Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, March 02, 1899, Image 12

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.Measures of 3Iorc or Less Import
ance Are Being Introduced at the
Present Session of the Legislature
Gist of the Business.
Saturday , Feb. 1 .
When ( he Senate convened only sixteen
incinbers responded to roll call. .Senator
Crow .said Mr. Prout was in the building
and Avished to be marked present. The
assembly went into committee of the whole
to consider bills on general file thai are in
the nature of "curative acts"vntiiout a
quorum. Hannibal of Howard inquired
Avliethci there was a quorum. .Senator Van
Duscn , who was in the chair , replied that
the I-onate could do business without a quo
rum if the question AVUS not raised , .senator
lliinmbal > ai I ho had no objections ii" the
procowling * AVCSV legal. Miller ol llutl'alo
caitioin later , making the m-ci sary num
ber lorn quorum. Curative act
inundot ! for paxsage Avere as follows : S.
Rs. Ml , ! ! : ; . 115. 7. , i.5 , ITfl. 151. 131) ) , J5i ,
J.r 5. ] = , . 1.7T. 100. li'.l and US. The com-
mitUT aro- ami after hearing the report
rpJurnH in committee of the whole to cou-
M'dor S. Ks. TJO. r > : ; , 07 , ST and Mich other
measures as might be called up. iJevnohls
of JAV.S Avas called to thechuir. All wen-
reeoir.nKMnle.1 to pass exc-'pt S. K. 120 ,
wliifh v. ill have further consideration.
Adjournment taken till Monday at
Jl o'clock.
Monday Feb. 2O.
Twenty-seventh ballot for senator :
Allen . : '
* 1 < * \ * < ll ii * . * * * # . * * * * . * M |
Thompson . H
Webster . 8
Field 5
l * l * *
> > * * * * B * * * * * * v * * a * * * B * Ba * * * * /
.Seal Icrhiji . 7
House committees reported for the
general tile II. Ii. 4:5(5 : ( , Iflk 382 , 225 , 27. ) , 41-1 ,
514 , : r . : ; ji5. 2'.IS ' and 188. The bills indefin
itely postponed were 85 , 11(5 ( , ; V.i. ) 402. 215 ,
: : . ' ) } . : J2S and : ) W. The last mentioned bill
Avas by Ea sterling of nulTalo. and provided
that all ollicials , deputies and ju-lges of the
Supreme uml District Courts should be al
lowed mileage at the rate of .1 cents per
mile for the dislunce traveled in the dis
charge of ollicial duty. The bill provoked
.some discussion and the report AA-as adopted
by a vote of 13 to 25. II. If. 294Avas the
Mann bill providing for the printing of
formulae on the outside of packages of
patent medicines. II. H. 402 was by Beverly -
erly , vesting the right to grant liquor Ii-
censes exclusively in the Board of Fire and
Police Commissioners in cities of the met
ropolitan cla s , and making other
changes in the license hnv. II. ] \ . 116 Avas
by .Slnrgess. providing for the refunding of
indebtedness of cities of the .second class by
fhe issuance of refunding bonds draAvinsj
not less than G per cent , interest. The
Pollard revenue bill was the subject for
discussion in committee of tbe Avholeof the
House all the afternoon. The considera
tion of the sections in detail took A'ery little
lime , nut at the close of the reading Miami
of Saline moved that the bill be indefinitely
postponed. This brought the complete bill
at issue. Arguments for the bill Avere
made by Pollard , DetAveiler. Thompson of
Merrjck and others , while Easterling and
Taylor of Custer spoke against it and in
faA-or of the motion to indefinitely post
pone. The motion Avas defeated by a vote
of 21 to 32 and the bill Avas recommended
for passage by a vote of 31 lo 20.
H. ] l. IS , making it a misdemeanor to
plough ti ] > the public higlnvay without the
consent of the road overseer ; .S. F. 129 ,
curative : .S. F. 140 , relating to the time
allowed for modifying and vacating judg
ments ; S. F. 144 , relating to malicious de
struction of shade and ornamental trees ;
s. F. 142 , relating to the protection of pri
vate fish ponds , Avere passed by the .Senate.
