In constant pain when Is that dragging , pulling sensation with you from morn \Yi \ ! } ' not put ihc medicine exactly en the disease ? Why J inot srj''y the euro right to ! the spot itself ? You can do it with S Immediately after the Plaster is applied , you warming , soothing Its healing remedies quickly penetrate down deep into In 3 inflamed tissues. Pain is fyiieted , soreness is re lieved ; . : il strength imparted. No plssicr was ever made like it. No plaster ever acted so quickly and lliore-jghly. No plaster ever had Eiuli complete control ever ail kinds of tIn. . Placed over the chest it is a powerful aid to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ; relieving congest"on and drawing out all inflammation. FOR ' , K BT ALT. DRUGGISTS. i' . AYEH CO. , Lowell , Mass. ll'R FrPPl To Buyers of our Cai' HtCollGC. . den Seeds. Atestofonr Northern Grov.n Steds will nt onca co&Tinco yon there are no bss t - crown and wo therefore make tha following nnhc.i > il of offer to the readers of this paper. 37 Paoliet3 irash cardea seeds and knlfo No. Tab , all for 77cta. poiaid or 87 packages fresh garden seeds and knife No 7.b. all for 97 cte postpaid. Cat out this advertisement r " " oend us 77ct9. i * you want keif9 No. 7sb , or 87cta. if you want knife No. TJub.and the fol lowing grand coetion of THE BEST VEGETABLE SEEDS , ( retail price is over fLW ) and we will send the entire 7 put. lots and the knife FREE , all post paid. No. 7 SB. IrAi- . Gem Peas , 1 pkc. Eclipsa Blood Tnr. nip IK * . 1 pke. Dwarf Wax Bains,2 pkgs. Peas , 1 pkg Strinu Beans , 1 pker. ! * aw Danvero flatOnion , 1 pk . Kobbi Ci 01 Watermelon. Ipkjr. Ox Heart Car re > , 1 pkg. Largo Karly York Oabbago , 1 i.lcs. Marble Mammoth Drnmhead , 1 pkg. Long Gracn Cucumber , _ j. Uanvera half long Carrots ; If ) kg. G osn Citron Sluskmolon , 1 No.TiSC. p-t. Perfection Tomato. 1 i * % Trophy Tomato , 1 pkg. Jitjrabaca. Ipkt ; . Bin Boston J toco , 2 pkns 1'urplo Top < T' rain , 1 pkg. Hollow Crown A -aaipp.l Dkc. Ions Scarlet 1 lisli.lpko.Double Curled J -slay , 1 pkg , Celery , 1 pkg. ' , 1 pkg. French Break- f l liadieh , 1 pkc. Bummer C-"okneck Squash , 1 pkg. I i ? ed Simpson Lettcco , 1 ; . . EoarlyflrtDntch Turnip , 1 pkg. . .carlo ; Turnip Radish , 1 pkg. I v rrcr Market Lettuce , 1 pkg. I ly Russian Cucumbers , ! pkg. C Jtiiam. KingCnbbaco , 1 pke. SweetaipUin,2pii ; Early Minnesota seta Ora , 1 pkg Eed Glebe Oalou. lf ' 3E FREEi At 7 , ' " = sts luo No. 7sb , 4- bl.iJo injireas buck hornf HsS hardihost stcsl tvPT.iiit ; r5 : knifo1 ! besontFSEE. The -.ITsb , knife is just what f T7 farmer should have. > rtra weight , finely Polish , oads , three heavy fiteol bt .Tos , inclucling hoof blade. .To giro it FEEE to ever $ person 'dorinalhe above collec tion a. . s-rcU. through this adver- tjhcmcr.-.or'wo Vfillfumisntho27 fresh packets of j-irden seeds to aii5oae postpaid fqi I7ct8 no better Beods grown or sold at nny prico. This oollectioncannot be broken or any variation made. . S ncclal.-ln ordrr to test this newspaper as an al- reriisinirnr'.iiuni 'lo everyone wu > will onclrse thii wtvertUc'inont with their order wo will send 20 pacX- Bges ( value 1 fr iMJiakiug57 pac-atesofresli garden lecdtairl the kni > Ko. 7sl > for 77 rents , or kii'foNo ' 77sb and H7 i ac ti es for 97 cents. A remarkable o er. T. Al. Roberts Supply House , Allnneapolis , Minn. FOR 84GEi TS We wish to gain this year 209.000 new customers , and hence oner lPkB.18DayHfidiph lOc 1 Pic. Early Kine Gibbas * JCc I 'r Earlisst Red Beet lOc " Long Lichtn'g Cucumber. lOc , " Sslaer's Best Lettuce 15o " California Fig Tomato 20c " Early Dinner Onion lOo " Brilliant FlorerSeed8..15c Worth SI.00 , ( or 14 Cts. $1.00j Above 10 pk 9. , worth $1.00 , wo will mail yon f roe , together with our great IMr.nt and Bead Catalogue , upon receipt - ' ceipt of tiia oetiec and 1-lc postage Wo invite your trade and kziotr when youoncatry Bulxcr'n 8eed you will never get along without them. On ion Saod OScandupalb. Polo- toed at $1.80 a bttl. Catalogue