Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, March 16, 1899, Image 11

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    Do not think for a single
moment that consumption will
ever strihe you a sudden blow.
It does not come that way.
It creeps its way along.
First , you think it is a little
cold ; nothing but a little hack
ing cough ; then a little loss in
weight : then a harder cough ;
then the fever and the night
The suddenness comes when
you havL a hemorrhage.
Better stop the disease while
it is yet creeping.
You can do it with
You first notice that you
cough less. The pressure'on
the chest is lifted. That feeling
of suffocation is removed. A
cure is hastened byplacingone of
Dr. Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral Plaster
over the Chest.
A 2oc'r
It is on the Diseases of the
Throat and Lungs.
Vfrfio . * frosJy *
If yf : i ! .ivo fuiy complaint whatever
mid des re the best medical ndvlce you
can IIQJn'y receive , write the doctor
freely , "i 1.1 will receive a prompt reply ,
without < - < . , r. Address.
D ! . ' C. AVER. Lowell , Mass.
Excursion Rates to
Western Cinidi : nnd
particulars as to how to
secure 160 acres of the
best W boat- growing
land ( in the Continent ,
can 1) " secured on appli
cation toUioSnperiutend.
> nt of Immigration , Ot-
tawii. i : ini : < l : lli nndersijined. Specially con
ducted i'xcms will UaviSt. . Paul , Minn. , on
thlirst iind t ! r 1 Wediu'sdnys in each month , and
specially Ion r iii-s on all linesof railway reaching
St. I'anfarc ! unquoted for excursion leaving on
April otli for 11 .uitoba. Assinilioia , Saskatchewan
nnd Alberta \.ldress X. Harlholoaiew. 306 Fifth
St , DfsMo-n . lou-u ; Agent for the Government
of Canid.i.
An Excellent Combination.
The plen unt method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy ,
SYRUP OF FIGS , manufactured by the
the value of obtaining1 the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally lasative and presenting1
them in the form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
is the one perfect strengthening laxative
tive- , cleansing the system effectually ,
dispelling colds , headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance , and its acting on the kidneys ,
liver and bowels , without weakening
or irritating them , make it the ideal
In the process of manufacturing1 figs
are used , as they are pleasant to the
taste , but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants , by a method
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations , please
remember the full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package.
For sale by all Druggists. Price 50c. per bottle ,
Gl es relict In FITS minutes. Sender
or a FUEE trial package. Sold by
Druggists. One uoz sent postpaid
jn receipt of 91.00. Sir boi * 8S.OO.
irfdress THOS. POriJlH. PHILi. , IM.
.Result of Hnrcl Practice.
"They sy Faderewski practiced so
liard at the piano during the past six
months iliat ho paralyzed two of his
lingers. "
' ' . There's liv-
That's nothing. a girl -
jug in the fhit below us who paralyzes
everybody in the block when she prac-
ict's. " _
Uoa't Mind the Weather.
There is one thing that does not
mind the weather , and that is rheuma
tism ; aud one thing that does not niind
rheumatism is St. Jacobs Oil , as it goes
to work upon Jt and cures right off.
Ilartl Luck.
" Well , how are y -
with that fun < i . . . saving sonic
time ago foi i . .4) to the Paris Expo-
Sition ? "
"I've had 1 1 luck with It. I had $1.40
laid away , J : my wife happened to
Hud it one di : ; just before a man with
a newly C2 egg-beater came
> ground. "
ITe WCB Precocious and
nncl Learned a Lot of
Aguinaldo was .111 apt scholar. ITo
was precocious , Hko the Malay ; ambi
tious , like the Caucasian , and ho had
a .memory like that of the Chinaman
the greatest memory possessed by mail.
At the age of seven lie was the equal
of most half-breed boys of twelve , and
at ten he was menially the superior of
most of the Tugals : iud half-breeds of
the district.
