Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, April 06, 1899, Image 11

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Mrs. Lucinda B. Chandler of Chicago
IB the Honorable President of the Illinois
Woman's Press Association ; Honorable
President of the Society for the Promo-
tion of Health ; founder of the Margaret
Fuller Society for the Study of Econom
ics and Governments , and also President
of tlu Chicago Moral Educational So
ciety. Mrs. Chandler is an ardent friend
of Pe-ru-na. and in writing to Dr. Hart-
mnii on the subject she stated as follows :
Chicago , Jan. G , 1S09.
Dear Doctor I suppose every one that
is conGned to their desk aud not getting
the required amount of exercise , will ,
sooner or later , suffer with catarrh of the
stomach and indigestion. I know by experience * -
rience that Fo-ru-na is a most excellent
remedy for these complaints. It has re
lieved me , and several of my friends have
itised itwith the same satisfactory results.
JYours very respectfully ,
The Best
Saddle Coat. SUCKER
Keeps both rider and saddle per-
fec'ly dry in the hardest storms.
Substitutes will disappoint. Ask for
1807 Fish Brand Pommel Slicker
It Is entirely new. If not for sale in
your town , vrrite for catalogue to
A. J. TOWER. Boston. Mass.
Excursion Rates to I
I Western Canada and
particulars as to how to
secure 160 acres of the
best W hea growing
laud on the Continent ,
cun be secured on appli-
, _ _ I ent of Jramipration , Ot
tawa , ( Janada , or the undersigned. Specially con
ducted cxcursioiis will leave St. Paul , Minn. , on
the first and third Wednesdays in each month , and
Specially low ra'3 on all lines of railway reaching
St. Paul are I > i in2 quoted for excursion leaving on
April 5th for Manitoba , Assiniboia , Saskatchewan
and Alborta. Address N. Uartholomew , 306 Fifth !
St. , DesMoines , Iowa , Agent fur the Government
of Canada. (
iiiont 4 TIMES
In 1 00 high-grade ,
! papurs Iti Illinois , '
i Kimranleod circu-
UiUuii 100.000
ore cau Lnacrt |
it 3 TJMEB Ju 1,450 coun
try papers for .
Cliiongo TVo-wspa/per Union.
S3 Soutii JtCerson Street. Chicago. 1JL
xVt n Clssss c.
The GUJ roJiu lvns l pl.'ivi.v o it , T
the Wiudsc" ' . sile terrace < ! : .i-ing de
jeuner recently , and the Queen was so
much struck b3" one pretty march tune
that she desired one of the maids of
honor to go and ascertain what it was
called. The classic features of that
high-born damsel were suffused with
blushes as she returned and made an
swer : " 'Come Wlieic the Booze la
Cheaper , ' Your Majealy. "
Feel the Influence.
Cold and heat alike aggravate neural
gia , because the nerves feel the cold and
heat sensitively , but nerves are sensi
tive to treatment and feel the influence
of St. Jacobs Oil , which cures the ail
ment promptly.
A Wholesale Sinner.
Sunday School Teacher Johnnie ,
who do you think was the greatest of
sinners ?
Johnnie I reckon it must have bin
Sunday School Teacher Moses ?
Johnnie Well , he broke the whole
ten commandments at one clip. Judge.
Onion. Seed O8c and Up a Lib.
Catalogue tells how to grow 1,213 bus.
per acre as easily as 100 bushels. Largest
growers of Earliest Vegetables and Farm
Seeds. Earliest vegetables always pay.
Salzer's Seeds produce them weeks ahead
of others. Coffee Berry 15c. per Ib. Pota
toes $1.20 a Bbl.
Cut this out and send with 14c. for great
Catalogue and 10 packages of vegetable
and flower seed novelties to JOHN
CItOSSE. WIS. ( c. n. )
only two animate are known as egg-
layers. They are found in Australia.
The first is the oruithorhynchus , or
duck-billed platypus ; the latter is the
echidna , or porcupine and ant-eater.
Copy of Letter Received from Dennis
Ttvohey , "Who Went to Winnipejjo-
.sis , Manitoba , from Austin , Minn. ,
March , 1898.
