Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, April 27, 1899, Image 7

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    Metzger 13ros.f
Pullman Neb
Cherry Co.
Brand on left
anr. tliii-'li
southern hnuxlcrt
cattu- have iiit ono
liair-diainoiid K" 01
left side
Nut ive cattle liiv : <
Run on Gordon and
Horses have same brand on left thigh
A Itcicuril of flfiSO will IIP n-ilii tnn
tnS ! and
or persons steu-
1'ostolTice address
Allen H D
On loft shedder : and
baron side ; horses
same on thigh
0 eek
ValeMino , Neb
Rrandcd on rijrht
side ; horsessame
of valentine on
the Niobrara
Joseph W. Hownet
P. O. address
Mernman , Nebr.
Right ear cropped
Hole in center of lett
car Range Lake creek
S. 1) .
Joe Vlondrav
rody. Nebraska
Left side. Left ear
V on left shoulder of
Charles Benard
Rosebud S. D.
Range Rig While
and Rad Rivers
Charles C. Tackett
RoseMii-J , = ! . D.
Range head of Ant -
t ' | oiK- near it , Marvs
Horses braiidH
on left thigh
Peter Vloiidray
Rosebud. S. D.
side. Left ear
Horses branded
Raime Little White
Rivvr. at mouth of
Cedar < 'reek.
Louis J. Kichards
M ( rrlinan. Neb
Gorsnch Bros.
Newton , Nebrnka
Cattle branded
as on cut
ft side or hi |
Ranee on ( loruoIT
Louis F. Kichards
Meiriman Neb
Henry Pratt
Rosebud S. D.
Left side
Horses same on
left shoulder
Deerhorn clip on
some cattle )
John Ui'Oorj
Rosebud. S. D.
Some branded ID
417 on left side
Horses .ID on left
Kange in Meyer Co
on Antelope Creek
Tliomas Farren
Rosebud. S. D.
ID 1183 either Ml
side or hip
Range head of
Marqnardt & Rowlus
Mcri'iman Neb
Cattle brand OM on
i ihoiildcr Some
[ of cattle have various
joiner brands OS on
[ left hip. Horse hra'd
A on left shouldci.
R-tiiiM1 - Formerly
( ( Jeo vv Jlonnier
'ranch 5-miIes ca < t of
'M'-rriinan. from F.E.
& M. V. R. K. south to LeanMer Creek. Mari -
- i
Alex Marrivall
Pine Itidge , S D
Cattle Branded a
on ( tut and In-low on
either side F.crml
.swallwlork on leit
S-M and , -r > p right
Hor.sc 1 rarid * as
below < m lefr
or hip
. orses
Marshall & Wolfendeu
Kennedy , Neb.
Some s on the left
Horses S on left
Brand is small
Earmark Quarter
clip behind , half 2ir-
cle forward on leit ear
Range Lone Tree
I. T. Richardson.
Kennedy. Nebn
on left
Horse ? on
left shoulder
\Villiam M. Dunbar
Les.see from Heine & Kroeger
Cody Neb
Either side
Als * pnOJol'
Left eai oi cattle
Ran-ie lied : oHaj
i 'n'ek
Amelia Young.
< 'ody , Nebraska
A Y On right siJe.
Itight ear split
Range , Little
White river
'If '
Pcder 'i t.f rsen.
On right side ; * 01
right hip. lior.s <
brand and T on
riclit shoulder
Alco cattle hrande > 4
I , * on left side
Range , fowl mile.-
south of Irwin
IliMirv Young ,
Cody , Nebraska
Horse brand SHY
on left shoulder
Cattle , right ear
Ramie , Little
White river , S. D.
Stotts & Stetter.
Branded on left side
iUnge. Tin Can Lake
uid Morgan Flats
D 0. Nelson.
Cody. Nei > rar.ki.
On right hip.
Range. Medicine
. ake to the
Snake river
Ilutt Brothers.
Jordon. Nebraska
Jaiige.M miles north
if Gordon.
F. C. Duerl'ellt , Manager.
Gordon , Nebraska
Cattle also branded
< H > on right hip
Horses and mule1-
. .randfd same as cm
on left shoulder
J. C. Jordan
Gordon , Nebraska
) nc bunch branded
is on cut on left side
One bunch branded '
C I. on left hip
Horses J on left
Hange. 10 miles
iotiThw-st of Gallop ,
etween Niobrara
md Snake rivers
George F Damon
Albany. Neb
Cattle branded
FI > on left ribs or :
ritiht shoulder ; S1 >
FD on right hip and lft l
ribs ; Con left hip
II orses F Dor SI ) on
right shoulder
Kauge 7 mi north
east of Albany Neb
Agent for Pasteur
Black Leg Vaccine
Joseph Fickel
Gordon Neb
Horse brand
eft shoulder
Itange 10 ni'les
lortheast of Gordon
Wheeler Bros.
