Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, March 16, 1899, Image 1

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The General Is Not Disturbed by
the Opera BouflTe Performance
Declares He Enjoys It All Allan
Steamer Goes Ashore in Fog
Gen. Gomez Turned Out.
The Cuban Military Assembly in public
session last Saturday impeached Gen.
Maximo Gomez and removed him from his
command as general in chief of the Cuban
army , the lirst ballot taken resulting in
twenty-six votes being cast in support of
the motion to impeach and remove Gen.
Gomez , against four in opposition.
Gen. Gomez's only supporters were Gen.
Cespedes and Gen. Xune/ . The original
motion , which was introduced by Senor
Manuel Sanguilly , provided for the aboli
tion of the grade of general-in-chief , but
an amendment was offered to this by Senor
Aguerro , which read : "To abolish the grade
of general-in-chief and to remove Gen.
Gome/ for failure in his military duties
and disobedience to the Assembly. "
The position of the Assembly is notably
weak , as the military administration sup
ports Gen. Gomez , as do all the planters
and property owning element , who r.re
tired of the Cuban army , which subsists
half upon charity and half upjn contribu
tions levied by means of threats.
Gen. Gomez received at Molinas a tele
phone message announcing to him the As
sembly's de.-ision. He answered calmly ,
'All right. I enjoy the situation. "
Passengers Showed Good Discipline
ami All Are Taken Off in Safety.
The Allan steamer Castilian , bound from
Portland , Me. , to Liverpool , via. Halifax ,
is ashore at Gannet Rock , near Yarmouth ,
N" . S. The v cl went ashore early Sun-
Jay morning at low tide in a dense fog , her
compasses Doing -rango& > 'Z ? passen
gers spea'c in the highest terms of the dis
cipline maint lined afUr the ship struck.
She had been moving t lowly , with a sharp
autlook in the Inze. The officers wanted
to give a wide berth to Cape Sable , which
they feared they might be Hearing. Xoth-
: ng of whistle or buoy was heard or seen
ami 110 simi cf land until the shock , which
was so light many passengers thought ic
was a heavy wave. Engines were reversed ,
but when it was found the steamer held
fast the boats were got ready and the
sleeping passengers awakened and told to
pack up in case it should be necessary to
send them ashore. Splendid coolness was
lisplayeJ by the whole crew. Rockets
were iired at intervals and at daylight the
irst officer and purser went ashore in a
small boat to Tusket. They drove nine
miles to Yarmouth for assistance. In the
afternoon the boats were launched and the
passengers and crew told off to them.
Shortly after the whistles of the tugs were
icard and at 5 o'clock i.ll hands but the
captain , engineers and : ome of the crew
vere safely taken off and conveyed to
Fire "Wall Crashes Down on an Ad
joining : Building in Chicago.
The massive fire wall on the east of the
? ight story structure which was partly de
stroyed by fire in Chicago Saturday night ,
fell without warning Sunday , completely
demolishing the adjoining building and
setting the ruins on fire. The loss on build
ing and contents is estimated at $123,000 ,
fully insured. So sudden was the col
lapse of the lire wall that a score of firemen
barely escaped being caught under the
mass of masonry. The loss by fire will
probably be much heavier than at first
i-hought. Losses which were believed to
be only partial were found Sunday in some
2ascs to be complete , and it is now esti
mated the total loss will approximate
Siv-Story New York Tenement Burns
3Iany Narrow Escapes.
A six-story tenement at 4 Cayard street ,
New York , caught fire early Sunday morn
ing. Twenty families were aroused from
their slumber. The tenement burned like
tinder and a number of people were forced
to drop from the windows into nets. Sev-
sral little children were thrown from the
windows and were caught by firemen be
low , all escaping uninjured. Fifteen per
sons were carried from the upper floors.
The panic was intense. Chief Bouner
said that there were no bodies in the build-
Horrible English Tragedy.
A gravestone mason , living at Twickeu-
heini , England , caused a sensation by cut
ting the throats of his wife and two child
ren and then cutting his own. All four
t- are dead. The only motive for the crime
was that the man was a fanatical vegeter-
ian and had been ordered by his physician
to eat meat.