Whan he was fourteen or fifteen he
was enrolled in the medical department
of the Pontifical University of Manila ,
undrr Profs. Nalda and JJuitrago. He
was a bright student , but nothing is
known of his college career. Shortly
after this time he committed what is ;
an unpardonable sin , both secular and
religious , in the Philippines by joining
the Masonic order. Masonry was a pro
hibited thing in the Philippines under
Spanish rule , and any man joining the
order might under , an ancient law be
tortured and executed. About this time
( in 1S8S ) lie had some trouble with the
authorities and went to Hong Kong ,
where there was a fair-sized colony of
Philippine exiles and also of Filipinos
who had crossed the China sea in busi-
ne-s enterprises. Here lie obtained his
first knowledge of the great world out
side of the narrow Spanish civilization
in which he had been brought up. He |
attended the drills and parades of the
British garrisons , frequented the gun
shons on Queen's road , purchased fire
arms for his own use , and in every way
tried , to increase his fund of practical
knowledge. According to report , he
crossed over into Kowloon and served
a shorr rime in the Chinese army , and
there , finding that nothing more could
be learned from the corrupt mandarins
who oflicered the troops , but never drill
ed them , he obtained his discharge and
joined the crew of a Chinese warship
which had some European instructors.
He met the late Captain McGifliu , and
is s-iid to have served under him several
months. Whether these rumors be true
or not , one thing is clear during his j
sfiy in Hong Kong and that neighbor
hood he gained a wide knowledge of
wj.rfare. both military and naval , and
Y ( : : d many works upon strategy and the
campaigns of Bonaparte , Wellington ,
Von Moltke and Grant , and there are
nr.merous photographs in existence in
that city of him in both soldier and
sailor uniforms. During the past year
iu lias surprised many new acquaint
ances with his knowledge and accurate
opinions upon the famous battles and
generals of Europe and America during
tiie present century. Review of lie-
Sinking thn Mercedes.
According to Lieutenant Tejeiro , second
end in command of the naval force of
the province of Santiago do Cuba , in
an account written by him of the bat
tle of Santiago , recently published , the
Itcina Mercedes was sunk by its own
trow This'was done in order to close
the mouth of the harbor , which had
been left open by the removal of six
torpedoes. All the wounded and the
valuable papers and instruments were
removed from the doomed ship to the
steamer Mejico.
The Mercedes left the harbor at 11:30 :
o'clock on the night of July 4. She was
instantly discovered by the American
ilcot which began a terrific fire , "Xev-
eitheless , " says the author , "the ship
went down at the designated place.
I'll fortunately a shot from the enemy
severed one of her anchor chains and
she swung around to one side , leaving
the port opeu and making her sacrifice
a use-less one. However , the sinking of
the Mercedes prevented her from fall
ing into the liauds of the enemy. "
History's Cinderella.
Cinderella is not entirely the product
of fiction. The Princess Ithodopis , of
Egypt , was the first Cinderella. Sao
nas bathing in the Nile , and a bird ,
which Strabo calls an eagle , flying past
picked up one of her slippers , or san
dals , fiew away with it , and dropped it
en the lap of Prince Psammeticus , who
was holding a Court of Justice in Mem
phis. He was so struck by the dainty
manufacture and small size of the san
dal that , being then in search of a
bride , he at once vowed that he would
only wed the maiden whose foot fitted
the sandal. There were two elder
daughters of the first marriage who
greatly envied her good fortune and
here we have all the essentials of the
Lord Beaconsfield married for
money , but though his wife was fifteen
years older than himself , the union ,
which lasted thirty years , was a very
happy one. She was his confidante , ad
viser and helpmeet , and the hours he
spent with her in retirement were the
happiest of his life. Probably the great
est joy he .ever had was when he was
able to decorate her with a peerage.
In the dedication to her of "Sybil" he
affectionately and gratefully describes
her as "the most severe of critics , but
a perfect wife. "
The Most Famous Sculptress in the
World , Entirely Cured by
Mrs. M. C. Cooper , of the Royal Acad
emy of Arts , London , England , is un
doubtedly oue of the greatest living
sculptors. She has modeled busts of
half the nobility of England , and Is now
, in Washington making busts of distiu-
, guished Americans. Mrs. Cooper has
just completed a bust of Mrs. Belva
Lockwood , which is uow iu the Cor-
coraii Art Gallery. Iluskin , the great
artist , placed Mrs. Cooper as one of the
greatest sculptors and painters of this
century. Mrs. Cooper is an ardent
friend of Pe-ru-na , and iu a letter dated
January 20 , written from Washington ,
says the following : "I take pleasure in
recommending Pe-ru-na for catarrh and
la grippe. I have suffered for mouths ,
and after the use of one bottle of Pc-ru-
na I am entirely well. " Mrs. M. C.
