FLATO COMMISSION COMPANY. LIVE STOCK 8t LESFvlFN AND BROKE- Director * : Mnlcsnicn : F. W. FLATO , Ju , Pu-sidem. ILD. II. Hum I , , _ , PAUL FLATO , VicePn sidiMit. JIM S. IIoitxc"uK' } ! fc l"n < 7.0 DA \\.rwivlJirv. . E. W. CAIJOAV , U < * n Ic ma11 JOHN U > KiT35. I Iron llm iicocic , shop * Ki > . H. HIKI > , JOHN P CLAUY , Cashier SOUTH OMAHA , NEBRASKA Correspondents : DRUM-FLATO COMMISSION COMPANY Capital $500,000.00. " CHICAGO. KANSAS CITY. T. LOUIS EXCHANGE RESTAURANT. OL'EX D-\Y AND XIGUT. E. T. MILLED , Proprietor. LODGING FOlTsTOCKMEN 4U NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS- 282 Three Doors N From STREET Corner , South Omaha. RATES : $1.00 to § 1.50 Per Day. Telopbone No. 67 85.00 to 87.00 Per \Ve k. R H H OTEL. MRS. JOHN REED , Proprietress. STOCKMEN'S PATRONA&E ESPECIALLY SOLICITED , ' 5tht. . B Uv8G.i \ ind H St-aets. Scatli Omaha , Nebr A Few Facts For Cattle tiers. ft IJJH the i > uit that Stands at top as a market for Range Feeders Von can satisfy yourself ? is to the trtitli of that slnretnent. by coinpMriti rh > s.tit's at , Siosix < ity , hist year , with those at any other competitive market. You can ali-o ask \our neighbors who have sold ru'tlr at .sioux CitThis year 6ioux 'ity is in the. liekl for fat cat tle as well as feeders. L'he great beef slaughtering plant of the Cudahy Packing Co. is ready for business Tiie capacity of the Stock Yards has been greatly increased and you will find excellent facilities for handling your business. N"o ehurjjHS except for feed ordered if your cattle are not sold on our market The Sioux City Stock Yards Co. JOHN IT. KEENE , General Manager. Millinery and Ladies' Furnishing Goods CALL AND GET PRICES. GOBA GILLETT. I LIVESTOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOUTH OMAHA , NEBRASKA Hoom OW F.NChunKe KUls. Jief-ronces : ( JNION , TOCK YA HDP PACKERS' KATIOKAL BAKJ : BAWK. Tolpho : e 141 \VVhu\v a larpM-Iii-nUucanionj : Nebraska Kcedc'-s and can always'neat Oinalm prices to Kaiu-h customers IF NOTIFIED I5KFO1IK SHII'MEXT. a MRS , HARRIS BOARDING HOUSE AND BAKERY , Fruits * and * > Confectionery Meals at all hours , Price , 25 cent , First door South of Valentine Bank , $ I The DONOHER , * * * $ % ] B continually adding improvements and it is now the 5o best equipped , and most comfortable $ TIRST-OLASS MODERN HOTEL * j IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA as Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Room * of HERRY OUNTY ANK Valentine , Nebraska Every facility extended customfirs consistent with conservative bankim Exchange houglit and sold. Loans upon good security solicited at reasonnh rates. County depository. E. SPARKS , President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier WESTERN HEWS-DEMGG3AT . EGBERT GOOD , Editor and Publisher I Joint T. Mall.-jlieu of Kearneyformer i , of the industrial j superintendent state j ; \ ; school j , has been notified by Senator ; Thur. ton that lie has been designated I for ; supervisor of the census for the Sixth congressional district. Republican papers just no\v are filled ! with talk about now the United Siatos : ' is ' capturing the foreign markets for 1 structural iron work. And yet to pro tect the manufacturers from foreign competition we place a tariff of 45 per cent on all importations of ( his char acter. Can anyone explain why this is thus ? Judge Westover Lad tlie following positive card in the Rushyille Standard I last \veek : "I am convinced that my obligation to my part } ' in this judicial district , my duty to myself -nul my family require that I , at .his time , -state publicly that under no circumstances could I accept a nomination for congressman from this district , if such nomination should be tendwd. "W. IL WJSSTO via. : ' ' C. Dana Say is , who ran for mayor of Chadron three weeks after joining the republican party , was badly defeated bEd Salterlee. This should serve as a horrible warning to all democrats thinking of deserting the ranks. The republican party is already overbur dened -with olh'ce seekers of their own without taking up deserters from the democrats. Alliance Grit ) . A. Berger , of Lexington , thus shite , reports the fanners in his section great ly interested in horse breeding , which is now conducted more carefully than ever before During several jcars the Nebraska farmers abandoned horse breeding and turned their attention to raising and feeding cattle and sheep , but with the improvement in prices they are once more breeding draft horses and drivers. Nebraska's climate and grasses are well adapted to horses , and some prime horses are marketed. 