nlono 2 c nts. No. C. > . OOP SGYOLES Ol r tccfc Hut t ? UosedHot. STA.1DAKB ' 03 MODELS , guaranteed , @ 9.75 to 81G. Shopworn & second end hand wheels , Rood as new , S3 to S1O. Crcxt Cutgry clearing ule. W ship t ? ftnjcaa en ipprQT&l .1 i 9 * emJiU. Wet In KJ ! r ACeot ia Meh ttn FREE USH tclcuoduw fieri. WnU t cce * let out i tcUt otfir. K. C. Iklead Cycle Company , Chicago , Ills. Of Greater New York , Boston , and many other places use Carter's Ink exclusively and won't use any other. That speaks well for CARTER'S INK and giver you food for thought. Incandescent Gasoline Lamps 100 candle power , sx hours , ic. Best seller on earth. Made by SIOUX CITY BRASS WORKS. Get Your Pension DOUBLE Wrlto Cart. O'PASBF3t.7feihneioa. . D.O. S. C. N. U. - 13-99 Best Cough \ mp. la tSmt Sold by druffgl&ts. _ A SENSIBLE LETTER. A "Western Canadian Settler AVrites ti an Illinoia Friend. In writing to Mr. T. Hawkyard , o Rockford , 111. , Mr. G. Simpldus , of Lc due , Alberta , Western Canada ( and t which points especially low rates ar being quoted over all lines of railway ; says : "Dear Sir Received your letter th 14th inst. We have had no snow til after Christmas , and the cattle hav been able to live out , and are all in goo < condition. It is snowing now. That i what we want. Have about six iuche now. The old settlers say when w have lots of snow it means a good CTOJ the coining season. It never drift here. The weather is calm and brlgh ! We do not have to dress any heavie than in Illinois , and the horses neve shiver with the cold when we tak them from the warm stable , as the ; do in Illinois. It has not frozen in th < stable this winter. 'The most of the stock runs out , bu there is no need of it , for timber i plentiful , and there is no expense t < build good stables and houses. W < have good log houses , and they an very warm. Two men can put up i house 10x24 in two days. There an good rails for fences. We live tei miles from the coal district , the prici being from 50 cents up to $2. Tin laud is a very rich , loamy soil , fron six inches to several feet in depth ; tin hiiis have the deepest. It is a rollinj country , and excellent for stock of al kinds. .Sheep do well , and there an plenty of small lakes , where the cattl can get good water. The cattle go out of grass last year , about the middl of April , and run nt large ; unless h charge of a herdsmen , we have to fenc < acaiust them. Wheat goes from thirty live to sixty bushels per acre , oati eighty and ninety , very often over ; hundred. As to potatoes , a ueighboi planted seven bushels and dug 22 ( bushels and no bugs. Roots of all kind : do well. There are lots of strawber rics and lots of red raspberries , blacl and red currants , and gooseberries whore the fire has not burnt them Cartlo are scarce. I have been tryini to buy some for eight months , and hav < got only tliroe two-year-olds , and pait $ : < ) each. "Hogs are scarce , but can be got They soil for 0 cents dressed , and cos more for stockers. Wheat 50 cents pei bushol. oats 25 cents , eggs 30 cents i dozt'n , butter 15 and 20 cents , poultry was 10 and 11 cents dressed. Sheei arc .scarce. If you come , bring youi firm tools , but bring no seeders ; we use drills. Bring cows , but do noi bring horses unless you are an experi eiu-od hand in shipping them , for sc many of them are hurt in shipping There will be plenty of work for ji bindor. Two good horses will break but throe lighter are better. The horses you get here can work withoul grain , but are better with it. It will bo hard to tell what prices horses will bo , for the immigration will be very lar e the coming spring. They could not be had last spring at one time. They claim the best time to break is Juno , but iny experience is to break iu tin- spring and work it. You can break till the middle of July. " Overheard 111 a Restaurant. Customer I'm sure I've seen you r : > ! ! > owhere. I never forget a pretty fiiv ! Waitress I don't remember JTOU a ; ; < l I never forget a fresh customer , Puck. Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Excursion Rates tc Western Cmida : : anc particulars as to how tc secure 160 acres of the best Wheat- growing land oa the Continent , can be secured on appli cation to thrSupcrintend- unt of immigration , Ot tawa. Canada , or the iindersijjned. Specially cou- dui-ted excursions will leave St. Paul , Minn. , on the flrst and third Wednesdays in each month , and specially low rates on all lines of railway reaching St. Paul ure beiu quoted for excursion leaving on April 5th for Manitoba , Assiniboia , Saskatchewan ind Alberta. Address N. Bartholomew , 306 Fifth St. , UesMoines , Iowa , Agent for the Goverumeul af Canada. / ssy u ta a U\S a U * POPHAM'S ASTHMA SPECIFIC Qlvec relief in FITB minutes. Send tor ft FliEE trial packaeo. Sold ty Orufc. lists. Ono Bo : sent postpaid an rcvtipt Of Sl.OO. SUbo tsSd.CO. TUOS. roruia , ? S 8 S 9 fe JOHN W.MORRIS. aS B Pg Washington , D.C. , uccessfully Prosecutes Claims. 3Lc.tePtlnclDttl Esamtnor U.S. Ponaloa Bureau. I 3yrs iu civil war 15 adjudicating claims , atry aiuca "a flIllnK for teeth can ko used by auyone. Arrests lecuy ; lasts a llfutimo. Circulars free. Pioneer Dental Co. , St. James , ZVIiim. What Broke It Up. For several years the little town of liloouisburg boasted a brass band , vhich held together with very little iuaueial encouragement from the citi- : eus or'anybody else. At the close of a presidential cam- > aign , however , in which it had en- eyed a season of more than usual sue : oss , it suddenly dropped from public u \v , without any visible cause. "AVhat broke up your band ? " ln- [ uired a loading citizen of Bloorasburg. ; everal weeks afterward. "Well , it was this way , " answered he young man who had acted as lead- ir. "We found , when we held our last Jv .ila0 % t' l \ . \ l-.i.l t a uullart ; ca-1. n the treasury. That was the most we tad ever had , and as it was just one lollar apiece the boys insisted on mak- Qg a division of the money. It was lone , and I have never been able to get he boys together again. Our band , " .e added , regretfully , "couldn't stand " - - irosperity. Of Two Prominent aa l Well-Known A Catarrh. Cure tfeat Cures. Some Saasonafcla Sprisg iayings. Springtime has ceme at last , and now is the time for all catarrh sufferers to begiu a systematic course of treatment for this disease. The greatest difficulty in the way of treating chronic catarrh is that the patient is so liable to catch cold during the treatment and thus de lay the cure. This liability at this sea son of the year is , in a great measure , removed , and no one should neglect the opportunity to begin treatment. Miss Bade Stegeman , superintendent of the Chicago North Side Woman's Club , of Chicago , in a recent letter to Dr. Hartman , speaks of Pe-ru-na as follows : Chicago , Jau. 23 , 1899. Pe-ru-na ' ' Co. Columbus O. - - Drug M'f'g , , : Gentlemen Pe-ru-na has often been used by the mem bers of our club in cases of stomach trouble and general debility also recent- lyincasesofla grippe , and always with the most beue- fl c i a r y results. 1 think a great deal of Pe-ru-ua often rec ommend it to my DAPE STEQEMAX. friends , and am glad to say all who have tried it speak a good word for it. Yours truly , DADE STEGEMAN. Send for free catarrh book. Address Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Co. , . Co lumbus , Ohio. FACTORY FOR CAKE WALKERS. A Place in Chicago "Where They Are Turned Out Every Day. It may not be generally known that Chicago has a factory for the produc tion of cake walkers. No machinery is used , the output being the result rath er of circumstances. In one of the State street restaurants , which is nearly half a block deep and which boasts the iongest lunch counters in the city , about iifty colored men are employed as wait ers , and they all wear white uniforms well stained by the drippings from pies and the slop-over from liquids. About 2:30 : o'clock each afternoon the men take their lunch. They all form in line in the rear