Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, March 23, 1899, Image 7

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    Metzger Bros. ,
Pullman \ > b
Cherry Co.
Brand on left side
| ano thigh
Earmark , square
crop right ear
Southern branded
.cattle have but one
( "half-diamond K"on
Jeft side
Native cattle have
Ranee on Gordon and Snake i reeks' ' '
Horses have same brand on left thigh
A Itetcarrt of . $25O will be paid to anj
person for information leading to the arre.st and
final conviction of any person or persons steal
\DK cattle with above brand
Poutofllce address
Hrowulee , NYb
On left , side or anv
part of animal , hur-
mark right ear cut
oiT ; horses Branded
same on left hip Also
bus .stock hnmded 11
on side or sln-ulder
or Jit orVorO Vi !
orO or FX Also _
tbe fnilmvfiiir. t'u > i'rsj on
PostoiTlo * * a Idr -
Ilrowntce N *
On nslit : .tide.
LK onWHIP ait
also LJiil on l <
& 1 ode
* aUi
& ; V /
line ,
Postofflce Hiidress
Brown ice. N b
Branded on left
side ; .some II ' 't
on left thigh
Knnge Duck Lak
J l' < wt fflreArtiJ
' '
f "
< - & &
' ' * AV'4if& * * * % i.'I ' nr-'wiuee Neb
t : > ' ? & $ * ) { & . & ' Z
' rig teide '
Fostonice address
V nitmaii , Ne .
On left side ; hordes
same on left shoulder
R7S m left side
hip or thigh aa
Range north prongS = 3
Middle Lonp river
and Buffalo Lake
roitofTlce s
Acorn jus'icx
ft shoulder t ! .nf.
Horses same on
lelt shoulder
Range eaei < >
Postofficc address
Hyannis , Neb
n right side ; horses
ses same on rigl t
ngc ix mil s
northwest of Moth
er Lake picciiu-t
I'ostofFice address
Il\i > ni is. Neb
Branded on right
s'deand ' h \t \
Also have 'toe In ain't eon
on right side ; iiid hi ] )
011 riubt bi |
Range-Southwestein ( hen\
Postoflice address
hynnuis. Nel
On left bin nnc li-lt
side Als"
f-n left hip
and left side
horses same
brands on shoulders
Range 2-i-niies !
ortbof Hjaunis
nstofliee address
1 HiHiinip , Ne
in rlgl.l lup :
" * * I * either side
oil rigbt
ses right
Uange seven miles north of Hyannis.
PostofTice address
Pullman , Neb
Cuttle branded as on
out ; horses branded
* ame as cattle except
reversed S.
ee bloek
Range Stever
and Stepbenpon
Lakes and South
ostoflioe a < l < 'rcs
Ilynnnis. Neb
Branded anywhere
on right side ; horses
ses same on left
Range - . sixlcei-
miles northeast oJ
J. A Adamson.
Vnlent'ne. Neb
On left side or hip
/.4left > id or trip
tin left d-
Brownlee. Neb
Branded on either
side same as on cut
also both Jaws
Marshall & Wolfenden
Kennedy , Neb.
Some z : on the left
Horses S on left
Brand is small
Karmark : Quarter
clip beliind , half cir-
ele forward on lelt ear
Kango Lone Tree
oam Hudson
Simeon Neb
Left hip on eattlr
Li-ft shoulder on
Some her e.s Liiz\
on h'fi slionlder
Kange between
( Gordon iind
er and
Lett ear- tagged All ca'ile dehorned
William M. Dimbar
Lessee from Heine & Kroeger
Cody. Neb
Either side
A Is pBESJj ' > '
Left eai ol cattle
Itancc head of IIa\
Amelia Young.
' "ody. Nebraska
A-Y On right side.
Right ear.split
Range , Little
White river
Peder 'I'horsen.
Cordon. Nebraska
On riirlit side ; V >
r glr hip. * horv
bran 1 and T on.
rich' shoulder
Alco cattle bianden
\t N on loft side
Range , fowl m. e
south of Irwin
Ilenrv Young ,
Cody. Nebraska
Horse brand III
on left shoulder
Cattle , right ear
Kange. Littie
White river , S. I ) .
