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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1899)
Metzger Bros. , Pullman \ > b Cherry Co. Brand on left side | ano thigh Earmark , square crop right ear Southern branded .cattle have but one ( "half-diamond K"on Jeft side Native cattle have Ranee on Gordon and Snake i reeks' ' ' Horses have same brand on left thigh A Itetcarrt of . $25O will be paid to anj person for information leading to the and final conviction of any person or persons steal \DK cattle with above brand P S KOUSCIIE Poutofllce address Hrowulee , NYb On left , side or anv part of animal , hur- mark right ear cut oiT ; horses Branded same on left hip Also bus .stock hnmded 11 on side or sln-ulder or Jit orVorO Vi ! orO or FX Also _ tbe fnilmvfiiir. t'u > i'rsj on LBH AND PostoiTlo * * a Idr - Ilrowntce N * On nslit : .tide. LK onWHIP ait also LJiil on l < & 1 ode * aUi & ; V / line , * GEO HIGGINS Postofflce Hiidress Brown ice. N b Branded on left side ; .some II ' 't li on left thigh Knnge Duck Lak J l' < wt fflreArtiJ ' ' f " < - & & * - ' ' * AV'4if& * * * % i.'I ' nr-'wiuee Neb t : > ' ? & $ * ) { & . & ' Z ' rig teide ' Range. Valley CLARENCE SMITH Fostonice address V nitmaii , Ne . On left side ; hordes same on left shoulder R7S m left side hip or thigh aa Range north prongS = 3 Middle Lonp river and Buffalo Lake QU8TAVK WBNDLKli roitofTlce s llrownleb " Acorn jus'icx ft shoulder t ! .nf. Horses same on lelt shoulder Range eaei < > Postofficc address Hyannis , Neb n right side ; horses ses same on rigl t shoulder ngc ix mil s northwest of Moth er Lake picciiu-t A J PLUMEK I'ostofFice address Il\i > ni is. Neb Branded on right s'deand ' h \t \ Also have 'toe In ain't eon on right side ; iiid hi ] ) llor-i 011 riubt bi | Range-Southwestein ( hen\ County. AV K STANSIJIK AND D O 1UUGH Postoflice address hynnuis. Nel On left bin nnc li-lt side Als" f-n left hip and left side horses same brands on shoulders Range 2-i-niies ! ortbof Hjaunis nstofliee address 1 HiHiinip , Ne in rlgl.l lup : " * * I * either side oil rigbt ses right shoulrter Uange seven miles north of Hyannis. SWEENEY BROS PostofTice address Pullman , Neb Cuttle branded as on out ; horses branded * ame as cattle except reversed S. ee bloek Range Stever and Stepbenpon Lakes and South A HUMPHREY ostoflioe a < l < 'rcs Ilynnnis. Neb Branded anywhere on right side ; horses ses same on left slionlder Range - . sixlcei- miles northeast oJ J. A Adamson. Vnlent'ne. Neb On left side or hip /.4left > id or trip tin left d- Niobrara CIIAMBEHLAIV & CO Brownlee. Neb Branded on either side same as on cut also both Jaws Marshall & Wolfenden Kennedy , Neb. Some z : on the left hipHorses Horses S on left shoulder Brand is small Karmark : Quarter clip beliind , half cir- ele forward on lelt ear Kango Lone Tree Lake oam Hudson Simeon Neb Left hip on eattlr Li-ft shoulder on horses Some her e.s Liiz\ on h'fi slionlder Kange between ( Gordon iind er and er Lett ear- tagged All ca'ile dehorned William M. Dimbar Lessee from Heine & Kroeger Cody. Neb Either side A Is pBESJj ' > ' * Left eai ol cattle Spill Itancc head of IIa\ Creek Amelia Young. ' "ody. Nebraska A-Y On right side. Right ear.split Range , Little White river Peder 'I'horsen. Cordon. Nebraska On riirlit side ; V > r glr hip. * horv bran 1 and T on. rich' shoulder Alco cattle bianden \t N on loft side Range , fowl m. e south of Irwin Ilenrv Young , Cody. Nebraska Horse brand III on left shoulder Cattle , right ear Spilt Kange. Littie White river , S. I ) . Stotts & SlettiM. Cody , Ilranded on leftside Range. Tin Can Lake and .Morgan Flats D C. Nelson. Codv. Nebraska. On riuht hip. Range , Medicine ake to the Snake river Hutt Hrotheis. * * $ > ff t Gordon , Nebraska Range.14 miles north ol Gordon. F. Duerleldt , Manager. Gordon. Nebraska Cattle also bnuided fiOon tight hip llors-s and mules . randed same as cut on left shoulder 4eSfcw * naJ . . . . . X , * xfcaM. n rWI iuJSa. J. C. Jordan , Nebraska One bunch ! > rin < ! r < l as on cut on le't side On- bunch icanded < * t. on left hip Horses ,1 on left shoulder Range , in miles IK tween Niobiara ind Snake ri\ers ( leorjie F Damon Albany. Veb " C ttl/branded FS > on le't ribs m riLhl .shoulder ; * I SD FD on right hip and 1fl ribs ; f.on left hip Horses Kl ) or SI ) on right shoulder Range 7 mi north cast of Albany Neb Agent for Pasteur Black Leg Vaccine Joseph Fickel Gordon Neb Also Horse brand F on left shoulder Jtange 10 miles northeast of Gordon Wheeler Bros. Cody Neb Also 15 on right lide Range Chamberlain Flats and Snake River Maiqitardl OTTO STHUUK. Manager Merriman Neb 'attic brand OM on ft shoulder Some f cattle have various l.ier I'rindOS n it hip. llorsbra'l on i.-ft sh"Uldei R " tre KOI meily n ! TI nn'cs . : i . ) of . ir' I- fi"Hi F ] ' . M. V. R. R Nunlh to Leand r Creek. Alar- & Bowlus , dcrltmeri Feed-in-transit rates for the shipment of range stock to the "Missouri river are likely to be abolished May 1. Their use and misuse , with altogether too much of the latter to please the rail roads , have caused the railway freight men of the west to work hard all winter for the abolition of the system. But a few'of the railroads have held out' ow ing to the objections of their patrons , for a big number of the stockmen of the range and Nebraska farmers have stood up in favor of the . > y.stem. Suffi cient pressure has been brought to bear by the majority of the roads , however , to make this action effective bcginniny with May , it is now asserted. In theory the system was a beautiful ar rangement all around , since it enabled the western ranchmen to ship their grass fed cattle to a feeding station in Nebraska or Kan a * at through rate.s to South Omaha or Kansas City , there to .stop for noi to exceed monli.b while the cheap Nebraska and Kansas corn was shoveled into the hungry Steers. When fattened to the con sistence of butter balls , for an addition al $10 per car the cattle could be ship ped on to market on the old through rate. Thus two local rates were avoid- d , and the fanners had a home market for their worn. World-Herald. The following effusion is credited to i cit\ politician \\lm hop-'d by it to ue' the -ohd farmer vote. N. I ! li Ba llot -lit ige V\ilcott : ' 'I would (1e ( { 'rum the city's rule and la from its fashions and forms cut loose and go where : he strawbern grows on its > traa. . id .he goox-lxsrv grows on its goose ; where the catnip tree is climbed by the cat as she clutch es for her prey the guileless and un suspecting rat on the rattan bush at pla ; I will catch with ease the saffron cow and cowlet in their glee as they leap in joy from bough to bough on the top of the cowslip tree , and list while the partridge drums his drum and the woodchuck chucks his wood , and the dog devours the dogwood plum in the primitive solitude. " 0 let me drink from the mossgrown pump , that was hewn from the pump kin tree ! Eat mush and rnilk from a rural stump , from folly and fashions free- new gathered mush from the mushroon vine , and milk from the milkvteed sweet with