S. F. 22 , the Xoyes bill , providing for the
election of county commissioners in coun
ties of over 70,000 by a vote of the entire
county , Avas recommitted to correct a typo
graphical error. A joint resolution thank
ing tiie First Nebraska Kegiment at Ma
nila AA'as introduced. Another resolution
Avas introduced regarding the proceeds of
public lands sold in this .State by the Fed
eral Government from Avhich the State has
received nothing. A number of bills wore
considered and passed upon in committee
of the whole.
Tuesday , Feb. 21.
TAvcnty-cighth ballot for senator :
Allen . 56
HayAvard . 39
Thompson . 10
Webster . 10
t 1 V. i Vi . * . * . 4S
Scattering . 8
H. R. 141. Olmstead's bill requiring the
union label on all public printing Avas re
ported for indefinite postponement in the
House by the committee. There Avas a
minority report placing the bill on general
file and on motion of Sturgess of Douglas
the minority report Avas adopted. H. R.
44f > . 259. 481 and 444 Avere placed on general a
tile. The last named bill is the salary ap
propriation bill. II. 11. 492 , by Thompson
of Clay , Avas taken up on third reading.
This Avas the bill to appropriate
$ ( i,000 to distribute among the com
panies of the First Regiment at
Manila. A long lime Avas spent in the
roll call and one call of the house Avas
taken to bring the members in to vote. The
result of the A-oteon the bill AVUS as follows :
yeas. 01 ; nays , 84. The bill having failed
to pass Avith the emergency clause , a second
roll call Avas had to pass it Avith that clause
.stricken out. The result of this roll call
Avas 43 for and 50 against , and the bill Avas
killed. After recess the House Avent into
committee of the whole Avith Lane on Lan
caster in the chair to consider bills on general -
eral file. The committee arose at 0 o'clock
smd reported. Adjournment Avas taken
until Thursday.
In the Senate the joint resolution in
praise of the First Nebraska volunteers
was read a second lime. Senator Talbot
moved that it be adAranced and engrossed
for a third reading. When the A-ote was s
taken ! 2 voted in favor and 0 against. The rl
Chair said he AA-as inclined to declare the rlo
motion carried. Van Dusen of Douglas
said he A oted against the motion because iiI
he did not favor singling out tAvo officers It
for special praise. When Senator Talbot c
explained that they Avere the only officers a
Avounded he AvithdroAV his objections. An
other vote Avas taken , resulting in a vote of
15 to 2 in favor of advancement. a
The folloAving bills Avere placed upon b
their third reading : Senate files 141 , ci
154 , 75 , 151 , 148 , 152 and 3(5. ( All
curative acts except S. F. 86 , which
5s .Moves' bill to establish school dis 21si
trict libraries. This bill provides that a sir
-committee , consisting of the Chancellor of r <
University , State Superintendent of Public
Jnslruction , Principal of the Normal
School , Slate Librarian and University tia'
Librarian , shall annually prepare a list of at
books suitable for these libraries , from a :
which list books added to Ihe library shall
be laken. After recess the folloAving cura-
tlA-e acts Avere passed : 156,150,167,153,149 ,
148,145 , 100 , 53 and 155. As is probably
Avell known these curative acts do not alter
the text of present laAVs. but make them
effective by adding proper repealing clauses
to the acts they amended. There Avas con
siderable talk over a motion to adjourn
over Washington's Birthday , but it pre
Thursday , Feb. 2:5.
Thirtieth ballot for senator :
Allen 50
HayAvard 39
Thompson 12
* * l U > Lll * J.U
Scattering 4
In the Senate the House reported the in
definite postponement of S. F. 07 , a cura
tive act relating to issuing bonds. Several
petitions favoring the pure food bill , the
barber bill and the bounty on wild animal
scalps Avere read and placed on file. The
Stock Feeders' Association presented a
resolution endorsing the bill now before
the Legislature to reorganize the State Ag
ricultural Society. The Commiltee en
Privilege. * and Elections reportei a substi
tute for S. F. 38. allowing county judges
compensation for appointing judges and
clerksof election. The same committee
repprted S F. 134for indefinite
postponement. A larue number of
IIOA\ bills uere introduced , this
being the fortieth day of the ses
sion in the .Senate. The Chair named
Xoyes o ! Douglas , IJarton of Johnson and
Farrell of Merrick to take up the complaint
of ex-Superintendent C.iilespie. late of the
Deaf aim Dumb Institute at Omaha , who
desires a rehearing of the charges made
against him on the ground that the "Mulz-
Hcal" committee two years atjo denieJ him
the privilege of defending himself against
the charges- . After joint session the Sen
ate took a recestf till 2 o'clock. The time
from 2 to 2:80 : was taken up in the reading
of new bill.- * Immediately after the after
noon session the Senate took another
recess till 7:30 o'clock in order to give
members a little longer time to prepare
embryo bills and introduce them before the
fortieth day faded aAvay. A ferry-minute
ses-sion was held in the evening.