Cody Neb
Also 18 on right
Range Chamberlain
Flats aud Snake
Several head of horses and cat ;
tle , branded
< ommtHttionci'H' 1'i'oceeiiingn. ,
VALENTINE , Neb. . April 17. ' 99-
? Board of county commissioners met
; as per adjournment. Present : W. A.
I'arker , Oiisiirmjin , T P Spruit and L.
II Trcnvbridge
On motion the resignation of Ilinm
McNumee as road overseer in district
number lo was accepted.
On motion Samuel Hail was appoint
ed overseer of district number lo.
On motion the following bonds won1
approved :
Samuel Hail , overseer Dist. No. 15
" " " 35
Win. Shelbourn
William Body " " " 51
" " ' 56
K. Beldmg
P. C. Galloway " " " 29
John II Saulassessor , Pleasant Hill Pre
J. A. Saalts , u Enlow
On motion Daniel Truax was grant
ed a refund of $20.58 , same having
been erroneously assessed in school
district number 88.
On motion the report of county
uperintendent of fees received for 1st
juarter , 18UD , was accepted.
On motion the contractors bond of
Wrought Iron Bridge Co for construct
bridge across Xiobrara river , wa-
On motion the petition of Chas
Pavlik for road buUveen sections 23
nd 24 in township 35 , range 30 ,
laid over to next meeting.
On motion Michael Mosie was grant
ed a refund for 30 cents , reason , wa -
assessed in two precincts in 189G.
On motion petition of II F. Barkei
to have public road established between
Cherry and Keya Paha counties was
rejected. 1
On motion the claim of Geo. A.
Camm as road overseer in district 21.
for $20.75 was allowed on county road
fund and warrant , less delinquent ptT-
sjnal tax , ordered drawn.
On motion the claims of G. M. Lynn
and L. M. Sautell were allowed and
applied upon delinquent personal taxes
prior to 1897.
G M Lynnjuror April term , GO § 10 30
L M Sautell " " " 20.00
On motion the following claims were
applied upon delinquent personal taxe * . .
Oeo A Camm 10 61 G M Lynn 10 30 :
LM Sautell 2000
On motion the board entered into a
contract with W T Misencr , architect ,
in the sum of $300 for plans and specifi
cations for the new court house to be
Whereupon the board adjourned to
April 18 , 1899.
April 18. Board met as per adjourn
incut ; members all present.
On motion board proceeded to view
rTanson bridge on complaint of Chris
On returning board instructed road
jverseer to secure help , necessary ma-
erial , and repair the bridge.
On motion the clerk was ordered to
ulvertise for bids for building court
louse in the Republican , WESTERN :
N'EWS-DEMOCRAT and State Journal , .
jidstobe opened Mondu } ' , AJa > 15 ,
1899 , at one o'clock p. m.
There being no further business the
joard adjourned to May 15 , 1899. .
County Clerk.
A Joplin , Missouri paper says that a
voman preacher at that place recently
stopped in the middle of a discourse
md picking up a Bible said she was go- .
mr to throw it at a man \vhj was un- ]
'uithful to his wife. As she > ire\v her
irui forward every man in the church ,
nit one ducked under the seat. After
jivin.f the mun , who stood without
liuching , a good puff , as the news
apers called it , she learned that he
vas a deuf mute. The revelation was
little discouraging until the dodgers
ixplained that they had seen a woman
rhrow a stone at a hen and knew
nighty well that she could not hit the
'ellow she was throwing at , and dodged
is a matter of nece.ssity , not of con-
At a meeting of the citizens of Val-
mtine , for the purpose of passing
esolutions of respect on the death of
Colonel John M. Stotsenburg" of the
st regiment , Nebraska volunteers ,
kV. 11. Towne was elected chairman
md W. F. A. Meltendorff. secretarv.
: . H. Cornell , W. E. Haley and J. C.
Pettijohn were elected a committee
m resolutions , which reported as fol-
ows , viz :
Whereas ; The dispatches announce the death
if CokmelJohu M. Stotsenburg. 1st Nebraska
oluuteers , gallantly leading his regiment in
attic , and
Whereas. Colonel Stotsenburg , by virtue of )
ervice at Fort Niobrara , as first lieutenant and ) >
egimeutal quartermaster. Sixth U. S. Cavalry , >
lecaine well and favorably known to our citizens
md by his generous manly conduct endeared )
n'niself 10 many , therefore be it
RESOLVED ; Uv the citizens of Valentine.tbat 7
ve deeply and sincerely deplore his death , but >
hat while we do most deeply deplore his death , >
ve feel proud that he. a representative of \ m eri
an soldiery died so gloriously vindicating )
American valor. >
HKSOLVED ; That Mrs. Siot eiiburg and two >
laughters parents , brother nnd bisters , are
icreby extended our most sincere sympathy aud
ondolence. '
llKsoi/VK.n ; That a copy each of these resolu- j
ions be sent to the widow , i arcnts , head , ,
inartnrs , 1st regiment Nebraska volunteers , and !
th U S. Cavalry , and tbat they be published in ,
he local p pers. C. TI. COH.NKLL "
Com l W. K It ALKY
* -J , O.