pineapple from the pine. And then to the white washed dairy I'll turn , where the milk maid hastening hies , her ruddy and golden red butter io churn from the milk of her butterflies : and I'll rise at morn with the earliest bird , to the fra grant farmyard pass , and watch while the farmer turns his herd of grasshop pers out to grass. " VALENTINE. Xeb. . March 21 , ' 9U Board of county commissioners met as per adjournment. L'resentV. , . A. Parker , Chairman. T P. Spratt and L LI. Trowbridge On motion the resignation of O. W. \V right assessor for Plea > ant 1 1 ill pre cinct was accepted. On motion the following appoint ments were made : .J A W ,1'dmviii Assessor Sharps Ranch .1 : Cot o-i " Buffalo Lake .It'hii HSauIl " Pleasant Hill .1 H Saults " Enlow I'C Galloway road overseer Hist No in . . " " " " M. F. Sanborn 14 On motion the following official bonds were approved : J A W .Johnson assessor Sharps 11 inch .1 E Cotton " Buffalo Lake K F Sanborn " " " 14 . Chris N Filing ' > ! L Laufer " ' 30 Hiram MeNmnee " " 15 Henry Fleidier d puty sheriff Cherry county On motion bids for Cherry county court house bonds xere opened , and bunds sold to Xelson C. l--iock for $ T2 100 , h.j being the highest bi .der lionds to draw interest from , Jul\ 1. 1899On On motion the bids for bridge across Niobran river at place known as Bern bridge and foui-d ; o oc u. fo lows j Wrought Ir.m Bridge Co , plan No 1 , . § 3.790 Same company , l.-in No i . 4.jO" : ditto plan 3 . 4.475 ditto plau4 . 4,925 ditto plans . 5030 ditto plan 6 . . . . _ 5,970 Belle Fountain Bridge & Iron Co . C,9CO N M Stark &Co . 5.510 BF Parks & Co . G.IOO J. II. Sheely & Co . \725 GeoE King . 6,400 Kansas City Bridge Co . fl.coo Marsh Bridge Co . 7. )0 ) ' Mo Valley Bridge & Iron Works. No 1 . Uv:50 : \ Same conirj my plan 2 . G.S7U Canton Bridge Co . 0,440 i J 11 Sparks . C.OuO ' GeoCWise&Co . 6,500 j AMBiodgett . 5,9So The contract was awarded to Wrought Iron Bridge Co for $4,580. Wher'-upon the card adjourned to March 22. 1899 \olice of \ iltajre Kleexion. Notice is hereby given that on Tiujs- day rhe 4th day of April , \D 189 ! ) . an election will be held at the court house in the Village of \ alentine for the pur pose of electing Five ( o ) Trustees for the said "Village of Valentine for the ensuing year , which election will be opened at 9 o'clock in the morning and continue until 7 < ' "dock in the afier- tuioi of 1 e s , m 'jr. ! ' I3K X- At. Mi J'.i-ard < .f TriK-te- A. M. MOKRISSEY , Assessors Meeting The assessors met Tueada- and went through the annual farce of fix ing" the valuations of live stock and real property. Tne } * had a good time among themselves , learned consider able in a parlimentary way , adopted the following" schedule of valuations , and adjourned : Hon-es at fnun S3 00 to $10.00. Mules , at irom $4 CO to § 12 00. Yearlings , at from $3 00 to So CO. Two jear old- * , from $6.00 to S9.00. Cows , from * 8 00 to $10. < K ) Three and four year oid steers from $10 to2. \ . sheep , fion50r to $1.50. j .Hogs , $1.01 per hundred live weight. i Any ol the above that dn not come in common ! grades , k own as natives , such as si-rubs air- ! ' lugli grades , t" tit attheasse sor's judgment , > Land at from 75c to ? C.OO without impnne. i ment j ill thid schedule land is supposed to : be quoted at its full value , and the [ assessors will as usual reduce this , price one-third or inore. The other valuations are supposed to be the price at which property will be as- j sessed. Following" is a liat of the assessors , with their addresses : NAME AND POSTOFFICE. PRECINCT. 