i NEW SPR 4 ? 4 ? 4 ? Our stock of Dry Goods , Shoes , tote to tote Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises , Clothing tote 4 * to 4 ? ing and Gents Furnishings has been tote tote 4 ? to 4 ? replenished throughout and we now tote tote 4 $ to 4 ? have borne of the best values ever tote 49 tote 4 ? offered for the money. tote tote 49 to 4 ? Get our prices on Groceries- tote 4 ? tote 4 ? tote 4 ? tote 4 ? tote 4 4 4 4 ? ? ? ? RED FRONT tote tote tote tote tote * t to 4f tote 4 ? VALENTINE NEBRASKA tote 4 ? tote 4 ? tote 10 quart Dishpan , S qt Pail , Wash Basin , Quart Measure , graduated , Flour Sifter , 2 qt Pail , Quart Dipper , Soup Ladle , Potato Masher Large Cake Mould and a Pint Tineup , all best quality of tin fig RMiMLlLAV 10 quart Dishpan , 2 quart Pudding Pan , Wash Basin , Pint Drinking Cup , Quart Dipper , Soup Ladle , Basting Spoon , Grater , and a 2 quart Covered Pail , all made of the finest Enameled Ware , * A. M. MORRISSEY O - / irO - ATTORNEY AT LAW o tro VALENTINE , NEB R.C.R. JACKSON DENTIST Office over T. C. Hornby's store Stairway on vest side Operations as nearly painless as possible. I M. RICE i , REPRESENTS THE PAEMEES' MUTUAL and NEBEA3KA MEEOANTILE MUTUAL Insurance Companies of Lincoln A N. COMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Quigley's Drug Store. Front Nights-Upstairs-Red J. S. ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy Office at Estabrook Honso on Cherry St. VALFNTTNTE , NEB- M. WALCOTT F ATTORNEY AMD ABSTRACTED Valentine , Nebraska Practices in District Court and U. S Land Office Real K.sate nd Ranch Property bought and sold. Bonded Abbtracter. J. C. DWYER. E. H. DWYER. DWYEK BEOS. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Superintendents of A Private Hospital , For the Treatment of Diseases- All Kinds of Surgical Oper ations Successfully Performed. TAESKTINE , - 0. W. MOREY THE VALENTINE WATCH , MAKER AND JEWELER Carries a full line of ster ling silver novelties A. WELLS J. B. WELLS WELLS BROS. f K I T I O "T" EN i 1ST Office over Cherry C'otf fi/ Rank CH/f / . Hair cutting and shaving. HOT AND COLO BATHS. ELS ON CODY , XEBR. Has recently started in business and offers bargains to all cash buy era of Grove Corn CiiopperJ Feed " / " Flour Salt Wire. Soft and Hard Pine , if iintnf Oils and all hinds of Ranch era' Supplies i 124 DOSES c Of our Syrup Sarsaparilla with Iodide of Potassium will purify your blood better than any patent medicine you can buy and it costs you no more 51,00 FOR 124 DOSES t / * % t 1 1 DKUG Quigleys STORE "V AVe are agents for & t : Pasteur's BLACKLEG Tacoine c WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT BOBERT GOOD , Editor and Publisher fil.OO Icr Year in Advancr. PUBLIMlEn EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at t b e Post-office at Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full. Uvcnta. Christian Endeavor Social March 10. John G. Wooley's Lecture March 15. Saint Patrick's Day , March 1" . K. P. Masquerade carnival. March 17 County Commissioners March 21 Assessor's Meeting-March 21 Easter , April'- . District tourt April If ! . New spring shirt waists at T. C. Hornby's. 9 J. R. Lee and son , Robert , are in town today. White Ash Soap at Farnham & Dikeman's. 3-2 Milt Latta , of Woodlake , was in town Monday. Ed Clarke was in Lincoln on busi ness this week. A full line of feed always on hand at Pettvcrew's. * " I. C. Stotts was down from Cody the first of the week. T. C. Hornby has a fine line of new styles in men's shirts. 9 New York apple butter for sale at Farnham & Dikeman's. 3-2 Dr. J. C. Dwyer made a professional trip to Cod } * Friday night. A. J. Barnes and C1. J. Landers , of Cody , were in town Saturday. D. Stinard is closing out all his heavy goods suits , overcoats , etc. W. T. Kincaid is rcpoi ted to be re covering from his recent rheumatic attack. Magnus Lundburg , a schoolteacher from Crawford , was in town Saturday visiting. Ely Valentine and Geo. Dew , of Woodlake. were in town Tuesday on business. Prof. C. L. Latta was in town Tues day and dropped a dollar in the edi torial slot. Call and examine T. C. Hornby's large dry goods stock. No trouble to show goods. 