Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, March 02, 1899, Image 7

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    Metzger Bros. ,
. . . . Neb
Cheiry Co.
Brand on lefttl \ < f
IH. thiL'h
Kxrin.uk , square
brainier )
hi ; % - but one
Name rattle have
n , , thioat wattle
Kanee on Gordon and Snake creeks
Horses have same brand on left tliluh
A Ifeirarrf 0/4 tf50 will be paid to an >
person for information leading to the ai rest and
nnal conviction of any person or persons steal
ing rattle with above brand
Postoffice address ef
Brownlee , Neb
On left Bide or any
part of animal. Kar-
mark right ear cut
off ; horses branded
same on left hip Also
has stock branded II
on side or shoulder ,
orJKorWorO VL ,
orO or FX. Aho
lli following , the t > rst on
LfiB A.ND f = .
Postofllco address
Brownlee , Neb
Branded on left
side : some left
Ride and thigh
on left thigh
Range Duck Lake
: N .1
* ! . ' ; ' , --S
I'-r .
- .wnlee N
' " > i If tB.de
.7 „ / Ranse. Ilors.
\ Val.ey
Postoffice address
Whitman , > e
On left side ; hordes
same on left shoulder
m left side
Miywherf on
inimal. OnST
up or thigh K&
Range north prongfeS
Middle Lonp river
and Buffalo Lake
Urov nh' v.-l-
Vcorn Jus l < n ! :
eft shoulder ' is
Horses same < > ij
Postoilice address
llyannis , Neb
n riirht side ; her
se.ssameon right
n e .six miles
north west of Moth
er Lake precinct
Postoilice address
Il\annis , X
Branded on righr
side and h p
Also I avestock 1 landed
OD right side aiid hip
on right liij
Range-Southwestern ( herr\
PoBtoffiee address
Tiyannis , Xel
On left bin anc left
side Also
on left hip
and left side
horses same
brands on .shoulders
Range 2S-rnilcs
orth of Hyannis
' 'ostoflice address
Hinimis , > eb
On ngl t hij > :
T ' either side
_ ( _ nrigl't _ _
ses right
Ranye seven miles north of H > annis.
Postofficc address
Pullman , Neb
Catt'e branded as on
cnt ; horses branded
same as cattle except
reversed $ *
See block
Range Stever
and Stephen on
Lakes and South
Postofllr-C address
IlyanniB , Neb
Branded anvwliere
on riglit side : horses
ses same on left
Ilange - - sixleei-
miles northeast of
J. A Adamson.
ValenHne. Neb
On left side or hip
/ 4 left side or hip
On left s-de
Rangoon Niohhua
Brownlee , Neb
Branded en either
side same as on cut
also both jaws
Marshall & Wolfenden
Kennedy , Neb.
Nome on the lef
Horses s ; on left
Brand is small
Karmark : Quarter
clip behind , half cir
cle forward on leit ear
Range Lone Tiee
Jam Hudson
Simeon Neb
Left hip on cattle
Left shoulder on
Some horses Lazy
on left shoulder
Range between
, _ Cordon and Snake
i q River and Niobrara
Xa 2j y > * isii.r.vR i ve r
Lett ears tagged All catrle dehorned
William M. Dunbar
Lessee from Heine & Kroeger
Cody. Neb
DUn Hither side
Left eai ui cattle
Ranjre head of Jlay
iji Young.
Cody , Nebraska
On right side.
Kight ear split
Kange , Little
White river
Peder Thorsen.
On right side ; ' ot
right hip. hor.st
brand and T on.
riirht sbonldi r
Alt-o eattle biande < '
ti ! on left side
Range , fowl mile
south of Irwin
Henry Young ,
Cody. Nebraska
Horse D rand 11"
on left shoulder
Cattle , right ear
Ilange , Little
White river , S. D.
Stotts & Stetfer.
Tody. J'cbraska
Branded on left side
lldiige. Tin Can Lake
md Morgan Flats
D ( \ Nelson.
Codv , Nebraska.
On rinht hip.
Range. Medicine
i ake to the
Snake river
JIutn Brothers.
Gordon. Nebraska
Range.14 miles north
of Gordon.
F. 0. Duerfel'it , Manager.
Goidon , Nebraska
Cattle also bmndi-d
tO on light hip
Horses and mules
. randed same as cut
on left shoulder .