Winnipegosis , Man. , Jan. 23 , 1S99.
Benjamin Davies , Esq. , Canadian Gov
ernment Agent , St. Paul , Minn. :
Dear Sir I have great pleasure in
writing you these few lines to let you
know how I like my new location and
how I have been getting along since I
left Southern Minnesota. I like this
country well. The climate agrees with
mo and my family at all seasons , and
taken all around it is away ahead of
Minnesota. I may say that we have
not had one storm yet this winter. As
regards the productiveness of the soil ,
I consider it beats Southern Minnesota.
I am a practical farmer , but have never
seen such vegetables in my life as I
have seen raised here. As regards grain
of all kinds , I have seen splendid yields.
In fact , any man who cannot get along
here and make a good living cannot do
it anywhere.
We have abundance of wood for fuel ,
timber for building , and lots of hay. I
have got good water on my place about
24 feet. I have a good class of neigh
bors around me , and have been well
used by everybody. I have been able
to get lots of work for myself and team
at fair wages , whenever I wanted it ,
and I think anyone else can do the
same. I would not care to return to
Minnesota. I am , sir ,
Yours very truly ,
The Government has agents in sev
eral of the State , any of whom will be
pleased to give information as to
free homestead lands to tliose desir
ing it.
The area of the municipality of Lon
don is G71 acres. Including the met
ropolitan and city police districts , Lon
don is 443.421 statute acres in size.
3Trs. Wlnslow's SOOTHING Srnup lor Children
teething : solteus tbo Rums , reduces inflammation
allays pain , cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottle.
WANTED. Case of bad health that U'1'P'A-N'S will
not bcnellt. Semi 5 cents to Ulpans Chemlca' Co. .
Now York , for 10sainnlcsnii < ] 1.000 testimonials.
The eggs of the silkworm are about
the size of mustard seeds.
ffi &s a suse
There is & popuUr idee , th&t this chse6.se
is caused by exposure to cold , and that
some localities are infected with it more
th&n others Such conditions Frequently
promote the development or the disease ,
taut from the fe ct that this ailment runs
in certain tdmilies. it is shown to be hered
itary , &nd consequently & disease ot- the
Among the oldest and best kncxvis residents of Bluffs , 111. , is Adam
Vanguudy. lie has always been prominently identified with the interests
of that place. He was the first President of the Hoard of Trustees , and for
long time has been a Justice of the Peace. He says : "I had been a suf-
orc-r of rheumatism for a number of years and the pain at times was very
intense. I tried all the proprietary mediciaea I could think or hear of , but
received no relief.
"I finally placed iny case with several physicians and doctored with
them for some time , but they failed to do me nny good. Finally , with my
hopes of relief nearly exhausted I read an article regarding Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People , which induced me to try them. I was anxious
to get rid of the terrible disease and bought two boxes of the pills , I began
using them about JIarch , 1897. After I had taken two boxes I was com
pletely cured , and the pain has never returned. I think it is the best medi
cine I have ever taken , and am willing at any time to testify to its good-
merits. " Bluffs ( / / / ) Times.
The genuine At drug
sold only gists or
in p&.ck- direct from. .
&fjes like
this 50 * Medicine Co ,
per box Sctencet&dy ,
Pressed wood pulp ware is gaining
Women are cmploy.ed on Norway
America has 549 manufacturers of
leather gloves.
The engines for the world's fair , to
lie held in Paris next year , will be built
in Providence , R. I.
Employes of the American Steel and
Wire Company , numbering 3G.OOO , have
been notified of an advance of Avages
ranging from 5 to 10 per cent. , to take
effect March 1.
The export of coal from Great Britain
to the United States has suffered a
decline of about 7 per cent , the total
export in 1897 being 107,070 tons , while
that of 1S9S was 100,171 tons.
The Buttonraakers' Union has issued
a. circular announcing that for the time
being the American Federation of La
bor label would be placed upon cards
oif buttons made by their members.