Send for a free book on catarrh en
titled "Health and Beauty. " This book
is written especially for women , aud
will be found to be of great value to
every woman. Address Dr. Hartman ,
Columbus , Ohio.
"Farmers and Land Seekers. "
For cheap vild lands'and choice Improved
farms , within30 miles of Iowa , on crop payments
and easy terms , call on THOMAS K. sniK ,
Windom. Minn. Write him for line map of Min
nesota and list of lands ; sent free.
The AKC. of an Oyster.
He who wishes may find out the ex
act age of an oyster , though he has not
QIC telltale evidence in teeth. The lines
in the groove of the hinge of the shell
tell the whole story , each line repre
senting a year. An oyster is of age at
four years ; that is , he is old enough to
vote , take care of a family , aud go to
market Going to market is a disas
trous undertaking , for a 4-year-old oys
ter is particularly palatable. By this
it must not be supposed that after an
oyster has passed the four-layer period
and has five , six , or even ten wrinkles
ou his shell he is a back number. In
deed , there are records of oysters being
eaten just after celebrating their thir
tieth birthday , and in most cases they
formed a delicious meal. Thirty is an
unusual age for an oyster to attain , be
cause few are given an opportunity to
live so long. If left to enjoy life in his
- > wn way , it is quite probable that the
vsler would become an octogenarian
,1 even centenarian.
Captain Coehrane on his last trip to
Fulton market brought in an oyster
found on his beds that is believed to be
at least 35 years old. Fishing Gazette.
Peace Costs Bijj Money.
It is estimated that since the days
of the Trojan war 110 fewer tliau
1,200,000,000 men have been sacrificed
on the altar of the god of Avar. If it
were possible to gather together these
millions of war's victims into one
ghastly army they would form a col
umn , twenty-seven abreast , long
enough to clasp the earth at the equa
tor , with a residue of ten similar col
umns stretching from London across
Europe to Naples. If this file W2re to
pass a salutiug point at the rate of one
every second , night as well as day , the
last "shade" would only become yhnble
in the autumn of 193G.
Two and a half million men fell in
European battlefields during the first
half of this century alone ; and this
slaughter cost Europe the colossal sum
of $0,830,000,000. Each victim cost $2-
640 to kill. A calculation as careful as is
possible places the total cost of Avar
during the last 3,000 years tit the ap
palling sum of $000,000,000,000.
All the countries of Europe are
spending on their armies and navies at
the rate of nearly $50 a second , or the
almost -Incredible sum of $4,000,000 a
The Confederate badge which Presi
dent McKinley Avore at Macon , Ga. , has
made it so popular that the organiza
tion Avhich issued it has been over
whelmed with requests for duplicates.
It has been promptly copyrighted , and
several hundred are now being turned
out daily.
Darinjj Deeds of Modern Surgery.
In a recent address before a London
medical association Dr. L. A. Weather-
ly , a prominent physician , said that if
a surgeon of sixty years ago could
wake from his everlasting sleep in this
world and find himself in one of the
modern operating theaters of a med
ical Institution he would rub his eyes
and stare with utter amazement at the
daring deeds of the modern surgeon :
that "he Avould see the patient brought
in already unconscious of what was
about to be done ; he would note the
scrupulous cleanliness which antisep
tic surgery has taught us in all the sur
roundings of the room , the appliances
of the operating surgeon and bis assist
ant ; he would , perhaps , see the abdo
men opened and its contents handled
with the most perfect confidence , and
this or that operation , never dreamed
of in his day as being even possible
without instant death , brought to a
successful termination. And we- fer
ment would be justifiable. " ) r.
