FLATO COMMISSION COMP LIVE STOCK SALESMAN AND BROKERS Capital ftl < ; oOOG. < * O Director * : . MalrMinni : F. W. FLATO , JR. , President. ED H. KKID / PAUL FLATO , Vice President. JIM s rioiw \ ( ' attle - < } l J f n J. C. DAIILMAN , Secretary. E. W. CAJIOW. flog c.-i JOHN D.SEITZ. Ilroii HITCHCOCK , Mu-ep " ED. H. KIED , JOHN P CLAHY , Cashie SOUTH OMAHA , NEBRASKA Correspondents : DRTJM-FLATO COMMISSION COMPANY Capital $500.000.00. CHICAGO. KANSAS CITY. 1 LOUIS STOCK KXCH AM. F RESTAURANT. OI'EX DAY AND NIGHT. E. T. MILLEU , Proprietor. LODGING FOE STOCKMEN - NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS' 282 H South Omaha. Three Ior'rFrom ( rn r RATES-$1.00 to * 1 50 Per Day. Telephone'No. 07 85.00 to 87.00 Pere k. R ED HOTEL. .M US. .JOHN' RKKE ) , Proprietress. STOCKMEN'S PATROHAUE ESPECHLLT SOLICITED , 15ht. ! . B .tweej I- and M St nts. Sc atli Omaha , Nebr A Few Facts For Cattle Dealers. ft IlllH Il M Il Stands at top as a market for Range Feeders You can satisfy yourself as to the truth of that dtareniPiit. by comparing the sues ; at Sioux City , last year , with those at niiy other competitive market. Yon can also ask your neighbors who have sold ea'tle : it Sioux City. Tins year Sioux City is in the fkld for fat cat tle as well as feeders. Th ijivat beef slaughtering plant of the Cuduhy Packing Co. is ready foi business The capacity of the Stock Yards has been greatly increased and you will find excellent facilities for handling your business. Xo charges , except for feed ordered if your cattle are not sold on our market 7 he Sioux City Stock Yards Co. JOHN II. KEENE , General Manager. Millinery and Ladies' Furnishing Goods CALL AND GET PRICES. CORA GILLETT. LIVESTOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS OUTH OMAHA , NEBRASKA Itonm ION K\rhiinK < > Heferences : UNION STOCK YAHDS PACKERS' NATIONAL NATIONAL BANK BANK. Telphono 141 We have : i larperlient'iK ? among Nebraska Fepilcrs and can always ocat Omaha prices to Kant-Ji customers IF NOTIFIED BEFORE SHIPMENT. MRS , HARRIS BOARDING HOUSE AND BAKERY , Fruits * and * Confectionery Meals at all hours , Price , 25 cent , First door South of Valentine Bank , WO JOO -O 0 WOO - OO i The DONOHER & v 2 * ] & continually adding improvements and it is now the 4 ? best equipped , and most comfortable . FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA 49 Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Foom HERRY OUNTY RANK Valentine. Nebraska f-t ' ! it\ i.v "M'l'- i -in r-- with him' " . ' at rnts'iii calf * . I'uuutx i"-J'U\ { : t WtSlERNNEWS-BEKGoH T ROBEET GOOD , Editor and Publisher The Dinglcy bill , to enact which a special session of congress was called , continues to produce a handsome deficit each month Did you ask the remedy ? More bonds , of course. State Senator Reynolds has been bending his energies in an effort to cut in two the price paid to newspapers for legal work. We wonder how those re publican newspapers which su ported the senator lif.e this slap in the face ? The capital stock of trusts organized durmg t e two years of the .Mcllanmi administration at A'.i liingtun , amounts to about ten times as much as during any ot.ier administration of four years. And they si ; } th < ' administration is op posed to trusts and i : > the friend of the poor man ! 1 here may be many signs of prosper ous times visibC in the he veus and on earth , butte ! lug'i price o. seats on the , evr Yortftuck gambling exchange is not onof them. If > ivcuhitor& who dvo by ileecing tne [ nibl-c , are prosper ing , we do not consider the fact of any particular advantage to the people at urge. Do you ? Kunu Journal. The beef com minion tasijd ; some i good c.iuiK'ti bt-ef winch w ii .said U > have bi-pii brought back rrom Port / Rico to I'lncago. It iMi't lhat kind the boys and Miles are kicking on : it is the rotten stuff they hud to cat that made them sick. A million good cans won't make one bad can good. Stick to the text. The committee is up to Chicago looking through the factories. And what are factories , processes , or any thing else , in the case ? The question is , did the hoys have rotten beef issued to them ? Delphos ( Ohio ) Courant. The government owns the telegraph lines in Chili As a natural consequence quence the Chilians are able to send messages at 8 cents each as against 2 > cents for the cheapest message in the United States. This fact is good and sufficient evidence from the standpoint of monopolists that the Chilians are unable to govern themselves. Here is another chance for Uncle Sam to take up the white man's burden and destroy this object lesson before the contagion has opportunity to spread. J.V. . Wil son. The demo-pops after hugging them selves for causing the republican ad ministration to declare war against Spain , with wonderful consistency raise thunder over the increased appropri ations , $482,000,000 of which was for the war. Rushvillti Recorder. No demo-pop complains of the legiti mate increase on account of the war , but the Recorder maliciously hides the fact that after deducting the $4S2,00i- ( 000 war budget the expenditures of the rep blican congress lately ended ex j ceeded by about $ l < iO , ( > 00,000 those of ! any other congress. And in addition to all this AVC are still licking stamps j and paying increased internal revenues [ o' all lcnds : to prosecute the war. It is i this that the demo-pops are kicking' ' about. During the last year of Cleveland's administration the country recovered its normal condition and Mr. McKinley stepped to the front and bowed. It is two years since then and the estimated deficit for the year ending June 30. 