Metzger Bros. , Pullman Neb Cht'rry Co. lirand cm Icfi ide am. thigh Earmark , stj.jart croj ) right ear Southern branded cattle have but one "hair-diamond E" 01 Jeft side I Native cattle have _ . throat wattle Itanee on Gordon and Snake Creeks Horses have same brand on left thigh A ttcirant of jtffSO will be paid to an\ pereon for information leading to the arrest ami nal conviction of any person or persons steal 1 UK cattle with above brand EDWARD BAD IJAIK. 1'ostofllce address Allen S D On left shoulder and baron side ; horses same on thigh flange-Bear Cicek T J ASHBUKN Postollice addrcs Valentine , Neb Branded on right side ; horses same Jlange-lOmiles east of valentine on the Niobrara Joseph W. Bownet P. O. address Merriman , Nebr. Right ear cropped Flole in center of left ear Range Lake creek S. D. Joe Vlondray Cody. Nebraska Left side. Left ear icropped. V on left shoulder ol horses. Cliarles JBenard Rosebud S. D. Range Big White' ' and Bad Rivers Charles 0. Tackett Rosebud , S. D. Range head of An telope near St , Marys mission Horses branded on left thigh Peter Vlondray Rosebud , S. D. Leftside. Left car cropped. Horses branded VB. VB.Range Range Little White River , at mouth of Cedar r.reek. Louis J. Kichards Merriman , Neb Gorsuch Eros. Newton , Nebraka Cattle branded as ou cut cutSome Some ft side or hi ] Range on Gorti tm Creek Louis F. Richards Merriman Neb Henry Pratt llosebud S. D. Left side Horses same on left shoulder Deerhorn clip on some cattle John DeCory Rosebud. S. D , Some branded ID 417 on left side Horses JD on left hip Uange in aieyer Co on Antelope Creek Thomas Farren Rosebud , S , D. ID 1183 either left' side or hip Range head of Antelope Marquardt & Rowlus OTTO STKUBK. Manager. Merriman. Neb Cattle brand OM on left hhoulder. Some of cattle have various older brands. OS on left hip. Horse bra'd A on left shouldei. Range Formerly Gee W Monnier ranch 5-miles east of iMerriman. from F.E. & M. V. R. R. south to Leander Creek , Mar- quardt & Bowlus. Scribner.Nebraska. Alex Marrivall Pine Jlidge , S D Cattle branded as on cut and below on either side Eermk swallv fork on leit and crop right Horse I rands a' ' below on left thigh or hip Horses Marshall & Wolfenden Kennedy , Neb. Some 5 on the left hipHorses Horses S on left shoulder Brand is small Earmark : Quarter clip behind , half cir cle forward on left ear Range Lone Tree Lake I. T. Richardson. Kennedy , Nebri Some on left Horses on left shoulder William M. D unbar Lessee from Heine & Kroejer Cody. Neb DUn Either side Left eai ot cattle Split Range head of Hay Creek Amelia Young. Cody , Nebraska On right side. Right ear split Range , Little White river Peder Thoren. Gordon , Nebraska On right side1 on right hip. o horse brand and T on , right shoulder Also cattle branded JL J > on left'side i Range , fowl miles sou tli of Irwin Henry Young , Cody , Nebraska Horse brand HY on left shoulder Cattle , right ear split Range , Little White river , S. D. Stotts & Stetter. Cody. Nebraska Branded on left side Range. Tin Can Lake and Morgan Flats D. G. Nelson. Cody , Nebraska. On right hip. Range , Medicine I ake to the Snake river JJutc Brothers. 4 4r Gordon. Nebraska Range.14 miles north of Gordon. F. C. Duerfelnt , Manager. Gordon , Nebraska Cattle also branded DO on right hip Horses and mules uranded same as cut on left shoulder J. C. Jordan Gordon , Nebraska One bunch branded , as on cut on left side One bunch branded C I ; on left hip Horses .F on left shoulder Range. 10 miles southwest of Gallop , between Niobrara and Snake rivers George F Damon Albany , Neb Cattle branded FI > onleft ribs or right shoulderS ; SD on right hip and left ribs ; 6 on left hip Horses FD or SD on right shoulder Range 7 mi north cast of Albany Neb . . _ Agent for Pasteur " " Black Leg Vaccine Joseph Fickel Gordon Neb on Also left hip Horse brand F on left shoulder K inge 10 miles northeast of Gordon Wheeler Bros. Cody Neb Also 15 on right side Range Chamberlain Flats and Snake River Strnyctl or Stolon. Several head of horses and cat tle , . & jded Amos Strong , Valentine , Neb. It is a standing claim with imperial ists that the "aunties" as they rail people who don't believe as they do , have never offered any solution of the Philippine q.iestion , yet the following resolution was offered in the United States