1. M. Ilumphu'y of Rapid City , one of South Dakota's ' -eat known cattle men , has purchased prettv heavily of Panhandle stockers.Vith \ L D. Sietz of Kansas City , Mr. Humphrey bought 11,000 head of stockers for delivery Mny 15. The bunch is made up of mixed stock and the aggregate price foots up to about $ :2oO,000. : These j cattle will be pjiit on the South Dakota range and the deal i-s the biggest one of the season thus far. Northwestern Stockman. A small boy , so says the Randolph Times , once wrote the following essay on newspapers : ' 'I don't know how newspapers came to be in the world ; I don't think God do--j for he ain't got nothing to sav about them and editors is one of the missing link- , you read about , and they stayed in the bush until after the Hood , then came out and wrote the tiling up and has been here ever since. I don't think he ever dies ; never saw a dead tin. The editor goes 'thout underclothes all winter , don't wear no socks and. pi h-isn't paid his subscription in more than live years. * ' \\re don't know where the boy lived but judge from the number of our subscribers that arc back on subscrip tion , that several of them must live in j this neighborhood The new brand law which takes effect July 1. provides that it shall be the dutof the governor to appoint three reputable stock rai > ers , who she'll le : chosen from iho.-e largely interested in cattle , who shall hold their ollice for term of two years. Said three per sons so chosen , together with the secre tary of state , shall constitute a state brand and mark committee. * Said com mittee shall meet at least twice each year at the oflice of secretary of state , and as often at the call of the chairman \ as'is necessary. A record shall be kept by the secretary - tary of state ot all brands and a fee of I $1.50 shall be charged for recording j such brands. Twent- per cent of these j fees shall be paid each member of the ! state committee. No person shall adopt a brand pro-1 viously recorded. The committee shall decide whether brands offered for record conflict , provided that no brand ' shall be accepted described as being on either side of the animal and that a brand described as being on both sides may be accepted. Where two brands are similar the committee shall decide , to priority of ownership atits regular meeting. The party thus losing his 1 brand shall not thus have his ownership - ship of stock in any way invalidated. the object of the act being to make i illegal and enjoin from the further use : the brand. j Owners of cattle bringing them to a ( county for grazing shall submit the s brands to the committee to obtain permission - f mission to use the same and assurance that it does not conflict with others and * the owner may be enjoined from the t use of a conflicting brand. ' ; A penalty of not to exceed $1.000 is ] provided for violation of the law. ' t r sr siil il wfyMmtti&wVfit \ \ \ ! irt"tt Vl % ird ! U'e are informed that the Standard ! ] ! CattU1 Company will advance the ! wage * of their employes twenty per cent the first of next month. II. Sehwaberow , known to most of the stockmen of this and adjoining counties , and who has been a guest at the state's palatial mansion , surrounded by a substantial wall to keep the vulgar j out , where guests have nothing in the , world to do but just to walk about , has ' returned to his home and the bo.iom of i his family after eighteen months incarceration - ! ceration therein. If wo arc rightlv in , o „ , ; formed his sentence was for three years , i. ! He is ruiea i'd on parole , and on bis arrival - | ! rival huru was met at the train by his ' faithful waiting wife who accompanied I him to their home on the Gordon. | Whitman Sun. ! Train load rates for live stock , like feed-in-transit rates , will soon be r.n- cient history , if the present intention of the trans-M issoari railroads is carried out. The system , they say. has served its purpo- , and now has grown to be a bad one , so will die a much needed death. The rates were made for the benc-lit j of live lock shippers in Nevada , Idaho , j Western Montana and Washington to j South Omaha and Ka ib.s City , the' idea being that si ugh ; car : hipmenls j were for them inconvenient , while train ' , loads * ho ild bo encouraged So a low rate was made for ten caror more. In practice , however , anywhere- from i two to ten shippers would b ii"h to- | gpthor their car load lot- , , and m.iko up i a train whenever Lliey got iva-ly. ship-'i iL in oij : man's name. Thin no shipper need to send any large amount i of stock 1:11 : he got ready , yet the train i load rates were aiwavs available. ' * i So it is quite probable that May 23 , the date set for the abolition of feed-in- transit rates , the train load rates will go with them , and car load rates the only ones made. World-Herald. At one of the "experience" talks generally held at this ofiice , a stock raiser related his experience with calves i'or a number of years. Ho suf fered loss through calves becoming aillu'ted with scours , although he ad ministered the various remedies recom mended to cure the m.dadv. Not being V O successful in checking the trouble after being caused , he thought best to devote more attention to ascertain the cause and if possible remove the same. Ar Chi riving at the conclusion t'at the trouble was caused mainly by the young ani mals buco.sting chiilo 1 through lying on frozen or icy beds he- prepared a separate place under ! 