Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, April 06, 1899, Image 6
aemss-t NEW i * I i Our stock of Dry Goods , Shoes , Hats , Cape , Trunks , Valises , Cloth ing and Gents Furnishings has been 4 ? replenished throughout and we now 4 ? ? hare home of the best values ever offered for the money. Get our prices on Groceries. I 41 4f 4) 4 41 ? RED FRONT 4 ? VALENTINE NEBRASKA 4 * Of tinware and small hardware are our specialty , and on them we make prices that imply cannot be beaten. All goods new and of the first quality. Let us show you what we have to offer3 whether you buy or not. Another of our specialties is the making of picture frames , and for that purpose we cany in stock a fine line of mouldings. See our spring mattresses. llj A. M. MOKRISSEiY j f . * l i 0rtr o. ! ; { ATTORNEY I ' AT LAW | i ' O 'tr O ! VALENTINE , NEB i' ' = i , nR-c-RjACKsoN I DENTIST ; Offic * orer T. C. ITornby's store I Stairway on west side Operations as nearly painless as possible. M. RICE REPRESENTS THE PAKMEES' MUTUAL and SEBBASIA MERCANTILE MUTUAI Insurance Companies of Lincoln A. N. GOMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Quigley's Drug Store. Nights-Upstairs-Red Front J. S. ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR work executed with promptness and accuracy Office at Estabrook Honsn on Cherry St. VALENTINE , NEB- M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY AND ABSTRAGTBR Valentine , Nebraska j Fraeticei in BUtrict Court and U. S. Land , j Office. Real Ks'mte and Hunch Property . I , bausht and sold. Bonded Abstractor. ! J. C. DWTER. E. H. DWTEE. i DWYER BEOS. j PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Superintendents of A Private Hospital , For the Treatment of Diseases All Kinds of Surgical Oper ations Successfully Performed. NEBRASKA - * 0. W.MOREY THE VALENTINE WATCH / MAKE ] AND JEWELER Carries a full line of ster ling silver novelties ' . A. WELLS J. B. WKL : WELLS BROS. riST Office over Cherry Cou tty Hanft C. M. SAGESEB TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving. HOT AND GOLD BATH ! CODY , XEBR. [ las recently started in business ar offers bargains to all cash buyers of ' * ' " Groceries Corn Outs C/iop2 > ed Feed Flour Salt &Iiddei Wire , Soft and Mar Pine , Paints , Oils and nil kinds of Ranchers' SupplU UCCY PAINT 4O Cents pt-r Pin WAGON PAINT 6O Cents per From 1O Cents U AT ' DRUG PCLEY' STOR We are Ae-ents for O Pasteur Blackleg Vaccine WESTERN NEWS-DEM8CRA ROBEBT GOOD , Editor and Vl.OO Per Year in Advaitt PUBLIUriED BVERY THURSDAl. Entered at t too Post-otflce at Valentine. Cliei Bounty. Nehraika. as Second-class matter. This paper will be mailed regulai to its subo ribers until a definite ord to discontinue is received and all ? rears are paid in full. Events. District Court April 10. Junior League Entertainment April 12 Old Maids Convention April 19 Bishop Graves April 2J Notice , Northern Star , Chapter No. 59 , E. S. . will elect officers for the ens injr 3'ear at the next regular mceti Tuesday evening , April 11. All me bers of the order in good standing a fraternally * invited to be present. SARAH J. MUNSHOWER , W. : J. W. MUNSHOWER , Sec'y. Curfew rings at 8 p. m. now inste of 7:30. : Fence posts for sale at W. A. Pet crew's. 1 ( White Ash Soap at Farnham Dikeman's. 3-J W. S. Garcelon was up from Lei pine Tuesday. Fine line of Mackintoshes on sale Farnham & Dikeman's. 11 Tailor made clothing , guarantc to fit. at T. C. Hornby's. ll The live-months old child of Geor Hershey died last night. New York apple butter for sale Farnham & Dikeman's. 3- : Dave Hendersholt was in town fr McCann Tuesday night. Mrs. Boyer , of Lead City , S. D. , visiting relatives in town. Mrs. J. S. Davisson returned ho to Longpine this morning. Hay , grain and feed bought a sold at "W. A. Pettycrew's. ] F. M. and Leona Baumgartel w ( down from Crookston. Tuesday. District court meets next wei Commissioners week after next. Mrs. Nels Rowley spent the week Valentine visiting with friends. Mrs. Gunderson , of Cody , visit with friends in the city this week. Stella Mae "Williams was over fn Rosebud this week , visiting friends A fine lot of fence posts for sale Max E. Viertel , Crookston , Nebrasl Xew Goodrich Sewing Machin Prices as low as the lowest at T. Hornbv's. 1 ( John R. Ballard was in town Tu day , renewing acquaintance wi Valentine citizens. E. S. Eves , formerly of the Atk son Graphic , has purchased t O'Neill Independent. Why pay $21.00 for a drop-he Sewing Machine when T. C. Horn sells them for $20.00 ? 11 E. J. Davenport is in Rock coun buying hay this week to put in i their contract at Fort Robinson. Ben Brave , who was billed to spe ; at the Episcopal church Saturd night , failed to put in an appearanc Call and see the $2.50 and 83.00 si top ladies shoes sold by T. C. Hornt They are made by up-to-date wor men. 1C To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets , druggists refund money if it tails to cure. 21 The genuine has L. B. Q. on eacli tablet. For sale , or will trade for cattle , desirable house and lot in the we ; ern part of Valentine. Apply at tl office. 