Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, March 16, 1899, Image 7

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Jttetzgcr Bros. ,
Pullman Neb
Cherry Co.
Brand on left ld
unn thigh
Earmark , brj.uu
crop riclit ear
Southern hramlr1
cattlt ; have but on
"half-diamond E" o
left side
N'anve fattic ha\
" " C
Ranze on Gordon and
Horses luve same brand on left tnlgh
A leetrarrfo/-250 will be paid to an
person for information leading to the arrest an
final conviction of any person or persons Men
I up cattle with above brand
Poslofficc address < r
* '
* *
Urownlcf > - " -
: ,
On left side or ; . . . ,
part of animal. Ear
mark right ear cut
off ; horses branded
same on left liIp.Also
has stock hrnndco II
an side or shoulder ,
erJK or WorO VI ,
orO or FX. Also _
the following , the first on- being on sfde ana hi
On right
LK unuirue
on !
Postofllne jiddross
Urownlee , N >
Branded on left
side : Mime I f ' f t
side and thigh
on left tliitrh
Rnnge Duck Lake
J l > . .1 -
- . u ; * , .
Hr .wnlee Srb
' C- /j & 1 " " : l'-i tSHlO
' xism&iL
Postofflce address
Wnitinan , N
On left side ; bor.-es
same on left shoulder
m left side
1 tnywhert * on
lal. OuRT ?
up or thigh &S
Range noith prong&
Middle Lnnp river
anrt Buffalo Lake
< : > ! 't 'l A V , W KU , > K
W- ' ' ' ' ' "t""iMi '
- ' ? '
. < * &
l : Sliv | Ilors''s Srt m <
, v r ' lv.
Tostoffice address
Hyannis , N b
n right side : liur
ses same on right
nge six miles
nertl west of Moth
er Lake precinct
Postofllcc address
IHannis , Ne'
Rrandod on righl
.in l h p
Also have tock b
on right side and hip
Horn jon -
on right hi ]
Range-Southwestern ( hern
Postofflce address
hyunnis. Nel
On left hip nnc left
filde Also
on left hip
and leftside
horses same
brands on jlionldert ,
Har.ge -miles
orth of Hyannis
"ostolliee address
Jliannis , Nel
on ritiht hip ;
r ! either sid (
( 'right
ses right
shoul. er
Uange beven miles norm ol ll.\nnnis.
Postofllce address
Pullman , N-
Cuttle branded as on
cut ; horses branded
same as cattle exeept
reveled S.
See block
Range Stevei
and Stephenfon
Lakes and South
Postofiiee addres'
Ilyannis , Nel
branded anywhen
on right side ; horses
ses same on lef
Range - - sixteei
miles northeast u :
J. A Adamson.
Valent'ne. Neb
On left side or hip
f 4 left side or hip
On left side
Kangeou Niobrara
. CO
- / _ . , , „ . ? >
3fr :
* i * ? \v-JV-T . ; , , . ! 'ostofflce ; address
'C. ; y < 3Vs Q J v1' '
, N
Branded on eith
Marshall & Woli'enden
Kennedy , Neb.
Some s on the left
Hor. .es c on left
Brand is small
Earmark : Quarter
clip behind , half 2ir-
cle forward on left ear
Range Lone Tree
oam Hudson
Simeon Neb
Left hip on cattl
Left shoulder on
Some horses Liiz
2 on left shoulder
Kange between
Gordon and Snake
IJiver and Niobrara
Lelt ears tagged All cattle dehorned
William M. Dunbar
Lessee from Heine & Kroeger
Cody , Neb
[ ) Un Either side
I low
Left ear ol cattle'
Range head of Hay
Amelia Young.
Cody , Nebraska
On right side.
Right ear split
Range , Litrli
White river
Peder Thorsen.
jordon. Nebraska
) n right sidefj
ight hip. hor.st
irand and T on ,
mht shoulder
U o cattle brandei
j S on lefrside
Janue. fowl n
onth of Irwin
Henry Young ,
Cody , Nebraska
Horse brand
on left shoulder
Cattle , rijjht ear
Kan e , Little
White river , S. 1)
Stotts & Stctter.