'k ' stock shed- , for the calves by making a straw b"d to the depth of three feet , enclosing the same with the exception of a small opening for the calves to go in and out. He finds a little trouble to induce the > calves to ett : r tlie enclo-ur , " an 1 re main on thj ; straw bed. but after occu pying 1 the same for several nights they seek the prepared bed ground without the ( least bit of trouble , following each other < to Jhe same similar to a b.iud of sheep Since he prepared the straw bed his calves h ve not been troubled with S2ours. Crawford Bulletin. rims far this soring there ha > bc.-n a re-tri.-e.l di : nan-l for light weight stock cattle o."in to rh lack of good pasturage. In a short time the de If mand will undoubtedlv * bo good , for every year many such cattle are pur chase : ! during the spring and kept on grass until late in the season , when they are put on dry feed until re > dy Ci for i market. With a general scarcity of good cattle throughout the country , and plenty of pasturage , there is every reason to expect a liberal demand this spring for young stock steers It is an encouraging promisp of better things that t feeders are infusing to buy scrub stock \V. P. Anderson , who was a short tnna ago in Texassa\s there arc plenty 6 of cattle in the Lone St-ir State , and their average quality shows remarkable improvement as compared with ten years ago. Mr. Anderson says : "On the Cross L ranch , forty miles west of San Angelo , a ranch covering over 200.000 acres , 25,000 cattle arc now feeding * , and over 1.000 pure-bred bulls have been placed on this ranch. 400 Missouri bulls having been sent there within the last five years. Ranchmen in Texas stopped spaying heifers in ' 93. sli and since then breeding has aone forward - ward actively. Fully half a million cattle are now under contract to be til shipped from Texas to Indian Territory to graze , and fully To,000 cattle will be s'u sent from San Angelo to Indian Terri tory pastures before June opens. The V\7 greater part of these cattle will be ship ri' ped to Chicago next autumn. National Stockman. TTiTP 5IC M \t\ \ i- tMil iL L , s GEO. G. SOMWALfVl , PROP. This market always taep ? . : supply of CD ecu mil * T PAH " * I\M \ toil K3 rm'U UHSV In addition to a 6rst-cla = s line of SteakKonsts , Dry Salt Moats Smoked Hams , Ureakfast Uat , . : i and Vegetables tftitcr's Girl Staud on Main Stress , VALENTINE , NEBRASKA A A T T HEADQUARTERS FO5 * 4 * * fi i ? fcfr * ? fcfrffi ' Of the Choicest Brands < 89 { t VALENTINE NEBRASKA * head ggg 'jg iffi&reffi T . - , A - * | gg machiuc when you can get a first-class machine for 821.00 by writing to L H EMERY , Valentine , -Nebr. g Highest market price paid and prompt returns. Reference Omalia National Bank. F. S. BUSH & COMPANY. ol3 youth l. , th St. , OMAHA , NEIJ We eharae no commission. c. Si. C 31. V. 3ffCBSOJLSUX , Cashier ft > r- - ? % Auaa lUoo 9 Si 8 3 i Valentine , Nebraska. A Cjet } ral E5 SelSs S KZII ! Foreign Correspondents ; Xational Hank , Xe\v York. Tirst Xation.il Hank. Ouialia Xelr ss KctaH Profits. ? ; ' ] ) ! ; Twirif , Bicycles , Striving Machines , Srov-s and Ranges , Paints , Oila , etc. , and Spril $50.00 DELIVERED FREE AT OMAHA. If you haven't a Catalogue Te sure andsentl 4c quid : to pay part pi-ife. You can save 10 to 40 percent on everything you use In our line. Address THE WESTERN MERCANTILE GO. lOtls and l ariim , Oisiulii. : You Want to Buy or Sell Lhe Stock , aiitkc your 'wants known to tlic Iherry Co , Live Stock Exch , Valentine , Nebr. Mammoth Spanish Jacks , Poland j China and ( "hptr White llo , 1'lyiuoiith Uoek Chickens and JALLOWAY CATTLE REGISTERED BULLS ! FOR SALE I H. M5ALLJ3TER .Toy. , ' 0. , eed in Transit at Fremont Capacity : Sheep , covered iccfe4 : cars ; open pens. 15,000. Caitle 28 ears The place It ) rest and feed for ic Omaha market. Easv run to feeding points ont- dc Chicago. rS- Long distance telephone' , frite or wire \vhen yon \vili ar- .ve , tj Fremont Stock Yards Co SALOON Golden Sheaf Pure White Rye , Susquphanny Kj' .and Cedar Creek I ouisvillo , Kentucky , Bourbon Whisky. Pure Grape & Cognac Brandy's Wines TokaAngelica.PorfSiiPriy ! and Tilack berry invood. . claret , Ie ! ling , SjMiti-niPS. Cooks Imperial ; Gasts and Clicquot in bot- tlos. Damiana and oth er Cordials. Also Age2 ; forFredlrngs Celebrated fe- ra Pale Bear ftr family nsa , and P.-bsts Expu.t BRT- C. H , THOMPSON % * * 1 - k i § § i . . ll 8 § 3 I Prop. HEOFORD - - NEBRASKA.