A motion was made in the House that
theCommitteeon Other Asylums beallowed
lo make a junket to the various institu
tions , with the proper allowance for ex
penses. This brought out a motion from
Burns of Lancaster that a part of the com
mittee on Public Lands and Buildings be
also allowed to go on the Irip. This
brought out motions' for members of sol
diers' homes and other committees to take
trips. The motion was laid on the
table. Twenty-six bills Avere reported for
general file and eighteen for indefinite
postponement. In committecof the whole
the salary appropriation bill Avas con
sidered. The bill Avas still under lire a
Friday. Feb. 24.
Thirty-first , ballot for senator :
Allen 8
HayAvard 89
Thompson 13
Webster 10
Field 6
Scattering 4
The House Avas kept busy AVI t lithe intro
duction of bills. Forty-eight Avere handed
in , running the total up to Oil. So far the
House has passed thirty-six and indefinitely
postponed 124. A committee Avas appointed
to act Avith the Senate committee to inves-
ti.gate the complaint of J. A. Gillespie , ex-
Superintendent of the Deaf and.'Dumb Asy
lum at Omaha. Mr. Fisher introduced a
resolution in the House providing for the
appointment of a committee of t\vo from
the House and one from the Senate to at
tempt the collection of penalties , licenses ,
and fees that the resolution recites the com
mittee of investigation has found the Au
ditor of State has failed and neglected to
collect from insurance companies. The
amount , he says , is shown by the books to
be very large. The Committee on Claims
and"on Deficiencies introduced several bills
appropriating various sums due on unliq
uidated accounts.
The members of the Senate took part in
one of the liveliest discussions of the ses
sion. The. Committee on Live Stock and
Graxing reported on S. F. 159 , Dunn's bill
to regulate commissions for selling
stock through stockyards , recommending
thatitheindelinitelj postponed. Mr. Dunn
made an earliest speech in defense of his
measure. He said such a regulation Avas
absolutely necessary. It Avas urged that
those Avho did not like the dealings of the tj
South Omaha stockyards could consign
their stock to thenisch-es and put it on the
market themselves. But this Avas dis
advantageous to the seller , as the railroad n
companies would refuse to deliver stock "
until the freight AA-as paid , and capital Avas
therefore necessary. The bill Avas finally
placed on general file.
The Price of Disobedience.
In one of his campaigns Frederick the "
Great of Prussia , to prevent his where
about being betrayed to the enemy ,
ordered all lights to be extinguished at
certain hour. The penalty of dis
obedience AA-as to be death. The King
occasionally passed through the camp
at night to ascertain -whether his order
was strictly attended to.
One night he obsen-ed a light in one
of the tents , and , entering it , found an
officer sitting at a table closing a let
ter. Asked hoAV he dared thus disregard - ' ]
gard the King's command , the officer *
replied that he had been Avritiug a let- j
ter to his Avife.
The King ordered him to open his p
letter , to take his pen and to add these
words : "Before this letter reaches
your hands I shall luwe been shot for
disobeying an order of the King. "
The sentence AA'as harsh , but the
crime was great , risking as it did the " of
lives of thousands. Frederick's orders
were ever afterAA-ard strictly obeyed. "
A Wonderful BOOK.
The smallest book ever printed is the
of Perrault's little '
story Hop-o'-My-
Thumb , lately published. The book is
one and one-half inches long by one in ' ,
inch wide , and one-quarter inch thick.
can be read only by the aid of a mi at (
croscope , but is complete in every way h
and has four engravings.
The word "macaroni" is taken from
Greek derivation , which means "the
blessed dead , " in allusion to an ancient nhi
custom of eatins at feasts for the dead. hitc
A pair of gloves passes through about si
200 pairs of hands from the time the
skin leaves the dressers till the gloves
reach the hands of the wearer.
The population o the earth at the
time of Emperor Augustus is estimated
54,000,000. 7t is now estimated to be
about l,5SOOodOCO.
