Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, March 09, 1899, Image 7

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    JJfctzger Bros. ,
Pullman Neb
Cherry Co.
Hrand on left idc
u no thigh
Earmark , square
crop right car
Southern branded
cattle have hut one
" ' '
"half-diamond li' on
Ifft side
Native rattle hi\c :
Gonl011 aild
Horses have
same brand on Ml thigh
* - ' $ < > will be paid to : in >
, , V'fon"fltl" ! " l l 'K ' to the arrest and
f0tVvpl" | of iiy Person or persons steal-
cattle with above brand
Postoflice address
Hrowiilce , NfU
On left side or any
pnrt of animal. Ear
mark right ear cut
off ; horses branded
same on left hip. Also
has stock branded li
on tide or shoulder
or.JKorWorO w'
orO or FZ. Aiso
. , , . , . " * IJ fita6aMB JflMIW di
the following , fbe first on being on smVandhip
Browulce Neb
On richt side , eLK
LK 011 sanm oid <
alao LEK on If
Uangto , north
rownleo , 2 to
Postofllce nddre-is
Hrownlee ,
Branded on left
side ; some IJb'ft _ _
side : inci thigh
on left thigh
Kange Duck Lake
* --v'- - " > * -
Fostoflice address
Whitman , Nc
On left side : horses
same on loft shoulder
m left side
f mywhorp on
_ iiiimal. OiiRl
nip or thigh KA
Range noith prong S
Middle Lnup river
and Buffalo Lake
. . . * - - , ' - t---r- > Ai-cro jus li.ti'U
* , " * i'3i' -x-5' ' ? . i
sEw * * t4 &it shoultler
Khisaeasi >
Postoffice address
Hyannis , Neb
n right side ; horses
ses same on right
nge six miles
north west of Moth
er Lake precinct
Postoflif c address
Hyannis Neb
Krandod on right
side and 1 > p
Also have stock branded
on right .side and hip
on right hip
Range-Southwestern ( herr\
Postoflico address
hvannis , Xeb
On left hip anc Jeft
side Also
on left hip
and leftside
horses same
brands on shoulders
Ilance 23-miles
orth of Hyannis
,1'ostonice , address
Hi minis , Neb
On right hi ] > ;
' ! j either side
Cn right
ses right
Range seven miles north of Hjanuis.
Postoflice address
Pullman , Neb
Cuttle branded as on
cut ; horses branded
same as cattle except
reversed S ,
See block
Kunge Stevei
and Stcphen ° ori
Lakes and South
Postollice address
IlyanniB , Neb
Hninded anywhere
on right side ; horses
ses same on left
Kange - - sixteen
miles northeast of
J. A. A'lamson. '
Valentine. Neb
On left side or hip
A 4 left side or hip
Ou leftside
rTiwtfk ro tofncc address
Hrownlee , Neb
Hranded on either
side same as on cut
also both jaws
Marshall & Wolfenden
Kennedy , Neb.
some s on the left
Horses 5 on left
Brand is small
Earmark : Quarter
clip behind , half cir
cle forward on leitear
Range Lone Tree
oam Hudson
Simeon Xeb
Left hip on cattle
Left shoulder on
Some horses Liizy
2 onleftsnoulder
Kange between
Gordon and Snake
Ujver and Niobrara
WHc JAfMMftt B2AT * J V * > rI" * * 11 V OP
Lelt ears tagged All catile dehorned
William M. Duiibar
Lessee from Heine & Kroeger
Cody. Neb
DUn Either side
AJs <
Left ear ol cattle
Ran e head of Hay
Amelia Young.
Cody , Nebraska
A-Y On right side.
Right ear split
Kange , Little
White river
17 rf J
\ k& [ * \ If *
fcgk Ml * ? * ?
% % m im &e *
Peeler Thorseu.
fiordon. Nebraska
On ri lit sidcT on
right hip. e horse
brand and T on. ;
right shoulder
Ali-o cattle branded
I' S on leftTside
Kange , fowl mile-
south of Irwiu
Henry Young ,
Cody. Nebraska
Horse brand IIY
on lett shoulder
Cattle , right ear
JJange , Little
White river , .S. I ) .