1) . o I'.augh. lhannis Mother Lake E Ormeslier , Vale itine .Sehl-igel * Ira Johnson. Lavaca Lavaca " Jos JackMin Cody Boiling Airings * J. H. Sanll , Ci inplon P ! . a.sant Hill H. A. Davids. Simeon Pewey Like ' - I. N. h' ! ! , N' wtou ( Jillasjiie K. N. Bruce , Woodlake \\ondlake K. K. crane. M-rnman KM * ( 'has Kilgre Georgia * \ . . \Vallinpfopl Kennedy K nuedy I \ . s''ieiliouri. V > iet > tiiu ; Kew.inei- j ' .1. 31. cjrk > oVal , ntiiif V.lentine' , \ C. Mtlniitn , Valentine r .t > le I : i F B irl.erparUs Sparks i tl N Dii\i-Mmeoii Cle\ claim O. D.Carej. ( lookston Mii'iiechaduza II Poiath Piiege German i' K. Long. Bio\vi'eii Ste < n 1'V Pi mien , M-i linian \ieirimaii J. II. Sklrvi g , Brownlec Loup S. M. Woodward , Cooper Trwin I d Sritterlee , Nenzel Nenzel J. AV Johnsnii. liicge Sharps Kanch Jos ColMer. riii'inan BullaioLake J. A Haull- * , Gregory Knlou Tho-c marked with an asterisk were absent. In the legislative report Tuesday we Iind the following which are of interest to stockmen : House roll Xo. oo4 , a bill for an act to require any railroad company or corporation doing business within the limits of this state , and receiving and conveying any live stock , to pass the shipper or his employe to and from the point designated in contract or bill of lading without further expense to ship per , was recommended to pass. House roll No. 473 , a bill for an act concerning the care of and to prevent the spread of contagious and infectious diseases among domestic animals ; to provide for the appointment of a state veterinarian and assistants : to regulate their powers and duties ; to provide for their compensation , Avas recommitted to the standing committee. Onr p"ood friend. J. M. Hanna , is now in the banking" business , having" formed relations of a financial char acter with the Ainsworth bank , of which he has been elected vice-presi dent. We congratulate the banking" interests , and also Mr. Hanna , over th& new deal , and predict greater success for all concerned Ainswoith Journal. Hon. John Shore has been appointed a member of the supreme court investi gating committee. This is a very re sponsible position , and we congratulate our representative His as.oeites on I the committee are Lane of Lancaster j and I'ittmar of Otoe , republicans. M.irr.ed. at the resident' j < if the bride's par ents in Georgia. Nebraska , on I'hurnday. March 1C , 1390. Miss Lena Grabo and Peter Itempel oi Crookston. llev. Chas Sndhrock of Kushville perlormed ihe ctreinony The bride i > a bright young lady \\ln > is held in high es-eein bv all who have made Iu-r aupmi tancv , and Hie groom is-u YOUUA man oi good , industrious hab its 1 bi- . was the bride'n nineteenth biithdaj and tberefoie the occasio.i of doulile rejoicing. The ceremony was performed at I wo o'e oak and ill * r the congratulations a large t.i'oic was spread with good things to cat to which about ( iffy of the relatives > inl friends ol the rideand groom d d a'lipl * justice file evening \ 5gent in s'tigi'ig. ' si > iking : rid pliyni-r irn'iies j nnti' lite triM arnv-il to ta\e ! some of .he guest > j h -ne who bad come fro n a dit mo1. A e j number of presents w < re given as tokens ol j good wishes for a long and happy life to the younz couple who will IIUIKC Crookbton tlieir future home. Wood lake Dave Hanna was in town Tuesday. Woodlake has had a coal famine. Mrs. S. ( i. Barnes went out to IIanna's Tues day. day.Win. Win. Billiard was seen in town one day last , week. Mr