; ody. > "ehraskL
Itnuuled on It-it side
Uiifie. Tin Can Lake
.ml .Morgan Flats
D Nelson
Cody. Nebraska
On riplit hip.
Range. Medicim
i ake to the
Snake river
Ilutt Brothei.s.
Cordon. Nebraska
Ritnuul4 miles north
3f Gordon.
F. C. Dnerlellt , Manager.
Gordon , Nebraska
( 'attie also brande <
< > on right hip
Morses and mule-
. randed same as en
on left shoulder
J. C. Jordan
iiordon , Nebraska
) ne bnneh branded
is on enl on lelt side
One bnneh hi an ( led
L5 Ion left hip
Hordes .B on left
lian o. 10 miles
> on h\vest of Gallop.
H'tween Niobrara
aid Snake rivers
George F Damon
Albany. Veb
Cattle branded
W on lelt , ribs 01
richt shoiilder5 ; < I )
SD FD on right hip and h-fi
ribs ; C on left hip
ritrlit shoulder
> / uaii c 7 nn nortl
cast of Albany Nel
Agent for Pastem
Black Leg Vaceim
Joseph Fickel
Gordon Neb
Horse brand V on
eft shoulder
lianj-e 10 miles
lortheast of Gordon
Wheeler Bros.
Cody Neb
Also B
Uange Chambcrlaii
Flats and Snak
Marquardt & Ho wins
'attle brand OM on
eft shoulder Some
if cattle have various
ililerbrands. OS on
uft hip. Horse bra'd
i on left shouldci.
R.ingp Formerly
JeoV Monnier
aneh 5-mies ! east of
ilerriman. from F.E.
i M. V. R. R. south to Lennder Creek. Mar-
i& :
1 Educational Note s
By Prof. F , H , WATSON
Crookston is to have a b.isket teac'
er's meeting on March 25 Valentii
expects to send a full delegation.
Mrs. Qee , of Crookston. was in a
tendance at the teacher's meeting i
Valentine last Saturday. She seen
to have the spirit of a true t cache
She has kept up the teacher's meeting
in Crookston all year with onlor
regular helper and a fe\v othersw\vh
droppe 1 in occasionally.
Most of last week was nice weathe :
yet in one room of the Valentine sclux
there were 31 tardy marks. This is
disgrace to our school and should b
lessened but if done effectually , it mu.k
be done by the parents. Any punibl
tnents adopted by the teacher uule ;
firmly seconded by the parents , create
anly turmoil and does the child bti
little good Arrange matters so tha
it will be possible for your child to b
Dn time at scuool and make him fet
that it is a disgrace not to be on time
It will be a good thing if every teach
jr and parent in Nebraska could reai
[ Ion. II. II. Sliedds article in th
March number of the Nebraska Teache
Mr. Shedd has two sons who graduate !
'rotn our state university in recen
fears and he has followed those bo }
Tom the time they entered theprimar
oem and has made a thorough stud'
jf every phase of school hie as the son
uwe passed through it. Mr. Shedc
las been an untiring worker in tin
chool board of one of Nebraska's bes
schools for a score or more years. Wi
lope to be able to reproduce at least :
nirt of his article in these columns nex
A meeting of the Crookston division
Jherry county teacher's association
vill be held on the 25 of March , in tin
ichopl building , at 10 a. m.until 3 p in
"ollovdng program will be rendered :
ilelhoil of the Recitation Prof. R. II. Wutsoi
Mcturcj. and How to Study 'Iheiu
Mrs. Li/zie Crawfon
'ersonality of the readier Miss Lnln Alille :
.he School Board's Rc > un&ibi ity in Select
ing a Teacher Win. Wilsoi
lecitation Mrs. R.I 1. Watsoi
i. Study of Johu CJ. Whittier Mis..C. A.iei
Question Box.