Loses Life in the Flames.
The Marysville , Cal. , woolen mill was
damaged 3150,000 by fire Sunday night.
During the progress of the fire Frank
Peck of Yuba City , a well known bicycle
rider , entered the building and was over
come by the smoke and burned to death.
Alleged Gen. Gamcz Is Anxious to
Be Cuba's First President.
A Havana dispatch says : There ap
pears to be little doubt that the influence
and popularity of Gen. Gomez will be suffi
cient to compel the Assembly of Cuban rep-
resentativco to formally ratify his accept
ance from the United States of $8,000,000 to
disband the army. A member of the As
sembly , who is also in Gomez' confidence ,
makes a statement which , though
extraordinary , he pledges to
be entirely accurate. He says
that the understanding on which Gomez
accepted the $3,000,000 was that when this
sum was accepted the United States would
advance a further $10,000,000 to the Cuban
army. This was a secret clause in the
arrangement made with the Cuban chief
and has not been divulged to members of
the assembly save those personally friendly
to Gomez.
One further understanding arrived at
Avith the American commander was in ref
erence to Gomez's own personal ambition.
With the death of Garcia and Maceo , the
figure of the commander-in-chief is the
sole strong one in Cuban pol
itics. He has no intention to disclaim
political honors. His ambition is to be
come the first president of a Cuban re
public , and his confidant alleges that the
United States has pledged herself to favor
and aid this ambition. The administration
has determined , clearly and decisively , to
get out of Cuba as early as possible , and
with Gomez , they believe , matters will soon
be adjusted to this end. Gomez is popular
with the country , but not with the As
sembly or army.
Herself and Lover Executed for
Killing the Former's Husband.
Mrs. Cordelia Poirier and Samuel Pars-
low , her lover , were hanged at St. Seholas-
tique , Que. , March 10 , for the murder of
Isidore Poirier , the woman's husband.
Mrs. Poirier was the organist of theEoman
Catholic Church at St. Jerome. Parslow
sang in the choir. Parslow cut Poirier's
throat while the latter was drunk. Pars-
low and Mrs. Poirier confessed the crime
and endeavored to put the responsibility 011
the other.
Their necks were both broken. Mrs.
Poirier was firm and collected throughout.
On the scaffold she shook hands with the
liangman without a tremor. A. crowd oE
Gib people inside the jail jeered at lifer , but
her composure did not desert her , and. at
the suggestion of the executioner , she
turned and faced her jeerers , stood erect
and prayed to the last. Parslow was more
dead than alive when the drop fell. The
condemned murderers were proven ted from
seeing each other by a screen placed be
tween them.
Silver Champion Talks to a Big
Crowd at Houston , Texas.
Hon. William Jennings Bryan addressed
0,000 persons at Houston , Texas , last week.
After stating that the Chicago platform
still stood , while the St. Louis one had
been violated by its projectors , he declared
himself in favor of silver , opposed to gov
ernment by injunction and in favor of the
income tax. He paid particular attention
to the trusts , excoriating them unmerci
fully. Regarding McKinley's assertion
that he favored expansion because the people
ple demanded it , he said McKinley should
not gauge public opinion from the rear end
of a train.
Illinois Supreme Court Renders an
Interesting Decision.
The Illinois Supreme Court has rendered
a decision in the mandamus proceedings to
test the authority of a city to refuse
saloonkeepers licenses unless a 50-centwar
tax stamp Avas affixed to the bond. The
court held that the tax was an unwarrant
able interference with the principle of
state sovereignty ; that the complainant
had a right to iisense , having complied
with the conditions imposed by the State
and city without affixing a stamp.
Soldiers of Fortune Are Barred.
When the Machecha Line steamer Breakwater -
water sailed from Xew Orleans for Hon
duras it was short eight of its passenger
list. They were eight mustered-out Mis
souri volunteers who went to that city
recently with the ill-fated Kansas City
soldiers of fortune expedition. Their de
sire to go was referred to the collector of
customs , and after investigation he refused
the steamship company permission to carry
the men to Central America.