Last year there were imported into
the United States 1,539,050,750 grains
of quinine. This means a consumption
of something like twenty grains for
every man , woman and child , as there
were practically no exports of this
Some of the Indians of the United
States are among the richest farmers
in the world. The annual income of
the Osage tribe , for instance , consist
ing of only 1,729 persons , including
children , is $443,044 , or $256.24 for each
man , woman and child.
During the calendar year ended Dec.
31 last the value of the breadstuffs sold
abroad was $317,000,000 ; provisions ,
? J 74,000,000 , and cotton , $233,000,000 ,
making a total of $724,000,000 worth of
farm products exported and sold at
better prices than were ever known be
An Eastern trade paper says a ma
chine has been invented which will
turn out 10,000,000 matches a day. Also
that a new typesetting machine , which
will do twice the work of the Mergen-
thalers , will be put on the market this
summer , while a Connecticut man
claims he has invented a new rotary
cylinder that will enable ships to travel
50 per cent , faster than at present.
State Factory Inspector O'Leary , of
New York , opposes the movement to
abolish "sweatshops" in that State ,
which , he says , give employment to S3-
000 persons in New York and Brooklyn
alone in the making of clothing. Mr.
O'Leary claims that if the drastic sani
tary laws are enacted as recommended
in his report to the present Legislature ,
and these rigidly enforced , the chief
objections to sweatshops will be. re
. It is announced that all of the unions
affiliated with the board of walking
delegates in New York City have rati
fied the proposed agreement between
the organization of employers , known
as the United Building Trades , and the
board , whereby sympathetic strikes are
to be abolished and all questions in dis
pute are to be settled by an arbitration
board composed of an equal number of
employers and workmen. The agree
ment , it is said , will be signed by both
parties at an early date.
The American Packer says that more
than $5,000,000 has been invested in the
canning industry in the last four
months. The total pack of tomatoes in
the United States and Canada was
5,797SOG cases in 189S. In 1S97 it was
4,149,441 cases. In 1S9S the pack for
the United States was 5,052,249 cases ,
as compared with 3,904,355 for 1S97.
There was an output of canned corn in
1S9S largely in excess of 1897 , but the
average quality of the pack in several
States was lower than usual. The total
corn pack of the United States and
Canada for 1S9S was 4,398,507 , as
against 2,908,740 cases in 1897.
A recent report issued concerning the
textile industries of Fall River shows
the number of corporations doing busi
ness there as 41 ; capital slock ( incor
porated ) , $25,198,500 ; number of mills ,
82 ; spindles , 2,901,050 ; looms , 70,878 ;
employes , 28,297 ; pay roll , per week ,
$171,300 ; weekly production , 250,000
pieces ; yards of cloth made per annum ,
843,400,000 ; bales of cotton used per
annum , 357,000 ; number of water
wheels , 10 ; engines , 110 ; total horse
power , 78,048 ; tons of coal used per an
num , 221,850 ; gallons of oil per annum ,
253,300 ; pounds of starch per annum ,
Disastrous Transposition.
A well-known and genial but illiter
ate Irishman , who once represented
one of the Melbourne divisions in the
Victorian parliament , invariably read
out speeches that were prepared for
him. On one occasion , in view of the
anticipated opposition , a special para
graph was inserted in the speech which
the candidate read out as follows : "I
am quito aware that many of ye are
agin me and me politics. But surely
we all are working for the good of the
colony. It Is only a detail that me op
ponents are marching one way and me-
silf another , but we must remember
that wo are all shtrivin' to reach the
same gael ! "
Asia the Birthplace of Leprosy.
The original home of leprosy is Asia ,
and it flourishes there more than in any
other part of the globe. China is a hot
bed of leprosy ; in Japan it prevails ex
tensively , while in India it is known
that there are at least some 130,000
The less sense a man has , the more
apt be is to go to law , or call a doctor.
' ySHT -m ? * '
ri - 4t , t _
- m s Nr =
pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well-known remedy , SYRUP OF FIGS , manufactured
by the California Fig Syrup Company , illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxative principles
of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste
and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxative ,
Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and substance , and its acting on the kidneys ,
liver and bowels , gently yet promptly , without weakening or irritating them , make it the ideal laxative.