Stotts & SlettiM.
Cody ,
Ilranded on leftside
Range. Tin Can Lake
and .Morgan Flats
D C. Nelson.
Codv. Nebraska.
On riuht hip.
Range , Medicine
ake to the
Snake river
Hutt Hrotheis.
* * $ >
ff t
Gordon , Nebraska
Range.14 miles north
ol Gordon.
F. Duerleldt , Manager.
Gordon. Nebraska
Cattle also bnuided
fiOon tight hip
llors-s and mules
. randed same as cut
on left shoulder
4eSfcw * naJ
. .
. . .
X , * xfcaM. n rWI iuJSa.
J. C. Jordan
, Nebraska
One bunch ! > rin < ! r < l
as on cut on le't side
On- bunch icanded
< * t. on left hip
Horses ,1 on left
Range , in miles
IK tween Niobiara
ind Snake ri\ers
( leorjie F Damon
Albany. Veb
" C ttl/branded
FS > on le't ribs m
riLhl .shoulder ; * I
SD FD on right hip and 1fl
ribs ; f.on left hip
Horses Kl ) or SI ) on
right shoulder
Range 7 mi north
cast of Albany Neb
Agent for Pasteur
Black Leg Vaccine
Joseph Fickel
Gordon Neb
Horse brand F on
left shoulder
Jtange 10 miles
northeast of Gordon
Wheeler Bros.
Cody Neb
Also 15 on right
Range Chamberlain
Flats and Snake
Merriman Neb
'attic brand OM on
ft shoulder Some
f cattle have various
l.ier I'rindOS n
it hip. llorsbra'l
on i.-ft sh"Uldei
R " tre KOI meily
n ! TI nn'cs . : i . ) of
. ir' I- fi"Hi F ] ' .
M. V. R. R Nunlh to Leand r Creek. Alar-
& Bowlus , dcrltmeri
Feed-in-transit rates for the shipment
of range stock to the "Missouri river are
likely to be abolished May 1. Their
use and misuse , with altogether too
much of the latter to please the rail
roads , have caused the railway freight
men of the west to work hard all winter
for the abolition of the system. But a
few'of the railroads have held out' ow
ing to the objections of their patrons ,
for a big number of the stockmen of
the range and Nebraska farmers have
stood up in favor of the . > y.stem. Suffi
cient pressure has been brought to bear
by the majority of the roads , however ,
to make this action effective bcginniny
with May , it is now asserted. In
theory the system was a beautiful ar
rangement all around , since it enabled
the western ranchmen to ship their
grass fed cattle to a feeding station in
Nebraska or Kan a * at through rate.s
to South Omaha or Kansas City , there
to .stop for noi to exceed monli.b
while the cheap Nebraska and Kansas
corn was shoveled into the hungry
Steers. When fattened to the con
sistence of butter balls , for an addition
al $10 per car the cattle could be ship
ped on to market on the old through
rate. Thus two local rates were avoid-
d , and the fanners had a home market
for their worn. World-Herald.
The following effusion is credited to
i cit\ politician \\lm hop-'d by it to ue'
the -ohd farmer vote. N. I ! li Ba
llot -lit ige V\ilcott :
' 'I would (1e ( { 'rum the city's rule and
la from its fashions and forms cut
loose and go where : he strawbern
grows on its > traa. . id .he goox-lxsrv
grows on its goose ; where the catnip
tree is climbed by the cat as she clutch
es for her prey the guileless and un
suspecting rat on the rattan bush at
pla ; I will catch with ease the saffron
cow and cowlet in their glee as they
leap in joy from bough to bough on the
top of the cowslip tree , and list while
the partridge drums his drum and the
woodchuck chucks his wood , and the
dog devours the dogwood plum in the
primitive solitude.
" 0 let me drink from the mossgrown
pump , that was hewn from the pump
kin tree ! Eat mush and rnilk from a
rural stump , from folly and fashions
free- new gathered mush from the
mushroon vine , and milk from the
milkvteed sweet with pineapple from
the pine. And then to the white
washed dairy I'll turn , where the milk
maid hastening hies , her ruddy and
golden red butter io churn from the
milk of her butterflies : and I'll rise at
morn with the earliest bird , to the fra
grant farmyard pass , and watch while
the farmer turns his herd of grasshop
pers out to grass. "
VALENTINE. Xeb. . March 21 , ' 9U
Board of county commissioners met
as per adjournment. L'resentV. , . A.