Anti-Polygamist Resolution Lost
In the Connecticut House of Representa
tives the Committee on Federal Eelations
reported favorably a bill which called upon
the Connecticut representatives in Con
gress to work for a constitutional amend
ment which would prevent the election to
Congress of polygamists. After a debate
the committee's report was rejected and
the measure was defeated.
Opening of Port Arthur Canal.
The date of the opening of the Port Ar
thur , Texas , ship canal , which is part of
the harbor system of the gulf terminus of
the Kansas City , Pittsburg and Gulf Rail
road at Port Arthur , has been fixed defin
itely at Saturday , March 25. Arrange
ments for an elaborate celebration have
been made.
Talmage Resigns His Pastorate.
Rev. Dr. T. De Witt Talmage , who for
nearly four years has been pastor of the
First Presbyterian Church , Washington ,
D. C. , has sent a letter to thesessionof that
church tendering his resignation. He will
devote his time to literary pursuits ,
Six 3Icn After Being Punished Or
dered to Leave Town.
A mob of about sixty men , all masked ,
rode into Missouri City , Mo. , and went to
the jail , battered down the jail door and
seized Odil Summers , alias "Reuben Blue , "
who was locked up on a charge of va
grancy. They took him to the public
school grounds , stripped him , tied him to a
tree and lashed him forty times with a
twisted grass rope. He was then released
and warned to leave Clay County and never
The mob then went successively to the
homes of Jesse Yates , jr. , Jim Jackson , Joe
Asbury , Dennis Stevens and Ben Monkers ,
taking each with them as they went. The
five prisoners were taken to a stone quarry ,
stripped , whipped and admonished to leave
Clay County. The victims declare that
they don't know why they were pun
Convicted at Albany of Attempt to
Blackmail the Goulds.
Mrs. Margaret E. Cody was convicted at
Albany , X. Y. , Thursday night of attempting -
ing to blackmail George and Helen Gould.
The jury brought in a verdict of guilty
after being out eight hours. A recom
mendation to mercy was made.
It is likely that Mrs. Cody will receive a
light penalty on account of her age. Mrs.
Cody gasped and all but fainted when she
heard the verdict of guilty. It was a quar
ter of an hour before she had recovered
sufficiently to allow herself to be conducted
back to jail.
British Parliamentary Secretary
Makes the Declaration.
In the British Ilouse of Commons , replying -
ing to a question , Parliamentary Foreign
Secretary Broderick said that the Governt
ment had not modified its undertaking to
support China against the power commit
ting aggression there because China had
granted to British subjects the permission
to make or support railroad or public work.
The Government , however , did not antici
pate a question of this description would
arise in respect to the British contract for
northern roads.
Postmaster at AVilkesbarre , Pa. , Ar-
v \sei ted by Secret Service Men.
Edward F. Bogart , postmaster of Wilkes-
barre , Pa. , has been arrested on the charge
of tampering with the mails. Secret ser
vice detectives caught him in the act of
opening the letters. lie was held in bail
for appearance later. Bogart is editor of
the Evening Leader and a member of a
large number of lodges. The arrest cre
ated a sensation , especially in political
Murdered by Her Husband.
Mrs. Fred Kier of Howard Lake , Minn. ,
was murdered by her husband. She is a
daughter of Thomas Boxell , who with his
young wife was murdered about a year
ago. Kier is subject to fits of insanity and
has been in an asylum.
Labrador's Mail Bags Found.
Six mail bags belonging to the steamer
Labrador , which was wreched on the north
west coast of Scotland , March 1 , while on
its way from St. John , X. B. , to Liverpool ,
have been recovered.
Diver Donaldson Dies.
Thomas P. Donaldson , the diver , who
fractured his skull in a dive into the tank
at Madison Square Garden , Xew York , last
week , died as a result of his injuries.
Colorado Mine Explosion.
An explosion of several hundred pounds
of powder in the Commodore Mine at
Creede , Colo. , killed at least four miners ,
possibly six , and wounded several.