1899. is ascertained to be more than i one hundred millions of dollars There j ( lias been one big bond issue and anoth j or will have to be floated to continue I : the expenses needlessly incurred. Certainly - ; tainly such things cannot continue tin- | ' checked , and ofcoursc there will have I to be a change in administration to i chec < \ them. During the democratic administration to follow the present ' i i one , the same res"lts must follow that ; ' fell on Mr Cleveland. The only ( piesj j ( tion is , will poor people again fail to j ' realize the true cause and wait for its ' . ' remedy. Alliance Grip. The observant reader must be familiar - | < ' iar with the fact that the supreme. < court has decided that the Railroad ! ; Joint Traffic Association is illegal , and j < that , in consequence , said association i \ has disbanded. It is all right to disband - ( band , but ought not the gentlemen f composing that body , who have for < years been violating the constitution | i and laws of the land , be punished for . ' their wrongdoing ? The chicken thief 1 is not allowed to go scott free on the 1 simple promise rob no more hen ' * roosts. But we are so familiar with t the illegal acts of big criminals that we j follow another course with them. Ofi course , the Traffic Association , though i [ lead , will not quit its wrongful acts , but will endeavor to move congress to 1 iix the law to suit ; if they succeed in ( this well and good ; otherwise , according - t ing to the advice of a Wall street Oracle ' there is another method of meeting i the decision by the railroad managers. " 1 Farm Journal. Mr. Sherman of this place has suffer ed the greatest loss of sheep that we yet learned of. Within the last few weeks he has lost very near four hun dred sheep , which was about one-third ofhisbunc'1. lie returned from his ranch a few da'-s ago , -ind states that the loss of himself and partner togcth r was between SI,400 and $1.500. liar risen Prcxs. Full prices for all sorts of hides are now demanded by the big cattle slaughterers - torers , their .strength beiny ; based upon the diminished offerings. The receipts of cattle at the five principal western markets where cattle are slaughterer ] were during January and February 90.000 head less than during the same period List ye-ir. March hides are re garded -is the worst of the \ ear. but poor as they are they are selling at , the present time withou' ' any difficulty at strong prices Regarding the s lies of beef on the spring mark-1 th Dakota Farmer says : " i ho South Dakota c.ittlenvn who have good breves to send to market this spring ought to take much comfort from the s-atement of Carey McLain , \Vellsvillo , Kansas , -a man who has been in the cattle business in Kansas the past tiirtv-one ! years and has an extended acquai itance among cattle wen. IIo bays : "From the best in- formatio I can gath > r , Kansas will lot fund h one-half her usual output of jood beeves this * pring. " Through an oversight last week we ) in tted publishing the iollowing inter esting stock item taken from the Merion ion Journal : "The Xiobrara Land & sheep Compain. of Gordon , was or- janixecl this week. This company is egularly incorporated with : ? ] 0,000 capital stock. $10,001) ) of which is now jaid up. The officers are O II John son , president ; Fred Iloyt , secretary ; Edgar Morrison , treasurer an 1 John M. 3arto , general manager. 'I he affairs ) f the company will be managed by a ) o = ml of five directors as follows : O. T. Johnson. Edgar Morrison , J. M. Jarto , Fred Iloyt , and X.V. . Ileillcy. L'he company has bought and leased wo full townships of lands , extending rom Gordon to the JNiobrara river. Che / expect to .stock this land with heep , employ men and teams to plant tnd raise fodder and other rough feed , i ml engage in sheep raising on an ex- ensive scale. They are sanguine of iiiccess. Mr Barto , the general inana- jer has made a comfortable fortune n the sheep business in the last live -ears. " An old settler who is writing for the Jhadron Xew.s. savs of the season of SSO : The summer of ! SSO was very dry nd the grass was shorter than usual. 'he hay crop was practic .lly a failure rith those who were accustomed to Hitting up small quantities for feeding h rough a few da\s of bail weather. In he latter part of October we had a ieav.