J. C. Jordan
liordon , Nebraska
Due hunch branded
is on cut on left side
One bunch bianded
r tt on left hip
Horses J on left
Kange. 10 miles
jou'hwfstpf Gallop ,
Between Niobrara
md Snake rivers
George F Damon
Albanv. Neb
Cattle branded
FI > on leit ribs or
rit'ht shoulder ; rS >
so FD on right hip and leit
rib.s ; G on left hip
Horses I'D or SI ) on
right shoulder
Range 7 mi north
cast of Albany Neb
Agent for Pasteur '
Black Leg Vaccine
Joseph Fickel
Gordon Neb
Horse brand I'1 on
eft shoulder
Range 10 miles
lortheast of Gordon
Wheeler Bros. :
'Cody Neb
Also U on right
Ilange Chamberlain
Flats and Snake
Marquardt & Howlus
OTTO STUUIJK. Manager. :
Merriman Neb
Battle brand OM on
eft hhonlder Some
if cattle have various
lderbrands. OS on
eft hip. Horse bra'd
\ on left shouldei.
111 nge Formerly
Jeo w Monnier
aneh 5-miles east of
H'-rriman from F E
t M V. R. K. south to Leander Creek , Mar-
luardt & Bowhw , Bcrrbner , N
Prisoners Broke Jail.
For the fourth ti ne since wo have
been in t > wn , the prisoners in the
county jail last Friday night obtained
their liberty without due process of
law. The prisoners were Edmond
George and Andrew Christiansen , but
only the latter a tempted ( o escape.
As nearly as we can ascertain from the
lips of the various authorities the story
is this :
Sheriff Stiong had employed his
brother , Jack , to guard the prisoners ,
and gave him strict orders to not leave
them alone. Friday night a dance
was held in town , and Jack attended ,
locking the prisoners in the cage when
h > left. Christiansen had been em-i
ployed shoeing horses during the afternoon - i
noon , and secreted a file about his per
son , and as soon as the jailor left he-
attacked the fastenings of the cage.
Being a strong man he soon weakened
them so the } * were easily broken , and
the two found themselves in the big
room of the jail. Climbing to the top
of the cage it was but the work of a
few minutes to cut their way through
the ceiling and roof , with the aid of an
ax which was lying handily near. A
couple of hours after the escape was
effected George showed up at the dance
where the erstwhile jailor was -'hoeing
it down" and informed that worthy
that he was out of jail and that Chris
tiansen had'"flew his kite. " Investi
gation proved the truth of this statu-
ment.and Jack was then in a quandary
After studying the situation for a time
he arrived at this solution :
"The jail is busted , " said he to him
self , "and George evidently doesn't
want to escape or he wouldn't have
come to me. The music at the dance
is sweet , the girls are pretty and the
drinkables are good. Ergo : I'll let
George have his liberty for the rest of
the night and I'll go back to the dance. "
This was a happy thought , and was
sit oiice acted upon. George spent the
night "with his wife , " Jack danced
till the music stopped , and all this
time Christiansen was "making tracks , "
both figuiatively and literally , for the
south , hoping to reach friends at
Brownlee and thus escape When the
music stopped Jack went after the
sheriff and informed him of the night's
jccurrencies and then the storm of
Amos' wrath broke loose , but Ave'll
[ ) ass that. As soon as day broke ,
Deputy Sherman picked up the prison-
sr's trail in the snow and started in
ptu > > uit. .bor twenty-seven miles
through the sandhills the fugitive led
iiis pursuers and then he was captured ,
md all his hard work counted as naught.
Saturday night he once moie slept like
Eugene Aaram , "with gyves upon his-
ivrists. " and blisters on his feet.
Jack Strong is in disgrace , his broth
er accusing him of having connived at
the prisoner's escape , our county jail
iias once more demonstrated that it is.
an excellent institution. Deputy fc her- ;
tnan is covered with glory and frost
bites from his long trail in the snow , :
Edmcnd George reported for confine
ment after his night off , Bob McGeer ,
L'Hig Uob.v is employed as guard at
the bastile , the jail roof is being re-
inured , and the public is wondering
whether the whole play was a comedy ,
melodrama or tragedy.
Seriously , though , this jail delivery
Business is becoming rather monoton ;
nis and the people of the county are
.vondering what they will have to do
vith their prisoners if the thing doesn't
Workmen commenced Monday tear- >
ng down the walls of St. Mary's acade-
uy. The building was destroyed by
ire in 1891. The loss was $15,000 or
> 20,000 to the Catholic congregation , as
he insurance money and bondsmen of
lie contractors were released from
lability in the courts. A new building
vill be erected on the present site dur-
ng the coming summer and the sisters , s
vho will have charge , expect to open (
he school about ihe first of Seutember.
O'Neill Independent.
Peter Hoffman , a jolly democrat
'rom Nenzel , was in town Monday
naking final proof on his homestead.
? ete was real jolly over at last 'be
aming a man' ' as he expressed it ,
hough like Dickens' Mark Tapley he
nest always is that way. He says
here are several springs on his place ,
md they are so warm that frogs arc
low playing therein. II. K. Hains-
ord and Mike Boltz were witnesses
or him , and when the editor joined a
he crowd the four made a full house.