Chicago Cattle , common to prime ,
$3.00 to $ G.25 ; hogs , shipping grades ,
$3.00 to $4.00 ; sheep , fair to choice , $3.00
to $4.75 ; wheat , Xo. 2 red , 70c to 71c ;
corn , Xo. 2 , 35c to 3Gc ; oats , Xo. 2 , 27c
to 2Sc ; rye , Xo. 2 , 54c to 55c ; butter ,
choice creamery , 19c to 20c ; eggs , fresh ,
17c to 19c ; potatoes , choice , 50c to GOc
per bushel.
Indianapolis Cattle , shipping , $3.00 to
$5.75 ; hogs , choice light , $2.75 to $4.00 ;
sheep , common to choice , $2.50 to $4.25 ;
wheat , Xo. 2 red , 71c to 72c ; corn , ro. 2
white , 34c to 3Gc ; oats , Xo. 2 white , 30c
to 32c.
St Louis Cattle , $3.50 to $ G.OO ; hogs ,
$3.00 to $4.00 ; sheep , $3.00 to $4.75 ;
wheat , Xo. 2 , 73c to 74c : corn , Xo. 2
yellow , 33c to 34c ; oats , Xo. 2 , 28c to 30c ;
rye , Xo. 2 , 59c to Glc.
Cincinnati Cattle , $2.50 to $5.75 ; hogs ,
$3.00 to $4.25 ; sheep , $2.50 to $4.50 ;
wheat , Xo. 2 , 74c to 75c ; corn , Xo. 2
mixed , 35c to 37c ; oats , Xo. 2 mixed , 30c
to 32c ; rye , Xo. 2 , 59c to Glc.
Detroit Cattle , $2.50 to $5.75 ; hogs ,
$3.00 to $4.00 ; sheep , $2.50 to $4.50 ;
wheat , Xo. 2 , 73c to 75c ; corn , Xo. 2
yellow , 34c to 3Gc ; oats , Xo. 2 white , 32c
to 34c ; rye , Glc to G3c.
Toledo "Wheat , Xo. 2 mixed , 72c to
73c ; corn , Xo. 2 mixed , 34c to 35c ; oats ,
Xo. 2 white , 30c to 32c ; rye , Xo. 2 , 55c
to 57c ; clover seed , new , $3.80 to $3.85.
Milwaukee Wheat , Xo. 2 spring , GSc
to G9c ; corn , Xo. 3 , 32c to 34c ; oats , No.
2 white , 29c to 31c ; rye , Xo. 1 , 5Gc to 5Sc ;
barley , XTo. 2 , 45c to 50c ; pork , mess ,
$9.25 to $9.75.
Buffalo Cattle , good shipping steers ,
$3.00 to $5.75 ; hogs , common to choice ,
$3.25 to $4.25 ; sheep , fair to choice weth
ers , $3.50 to $5.00 ; lambs , common to
extra , $4.50 to $5.50.
New York Cattle , $3.25 to $5.75 ; hogs ,
$3.00 to $4.50 ; sheep , $3.00 to $5.00 ; $
wheat , Xo. ? red , 82c to S3c ; corn , Xo.
2 , 42c to 44c ; oats , Xo. 2 white , 3Gc to
37c ; butter , creamery , IGc to 21c ; eggs ,
Western , 21c to 23c.
Chosen by the Joint Session to Suc
ceed William V. Allen After Vote
Is Announced They Decide to
Make It Unanimous.
Senator Hayv.ard.
The Republican majority in the Xe
braska Legislature in joint session at noon
Wednesday affirmed the decision of Tues
day night's caucus and elected Judge Mon
roe L. llayward of Nebraska City to the
seat in the United States Senate held
by William V. Allen , Populist.
Representative Hall was packed to its
utmost capacity , and the Senators
just j out of caucus had hard work
getting to their places. There were no
preliminaries and the roll Avas called on
the vote. The members voted exactly on
partisan lines , every Republican voting for
Judge llayward aii'l every ftisionist voting
for ex-Senator Allen. At the close of the
roll call the Chair announced that Hayward -
ward had received 74 votes and Allen 58
votes , he therefore declared M. L. Hayward -
ward elected United States Senator for the
term of six years. This was followed by
long and continued cheers.