In the process of manufacturing figs are used , as they are pleasant to the taste , but
by a method known to the California Fig Syrup Company only. In order to get its beneficial effects , and ,
to avoid imitations , please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package.
Consumers of the choicest products of modern commerce purchase at about the same price that others
pay for cheap and worthless imitations. To come into universal demand and to be everywhere considered
the best of its class , an article must be capable of satisfying the wants and tastes of the best informed
purchasers. The California Fig Syrup Company having met with the highest success in the manufacture
and sale of its excellent liquid laxative remedy , SYRUP OF FIGS , it has become important to all to have a
knowledge of the Company and its product. The California Fig Syrup Company was organized more than
fifteen years ago , for the special purpose of manufacturing and selling a laxative remedy which would be
more pleasant to the taste and more beneficial in effect than any other known. The great value of the
remedy , as a medicinal agent and of the Company's efforts , is attested by the sale of millions of bottles
annually , and by the high approval of most eminent physicians. As the true and genuine remedy named
SYRUP OF FIGS is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Company only , the knowledge of that fact
will assist in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other parties.
For Sale by All Druggishs , Price 5G < ? Per Bottle.
A. Famous Eiisrliali Murder Mystery in
Which They Were Used ,
The famous Botkin and the more recent
cent Cornish poisoning cases recall
England's equallj- famous mystery of
twenty-four years ago.
Two members of a great club in Man
chester , both men of position and keen
politicians , each received , apparently
as a New Year's gift , small boxes con
taining a few cigars of the very higlH'Si
quality apparently. Both were taken
fearfully ill after smoking , and one of
them subsequently died.
The cigars were found to be loaded
with poison , and it was said that the
man who recovered only did so because
he used a cigar holder. The facts were
: it first hushed up , because , as was said.
the suspected sender , whose motive i
was revenge on account of a ladj' , was '
a man of wealth and power. j
But tins subject was cleared , and tin1 '
mystery was deepened by the folloAving '
circumstances : A rich Manchester j
merchant , traveling one day in a railway -
way car about the time of the incident
related , got Into conversation with a
most agreeably and highly cultivated j
stranger , \vlio finally offered his cigar <
case. The Manchester man was found j
at Leeds almost unconscious , and the '
only occupant of the carriage. He 1
grasped in one of his convulsed hands
the cigar he had been smoking , and i
after analysis showed it to be identical :
with the others. He recovered- , but the
stranger was never discovered.
"There was a poor tramp here this
afternoon , " said the young wife. "The
poor man was worrying over the nt'St
meal , he told me. "
" 1 wonder , " said the husband , "if
won y ing over the next meal is any
more torture than worrying over the '
last OIKV" Indianapolis Journal.
Grows Stubborn. |
Any complaint becomes chronic by j
neglect , and rheumatism grows stubborn - i
born by not using St. Jacobs Oil , which i
is its sure cure and conquers the pain ,
promptly. Every sufferer should use it. ;
Use of ESJJS.
Calico print works use 40,000,000
dozen eggs per year , wine clarifiers use
10,000,000 dozen , the photographers '
and other industries use many millions ,
and these demands increase more rapidly - !
idly than table demands.
I < ABASTINE Is thn original
and only durable wnll coating ,
entirely different from all kal-
somines. .Ready for use in
white or twelve beautiful tints
by adding cold water.
AD1ES naturally prefer AL A-
UASTINB for walls and ceil
ings , because it is pure , clean ,
durable. Put up in dry pow
dered form , in five-pound pack
ages , \\ith full directions.
LL , Kalsomines are cheap , tem
porary preparations made from
whiting , chalks , clays , etc. ,
and Etude on wails with de
caying animal glue. ALABAS-
TINE is not a kalsomine.
EWARE of the dealer X7ho
says he can sell you the "same
thing" as AL.ABASTINE or
"something just as good. " He
is either not posted or is try-
ins to deceive you.