"Weatherly thought the fault with the
modern young operator in surgery Avas
that he was a little too prone lo use his
knife as a means of diagnosis , without
giving his powers of observation a
chance to arrive at a right conclusion.
The address of the distinguished phy
sician has attracted Avide attention.
Leslie's Weekly.
$1OO Reward , $ IOO.
The readers of this paper will bo pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to euro in all its
stages , and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure now known to the mcl-
ical fraternity. Catarrli being a constitutional
disease , requires a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrli Cure is taken internally , acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system , thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease , and giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and assisting
nature in doing its work. The proprietors have
so much faith in its curative powers that they
oiler One Hundred Dollars for any case that it
fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address , F. J. CHUNKY & CO. , Toledo , 0.
by Druggists , 75c.
. .
Arizona's Petrified. Wood.
Some of the petrified Avood found in
Arizona , it is said , is so hard that steel
tools will not work it , the petrifications
being only three degrees less in hard
ness than the diamond.
Oh , That Delicious Coffee !
Costs but Ic. per Ib. to grow. Salzer
has the seed. German Coffee Berry , pkg.
l6c. ; Java Coffee pkg. 15c. Salzer's New
American Chicory 15c. Cut this out aud
send 15c. for any of above packages or
send 30c. and get all 3 pkgs. and great
Catalogue free to JOHN A. SALZElt
SEED CO. . La Grosse. Wis. ( c. u. )
Always Beliiml.
' What's the matter ? I hear that you
are going lo withdraAV from our club. "
"Yes , I can't afford to run the risk
of being ostracized by society for re
maining a member of an organization
that has never had a cake Avalk. "
\Vbile You Sleep.
Do not have too much air blowing
through your room at night , or Neural
gia may creep upon you Avhile you
sleep. But if it conies , use St. Jacobs
Oil ; it warms , soothes and cures.
A Prolific Youn ? ? Mother.
A little son was born into a family
near Sabattus , Me. , recently , being the
tAvelfth child of a mother only 35 ot
3G years old , the eldest of the family
being but IS years old.
Heaviest Anchors Kvcr Made.
Eight and a half tons is the weight
of each of the anchors of the Cunard
liner Campaniavliich were tested to
bear a strain of 120 tons. The weight
of the cables and anchors together for
that vessel was 10r tons. These
anchors are the heaviest ever made.
Shake Into Your Shoes.
Allen's Foot-Ease , : i powder for the feet.
It cures painlul.swo.lejisinaitiig feet nn l
instantly takes t iC sting out of corns and
bunions , it's the greatest comfort discov
ery of the age. Allen's Knot-Ease makes
tiilht-litting or new shoes fe ! easy. It is a ,
certain euro for sweating , < allous and hot.
tired , aching feet Tryitto-ffriy. Hod ; by all
druggists and shoe &tores. I > v mail for iJ5c ,
in stamps. Trial package. KREE. Address ,
Al.en b. Ohu&tcU , L Ki.y , N. Y.
A Confidential Kxp'.anation.
Ilardrocks Why do 3-011 call your
two sons Alpha and Omega ?
Bullion Because they have nevei
been able , so far. to make cuds meet.
To Cure a Colrt In One Day
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All
drugaists refund the money if it fails to cure.
25c. The genuine has L. U. Q. on each tablet.
As many as 111,000,000 bottles of
champagne are stored in the vaults of
French producers. They represent q ,
cost price of $50.000.000.
PERFECT womanhood depends on perfect health.
Nature's rarest gifts of physical beauty vanish before
Sweet dispositions turn morbid and fretful.
The possessions that win good hus
bands and keep their love should be guard- T
edby Avomen every moment of their lives.
The greatest menace to woman's per
manent happiness in life is the suffering
that comes from derangement of the
feminine organs.
Many thousands of women have realized
this too late to save their beauty , barely in time to save their
lives. Many other thousands have availed of the generous in
vitation of Mrs. Pinkham to counsel all suffering women free
of charge.
MRS. H. J. GARRETSON , Bound Brook , N. J. , writes : "DEAR
MRS. PINKHAM I have been tak
ing Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound with the best results
and can say from my heart that
your medicines are \vonderful.
