Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, May 11, 1899, Image 6
NEW- CLOTH ING ST E At T. O. HORNBY'S ; A big line Of bright , new Clothing that was bought for Cash of a factory that.ie going out of busiuesa , and m order to close they gave ruinously low prices to large buyers. We had to buy a Carload to get the Deal But at the prices offered below we will soon part with it. You can not afford to send away or buy elsewhere. Be sure to not wait too long , as This Line will Move Rapidly SEE OUR PRICE Boys' Long Pant Suits , hard woven , wear like iron , worth $3.50 Our price - $2.50 A better one , worth fully $4.00 - - Our price - $3.0O Boys' Wool Suits , worth $5.50 - - ' - Oil ! price - $4.OO Boys'Wool Suits , worth $6.00 - - - Oil ! pllce - $ i.5O Mens Wool Suits , worth $8.00 - - - OUT price - $5.OO Mens Black Suits , worth $8.00 - - - Oil ! pri.Ce - $5.OO Mens Clay Worsted Suits , worth $12.00 - Oil ! prlCG - $8.0O Mens best quality Wool Suits , worth $10.00 OllI pllCe - $7.5O Mens Fancy Worsted Suits , worth. $14.00 OUR PRICE , $9.00 Pants at all prices from 40c for Boys size to 75c lor mens , and we have a line of MENS PANTS AT $1.00 , $1.25 , $1.50 and $2.00 That are worth almost double what we ask * YOURS FOR BARGAINS IN CLOTHING " ] " _ QB HORNBY 4 ? ft 4 ? NEW SPRING GOODS tote ftto [ to tote to * tote 4 ? to tote 49 to .49 tote tote 4 ? to tote 4 ? Our stock of Dry Goods , Slices , tote 49 to tote 49 Hats , Caps , Trunks , Yalises , Clothing tote 49 to 49 ing and Gents Furnishings has been tote 49 to 4 ? replenished throughout and we now tote 49 to 49 have some of the best values ever tote 49 to 49 offered for the money. tote tote 49 to 49 Get our prices on Groceries. tote tote 49 to tote 49 to tote 49' to tote 49 to tote 49 49 49 49 ED FRONT tote tote 49 to tote 49 to tote 49 VALENTINE NEBRASKA to tote 49 to tote 49 to Of tinware and small hardware are our specialty , and on them we make prices that simply cannot be beaten. All goods new and of the first quality. Let us show you what we have to offer , whether you buy or not. Another of our specialties is the making of picture frames , and for that purpose we carry in stock a fine line of mouldings. See our spring mattresses. A. M. MORRISSET ATTORNEY AT LAW VALENTINE , NEB O.W.MOREY THE VALENTINE WATCH / MAKER AND JEWELER j Carries a full line of sterling - ling silver novelties o. A. WELLS J. B. WELLS WELLS BROS. DENTISTS ! Office over UJierry County Sank I M. RICE | , REPRESENTS THE PAEMEES' MUTUAL and KEBEA8KA MEEOANTILE MUTUAL Insurance Companies of Lincoln J. S. ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness Htid accuracy Office nt Esf.abrook Honsp on Cherry .St. VALiCNriuSji } , NEB1 A. N. COMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURG-EON Office at Quigley's Drug Store. Front Nights-lJpstairs-Ked ABOUT WINDMILLS Having again entered into the wind mill business I am better prepared than ever to sell farmers and stockmen just i the kind of outfit they need. Have five kinds of mills to select from , either wood or steel , and ask you to call on me and get prices before purchasing. My prices are reasonable. S. MOON , VALENTINE , NEB. C. M. SAGESER , TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving. HOT AND GOLD BATHS. J. C. DWTEK. E. H. DWTER. DWYER BEOS. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Superintendents of A Private Hospital , For the Treatment of Diseases- All Kinds of Surgical Oper ations Successfully Performed. VALENTINE , NEBBAS WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT \ > EGBERT GOOD , Editor and Publisher > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Per Yettr in Advance. PUBLIbllED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at t b e Post-office at Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. This paper will be mailed regularly u to its subeoribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all arrears - rears are paid in full. Count ) rEvents. . Commissioners' meeting May 15. Commencement exercises May 10. Decoration Day May 30. Horse racing in June. Spring Capes at T. C. Hornby's. Did you see T. C. Hornby's silk win- do wv 14 Fence posts for sale at W. A. Petty- crew's. 10 Millet seed for sale at Farnham & Dikeman's. 12 There was a concert at Cornell