9 Wanted 1,000 bushels of shelled corn and 500 bushels of oats at W. A. Pett3rcrew's. 48 F. E. Gillette was up from Ains- worth last week looking after busi ness interests. W. R. White , of Cody , was in town this week taking medical treatment for a lame back. A. E. Thacher was confined to his room a couple of days the past week , with severe cold. Alfred Cass , of Gallop , was in town Tuesday paying taxes and attending to other business. A. J. Hornback has been out to his farm several days the past week , wishing tor spring. It is reported that the cattle re cently "rustled" from Tom Ashbuin have been located. E. H. Olsen , of West Point , is open ing a tailor shop in the Fischer build ing on Main street. } To Cure a Cold in OHO Dny. Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it tails to cure. . U5c. The Jienuine has L. U. Q. on each tablet. Newt Grooms was in town from Sparks this week playing the fiddle and otherwise enjoying himself. i A farm to farmer for rent to a one c or three years , cash or grain rent. Call at this office for particulars. Best insurance in the state at half the usual cost on your houses , barns , j : grain , hay or stock. I. M. Rice , Agt. D Bruce Moore , of Gordon , one of the prominent stockmen in western Cher ry county , was in town Saturday on business. The army bill having become a law , it is expected that Fort Niobrara will soon be garrisoned to its full j capacity. I r Mrs. B. L. Grady was hurriedly j r called to Valentine last night by her j e son Otis. His wife is dangerously ill. Norden Borealis. Jackson & Bra3rton are always up with the times and this week greet " our many readers with a change in their advertisement. A cattleman from Valentine passed o through here last week buying cattle. I s He paid as high as $35 for two-3'ear , old heifers. Bassett Eagle. ! Born , Friday Morning , to Mrs. DC- * Witt C. Huffman , au 8 * pound rirl it \ bab } * . Mother and daughter are getr ting along finely under Dr. Compton's s care , ' d M , L , Hayward was elected U , S. Senator yesterday on a vote of 74 to 57. Clothing at the lowest prices at T. C. Hornby's. " 9 A first-class saddle horse for sale. Farnham & Dikeman. Maggie Ormesher is quite ill this. week with Indian measles. Robert Hines , a stockman from near Cody , visited these headquarters yesterdaj' . E. J. Davenport went to Fort Rob inson Tuesday night to see the quar termaster about his hay contract. Preaching next Sunday at 11 a. m. in Joe Hobson's neighborhood , and on the Schlagel at 3 p. m. the same day. Everybody invited. A. F. Rowley was in town this week from Simeon. Dell says he has sold all his cattle now , and may * go out prospecting this spring. The Rosebud Indians will this month receive about $20,000 from the government , and another payment of $159,000 will be made in the spring. Tom Spratt will build a nice new house on his farm as soon as the weather moderates. A good share of the lumber has been hauled to the ground already. We wish to drop a hint to some of our readers to the" effect that Uncle Sam is looking pretty sharp for people who are "borrowing' ' green wood from him. Oswald Smith pleaded guilty to the charge of stealing Graeff's saddle , and the complaint being only petit larceny he was given a sentence of thirty da's in jail. Andrew J. Wallingford , of Ken nedy , and Nettie J. English , of Colorado rado , were married at the residence of C. C. Thompson in this city yester day morning , Judge Towne perform ing the ceremony. Dr. Higley , of Fort Niobrara , has been ordered to report at San Fran cisco for duty with the army in the Philippines. Dr. Wales , who was here with the Twelfth Infantry , will return to Fort Niobrara. Mr. Beers is building a dam on the Gordon preparatory to irrigating about 100 acres of his farm in that vicinity , after which he will have a number one place , and intends spend ing his remaining days thereon. Theodore Peterson , of Valentine , has opened a shoe shop in the Wink- ley