of the restaurant and march in single file down to the front of the room around the principal counter , countermarch down the other side and sit at a counter provided for them. The feature of the march is the fnarcb , is the cake Avalk swing , which most of the men practice , and it is no unusual tiling for those whom they pass to over hear such remarks as : "Get dat cake walk move right. " "Say , man , you'd never win no cake with that walk on you. " "If I was a gal and you walked with me like that I sure would pull a razor on you , " etc. Some of the men are said to be the most expert cake walkers in the city. Chicago Chronicle. Fitted Throush the Bars. Difficulties only .inspire a man of genius. Witness the Golden Penny's story of the correspondent who , while confined in a Cuban jail , asked for some clothing to take the place of his rags. He was told he might order a suit from a tailor ; but when the tailor ar rived the prisoner found he could only consult with him through the bars' . In order to be measured he had to stand as close to them as he could get. In a few days , however , the tailor again appeared with the garments cut out and pinned together for fitting on , and this he accomplished by stretching his arms through the window-bars as before , until the "fit" was to his mind correct. When the correspondent came to wear this extraordinary suit he found it most satisfactory and well-fitting so much so that it is being worn in London now with much pride. One on the Hector. The little daughter of a local clergy man has reached the age where big words are apt to floor her , and where she is very sensitive to the remarks of an elder brother. Not long ago she came running to her father. "Papa , papa , George called me names. " "Why , what did Georgia say ? " "Oh , " said the little girl with a strong expression of disgust , "he said I prac ticed what I preached. I don't , do I ? " "Well , my child , I " "But I don't , do I , papa ? I don't any more than you do , do I ? " And then the rector choked up. But he took a half hour from his sermon and explained the meaning of the ob noxious expression to the best of his ability. Cleveland Plain Dealer. GENMIAL S. S. YODEK. Notwithstanding that a great number of people have been cured of chronic catarrh by taking Pe-ru-na during the past cold season , yet it cannot be de nied that the cold , wet , stormy winter has retarded many cures , and in some cases actually prevented a cure. General S. S. Yoder , ex-Member of Congress from Ohio , in a recent letter to Dr. Ilartraan , speaks of Pe-ru-ua as follows : Washington , D. C. Pe-ru-na Drug M'f'g Co. , Columbus , O. : Gentlemen I desire to say that I have found Pe-ru-na to be a wonderful remedy. I only used it for a short time and am thoroughly satisfied as to its merits. I cannot find words to express my gratification for the results ob tained. As a catarrh cure I shall glad ly recommend it to all sufferers. Yours truly , S. S. YODER. From Alaska. it may be a matter of astonishment to many people to know that more than one-half the salmon pack of the United States and nearly half the world's sup ply of canned salmon now comes from Alaska. The capital invested in the Alaska salmon fisheries is said to be more than three million dollars , and the value of a season's catch , not including the manufactured products therefrom , comes to about two million dollars. Last year there were twenty-two can neries in operation , which packed six hundred and forty thousand cases , and twenty-four salting establishments put on the market twenty-one thousand barrels of salted salmon. Bromus Inermis Grass ! It's the greatest grass on earth Snlzer Bays so. This grass yields 4 to 7 tons hotter hay than timothy in dry , rainless countries ; yields even more than that in Ohio , Ind. , Mich. , Wis. , Iowa , 111. , Mo. , Kans. , Nebr. , Mont. , yes in every State of the Union ! Salzer warrants this ! Pota toes $3.20 a Bbl. Send this notice to JOHN A. SALZER SEED CO. , LA CROSSE , \VIS. , anil 10 