FLATO COMMISSION COMPANY LIVE STOCK SALESMAN AND BROKERS IMrertorx : Salesmen : F. W. FLATO , Ju , President. ED. II. KKID PAUL FLATO , Vice President. Jm S. IIoiiN , J. C. DAHLMAN. Secretary. E. W. CAJIOW , Hog Ssilesma1 JOHN D.SEITZ. HUGH HITCHCOCK , Sheep " Ep. ) II. HIED , JOHN P. CLARY , Cashiei SOUTH OMAHA , NEBRASKA Correspondents : DRUM-FLATO COMMISSION COMPANY Capital $500,000.00. CHICAGO. KANSAS CITY. ST. LOUIS RTQCK EXCHANGE EESTAUEANT. OPEX DAY AND NIGHT. E. T. MILLEB , Proprietor. LODGING FOR" STOCKMEN NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS' 2623 K STREET , South Omaha. Three Doors From Corner RATES : $1.00 to § 1.50 Per Day. Telephone No. 67 85.00 to 67.00 Per We k. R ID HOTEL. MRS. JOHN RKED , Proprietress. STOCKMEN'S PATRONAGE ESPECULLY SOLICITED , ! 5thSt. Betweej L andStreets. Soatli Omaha , Nebr A Few Facts For Cattle Dealers. It lias * been demonstrated in the pa t that Stands at top as a market for Range Feeders Yon can satisf } ' yourself as to the truth of that starement by comparing the saies at Sioux City , last year , with those at any other competitive market. You can also ask your neighbors who have sold cattle at Sioux City. This year Sioux City is in the field for fat cattle " tle as well as feeders. The" great beef slaughtering plant of the Cudahy Packing Co. is ready for business The capacity of the Stock Yards has been greatly increased and you will find excellent facilities for handling your business. No charges , except for feed ordered if your cattle are not sold on our market The Sioux City Stock Yards Co. JOHN II. KEENE , General Manager. Millinery and Ladies' Furnishing Goods CALL AND GET PRICES. COHA GILLETT. COX , J COX LIVESTOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOUTH OMAHA , NEBRASKA Room 108 Exchange Etlilg. References : ' NATIONAL ONION STOCK YABDS PACKERS' NATIONAL BANE BANK. Telphone 141 Nebraska Feeders and can always neat Omaha prices to We have a large clientage among Ranch customers TF NOTIFIED BEFOKE SHIPMENT. MRS , HARRIS BOARDING HOUSE AND BAKERY , Fruits * and * Confectionery Meals at all hours , Price , 25 cent. First door South of Valentine Bank , 4 4 43 ? ? The DONOHER tote tote tote Is continually adding improvements and it is now the tote best equipped , and most comfortable to 4 ? FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL tote tote to 4 ? IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA tote 4 ? Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Room * 49 QHERRY QOUNJY Valentine , Nebraska Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking Exchange bought and sold. Loans upon good security solicited at reaaonabli "Crates. County depository. - . J. SPARKS , President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier < . WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT EGBERT GOOD , Editor and Publisher I Jfve don't got n rain pretty soon everybody will have to turn democrat and take his whiskey .sliaight. I County politics are 1 eginning to open ! up , and if you want anything now is the time to announce vonrself. ' Fine words butter no parsnips. " This paper is tired of supporting people ple who do nothing to support it. Cornell was vindicated ; Edmisten is fired ; Poynter is governor , and the re publican press is without a slate issue. Of one thing at least the lion. John Shore can always be proud of in his career as a legislator he never voted for the ill-advised resolutions of cen sure of Colonel Stotsenbnrg. Tlio Ord Quiz begins to fear the factional fijrht of the republicans will disrupt the part ) and in its last issue makes an eloquent appeal for harmony. And 3'et they would have us believe all is serene in the g. o. p. camp. Between the accommodating Judge Westover and Judge Allen the east end of this judicial district is being filled very satisfactorily , even if Judge Kin- kaid is afraid of losing votes by acting in his official capacity. 0'Xeill Inde pendent. J3ro. Kerns , of the Chadron Xcws , seems to think that no good can result from the editorial meeting at Ains- worth in June. Kerns is like the old fellows who thought no good could come our of Nazareth. Come down , brother , and get converted. It will do you good. With the use of oidinary judgment at the conventions there is no reason why the demopops of this county should not elect their entire ticket this fall. All canvasses for nominations should be marked with good natnie. and everybody should prepare to .sup port the nominees. The disastrous ex periment of ' 97 should not be repeated , hence all squabbling for place should be discountenanced. Only a short time ago the adminis tration organs were publishing statis tics by the column , but we have not as yet noticed the following figures in any of them. Our exports last month de creased $8,130,523 as compared with the same month last year , and our im ports increased $11,411,017. For the nine months ending March 1 , our ex ports increased only $12,000,000 while the imports increased almost § 4o,000- 000 , and the trade balance is $22,727.