Parker , Chairman. T P. Spratt and L
LI. Trowbridge
On motion the resignation of O. W.
\V right assessor for Plea > ant 1 1 ill pre
cinct was accepted.
On motion the following appoint
ments were made :
.J A W ,1'dmviii Assessor Sharps Ranch
.1 : Cot o-i " Buffalo Lake
.It'hii HSauIl " Pleasant Hill
.1 H Saults " Enlow
I'C Galloway road overseer Hist No in
. . " " " "
M. F. Sanborn 14
On motion the following official bonds
were approved :
J A W .Johnson assessor Sharps 11 inch
.1 E Cotton " Buffalo Lake
K F Sanborn " " " 14
Chris N Filing ' > !
L Laufer " ' 30
Hiram MeNmnee " " 15
Henry Fleidier d puty sheriff Cherry county
On motion bids for Cherry county
court house bonds xere opened , and
bunds sold to Xelson C. l--iock for
$ T2 100 , h.j being the highest bi .der
lionds to draw interest from , Jul\ 1.
On motion the bids for bridge across
Niobran river at place known as Bern
bridge and foui-d ; o oc u. fo lows j
Wrought Ir.m Bridge Co , plan No 1 , . § 3.790
Same company , l.-in No i . 4.jO" :
ditto plan 3 . 4.475
ditto plau4 . 4,925
ditto plans . 5030
ditto plan 6 . . . . _ 5,970
Belle Fountain Bridge & Iron Co . C,9CO
N M Stark &Co . 5.510
BF Parks & Co . G.IOO
J. II. Sheely & Co . \725
GeoE King . 6,400
Kansas City Bridge Co . fl.coo
Marsh Bridge Co . 7. )0 ) '
Mo Valley Bridge & Iron Works. No 1 . Uv:50 : \
Same conirj my plan 2 . G.S7U
Canton Bridge Co . 0,440 i
J 11 Sparks . C.OuO '
GeoCWise&Co . 6,500 j
AMBiodgett . 5,9So
The contract was awarded to Wrought
Iron Bridge Co for $4,580.
Wher'-upon the card adjourned to
March 22. 1899
\olice of \ iltajre Kleexion.
Notice is hereby given that on Tiujs-
day rhe 4th day of April , \D 189 ! ) . an
election will be held at the court house
in the Village of \ alentine for the pur
pose of electing Five ( o ) Trustees for
the said "Village of Valentine for the
ensuing year , which election will be
opened at 9 o'clock in the morning and
continue until 7 < ' "dock in the afier-
tuioi of 1 e s , m 'jr. ! ' I3K X-
At. Mi J'.i-ard < .f TriK-te-
Assessors Meeting
The assessors met Tueada- and
went through the annual farce of fix
ing" the valuations of live stock and
real property. Tne } * had a good time
among themselves , learned consider
able in a parlimentary way , adopted
the following" schedule of valuations ,
and adjourned :
Hon-es at fnun S3 00 to $10.00.
Mules , at irom $4 CO to § 12 00.
Yearlings , at from $3 00 to So CO.
Two jear old- * , from $6.00 to S9.00.
Cows , from * 8 00 to $10. < K )
Three and four year oid steers from $10 to2. \ .
sheep , fion50r to $1.50. j
.Hogs , $1.01 per hundred live weight. i
Any ol the above that dn not come in common !