and Mrs. Holt aru visiting at hur .sis > er'.s , Mrs. C. M. Bruley. .Miss OlheDcwey went to Lonvpiue last Sat- urdaj on a visit with her .sister. Ms. : O. Beck. , l. C Hounds , foreman sit the Andersor r.iich , was transacting business in town th ; lirst ol tlie AVeek. C O Murphy has been suffering with an at tack of rheumatism. He is some bitter at thh \\ritimr. Be-'tha Wyman came up from JohnstovMi Sat- urdiu. rotii aing Monday fvenmsr. She wus : the guest of Miss Nidie Dewey while here. Bii. ' v. Kli "scciiBct. Snoxv a foot deep. Oor assessor was in Valentine tlie first 01 th- week. The blizzard on Tuesday of lust week waver. . sevenon st > ck. IJ O uoo r.ih was over from c'sC n n IMnch bust .Siniit..y \ \ m lltcki-i c.iint ov. r 'r in the south } : ri ! ot ill-- ui\s\ \ last w ek ! n\ . his p in .f Ui. couii'rt \--iii it pj'iui n > it llusu. . tlier coi.tiiiue.- .i-h i nyer 4 ? Anything in the line of Clothing , 8s ? Hats or Caps , Boots or Shoes , 49 4 4 ? ? Staple or Fancy Groceries , 4 S9 ? Stoneware , Dry Goods 4 ? W 4 ? Notions , Salt Meat , Grain or Feed , 49 Be sure to call and get prices at ALCOTT STEVENSON SUCCESSORS , TOTHEO.TILLSON , . - t I / < ' - ' - - -J-\ WE HAVE RECENTLY DOUBLED THE S'ZE OF OUR BARN mmm UP THE REAR That's \\lierc the man w.Ilbe found who neslccts to take advantage of opportunities. We ofl'er you un oppottuniiy to .VITO stuae money on whatever you need in of all kinds- Our spring stock is now in and consists of the UEs > iccst of Everythiaijf in our line that money could buy. f" Jrn ' ' - - Lome and C2 = > s f- , - " * & & . * * i&i&y' ' Wre - ftrrrT- " s ; i- s - MAX t. VIERTEL < LZ " : \m\sfC \ : - : " { 'roftk.s < > aa , _ _ _ Nebraska ; FIRST c L ASSM IJJL I have established a Feed and Saw Mill 0 miles south ol Cody , at the mouth of Medicine C..n > on. and am now prepared to grind Feed" Corn Meal and ( Jraham. c-turn out all kinds of Lumber and di mension Muf. ! and Native Shingles ( Jive us a trial order. J. F. HOOK EXIGAN POULTRY PEPPER The dealest Kg. ; Proiitieeron Earth Makes hens lay all winter and is .t drouth proiil. ISt'titH'iitfti' < mr r * r.v , : i grand new Northern \anet\ , matures in y da1" uro l.ces : great crops ol ha. , aiiii ia wonderful fertiliser Vn' tuta $ t.1 > > I \\ill ! * nd I'ost.ige p.tid enoiiirb p its t < i plant an acre and eimtiub jicpper see-1 to produce ? HO-0 worti ! oi peppc'S nd seed Bj tn-ight I will send the i'eis JUM ! IV pets. aNo hcon- omy ami Heit Mes.der. aargeboitl ! < : oi Dr iirann's Cough arid Kidnc1. Halm and a Quart ot "Karlyello \ \ i m-eii" Corn.Sit . - isfaction irtiara'nteed Mipply ihteil Order imcK and meiitio" thipajicr 3Et. Attention , Stockmen liusd the . \ny partifsvisliing C5 W.I > ( fjen speoiai Prices en this- and 1 > Ui * f April. Shop \ cf i-ehfo ! It < uise , at JONES & DUNN FOR SALE - ONS Tn _ i V RAILROAD. N'orrh-Western Lsnc' is the he to and from the SUGAR 8EET FIELD NORTH NEBRASKA. or Several head < f hoi > es and cat tle , branded Amos Strong , Valentine. Xeh. iuijh Iliivrl , Manager Merriman Neb J-0 'l-o 3 J < All on left e Ie or ' Id n e north of Eli Charlotte K IJ ? .f > rrima.i"eb f.uft s ; < i. or ! ip Kanue north of Eli Hn s. Newton , Neb. H r-c same on If It bho i .er R.incc between the Gordon and the " " " Snake" Gor uch Bros. Newton , Nebr I Cattle bran c ' I as on cutSome Some efr s deorhip Ramie on Gord Creek I. T. Richardson. Kennedy , Nebri Some on left Ho se on left -hou E. A. Mc < Jt : . de. Valentine , Xeb Branded on ci I- side Eange etwv- Thacherau Sv\ . Lake