On motion of Talbot a committee was
appointed to escort the Senator-elect to the
platform. The chair appointed Talbot ,
Hale and Prince as such committee.
At this point Lemar of Saunders , on be
half 1 of the fusionists , moved to make the
election unanimous. This was done with
out a dissenting vote. Apparently every
person in the audience joined in the vote.
While the committee was out after Hayward -
ward , one verse of "America" was sung.
When the Senator-elect appeared in the
hall there was more cheering , and when
he was presented to the Chair by the
committee , Lieut. Gov. Gilbert said he no
ticed that in the singing of the great na
tional anthem the fusion members had
Gov. Poynter Selects the Ex-Senator
to Fill a Vacancy.
Gov. Poyntcr has appointed United
States Senator William V. Allen a judge
of the District Court , to till the vacancy
caused by the election of Judge John S.
Robinson as Congressman from the Third
District. It is understood Mr. Allen will
Omaha Mayoralty Contest.
The Supreme Court has disposed of the
Omaha mayoralty contest by dismissing
the appeal on rehearing of Mayor Frank
E. Moores , declaring him ineligible to hold
the office. The Court also finds that ex-
Mayor Broatch , who brought the proceed
ings for a writ of ouster , is also ineligible
and his petition u ithout standing in court.
Under the decision it now rests with the
president of the Omaha city council to be
gin proceedings to unseat Mayor Moores ,
but it Js understood he will allow the latter
to serve out his term.
City Opera House Bmned.
The Loup City opera house burned re
cently. The fire caught from the stove in
one of the school rooms on the first lloor.
The Knights of Pythias , lessees of the
opera house , saved all but about $100 worth
of their paraphernalia. Every thing in
the school rooms was saved and the Ger
man Medical Company , which was play
ing an engagement , saved all its Effects.
There was no insurance.
Coburg Admits His Guilt.
II. C. Coburg has made a confession to
Chief White of Omaha , which reveals the
location ef about $2,000 worth of diamonds
and other jewely which he stole during his
month's residence in that city. Some of
the stolen property was sold and melted
up in Coburg'a presence , as he did not care
to take any chances of detection by the
Horse Strikes a Farmer.
C. P. Deland , a farmer living east of
Osceola , received a serious wound in the
face from the hoof of a horde. He was as
sisting the blacksmith in shoeing the ani
mal , when it suddenly reared and struck
joined , and he asked them now to join in
greeting the next Senator. Mr. Haj > vard
thanked the members for the honor con
ferred upon him in an appropriate speech.
Mr. Allen also addressed the assemblage.
Eagan's Excuse Is Not Accepted
Jerry Eagan , who shot Policeman kelson
in Columbus Jan. 14 , has undergone his
trial. Eagan took the stand in his own be-
lalf and practically admitted theshooting.
He I said that he did not intend to wound ,
only fired to frighten away men whom he
thought t were footpads , and he did not
know I they were officers. Eagan said that
lie did not know until afterward that the
shot had taken effect. He threw away his
gun and tried to escape. The jury was out
about four hours and returned a verdict of
guilty as charged in the information , which
read shooting with intent to kill. The
penalty is from three to twenty years in
the penitentiary.
Farmers Turn Thieves.
The store of Patrick Cline at Auburn
was raided by burglars and goods to the
value of $26 were taken. Judd C. Davis , a
farmer of London precinct , and Charles
McLain , a farm hand , have been arrested
and most of the goods have been recovered ,
the goods having been equally divided.
McLain has pleaded guilty. The men both
bore excellent reputations.
Jefferson County Mortgages.
Jefferson County mortgage record for
February is as follows : Farm mortgages :
Forty-two filed , amounting to $57,58(5 ( ; 50
released amounting to $09,067. City mort
gages : Eleven filed amounting to $3,791 ;
7 released amounting to § 3,200. Chattel
mortgages : Ninety-six filed amounting to
$23,618 ; 125 released amounting to $17,449.