- 6215 less for the nine months than it was for the same period last year. At this j time we rise to ask where the Dingley bill is at ? As a fair sample of the insults being daily hurled at those who are opposed to the administration's "criminal ag gression" ' in the Philippines , the fol lowing from the State Journal is given : "The insurgent Tagals would long since have laid down their arms and surrendered to General Otis , had it not been for the false information conveyed to them by these copperheads , that the sympathies of the American people were with them. " The republican party has been lost since the "bloody shirt" went out of style in politics , and now they roll the words "treason , " "copperhead , ' ' 4'Val- landinghams , " "Knights of Golden Circle , " etc. , like sweet morsels under their tongue. The administrationists are getting hot under the collar , at the mess their leaders have put them in , and some of them are apt to swell up and burst before long. One year ago Tuesday , April 23,1898 , the country was full of enthusiasm , and volunteers by the hundred thousand were ready to offer themselves to fight for the liberty of Cuba. War was de clared on that da } ' , and soon a vast army was organized and men all but fought to join the boys in blue. Spain was whipped , and the country lejoiced over a speedy return of the soldiers , but this was not to be. Flushed with victory , and with appetite whetted by the annexation of Hawaii ( which was accomplished not by force but by trick- en- ) the administration reached out for more territory , and the Philippines were bought ( ? ) from Spain , who did not own them. Without consulting the inhabitants we proceeded to make ourselves at home , and a war more disastrous than that with Spain is the result. It will end in American victory but at what a price. And why should we want victory ? Is America proud of her conduct in the Philippines ? Tears of pride fall for the boys who died fighting in Cuba : tears of sorrow fall for the dead in the Philippines. The soldier in one inland is as heroic as he of the other , but one'fights because it is a soldier's duty , and the other bemuse - ( muse he was on a mission -for GCK ! - hordes ure slowly but surely : nl\anc- ff in price. If Montana were a counirywhere ex cessive moisture is ever a subject cf unfavorable comment , the present week would challenge such comment. Sour weather with rain and a snowfall aggregating nearly a foot are the chief mentionabk things concerning the weather. Elites City Journal. The ollicers of the South Dakota Stock Association for this year are : President C. K. Howard. Smithville : vice president II. A. Dawson. Pine Uidge : secretary and treasurer- . M. Stewart. Buffalo ( Jap. Executive com mittee : W. D. Driskill. J. T. Craig , W. J. Barclay , G. E. Lemmon. E. Ilolcomb. A. T.tddekin , Ed Stenger , ( \ M. Lamson , I. 13. Irwin , W. W. An derson , F. H. IIuss. The experience of Texas cattlemen during the unusually long and severe winter through which they have just passed will be of great advantage to them in the future. It is not likely that any cattleman able to procure feed will ever hereafter try to i ass through a winter without it. after witnessing the fact that providing it hist fall has saved from drath so nianv thousands of cattle. Even in the mildest of winters liberal supplies of feed can be used profilabh. Texas Stock Journal. The Mill.- , Cil.Montana. . Stock Growers'Journal fc.iys ih . ' loss in the calf crop there this \ear his already be come considerable and advises ih t such losses could be obviated to u very great extent hereafter by keeping the bulls away from herds of cattle until July , in order to pre\cMit cows from calving until the grass , has started and the weather become settled. Very much of the February loss in Texas was among cows with young calves and cows heavy with calf. Later matings would have prevented many such losses. The live stock sanitary boards of Kansas and -Missouri have jointly agreed upon a uniform system of the inspection of cattle for transportation from one state to the otner. Hereto fore the quarantine regulations of the two states have differed and an inspec tion certificate from a Kansas inspector would not be valid in Missouri and vice versa , under the new rules , which are more rigid than those that have hereto fore prevailed , but