ft Any Girl Can ie A physician v/ho makes i'ne test and is honest about it can tell you that , in many casestne number of red corpuscles in the blood is doubled after a course of treatment v/ith Dr. Williams' PmK Pills For Pale People. That this means good blood , may not be entirely clear from the doctor's statement , but any J girl v/ho has tried the pills can tell you that it means red lips , bright eyes , good appetite , absence o ? ' headache , and that it trans forms the pale and sallow girl into a maiden v/ho glows with the beauty which perfect health alone can give. Mothers whose daughters gTcm debilitated as they pass from girlhood into womanhood should not neglect the pill best adapted for this particular ill. w. Frank B. Trout , of 103 Griswold Ave. , Detroit , Mich. , says : "At the nge of fourteen we had to lake our daughter from school on account of ill health. She weighed only 90 pounds , was pale and sallow and the doctors said she had anzcmia. Finally we gave her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. When she had taken two boxes she was strong enough to leave her bed , and in less than six mouths was something like herself. To-day she is entirely cured , and is a big , strong , healthy girl , weighing 130 pounds , and has never had a sick day since. " Detroit Evening Xcuis. The genuine Dr.Williams PinK Pills for P&i * People Sold only in packages , the wrapper Always bearing the full n&me. At a.H dTu ibtb. OT direct from the Or Williams Medicine Co. Schencct&dy.N.Y.50fper box. cn-v > Salzcr's Seed Corn. Does your sec-d corn test , Iro. ! Farmer ? Salzer's does it's northern grown , early and good for SO to l , iO bu. per acre ! Send Ihis notice and IGe for S corn samples and low prices to Salzer Seed Csr" , La Srosse , WIs. There in u strength of quiet en durance as significant of courage as the most during feats of prowess. Tuck- erinan. Boxvaro of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury , as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when enteritis it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never bo used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians , as the damage they will do Is tenfold to the good yon can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure , manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co. , To ledo , Ohio , contains no mercury , and Is taken Internally , acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be'suro yon get the genuine. It is taken Internally and made In Toledo. Ohio , by JT. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. S3T"SoId by Druggists , 75c per bottle. As to the Latest Fad. "These horseless carriages are great things. " "Yes , indeed. I had one once. " "What did you do with it ? " "Outgre-w it. " Jewish Comment. To Cnre a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. 13. Q. on each tablet. Chestauts form a portion of the daily food of the Mediterranean nations , though in America they are not ground Into flour , but eaten simply as nuts. I never used so quick a cure as Fiso's Cure for Consumption. J. B. Palmer , Bos 1171 , Seattle , Wash. . Nov. 25 , IS'Jj. A -whale of tifty tons exerts 143-horse power in swimming twelve miles an hour. A Dose in Tiiup Sa\ei Nine of Halo's Honey of lloro- I riuul nntlTar forcouchs. O * Driicsist * * . tikeV Toothnrke Drops Cure in one Minute. Queen Victoria , in spite of the fact that she has had to bear more than her share of troubles , has only fainted four times in her life Mrs. "Window's SOOTIIIXO .STKDP Jor Children teething : sottens the emus , reduces inflammation allays pain , cures wind colic. 23 cents a battle. WANTED. G.ISO of bad health that U'1'P-A-S'S will not benefit. Send 5 cents to Tllpaiis Chemical Co. , New York , for 10 samples awl 1.000 testimonials. Seasonable Hints. Never begin spring cleaning too early , Clean only one or two rooms at a time. Admit air and sunshine freely. Provide everything needed for the work before be ginning. Ilave new brooms , scrubbing brushes , hammers and tacks. For cleaning paints , windows and presses use soft , warm water and Ivory soap. For purify ing sinks and drains wash with water and carbolic acid. For cleaning kitchen uten sils lill a boiler with water , add half a bar of Ivory soap , put in the articles , and a/ * over the Ore for twenty minutes. ELIZA R. PARKER. A Piazz i Proposal. She I'd rather play golf than eat. He Would you ? What a congenial married couple we would be. I'd rather eat than play golf. Brooklyn Life. Uewey JLet Us Have the Fibre. When Admiral Dewey destroyed the Spanish Navy in Manilla Harbor there were lying in the harbor six big ships ladea with Manila fibre for the DEEK- 1NG HARVESTER CO. , of Chicago. By a special order from the Navy Depart ment Dewey was permitted to release these ships. Their cargoes reached the Deering Twine Works in Chicago in due course , and that twine will be used to bind the sheaves of this season's harvest all over the world. Many a Maa's Problem. . "I have never yet quite figured out , " said the man who has > succeeded pretty well , "whether my wife has faith in my ability to do things , or whether her faith is in her ability to make me do them. " Indianapolis Journal. Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder for the feer. It cures painful , swollen , smarting , nervous feet and instantly takes the si ing out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort dis covery of the age. Allen's Fcot-Ease makes tight-fitting or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating , callous and hot , tired , aching feet. Try it to-day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c , in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address , A len S. Oimsted , Le Roy , N. Y. A Woman's Tongue. Given a man and a woman of equal size and weight , then the tongue of the woman is smaller than that of the man. $15.0O Per Week. We will pay a salary of $15 per week and expenses for man with Rig to introduce Perfection Poultry Mixture and Insect De stroyer in the country. Address with stamp. Perfection Mfg. Co. , Parsons , Kansas. ; reason Mrs. Pmldiam's treatment helps women so promptly is that they have confidence in her. Through some of the many thousands of Mrs. Pink- ham's friends an ailing woman will be led to write to Mrs. Pinkham at her home in Lynn , Mass. , and will tell her symptoms. The reply , made without charge of any kind , will bear such evidence of knowledge of the trouble that belief in her advice at once inspires hope. This of itself is a great help. Then the knowledge that women only see the letters asking for advice and women only assist Mrs. Pinkham in replying makes it easy to be explicit about the little things that define the disease. MRS. ELIZA THOMAS , of 634 Pine St. , Easton , Pa. , writes : "DEAR MRS. PINKHAM I doctored with two of the best doctors in the city for two years and had no relief until I began the use of your remedies. f My trouble was ulceration of t the womb. I suffered S something terrible , could * not sleep nights and * thought sometimes that * death would be such a relief. To-day I am a well g woman , able to do my . own work , and have not t a pain. I used four bottles c of Lydia E. Pinkham's 0 Vegetable Compound and t three packages of Sana- o tire Wash and cannot a thank you enough for the good it did me. " a MRS. M. STODDARD , B Box 268 , Springfield , Minn. , T writes : a abr : .our years I was a great sufferer from female troubles. I of hac Backache all of the time , no appetite , pains in stomach , faint a ing pells , was weak and my system was completely run down. up I a * . \ had falling of womb so bad that I could scarcely walk i acre-- : , the floor. After taking two bottles of your Vegetable Comjound and one bos of Lozengers , can say I am cured. " TRICKS PLAYED ON BANKERS. Pinkerton Unveils Fliarp Practices in Selling Burtjiar-Proof Devices. "One of the thlugs most eagerly sought after by the bankers , " said William A. Piukerlon yesterday , "is protection for their funds , and tliis de sire often makes them easy prey for slick confidence men. I dou't mean the ordinary 'cou' sharps , for any up-to- date banker can guard against their wiles. But there is a class of smooth talkers who do business with bankers in an apparently legitimate manner and get the cash every time without taking any risk. These are the chap who have something to sell in the way of devices. burglar-proof or fire-proof Many of the dealers and agents are reputable and straightforward in theii business , but there are black sheep in all lines of trade , and the banker does not always get the kind of protection he thinks he has purchased. After he has been bamboozled a few times he becomes suspicious even of those who arc honest and able to furnish him re ceptacles which will give protection against the ingenious burglar who has been so much in evidence lately. "For instance , when a banker , after such investigation , does finally pay a good price for a first-class safe , and begins to rest easy , along comes a new schemer , who is after his dollars , and assures him that his safe is absolutely worthless ; that any burglar can , by the use of the electric current , burn a hole any desired size into his safe in a few minutes and easily extract its contents. But if the banker will buy an electric alarm system , Avhich this ready exaggerator - gerator lias to sell , then any old box can be made burglar-proof. No safe has ever yet been robbed by the use of the electric current. It is positively impracticable for such a trick to be performed , and has been proved so upon at least two occasions by elec trical experts. While it is true that any metal can be pierced or melted rapidly with electricity under