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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1899)
f FLATO COMMISSION COMPANY LIVE STOCK SALESMEN AND BROKERS Capital 91OOOOO.OO mrertm-n : MnlcMinen : F. W. FLATO , Jit , President. ED II. REID ) PAUL FLATO , Vive President. JIM s HOUN \ Cattle ? a J m I. C DAHLMAN. hecretury. E. W CAIIOW. Hog Salesma JOHN D SEITZ. Ilrori HITCHCOCK , Sheep " ED. H. HIED , JOHN P CLAUY , Cashier SOUTH OMAHA , NEBRASKA Correspondents : DRUM-FLATO COMMISSION COMPANY Capital $500,000.00. CHICAGO. KANSAS CITY. ST. LOUIS STOCK EXCHANGE EESTAURANT. OPEN DAY AND XIGUT. E. T. MILLER , Proprietor. LODGING FOR STOCKMEN 40 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS' imm \ , South Omaha. i < ir From Cor RATES : § 1.00 to $1.50 Per Day. Telephone No. 67 So-00 to 37.00 Per We k. R OTEL. MRS. JOHN RKED , Proprietress. STOCKMEN'S PATRONAGE ESPECIALLY SOLICITED , ' 5th t. B.-twees - L andM Streets. South Omaha , Nebr A Few Facts For Cattle Dealers. It ha * bo Mi r pc jit < llv < ! emoii5 trai < Ml in > * the past that Stands at top as a market for Range Feeders You can satisfy yourself .MS to the truth of that slaremcnt by comparing the sales ut Sioux < ity , last year , with those at any other romporitivp market You can also nsk u > ur neighbors who have sold ( a Ue at oux ( Mty. This year Sioux < 'ity is m the field for fat cat tle as well as feeders. The. great beef slaughtering plant of the ( 'udnhy Packing Co. is ready for business Tlie capacity of the Stock Yards has been greatly increased and you will find excellent facilities for handling your business. Nohyrges. . except for feed ordered if your cattle are not sold on our market he Sioux Uity Stock Yards Co. JORX II. KEENE , General Manager. Millinery arid Ladies' Fiimisliing Goods CALL AND GET PBJGES. OOBA GILLETT. & COX 5 LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOUTH OMAHA , NEBRASKA Itnom 1OS Exchange Itltig. Keferences : UNION STOCK YAKDS PACKERS' NATIOWA L NATIONAL BANE BANK. Telphone 141 " \'e have a larpe clientage among Nebraska Feedc-'s and can always neat Omaha prices to Ilanch customers IF NOTIFIED BEFORE SHIPMENT. MRS , HARRIS BOARDING HOUSE AND BAKERY , Fruits * and * Confectionery Meals at all hours , Price , 25 cent. First door South of Valentine Bank , R . . . . - ' .0OW0.DWOooo00 WO - 000000O -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 I TheDONOHER 8 0 ? JH continually adding improvements and it is now the ? 4 ? best ejnipped , and most comfortable FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA s ? Ho and Cold K'de ' Excellent Bath Room Two Simple Room * HERRY OUNTY RANK Valentine , Nebraska Hxr < ' idei r.nst omens consistent with conservative bankin ! " ' . . "u"ltu'l -j-Hil Logins upon good security solicited at reusonab . SJL'AUKti. President CilAiiLES SPARKS Oashiw WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT EGBERT GOOD , Editor and Publisher A republican legislative investigating committee reports that Auditor Cornell did not misappropriate any funds be longing to the state , and exonerates him This was no white-washing re port and republican papers who hastened - ed to liken Cornell unto Uartly and Moore will please cop } * . I The Amsworth Star-Journal refers to Alex Schlegel as "formerly one of our best and most respected citizens. ' ' from which we would infer that Alex is no longer good nor respected. Bro. Burleigh should not censure a man simply because he is unfortunate enough to be connected with the Alger ian department of our government. representative Joe Hums , republi can member of the legislature from Lancaster county , made this statement to the house , last Thursday : The only man who has approached me with a proposition or offer of a bribe is R. P. . Schneider , chairman of the republican state central committee. And up to date AVG have not heard of the charge being denied. Great is the potency of sugar , and the Oxnards , in Nebraska. Among the bills passed l y the legis lature and which will probably become laws , are two , by Fisher , which are of interest here. One provides that in counties having not more than 10,000 inhabitants the county commissioners shall be elected by the entire county instead of districts as at present. The other creates a state registry of brands and marks , a state brand and mark committee , and provides for brands and marks upon live stock. Any per son having cattle , hogs , sheep , horses , mules or asses shall have the right to adopt a brand or mark for the use of which he shall have the exclusive right in this state , atter recording sucn brander or maik. A state brand and mark committee is created who shall pass upon all brands and marks submitted. If allowed bj the committee they shall then be registered , with the secretary of