grades , k own as natives , such as si-rubs air- ! '
lugli grades , t" tit attheasse sor's judgment , >
Land at from 75c to ? C.OO without impnne. i
ment j
ill thid schedule land is supposed to :
be quoted at its full value , and the [
assessors will as usual reduce this ,
price one-third or inore. The other
valuations are supposed to be the
price at which property will be as- j
sessed. Following" is a liat of the
assessors , with their addresses :
1) . o I'.augh. lhannis Mother Lake
E Ormeslier , Vale itine .Sehl-igel
* Ira Johnson. Lavaca Lavaca
" Jos JackMin Cody Boiling Airings
* J. H. Sanll , Ci inplon P ! . a.sant Hill
H. A. Davids. Simeon Pewey Like
' - I. N. h'us.sc ! ! , N' wtou ( Jillasjiie
K. N. Bruce , Woodlake \\ondlake
K. K. crane. M-rnman KM
* ( 'has lloffni.in. Kilgre Georgia
* \ . . \Vallinpfopl Kennedy K nuedy
I \ . s''ieiliouri. V > iet > tiiu ; Kew.inei- j
.1. 31. cjrk > oVal , ntiiif V.lentine'
, \ C. Mtlniitn , Valentine r .t > le I
: i F B irl.erparUs Sparks i
tl N Dii\i-Mmeoii Cle\ claim
O. D.Carej. ( lookston Mii'iiechaduza
II Poiath Piiege German
i' K. Long. Bio\vi'eii Ste < n
1'V Pi mien , M-i linian \ieirimaii
J. II. Sklrvi g , Brownlec Loup
S. M. Woodward , Cooper Trwin
I d Sritterlee , Nenzel Nenzel
J. AV Johnsnii. liicge Sharps Kanch
Jos ColMer. riii'inan BullaioLake
J. A Haull- * , Gregory Knlou
Tho-c marked with an asterisk were absent.
In the legislative report Tuesday we
Iind the following which are of interest
to stockmen :
House roll Xo. oo4 , a bill for an act
to require any railroad company or
corporation doing business within the
limits of this state , and receiving and
conveying any live stock , to pass the
shipper or his employe to and from the
point designated in contract or bill of
lading without further expense to ship
per , was recommended to pass.
House roll No. 473 , a bill for an act
concerning the care of and to prevent
the spread of contagious and infectious
diseases among domestic animals ; to
provide for the appointment of a state
veterinarian and assistants : to regulate
their powers and duties ; to provide for
their compensation , Avas recommitted
to the standing committee.
Onr p"ood friend. J. M. Hanna , is
now in the banking" business , having"
formed relations of a financial char
acter with the Ainsworth bank , of
which he has been elected vice-presi
dent. We congratulate the banking"
interests , and also Mr. Hanna , over
th& new deal , and predict greater
success for all concerned Ainswoith
Hon. John Shore has been appointed
a member of the supreme court investi
gating committee. This is a very re
sponsible position , and we congratulate
our representative His as.oeites on I
the committee are Lane of Lancaster j
and I'ittmar of Otoe , republicans.
M.irr.ed. at the resident' j < if the bride's par
ents in Georgia. Nebraska , on I'hurnday. March
1C , 1390. Miss Lena Grabo and Peter Itempel oi
Crookston. llev. Chas Sndhrock of Kushville
perlormed ihe ctreinony The bride i > a bright
young lady \\ln > is held in high es-eein bv all
who have made Iu-r aupmi tancv , and Hie
groom is-u YOUUA man oi good , industrious hab
its 1 bi- . was the bride'n nineteenth biithdaj
and tberefoie the occasio.i of doulile rejoicing.
The ceremony was performed at I wo o'e oak and
ill * r the usii.il congratulations a large t.i'oic was
spread with good things to cat to which about
( iffy of the relatives > inl friends ol the rideand
groom d d a'lipl * justice file evening \v.is
5gent in s'tigi'ig. ' si > iking : rid pliyni-r irn'iies j
nnti' lite triM arnv-il to ta\e ! some of .he guest > j
h -ne who bad come fro n a dit mo1. A l.ir e j
number of presents w < re given as tokens ol j
good wishes for a long and happy life to the
younz couple who will IIUIKC Crookbton tlieir
future home.
Wood lake
Dave Hanna was in town Tuesday.
Woodlake has had a coal famine.
Mrs. S. ( i. Barnes went out to IIanna's Tues
Win. Billiard was seen in town one day last ,
Mr and Mrs. Holt aru visiting at hur .sis > er'.s ,
Mrs. C. M. Bruley.
.Miss OlheDcwey went to Lonvpiue last Sat-
urdaj on a visit with her .sister. Ms. : O. Beck.