"Political Reasons" Given as Excuse
Request for the Battleship a Sur
prise to Government Complications
with Germany or Others Possible.
A cablegram received at the Xavy De
partment Friday morning from Admiral
DcAvey asking that the battleship Oregon ,
for political reasons , be sent to Manila at
once , caused a good deal of excitement
It was discussed at the cabinet meeting ,
and the AA-ords ' 'political reasons * ' were
construed to mean that Admiral Dewey is
not entirely satisfied Avith the attitude of
some of the foreign AA-arships anchored in
Manila bay. Of course , the Oregon is not
Avanted for offensive purposes against the
Filipinos , and the best opinion in "Wash
ington is that the Germans are again
making or threatening to make trouble
for Admiral DeAvey.
Great Britain , Japan , Germany and
Russia IiaAe fleets in the A'icinily of Ma
nila , Avhich include Avarships of the class
to Avhich the Oregon belongs. Xo concern
is felt about the friendliness of Great
Britain and Japan , nor is there any ap
prehension that Russia Avould undertake
to interfere Avith the carrying out of the
administration's policy in the Philippines.
Although Germany has recently ex
pressed friendship for the United States ,
this expression has not caused the Presi
dent or Admiral Dewey to be any the less
vigilant in Avatching every movement
made by the German fleet in Pacific Avat-
The understanding Avas that the Oregon ,
after leaving IlaAvaii , Avould proceed direct -
rect to Manila , but Admiral Dewey may
not have been full- informed on this point.
The Oregon arriAed at Honolulu Feb. 5
and the dispatches announcing her arrival
stated that she Avould remain at least IAVO
Aveeks in order to have some repairs made
to her boilers and engines.
An official at the XaA-y Department
said that a ship Avotild be dispatched from
San Francisco Avith a message to the com
mander of the Oregon , directing him tc
proceed to Manila as rapidly as possible.
This officer also stated that the battleship
loAva would be sent to Manila. With IAVC
battleships added to his fleet Adniira"
DeAvey Avill be in a position to compel the
Germans to behaA-e theniseh-es , if they
sliOAv the slightest sign of. creating a dis
Admiral Dewey may be keenly sighting
a gathering cloud in the east , and is look
ing to the preA'ention of any possible in
ten-ention or interference by European
pOAvers in the struggle IIOAV in progress in
the neighborhood of Manila. It is be
lieved that in the big fires much property
of foreign residents and business concerns
\vas destroyed. That these fires Avere
caused by the insurgents cannot be denied ,
and it may be that some of the foreign
naval commanders in the east are dispos
ed to seize upon the pretext that their
interests demand protection. AA-hich we
cannot afford them , to make a landing or
do something obnoxious to the United
States and likely to encourage the insur
He Hides Into the City at the Head
of His Army.
Under escort of three battalions of
American troops Gen. Maximo Gomez ,
commander-in-chief of the Cuban army ,
entered the Cuban capital Friday fore
noon in all the style of a conquering hero.
The celebration attendant upon his ar
rival Avas the first important demonstra
tion of the Cubans , fuid it Avas a noteAvor-
thy affair. It Avas a day filled Avith honor
and pride for the Cuban general , for after
having been cheered to the echo during
his triumphant ride into and through Ha
vana , ho had the pleasure of revie\ving
the Cuban troops from the balcony of
the palace Avhich Avas formerly the offi
cial residence of Weylor , Blanco and oth
er representatives of Spanish authority in
Cuba. As still another mark of distinc-
tion , Gen. Gomez Avill live at Quinto Mol-
lines , the former summer residence of the
Spanish captain generals , Avhich is beau
tifully situated on the outskirts of the
city. j
Gomez left Marianao at 10 o'clock in the
morning , and took a carriage to Cerro ,
where he mounted and rode at the head of
the Cuban forces into IlaA-ana. His route
AA-as along the thoroughfares of Monte
Aguila , Galiano. San Rafael , Parquo Cen
tral and Obispo to the palace. Cuban and .
American flags Avere displayed in great
numbers . all along the line of march , and
the palace Avas beautifully decorated.
Stops were made at Puentas Grande and
Buena Vista. At the latter point Maj.
Gen. Lee Avent upon the platform and
welcomed Gen. Gomez informally in a feAV
hearty Avords. [
Steamer Given Up for "Lost Arrives at
Port Under Her Own Steam.
The long overdue Hamburg-American
liner Bulgaria arriA'cd at Ponta del Gada.