senate last winter and was de feated only by the vote of the vice president : Resolved , That the United States hereby disclaim any disposition or in tention to exercise permanent sovereignty eignty , jurisdiction or control over said islands , and assert their determination , when a stable and independent govern ment shall have been erected therein , entitled in the judgment of the govern ment of the United States to recogni tion as such , to transfer to said govern ment , upon terms which shall be reasonable and just , all rights secured under the cession of Spain , and to thereupon leave the government and control of the islands to their people. Rather than give this crumb of com fort to the Filipinos the administration made war upon them , and now accord ing to press dispatches peace will be made under terms almost identical with this resolution. We always thought the pop chronic kickers were simpletons , and when the benighted papers of that benighted party ask with all due solemnity , what is all this war for , "What are we lighting the Filipinos for , " it's a lear case of confession. A pop can never see a principle unless it has a pop brand. liushville Recorder. Will the esteemed Recorder please elucidate the "principle" are fight ing for ? As a general thing anything bearing the administration brand is supported by papers like the Recorder , regardless of whether it is a prinsiple or a lack of principle. Special Notice. The annual meeting of the stock- holders in the Valentine Building & Loan Association , will be held in the county judge's ollice in Valentine , Ne braska , on the IGth day of May , A. D. 1S99 , at 8 o'clock in the evening , for the purpose of electing nine directors to conduct the business of the associa tion , for the year ending May 31 , 1900 , and to transact any other business that may properly corns before the meeting. A full attendance is earnestly requested. Your obedient servant , W. E. HALEY , Secretary. Free Dance. Minnechaduza Camp , 4207. M. W. of A. . Crookston , Nebraska , will give a free dance in their hall on Thursday night , May IS , 1899. Everybody cordially invited to attend and bring a basket. BY ORDER OF COMMITTEE. Last Call to Clean Up. If allevs , yards and outbuildings in the village of Valentine are not given a thorough cleaning- May IS , same will be done by the Board of Health at the expense of property owners. BOARD OF HEALTH. The annual election of officers of Minnechaduza Lodge , No. 192 , A. F. & A. M. , will be held in Masonic Hall , Valentine , Nebraska , Saturday , May 20 , 1899 , at 7:30 p. m. sharp. All members in good standing are cordially requested to be present. W. W. THOMPSON , W.T. BULLIP , Secretary. W. M. We feel grateful to the large num ber of newspapers which have given publicity to our congressional aspira tions and as soon as we are able to use our hand will express our appreci ation at greater length. Our work ing hand is under the doctor's care. One of our best looking young sports got mixed up with a potato farmer , on our principal street yes terday morning and if the farmer had not been called off serious damage might have been done the 3ronng man s J. W. Stetter and family returned last night from Richmond , Va. where they had been spending the \vinter. A nephew , Jacob Tobien , accompan ied them and will make his home here J. R. Longland got the contract for building the Dry Creek school house and with the assistance of Harry Hil- singer is now bus } ' getting out frames for the building. Mrs. Elva Lynn is out with Mrs. Green of the post to the latter's claim , and ma3T stay all summer , but they don't seem to be much stuck on l keeping bachelor's hall. Dick Grooms came in from Nio brara Falls yesterday and joined the Modern Woodmen , having his mem bership transferred from Crookston. A new 10-foot side-walk has been built on Main street in front of Wal- cott's , the Valentine House and Dr. Dwyer's office. c A little by of E. R. Hendricks who ] l was here from Codv for medical treat- > mentj died at The Donoher , yestereay Hackberry Thompson has purchas ed the John Marks place near the Darr bridge. Yesterday Manager MeCorkle , of Mr. Phelan's ranch , began the movement of the cattle to the summer range at the head of Snake creek. There were 1,038 head in the bunch and Dr. Gage