Stotts ifc stetler.
Cody , yehrasku
Kange. Tin Can Lake
and Morgan Flats
I ) 0. Nelson.
Cody , Nebraska.
On right hip.
Range , Medicine
i ake to the
Snake river
JIutt Brothers.
fiordon. Nebraska
Kange.l4 miles north
of Gordon.
F. C. Duerfeldt , Manager.
Gordon , Nebraska
Cattle also branded
SO on right hip
Horses and mules
Branded same as cut
on left shoulder
J. C. Jordan
Gordon , Nebraska
One bunch branded
as on cut on left side
One bunch bianded
C I * on left hip
Horses .8 on left
Kange. 10 miles
southwest of Gallop ,
between Niobraru
and Snake rivers
George F Damon
Albany. Neb
Cnttte branded
Fl > on lett ribs or
right shoulder ; ! !
on right hip and left
ribs ; 6 on left hip
Horses FI ) or SI ) on
right shoulder
Kange 7 mi north
cast of Albany Neb
AgentforTasteur >
Black Leg Vaccine
Jospph Fickel
Gordon Neb
Also )
Horse brand F on
left shoulder
JJ.uige to miles
northeast of Gordon
Wheeler Uros.
Cody Neb
Also It on right
Range Chamberlain
Flats and Snake
Marqnardt & Howlus
Merriman. Neb
Cattle brand OM on
left boulder Some
of cattle have various
older brands. OS on
left hip. Horse bra'd
A on left shouldei.
Range Formerly
Gee \V Monnicr
ranch 5-miIes east of
Merriman. from F.E.
& M. V. R. R. south to Leander Creek. Mar-
quardt & HoAvIus , Scribuer , Nebraska.
War \Voodlakc ,
War with all its horrors seems to
have struck Woodlake. and several
casualties have already resulted.
The facts are hard to get , but the
story is about like this :
I The railroad company has for some
time been losing coal at Woodlake ,
and a few weeks ago several arrests
were made among the accused par
ties being Squire Kilgore and Jim
Woodman. Milt Latta is section
f oi eman at Woodlake , and was the
direct cause of the arrests being
made , but some way or other W. A.
Parker was supposed to have had a
hand in the business. Squire Kilgore
came to Valentine , said he would
stand trial , but the case was dismiss
ed. The other parties pleaded guilty
and made restitution to the company.
One day last week Squire became in
volved in an altercation with Parker
in the latter's store , and a fight was
soon on , but bystanders interfered
ere much damage was done , but lots
of bad blood was stirred up. A day
or two after this occurrence. Milt
Latta was in Levee's blacksmith
shop , when in came Jim Woodman.
Ofcourse it didn't take more than a
dozen words to get fighting blood up
in Woodman and Latta. Prior to
this time Leyee had always been
counted as a non-partisan. As we
remarked , Woodman and Latta soon
wanted to fight , and at it they went.
Woodman struck Latta with a piece
of ironand Latta smashed Woodman ,
and then they clinched and rolled to
the floor , Latta on top. Here the
story becomes confused , but at any
rate Levee called to the combatants
to stop , which they didn't do. but
continued to pummel each other.
Xot wishing the light to proceed fur
ther in his shop Levee grabbed a
heavy hammer and smashed Latta in
the shoulder , throwing the bones out
af place and injuring his arm severe
ly. This put a stop to the fight.
The sequel to the whole thing came
aut Monda35 when Latta came to
town and had a warrant issued for
Levee , charging him with assault
with intent to do great bodily injury.
On receipt of a telegram Levee came li
to town. Tuesday , and the trial will ,
be held one week from today. We
ire utterli' at a loss to form an opin
ion of the case , and give the story as
nearly correct as we can. The entire
town is agitated over the occurrences
noted , and lucky is he who is not
rompelled to take sides. We are
told that trouble has been brewing in
Dur sister village for over a 3rear , and
this storm may serve to clear the at
Losses of Cattle.
Denver , Colo. , March 4. Charles F.