Azores Friday morning. The Bulgaria
sailed from NCAA * York for Ilpmburg on
Jan. 28. The ship's company and passen
gers numbered 130. There Avcrc no cabin
On Feb. 5 the British steamer Wee-
haAvken sighted the Bulgaria SOO miles
west of the Azores in a disabled condition.
The wind Avas blowing a hurricane. Thir
teen of the croAV and tAvelvc passengers
the Bulgaria were taken aboard the
"WeelmAvken and landed at Ponta del
Gada on Feb. 14. Four members of the
crew who Avere not able to reach the Wee-
liaAvken Avere picked up by the British
steamer Yittoria and landed at Baltimore
"Wednesday. :
A mighty cheer went up in Lloyd's room
London when it Avas announced that
the steamer Bulgaria had arrived safely
Ponta del Gada , as nobody expected
ever hear of her again. The Bulgaria
lay : to for eleven days effecting repairs.
Wellington , Kan. , built a ncAV jail last
year , and the authorities determined to >
name it after the first prisoner who mighi '
confined in it. This prisoner proved
be a woman , Mrs. Horton , and the in
stitution was promptly named "Horton
Jail. " NOAV it has been proven that the
Avoman was innocent , and she proposes to
sue the Wellington authorities for dam
The Boston School Board is taking rr
steps to prevent the employment of non
resident persons to teach in the schools of
that city. tl
In'a Now Demolished Building : in Illi
nois Jjincoln Once Upheld Slavery.
On the foundation stones of one of
the most famous and historic struc
tures of the West the people of Coles
County , Illinois , are no\v erecting a
new courthouse. The old county court
house was built in 1835 and was the
scene of many a great legal battle , in
which some of the most distinguished
men of their day were actors. Among
the noted lawyers who figured in cases
AA-hich are entered on the dockets of
the Coles County Circuit Court , were
Lincoln and Douglas , Trumbull and
Shields , John A. Logan and John M.
Palmer , Gen. John A. McClernand and
Maj. James A. Connolly , "Dick" Yates ,
"Dick" Oglesby , Ficklin , and Linder.
It was in this old courthouse that
Abraham Lincoln appeared as counsel
for a slaveholder who AA-as trying to
recover his human chattels , and was
defeated by Linder and Ficklin. The
trial attracted national attention and
large numbers of people from all over
the country attended.
Under the Illinois constitution of
that day slavery was not recognized
as legal ; yet to placate slaveholders , a
provision Avas made to allow the slaves
then in the State to remain in bond
age , but no more slaves were to be
brought into Illinois. Every free negro
coming to the State had to give bond
for his good behavior , and every slave
brought into the State after the adop
tion of the constitution and remaining
a year became a free man legally.
Some time during the ' . ' 50s a slavehold
er < from near Lexington , Ky. , came to
Coles | County , some twenty miles north
of , Charleston , and entered upon a sec
tion of government laud. He AA-HS in
the habit of bringing from his Ken
tucky plantation twenty to thirty ne
groes every spring to cultivate his
Coles County lands and taking them
back before the expiration of the year ,
and , by repeating this process from
year to year , evaded the laAv which
would have giA'eii freedom to the ne
groes had they remained in the State
tehe months.
Finally the slave master became
careless and alloAA-ed the slaves to re
main a few days over a year. Friends
of the slaves invoked the laAv in their
behalf and it was in this case on be
half of the slave owner that Lincoln
The old courthouse Avas the scene
of a sensational lynching Feb. 14 , 1S5G.
On that day Dolph Monroe was to
have been hanged for the murder of
his father-in-law. Just before the hour
of execution a reprieve was received
from the Governor. But the 10,000
people who had come to Avitness the
execution would not' have it so. A
mob was formed and the doors of the
jail , which occupied one corner of the
courthouse , were quickly battered in
and Monroe's lifeless body was soon
SAvinging from a tree in the western
part of the town.
Some years after Monroe's tragic
death , the jail in this same old court
house was again visited by a mob , auc
its j strong iron doors battered down
and a negro AA-as strung up to a tele
graph pole. In fact the old buildinp
in its long lifetime had many stormy
days and dark deeds. It AA-JIS the cen
ter of the fight that raged around the
public square on March 29. 18G4 , when
the famous "Charleston raid" occur
red. The raiders entrenched them
selves at the courthouse and shot at
people as they dodged in and out of
the stores. A half-dozen men Avere
killed and wounded before a company
of soldiers came and drove them from
the town.