XD IN OFFERING something
he has bought iheao and tries
to sell on ATJABASTINE'S de
mands , he may not realize the
damage you will suffer by a
kalsomine on your walls.
ENSir > LE dealers will not buy
a lawsuit. Dealers risk one bv
selling and consumers by using
infringement. Alabastine Co.
own right to make wall coat
ing to mix with cold water.
every sfhoolhonse should be
coated cnly with pure , durable
ALABASTINE. It safeguard *
Realth. Hundreds of tons are
used annually for this worls.
that packages are properly la
beled. Beware of large four-
jioniisl package light kalso-
mine offered to customers ua
a five-pound package.
I'TSANCE of wall paper is ob
viated bv ALABASTINE. It
can be used on plastered walls ,
wood ceilings , bri k or can
vas. A child can brush it on.
i ll does not rub or scale off.
STABLISHDD in favor. Shun
all imitations. Ask paint dealer
or druggist for tint card. Write
for "Alabastine Era , " free , to
Rapids , Michigan.
isaisjss ?
A Natural Black is Produced by
ft iiOi for the
3 IJjB Whiskers.
SOcts. ofdrug2st5orR.P.HaISCo.1MashuaN.H. !
Nearly one-third of the churchgoers
of the United States are Roman Cath
olics. Considerably more than one-
fifth are Methodists. More than one-
sixth are Baptists. One churchgoer In
sixteen is a Presbyterian and one in
seventeen a Lutheran.
A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever.
T. rii.ix < ; oi IAUJ 'S OKIENTAL
till 31 At. 1C AL , III.AVTIKIKK.
Remove ? Tun. Mrnj/lt * . I'mnlcs.
Moth 1'atcfcC ! * , Ka.-b : .inl Skin
ECS. ansl evtr > ) > l > iiii.ch on
ibfiHiity m.ii drfiei
It hw
r" * ! TC-'irt'l " < " * O
v II harnilit-t-wp tnite it
y to lie MIM it i. " prop.
in. ni.-i rrf < Jt ol
hniiui ! ini > . < - IT. J , .
A. Sayn - : til to a
l.i-ly ot Ui haul-ten
a finlirj.t " & * you
la < ! n > liiii'o Kit-in ,
1 1or n i nit " ( Jour-
4 1 'i i uiu '
lost linrniful <
the Si.ii >
tion " Kor
We wish to gain this year 2f0.fXJG
nevr customers , unrt hence oner
irU.13r > ajKr..li
Worth $1.00 , for 14 Cts. tixoj
Abore 10 pV'zs. . worth S1.0C we will
mail joa free , togpther with our great
Plnat end Seed Catalogue , upon re
ceipt of tliis notlc ? and 14e postage
AVe invite your trade nnd kncm when
700 once try Snlzer'a Seeds jon will
. - . never Ket along without them. On-
ry ton Seed GSe end upcK > , Pota.
toe ut A1.20 n I.bl. CsUiloKue
nloco 5 cintn. No. C' * 1.
JOH.V A. SALZgil SEKB CO. , I.n Cro.i eAVJ. . .
Ovcrttcck Bust lie Wottd Oat.
XTAitDWj ' 08 n IKL3 ,
KUirtnteed , S0.75 to
810. Shopworn < k second
end band wlitfcla , peed
OB new , S3 to 8S1O ;
Grtat flJtory clearing ul * .
Jhip tinjoac en * pr Tl1
rU : wlibont it crttli a-lnnw
59 r-.t'.s. We f ( ? CDS Rt-i'r Asml Ja tich torn FREE USE
Jfinap.o wiccl taiuticdue l mTint * fct not fat our ii-xti ! tOu.
K. C. .llead Cycle Company , C Iiicago , Ills.
Incandescent Gasoline Lamps too
: ntli power , fix ho s , ic.
. :1 r en ea .h. Made by
FILL5S TEETH with "l > ent-Oas. " No
pain : easily ami jnieky !
done : saves inouey. Circulars. J'iom-er
Denial Co. , St. James , Minn.
S. C. N. II. - - 14-99
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good.
In time. Sold by druggists.