4-6 It's about time to clean up t streets , alleys and back 3rards , or t' board of health will be getting aft your scalps. You get the best insurance frc the Nebraska Mercantile Mutualai Farmers' Mutual.and at a lower rat I. M. Rice , agent. 10 The editor is a little under tl rreather this week , our paper came day late , and things are generally < the bum in this office today. Andrew Koralewski and Toi Schaefer were down from Nenz yesterday , exchanging wheat at tl mill , in order to get new seed. Bob McQuade was in town Tuesd ; and paid $2.00 to have thjc paper se to relatives in Ireland. Thus the i fluence of the NEWS-DEMOCRATgroi LeRoy Leach , of Woodlake , was Valentine , Friday , on business. I made this office a pleasant visit , ai informed us that he intended spen ing summer in the east. Joe Burleigh , the big hearted stoc man at Simeon , was in 'town sever days this week. We are inform * that he intends to move into Vale tine in the near future. T. C. Hornby has a fine line of ne styles in men'g shirta. 9 Car load of trunks juat received : T. C. Hornby's. He can suit you ( styles and prices. 12 W. G. Ballard. one of our proir. nent stockmen from Dewey Lake pr cinct , was in town Tuesday on bus ness. He had just returned fro Iowa , where he said the winter w ; very severe. A lot of cattle in Bourbon count Kentucky , took refuge in a tobac < storage barn during a storm la week and twenty of them die Another horrid example of havii the vile weed around. Wednesday evening , April 19. ; "Old Maid's Convention" will be he at Cornell's Hall , under the anspic of the Christian Endeavor , the pr ceeds of the convention going to tl fund for Presbyterian parsonage. Will Cramer bought the Jol Elliott place on the north tab ! Tuesday , for $400. Will is one Cherry county's risinr young farmei and the purchase of this place mak him the owner of 320 acres of ve good land. The gra } ' hound coursing matchp off from time to time , and set to run at Valentine , Sunday last , h utterly failed as far as outside houn are concerned. None went frc Chadron , and Conductor .Leader w not present with his pack. Chadr News. Easter services were held at t Episcopal church Sunday morni and evening , the Rev. J. M. Bat officiating. The music for the occ sion was furnished by a choir co posed of Edna Fischer , Mrs. Robe Good , C. M. Sageser and J. B. Wei Mrs. J. B. Wells , organist. By way of the Ainsworth Star-Joi nal we learn that Alex Schlegel , t well known surveyor , has received appointment in the governme ordnance department and has be i assigned to duty in Porto Rico. Al has many friends here who will wi him success in his new vocation. A visit to E. Breuklander's blac smith shop just now is full of intere he and his assistants being busy ; the time. His new stone building rapidly assuming proportions , a when completed will make him an e cellent wagon and paint shop. B he still wants business. Read his i in another column. The editor visited Ainsworth In Friday as a member of the executi committee of the E. V. E. A. and ; sisted Bros. Miles and Burleigh to i range for the next meeting. We 01 lined a splendid program and if abe 40 or oO editors and their wives w only turn out we'll have a glorio meeting. Prepare to be present. Bishop Anson R. Graves of t Episcopal church , will visit Cher county this month , holding servic as follows : Woodlake , Saturda April 22 ; Valentine , Sunday , April : KennedT , Monday , April 24 : Cod Wednesday , April 26 : Merrima Thursday , April 27. The Bishop w also hold services in Gordon on F : day , April 28. Homer Smith and family departt Mondav morning for the east : Horn going to Washington City where good position awaits him in one the departments , while Mrs. S ai the children stopped off in Iowa visit friends. Mr. Smith makes ; efficient employee , and during h stay here at- clerk in the Indian su ply depot made man } warm frienc Judge Towne received a letter fro his daughter , Mrs. John M. Williai son , dated at Valeta , Malta. Marc 15 , stating that her little daughti had died. Tuesday he received telegram stating that she was : Hoboken , and would visit in Vermoi ere coming home. Sergeant Williai son went on to the Philippines wi1 his regiment , the Twelfth Infantr which is expected to reach its dest nation the iirst of next week. They had a grand jury in county last week , and the result w ; indictments against three druggist a saloon-keeper , a bartendera worns and a joint keeper for selling liqut without licenses : one against a lawy < and one against a tough citizen f < gambling ; one man got it for runnir a house of prostitution and anoth < for incest. The editor was in Ain worth Friday , and no fewer than persons asked him if he had brougl a bottle along. Even the