My physician called my trouble
chronic inflammation of the left
ovary. For years I suffered very
much , but thanks to Mrs.
a Pinkhams Vegetable Compound -
| - pound and kind advice , I
( ' * * *
am today a Avell wo
man. I Avould say to all
suffering women , take
Lydia E. Pinkham's
medicine and your suf-
erings will vanish. "
LIPPE , of Ladoga , Iiid. ,
writes :
HAM For four years I
suffered from tilcera-
tion of the Avomb.
I became so weak I
could not Avalk across
the room without help. After giving up all hopes of recovery ,
I was advised to use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound and Avrotc for special information. I began to improve
from the first bottle , and am now fully restored to health. "
Unsolicited Testimonials and Sworn Affidavits Offered to Prove
Every Assertion " 5 DROPS" Scores Marvelous
Triumphs ; Breaks Its Own Record.
What T. M. Dulce , Lemon , 1IIs . , Hn lo M T nboiit " 5
SWANSON RHEUMATIC CUUE Co. , CincAno ; Donr Sirs I uill say to jon nml the rest of the
tvorld that it has been rnanv years since 1 have boon able to do a day's work until this spriu * . ' . I
commenced taking " 5 li < UlJCj " in December last , and I now feel like a iew : man. 1 have had the
Rheumatism ever since I was 5 years old. I am now 60 jears old and cured.
Yours "ratefully. I. "M. DUK K.
June 20 , 1698. Lemon. Miss.
Cured by " 5 DROPS" After Phyufclun * nn.l All Medicine. Fall.
X RHEUMATIC CUKE Co. , CHICAGO : Gentlemen This is to certify that "si DKOI'S"
cured my wife of n , very severe case of Rheumatism. I had used various liniments and patent rn > di-
cines. and had the best physicians . in West Texas on her case , all . with no effect She grew uor-e all
' ' - one side , the arm , ! - ,
but it is a fact and if
any ' ' ' '
Ood-'acnt'rc'mc'dy let them write me , inclosing self-addressed stamped envelope , and I will nro\e it.
Gratefully , JOHN OLIVKIi.
June 21 , 1S98. lluckabay , Te.\as.
Jf you have no' sufficient confluence , after reading these letters to rend for
one Inrco bottle for * 1. 00. wlilctJ will Mircly cure 1OI1 , UiL-n Fencl tor a 2C > * licit : .
which contains enough medicine to more than satisfy you of Us wonderfu. run
properties. Prepaid by mail or express. This wonderful curative sivei n'u - . , .
Instant relief and I : i permanent cure for KIicumutli.ni. Solution , Xcnralslu ,
ly in. pnlu , KucLnclie , Aotluiin. lliy I'cver. Catarrh , Sloeylc * ne * , NCT\OII -
lie * * , > ervou nnd jVeurnlelc Jlrudnolicx. Heart WeaLnes * . Toothache , Kur-
nclic. Croup , J.u Grippe , Mnlarlu , Crceplnc Aumbncn * , UronchitN and Kindled
" 5 DROPS" is tlie namn nnd do-e. Large bottle ( BOO dour * )
Al.OO , prepaid by ma-l or express ; three bottles
42.50 ; iiinple i5c. So'd only l > y us and our agents. Agents app'iiutei in
"A Good Tale Will Bear Telling
Twice. " Use Sapolio !
a B aJ OO a
This Signature is on every box of LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE TABLETS , Accept no substitute represented to lie "just as good , "
SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS IN Druggists refund the
St. Jacobs Oil cure *
St. Jacobs Oil " Xeun\l ht
St. Jacobs Oil it
St. Jacoha Oil it Sciaticv
St. Jacobs Oil itn Sprum * .
St. Jacobs Oil n
St. Jacobs Oil n
St. Jucob-i Oil <
St. Jacobs Oil it
St. Jacob. LM1 .1
Tfipt-vpu'rir Charity.
Mrs. Ilciipyquc So you did nn act of
charity to-day to commcMiinratu the
tenth anniversary of our wedding ?