Guilty of Grand Larceny.
In the case of the State against Jack
Hayes at Columbus , the jury returned a
verdict of guilty of grand larceny. Hayes
robbed the store of John Flynn & Co. , and
when apprehended by the police , loaded
with plunder , gave a merry chase , during
which a number of shots were exchanged.
His pal never was caught.
Charity Supper a Success.
A charity supper was give'n for the bene
fit of Wymore's poor , and as a result about
$50 was obtained. The cold winter has
been especially severe on many people and
a recent visit to some of Wymore's poorest
homes by a committee of young women ,
led to the discovery of much suffering.
Deland in the face. The injury is not dan
Burglars Work at Columbus.
Burglars entered the store of J. II. Galley
at Columbus and carried away about $75
worth of jewelry and clothing. Sheriff
Byrnes has a good description of the men
and has offered a reward for their capture.
They were evidently professionals.
Wheat Damaged Fifty Per Cent.
At a farmers' institute in Lockridge
Township , York County , a vote was taken
as to the condition of winter wheat. One-
half the farmers present voted that whe.t
was damaged 5.0 per cent.
Found Dead in His Buggy.
Joe Pospissel , a Bohemian farmer living
nine miles northwest of Osmond , was
found dead in his buggy , to which a fright
ened team was hitched. How he came by
his death is not known.
Burglary of a Shoe Store.
The store of John Steinbecker at Xorfolk
was entered and about 150 pairs of shoes
stolen. Entrance was effected through the
front door by means of a key. Xo arrests
have been made.
Domestic Commits Suicide.
Mary Stehlik , a domestic employed in the
family of L. Dredla of Crete , committed
suicide by taking poison. The girl was
only 19 years old. Xo cause can be given
for the act.
Nebraska Short Notes.
W. M. Bruce of Bertrand has between
8,000 and 10,000 bushels of shelled corn on
the ground , piled in huge drifts 140 feet
long between his cribs. Everything is full
and only an occasional car to reduce the
accumulation with.
Two schoolboys in Valley County named
Hosek and Motte became involved in a
quarrel and Hosek stabbed the other twice
with a knife. The wounds are serious , but
not fatal.
Every room in the city that is of any ma
terial value as a place of business is now
filled , and it can be said that the limit of
expansion in mercantile ventures in Ord is
reached until more store rooms are built.
This year has already seen a liberal num
ber of homeseekers landiidin Dixon County
and the prospects are favorable for an un
precedented influx of new residents before
fa1 ! . Accordingly real estate here is in
growing demand and prices are on the in
Measures of More or ljcs < * Import-
ancc Are Being Introduced at the
Present Session of tlie hcgislaturtt
Gist of the Business.
Tuesday. MaroJi O.
Forty-second ballot for : nalor :
Allen . & 7
llayward < ' &
Webster 1L
Lainbertson 4
Weston -t
Scattering 8
The most stubborn senatorial contest in
the history of the State ended abruptly
Tuesday night when Judge Monroe L.
llayward of Xebraska City was nominated
in the Republican caucus as the successor
of William V. Allen , Populist. Judge
Ilay ward's selection came on the second
ballot. It followed a brief note of with
drawal sent to the caucus by John L.
Webster of Omaha , which released his
supporters. Speaker Clark of Lancaster
County , moved that Judge I lay ward be
made the unanimous choice of the caucus
and it carried.
Wednesday , March 8.
Allen 58
Ilayv/ard 74
Necessary to elect 67
No bills were passed by the House , the
time being spent in committee of the whole
considering bills on general file. After the
committee arose the special committee ap
pointed to confer with the like committee
of the Senate reported in favor of an ad
journment from Thursday till Tuesday at
11 o'clock. The report was not adopted ,
the members showing a disposition to put
in every day. The House put in a pro
tracted squabble over the question of adjournment - *
journment and half a dozen motions were * '
made. Finally a motion by Prince was
adopted which provided when adjourn
ment is taken Friday it be till the follow
ing Tuesday.