state , and a fee be paid of $1.50 for each brand or mark so registered. Twenty per cent of the total fees re ceived shall be paid the commission for its service. The republican legislature tried to play a cute trick on Governor Poynter by passing resolutions commending the work of the bo's in the 1st Nebraska volunteers at Manila and running in a sentence laudatory of the administra tion. Governor Po.nter . saw the point , yetoed the resolution , and consequently is now being called a copperhead and other vile names for his temerity in ex ercising his perogative as chief execu tive and refusing to place the state on record as being in favor of something three-fourths of our people denounce , namely , the war against the Filipinos. With their usual lack of fairness , or their usual amount of dishonesty , the administration organs completely ig nore the governor's real reason for vetoing the resolution , and impugn his motive in every possible way , gener ally attributing his action to his hatred of things American , or patriotic. This however has become an old story with the people of this and other states since it has become a fad in certain quarters to say that every person who is against the administration is a traitor to his country , and only adds to Governor Poynter's glory. The majority of the supreme court investigating committee brought in a report to the legislature last Friday , whitewashing Judge Itforval , and the report was adopted at once , by apply ing the gag law , otherwise known as the " . " The "previous question. report was swallowed without a murmur , and no republican had the nerve to defend i : . The minority report , signed by our representative , John Shore , contained the following significent passages : From the evidence advanced before the committee it appears that Judge Norval is guilty of felony. But it is not necessary that this house find him so guilt } ' in order to impeach him. The constitution provides that "all civil officers of this state shall be liable to impeachment for any misdemeanor in office. ' " That Judge i orval has been guilty of a misdemeanor is clear and the minority of your committee there fore recommends that the house enter tain the following resolution : ' Resolved , That articles of impeach ment be prepared and presented to the district judges of this state , sitting as a court of impeachment , as provided by law , for misdemeanor in office against T. L. Norval , associate justice of the supreme court. * ' Speaking of this matter the Sunday World-Herald says : "As a matter of fact , under the decisions of the Nebras ka supreme court , decisions concurred in by Judge Norval himself , the testi mony presented to that committee showed that Judge Norval was an em bezzler of public funds. " . ' j | ! W. E. Tlall sold to Hampton & Lester ! | ter last week 191 head of cows at § 33 j I per head. Alliance Grip. 1 j The Niobrara Land and Sheep Co \ ! bought five quarters of land this week. Thev are getting a lot of deeded land and buying it cheap too. Gordon Jour nal. The stockmen of Brown county have organized a stock association with these officers : President , N. C. Ilcdrick ; vice-president. Thomas Seals : treasurer , P. E. Wantsecretary. ; . A. L. Coffey. Three car loads of horses have rc- j cently been shipped from this place by buyers which means between four and live thousand dollars more cash in the county. Horses seem to be a fail- price with indications of an advance. Osceola Independent. At the Jandt cattle sale in Crawford last Friday , prices ranged very low. Two jear old heifers sold for $17 and Avhite face cows sold for $30 with calves at their sides. People seamed to fear the stock , though they were alleged to have pedigrees , and registered. One of the good laws enacted by the late legislature was that which places cattle stealing on a par with horse stealing , instead of grand larceny. Hereafter the owner of a stolen cow or calf will not have to prove the value of the animal to be § 35 or o\er in order to have the thief sent to the penitentiary. Sylvester Snover. a German farmer living near Hooper , lately bought the Wade ranch , formerly Fetter ranch , eighteen miles southwest of O'Neill , consisting of llioO acres , paying § 6,200 cash. Mr. Snover also bought eighty head of cattle of Mr. Wade and the ranch \ \ ill be continued under the man agement of Mr Lambertson of Fre mont. O'Xoill Frontier. A correspondent of the Springview Herald asks : fan the agricultural editor or any of the correspondents ex plain \\liy so many cows are losing their calvua. The looses have been very great in this neighborhood the past fall and winter one man having lost 00 per cent , and others from 20 to 50 per cent. Js it a disease , and is there any remedy ? The losses in this way will probably