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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1899)
W. D. alcGAA. ( Jrcston , S. D. Left or cltlicr side of cattlealso V left hidc'ii nrrk. Swal low fork ri , ht ear , uuderbit loll ; right car nubbed off : im- cli-rbit ! pf oir Koine on left jaw and some wattle left jaw Ot ! r-r brands left pidior any part of animal. B TJSJ > ctt siJuor anv part of aniiiial , the follow in , : . left Also some -.ti'e bearing the follow ing brands : Alelt - ' - , X left s .Ie -slioii-uii , \ \ le.t hij > lefl Horse branc- ! > shou ! lows der lull l < II It'll lull lll | ) or thigh thigh tlih. : or thigh , hip. Anj-one s' horses or cattle bearing the above brands will be prosecuted. Information regarding theit liberally lewarded. Range ut uarney sprues and Cottouwood. HKRHER'l O. BISONETTIC. MANAGER. Posl office address Pme Ridge. S. I ) Cattl1 branded as on t , 51 OB onjcft side ; soineUVJT eithersidc : Some on left side ; some older stock. .anywhere ou 3 niiimal. Horses E II aSP I onlefthip nangcSen on n.iles . nori'h- r.T\VKi \ ? ° : > cast of Pine it.dge , in g Shannon Co JOHN GHOST DEAR , MANAGER PostofTice address Pine Ridgf , S. D Cattle branded B C on left hip of cat'lea * on cut : some branded on left side ; also D on left Bide ; horses gameonlett shoulder HaujreYoimded Knee and Wakpain- tut Lake.ShatmonCo. L. C. Peyton. Lavaca , Nebraska. On lL-fi sid . Kange Pole Crcrk. snoirr rioKjr BULLS for sale Geo. H. Hill. Gallop , Nebraska On leftside nange-10 miles 4outh of Merrlman P. W. Pruden. Merriman. Neb. Some branded same as cut ou both unige of rileriiiiian Gco. L. Coleman. Cody , Nebraska On left side ; horses O eft shoulder iiansxe Ten miles west of Snake River FalU Alex Burr. Pullman , Nebr. On right side ; horses same left shoulder. nerd mark-Dow lap Range Brush Lake and South Goo. W. Monnier. f t. Merriman , Nib. Left shoulder and left thighsonc ; : on left hip ; horses - ses same left thigh nange Hast and Southeast jlerrnnan Grant Bixler. Merriman , Neb. Some on left side ; some oa left hip. horses same lef thigh. Range Six milt's Northeast of Merri man. H. E. Sears. Cody , Nebraska Mostly on rlghtbip tome on both hips Range-Medicine Lake S. J. Goodin. Cody , Nebraska Cattle branded as on cut ; horses same. Range North of the Snake C. Evenson. Cody , Nebraska On left side and thigh ; horses nr. . , en left side Range Be'\ccn nakc and NSc. . t.ra. MARTIN RED BEAR. Pea offioe address Pme Ridge , S.D. On left h.di ; ho.'ses " 'same left thlffi. llaugc Wolf Creek. THOMPSON Postofflce Addres ; Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut be hind leftshoulder Range on the r3 Bchlagle O CARSON I'ostofflco Addres- Siuioon Neb Stock branded an left hip aame v.n cut Range , head- unrjcrof the rdilagle D M BEARS TostofEoa address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded a' oncut.leftsldejsome en left hip Horsei same on left sbou ! dor Lake" * " ' MORGAREIDGE and SON os'offlce address Simeon Ne' > Cattle branded ns < > u cut ; or IJ or V D on left hip with hole Hi rght car when uu- ' 'ei'2-yrs old ; horses same as cut and IJ ItniiRo Gordon Cr.'L-k , tud Niobram -Clvcr ALBERT WHIPPLE branded on either shoul ler thus FRANK ROTHLEUTNER PostofTlco address Kilgore. Neb. Cattle branded on cither side as on rnt. same on hip Some on left side VA ROBEIIT BAD WOUND. Postofilce address Allen. S. Left sidealsc ; on loit sidi norse left hip. Riinge Corn Creek T. F. FRANKS. PwStofflce address Mcrrlnmn , Neb. On left side ; ear-mark under slope Horses J S on left shoulder Range ten miles northeast of Merrl- uiau. 3. H. KIMMEL. Rose ) ; d. S. D. Also B U < n left side C.I tie un I- rent on both ears ; horses branded 4 ( n left shoulder Range On Ante lope and Sprin ; L * Creeks Joseph Fail-bead. Lavaca. Neb. loft- side on leit side also saint ro- \ettedonleft thigh ITorses shouldcr iange-Bet\vccn Fair * _ head Lake and Snake river Clarence Cutcomb. Cody , Nebraska. Left side on larg cnttle. On small stock % left side ; K& horses A 4. s left shoulder Range-Southeast o Cutcomb Lake Shadbolt and Fleisbman. Cody , Nebraska Left side ; S F left shoulder ; herdmark- dew lap. jiange nanges 36 and 37 , between Klo- br.ira and the Snake. James Goo'dfellosv and Son. Cody , NebrasK-i On left side ; bor. ses JG right side and mostly on jaw. nance Betwer n the Niol rxra and Medicine Lake. W , H. Carter. Postofflce adddress Cody , Nebraska. ' ! ! it * * > "i , boliiO X T left side , horses T left shoulder SHORT HORX Stock. nange Between Nlobrara end the HORACE WALLTNQFORD Postofflce nddreu Chejterfleld Net Cattle branded ou loft side and htolcft " ear crop- < square ; uome on left tide & on horses brand > _ cd cross an chor on left shoulder. 