A newspaper whose columns over-
low with advertisements of business o
nen has more influence in attracting h
ittention to and building up a town
han other that be
any agency can v >
mployed. People go where there is
jusineas : capital an'd labor where :
here is an enterprising community.
STo power on earth is so strong to
) uild up a. town as a newspaper well
patronized. Talmage.
Attorney * Morrissey * has been in
Lincoln this week attending the
jountp attorneys' meeting and look-
nsr after business matters ,
Jarvis Richards and some" friends
from Chadron , were at Gordon Mon
day , and drove down to Cooper to
enter some land in Cherry county.
Rushville Standard.
j Mr. and Mrs. Belt of St. Louis ,
fatncr and mother of Dr. II. P. Belt
ot Rosebud , \rere in town last Thurt-
; day everiin on the \vav to their
\ son's home. Dr. Belt and wife were
j j in town to welcome them.
Matt Jelly , of Kewanee. was in I
town yesterday with a couple of >
loads of wneat and took out two !
loads of lumber. It is said Mr. Jelly
has hauled more wheat to town than i
any otner person in the country. j
ji i
The village election will take place j
on Tuesday , April 4. The woods i
don't seem to be very full of cancli- j
dates , but when the beaters get out |
thev will probably be able to scare j
up enough to make a full ticket. i
. Jn . . _ . . j
\Ve are sorry to announce that Ed
Corr. the popular pharmacist in
Elliott's drug store , will soon leave
for Sloan , Iowa , to take a position
with his brother. Ed has made many
friends in Valentine who will regret
his departure.
James Sweeney was down from tiie
ranch Saturday.
Miss Ella Abbott , of Pullman , vis
ited with Mrs. A. L. Larson last j
Frank Mason sold some nineteen
head of cattle to Perry 'Martin Mon
day. Whitman Sun.
W. L. McC'lean. of Weut Point , one
of the proprietors of the Cuming
County Democrat , was a pleasant
visitor at thet > e headquarters last
Thursday. W. L. McClain is a neph
ew oi'J. R. Lee of Brownlee. and
came up to file on : L homestead in the
h part of the county.
The county clerk this week record
ed two patents from the Unifed
States to the state of Nebraska , con
veying to the commonwealth some
27.000 acres of land in various sec
tions of the state. These are known
as "deficiency lands. " and are grant
ed in payment of certain tracts ceded
the government for Indian and mili
tary reservations.
A. I > . Gallop is looking for the return ot Mrs.
dallopsho is visiting in IJoyd county. During
lier absence he batches.
Le\v Adams and Middle C.iss were ihe guests
) f \V. U. Sollor.s on the : . ' 0th.
Leo and Lew hellers aie rapidly iccovering
"rom their attack of measles' .
J-klgar Adams is leciAering from his deafness
uide hope he will continue to impiove.
Geo. Jleu.el \.s in this section a few da\s ago
looking for II > c.i'lle.
W. 11. rielloisus in Vale.tine a few d.iys ao
ad made .1 deal for some laud on the .Mmne-
Arthur Crow lost ' 0 head of cattle by feeding
mouldy hog millet. ] > ob Kunt/ lost two from
he .same cause.
\V. JI. Sellers and Tom Leeper sold some
stock hogs to Costus Skinner recently at three
Thomas Swan lost 'J.- head of sueep out of his
lock of 4.-00 hu.vl during the recent cold spell.
Fiee Miila lost ir head ol cattle from blackleg
his winter.
Mrs. Pahlgrm has moved to her new residence
utlf a mile west of Merr.man.
Lew1 Dahlgren leased I' . Sullivan'ulaee. . pur.
hased a new set of harness from 1'reo Millsai.d
s riguing up to farm this summer.
AV. 11. hcllois will ha\e some.clean millet Mod
or sale this .spring.
Dan Sears of Kennedy was in town Friday and
Mr % V indegrii't was taking in the sights hist
aurday. ;
Mrs. K. Davis went to Valentine Saturday re-
urning Tuesday.
County Attorney Mori ihscy went to Lincoln
iaturddy morning. lie stopped off hcie Fiiday
ivening to visit friends.
.Mrs. Tiont came back from Longpine Satur-
lay night. ,
C.V. . Dewey came up from Longpine S.itnr-
lay night and visited at the home of his parents
limday and Monday.
Billiu Ballard was in from the ranch hist Fri-
II A nai'tcJs was tian actii.g business in
own one d.u last \eek i
YV { me veiy sorry ! o know thai \VoodIako is ! j
n Mich < : n upioar as it has beeu the last few !
layx "U e hope everything is quiet on the I'oto- :
lhedince.il Mr. Day's was u grand success
ind everybody had a good time.
Mrs. .J. K. West is the owner of a very nice
Singer sew in muehiiiu. s.y. i-sox.