Martin , secretary of the National Live
Stock association , today issued a bulle
tin concerning live stock losses on the
range this winter. It says :
' With the exception of Montana , re
ports have been received from leading .
stockmen and are considered accurate
is far as they go. in Idaho , Wyoming ,
Colorado , Northern and Western Texas ,
New Mexico , Oklahoma and Indian
territory , the winter has been the
tvors : ; known in ten years or more.
"Fortunately the great cold made
he storms dry , and there was enough
A'ind and sun to keep a fair proportion
f the ranges uncovered. Oregon ,
Washington and Arizona suffered very
ittle and Avill have only nominal losses.
California is still suffering from drouth
ind the outlook there is bad.
"The losses in Wyoming , Colorado
ind the Dakotas as yet have not aver-
iged 4 per cent. In Northern and
kVestern Texas and Northeastern New
ilexico and through Southern Okla-
loina and Indian territory the heaviest
osses have been with cattle being
iioved north from the south.
"Where the cattle went into the win
er in bad condition the mortality has
cen heavy , re-cliing in some sections
is high as 20 per cent. Taking the
ange section as a whole to the present
ime the losses will average 4 per cent.
iVitli the most favorable conditions
hat can be expected , an additional
oss of 2 per cent may be looked for
efore spring , and should the weather
lontinue bad through March a heavy , .
oss will certainly result.
"In Utah. Wyoming and some parts .
f Oregon heavy sheep losses are re-
orted. In Western Utah the condi-
ions appear to be almost as bad. In .
STew Mexico , Colorado , Kansas and
Nebraska the reports are not so dis-
louraging , but in sections of these
tates where the range is depended
tpon exclusively the losses have been
icavier than usual. "
Charged with Incest.
Jack Wright , a farmer and stock nan
iving south of Gordon , is in jail at
lushville under heavy bonds , to ans-
yer to the heinous crime of incest with
lis eldest daughter. The evidence '
igaiust him is said to bfi of a most re-
pelting character and will doubtless
and him in the penitentiary the bal-
ince of his days. The wife , son and
wo daughters testify against him.
jordon Journal.
News/Democrat $1,00
Vt'eH as we havft been silent lor some t nn * will
agair. pickup our pencil and jot down a few
John Bower is expecting the threshers to soon
thresh his wheat , us it is nearly time to sow for
another crop.
Miss Edith Mark is superintending atfairi in
K. Grooms * family for the present.
Mrs. 15. Hesse is in town nursing the sck. !
Samuel Grooms , of Seven Creeks , i visaing
relatises at the Falls this week
L. W. I'arker is improving his claim by build
ing barns , fences , etc.
Blake Fisk is working for Mr. I'arker at prc. > -
Some of the boys were not iorgotten Saint
Valentine's day. and received and received an
ample share of handsome visages.
HAD Ior. ?
Geo. G. Harden made a business trip to Valentine - |
entine last week and was accom panied on his
return by his brother John , who pent a few' '
days here.
Last Sunday norning : Charles Vonderbsirg
who has been working for JI. J. Jordan the past
year , departed for hi > home in A'ew York , to
accept a position as pharmacist in a drug store.
Scuiiru Kilgoie and his niece Miss Minnie
Hailey. of Woodlake. were the guests of W. S.
Kilgore and wife over Sunday.
lcll Query of Valentine and J. J. Thomas are '
hauling hay for M 1 * . Jordan , which he will
shi > to Fort IJobinsou
.Joseph Kreycik and family are happy over the
arrival of ; v yotni- lady who came to their house
a few days ago demanding a homo , boird and
clothing. However , she is a very welcome
boarder , being the first girl where there are
already four bojs.
Mr. Hooker , roadmaster of the F. , E. & M. V.
was a visitor in our town a few hours todayalso ;
Abe Uailsy , ot Woodlake.
.John lieelan reports having lost a line co\\
last week.
.1 , T. Ivitf is out and able to huik after bi : i-
again. MAt n. j
Al Cass h prepared to do all kinds ol" blacksmithing -
smithing and repairing. lie hits been at work
DII A. D. Gallon's mill the past fe.v days waic'j
ivill soon be in running or-k-r again.
Samuel Half arrived at Merriman Thursday
from Omaha wit'i a car load of stock and house-
tiold goods and will permanently l. > cate here.