certain favorable conditions , yet it is impossi ble for a bank burglar to secure the re quired facilities. "The method by which some bankers have been scared into purchasing elec tric alarm systems which sound gongs in the streets , often give false alarms , and can be defeated is a 'fake' pure and simple. Some bankers have been eye-witnesses in Chicago to the process of burning holes into bank safes. This work is done in a basement. In one room the banker sees a positive electric wire attached to a carbon clamped to a stick , a negative wire attached to the safe , a sheet-iron box lined with asbes tos Avith a hole in the center , fastened to the safe , a switchboard , and he sees the metal melt , but he does not see. located in another room , great resistance - ance coils immersed in an immense trough of running water , and various other hidden paraphernalia. If the in vestigator were allowed to see the whole outfit he would not worry one moment about having his safe robbed by electricity. "The best protection is a Avatch sys tem conducted by reliable men. Fully one-half of the so-called burglar-proof devices are fakes , and made only to sell. " Chicago Inter Ocean. A Terrible Experience , A man has been roused from sleep bj * feeling a snake crawling over his face , and has had the nerve to remain motionless , knowing that at the slight est movement the snake would bite. Trying as Avas that ordeal the New Bedford Standard describes one as ter rible ? . A thrilling adventure with a trapped rodent occurred a feAv evenings since at the Pine Street clubhouse. One of the members owns a rat dog , and an other a rat-trap. A rat having been captured alive the dog and rat had a "meet. " ' The guests assembled , and the rat was admitted to the freedom of the hall. lie did not enjoy the liberty Avhich the dog indulgent in. and made a rush for his master's pantaloon leg and crawled up his flesh till the shirt col lar was reached , from which he poked out his head and looked imploringly InLi into the faces of the guests. Li The owner of the dog then became the object of most intense interest and solicitude. IJis apparel was quickly removed. Aviiilo the rat descended to his sloe-king , at which point the dog became master of the situation. Mr. Hey relates the experience Avitli emotions of quivering dread. lie is a Avar veleraii ; he has stood at the bat tle's front : but he had never under gone the experience of a frenzied live rat with sharp claAVs craAvliug up his bare flesh to escape a canine pursuer. Short-Liivetl Giant. The taliput palm ( corypha umbraculi- fera ) of Ceylon , Avhose leaA'cs are put to such numerous uses by the Sin ghalese , bears fruit but once during its life. This elegant tree measures about ten feet round the trunk and. attains a height of about ISO feet. The flowers , the . appearance of which presages death to the tree , are inclosed in a tall spathe. which bursts with a loud report , port , disclosing a huge plume of beau tiful blossom. The inflorescence is suc ceeded by equally conspicuous bunches of fruit. "When these have ripened the tree Avithers rapidly , and in the course of a fortnight may be seen prostrate and decaying on the spot it adorned. When some people haven't a love affair on their minds they are as lone some and dissatisfied as other people who are out of something to gossip about. One of the thugs : a boy is very sure is that Avheii he has grown to be big man he will not forget to hunt and lick those who abused him when he Avas a boy. The man AVIO fights and runs awaj ; may live to run another day. - . I. trfcc-a . il - jg = = . ' - ' w = . ' _ v'-f'jy 'i = - -i ; = a pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well-known remedy , SYRUP OF FIGS , manufactured ! by the California Fig Syrup Company , illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxative principles' of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the \ \ " . and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxative , CLEANSING THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY DISPELLING COLDS AND HEADACHES PREVENTING FEVERS OVERCOMING HABITUAL CONSTIPATION PERMANENTLY. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and substance , and its acting on the kidneys , liver and bowels , gently yet promptly , without weakening or irritating them , make it the ideal laxative In the process of manufacturing figs are used , as they are pleasant to the taste , but THE MEDICINAL QUALITIES ARE OBTAINED FROM SENNA AND OTHER AROMATIC PLANTS , by a method known to the California Fig Syrup Company only. In order to get its beneficial effects , anji to avoid imitations , please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. Consumers of the choicest products of modern commerce purchase at about the same price that pthef pay for cheap and worthless imitations. To come into universal demand and to be