average 25 per cent in this vicinity , and still they continue. A Texas live stock journal says in a recent issue : "The advent of so many magnificent bulls on the range in Texas during the last five years should be a good and sufficient explanation to Mon tana and other northwestern ranchmen why they can no longer come to Texas to buy up cattle to stock up with at their own prices. So marked has been the grading up of the herds of Texas that many a steer now goes from the state to the shambles that a few years ago would have been accounted good bulls " Texas advices state that the severe winter materially reduced the stocks of cattle in manv sections , and the present scarcity is expected to increase the price of meat both on the hoof and on the block. Texas is sending a better class of cattle to the Chicago market than heretofore , and the stockmen down there are making wonderful strides in improving their herds. When a man of Colonel C. C. Slaughter's business ability bins a bull for § 5,000 to put on a Texas ranch it is evident that he has faith that cattle are going to sell at good prices. National ytock- man. Stockmen generally are noting the fact that the quality of range cattle is steadily improving , while the quality of eastern farm cattle is as steadily deteriorating The explanation of this is found in the fact that the rancher can afford to pay bigger prices , thus getting better bulls , than the small raiser , because he has so many females to breed. At most of the large salea the best stock is usuallv sold to western ers. Cherry county itself is a good illustration of the move toward better breeding , not less than 200 full blood bulls having been brought into this county during the last year. The conditions * ditions above noted cause an eastern stock and farm paper to remark : The good bulls have gone west , and the re sult is seen in range-bred cattle that top the market when fed right. If our farm-bred cattle are to maintain their lead they must be bred up. If indi vidual farmers cannot put up enough money to keep the best bulls at home they must club together or organize to do it. It is this or march in the rear of the procession before many years in the breeding of beef cattle. GEO. G. SCHWALM , PROP. This market always kecpa a supply of H-FRUIT PL iVit - In addition to a first-class line of Steaks , Roasts , Dry Salt Meats Smoked Hams , Breakfast .Bacon and Vegetables AtStettsr's Old Stand on Main Street , VALENTINE , NEBRASKA . 8 ? THE PALACE SALOON S $ HEADQUARTERS FOR i * i * jj WIT IBS , LIQUORS AND GIG i * 5 Of the Choicest Brands VALENTINE NEBRASKA 39 : r S " " ' " "J * For a drp.head machine \yhen you can get a first-class machine for § 21.00 by writing to M I. H EMERY , Valentine , -Nebr. Highest market price paid and prompt returDS. Referenoe Omaha National Bank. F. S. BUSH & COMPANY. 513 South 13th St. , OMAHA , NEB We charge no commission. C. H. C President. . V. XIC1IOLSOX , Cashier 3 A B IP 1" Bt 9 autumn B * * F VALENTINE. Valentine , Nebraska. A General Ranking KnsinessTransncted 25ny and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Correspondents ; Hiemiual National Bank , New York. First National Bank. Omaha Nebr J | V Excessive Freights "I era a Retail Profits , We earn in stocu t Omaha the largest line of Imp'-iMpnts. Wa rous , Babies. Harnes ? , Bindiusr Twine. Bicycles. Sewing Machines. Stovfg and Ranges , Paints , Oils , etc. , and . > IIM , Jiiyli .r ue. si7.5O ? : to S.IO.OO o Oonsumer DELIVERED FREE AT OMAHA. If you havun't a Catalogue be sure and send 4c quick to pay part po'-nige. You can save 10 to 40 per cent on everything you use in our line. Address THE WESTERN MERCANTILE GO. 10 tli and Fa run in , Omaha. "The House that Saves Ycu Honey. " If You Want to Buy or Sell Lne Stock , make your wants known to the Cherry Co , Live Stock Exch Valentine , Nebr. THE PIONEER STOCK FARM Mammoth Spanish Jacks , Poland China and Chester White lions , Plymouth Kock Chickens and GALLOWAY CATTLE REGISTERED BULLS FOR SALE J. H.M5ALLISTER Joy , Holt Uo. , Xclir. Feed in Transit at Fremont Capacity : Sheep , covered sheds , 24 : cars ; open pens , 15,000. Caitle 28 cars The place to rest and feed for the Omaha market. Easy run to feeding points out side Chicago. Long distance telephone. Write or wire when yon will ar rive , tj Fremont Stock Yards Co The OWL SALOON Golden Sheaf Pure White Rye , Susquehanna Rye.and Cedar Creek 1 ouisville , Kentucky , Bourbon Whisky. Pure Grape & Cognac Brandy's . Wines . TokaAngeilica.PortSherry and Black beryin wood , claret , Riesling , Sauteriies. Cooks Imperial ; Gasts and Clicquot in bet tles. Damiana and oth er Cordials. Also Agent for Fred Krags Celebrated Ez ra Pale Eeer for family use , and Palsts t Ife C. H. THOMPSON , THE B Win. M. Walters. Prop. THEDFORD - - NEBRASKA