- = t- . . Out for Congress.
For a long linio- friends of the editor
; ; h ? various 'parts of the sixth congressional -
ional district have urged him to run
for congress , but up to this time ho has
always said nay. An article in the
Ru-hville .Standard of la > t wr-ek has
however caused him to change his
mind , and he now places himself in the
hands of his friends , and will await the
action of the conventions which will
name W. L. Greene's successor. Judge
Westover has withdrawn fronrthe r.ice ,
Mike Harrington has said he will not
accept the nomination , and we are told
Judge Ilarbaugh is after something
else. This leaves the northern part of
the district without u candidate , and
because the editor believes with the
Standard that the next nominee should
ome from this section of the state if I
possible , he announces his candidacy. !
In doing this he realizes the fact that i 1
he lays himself open to the charge of
ollice seeking , but jis ho has never be
fore sought a nomination or appoint
ment of a political ch iracter and never
ran for oflice , he believes that charge Jo j
be of no weight against him. He is
now a democrat , and always has been ;
he never changed his political belief ; he
is a young man , and is not untangled
with any political clique or ring ; he has
no capital backing him , and if nomi
nated and elected would h ive no interests - I
ests to serve except those of hs ; con |
stituents. His position upon questions j
of the day is .veil knoAM to bj orih > '
dox so far as politics is concerned , and j
the files of his paper ever since the
memorable campaign of " 9(5 ( are cited in
proof of this.
This may be a novel method of cam
paigning for a nomination , but he
iloes't believe in dark horses , and has
nothing to conceal. He is a newspaper
man and believes in the power of the
press and to the newspapers especially
ic appeals for support.
Married , Tuesihir evening" . April 2-j.
5. D. Clarke , of this place , and Miss
Vlaitha Carlisle , of Rosebud. S. U.
flie ceremony was performed by the
-lev. J. C. .Sloan , in the presence of a
e\v intimate friends in the parlors of
fne Donohcr.
The above is one of the most pleas-
u bits of news we have learned in a
on time , and scores of our readers
vill be as glad to learn it as we were.
tfany had thought Ed invulnerable to
he shafts of Cupid , but if they knew
lis wife they would not wonder at his
inal surrender. A ladof pleasing
orm and feature , endowed with ex-
leptional mental abilitv , and a thor-
mghly good woman. "Mrs. Clarke is a
relcome addition to Valentine soci-
ty , which prides itself upon its at-
ainments. For live vears the bride
las been field matron of the Rosebud
chools. coming to Rosebud from To-
icka. Kansas , and her resignation
torn that position will be received
reluctance. The groom we all ;
no\v , this having been his home for
.bout 14 years , and all of us have at
east one small warm corner in our
icarts for him. He served our people
\vo terms as prosecuting attorne } ' ,
.nd last fall made a harder race for
he place than any other republican
could have made. A brilliant attor-
IQV. possessed of a happy facult- for
making friends , and endowed with
uany goods traits in heart , mind and
nclination. we believe he will make
good husband. We always advised
d. to get married , and now that he
ias done so we wish him and his wife
n unlimited amount of happiness and
irosperitj- .
Mr. Clarke has rented the Holsclaw
iroperty on Cherry street , and soon
s Mrs. Clarke settles her affairs at
losebud the happy couple will be at
ionic to their many friends.
Somebod3T's going to get into trou-
ile if thejr don't cease violating the
rater ordinance.
< : : lier.S.fov'tI'rinrijr ; ! O
MlJitt1 , Hie I * . S. StiiuviiH' n
( > llt , iill the Mill * ' MlX
-'oiirtsniiliit ucirT
y : 11 the M'hoolljooi.s.
' y Mr.to Suponiitcr.ilciits
i I - llOOlSf ( . ' ( illepC' 1'H'Si-
(1 nts.ii : ! li'tlicrLlit < 4itois
auuctitliouiiiiiiulier. ; .
i-i Hie liousehoM , ami in
Ihe teacher , wholai , j io- v
ii-ssioiial man , : iml selt-
It is easy 'o find the v/ord wanted.
It Sj eay to ascertain the pronunciation.