8 E and A B 2ICALVEY Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded as 'on cut ; horses same on left shoulder Range on Square Lake G TV K1SIB fostofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded as on cut or on hip ; horses same. Some on lettside and bar on hip Range , ' .one Tree Valley FLOYD KI3IE Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left hip or side 01 both Horses with n on left shoulder , Range Busji Lake , Gordon and xorlh ixmp N 8 ROWLEY Pcsiofflce address . Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on 'eft side and hipjhor es on left hhoulderalso ; the on either hip . _ the latter oh ight side Also on on either side Range , Bordman between uend and the Springs & BACHELOR rostofllce address Valentine , Neb Cattlebrandedsame as on cut ; some on left side and hip ; horses same on left shoulder. Cattle r.inge , Gor don and Bordman ; Horse range. Steer Creek , between the Niobrara and Snake D L McLANE i'ostcffice Address Rosebud , S D CatJa branded a cut on either 3ide ; also F L R jud F R Horses branded on left shoulder and cells . , three links " Range mouth of Cottouwood , RED SHIRT r Postofflce Address Rosebud , S D Cattle branded on left side same as cut. Horses brand ed on left shoulder with a K. Rancli In Little White /Mver Dibinct PERRY PARKEn . 'ostofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded ime as cut. Horses , P on left ' . .oulder Range.Mouth ot "crdman CLEMENT \VHIRLINDSOJDIEH Postofflce Address Eoscbud , S D Cattle brand on left hip like cut Horses branded same on left shoul der. Range , on Big White River THEODORE DOYLE \.3tofllce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on ttMdoanfl hip i orses same on left 1 oulder Some ! on left side i Range.Rtish Lake.Gordoa . ' and North KlilK Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left side with both car's cropped square Horses same as cat tle but on leftsboul- der Hta weir's cat tle , alao. U 31 iiaase.Gordon Crcefe Q LADELY ostofflce addrjESs Newton Neb Cattle branded ama as cut or on blp liorsw L on left ink Range , between . .ordon creek and ho Lbup B STONER Fostodloo addreoa Neitfoa. Neb Cattle branded ta on cut Also U on shoulder , woneide , I on hip left side Also C on left law in addition to U B t on side Range o1' Gordon creek and south B WBAYMOND Pr-.toflce Address P.oiebud , S. D Cattle branded loft boulder and hip Horses braudod with only aa 3 OB 't QEOROT : PETT ? Borne A B E left aide and left hip Horses M. on left liipand some same en left shoulder No horpps sold un less brand is invert ed making K Range head ol Whet Stone 31 L T7A-LKT2R Postofrtce Address Simeon Neb Cattle branded or right side ; horses SRineonleftbhoiiI. der. Range , sum rcur. on nj.Kenv or , 4 miles from mouth ; \\inter. * miles south ol SIr.i < enC C W BENNETT Postofflee Address BImcon Neb Stock branded \ ith 7 en left hip also same as cut Range , between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the Niobram river BURLEIGH " 'ostofflce Address Simeon , Neb. Cattle and horses branded same as cut on left side Range between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the Niobrara river JO"3N B LORD Postoffloe Addres Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut bo k of right shoulder and on right hip Range , on the Niobrara REUBEN QUICK BEAR. POD tofflco Address Rosebud B I Cattle oranded sam as cut or on hip Ranch on Blacl Pipe Creelc TODD SMITH. Postofflce Address "Rosebud SD Cattle branded same as cut a Diamond mend T Horses branded .he same. Ranch m \Vluiu Thunder Creek ROBERT FINLAYSON Postofiice addres Newton Neb Stock brands' ' same as cut Range on G ore'o Greek GEORGE DECORY. Postofflce Address Rosebud , S D Cattle branded on left side same as cutHorses Horses branded G D on left hip Ranch on Lone and Antelope creek east of Rosebud BEN BEAUOVIS Postofflce Address Rosebud , S I Stock branded left