which have the ad vantage of uniformity , a certificate is sued by an inspector of the one state will be accepted in the other. According to Hon. John F. Iluflin , United States consul at Anuncion , Paraguay , that country offers brilliant inducements to cattle raisers. He says : ' Cattle raising offers a vast field for the employment of capital , the profits of which may be calculated at from 20 to 25 per cent per annum. The num ber of cattle at present in Paraguay is estimated at 4,000,000 , while its camps are capable of sustaining 50,000,000. The value of the cattle could be in creased threefold by croosing with imp - p rted stock. From the superior quali ty of Paraguayan grass it has been well established that its beef is superior even to that of Argentina. " The experimental shipments of frozen meat from San Francisco to the Ha waiian and the I hilippine islands have given such excellent satisfaction that an immense traffic is confidentally look ed for by California and Nevada cattle men. In Honolulu the California meat has grown steadily in favor. The beef on the island is scarce and inferior in quality to that from California. Large quantities lately shipped there in re frigerator boats have ready sale among the islandc-s. Two davs before the arrival of one of the California steamers - ! ers the people cease buying the home j product , preferring to wait for the California meat. San Francisco Chron-1 icle. ii i i The Sturgis Record learns that Hank Smith , who is wanted for cattle stealing , has been apprehended in Tennessee , and is being held there to await the icv.ard. The cattle association has ! $400 reward offered for him , and Mead county added .s2UO some time ago , but there is a question as to whether the latter will hold now. The cattle were driven from here to Alliance. Nebraska , and shipped from there. It is said that the gentleman is also wanted for care lessly driving stocK off from the Pine Ridge Indian reservation-and if this is true the United States will take care of him to save local expense. This will give him about twenty years. Northwestern - western Stockman. i T 2 JC T T GEO. G. SOHWALM , PROP. Tiiis market ahvuys l\f p- ; supply of j. \ \ ' 3 - I u In addition to a first-class line of SteKoast : * , Dry Snlt Aleuts Smoked Hams , Urcakfast I3ac : i and Vegetables Siatyr'B Old Stand on Main Street. VALENTINE , NEBRASKA * -f 3 ? to tote to j PAT ATP 9AT ( VMSF / /aJLyjf\V OjTLLA./V-'iN 4 ? 49 HEADQUARTERS FOR 49 4 ? WL ! SSf LIQUORS AND GIG to Of the Choicest Brands 49 VALENTINE NEBRASKA KJf V For a drop-head machine when you can get a first-class machine for 821.00 by writing to I. H EMERY , Valentine , -Nebr. Highest market price pakl and prompt returns. Reference Omaha National Bank. F. S. BUSH & COMPANY. 513 South 10th St. , OMAHA , NEB We charge no commission. D. 13. CORXfHjL. President. 31. V. SICHOLSOS , Cashier NTIN Valentine , Nebraska. A General Iaiikin v ISusinessTraiisactcd 15uys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Correspondents ; 3henical ! National Hank , New York. First National Bank. Omalia Nebr Us P Ss' IT 0 H W Exc8Ssive Freights siss detail Profits , cs2 = Ess = s = ss We carry in stock at Omaha the largest line of Implements , Waprons , Baggies , Harness , Tjintlijiir Twine , Bicycles , Sewing Machines , Stov ? and Ranges , Paints , Oils , etc. , and 'everything at DELIVERED FREE AT OMAHA. If you haven't a Catalogue be sure and send 4c quick to pay part postage. You can save 10 to 40 percent on everything you use In our line. Address THE WESTERN MERCANTILE GO. 10tli and Fnriiam , Oninlia. UAE&KOWs .t House that Saves Yru Sionsy. " If You Want to Buy or Sell Lne Stock , make your wants known to the Cherry Co , Live Stock Exch. Valentine , Nebr , THE PIONEER STOCK FARiVl Mammoth .Spanish Jacks , Poland China and Chester White Hojr > , , riymoiith llock Chickens and GALLOWAY CATTLE REGISTERED BULLS FOR SALE J. H.MCALL1STER Ioy. Holt Uo. , Sobr. Feed in Transit at Fremont Capacity : Sheep , covered sheds , 2-i cars : open pens , 1.3,900. Caitlc 28 cars The jjlace to rest and feed for the Omaha market. Easy run to feeding points out side Chicago. O Long distance telephone' . "Write or wire when von will ar rive , tj - Fremont Stock Yards Co Th e SALOON Golden Sheaf Pure White Rye , Susqtiehanna Rye.and Cedar Creek Louisville , Kentucky , Bourbon Whisky. Pure Grape & Cognac Brandy's Wines TokaAngeIlica.PortSherry and Black berry in wood , claret , Riesling , Satiternes. Cooks Imperial ; Gasts and Clicquot in bet tles. Damiana and oth er Cordials. Also Agent for Fred Kings Celebrated Ez ra Pale Eeer for fiinily nse , and Pahts C. H. THOMPSON , THE B 8 s' Win. M. Walters. Prop. - - NEBRASKA.