\\r. 11. Sellers lose .1 valu ibk- cow a few iLiys
Leu Mossaian and Dick M Namcii wrre visi
tors at \ \ ' . 11. Si Her i last Sabbath.
Henry Petors.m says old "nibbi-r neck" went
into Iiis house : ui' ) siv np all his puiicukcs.
Henry Couch.v his ; nsinvd onto the Ed
Murphy place.
Mrs. S. Leeper and Mriii.i : Story left for
ilissiiiiri to make that state th"i r ture t hmiie.
( Jeo. Monnivr wns on the river looking after
lis cattle this week. He reports them dohig
ivcll. and says Link Trogdon is an excellent mtii ;
vith calves
Grandpa McNamce anticipates oiitjr to Mis
souri ou a visit with relatm-s in a uv. duys.
Tommy Leeper is batching on tinSnowdcn
ilacc and says he wanis a job of work.
Mrs. W. II. Seller * and Hurry Heath are
isitini ; o a the river. (
iA ic
Erie Smith wa ? in town Monday. ,
Mr.s. H. Turney went east Monday morning
in account nf her lather's illness.
Robt , < i > uiscibcry was in Town on Tuesday.
Mrs. C. A. Johnson went to Ainsworth Mon-
CorrL'Siionoent Sam ] > son l.-as given mi- the
) ri\ilcgc of writing in his place hereafter. 7
S.uniDson will not write but your humble servant
Lelloy Leai'h uas in on Tuesday and took hs
ather's place while he went home for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Stevensi > n and .Mrs. Kennicott
vent to Johnstown lust Saturday , returning til
.ame day.
Mrs. Lutta and Sadie Dewey went to John
own last Thursday evening to attend the mec -
ngs. Business also calied them there.
Mr. and Mrs.V. . V. Johnson visited with C.
L. Johnson ou Thursday of last week.
Maude Cunningham visited in town a few
lays last week.
Mrs. Ferguson \isited in town several days
ast week.
C. A. Johnson returned from yisconsin Men-
lay night. Ho says that he had a nice visit and
jolly good timi ! with the bu\5. Hut there is
10 place like home.
School Reports. '
School report of Dist. Xo. 2 for
uoutli ending March 3 , 1899 : Those
lot absent nor lardy arc Clara and
lalph Brosius , Melvin , Ora. Vannie
ind llhoda Hooper , lrdic l and John-
tic Melton. Harry , Earl and Byrd
Yard , Arthur Lynn and Cecil Higgle ,
"hose " not absent but tardy are Walter
.nd Harrison Brosius. .Jitnniie Malone
nd Dora Seger. Those absent one
lay are Maude Melton and Fred Cottle.
) aily average attendanee 20 ; teacher ,
following is the school report of j -
listrict 10. Crookston , for the month j
nding February 21 : Number of j
mpils enrolled 2'2- average attendance , j *
7Those \ who were- neither absent :
lor tardy for the month arc William. |
leta and Blanche Rhino , Mabel and
Uma Johnson. The average attcnd-
.nce is low owing to sickness among
mpils. MRS. C. A. GEE , Teacher , j
The Crookston school has recently
.deled ten choice volumes to its library
School report of Dist. No. . " 50 for j
nonth ending February : U , 1800 : No. I
if days taught 20. number pupils en- {
oiled 13 , average attendance 10. j
Sanies of pupils not absent are Mary
rordan : absent but one day. Allan j
3enson MRS. M. li. HARDEN" , ;
Teacher , i
Ji'of ice to C'r fJj"r.i. .
n County Court , within a-id for cherry County ,
N"enrasfa. in the Matter of tha Estate ot
William E. Stansbie. Deceased ,
'o the creditors ol sai.l Estate :
You arc horony nptilinl that I will sit at the
ouiity court room in Valentine , 111 said countv ,
in tbe llth day of March , IS'JU. to receive and
xaiuiuc all claims against said p.state. with a
lew to their adjustment and allowance. The
ime limited for the presentation of claim *
witust said estate is three months , from the
4ih day of December. A. D. isos , and the time
imited for payment of debts is one year ftom
aid 14th day of December is : > 3.
