Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, March 02, 1899, Image 11

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    TVnitlag to Take Hola.
You know the misery of sciatica is
awful. Well , if you love misery bettei
tliaii cure , let it go on , but St. Jacob *
Oil is wafting to take bold , subdue the
pain and set you all right.
A Puzzler.
"Are you superstitious ? "
"Well , yes , a little. What about it ? "
"J only wanted to ask you what kind
of luvk it is for a left-handed man tc
see the moon over his right shoulder ? "
Cleveland Plain Dealer
"The Importance of Informing the
Public of the Vnlue of an Article
Through the Leading Newspapers.
The few remedies which have attained
to worldwide fame , as truly beneficial ic
effect and giving satisfaction to millions
of people everywhere , are the products of
the knowledge of the most eminent phy
sicians , and presented in the- form most
acceptable to the human system by the
skill of the world's great cliemist ; and one
of the most successful examples is the
Syrup of Figs manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. Unlike a host cf
imitations and cheap substitutes. Syrup of
Pigs is permanently beneficial in its ef
fects , and therefore lives and promotes
good health , while inferior preparations
are being cast aside and forgotten. In
olden times if a remedy gave temporary
relief to individuals here and there , it was
thought good ; but nowadays a laxative
remedy must give satisfaction to all. If
you have never used Syrup of Figs , give it
" tri\lj and you will be pleased with it ,
"and will recommend it to your friends or
to any u ho suffer from constipation , 01
from over-feeding , or from colds , head
aches , biliousness , or other ills resulting
from an inactive condition of the kidneys ,
liver and bowels.
In the process of manufacturing the
pleasant family laxative made by the Cal
ifornia Fig Syrup Co. , and named Syrup
of Figs , figs are used , as they are pleasant
to the taste ; but the medicinal properties
of the remedy are obtained from an excel
lent combination of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and to act most bene
ficially. As the true and original remedy
nnined Syrup of Figs , is manufactured by
the California Fig Syrup Co. only , a
knowledge of that fact will assist in
avoiding the worthless imitations manu
factured by other parties. The company
Las selected for years past the leading
publications of the United States through
which to inform the public of the merits
of its reuu'dy , and among them this
paper is im-hided , as will be seen by
reference to our advertising columns.
Christnins iJinner ; it tlie North Pole.
' Life in the frozen north is not so for
bidding or bereft of comfort , ifve may
believe what Lieut. Peary tells us. This
famous American explorer saj's that
his Christmas menu while north of the
Arctic cir.-Iv ? generally consisted of
broiled sainon trout with tomato
sauce , potato patties , olives , roast sad
dle of reindeer , cheese , sweets , nuts ,
raisins , champagne , cigarettes and cof
$ :3OOO for a. New Corn.
That's what this new corn cost. Yields
313 bushels per acre. Big Four Oats 250
bushels Salzer's Rape to pasture sheep
and cattle at Hoc. per acre yields 50 tons ;
potatoes $1.1:0 : per bbl. Bromus Inermis ,
the greatest grass on earth ; Beardless
Barley ( JO bushels per acre ; 10 kinds
grasses and clovers , etc.
Send this notice to JOHN A. SALZER
lOc. stamps and receive free great Cata
logue : GOOU Corn and 10 Farm Seed
Samples. ( c. ri )
Special Bicycles for Japs.
The Jana'iese are as a race , so small
that i : is necessary to build specially
ow bicyclt - , for Them.
Every cough makes
your throat more raw
and irritable. Every j §
cough congests the lining
membrane of your iungs.
Cease tearing your throat
and lungs in this way.
Put the parts at rest and
give them a chance to
heal. You will need some
help to do this , and you
will find it in
From the first dose the
quiet and rest begin : the
tickling in the throat
ceases ; the spasm weak
ens ; the cough disap
pears. Do not wait for
pneumonia and con
sumption but cut short
your cold without delay.
Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral Plaster should be
over the lungs of every per
son troubled with a cough.
Write- „ - .
