A BRAVE COLONEL Recommends Pe-ru-na as a Family Medicine. A Scientific Spring Medicine. Colonel Arthur L. Hamilton , of the Seventh Ohio Volunteers , 259 Goodale street , Columbus , Ohio , writes : "Be sides having the merits of Pe-ru-na so \\N' HAMILTON' , OK roi.UMllUS , C. fully demonstrated in uiy family , I have a number of friends who have taken it for catarrh and stomach trou ble , and all unite in praising it. As a remedy for catarrh I can fully recom mend it. " Mrs. Hamilton , wife of the gallant Colonel , is an ardent friend of Pe-ru-na also. In a letter on the .sub ject , she writes : "I have been taking Pe-ru-na for some time , and I am en joying better health now than 1 have for years. I attribute the change in my health to I'e-ru-na , and recommend this excellent catarrh remedy to every woman , believing it to be especially beneficial to them. " The spring-time is the most favorable time of the year to treat catarrh. There is so much less liability to take fresh cold that the treat ment is unimpeded. All old cases of chronic catarrh should begin im mediately a course of Pe-ru-na as di rected in Dr. Hart- man's books on this disease. There are so many different phases and stages of catarrh that one Hardly knows when MRS. COI , . IIAMir. . he has it. A great TON. many people think ( hey r.ie suffering from something else and have tried many medicines in vain , when if they could realize that it is catarrh and take Pe-ru-na for it they would improve promptly and soon recover entirely. There are no substitutes. Let no one persuade you there are other catarrh remedies just as good. "Winter Catarrh" is a book written by Dr. Hart man , Columbus , Ohio. Scut free to any address. Keeps both rider ard sidJle per- fcc'ly dry in the hardest storms. Substitutes will disappoint. Ask for 1807 Fisl ) Brand Ponmel Slicker iti \ , entirely new. If not for sale in youftoxvn , write for catalogue teA A J. TOWER Boston. Mass. F&RIVI Sal/cr'n SeeJs are Warranted to Prodnw. twY = * r M&u ° n Ln'hw. East Try , I'a. . R.tonlshe < l the iror. . _ . , bv ermine SSO lu-hels Wp Four Oats ; J. Breider isl ft/ Ml.hiccttVji.f 173 Lashel. Burlty , and H. Lovyov RJ Vfaig , Slum. , by c-owirs 3iO Lusheli Salier't Corn T per acre. If ynu doubt wiite ; h n. We hhtopala " " J I O.OuO new cnitotu-rs , bence v , ill lesj on tral [ 10 DOLLARS WORTH FOR ( Oc ilOpirt. nf rare fsna wed , Salt Bibb , Rape for Sheen Uie J3 , Ti Corn , "lii Four Oa ! , " licardUss B rley , AlJronjus IneruiU ylolJin 7 tons ha\- per acre on Iry tmli , etc. , " cAhe t , i.ckJii.s oar in mi.--th Seed Catalogue , ttliin ; all abctt our \Vann teji , eual aialird voa open receipt i of bet lOc. pi-ttnse. p-is.t.vely worlh $ ! 0. to ' g t n ttnrt. J HObbls. . > rcd ! , A tx iat 51 2il nuJ up R bbl. 5 Sxtdi , ? 1.0i > . 8-nil thin ixdv. . alone , &M iiozz. No. C.Xi. A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Fos'ever. DK. T. ! 'ii.ix eon : virirs OIMKVJ'M. CUKAAI , t ll 3lAt.iC.VI , JJ , ( ( > ] Iiarinirssive tnsteit to be Mire it is i < top- irly made. Accept no rnunlorfcit ol similar mime. Dr. 1. . A. Savie pahl to a lauv .f the hiuit-to : ) ( a iiatient ) : "As you ladies trill we them , I rccoinr.icnd 'Gonr- aud's Crcnni' as the loatt harmful cf all tjio ' > kin prepara tions. " rcrsslol'y all Droppris-ts ar.il I\rl-r < : in the t" . R. , C-uiadasand Ilurof-e TEKD. T. riOI' IXS , ITop'r , : . ; Great .lones St.N.Y. * > ! i Ritcso tvrn Cill" < il Slid 'ciikirs : is to how to re 1GO acres of the V. ' li ea growing land on the Continent , ho sfciirod on appli cation tothr-Supurintend- cntnf Iintnipr.ition , Ot- laivn , ( . 'anaihi. < > r tin * uiiJiTsijincd. Specially con ducted excursions w > ll Icavf St. Paul , Minn. , on 111tirst i\i\-l third Urdm-sdnys in each month , and fucially | low ratt-s on all linesof railway renchiny Bt. I'nuferc l'in } : < jnoteil for excursion leaving on April 5th for Manitoba , AsMiiilioia , Saskatchewan nnd Alberta. Address N. Bartholomew. 