A cordial invitation is extended t (
ill who are interested in education l <
: ome and bring a basket
Secretary. Pres
The Valentine section of the Chern
lountv teacher's association will hok
ts next meeting on the 2nd Saturday
> f April. The study of the "Methoi
) f the Recitation' ' has proved the mo.v
'ruitful to ic we have ever taken up ii
joth profit and pleasure. In order t <
: -over more ground at our next meetinj
, he following teachers are requested t <
nake notes on the parts assigned then
> o as to be able to give ns the stronges
, houghts of the author in 10 to 15 inin
ites :
Miss Stark pages 8-i to 9 ,
Miss II 11s pages 9-i to 105
Miss bhaughnesy pages 109 to 12 (
Miss Morgareidge. . . pages 120 to 13 (
Miss Towne pages 130 to 14 (
Miss Ilubbard pages 140 to 15 (
Miss Brown pages 150 to lo (
\lrs. \ Gee . .pages 160 to 17 (
Mrs. Crawford pages 170 to 18 ;
The short time left for literature wil
je given to the study of the picture
'bpring" on page 129 of Skinner's
Studies. Mr. Uoty will read an inter-
isting paper on "The Triumph o ;
light in History. "
Rev. Bates Explains.
DEAII Mil. EDITOR : I notice in youi
ast issue a brief account of a "Lentci :
Ljimcheon' ' given in Valentine. The
'act that such a thing can take place in
me of my mission stations may indi-
: ate that I have been lax or incomplete
n my instructions on the subject ol
-.enten observance , and the notion may
; et abroad if nothing is said , that Len-
en luncheons are a part of the system
) f the church. I wish to reach those
vho read your paper and assure their
hat well instructed and devout church-
nen do not share in social festivities oi
my kind during Lent , i'arties , social !
md gatherings of that sort are strictly
abooed , even children's birthday par
lesire postponed by many , and
ightly , until after Easter. I hope
hus to correct an utterly "wrong im-
) ression which the reading public
night receive. J. M. BATES ,
Pastor of St. John's Church.
Notice of \ iiau ' Hlt'
Notice is hereby given that on Tues
lay the 4th day of April , A.D. 1899 , ai
ilection will be held at the court houst
n the Village of \ alentine for the pur
) ese of electing Five ( o ) Trustees fo :
he said Village of Valentine for th <
'iisuing year , which election will b <
) pened at 9 o'clock in the morning aiu
loutinue until 7 o'clock in the after
loon of the same day. P. SIMONS ,
Attest Chmn Board of Trustee ;
l , M , MORRISSBY , Clerk.
Dan Adamoh was in town th
week and he says the new bridge c
the Bordnian is not in condition to 1
used , and the stream is impassabl
The approaches to the bridge shoul
be graded , if people rre to have ar
nse of the improvement.
As will be noticed on the outsid
page of this paper , Congressman V ,
L. Greene died Saturday' . His plac
will be filled at the election ne >
Kovember.unless csnjfress is convene
in extra session , in which event
special election will be called for th
Sixth district.
The Epworth League of Nortl ;
western Nebraska will hold its annun
convention at Ainsworth on the 1
and 20th of April. Iva L. Efner o
Valentine will read a paper the af tei
noon of the 19th on'How can w
Make the League More Spiritual ? '
and Rev. Baker will preach a sermo ;
in the evening.
A story' is told of two little boy :
who feared they would be late t
school and one of them proposed :
halt for prayer. The other said "m
let us run as hard as we can and pra ;
while we are running" . ' ' The moral i :
that while the merchant is prayinj
for success , he should not neglect ti
advertise in the NEWS-DEMOCRAT.
Third notice. Ev My e ! ior ! has re
wived them. The postmaster t-i-nd-
thorn to the editor. The postmaster i ;
not to blame. For instence. there wa
LI man by the name of well , saj
Tim Short , who sent us three notice
to stop his paper , , he did not want i
nny longer. We wondered what wa :
the matter. Upon investigating on.
subscription buok wo found that Tin
was short $230. . lie never had paid r
> 'nt and yet lie stopped his paper as {
tuatttr of economy to us. A few even
ings ago we sts p e l into church and
rimV > melodious voice rang out loud
ind clear in that old soul slirring song ,
-Jesus Paid It All. " He might havt
beea mistaken bat his enrnoatness im
pressed us. The next day wo sent hisn
i receipt in full begging his pardon foi
not knowing he had m.-vle ; iii assign-
: nent of his liabilities to the Lord. Ex.
} Vaobrii'ii F
Miss E. Mark bini'Iaved with her parents.
ftco. \ aiiBuron went to Crookston. Sunday.