building. He is a first-class workman and should have a good business. Longpine needs a good shoemaker. Longpine Journal. "Ted" Ormesher , a well known cattleman of Schlagle precinct , and who is quite frequently mentioned by his republican friends as among the available timber for county treasurer , was doing business m town on Tues- Chas. Bredeson , John Neiss and H. B. Cox , of Rosebud , were in town last night , and the former was taught to ride the Woodmen's goat in the pres ence of about sixty neighbors. A royal good time was had and much timber destroyed ere morning. Geo. Tracewell purchased a line team of young mares this week of A. Charbonneau. Ofcourse the team alone would do him not much good , so he repaired to J. W. Whillans' place of business where he completed the outfit by buying a new set of harness and wagon. Quarterly meeting next Sundaat tne M. E. c nurch. Presiding Elder Eighmj'- will preach morning and ] evening. Communion service in the morning , love feast at 3 p. m. All : are cordially invited. Business ses sion Saturda } * night at 7:30. : ; [ O. S. BAKER , Pastor. John G. Woole3" , one of the most noted and gifted orators in the United : States and of world wide reputation , is coming. He will lectnre in the M. E. church next Wednesday evening , ) March 15 , at 8 o'clock. None should ) miss it. A treat for old and young. : Admibsion 25 cents. Given under di rection of the Epworth League. Married , at the Valentine House S Monday afternoon , by Judge W. R. a Towne. Albert Thomas and Bertha , . ' Richardson , both of Kilgore. The groom lives at McCann can3'on , where e the young couple will begin their F married life. Ofcourse they will receive - m ceive the NEWS-DEMOCRAT for a year , and that will make life smooth er for them to be sure. _ cL' An editor has been inspired , after looking over his list of delinquent sub scribers , to compose the following : "IIo\v dear to my heart is the old silver dollar , when some kind subscriber pro- sents it to view ; the liberty head with F out neck tie or collar , and all the ai strange things which to us seem so new : aiw the wide spreading eagle , the arrows C ( below it , the stars and the Avordswith w the strange things they tell ; the coin of wai our fathers , we're glad that we know aiF ' , for some time or other 'twill coine in right well : the spread eagle dollar , the star spangled dollar , the old silver dollar WQ all love sowell , " st 01 f T j . j out cm- wea / e wow GENEEAL MERCHANTS All our Heavy Weight Suits , Our prices on Boots and Shoes Overcoats and Fur Coats , in men's are lower than anybody's , quality boys' and children's , go at a sacri and fit considered , and we have all fice. btyles and sizes. Our spring stock will soon been Practical Tailoring in all its on hand and we must have room. branches. D. Stinard , Clothier. Wide Tire Wagons Are acknowledged to he the hest and to meet the growing demand I ordered and HAVE JUST KECEIVED A CAE LOAD In addition to this 1 have just received a ear of "WIND MOTOB" WIND MILLS Which I am selling very cneaply Try me before buying anything in my line elsewhere Valentine. Nebraska . S. Ludwig Good For Morris sey. A. M. Morrissey , who was elected county attorne } * , and a comparative stranger , will undoubtedly give satis faction. There has been a number of cases reported to him by meddle some people , and through revenge for some fancied wrong. He has wisely refused to prosecute under such circumstances , not desiring to bring costs upon the county where it was impossible to procure a convic- . tion. We have heard him unjustly , ! criticised by some chronic fault finders - 1 ers , and those that were antagonistic toward , not him. in particular , but his party. Such narrow mindedness ' is always allowed to go unnoticed , and \ve predict that he will attend to the ' cluties devolving upon him by the ' position he occupies , and will not ask j them for advice. The Pullman Correspondent - ' respondent in the Whitman Sun. Trouble at Johnstown. Ed Rector , constable of Johnstown precinct , brought Bert Valentine