\ fall of stiow , which laid on the ; round a few ( lavs , when the wind ilew from the we : t and we were treat- d to a arenuine chinook , which caused nuch rejoicing a-nonj those interested 11 cattle , but just as the snow * was nelted into a * \ \ \ > \ \ and the low and : > vcl places covered with water , the reMther very su-.ldenly tur od oxtreme- r coid and the slu h and water b.-camu : ; e ; and then it snowed for days , until h ? ground was covere-l from six ueh ° s in some localities to two feet in tliers. an-1 the ice underneath re clined until spring. In the locality rhere I was the winter did not really Teak until the llth day of April , and li e weather for over five months was ontimrally bad very much like it was tiring the month of February this ear. but with more snow with extreme old for ( ias and weeks at a time , and lien more moderate for a few days ; ith the sun warm enough to melt the now a little , and then again severely old forming cruts with squalls of now accompaming each change. I aw thousands of head of cattle with keeling legs nivule raw by tramping lirough the crusts of snow. When pring came every sheltered spot con iined dead cattle. Thirty and forty per cent losses were ot infrequent , and in some localities Cached ciglitj'-fivc per cent. To have some idea of the terrible ) ss , it may be said that along the line f the Union Pacific the stench from le decaying carcasses waa unbearable hen warm weather came , and that jad ha 1 gangs of men out for weeks ctween CliC3'enno and North L'latte rurying the dead animals. - GEO. G. SOHWALM , PROP. This market always kcepr- supply of In addition to a first-class line of Steal. . Roasts , Dry Salt Meats Smoked flams , Breakfast JBan and Vegetables At Blotter's Old Stand on Main Street. VALENTINE , NEBRASKA 8 ? < * ? PALACE SALOON ifr i > & HEADQUARTERS FOR < ? Wli IBS , LIOUOSS AND GIG. ' S Of the Choicest Brands ? 49 VALENTINE NEBRASKA can get a first-class machine for § 21.00 by writing to 'I. H EMERY , Valentine , -Nebr. Highest market price paid and prompt returns. * Reference Omaha National Bank. F. S. BUSH & COMPANY. 513 South 13th St. , OMAHA , NEH We charge no commission. D. II. COISXEl.L , . President. 31. V. XHJS2OJLS5HS , Cashier Valentine , Nebraska. A Gvsioral Kan king 25HsinesaTraz8snctecl ESnys and SeJIs S > saiestic RIS < ! Foreigas Exchange Correspondents ; Chemical National Bank , New York. First National Hank. Omaha Nebr The past winter has generally been a very disastrous one to sheep feeders , especially those \vlio went into the busi- nes i on a large scale and had to buy their feed. In the lirst place they had to pay too inucii for their feeding stock. Sheep and lambs u ere sold and bought an extravagant expectations as tj the future market and these have not been reaii'/.ed by a long shot. High pricvl feeding slock , advancing prices for jorn , scree : ings and mill feeds , and do dining : > -irkets for fat stock arc a coni- ) ination that it is almost impossible for the ieeder to beat. National Stockman The Dallas Journal has made a care ful canvass through its armv of agents , * * C-3 ' of the losses by the storms and cold in that state. It is prepared to state that the losj-es among cattle on the open > rairies in the coast country , where they were without other feed than the native grasses are from 10 to 15 per cent. From the southwest , where nuch feeding is done , the losses are es. and almost equally favorable re sults are brought from the western and northwestern part of tin-- state wnere it will n , t exceed 10 per cent and con fined to cows and young calves , and to eastern , and southern eat'le shipped in late and too low in condition to with stand an ordinan winter. If You Want to Buy or Sell Lhe Stock , ruake your wants known to the Cherry Co , Live Stock Exch. Valentine , Nebr , Feed in Transit at Fremont Capacity : Sheep , covered sheds , 2i cars ; open pens , 15,000. Cattle 28 cars The place to rest and feed for : he Omaha market. Easy run to feeding points out side Chicago. JTj Long distance telephone. Write or wire when ymi will : ir- ivc , t ; Fremont Stock Yards Co e Golden Sheaf Pure White Rye , Siisqiieiiinni Hyp.and ( Vdar Creek I ouisville , Kentucky. Bourbon Whisky. Pure Grape & Cognac Brandy's Wines Ti.ka.\nircllica PorLSii ! ny and Black her y in wood , claret , Rie < ! ing , SautMriies. Cooks Imperial ; Gasts arid Clicquot in bet tles. Diraiana ; and oth er Cordials. fop Fed Kings Celebrated Ez- : B , ale 3aJP fjf f vini.j as * , and f-.bsts Sxpu t Ba r C. H. THOMPSON , THE PIONEER STOCK FARM th Spanish Jacks , Poland China and hi-t-T White Hogs , Plymouth Ituck Chickens and : GALLON AY CATTLE REGISTERED BULLS FOR SALE J. H. M2ALLISTER Joy , 52 5t Uo. , Nebr. s Y'i ti tI t i \ n a a B B Wm. 3f. ! WalterM. Prop. THEDfOHO - - NEBRASKA Strayed or Stolen. ( inhiu ' pel'linirJyr old. welcht aliout TOO bran-li't 1-orFe slimon left Miouldej. Otic \\hlt'muealioui 12-yr old. luis hrnnd on left shou ier ! tdesiRii not known ) \ \ - lthyr olil rc-U ftillovvinjr. hay. with \\hite face , l.i ' ' ( ia -ward for information. F. 3 ! Cody , 3