Frank itcese is building himself nwai'.m hhed
Hayes Hobin has hired to J. A. Adr.nifeon fo :
i year.
L. W Parker and Itlake I'isk went over t <
Lleorgi.i last I'ru'.ay.
Robins proclaim that spring is hero , so we an
: lad to .sec them come.
Lon Hlosherand Cora Lansing socnt ; lat Sun-
lay with .Miss Lansing's paven'.s on the SehlngU
U. Ciro.iipthinks he will iv.it up some ha ;
. .c.xt fall as everybody wanN to bay what litlli
le : has left.
\Ve nndcr-tand that Mi > i5 Majruie Orm shei
ins been ver\ low with measles but is imnrov.
n1 ; at nres"iit v.ritintr
Cooks are ii demand more than anything cisc
n this locality at ; present.Ve didn't know
here were so many bachelors until we empoye ! <
The Heat ! ) bo3s are having some trouble find
: \gtheir horses which suddenly disappeared
ibout a month ago. Strong suspicion is outer
tained that the > have been helped out of tin
I , \D Bov.
Mrs. Anna Hunt T.sUed at Mr. Trice's Ian
Nora J'rice. who has been working in Gordon
etnrncd home last week.
Lew lK'nder o'.i anil l ovs stirte : ! last Sindaj
li' ht for southern Kansas.
A.I ) . ( I.-illoj ) is still fiingiag. "The baieor' : ! :
tall , is the niciriesi < > f all. "
Cecil Dahlgrin , who had been sick for several
vepks , died Friday morning
\lcxAldcrand\Vm. Dahlzrin hauled tluh
ft-hoat to Merriinan this weak.
Mr. and Mrs. Iliiam McNamee are antici
mating a tiiji to Missouri some time in the urai
Our worthy ] > astor. Rev. Hunt. d hvcred an
fxccllent discourse at Cc'iler school ho.ise last
Airs Locperand her daughter Marha ; .started
nst Sundy night for their old.home in Harrison
Bounty , Missouri.
Who dure ay lhat there is a better teuntj
taper published in the state than the -XEus-
JR.IOCUAV. ' f think all will agree with me in
ivytng that our paper takes the lead.
Shadbolt IJros. & Fleishman intend bui'.diny
mveral miles of fence this spring. They have
he posts and vrnv at the ranch readv to go ti
vork * ss-on as the fro : > t Sb out of tlie ground.
( ii'.KKVV.
ffili I's-ecinet.
Tom Leeppr is working for I. 15. Nichols.
Winter is holding on with a death-like grip. '
K. F. Devine was up the river on business last
Gfo. Mochclenkamp went bick to Norfolk tin
irst of last week.
We noticed Win. Spence going south with r
much of cattle last \\et-k.
A young bliz/ard struck here Friday and
asted until Saturday evening.
Cattle are beginning to get the kinks cut o'
.heir backs the cold weather nut there in Feb
ruary ,
I. B. Nichols was in Valentine last Saturdaj
) ii land-office business. E. F. Deiine was alsi
it the hub on the same day.
Mrs. Henry Ileckel had quite a time with tin
lose-blecd , but fortunately Dr.Dwyerlunpened
: obe in Cody and he dro\e out and stopped it
; mt it left her very weak.
The editor last week said he hoped the asses
sors would find some way to assess property a !
'till cash value. Perhaps lie could make sorat
suggestions how to do this.
Mi-s Jennie Crowe's school closed last Fridai
.n district r 5. Although a young teacher Mis :
Jrowe gives promise of being in tlie front ranks
) f Cherry county teachers iu the near future.
While in Merriinan one day recently we
noticed a man unloading a ear of hoiisehoh
joods and farming implements. He movi'c
"rom the eastern nart of the state , locating ct
; he river , up about Itockford bridge. If he ha (
iust known it he could have picked up i/ient\
) farm implements here and saved the. freight
- - -
H h N * - ,
7 V i 8 L 1 ' : UV r 5 A
V-- t
VV r
V . ' > *
* -
t > ;
| Anything in the line of Clothing ,
ijj Hats or Caps , Boo's or Siioes ,
g Staple or Fancy . Groceries ,
! 8 > A / '
I ? Stoneware , Dry Goods
Jg Notions , 7 Salt Meat , Grain or Feed ,
4 ?