It is eay to truce the growth of a word.
it is easy to learn v/hat a -orcl means.
Tim C lilcaga Tltnes-IIcrfiltl says :
\v < ; 5 ' 'sl"t' r-'ii n. > n" ! ' '
f"i-i ; < : "solr. ! ? n > iti ! < irityon
i it ! > i' ! 11 :111 : 11 ia tlif U.TV < d ortluiiifiiphv.
! . -f : > V. tyiniil'i v. ninl Ii-iinitl'iii. Ironi It
t.i--i < ! " . ] > i'il. : H is ! . > > i > "rlccta-i human i-lfurt
: ; . ! . ! .i : : > -s1.ip ( : ! ! luKcit.
. ' - . jicciniPii pages sent on applicalion to
f : . . .CC. . MJSKRTASrCO. , rublialiers ,
3priagfiol < 1 , Mass. , U. 8. A. < ?
- g
P ° not.be . deceived O
in buying small soO
called " V/ebster's Dictionaries. " All 9
r.ullieiiticnltridirnientsof tlielntenintinnal 9
in the variout Hines lienr ( iur trado-inark on
the froit rover as shown in the cuts.
Anything in the line of Clothing ,
! 4 ?
i 49 Hats or Caps , Boots or Shoes ,
! I 1 ?
i i Staple or Fancy Groceries ,
; i 4 ? Stoneware , Dry Goods
; W w
i * *
il j ' Notions , Salt Meat , Grain or Feed , i
4 ? Be sure to call and get prices at
4 ?
4 ?
Or the Imy if 3-011 can't come your
self. Just make a note of what you want.
The little folks can trade here jis conven
iently as the sharpest lawyer that's be
cause \ve have but one price for everybody
and everything , and that is the LOWEST
Come and be convinced
-iVeara Agents for FasCfrookstOIl ,
teurs IJiaekKgacuinu
I have established a Feed and Saw
i ) miles south of Cody , at the mouth of
Medicine Canyon , and am now prepared
to grind Feed , Corn Meal and Cruliam ,
cr turn out all kinds of Lumber and di
mension suiir. and Native Shingles
Give us a trial order.
31 ill I'flt'CM for
3rnn , bulk 50c per cwt $9-00 ton
ihorts bulk GOc per cwt $11.00 ton
creenings 40c " § 7.00 "
'hop Feed 70c " f ; 13.00 "
'urn tjoc "
j.ts 1 00
North-\VestcM-n Lino' itihc fust
t < and from the
The Gre.itest Egg Producer on Earth
Mnkes hens lay all winter and is absolutely
drouth proof. iScmn-ittiH' t ow ( ' ( IN ,
a gr.i'id new Northern Variety , matures in
! in dajs- pro .luces great erop < of hay and 15:1 :
wonderful fertilixer. ! > V < ' only . } J/ . .7 I
\\ilt bt-nd postage paid enougb p.-ns to ] ) lant
an aere und eiiniigh pepper ! < eed to produce
* CO 0 wort h ot peppe1 s and seed I5y freight
I \\iil send the IVas : > ! ; d J'epiers. al > o Econ
omy Harness and Belt Mender , a large bottle
o lr < iraio' : Coush and Ividnev Halm and a
Quart of " ! : .irly Yellow Queen" Corn. S it-
Maction guaranteed Supply limited Order
QUICK and mention this paper
California ,
and Builders
Voodwork of all kinds promptly
and carefully done
S17J .3MSS.O
mlr m w mS Qmt E3 iilh
Vnd repairing made a specialty
Shop at residence- opposite the
School House.
Crive us a Trial
I'ostoftice a dre
Lrownlec , Neb
Hrnuded on Ither
side same as on cut
also both jaws
J. C.
Merriman , Xeb
Kange between Irwin -
win aud Merriina1) ,
south of railroad
Hugh Boviil , Manager
Mcrriman Neb
Al o
Ab on lett Bide or
Uange north of KIj
Charlotte E Hovill
Icrriman Neb
Left side or hip
Range north of Eli
Park er fc Son
P O Addre-s
L.V Parker
Keige. Neb
15 and same as cut.
Also ZF
Ianie on Niobrara
south of Crookston
11 A. McQuade.
Valentine. Neb
Branded on either
Kange between
Timelier and Swan
13 P. . Teeter ? Bros.
Newton , Xeb.
Horses same on
left shoulder
Ilantre between
the Gordon and the
J. A. Adamson.
Valent'ne. Xeb
On Irt side or hp
left side or hip
On le.ts do
Rangoon Niobr.ira
Newman Bros. & * * u
Cody , Nebraska
On point le4ihoul -
er. Also > on
Also w' on left
une on left h'i' '