31X5 Fifth Bt. UPS Moincs , lou.t , Agent fur the Government of Canada. ilGYGLES Overstock : llust lie tlotrd UnU iJTlMUllU ' 33 HODELS , guaranteed , S9.75 to S1G. Shopworn & second end hand wheels , good as now , 83 to SIO. Great factory elesrlcg rale , w iMp it tojone ca pprot J ri trlil vlttnt a emtlaadrtne * EARK s BICYCLE . --IJ SS bj btlplne M wit trUie our rafrt b line of VJ aaitU. \ftfiit cc KHn Aga.1 In neh town FREE USB fiunpliv them. Writs at cow tta ooi facial cffl JfcC. C. Mead Cycle Company , Chicago , Ills PONCb. DE LEON'S HOUSE. One of tlic Most luterestinc Ofcjccta in Porto Rico. Perhaps , the most interesting object In the capital of our new possession is La Casa Bianca ( the white house ) , which Juan Police de Leon built for himself , 390 years ago , and where he lived during his long term of governor of the island. It stands in a narrow , roughly-paved street , about half way between the Castillo del Moro and the present government palace , and , al though in its unsightly old age it looks little like the one-time abode of so great a potentate , nobody can mistake it on account of the double line of splendid palms in front. The water side is guarded by a very ancient and picturesque wall , with queer little openings on top for cross bowmen to shoot through , and within the wall is a charming garden full of pepper and cinnamon trees , with pas sion vines running riot around a mossy fountain in the center. The view from the upper window is unsurpassed. Immediately below , on the seaward side1 , is tha great gray wall of the line of defense , with its massive battlements , antiquated cannon and lit tle sentry turrets ; beyond , the spark ling waters of the bay , and on cither hand the palm-fringed coast of the mainland. Tier above tier risa the hills. Between them lie some of the richest lands on the globe , capable of pro ducing astonishing crops four times a year. It is in this Casa Bianca that Leon planned his famous march for the il lusory fountain of youth , which led to the discover/ Florida. Upon a second end trip he was attacked by the Indians and so severely * wounded that he died. His body was brought back to the isl and and deposited beneath the altar of the Dominican Church of San Juan , just fourteen years after the beginning of his administration in Porto Ivico and the building of Casa Bianca. There it rested for more than 300 years , but in " 3SG3 the load casket that contained the remains of the conqueror was disin terred. The intention was to build a splendid monument and to place the coffin beneath It. but the monument was never completed , and after thirty- five years above ground the remains of the discoverer of Florida and the sub jugator of Porto llico yet lie unburied. The Dominican Church of San Juan tie Uaptisto de Porto Kico is a fine old pile , though greatly the worse for the wear and tear of nearly four centuries. In a corner of the musty little chapoi attached to the church you may any day see the lead case which contains the dust of Ponce de Leon. The casket is only about three- feet square , bound Avith leathern strap ? , sealed in the cen ter with the great r.imiiclpal seal. On the monument against which it rests the inscription in Spanish , of course- reads as follows : ' 'This narrow grave contains the re mains of a man who was a lion by name anil much more by his deeds. " The old elnuvli is full of curious dec orations , rags of antique paintings and moldy relics of bygone centuries , and it is earnestly to be hoped that the ponderous derous key will be turned in ilie rusty latch and the whole thing burned to ashes before careless alien hands are allowed to disturb them. Among the most picturesque sight ; ' here are the massive arched gateways in the old wall that surrounds the city , built for defense nearly 400 years ago. When the gates fronting the sea are closed the only way to get out of San Juan into the country or into Hie cily from any part of the island is through an arched entrance in the lower Avail , by the one narrow street which coni- munirates with the outer AAorld. This is the beginning of tha ol l Camino Heal 'royal road ) the magnificent highway constructed by the early Spaniards , which leads to Ponce , on the other side of the island. Philadelphia Times. A .Rainy Day. It is not until AVC take the rainfall in the bulk that we can realize what a stupendous quantity of water showers down in Great Britain and Ireland in one