Pretty cold , wasn't it ? T i thermometer
cjjistcrcd . ' 5 and -15 below in this part of the
Wm. Burrib 15 preparing to put down a well
Clint Jones ; ul wife who luve been cooking
it Green's hotel at Merriman for tiu Iar Iho
nonths c.ini" home last w ek. Mr. .ior.es is
naking arrangements to put in a bunohof shee-u
n the spring.
Henry Heckcl returned from the eastern part j
if the itate where he had been on a visit with |
lis daughter.
A few cat le succumbed to the cold weather
n this part of the countrv. but just a few com-
ared with the number of oattie in the country
Mr Howl u 4vas up looking alter his ranch.
Ve underst.iml they lost a few he.id of Battle
luring the cold weather.
I have established a Feed and Saw Mill
! ) miles south of Cody , at the month of
Medicine Cin > on. and am now prepared
to grind Feed. Corn Me'al and Graham ,
c- turn out all kinds of Lumber and di
mension siuil , and Native Shingles.
Give us a trial order.
l )
. , , . . ,
; .IA- .1r - tf
"Anything in the line of Clothing ,
-AO i JL
Hats or Caps , Boots or Shoes ,
< § ? Staple or Fancy Groceries ,
49 3 ? Stoneware , Dry Goods
89 Notions , Salt Meat , Grain or Feed ,
89 Be sure to call and ct prices at
49 DfcDD 0 II \
49 Jf ST. - < ' E-J ! ? rt 6 &
49 i >
49 is-
1 If
tJ N.
March came in like a lamb , and ive
hope nhe will slay that \vay. This
weather is delightful.
fit t'l't'tlil > : * .
In Con-.tv : Court , \\itlun ad lor Cherry County ,
Neiir.i'-kn. in the Matter of the lu > tatu ot
William K Staiihl-ie. Dt-reased.
To the Creilitor > oi said Mutate :
Yon anhoreny notitied thai I \ villt : ; il the
comity court roo'm in Vaienlme , in .said fonntv ,
on the llth day of Mareh , IXKt. to rei-e\i- - d
examine all claims ajruni said estate , \viJh a
\ie\v to their adjustment and allowancf. The
time limited ior the presentation of claims
ncainst said estate is three months , from the
14h day of December. A. 1) . 189s , and the time
liimtcd'for payment of debuts one year fioni
said 14tli da > ot Decemlier Ib'.W
Witness my hand and the seal of said county
court , this L'lit day ot February 1809
2-2.5 CountvJuuge
The Greatest Eg1 ; Producer on Haitli
Make- , hens lay nil \vinter and Is .ibsnlntelv
drouth l reel Iti-HaniffH' osr t-t-iit : .
a gnuid m-w Noithernaet : \ . n.iTtri-.s : in
- pro luces great ciops of IMJ and i a
' . '
will * > nd jMst.ige paid cnoiign ) > .is l < plant i
an acre and eimu h pepper -eed to produce
$ ( > ( } ( \\oilh of ptppe'S and seed l > j freight :
1 u ill send the Peas and 1'ei pels , also Kcon-
omy Haiiifs > and ! ! t-lt MeiuU-r. a large bottle !
oi Dr ( irano's I ough and 'vidney Halm and a
( Jnart ot "KailyeIo ! \ \ ( urcn" Coin , ri.it-
islactum guurantec-d s-ippij liiiiited Order
lc anu mention this paper
3 = 8. .
-Al ! work i.romprly
u. U. N
flas recently started in business and
3 bargains to nil cash
bnvr-rs of
it Feed
Uii di > iWtre. . Soft tan ? lift r
flue , ' < j hils. < fiii find fill
\'issJff of ISiutrSies's' Msipp facts
[ - NorthWestern Line" is to be
to and from the
OF -
Attention , Stockmen
Farmers a. d the General
Any parties wishing
"Will ue given
Special Prices
between tin's and 15th of April. Shop
west of school house , at
i evidence.
of htolcn.
Several head of horses and cat
tle , branded
Amos Strong , Valentine , Neb.
lovill , Manager
Merriman Neb
All on left side or
Range north of Eli
Charlotte E. Bovill
rilerriman Neb
Left side or hip
Range north oi Eli
13 15. Teeter ? Bros.
Newton , Xeb.
CUT ITor e ; sime on
1' ft shoildcr
I'inte : between
the Cordon and Hie
CJorsnch Bros.
N'evUon , Nebra
( Battle branded
as on cut
eft sdc : orhij
Ka nio on Gorc
( 'reelc
L T. Richardson.
Kennedy , Nebrt
] Some on k-rt
tlo-scs on
left shoulder
U. A. McQuade.
Valentine. Neb
Uranded on either
Ilange between
Thacher and Swn