Mr. Henpequc Yes ; one of my clerks
wanted a rise of salary so thai he could
get married , and I refused him.
I believe ray prompt use of PJHO'H Cure
prevented quick consumption. Mrs. Lu-
t-y Walluco. Maniuctto. Kan. . D ' - . 12 , ' 95.
x with the Mouth Shut.
A physician declares that people who
sleep with their mouths shut live long
est. _ _
.11 r * . VI inflows SooTiimo rytour lor Cbildrvu
.rethine : KOI tens tlio iriiniK. reaucca tnflanira.ntiou.
laj i-ain. euros wind colic. & cents a bctilo.
WANTKIX-Ciiceofbadhf-alihilialR-I P'A H
not bi-ncflt. Sftitl 5 cents to Rlpaita Ctioir.lcal Co. .
New York , for I0san : > l > snni1 l.OUMrstlmonJala.
True blessedness consisted ! In a good
life and a happy death. Solon.
, Salur's Sttis are Warranted to Produce. T ,
.Mahloo Luthtr. Ea t Troy , ! ' . . attcnl.l.c.l th * word\ !
by JTOttinfJ SM l > u-bels Big Four Oat * , J BrriJer f
MMiicott , Wi . , 173 bashtli B Iv , an. ! II Lovrwy \
Ucd Win ? , M'nn. , by Rrowhi ? 3.0 buthets Salo. ? ' * Corn"
nrr acre. If yon djubt write th n. We wlilj to Kaiu
4jO,0 < jO new cnitouitrrs , bnce wtil imd en trial
mammoth Seed Cat Jogui > Ullng ! all tbout car
" i Vurm S eJi , etc. . all niaUed you upon r icii > ! J
of bat lOc. pottage , positirely wcith S W , to .
gtt > Uit. JUO.OOO btjla. trtil 1' . .
talc ? , at $1 20 aud up.bU. 35
VijC * . earlint Vegetable
Pleas *
alone , to
This C ill is made rntirtlyof Knhiiur and will
iv t shrink or swell. Jt is the be.st Duck Call
iiade. All hunters have experienced tlN diffi
culty with the wooden call ; because when a call
shrinks or swells it changes tone , and lo continue
to blow it will do more danvige than aoMl.
Thy nut ? and Tongue of this Call arc in one
piece , and will not tall in pieces when tak r
apart. This Call is tuned to the perfect unniit.v
tioii of a wild duck , and anyone with a little
practice can iinmitate any Duck that fhui.
413 Fourth Street , Sionx Oty , Iowa.
And good enougff for you. There is ir.ore of
Carter's Ink used by the U. S. Government than
of all other makes put together. It costs you no
more than the poorest ask for it.
Funny booklet "Hoxv- Make Ink Pictures "free.
CARTER'S INK CO. , Boston , Mass.
We wish to gain this T"w 200.000 !
_ _ new customers , and nance oner '
" lPkg.l8DBTKadI h lOc
1 Pkg. EarlT Ripe Cabbagt lOc !
,1 > p Earliest Bed Be t lOc
" LonsLiKhtn'gCncumber..lCc
" Sailer's Best Lettuce 15c
" CaJilornia FiizTomoto 20c
Early Dinner Onion lOc
" Brilliant Flower Seeda ISc I
Worth S 1.00 , for 14 Ct3. tucoj
Above 10 pkgs. , worth $1.00 , wo wiJl ,
mail you free , tojetherwitb oarsreat
Kant and Seed Catalogue , upou TO- '
cpipt of Ihii notice and 14e ixwtiga
IVo invite jour trade end know when
you once try Salzer * * Sce l you will
_ never get along withoat them. On-
3 Ion Seed 68c end cpnJb. Pota-
gi ' toe * ot 81.20 n bbl. Catalogue
ra 'nlonoScent * . 2o.C. > f.
Get Your Pension
TTrite Cant. C'PA22SLL. Peaaoa Agsst.Wacissts. B.C.
MENTION" THIS PAFZR WOT * w&mxo TO ADtrirruzcs.
S. C. N. U. - 11-99
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use 1
In time. Sold by drnggbta.