year , and even AA-hen we have the figures before us it is difficult to realize their magnitude. To say , for instance , that 9,202,370,000,000 cubic feet of rain on an average fall annually * on the United Kingdom conveys little or nothing - ing , though it implies something moist , and when AVC further learn that the AA-eight of the same amounts to 2. > S- , 120,500,000 tons , except for a feeling of thankfulness that it did not fall on our toes all at once , AVC sire only con- scions that it makes a Aery pretty row of figures.Vith the laudable inten tion of making these latter figures look small AVC Avill merely say that the total Avcight of the rain that r.-i-ls in one year on the British Isles is only equal to 1-119 part of the Aveijrht of one pal try- square mile of the earth's surface , from the surface to the center of the earth. When AVC consider that there are 121.- 000 square miles of such surface in the United Kingdom alone one can under stand what infinitesimal fraction of the total weight of the British Isles the an nual rainfall would amount to. Why , 4,300.000 Forth bridges AA'ouId almost equal it. Ludgafe. The Scales of Justice. When a lady once consulted Dr. John son on the degree of turpitude to be attached to her son's robbing on orch ard "Madam , " said Johnson , "it all depends upon the weight of the boy. 1 remember inyr school-felloAV Davy Garrick , who was always a little fel- IOAA- , robbing a dozen orchards Avith im punity , but the very first time I climb ed up an apple tree , for I was always a heavy boy , the bough broke with me , and it was called a judgment. I sup pose that is why justice is represented with a pair of scales. Whenever the paper contains any girl wanted advertisements , the wom en are very careful not to let copies fall Into the hands of thesfrl in the kitchen. "ANY a dutiful daughter pays in pain for her mother's ignorance or perhaps neglect. The mother suffered and she thinks her daughter must suffer also. This is true only to a limited extent. No excessive pain is healthy. Every mother should inform her self for her own sake and especially for the sake of her daughter. Write to Mrs. Pinkham , at Lynn , Mass. , for her advice about all matters concerning the ills of the feminine organs. Many a young girl's beauty is wasted by unnecessary pain at time of menstruation , and many indulgent mothers vitli mistaken kindness permit their daughters to grow careless about physical health. Miss CARRIE M. LAMB , Big Beaver , Mich. , writes : "DEAR MRS. PINKHAM A year ago I suffered from profuse and irregular menstruation and leucorrhcea. My * appetite was variable , stomach.sour and bowels v.'ere not regular , and was subject to pains like colic during menstruation. I wrote you and be'gan to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and used two packages of Sanative Wash. You can't imagine my relief. My courses are natural and general health improved. " MRS. NANNIE ADKINS , La Due , Mo. , writes : ' DEARMRS. PINKHAM I feel it my duty to tell you of the good your Vegetable Compound has done my daughter. She suffered untold agony at time of menstruation be fore takingyour medicine ; but the Compound has relieved the pain , given her a better color , and she feels stronger , and has improved every way. I am very grateful to you for the benefit she has received. It is a. great medicine for young girls. " "The Best Is Aye the Cheapest. Avoid imitations of and Sub stitutes for THE CAMEL'S REVENGE. A Straujre Story of n Stupid Beast's Atjjier. The camel is stupid save when an gry , and then seems to become sud denly possessed with an intelligence almost preternatural in carrying out its vengeful designs. Palgrave relates the following story of a camel's re venge , which serves to illustrate this point : A lad of 14 had conducted a large camel , laden with wood from one vil lage to another , at a half-hour's dis tance. As the animal loitered , or turn ed out of the way , its conductor struck it repeatedly , and harder than it seem ed to have thought he had a right ' - io. But not finding the occasion vorable for taking immediate quits , it bode its time. That time was not long in coming. A few clays later the same lad