hall last Friday night. A. C. Reimenschneider was down from Cody , Tuesdays Leona Baumgartel was in town from Crookston , Sunday. Fine line of Mackintoshes on sale at Farnham & Dikeman's. 10 B. F. Felch has sold his ranch to Major W. W. Anderson. Wm. Ferdon , of Brownlee , went up to Chadron Sunday night. New York apple butter for sale at Farnham & Dikeman's. 3-2 Hay , grain and feed bought and sold at W. A. Pettycrew's. 10 E. B. Growden and wife were in town from Brownlee , Saturday. When in town stop at the old Val entine House , Geo. Tracewell , Prop. Geo. Campbell was in town yester day with his blankets and underwear. A fine lot of fence posts for sale. Max E. Viertel , Crookston , Nebraska. Charley Schwalm went to Ainsworth this week to work for Lamberson & Stetter. The contract for building the Pres byterian parsonage will be let the loth inst. A. E. TMacher returned Sunday night from Omaha where he had been for a week. Mr. Nye of the firm o ± Nye & Bach elor , of Kennedy , was in town Tues day on business. The alley west of Cherry street is in bad condition and should be cleaned at once. Fair warning. Will Taylor is clerking in E. Mc Donald's store ; Bon Longland having resigned his position. E. J. Davenport moved into his new residence , recently purchased of Geo. Schwalm , Saturday. E. McDonald has been seriously ill at Crookston this week but is now slowly gaining1 in health. g Mamie McBride , of Rushville in c town visiting with her brother and t the family of Periy Veach. tG Mrs. Chas. Sparks gave a party at her home Saturday evening in honor of her sister , Mrs. J. W. Spirk. H. A. Dawson , of the firm of Dawson - son & Ball of this county , was down from Pine Ridge Saturday. Mrs. J. W. Spirk is in town this g week from Neligh , visiting- with her S sisters. Mesdames Chas. Sparks and T. C. Hornby. f ti You get the best insuranc e from a the Nebraska Mercantile Mutualand , Farmers' Mutualand , at a lower rate. I. M. Bice , asrent. 10 S ] fi Gen. Stanton had the misfortune to : fall down stairs in Omaha last week but fortunately sustained slight injury so jury from his mishap. . I A. M. Morrissey and Cal Francis I d were initiated in the mysteries of } a Woodcraft at the meeting last night , ii The goat was in fine shape and did b his duty. ii Closing Out Sale , We will commence at < mee to close out onr entire stock at cost , and conlmne nntil all is sold. Stiiiard & Weeks. \ It is said the U. P. will build an ex tension from the main line to Chad ron. ron.D. D. A. Campbell , clerk of the su preme court , was in town Sunday and visited G. W. Hervey's ranch near Crookston. Geo.Tracewell has opened the hotel near the court house and requests all to give him a call. He promises a | squar.e meal and hospital treatment. John A. Harmon , one of the lead ing democrats and lawyers of O'Neill , was in town yesterday and is now in the north part of the county on busi ness. J. L. Dawson , who is putting in a store at Oak Creek , on the reserva tion , was in town last Friday super intending the moval of supplies to his place. Wm. Steele was called to Gordon Saturday by a telegram saying that his wife , who went there to attend the funeral of her sister , Mrs. Dix. was seriously ill. Ben Brave , the full blooded Sioux who spoke here last Fourth of July , delivered an address at the Episcopal church Sunday morning , to a large audience. Rev. Bates held regular church services in the morning and evening. Geo. Tracewell leased and opened the Valentine House to the pub lic this week. Mr. Tracewell furnish ed the house newl } * throughout and intends running a first-class $1.00 per day house. We predict the new land lord success. L. W. Russell , representing the large Milwaukee clothing factory of Friend Bros. , was in town Tuesday. This is the house that made Milwau kee famous as a clothing market and has always been noted for the super ior fit and finish of their garments. The Rev. J. C. Sloan .and son John were in town Tuesday and filed on a couple of homesteads in the western part of the county , where they will go into the stock business. We are glad to note that Rev. Sloan will be come a citizen of this county , and hope he and his son will have com plete success in their new venture. J. A. Hooton has moved into the old Harris restaurant , opposite the Donoher , and still retains the name of Valentine House for his hotel busi ness. He also retains his old set of boarders , and if good rooms and fare are any criterion he will soon add many more to his list. His present location is even better than the old one , and his new rooms ra the White property are far superior to the old. Dick Pratt was in town Tuesday from southwest of Cody with the F scalps of an old grey bitch wolf and seven pups. The old one was a monster - i ster in size and had killed at least five horses prior to her capture in : Dick's trap. The young ones had scarcely gotten their eves open when caught , but the bounty on them was : the same as on the old one $4 each. The dog belonging to this family has sprung five traps for Dick and es v caped , but it is only a question of t time until he will be captured. c ; Bros. Burleigh of the Star-Journal and Miles of the Home Rule came up from Ainsworth Sunday afternoou to ii see the writer and complete the program - d gram for the coming meeting of the s ; Elkhorn Vallev Editorial Association , c : As Ainsworth is a "dry" town we took the boys to the mill pond as soon as they arrived in town , and later . walked them up the hill on the other side of the classic body of water referred - ° ' ferred to. To say that they were en- hanted with Valentine , its people , resources and surroundings , and were taken with the town that we had w iiard work to get them in bed before laylight. We fixed up the program IK ill right , though , and if the meeting d < June is not a success it will not be tl aecause Valentine inspiration is lack-1 tl .ng. a ] cj-oocto- ab-ua/ncel Before - Buying - Elsewhere G-ENEKAL MERCHANTS H Our spring line is now complete. "We are better pre pared to fill the wants of customers'than ever before COMPETITION DEFIED Our prices are mao'e on the lowest cash basis. Prac tical tailoring in connection. All work guaranteed D , Stinard , Clothier. Wide Tire Wagons Are acknowledged to be the best and to meet the grown ) " * demand I ordered and HAVE JUST EECEIVED A CAE LOAD In addition to this I have just received a car of "WIND MOTOR" WIND MILLS "Which I am selling very cneaply . Try me before buying anything in my line elsewhere Valentine. Nebraska D. S. Ludwig Wm. Hook , of Cod- , was in town Monday with a car load of horse ; ivhich he was taking- Bassett. Rock : ounty , for Becker & Diegan , of Sioux Dity. Geo. Reinert returned Sunday af ter- loon from Ainsworth from which jlace his two little boys went to Win- : erset , Iowa , with their grand-mother , VIrs. J. G. Moore. Alliance must be an awful wicked own. Revival meetings are being icld in all the churches and the opera louse at the same time in an effort to onvert the natives. The marshal informs us that there rill be no' temporizing with water ihieves : this season. The first person aught stealing will be fined. So will he second , and the third. There were seventy ho mestead fil- njjs at the United States land office uring the month of April. Who ays people are not coming to this ountry ? O'Neill Frontier. Married , at hotel de Blue. Thurs- ay morning , May 4 , 1899. Judge Sul- Lvan officiating , Mrs. M. M. Sheifer f Toledo , Ohio , and Mr. C. E. Davis f Brownlee , Nebraska. Ainsworth ournal. Judge ( ex-Senator ) Wm. V. Allen , ho exchanged benches with Judge I Festover this week and has been olding court in Chadron , has made a eeper and stronger impression upon hose in and about the court room tian before , and that impression was Itogether favtorable. Chadron 2 Notice Notice is hereby given that I have filed with the Clerk of Cherry county , Nebraska , : i petition accompanied by a bond duly tested , said peti tion praying that a license may be issued to me to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors in the village of Cody. Cherry countv. Nebraska , for the ensuing year , and that I will apply to the board of county commissioners for said li cense , May 15,1890. 13 FKAK MOGLK. F M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTOR Valentine , Nebraska Practices in District Court and U. S. Land Office. Real Estate and Kanch Property bought and sold. Bonded Abstractor. FOR HORoES D CATTLE We sold 200 pounds in 20 days. Try it. 75b Boxes , 50c 12ft Bags , 75c DRUG STORE