The English
"Mamma , if I had a hat before
had this one it's all right to say that's
the hat I had had , isn't it ? "
"Certainly , Johnny. " -
"And if that hat once had a hole in it
ind I had it mended , I could say it hadv
aad a hole in it , couldn't IV"
"Yes , there would be nothing incor
rect in that. "
"Then ifd be good English to say
jhat the hat I had had had had a hole c
in it , wouldn't it ? " Trained Mother- *
I wonder if a satisfactory solution
the Philippine question Avill be dis- K
covered , " remarked the unbiased pa-
" It has been discovered , " replied the -
'riend who is always arguing on poli L
ces. "But , " he added , with a sigh , "I Ln Lt
lon't suppose I'll be any more success- n
ul than usual in getting the govern- n
uent to pay attention to my discov-
iry. " Washington Star.
"Do you believe in hypnotism ? "
"Yes. Did you notice that young
ivoman who just passed out of the
ffice $ Well , she got me to subscribe
'or a $4 book that I shall never AA-ant
md that sue knew I'd never AA-ant. "
Wouldn't Encourage Her Too Much.
"Your replies are very tart , " said the
roung husband.
Then he hastily added :
"But they are not as tart as those
notner made. " Cleveland Plaindealer
The wages of sin defies alike the hard
imes and monopolies.
Natives Apply the Torch Durinc Nisht
Attack Filipinos Driven to the
Juncles by American Troops Viaay-
ans Offer to Ficht Ajruinaldo.
The rebels fired the city of Manila Wed
nesday night , applying the torch to many
buildings. The greater part of the city
is heavily damaged. The attempt to burn
the city was folIoAA-ed by an outbreak of
rebel sympathizers and severe fighting in
the streets folloAved. The troops suppressed -
od the outbreak by prompt and detcrmin-
ed action. A number of the insurgents
AA'ere killed and several American soldiers
Avere Avounded. A large market place
Avas among the first to burn. BetAveon six
and seA-en hundred residences and busi
ness houses were destroyed. Fires Avere
started at seA-eral points simultaneously
and , spreading with great rapidity , re
sisted all efforts to control them.
Native sharpshooters Avere concealed be-
hind corner buildings. They shot at every
American in sight. Flames burst forth
simultaneously from Santa Cms : , San Nic
olas and Tondo. From these points the
flames spread in all directions. In a short
Iviine the greater part of the city AVJIS on
fire. Notwithstanding the continual fir
ing of the hidden sharpshooters the Amer
ican garrison turned out 'and fought the
fire. In many cases they had first to drive
aAA'ay the lurking assassins.
None of our troops AVIS killed , but seven
members of the Minnesota regiment Avere
Avoumled Avhile making a rush into the
burning Tondo quarter. The troops Avere
rallied from some of the outlying encamp
ments. They quickly spread through all
parts of the city and promptly subdued
what was evidently planned for a general
uprising and massacre.
The fire lasted all night. The native
rebels in the city have been completely
subjected by the prompt work of Gen.
Otis and the other commanders. It is oA'i-
dent that the incendiaries and assassins
belioA-ed that the entire toAvn AA-ould be de
stroyed and Avith it the foreign residents
and the American soldiers. The loss will
be very heavy. Strong guards are posted
in all parts of the city and it is believed
that another massacre Avill not be at
The attempt to burn the city of Manila
is part of the often announced plan of the
insurgents. Filipino spies and sympathiz
ers have been watched by the American
troops day and night. Many have been
captured. Some of them AA-ere disguised
in Avomen's clothing. Plots of all kinds
have been rife. There has been constant
fear for weeks that a massacre and con
flagration would be attempted. Gen. Otis
warned his officers to be ever vigilant and
since the first battle on Friday four troops
luiA-e guarded all quarters within the linos.