to _ this place Tuesday and turned him jver to Sheriff Murray. Mr. Valen- ine failed to secure bail up to this j ime. The Valentine bo3s and the ! vilgores of Johnstown had a little , lifference and proceeded to adjust it j i la Corbit-Fitzsimmons style , with he result that the Kilgores had the Valentine bo3's arrested chaiged j vith assault with intent to do great odily harm. The other Valentine oy gave bonds for appearanc e at ourt. A ins worth Home Rule. ' Lenten Luncheon. Edna Fischer entertained Mesdames Jnryser , Nicholson , Chapman. Good tnd J. H. Yeast at a Lenten luncheon 'Chterday afternoon. The guests irere all young married women , and mjoyed ; themselves immensely. Miss ' proving an ideal hostess. he afternoon passed very pleasantly rith music , conversation and "Rhy rang : ng Birds , " followed by a dainty lunch . .t ' five o'clock. Dropped Dead. Mrs. Fannie Green , a colored woman rho worked for Dr. Higley at the j lost , dropped dead while crossing the J ° arade ground near the flagstaff last 'riday. Coroner Lewis was called nd held an inquest and the verdict as that she came to her death from erebral apoplexy. A son of the dead oman came up from Leavenworth. nd funeral services were held at the 'ort Tuesday * . CJ : C. W. Bennett , an enterprising tockman from Simeon , was in town b u Tuesday. Several parties in the ' 'south coun- try"1 are reported to have k t quite a few calves lately from scouring- . The calves are born with a disposition to this complaint and live but a few days. Countj * Clerk Daniels lost eight head this week. Nels Rowley is reported to be a loser , and the 101 outfit have lost heavilv. Wants Electric Light Franchise. i We are informed that at the next meeting of the city council a fran- chise for an electric light company will be asked. We are glad to note this movement , but would caution the council to be wary in granting the favor asked. Especial pains should be taken to protect the village streets and alleys from being con trolled by any one company to the exclusion of any other , and no fran chise should be granted unless it ex pressly provides that the franchise shall become null and void if the privileges granted are not used with in a year at least. People may smile at such precautions being taken , but a franchise of this character may be come a very valuable thing in the course of 2-1 or 50 years. Taken fftitraj/H. . Taken up by the undersigned on his place twelve miles northwest of Valentine , about Oc tober l , one browii mare , weight about 1000 pounds , branded la/.y S on left hip and X on njht hii . One luy mirc2 ; years od. ! branded half circle P f D. A. KKLLOGI : . - ' Brilt , Nebraska. . Strayed of Stolen. One brown 4-yr old mare , weicht about MO , right hind foot white , branded O on left shoul der. der.One One black mare 3-yr old with white saot in forehead ; same brand. Address W. H. SKI.I.EIM _ Gallop. Neb Sti-ai/cd or Stolen. One white-faced heifercoming two in the spring , branded VJ on left side and M on left hip. Liberal reward is offered by Chris Jensen , Gallop , Neb. Eatrny Notice. Taken up by the subscriber Hrins twelve miles southwest of Cody on section : \ . township . ran e 3. . , one light gray mure 10 or 11 years nld. weight about 7 0. no marks or brands to b seen. Said mare came "iito my premises about die 15th of August , istw , and has been to my premises continually since. since.WILLIAM WILLIAM J ! * Taken Uji. At my place near Wood taike. one two-year aid steer , of Hereford stock , branded O I L OB both hips , and X on left side just back of fore le . Owner is requested to rtinove said stetr jr it will be sold according to law. 43 l'AUI.KE > -JCOTT. . JEsf rau Xotice. Taken up October 8 , 1S93 , ten milei south f ody. Nebraska , one white cow brain eo in left side and one red calf with no brand U rakun up by G KORGK Strtryrtl From range on Snake Kiver , fnree head of attle , one branded J O on left side ; one two. ear old branded on left ide ; oua yearlin iranded IJH on right side and has left ear split * G w. A. SHELBOUBX , ' Kennedy , jf