having come up from McCook to rest up and get some outdoor exercise , is assisting in the moving. Alliance Grip Uncle Sam has just placed an order for a million and a half pounds of dressed beef to be consumed by the boys at Manila. The order will require sevent-five cars , and is for native steer carcasses weighing GuO and 800 pounds. It is said to be the largest contract for dressed beef ever placed by the gov ernment. Homestead. Chicago , May 9. After considering the arguments in the injunction pro ceedings Judge Kohlsaat decided today that the levy of $2 on every car of live stock delivered by the roads entering the city from the west was an unreasonable enable one and granted the govern ment's prayer to restrain the companies from collecting it. The railroad people will undoubtedly appeal the case , The Denver Daily Stockman says that some Texas cattle growers are ar ranging to send young cattle to north ern ranges to ba oared for by northern 'eeders just as though the northern man had bought them. When they are sold the feeder and shipper divide he profits equally , the Texas grower first getting the ruling price at the > time the cattle were shipped. It is a wed thing for stockmen of both 1 section * lhat the Texas and northwestern 1i western cattlemen are getting closer 1C together 1 in prices. There is u great ' scarcity of o-j'ear old cuttle , a fair number of 2's and a big crop of year lings. 1 This indicates cam para tively moderate marketing of heavy cattle ' later 1t in the year and larger supplies in i the future.Drover's Journal. > An Iowa man , who has recently trveled extensively in the west , says there will be a great shortage of range cattle to send to market this vear . There are not many young cattle or breeding animals , and owners of herds on the ranges do not know where they can get sufficient young cattle to stock the ranges without giving up all chances of profits. If this does not prove to be a good year for summer-fed cattle , the Iowa man , who is a veteran feeder , says he will miss his guess very badly. One thousand head of young cattle have been ferried across the river at Pierre and placed on the range this spring , while as niany more have been left on the east side of the river. A number of others were brought in and crossed before the ice Trent out , and while there has been no great rush of cattle at any one time , the shipments hav e been steady during the past month , and the aggregate has been well up to 3.000. Shipments will be much heavier from this time on. Northwestern Stockman. In Texas the percentage of loss from blackleg is probably not known by any one , but it is known that , as in Kan sas , its ravages are increasing in spite of all the immunity which preventv ! vaccination has effected , and beyond question it has effected very much. The fact that an incurable disease is steadily gaining ground presents to the men interested in the cattle industry a very grave situation which the } ' must sooner or later take into serious account. That their losses are increasing every year should certainly indicate that there should be a prompt , general and energetic action ; o remove the cause. The disease must be stamped out en tirely , anl the sooner the effort is made the more easy and certain is it to be successful. An unpleasant feature in our export beef trade is the falling off in the shipj j ments. There has been a decrease j \ every month since July last , as com pared with the corresponding months of the previous year. From July , 1897 , to March , 1898 , the total shipments of live cattle were 317,447 ; for the corresponding - j pending nine mouths , ending April 1st j z of this year , they were but 226,680. j t The increasing competition of Argentine - e tine and Australia is said to be at the bottom of the decrease. The dressed beef trade , which amounted to oBOS3 , tons in 1890 and to 75,890 tons in IS'jS , is larger in the last named year than in 1897 but not quite so large as in 1890. Australia and New Zealand are pushing - j ing ahead in this branch of the trade , also. Their exports in 1890 were 34- , 739 tons ; in 1898 they were 83 , 31 tons. Homestead. Xotlcc. to Contractors titnl Ititiltlers. Ihe board of county commissioners of Cherry county , Nebraska , will receive bids until May 15,1890. at one o'clock p. m. for building a court house in Valentine. Nebraska , bids to build with either brick or stone will he considered by said board. Plans and specifications cm be seen after May 1.1899. at Valentine , Nebraska , or by railing on W. T. Misener. room 42i , J5ee building , Omaha. Nebraska. Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. All bids should be addressed to W. A. Parker , Chairman of the Board , Valentine , Nebraska. H J.V. . DANIELS. County Clerk. \ & 0 i pot/I/ v. ill fill a set of wagon wheels , set the tires , boil the wheels in oil and paint them , for $15.00. This makes a wagon about as good as new. Call on me for all kinds of wagon work ' Spring work is opening up and it is time you are _ your machinery put in working order. "We can do your urork , and offer the following prices : Plow Lay , first class , § 3.00 Pointing Set Cultivator .l hoves , § 2.00 Everything in the line of blaeksmithing and repairing solicited a u ! A'LCOTT TEVENSOM SUCCESSORS TOTHEO.TILLSON , WE HAVE REChNTLY DOUBLED THE SIZE OF OUR EARN WATCH THIS SJPACE Mrs. Vivian Lawrie has been elect ed teacher in the primary depart ment of the school at Big Horn. Mon tana. She has taught one month and is very much pleased with her work and the location. Bennie Trowbridge. one of Cherry county's model youn men. the son of his father , was a very pleasant caller' ' last Tuesday. Bennie is one of the > old fashioned boys whom we love to j meet. There is honesty of heart and j purpose plainly stamped in his count enance. I. M. Rice of Valentine , represent ing the Farmer's Mutual and the Mercantile Mutual insurance com panies of Lincoln , spent t\vo or three days in Gordon this week and wrote several applications for insurance in these companies. lie made the Jour nal a friendly call and we found him to be a very nice man. barring the fact that he is an insurance agent. Gordon Journal. Following is the school report of district - j trict number 17 for the month ending J ' April 28 , 1899 : Number enrolled , 8 ; average attendance , 7 ; Myrtle Brown was neither tardy nor absent. t WINNIE CROWE , Teacher. Precinct. A couple ot warm rains tne past week and grass is fairly ; mm wing itself. Mrs. B , O. ( lO'Jridi returned from Valentine last week. j Tom Coffee of Chadron , was down last week after steers he wintered here. Kev. Hunt made his tri-monthly trip to Cen ter Sundaj. Henry Peterson was assisting Henry Heekel last week. Win. Burris has fifteen acres of corn planted and the ground about ready for fifteen acres more. He also has two acres of potatoes plant ed and says he will yet show the natives that farming pays. News is scarce. I * seems no one can get mar ried , and there hasn't been u birth in the pre cinct for a long time. We can't even get any of the neighbors to lighting , nor the dogs. SA > 'U\ . ELS ON coire , Has recently started in business and offers bargains to all cash j buyers of j Groceries Corn Onttt Choppetl Feed Flour Salt Glidden Wire , Soft and Hard Pine , Paints , Oils and all ' Jtinds of Ranchers9 Supplies SEND THE LITTLE GIRL Or the bov if \ < > 'i wiii't come your self. Just make u note of what yon want. The little folks can trade here as conven iently as the sharpest lawyer that's be cause we have but one price for everybody and everything , and that is the LOWEST Come and be convinced MAX E VERTEL | We ar Agents for Crookstoil , teur's Blackleg Vaccine CHAMBERLAIN & CO Por-toll'iee address lirownlec. Neb Branded on either side same as on cut also both jaws J. C. Trowbridge Merriman , Xeb Itange between Ir win and Mernnia'i , south of railroad ' Hugh Bovill , Manager Merriman Neb AH on left etdeor J'ange nortli of Eli Charlotte E. Bovill Merriman Neb Left side or hip Uangu north of Eli Parker & don I * O Address J. . W. Parker Ueige. Neb Brand same as cut. Also ZP Kan ue on Niobrara south of Crookston 11. A. McQuade. Valentine. Neb Branded on either side Kange between Thacherand Swan Lake I .1 13. B. Teeter ? Bros. Newton , Neb. Horses .eame on left shoulder IJantre between the Gordon and the Snake J. A. Adamsou. Valent'ne. Neb On left side or hip A4 left side or hip On left side Kangpon Niobrara Xe\vman Bros. & Nations. Cody , Nebraska On point left shotil- rfer. Also O on point left slnulder Also ( j on left shoulder Same on left hip Leit bide