shoulder three inches long ; side four Incline long1. Brand Fcroril 1 22 vrs , Ranch 01 "lorse Creek B1AY PostoHlco Address Rcsebud , S D Cattle branded on left thigh or blp .same as cut Horses brcnded vime on left sboul- uer TURGEON Pjstofflcc Address Boacstejcl , S E Cattle branded ot- left side same as cu ! and right eaj crop pea. pea.Horses branded T on left shoulder Also with clr cleA TVM. F. SCHMIDT. Postofflce Address Rosebud , 8 , D , Trended sama as on .us or with under UieSrlgtitoar ; slip < \nd dulaped. Horses branded ? ame on left hip ALEX BORDEAUX. PostoCRca Address Rosebud , S I Horses are branded on left thigh ; cattl. on left sldo with hal crop on left ear. Also cat- Top on eer Gustave Ganderson. Cody , Nebraska On left side ; horses I on left shoulder. Range-Between Snak and tba Niobrara JOHN D HAUNAN. tvrtofflco address Brownie * Neb Same us on rut Also and All ba Paneo Qooe Creek and North Loup L K BELDING PostoKo" address Browni Neb On right aide or OnPcftsrde ! i rt hip. Range , CaU Creek j B and E T SMITH PostofHce aadresa Brownlee Neb Cattle and horses on left side ; also horses ses on right side Ranffe.Goose Creek E. R. VANDEGRIFT. Postofflco address Erownlee. Neb. Same as on c v. Range between Goose Creek and North Loup J. M. II ANN A. rostoftlce address Seneca. Neb. Branded as I on cut ; some P on riht hip and some on right hip Kanjrc Calf ; Creek Valley In Cfcer- county E. E. COIR. Postomcoaddres3 Newton , Neb. Cattle branded any where on left side ; horses onleftshoul- der Range , between north prong and North Loup and Gordon Creek JOSEPH KENNEDY. Postofflce address Brownlee , Neb. Cattle and horses branded on left side or hip Range , North Loup R. M. FADDIS. Postofflce address Pass Neb Range , North Loup River I. L. MERCURE. t'ostofficG address Seneca.Neb On right 3 side , or J on either Kange , Southwest ofSeneca P. GRIEH. GRIEH.Postofflce Postofflce address Seneca , Neb. On left h'p Neb.PI On right ir PI left hip ® 8 * Ranje , be tween Seneca a ' Norway on M'ddi- ' Loup B \V PEARSON Fostofllce address Brovrnlee Neb Paine as on cut Horses same on eft shoulder Range , Goose Creek JOHN H SALZMANN Postoffice addres- ig&l Prownlee Neb On left hip. The . herd mark is dew. lap % ifa Range on Goose Creek. FRANK T LEE rostofflce addreis Brownlee Neb Cattle on left side : horses same on left shoulder. Range 4 miles northeast of urownlee GERMAN PcstDCce address Newton Neb Cattle branded elth ersidejhorsps same onleftshoulder.a'so have care ot a son branded SP under lined. Range-North Loup DICK 3MCNALI. PestofCce address Brownies Neb On left sidcand blp also 8 on left hip Range , North Loup" ' # CHARLES H FAUI/3ABB71 < ddrc.s § Jtrouiilee. Nebr Either right or leftside oncatllu Horses .same on telt shoulder Left car cut off ol cattle Uange , Loup riv er HENRY FAULHABnn Postofilce aildreu Brownleo Neb Cattle on left clda Horses same on Sjia \ KICll. \ . shoulder Range , Loup rlre. DAVID STEADMAN Postofflce address Pass , Neb Cattle un left side Has charpof cattle branded i right side' i horses riii . hip Some norseo on left shoul der JOHN CHALOUD Postofiloe nddresi Brownlee , Neb Cattle and horses on right side Range , BlgCree * D B PERKIN3 Postofflce address Halser , Neb Onlefthip 7 ange , Loup River TALBOT < t GALLOP Postofflco addreai Beneca. Neb. Cattle branded oa left side Horses branded on Raoge be- _ tvYeen Middle Louj and DUmal GEORGE GRAY PostofRce address TLeiford.Nebr On left hip " Dr AC on right hip or side Range , Loup and Dismal \ CRONIN BROS. Fostoluce addreM Thedford. Nebr On right sldo Range , between Loup and Dlsn WALT HARDY. Postofflce address Seneca , Neb. Left side on cnttle ; horses , left shoulder ; alee on left side some on right hip GKaau Range.south gsaSai .Middle Loup. JULIUS HECKMAN. Postofilcenddresa , Brownlee. Me * BSEIO as on out Range south of Brownlee M. DUNHAM. Postoillre address Kennedy , Neb Stock branded on left side as on cut. Range Gordon Creek. K GRANT Browrlae Neb On left side P age. Loup RTW ! IRA SPENCER PostofQce address Brownlee Neb Branded on left sldo Usage , CaU Creek and Swan Lake Val ley ORB Pojtoffice adi'.rtss Browialeo Nc- : . On left side Itauge , S-ari I ait J R "WALLINGFORD Postoffloe addjre 3 Kennedy Nefe , Htock branded iameasout on left side Bonje branded with barundlfidi W anywhere on iSl r