Anciento Lanson , president of Negros
Island , called on Gen. Otis with his fel
low delegates. They assured Gen. Otis
of the hearty support of the Yisayas. The
government of Negros , they declared , Avas
in favor off American rule. The commis
sion offered to raise an army of 100,000
Yisayans to fight the Tagalos on the isl
and of Luzon.
dmiral Schley is proud of the full-dress
uniform Avhich he Avears on ceremonial oc
Gen. Palmer is preparing a series of ar P
ticles reminiscent -Lincoln , with Avhom f
lie Avas intimate. r
The Queen of Greece is the only AA-oman
admiral in the AA-orld. She holds this rankin
in the Russian navy. b
Ex-Gov. Taylor of Tennessee granted tl
G03 pardons , commutations and respites j
during his two years in office. a
Before Representative Jerry Simpson ati
became a ranchman he was for several tin
years a sailor on the great lakes. n
Secretary Long is not fond of society , a'
and generally prefers not to take part
in that side of Washington life. "
John R. McLean has offered to defray
the cost of collecting a complete history
of Ohio for the Congressional Library. tly
Tames F. Warner , well known over all y
the Northwest as a miner and promoter , redi
is the original of Mark Twain's "Colonel
Mulberry Sellers. "
I >
The next Senate will have three mem n
bers who have given considerable atten ni
tion to elocution. They are Senators tl
Quarles ( of Wisconsin , Beveridge of In tlol
diana and Simon of Oregon. oln
N. B. Scott , the new Senator from West n
Virginia , , made his fortune , like Senator di
Turner of Washington , in mining. He V
was born in a log cabin and was left an in
orphan while still a small boy. inJi
Representative Francis G. Newlands ,
who was a rival of William M. Stewart ed
in the Nevada senatorial fight , is an old fc
crony of Senator George P. Wetmore of AV
Rhode Island , whose classmate he was at AVh
Yale. ol
Gov. J. G. Brady of Alaska was once olai
a homeless boy in New York. He was sent 0
to an Iowa farmer by the Children's Aid ti
Society , which later assisted him through tiP
college. He first went to Alaska as a in
missionary. inP
Gen. Otis , the commander of our forces od
in the Philippines , is said to be a man of PCbi
laconic speech who rarely utters more "
than one short sentence at a time , but st
manages to make that sentence epigram stui
matic and full of meaning. uibi
Gov. Stanley of Kansas recently receiv ni
ed this note : "Dear Sir : I understand you tL
said you was going to take a week off to reA
tear up the big pile of letters asking you A
for jobs. If everything else is gone , I re
would like the job of tearing up letters. " tl
Captain John H. Surratt , whose mother
was hanged for the murder of President
Lincoln , is a trusted employe of a Balti 0 (
more steamship line.
Congressman James A. Tawney of Min gi
nesota owns the last communication in giC
writing made by the late Representative
Judge William Butler of Philadelphia , reh ;
who has resigned from the bench of the cc
United Sfates District Court , learned the
trade of a printer in the office of the West st
Chester ( Pa. ) Village Record. Among the gi
other boys in the office at the same time p ]
was Bayard Taylor. te
The House on Friday finally passed the
sundry i civil appropriation bill , to which
- week. No important
it i had devoted OA-er n
tant t amendment had been adopted. The
Speaker's J ruling upon the motion to re
commit the bill , Avith instructions to in
corporate in it the Nicaragua canal
amendment , Avas sustained ! " ) . " to 90. A
bill Avas passed authorizing the President
to appoint fiA'e additional cadets-at-large
to the naA-al academy. The evening ses
sion Avas doA-oted to private pension legis
lation. The naval personnel bill , for
Avhich the Navy Department has been
contending for so many years , Avas passed
by the Senate. It Avas under discussion
for f several hours , but was passed prac
tically in the form in Avhich it was no-
ported by the Senate committee. Th re
mainder of the day's session Avas de-voted
to passage of bills on the private pension
jdendar , seventy-four in number , and to
the reading of the Alaska code bill.
The Senate-spent most of the day Satur
day on the postoflice appropriation bill.
but failed to complete it. An echo of the
old star route developments Avas hanl
Avhen several Senators criticised the
od by Avhich a combination of spe
secured the star route contracts. Sever
al bills of minor importance Avere passed
early in the day. The Uouse spent two
hours upon the naval appropriation bill
without making any progress. The re
mainder of the session Ava deA'oted to
eulogies upon the life and public service *
of the late Representative No rt Invar , of
Ohio. The paragraph in the bill relating
to the naval academy , against Avhich Mr.
Mudd ( IU > p. , Md. ) raised a point of order ,
was stricken out , the point of order being
sustained. Mr. Mudd then moved addi
tional appropriations of $720,000 for the
completion of the buildings at the acad
emy authorized in the last naval bill.