cents postage and receive their great Seed Catalogue and sample of this grass seed and nine other farm seed Rnroties free A Call to Arms. "Wesley , " said his wife , sleepily , as the plaintive wail of the infant broke the stillness of the midnight hour , "Wesley , heed the advice of Kipling. " "What is that ? " he grunted from be neath the coverlet. "Take up the white man's burden ! " Philadelphia North American. Oh , That Delicious Coffee I Costs but Ic. per Ib. to grow. Salzer has the seed. German Coffee Berry , plcg. 15c. ; Java Coffee pkg. 15c5 Salzer's New American Chicory 15c. Cut this out and ieud luc. for any of above packages or send 30c. and get all 3 pkgs. and great Catalogue free to JOHN A. SALZEli SEED CO. . La Crosse. Wis. ( c. n. ) The Savnj-e Bachelor. The dear girl This custom of throw ing rice at a newly wedded couple is so idiotic. The savage bachelor Well , rather. Mush would be much more appropri ate. Cincinnati Enquirer. Avoid t : c Nitfht Air. Avoid the night air when damp and cold , and you will ofter. avoid having neuralgia , but St. Jacobs Oil will cure it no matter what is the cause and no matter how long it has continued. Curious Accident. Two angry sparrows were chasing each other through a suburb of Berlin , when one of them , in its haste , flew into a woman's face. Its sharp beak penetrated her eye and destroyed the sight. _ A Remarkable Offer. The special offer made elsewhe-c in our adver tising columns by the T. 51. Roberts Supply House * . Minneapolis , Minn. , should be cnriifull3r"reul by ivery reader of this paper. It is made in peed faith , by a reliable firm , and consists of remark able values. Hats Were Once a Luxury. In the reign of Elizabeth the wearing of hats was considered a sign of lux ury. By an act of Parliament every person above the age of 7 years , and under a certain degree , was obliged on Sundays and holidays to wear a woolen cap , made in England , and finished by some of the fraternity of cappers. John Of John Milton's te n London resi dences it ia caul not ouc is now left , though two or throe have been standing within memory. It is proposed to turn the little churchyard of St. Giles' Church , Cripplegate , into a public gar den , and to place therein a statue of the poet , whose bones lie in the chancel of the church. Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease. a powder for the feer. It cures painiul , swollen , smarting , nervous feet and instantly takes the s1 ing out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort dis covery of the age. Allen's Fuot-Ease makes tight-fitting or new shoes feel easjIt is a certain cure for sweating , callous and hot. tired , aching feet Try it to-day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c , ill-stamps. Trial package FItEE. Address , A'Ien ' S. Olmsted , Le Koy. X. Y. Appreciative. "I saw you at the theater last night. You Deemed to be very enthusiastic. For my part I didn't think the show amounted to much. " "I didn't either , but you see I got In on a pass. " To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All drugcists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L.B.Q. on each tablet. Carefully Cherished. She Do you remember.that thirty years ago you proposed to me and that I refused you ? He Oh , yes. That's one of the most treasured recollections of my youth. Household Words. Have It Handy. He cried out in agony , and they ran to the neighbors for help. Sciatica was torturing him. Better run for St. Jacobs Oil , or have It handy. It is known to cure the worst cases. Hickory nuts are an American prod uct and we export them in large num bers to Europe , where they are found good eating. Pecans belong to the hickory family. St. Jacobs Oil cnrei HhcmHatUm. St. Jacobs Oil " St. Jacobs Oil Lumbago. Sf. Jacobs Oil Sciatica. St. Jacobs Oil i Sprains. St. Jacobs Oil ( i Uruise * . Bt. Jacobs Oil < i SorcneiL St. Jacob/ * Oil it StifTneji. St. Jacobs Oil Hackuclie. St. Jacoba Oil Muscular Action. Was Kcatly lor It. Pastor Have