TJnus 1,3 and long or-
pertain. . . . ntly qualify us for
medical ndvlce. "Write
rccl y r. uu particulars lu your case ,
Tell us rial your experience haa
been v. our Cherry Pectoral. You
re. > i a prompt reply , without
A ess , DE. J. C. ATER.
Lowell , Masa.
One Boxen Facts.
Nothing fries crisp that is wet.
Egging and breading should be done
fifteen minutes , and flouring immedi
ately before frying.
A frying basket should not be al
lowed to touch the bottom of a kettle.
A hot , clear lire is indispensable to
success in broiling.
A gridiron or wire broiler should bo
cleaned thoroughly every time it is
A broiler should be heated hot and
rubbed with suet , or other fat , before
the meat is put on it.
All broiled meats should be served as
soon as they are cooked.
The same broiler must not be used
for meats and fish.
To make light , llaky pie crust , all the
ingredients must be very cold as well
as properly compounded.
More fat is required to make flaky
piecrust of bread flour ( spring wheat )
than of pastry flour ( winter Avheat. )
Too great heat causes a meringue to
rise and theu fall , making it leathery
and thin.
Hub the top of cake with .1 little dry
flour , and the icing will adhere more
Successful Dyeing.
* Take four ounces of blue vitriol leone
one pound of logwood ; dissolve the
vitriol in a little lukewarm water ; put
six gallons of water in an iron vessel ,
add the vitriol and the goods to be
dyed just as many goods as the water
will cover. Cotton and wool will color
the same. Punch down at the sides
and let boil moderately three-quarters
of an. hour , then remove , drain and
wash in a solution of water and snap ,
warm , the home-made lye soap is the
best. Now use the same Quantity of
clear water , as before , add the log
wood , stir well and let boil. Tiace the
goods in slowly and boil same length
of time. Wash as before , being partic
ular to rinse well. Hang in the sun to
dry. Always choose a clear day for
dyeing , as the sun helps to brighten
the color and give the goods a new
Buttermilk Yeasl.
Take one pint of fresh buttermilk and
put in a stow pan to boil. When it boils
stir in enough white corinneal to make
like thick gruel. Let it boil up well ,
then remove from the lire and let cool.
When milkwarm stir into this one cup
of good yeast : set in a warm place to
rif-o. In two hours it should be uicv
and light. Then thicken with cornmeal -
meal and make into cakes. Do not put
salt , sugar , flour or hops in this yeast.
Make bread the same as with bop
yeast. In making new yeast use a cup
of ihis yeast for starting.
To Fwccten Pork.
Where salt pork or bacon must be
depended upon for a meat supply , it is
A\orth knowing that to parboil the
slices in water in which turnips have
boon or are boiling gives to the moat a
flavor much liked , and a browning
quality very pleasing to the eye. Al
ways have the pan hot before laying
the slices on to fry. They require
watching , as the meat bums quickly
after thus parboiling. Soaking in but
termilk for two or three hours is an
other way of sweetening pork or bacon
which is to be fried.
To Polish Floors
Here is an excellent floor polish , the
recipe for which comes from Japan :
To one pint of linseed oil add a pint
of strong cold tea. iwo ounces of spirits
of salts and the whites of two eggs.
Mix thoroughly and pour into a large
bottle. Shake the bottle well before
applying the polish. Tour half a teaspoonful -
spoonful on a mop or pad of old soft
silk and rub the wood with it. follow
ing up the grain. Polish with an old
silk handkerchief. The result will
compensate for the tedious and care
ful labor necessary.
The Invalid's Pillow.
A small , fluffy pillow which can be
rolled into any shape is : i great comfort
on top of a larger pillow or bolster , and
may be made to fit closely to the aching
point. ' A frequent careful punching
from the sides leaves them fluffy and
soft again , and this beating oi' the pil
lows may be done quite effectually in a
quiet manner. A noisy stirring action
is sometimes more trying to a weak
person than the hard pillows. Wom
an's Home Companion.