everywhere considered the best of its class , an article must be capable of satisfying the wants and tastes of the best informed purchasers. The California Fig Syrup Company having met with the highest success in tne manufacture and sale of its excellent liquid laxative remedy , SYRUP OF FIGS , it has become important to all to have a : knowledge / - of the Company and its product. The California Fig Syrup Company was organized more than fifteen years ago , for the special purpose of manufacturing and selling a laxative remedy which would f > $ more pleasant to the taste and more beneficial in effect than any other known. The great value of th remedy , as a medicinal agent and of the Company's efforts , is attested by the sale of millions of bottfe % annually , and by the high approval of most eminent physicians. As the true and genuine remedy named ] SYRUP OF FIGS is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Company only , the knowledge of that fact will assist in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other parties. For Sale by All Dru ists , Price 5O < Per BoWe. In the Great Grain and Grazing Helta of West ern Canada and information mation us to how to se en ra them cna bo h&d OB application to the De partment of the Interior , Ottawa , Canada , or to \ * . Hartholomexv , 30C 5th Street , Des.Ioine , Iowa , Igent for the Government of Canada. WDEN TTRITING TO ADVERTISEKS } ; please Buy you saw the advertisement In this paper. The Periodical Monthly Regulator nevI - I er fails ; write for frposampln. NEW YOHK ' CHRMICHL Co. HOJC 70. Milwaukee.V Dried Bananas. Queensland is Inaugurating a new departure in the fruit trade , says Lon don Invention. It is found that dried bananas take the place of raisins in puddings very well , and an enterpris ing firm in Queensland has sent to the agent's general office , in Victoria street , Westminster , a consignment of dried bananas , with the object of opening up a market for them in England. One Spanish Victory. Only once in tUeir history as a. nation have the Spaniards achieved a naval victory. That was at the battle of Le- panto , in 1571 , when , with the aid of Venetians and Genoese , they annihilat ed the Turkish fleet. f NATl IJL : TURK NATl'RE NATl x 1lKN ATI-RE SAT' "RE N ATI RK .N - ' 4 tllU XVN-'RE NATURE NATL'RBSATl' CURE NAtU3E NATTKE NATtP.ENATUI | fUP.E NATURE VAT I UF. SATVUB NATUK . .TUItC NATURE \TfUE NATURE ; NATURfc1 , ATtlUE NATURE NATl RC NA-n.-RE.NATl RL , TIRU NA-I\.F NATVREJ NATURE , TLRE > A-TbHt NATIP.EJ NATURE , ! TN VTURENATUB . .K NATURE NATURE NATURfc N.V JF. NATURE NATURE N ATlT.r N A' ItE NWURE .NATURE NATl'RK ? Zf " /TURE NATURE NATURE..A' .TL'RE NATURE ? . \Tt' MATURE NATURE NAT < 'URE NATURE SATIT.fi T.ATI . lATUP.S VATURE NATURE T. - ATI REV \TURE SAT I RE > ATUI : . 'ATI UEKATUUB ATURE SAT1 , VATUHK NATUEKfATUUi : S ATU T.E NATOKE NATURE NATUI MATURE > ATLRE NATI f URE NATURE NATUR .TRE NATURE > .ATUK RE > ATUKK NATURE RE NATURE SATURV IRK NATUHK NATI' ' GETS A CT/EAN SHAVE when the Deerini ? Ideal Mower coes over It. The Dccring Ideal cuts it doesn't pull. Tno ttittinjr mechanism of the Deerlng Ideal Mower is perfect. The cutter bar is made from high-quality tempered cteel ; the knife sections from the finest cutlery steel , and with the serrated ledsrer plates , a perfect shearcut is insured. The Deering Ideal pitman -will please you. The question of broken knife-heads and pit- mans is done aw.iy with. An adjustable thread , for lengthening or shortening the pitman , keeps the knife always In perfect register. Deering Ideal Mowers arc built to satisfy the most critical demands. DEERING HARVESTER COMPANY , Chicago. "EAST , WEST , HOME IS BEST , IF KEPT CLEAN WITH Keeps both rider and si > ! de ! per- fec lydryin th hardest str.rms. Substitutes will Jlsappoi' t Ask for i2c7 Fish Grand I'ommel Shcker It fu entirely new. It not for sate in your town , write for catalogue to A. J. TOWER. Boston , Mass. A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever. Di : . T. FEI.IXcoritAun's OKIKNTAI CKlIAil , Ol MAC.JCAI , KKAL'TIFIKK. KemoYc-s Tin. Pimrlts , Freckles iloth I'atrheh , io.-ii. and SV1 * diteases , and c * TV burnish oa xjrxbea .if , and defies / * ij.det"Uon. \ " . It h&f ( y/"stood thr test of " ' "vear . and Is se iiarmleta we taste It to be fiirc it ispropi trly made. Accept no counterfeit of similar nam ? . Dr.L. A. Sayre said to a lad-r of tfco baut-ttin ( a patient ) : "AyoU ladies -will Ef c them , I reconincnd 'Coui * I aud'a Crein' ai the least harmful of all the 5Wn prccara- tions. " For ea a bi - all Drnsjrists m3 Fancy-Goods Dealers In tte TJ. S. , Cauadas , and Europe FERD. T. nOPZlNS. iTop'r , 37 Great Jones St. , JO" . THE NEWS SERVICE IS A FEATURE OF I II K READY PRINTS FURNJSHK ! ) : Y CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION 411 DOUGLAS STREET , SIOUX CITY , IA. S. O. N. U. - 10-99 i