had to recouduct the beast , but unladen , to his own village. When they were about half way on the road , and at some distance from any habitation , the camel suddenly stopped , looked de liberately round in every direction to assure itself that no one was withi-i sight , and , finding the road far and near clear of passers-by , made a step forward , seized the unlucky boy's head in its monstrous mouth and , lifting him up in the air , flung him down again on the earth with the upper part of his skull completely torn off and his brains scattered on the ground. Having thus satisfied its revenge , the brute quietly resumed its pace toward the village as though nothing weie ; the matter , till some men , who had ob served the whole , though unfortnnate- ' at too great a distance to be able to fford timely help , came up and killt .t.-St. Paul's. There Is No TclliiiR. Be sure not to let rheumatism slay in the system longer than you can get a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil to cure it. There is no telling what part it may strike or how much misery it may give. A Horse \\ith "Specs. " Boston feels quite humiliated because Surrey , a suburb of Boston , owns a horse that wears spectacles. He wears them for a purpose , too , for his eyesight is so dim that he can't see a yard in front of his nose unless he has OH his 'specs. " Toby goes about his daily du ties calmly , lie has suffered from my opia for two years. Veterinary sur geons recommended some k'md of glasses. For the Cat. "Doctor , " said he , 'Tin a victim of insomnia. I can't sleep if there's the least noise such as a cat on the back fence , for instance. " "This powder will he effective , " re plied the physician , after compounding a prescription. "When do I take it , doctor ? " "You don't take it. Give it to the cat In a little milk. " Alabastine , the only durable wall coat ing , takes the place of scaling kalsomines , wall paper and paint for walls. It can b ( used on plaster , bri Jr. wood or canvas. The "one shovel system , " or feeding boiler tires only one .shovelful of coal at a time , it is said , will save the Hock Island road $ Sd,000 a year , according to the results of a two mouths' test. Mr. Editor Kindly inform your read ers that from noAV on to April 10 AVO will send , prepaid by mail , to all AVUO apply for same , one bottle of our AVOU- flefful " 5 DROPS , " free of charge. We Qo this in order that every one of them may have the great opportunity to try the'greatest remedy the Avorid has ever produced. It never has failed , and never ean fail , to cure any of the folioAving diseases : Rheumatism , Sciatica , Neu ralgia , Catarrh , Backache , Asthma , j Heart Weakness , Toothache , Earache. , Croup , La Grippe , Malaria , Creeping Numbness , Bronchitis and kindred di-- oases. Within the last three years it has cured more than a million and a quarter of people , many of whom had been pronounced incurable by compe tent physicians. Some of them had been bedridden for years , others had traA-- cled the world over in search of relief and spent a large amount of money , bur. failed to get it , but were cured by this remedy in a very short time and at a small cost. In fact , many of the cures which it has made border on the mirac ulous. " 5 DROPS" is not a patent med icine , but was perfected only- after vast research in scientific fields and at a very great expense. It is a boon to the sick and afliicted , a balm to suffering humanity. " 5 DROPS" is the name , and " 5 DROPS" is the dose. The above offer does not hold good after April 10. If you want a bottle free of charge , Avrite at once to the SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE COMPANY , No. 1G7 Dearborn street , Chicago. For a very bad burn melt beesAA'ax , and into it pour sAveet oil until it makes > salve which can be readily spro.-ui with a soft brush. Keep every pu. covered with the salve. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS , as they cannot reach the scat of the disease. Catarrh H : t bleeder or constitutional disease , and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally , and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It Avas prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years , and is a regular prescription. It is com posed of the best tonics known , combined v.ltl\ the best blood puriiiers , acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of tlio two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials , free. F. J. CHENEY & CO. . Props. , Toledo , O. Sold by Druggists , price 75c. The eagle lir.st appeared on the seal of the United States in a design sub mitted to Congress by William Barton of Philadelphia , in 1TS2. The device AA-as adopted June 20 of that year. Tender Fleali. The more tender the flesh , the blacker the bruise. The sooner you use St. Jacobs Oil , the quicker Avill be the cure of any bruise , and any bruise will dis appear promptly under the treatment of the great remedy. The closer you get to some people the more distant they are. Alabastiue can be used over paint or paper ; paint or paper can he used over Alabastine. Buy only in five pound pack ages , properly labeled ; take no substitute. Stnmlg Hy in NccU. Every living thing has pains and aches sometimes , and the aches and pains of humankind have a friend in i ' St. Jacobs Oil , which stands by in need to cure and restore. Got Oft Knsily. "When "I asked for a rise I told my employer I had grown grr.y iu his ser vice. " "What did he say ? " "He said if I had worked anywhere cise I probably would have got bald. " $3OOO for a New Corn. That's what this new corn cost. Yir-lds 313 bushels per acre. Big Four Oats 230 bushels Salzer's Rape to pasture sheep and cattle at 25c. per acre yields SO tons ; potatoes $1.20 per bbl. Bruuius Inermis. { the greatest grass on earth ; Beardless I Barley CO bushels per acre ; 10 kinds grasses and clovers , etc. Send this notice to JOHN A. SALZEIl SEED CO. , LA CUOSSE , WIS. , with : lOc. stamps and receive free trreat Catalogue - \ logue ; $3,000 Corn and 10 Farm Seed Samples. ( c. n. ) Dry I'liiloaniiliy. "There is one thing , " continued the dry Philosopher , "that can be prcven by a goat's head a striking counte nance is not always a sign of brains. " Shaki ; Into Your Shoes. Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder for the feet. It cures painful , swo leu , smarting feet and instantly takes t .e stinij out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discov ery of the age. Allen's Foot-Eusu makes ti'Jht-lilting or new shoes fel easy. It is a certain pure for sweating , lallous and hot. tired , aching feet. Try it to-day. So'd by all druggists and shoe stores. Bv mail for 25c , in stamps. Trial packages KHEK. Address , Al.en S. Oimsted , I , - It jy , N. Y. Divorces in Airier ca. Last year in twenty-four cities of the ' United'states. $ , S44 divorces were ask ed for and G.GOS were granted. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablets. All drujrcists refund the money if it fails to care. 25c. The genuine lias L. 13. Q. on each tablet. A European statistician has discov ered that only f f > per cent , of the blondes marry , while 70 par cent , of their b.'uuette sisters engage in matri mony. Pise's Cure for Consumption is the only cough medicine used in my house. D. C. Albright , Iviifilinburg. Pa. , Dec. 11. ' 05. A woman is always perfectly sure that she is in ilie right until it comes to backing her opinion with money. Chicago Nmvs. Actors. Vocalists. Public Speakers recommend Ha.'e'a Honey of Horcihotind niul Tar. Of UmcrjiM/f. Pike's Toothache Drojia Cure in oua Minute. We seldom liml peopi ungrateful a < 3 ! long as we are in a condition to render j them services. Korhefoufanld. . health tl.it fl - . ' ' . WANTHI ) Caseofbicl : ! r-.VX'S wl'.l not hciicrit. Send 5 fonts to Ulpaiis Clipn : ! > , . ! CX. . Ixcw York , for ins\ii : > < "i ami ' .u" ) testimonials. SJrs. Whitlow's bnoTHlNt ; hinr/r lor ( JlnM' n eretliiiiK : Baileetlio gurus , lecucos inflammation allajs uttiu n-rex wind colic. 