Witness my hand and the seal of said county
ourt , this 21st dav ot February iso : >
2-23 County JUUKO
49 Anything in the line of Clothing ,
3 ? Hats or Caps , Boots or Shoes , ifr
Staple or Fancy Groceries ,
4 ? Stoneware , Dry Goods
Notions , Salt Meat , Grain or Eeed ,
§ < ? re sure to call and jet prices at
4 ?
4 ? A 0 r * ft
49 fit & = ? j
49 -
49 B
: x
"Little grains of quinine ,
Little drops of rye ,
Make the grip that's got you
Lose its hold and lly.
It will surely help you.
I f you'll only try
To not forget the quinine
When you take the rye. "
We are pleased to call our subscrib
ers attention to the establishment of
the Western Mercantile Co. . oi" Oma
ha. This iirm was started last fall
for the purpose of selling goods di
rect to consumerat wholesale prices.
There has been a demand for a house
of this kind at Omaha for a number
of years and our subscribers will be
very glad to welcome it. They issue
a large 1-18-page catalogue which
will be sent free upon receipt ofIc to
pay part postage. Tim catalogue
will describe the iinest line of farm
implements , vehicles of all kinds ,
harness , bicycles , stoves and ranges ,
sewing machines , paints and oils.etc. .
and everything is quoted at bed rock
wholesale prices. Anyone tnat has
not already received one of the cata
logues can have one mailed free if
the } * will send 4c in stamps to the
above address.
I have established a Ft-ivl and Saw Mill
! ) miles south of t'ody. at the mouth of
Medicine Canyon , and am now prepared
to grind Feed. Corn . ' .It-al ami Graham ,
cr turn out all kinds of Lumber and di
mension siuir. and Native Shingles
Give us a trial order.
The ( J realist Egg I'nx'ucer ' rti : Earth
Makes hens lay all winter ami i.- > .lii
drouth prool. lZrim-n7 < n- ( ; n i * ( i-i.
a graml now Noithern Vunety. ninliin in
usrii.ij sure ! nccs jn-it crops ot' buy ami ii : :
wondeiful fcrt.i . .IT. V'H' oiift/'fii..s ' I
wil ) S.HK ! post i ; > " pi.sl o'liiiigh ] ) ' "is : . p.i. ;
an jicri * and fiMii : ! ! pi > | pers''ed to pr nitiri-
. * ii > i \tnitli 01 | > i-ppi' > s and se > * d Hj treigiit
1 will st-inl tinPi.is and Pei'-rs ] ) , alPo Econ
omy llarnes-i ami Heit Mfiulcr. a large bottle
oi lr ( irano's Cough and Kidney Halm and : t
( Juart of "Early 'Wllow ( Jueen' ' Corn. S-it-
isfactio.M guaranteed Supply limited Order
QUICK ana mention this paper
= = -All work promptly attended to-v.S)2 ( ) -
. . _ _ _ _
Vg-J - > WT * ' * J ' " [ 1 * ' * HT > y - < - - j. -
j 'North-Western Line" is to be
! to and from the
; OF
iI i I
'Attention ' , Stockmen
Fa 5-533 ei' ? ; nnsl tEso General
Any parties wishing
iEina.sT' siso Q-E ? 2s.laa.c5l
j AVill oe given
1 special Prices
; between this and loth of April. Shop
west of school house , at
! lesidcncc.
Several head of horses and cat
tle , branded
Amos Strong Yaluntine. Xeb.
viii , Manager
Merriman Xeb
1 , < " f
u 3 also ou
AH on left side or
rt Ran ; - e north of Eli
Charlotte E. Dovill
Mcrriman Neb
Left side or hip
Range nortii of Eli
U. Teeter ? Bros.
Newton , Neb.
llorscj same on
left shoulder
Ranne between
the Cordon and the
Gorsuch Bros.
Newton , Nebn ,
Cattle branded
as on cut
eft side or hi ]
Ranue on Gordon
I. T. Richardson.
Kentiedj , Nebm
Some on left
Horse ? on
left shouldr
R. A. McQunde.
Valentine. Ne' >
Branded 0:1 cithei
Range behvefii
Thaclier and S\vii.