The following hills were passed by the
Senate : S. F. 100 is the code revision bill ,
creating a commission to revise the stat- '
ntes of the state ana report at the next ses
sion of the legislature. S. F. 161 is the ,
bill providing for the transfer of the funds
collected under the provisions of the 189.3
free high school act into the county high
school fund. Before the act of 1895 was de
clared unconstitutional by the Supreme
Court a considerable amount of money had
been collected under its provisions. This
bill places the funds thus raised at the disposal - , '
posal of the school boards to carry out the }
provisions of the new high school bill
that has passed the Senate.
S. F. 165 provides that road overseers shall
see that * the weeds are mewed upon
the public highways. S. F. 195 , reduces
the maximum interest to be allowed upon
bonds voted for school building purposes
to 6 per cent. A call of the house was
necessary to get enough voles to pass S. F.
39 , which came up on third reading. After
considerable delay the absent members
were brought in and the bill passed by : i
vote of 23 to 0. This is the bill introduced
by Gifert of Cuming to provide for the or
ganization of "stipulated premium plan"
insurance companies in this State. S. F.
197 provides for the laying of permanent
sidewalks in cities of the second class.
S. F , 61 , by Fowler , relates to removing
state bank receivers by the court upon the
request of the State Board of Banking. S.
F. 189 , by Reynolds , relates to the manage
ment of school lands , the principal amend
ment to the present law relating to leasing
lands to the highest bidder , being pub
lished a day or two ago. The conference
committee reported that a recess had been
agreed upon from Friday till Tuesday at
11 a. m. The report was adopted.
Thursday , March 9.
The Senate spent the morning in com-
mitte of the whole. President Gilbert
asked to be excused for the day. Nineteen ,
bills were disposed of. A motion was madG
that the Senate adjourn till Tuesday at 11
o'clock. Van Dusen raised the point of
order that the Senate decided by motion
Wednesday not to adjourn until the after
noon session. The chair ruled this poin'-
of order well taken and a recess was taken
till 3 o'clock. Owing to the absence c/j
many members in the afternoon little bus
iness was transacted. A substitute for $ -
F. 35 was reported by the committee. S. I. ' .
2-30 by Spohn , relating to state bank re
ports , was-.recommended to pass in cou-
mittee of the whole. The Senate adjourn : d
at1 o'clock till Tuesday at 11 o'clock.
Committee reports were received in the
Ilouse adding forty-three additional bfils
to the genf-ral file , running the full num
ber up to 251 that must be considered or
otherwise disposed of. It. R. 30 , requiring
martgage companies to maintain agem ies
within the State to whom payments might
be made , was passed. H. R. 264 , the bill
appropriating $35,000 for an addition to the
State'Xormal School at Peru , was paused.
II. R. 191 , the bill creating an insurance
commission and regulating insurance com
panies , was passed. S. F. 103 ,
an act to amend section 16 and
section 1'J of chapter vii of the Compiled ' t
Statutes of 1897 , was passed. The bj'il re
quires count- attorneys to follow the case
where onange of venue is taken and pro
vides for payment of expenses. II. R. 270 ,
a bill to permit cities to appeal from judg
ment without giving bond was passed. H.
R. 240 , an act to amend section 21 of sub
division 17 , chapter Ixxix , of the Compiled
Statutes of 1S97 , relating to school ! , was
passed. II. R. 155 , an act to amendf .ection
19 and section 24 , chapter xciii , artif te 3 , of
the Compiled Statutes of 1897 , was | lassed.
H. R. 109 , provided for a board of I rbitra-
tion to settle any grievances or disputes of
any nature that may arise between any
employe and his employer. A call of the J
House was ordered , but the bill was lost by
a vote of 39 to 33. At this time , with
unanimous consent of the Ilouse , Houck's
motion that the committee on Public Lands
and Buildings visit the different state in
stitutions during the vacation was laid on.
on the table. At 5 o'clock the House ad
journed till Tuesday at 11 o'clock.
Beware , so long as you live , of judg
ing men by their outward appearance * .
La Fontaine.