During almost six hours Monday after
noon the postofiiee appropriation bill \\-ii *
under discussion in the Senate , the time
being consumed largely by Mr. Butler
( Pop. , N. C. ) and Mr. PettigreAv ( Sil.
Rep. , S. D. ) in an amendment providing
that the postal commission should pre
sent its final report to Congress by March
3 , 1000. Failing after many trials to ob
tain unanimous consent for the insertion
of the amendment in the bill , Mr. Butler
permitted it to come to a vote. It Avas
defeatud 27 to 19. Mr. Hawley. chairman
of the Military Affairs Committee , moved
to take up the army reorganization bill ,
unanimous consent haA-ing been refused
to take up the measure without displac
ing the unfinished business the anti-
scalping bill. Mr. IIjiAvley's motion pre
vailed , 44 to 20. this making the army bill
the unfinished business. A separate bill
appropriating $20,000,000 for payment to
Spain under the provisions of the treaty of
Paris was passed by the House under
suspension of the rules. The Senate bill
to reimburse the Governors of State * for
expenses paid by the States in organfeug
volunteers for service in the war Avith
Spain before their muster into the ser-
A-ice of the United States also Avas passed
Formal discussion of the Hull-HaAvley
army reorganization bill was begun i'u
the Senate Tuesday afternoon. Mr.
ILnvIey and Mr. Warren. Republicans.
supported the measure , and Mr. Mitchell
and Mr. Cockrell , Democrats , opposed it.
Avhile Mr. Proctor , Republican , addressed
the Senate in faA-or of some amendments
Avhich he had proposed to the bill. The
postolfice appropriation bill Avas laid be
fore the Senate and its consideration Avas
resumed. < At 2 o'clock the debate closed
and the voting began. Mr. ButlerN
amendment reducing the amount paid to
railroads ! Avas defeated. 45 to 13. The
bill : Avas then passed. The House reached
the last page of the naval bill and ad
journed Avith a point of order pending
against ; a provision fixing the price ot
armor plate at ? 54f > per ton. Much of the
time was occupied in debating the amend
ment ; offered by Mr. Mudd ( Rep. . Md. )
appropriating ' 9720,000 to complete tha
three buildings authorized to be erected
at the naval academy at Annapolis. The
House adopted the amendment , 75 to 53.
The House on Wednesday inaugurated
the custom Avhich has preA-ailed'for many
years ( in the Senate of listening to the
reading of Washington's farewell ad
dress on Washington's birthday. TAVO
hours Avere devoted to the - - -
pnation ! bill.
The consideration of the
naA-al ; bill AA-as suspended to allow the
members of the House to pay tribute to
the memory of the late Senator Merrill
A ermont. The session of the Senate
Avas devoted to tAvo special orders the
reading of '
Washington's fareAvell ad
dress. an annual custom of the Senafia on
Washington's birthday , and th renouncing -
nouncing of eulogies on the late Senator
Justin S. Merrill of Vermont.
The naval appropriation bill finally pass
the House Thursday !
afternoon afte-
four days of acrimonious debate , mo.st of
which Avas spent the
upon question of re
habilitating : the naval academy at Annap
olis in accordance with the scheme in
augurated by the appropriation of 9500. ,
000 ( in the last naA-al bill and the proposi *
tion to increase the maximum price to bo
paid ! for armor plate to ? 545 a ton. exist
ing laAv limiting it to $400. Upon both
propositions > the Naval Committee suffer.
signal defeats. The amendment to
build a great armor plant Avas ruled out
upon 1 a point of order. During the entire
session , until 0 o'clock , the Senate had
under consideration the river and harbo ?
bill. Good progress was made , eighty-
nine pages having been disposed of. with
the exception of one amendment. A bill
reported from the Committee on Military
Affairs permitting volunteer regiments to
retain their colors and to deposit them in
the ; State capitals Avas passed.
Telegraphic Brevities.
Uncle Sam gets something -
OA-er $30-
000,000 a year in taxes out of tobacco .
The "thoroughbred department" of the
great Stanford stock farm at Palo Altn
Cal. , is to be abolished.
The Memphis Cotton Planters' Journal
reports that a cotton grower in Mississippi
has trained 200 African
monkeys to pick
Emperor William of Germany has is
sued an imperial decree
gratitude to God for allowing him
plete the fortieth year of his
tenth of his reign