, l. C Hounds , foreman sit the Andersor r.iich ,
was transacting business in town th ; lirst ol tlie
C O Murphy has been suffering with an at
tack of rheumatism. He is some bitter at thh
Be-'tha Wyman came up from JohnstovMi Sat-
urdiu. rotii aing Monday fvenmsr. She wus : the
guest of Miss Nidie Dewey while here.
Bii. ' v.
Kli "scciiBct.
Snoxv a foot deep.
Oor assessor was in Valentine tlie first 01 th-
The blizzard on Tuesday of lust week waver. .
sevenon st > ck.
IJ O uoo r.ih was over from c'sC n n
IMnch bust .Siniit..y
\ \ m lltcki-i c.iint ov. r 'r in the south } : ri ! ot
ill-- ui\s\ \ last w ek
! n\ . his p in .f Ui. couii'rt \--iii it
pj'iui n > it llusu. . tlier coi.tiiiue.- .i-h i nyer
4 ? Anything in the line of Clothing ,
8s ? Hats or Caps , Boots or Shoes ,
4 4 ? ? Staple or Fancy Groceries ,
4 S9 ? Stoneware , Dry Goods
4 ?
W 4 ? Notions , Salt Meat , Grain or Feed ,
Be sure to call and get prices at
- t I / < ' - ' - - -J-\
That's \\lierc the man w.Ilbe found who
neslccts to take advantage of opportunities.
We ofl'er you un oppottuniiy to .VITO
stuae money on whatever you need in
of all kinds- Our spring stock is now in and
consists of the
UEs > iccst of Everythiaijf
in our line that money could buy.
f" Jrn ' ' - - Lome and
C2 = > s f- , - " * & & . * * i&i&y' '
Wre - ftrrrT- "
s ; i- s -
< LZ " : \m\sfC \ : - : " { 'roftk.s < > aa , _ _ _ Nebraska ;
I have established a Feed and Saw Mill
0 miles south ol Cody , at the mouth of
Medicine C..n > on. and am now prepared
to grind Feed" Corn Meal and ( Jraham.
c-turn out all kinds of Lumber and di
mension Muf. ! and Native Shingles
( Jive us a trial order.
The dealest Kg. ; Proiitieeron Earth
Makes hens lay all winter and is .t
drouth proiil. ISt'titH'iitfti' < mr r * r.v ,
: i grand new Northern \anet\ , matures in
y da1" uro l.ces : great crops ol ha. , aiiii ia
wonderful fertiliser Vn' tuta $ t.1 > > I
\\ill ! * nd I'ost.ige p.tid enoiiirb p its t < i plant
an acre and eimtiub jicpper see-1 to produce
? HO-0 worti ! oi peppc'S nd seed Bj tn-ight
I will send the i'eis JUM ! IV pets. aNo hcon-
omy Hann-.ss ami Heit Mes.der. aargeboitl ! < :
oi Dr iirann's Cough arid Kidnc1. Halm and a
Quart ot "Karlyello \ \ i m-eii" Corn.Sit . -
isfaction irtiara'nteed Mipply ihteil Order
imcK and meiitio" thipajicr
Attention , Stockmen
liusd the
. \ny partifsvisliing
W.I > ( fjen
speoiai Prices
en this- and 1 > Ui * f April. Shop
\ve.st cf i-ehfo ! It < uise , at
Tn _ i V
N'orrh-Western Lsnc' is the he
to and from the
Several head < f hoi > es and cat
tle , branded
Amos Strong , Valentine. Xeh.
iuijh Iliivrl , Manager
Merriman Neb
J-0 'l-o 3 J
< All on left e Ie or
Id n e north of Eli
Charlotte K IJ
? .f > rrima.i"eb
f.uft s ; < i. or ! ip
Kanue north of Eli
Hn s.
Newton , Neb.
H r-c same on
If It bho i .er
R.incc between
the Gordon and the
" " "
Gor uch Bros.
Newton , Nebr
I Cattle bran c '
I as on cutSome
efr s deorhip
Ramie on Gord
I. T. Richardson.
Kennedy , Nebri
Some on left
Ho se on
left -hou
E. A. Mc < Jt : . de.
Valentine , Xeb
Branded on ci I-
side Eange etwv-
Thacherau Sv\ .