses same left shoulder ; also ] * > 4O and gleftsid on left side of some Range south oi .Snake35-mi south- > itii Gordon ER1CKSON & AUSTIN slofflce address Kennedy , Neb leftside null hip. : ses O or A on jaw lange two milCH thwest of Ken- iy DAWSON & BALL Postoffice address ChesterfleM. Neb Cattle branded on leftside as on cut ; also V lelt neck andZ left hip ; some V left neck. \ left shoulder and Zlefthiuhorses ; VZ left hip. Range Snake River,31,32,33. GEORGE G BOTHWELL Postoflice address I'ullman , Nel Branded as on cut a ; ) > i lefthii Range south am east of Pullman P PULLMAN Postoffice address Pullman. Neb Branded as on cut ; Also p on shoulder on side J' on hip ; also w side hip also P on snouldcr , W on side 1' on hip Range north prong of North Loup CHAS S IIOYT Postofflce address Pullman , Nel Branded on Ijft sidi al-io CO on left side plso "between eye : and nso Raijgcij-mileswes of Pullman J L ROSEBERRY Postofflce address Pullman , Neb Branded on left hio ; horses same e d- mark-double dew-lap Range south and east of Brush Hili s n DYE Postoffice'address Pull.i-an , Neb Branded on left side A reward of § 100 will be paid for in formation leading to tile arrest and iiual collection of any person for killing , driving on"or conceal ing any of my cattle II A BUCK Range eighteen miles north of Hvannis L L MORRILL Postoffice address Hvannis , N 'l > On left side ; also S on leil hip ; horses s left shoulder Range 25-miles north of Hyannis H C MASON [ 'ostollice address Hyannis , Neb ? n left side ; some ame on loft lip Some on left hip lorses - lange-Mother I ake ummer rangre-Bing- lam , Shendan.Co. A SAULTS Postofflce address Gregorjr , Neb On left side or hip ; borses same on left shoulder Range-Arkausa Valley and Snakr JOE CULBERTSON 'O3tffiice address Pullman , Neb ramled on leftside ; orses T Ton right lioulder ; a crop mid litin left earof cattle Range Hot ks of Loup River C JENSEtf JENSEtfostofflce ostofflce a 'dress Gallop , Nebraska Left side on private htockuud right side on cuttle heldTiipji on left side of cattfe hold.or left side ! Ilorbes C-J on left loulder. Kange-Eiuht miles south of Gallop JULIUS PETERSON j-totficeadJrtss Gregory.eb jiuded ns on cut Range two miles rth of Gregory D N GOURLEY Postofflce address Rushville , Neb On left hip : also oOO on left side ; horses left shoulder Hange-Codar Lake QBE CHURCH stoffice addres Merriman , Neb left side ; also on right side ses o left shoulder age north and ith of Merriman CHARLES J ONE WOLF Postofflce address Allen S D , On right side and shoulder , horses I same on right thiuh i Runge-Bear Creek r MORRIS JANIES Postofflce address Rosebud , rf. D Cuttle branded 01 left siue as on rut norses on left thigh Rrnge on Rock Creek JOHN A LOGAN Postoffice address Allen , S. D,1 On left shoulder and hip ; some 1 on left shouldrnndjgjj on left side. Ear mark-left ear crop'd Range-Bear Creek FRAWK A GALLIGO Postoffice address Manderson , S. D Left side and oi young stock. Oh stock i-.vnc1 ed j left sine Range-Rock Spring ; Basin JAMES BUSH Postoffice address Allen S D Onleit side Also or. left sule j4 % S Horses on left hip itange Bear Creek R M F ADD IS Postofflce address Pass , Neb Range , North Loup River CHARLESLONG MAN Postoffice address Allen S D On left side of cattle Range Bear Creek GEORGE DAVIS Postoffice address Simeon , Neb Branded on right side or hip Also on left hip TIore.s on right honlder as on cut Range-Gordon and i Snake CHARGING BEAR Postofflce address Allen S D Jn left oiue and thigh lorses on thigh ftinge Bear Creek 8TEAD3IAN BROS Postofflce address Pass Nab Brand on leit side Horeesand fH some catsle branded on left side and 1'ip nange. culi Ltike and Wamn Creek C F COOPER 'ostofflce address Kennedy , Neb ! attle bra ndi d on iift side same ns cut itock over me j'ear old n right side ; torses same n left shoulder Range south & west t Hackberrv Lake and Curlew LSO somebrande on eft leg JACOBSON BROTHERS Postofflce address Gregory , Neb On left side ; some same with I on left shoulder horses left shoulder Range Gor don and Goose Lake DANe WEBSTER o toflice address Harlan , Nebraska n left side or hip ; irsi's branded same ftsh'iulder iinge between Nio" am and SuaV e riv" s , south of Merri- an O J KELLAR PostoTue addrest Brown'ee Nebr On eft side Range , betweer Goose Creek and Loup A T BRACKETT stoffice address Biege Neb untied on left side nge-Three miles itheast of Georgia WILLIA3I WILSON Pohtofflce address KilKore Nebi' ' Branded on left side Kimge-Southeast of Georgia n scnuLTz Portothce address McCann Nel stock branded as 01 cut Range North am south of Georgia WILHELM ANDERSON Postofflce address McCann Neb Branded on left side horses same on left hip llange between the Niobrara and Snake JOHN DUBRAY Potoffice address Merriman , Nel On left side , jaw 01 hip Range Lake Creel- South Dakota. A. B. CAP WELL Post o ( lice address Pullman Neb On left side of cattle Range North Loup HAR.VAN BROS , "W s < IJT on left sl.le ? > e. in JOE ROOKS JR , L'osroffice address Allen S D On left side ; horses same on teigh Range Bear Creek 0 JSTA VJVEJ7JJLKU ii.uvinlc jus- Horses . . - . Beaver Laljp H Y DOWNING I'ostofllce addreas Gregory , Neb ) n lelt side ; also CO L Eon side Range Stevenson Lake J W PIKE & SONS Postoffice address Crookston , Neb Branded on eithe sideofanimalfS ? Some , n light hip Range Between Snake andBordman near Chesterfield E E AND H E WOODRUFF 'ostolfice ' address Hyannis.Nebt Dn left hip and left ? ide. Also stock bninded on left side ind reversed J on right ihoulder ; also right lip and leftside tango-Mother Lake RICHARDSON Postofflce address aicCann Neb Branded on leftside Range McCann A T DAVIS istoffice address Hyannis , Neb ln right side here n left shotilde Iso cattle u riuht si Range 16 miles ! orth of lhannis R A WESTOVER Postoffice address Lakeland. Neb Branded on left hip and shoulder ] B Some h < on right side d ( Range in Brown and 1-V Cherry counties ; kiOf at headwaters of the Calamus river. R. HANSON. stofflce address Valentine. Neb attle branded on 't hip ; horses the me lange en Dry Yal- Y * . and Paper One Year 83.50 Robert GooiT , Valentine , JVcb P S ROUSCHE Postofflee address Urovxnlee , Nebj On left side or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut oil' ; horses branded same on left hlp.Also has stock branded H on side or shoulder , or JK or IV orO 'VL , orO or FZ Also _ the following , the first on beimr tin side and hip LEE AND SONS Pcutoffloe addr esi Brovmloe Neb On rlffht side , oi LK OD ! tUQfl Bide Also LEI5 on l- : iirle Unngts nortli rnvralaa , 2 So * mile * GEO HIGGINS Postoffice address , Rrownlee , Neb Branded on left side ; some Heft side and thigham amen II on left thigh Range Duck Lake Postofflce address Hrmvnlee Neb On ilsi.talde J Range. Horse . V - * * v Alley CLARENCE K SMITH Postoflice address Whitman , Nel On left side ; horses same on leftshonlder Ion left side inywhere on _ _ _ _ _ tnimal. OuJTI Flip or thigh & * Range north prong > 3 Middle Loup river and Buffalo Lake S W Cbesnut Gordon. Nebraska Brand same as cut on left hip. Range head of Gordon Creek , forty miles soutneast of Gordon Breeder of Hereford cattle. J G COOLE1- Postofflce address Hyannis , Neb > n right side ; hor- es same on right shoulder nge six miles lortInvest of Moth- ir Lake precinct r A J PLUMER Postofflce address Hyannis , Neb Branded on right side and h * p ALso have stock branded n right side and hip Horses on right hip 'ange-Southwcstern Cherrj lounty. AV E STANSBIE AND D 0 BAUGH 'ostofflce address hyannis , In left hip anc ide Also n left hip ml left side orses same rands on shoulders Range 23-miles orthoi Hyannis MASON COMPANY Postoffire address Hyannis , Neb On right hip ; 'L1' either side right side lefc hip horses ses right shoulder inge seven miles north of Hyannis. SWEENEY BROS ) stoflice addre > s Pullman , Neb ittJe branded as on t ; horses branded me as cattle except versed s , c block mge Stever d Stephenson , kes and South A. HUMPHREY T'ostofil e address Hyannis , Neb Branded anywhere on right side ; horses ses same on left shonlder Range sixteen miles northeast of Hyann ROBERT I HINES .toffice . address Cody , Nebraska iiided on left side ; ses same leftshoul ige on Snake south ; odv. Cliarles Righards 3ierrimari , Neb