Be sure to call and get prices at
4 ? .WMU p. \ Jil ! vn
39 uhHbo ; \ \ \ 5y
The following loiters are inscribot
on a stone tablet placed immediately
above tlie Ten Cojnmaml nents in j
country church in the northwest o
England , and are deciphered with onlj
one letter :
P R S V TI Y V R F C T M X !
When the letter is placed in ear !
place Avhere it belongs it makes a sen
tence of nine perfect words.
Chle-iso Seal ? Co. fur i > r ,
I Stork anil llij Stale , at dumb : I"- : ; : :
1 sitlon. Oillcial Scales Si , > rL I * . iJK'ii
WorWSFair , thirago , 18I3. ! Krunli
and EO pit. S ( el Frames. Irons fur f-trt
j KaLs. Sialcs for : : ! ! pmi" > . ' 7. I'c :
JfiM SiS ® CaBQualHr. LonestVricrs. V. . - .
Sttcl Fraiac & Royal Scale Rack fcf 3c
AlKOnt Tiholesil % > Trie- * : BeTi-j Smr.Sit'c , liirj
ItlacLsnllhs' TcoisI-'eo'l litCurc ! ! -ilfrvtr.5'i ! < "i , P.oilcn
PIon-s , cra ] > o rs. Wire > fnce , Stoics , arfd'rx. llarm-ss , lasln
"JIpih < and hnndrcds oruscfu ! artiflei. . l lalrsfrfAcliif *
CHICAGO 6CALK 10. , 23C Jaclbsn IpDle srJ , CMeago , III
1 have established a Feed a > ul Saw Mill
0 miles feonth of ( 'cdat the month of
Medietne Canyon , ai.il am now prepared
to grind Feed. Corn Meal and Graham ,
c tnrn out all kindoJ Lnml.er and di
mension bluff , and Native Shingles
Give ns a trial order.
The Gie ite > t E.g 1'roilnccr on Plart'i
- ; hens l.i > all winter and is .ib-olntclv
drotith prool.it'inn'titfti' i oir / - % .
agntndni-w Nnnhcrn \ urretv. ninn ( n :
: md.i ) - uro ! < : ivs r-at enipsot ii.iy : : ti i i- > : t
v.ondeifn ) fi'itii I - > T. V' ' < > iil > } $1.\-j- I
win - nd iii' t.iire piiiii eiiui.gi p as to plant
an uerc uinl enuu-ili pepper > ee l to prouuei-
. * fiOii ) \\oli of j-eppe's .aid fcc-d Kj lieigbt
I will send tiie Pe.i and Pei pib. . al o heon-
omy ilaiuess and IJeit Mt-iuh-r. a large bottle
oi lr Grano's ( . 'oiigh and Kidr.ev Malm and a
Quart > f "Early Yellow Queen" Torn. S it-
Maction guaranteed Supply limited Order
( juicK and mention thi-j paper
frAJl ivork promptly attended to-'v ( z5
A Q | / C f"O
rOrJl 1 \ . .
'North-Western Line" is to ho
to and from tiie
Attention , Stockmen
PftrsJC2's jiEid the < * iiiierzl
Any parties wishing
AViil v.e given
jSpeciai Prices
bc-t\ve6ti this ; ui < l loth nf April. Shop
\vest of school liouse , at
i evidence.
of bt
Several head of hordes and cat
tle , branded
Amos Strong , Valentine , Xeb. Les
ilujjh I'.uviil , Manager
Merriinan Xeb
All on left gidcor
se north of EH
Charlotte E. Hovill
ilerriman Neb
Left side or hip
Itnngo north of Eli
13 U. Teorer ? Uros.
Newton , Xcb.
Her es same on
left shoulder
Ranco between
the Gordon and the
Gorsnch Bros.
Newton , Nebr
Cattle branded
as ou cut
eft side or hi |
Itantre on Goroon"
I. T. Richardson.
Kennedy , Nebra.
Some on left
Hor-es on
loit iliou.de r
11. A. McQuuce.
Valentine. Neb /
Branded on either !
side L
Range between s J R
Thaelierand S v.in\ \