you seriously consider ed the great question of life , Mary ? Girl Parishioner None of ! he young men has asked me yet. sir. New Or leans Times-Democrat. How's Tliis ! WeofTer One Hundred Dollnr ? reward for any case of Catarrh tliat cannot Iw cured l > y Mall's Catarrh Cure. F. .1. CIIKNKY & CO. . rr p - . . T : U'do. O. We the undcrMsned liave known F. .1. Cheney for tlie last ir > years , and btlleru liitn pt-rffctly honorable in nil business trincictinns : : : nd finan cially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. WKST&TKUAX. "Wholesale * DniKufcts. Toledo , O. WALDINO. KINNAX & MAKVIN.Vl.t ! silo Druggists. Toledo , O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally , ncling directly upon the blood and mucous , Mirfnos : of the system. Price750 per bottle. Sold by all Druggists Testimonials free. So Near and Yet So Kar. The distance from the farthest point of polar discovery to the pole itself la 4GO miles. We will forfeit $1,000 if any of onr pub lished testimonials are proven to he not genuine. THE P1SO CO. , Wnrron , Pa- The Federal Court of Kansas City has decided that the drinking of poison by mistake is not an accident within the meaning of an insurance policy. "Vlr.i.Vif ! lmr'n tiooTHiN'i Svncp Jr Uhllrtron tee tlnnc : soft-- ! the friim.s , reduces Inflammation. allays : sin. cures wind colic. 'Z rents a bottle. WASTElX-Casi-of Imi ! health that Ifl-P-A-N'S will not Ix-neilt. SemS 5 cent * to Rlpnii * Chemical Co. . Kcir York , for lOsamnli'snml ! . < WO testimonials. It is bettor to insult an impertinent questioner than to lie to him , or em ploy evasion. OTHERHOOD is woman's natitral destiny. Many women are denied the happiness of children . through some derangement of the generative organs. Actual barrenness is rare. Among the many triumphs of LydiaE. Pinlcham's Vegetable Compound is the overcoming of cases of supposed barrenness. This great medicine is so well calculated to regu late every function of the generative or gans that its efficiency is vouched for by multitudes of women. MRS. ED. WOLFORD , of Lone Tree , Iowa , \vrites : ' DEAR MRS. PINKHAM Before taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I had one child which lived only six hours. The doctor said it did not have the proper nourishment > while I was carrying it. I did not feel at all well during preg-- nancy. In time I conceived again , and thought I would write to you for advice. "Words cannot express the gratitude I feel towards you for the help that your medi cine was to me during this time. I felt like a new person ; did my work up to the last , and was sick only a short time. My baby weighed ten pounds. He is a fine boy , the joy of our home. He is now six weeks old and weighs sixteen pounds. Your medicine is cer tainly a boon in pregnancy. " MRS. FLORA COOPER , of Doyle , S. Dak. , writes : DEAR MRS. PINKHAM Ever since my last child I suffered with inflammation of the womb , pains in back , left side , abdomen and groins. My head ached all the time. I could not walk across the floor without suffering intense pain. I kept getting worse , until two years ago I wrote to you for advice , and began taking Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound. I had not finished the first bottle before I felt better. I took four bottles , and have been strong and perfectly healthy ever since , and now have two of the nicest little girls. " We will sell you Lumbar , Doors , Windows and Work at Chicago Wholesale Prices. Send for Catalogue and Price List FREE. V/e * are iSOT in the 7F2US7. ff 'F F i FS S\ * A MVl Nlffca iiil 3tti& ciijii'intiiJjiiijisS w tft : 350 © © enter Avenise. Chicago , § 11. TATJv : "OT'T ? IS LIKE A GOOD TEMPER , "IT SHEDS A BRIGHTNESS EVERYWHERE. " Tills Signature is on eyerj box of LAXATIVE BROrrlO QUININE TABLETS , Accept no substitute represented to be "just as good , " SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS IN Druggists refund the monej f THE UNITED STATES fG if it fails to cure. AND CANADA. G PR1CE-25 CENTS