preache ; are now refubed alcohol by the dru ; gists. Wall Paper. Having the agency of the celebrate "Alfred Teats Wall Taper , ' ' of Chicag' ' Illinois , you are invited to cull and s ( the latest and most eleganc designs i wall paper patcrns. Or if you wi send mo word I will be glad to brin my sample books to your home. Pric quality and design the same as vc could get in Chicago. It costs nothin to examine my samples , and will S.TS you money if you make a purchasi Prices range from three cents to t\v dollarsji roll. MABEL E. BAKEI : , 11 Ageu out ec-t-ma a-H-b 1/u c- l"ofr we cite m o - T HER GENERAL MERCHANTS Our spring line is now complete. We are better pre pared to fill the \\ants of customers than ever before COMPETITION DEFIED Our prices are made on the lowest cash basis. Prac tical tailoring in connection. All work guaranteed D. Stinard , Clothier. Wide Tire Wagons Are acknowledged to be the best and to meet the growing demand lorde'red and HAVE JUST EECEIVED A CAK LOAD Iii addition to this I have just received a ear of "WIND MOTOR" WIND MILLS Which I am selling very cneaplv " " Try me before buying anything in my line elsewhere Yalentine. Is ebraska D. S. JLudwig I will fill a set of wagon wheels , set the tires , boil the wheels ni oil and paint them , for 815.00. This makes a wagon about as good as new. Call on me for all kinds of wagon work Spring work is opening up and it is time you are 'J .getting your machinery put in working order. "We can do your work , and offer the following prices : Plow Lay , iirst class , 83.00 Pointing Set Cultivator Shoves , S2.CO * O * Everything in the line of blacksmithing and repairing solicited Easter Programs. An emptj' sepulchre with stone par tially rolled away and surrounded with a profusion of beautiful flowers , was a unique feature of the Easter decorations at the Methodist church. Both services were well attended , the pastor preaching in the morning from the text , "He is not here , He is risen , " and the following program 1 being rendered in the evening : Anthem Choir Song School Apostles' Creed Kcud in concert by all Prayer I'nstor GloriaFatria Choir The Lord is Risen Jno. llei/er An Easter Itaiubow Nine Children Wiio Shall Uoll the Stone Away ? In tenn-jdiato Class Song Primary Class Map exercises showing mission work. Young people's biMe class Song Congregation Map exercises concluded. Song Choir Onlj a penny Everet Harvey Come over and help us Primary scholars Closing address Alia Starr Easter olfenng. 5 Song and benediction. At the Presbyterian church Sunday evening special Easter exercises were held , with the following program : Song -"Happy Hearts Have We. " "Easter Greeting" Gertrude Qnigley Prayer. Responsive Reading. Song "Ring. Easter Bells. " School Recitation Maggie Simpson Easter Symbols" Little Folks Recitation Ralph Watson Song Miss Kiester's Class ' Easter in Many Lands" C. Uuigley awl Others Recitation - Carrie Hunter Song "Easter Lilies' ' School "Easter Guests-M.irsarite ( Juigley and others Recitation ulen Iloeni : ; 'Closing Song"Ve Shall Understaud it Better" Benediction. All parts were well rendered , the little folks doing especially well. . Baby Wardrobe Patterns. .Twenty seven patterns for different articles in long clothes with full and complete directions for making same , showing necessary materials , sent postpaid for 2. in stamps. 1'iftoen pat terns of short clothes .Kc or Doth for -10c. "In. formation to Mothers" sent free \\ith naeh order Address , Downey Pattern Co. , lUitlcr , Indiana. FIRST CLASS MILL I have established a Feed and Saw Mill 9 miles south of Cody , at the mouth of Medicine Canyon , and am now prepared to grind Feed. Corn Meal and Graham , cr turn out all kinds of Lumber and di mension sinJf. and Native Shingles Give us a trial order. J. F. HOOK Mill JPt'lrcs jor. Bran , bulk 50c per cwt $9.00 ton Shorts bulk GOu per cwt $11.00 ton Screenings 40c " $7.00 " Chop Feed 70c " $13.00 " Corn 65c " Oats $1.00 " Str tyetl or Stolen. One brown 4-yr old mare , weight about 900J right hind foot white , branded O on lelt shoul der. der.One One black mare 3-yr old with ' white soot in forehead ; same brand. Address W. H. SKLI.EKS K Gallop. Neb JBsf ray Xotice. Taken no by the subscriber living twelr miles southwest ot Cody on section 3. township ; a. range 35 , one light gray mare 10 or 11 years > , ; l nld , weight about 750. no marks or brands to be s een. siiiil mare came > nto my premises about the 15th of August , 1SUS , and has been to my premises continually since. iA3i MAYBEK. JEntraiXotice. . Taken up October 8 , 13M , ten mile ? south of Cody. .Nebraska , one white cow bran e < i on left side and one red calf with no brand U Taken up by GKOKGE BARAKS From range on Snake Itiver. tiiree head of ; attle , one branded J O on left side ; one two. pear old branded on left side ; one yearling jrauded BH on right side and has left ear split. 6 W. A. SHIiLBOUKX , Kennedr.