2f. cent * s bottlo. Duty and todayare ours ; results and futurity belong to God. Horace Gree- ley. ! r- As winter passes away it leaves many people feeling weak , depressed and easily tired. This Vieans that the blood neeas attention and sensible people always taKe a tonic at this time of year. Purgatives arc not the ridht medicine they weaKen instep of strendt'henind. Dr. Willi&mi' Pink Pills for Pale People are the best tonic medicine in the world and do not act on the bowels. They stimulate the appetite , enrich the blood , strengthen the nerves and make people feel bright : active an3 strong. No one is better able to speak of this fact than Miss Hazel Snider , a charming yquug woman of Arlington , Jnd. To-day i.c lias rosy cheeks , sparkling eyes and a plump formAvhich nrovc that she is in good health. A year ago SiNa Snider was vcry'thin , her cheeks pale , eyes sunken and dull. She Avas troubled Avith nervousness and general debility. She says : "After several months'treatment from the family phvsioian wo caw ho could do no good. I was discouraged and did not know what to do. One day I read an itc-n in a paper of the wonderful csimtivequalitiosof J.r. Willian.'j'PiiikPills for Pale People. J tried the medicine , and Avbcn nearly through Avith the second box noticed a change for the better. After i had taken eight boxes I was cured , and have bad no occasion to take any kind of medicine since. I owe much to Dr. Williams' Pint : Pills lor Pale J'copJo , probably my life , and I advise anyone sill AVita troubles wirnilar to ininr , to take these pills. " .Miss UAZCL Syil > zi' . Sold by ail drug gists or sent post paid by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.jSchenectady , N.Y. , on receipt o ? price , So per box- , Antl this ad , and vc will semi you this bic.nc-.v 1E09 less Sl.CO sent rath order. c.r 813.5O an freight ccargos. Freight aajourits to next to nothing compared with v.-hat you pave in price Will ship this stove either from foundry atKc-.L ! , ' . , la. , or Chicago , dependins v.-here you live and th < freight on the stove will average S1.2i for eaeli COO miles fiom either pont. IOWA VfcDSG SiTfi Jtr issizcKo.SoTcnlsI3zISll. 8 raaO g > 8 UV C. it jg mate from very best $14.50 pig iron , in very latest fall Rococo design , oven nearly nquarc , lias e tra large flues , heavy covers , Write for heavy linings and grates , lieat reflector , handsome nicVel Free Stan plated ovenslielf , heavy tin lined oven doors , handsome nickel plated front , name plates , oven door panels , nickei towel rod , nickel tea pot holder. O = born patent oven door kicker , mounted on lar e handsome Rococo base , l.aa extra large , deep , genuine Standish porcelain lined reservoir ; cemented oven top , swing feed. Sstra "Wcod Qrat Free , so it can be instantly changed from o. Coal Burner to a perfect "Wood Burner. We Issue -written binding : guarantee with every stove ; we guarantee it to reach yon in j > erfect cot > ditoR. "We can furnish anj parts wanted in years to come. ORCERTO-DAY. DON'T DELAY. V/o will > ave you * 1O OO- S E A R S , R O B U C K & CO. (2nc. ( 3 CHICAGO , SLL. Every church and schoolhouse should be coated only with Alnbnstinc. Hundreus of tons used yearly for this work. Genu ine Alabastine does not rub and scale off. And is it not due to nervous exhaustion ? Things always look so much brighter when we are in good health. How can you have courage when suffer ing with headache , nervous prostration and great physical weakness ? \7ould you not like to be rid of this depression cf spirits ? How ? By removing the cause. By taking It gives activity to all parts that cany a\vay useless and poisonous materials from your body. It removes the cause of your suffering , because it re moves all impurities from your blood. Send for our book on Nervousness. To keep in good health yc-.i must have perfect action of the bowels. Ayer's Pills cue con stipation and biliousness. to our Porhapi yon -vvouM JUo to ccr.snlt jorn.'J eminent physicians alicut your condition. Then write us freely all tlio particulars In year case. You will re- cclvo a prompt reply , \ritbout cost. Address. Da. J. C. AYEH. Lovrcll. Mass. frico GO cents of r.U 1 racists or R. r. Hall & Co. , Nashua. N. II. LADY ACKXTS wanted to take orders for tiie A. II. .Johnston Skirt Co. , ferry. Iowa.Vrita for sample outfit. Jsiek box 80 * ; . * v IT 'I ° < > O SC - - - - VA U J A + f * J Alnbastine packages have full direc tions. Anyone can brush it on. Ask paint dealer for tint card. "Alabnstine Era" free. Alabastine Co. , Grand IlapSds , Mich.