"Whisky and Snakebite.
Another popular delusion is shatter
ed. Prof. Leonard Stejneger , a United
.States Government expert , says that
whisky , instead of being an antidote
for snakebites , according to the gen
eral belief , is really an aggravation of
the trouble , as it accelerates the cir
culation of the blood and hurries the
poison through the veins and arteries
with greater rapidity than it would
otherwise have. New York Tribune.
To I\cmn\e Mildew.
To remove these unsightly patches
from linen , stir a quarter pound of
chloride of lime in a g.sllon of cold
water. Let this settle for an hour ,
then pour off the liquid without dis
turbing the sediment , and soak the mil
dewed articles in this for two hours.
hang the clothes out to dry.
If white clothes are well soaked in
very warm water containing plenty of
soap and a little kerosene , they need
not be boiled. With a slight rubbing
and a little borax added to the rinsing
water , they will be white and nice.
Ilia Changed Iistatc Brought Home to
Him by an Act of Omission.
"I have been interested , " said a man
of fallen fortunes , "in. noting e effect
uf myself , under my changed condi
tions , upon other people , and it has
been especially gratifying to me to ob
serve that , so far as ordinary indica
tions go , I am still counted as of my
old standing in life. In other words ,
apparently , I do not reflect my changed
conditions in my bearing or manner ,
but I am still accepted at the old valu
ation , at least by the stranger.
"Thus as I walk along the street I
am as often , as ever saluted with :
" 'Cab , sir ? '
"I am bound to say , though , in the
interests of exact truth , that I hear this
now more often by night than I do by
day , when my garments , which are be
ginning to show the signs of wear , are
more plainly visible. But I am as often
as ever approached by beggars , and in
all my various walks I fiud no lack of
courtesy. There is one point at which
my fallen fortunes are realized , and
that is at my tailor's , though even this
is made known to me in a purely nega
tive manner by the simple omission to
send me the semi-annual announcement
of new goods which the establishment
sends out. In the old days , when my
account was certain to be paid , and
with reasonable promptness after the
presentation of the bill , I was invited
lo take any length of time that I de
sired in which to pay , if time were any
object to me. Now I am simply not
invited to buy at all. I am no longer a
man of resources , and my custom is uo
longer desirable.
' ' 1 don't kliovof any more business
like or polite way in which this intima
tion could have been conveyed , and I
regard it as fully justified , even though
it does inevitably convey with it , how
ever delicately , a judgment that I am
out of it ; and. so far as that is con
cerned , it is undeniable that the mathe
matical chances are that I am. But I
kind o' wish they'd kept on sending me
the circular. I wouldii' have sought to
buy anything , and the circular would
have given me pleasure. Its absence is
the only formal recognition of uiy
fallen fortunes. " Chicago Inter Ocean.
Tradition of the "Wedding
The wearing of the Avedding ring on
the third finger of the left hand follows
the custom of the Egyptians , who be
lieved that finger to be directly con
nected by a slender nerve to the heart
itself. And as these ancient worship
ers of Isis held this finger sacred to
Apollo gold was therefore chosen as
the metal for the ring.
Story of the Time When Boston Feared
the Spaniards.
It has been stated that one of the
leading qualities exhibited by electrical
engineers during the war was re-ali
nes of resource. This is well illustrated
in a story told by one of the officers of
the corps. There was a good deal of
uneasiness about that time around Bos
ton , as no one knew but the Spanish
fleet was sailing straight for the city ,
and shells might be flying within twen
ty-four hours. One Saturday morning
orders came down to a squad of en
gineers to set up before night a com
plete isolated plant for searchlight
work on one of the fortifications in the
harbor. The man in charge of getting
the boiler down the bay could get no
suitable lighter anywhere , so they sim
ply plugged the holes in the boiler ,
rolled it off the pier , hitched it to a
tug , and towed it down the harbor ,
kept afloat by the air inside it. The
men who had to take down the engine
and dynamo managed to get their machines -
chines lauded , but there they waited ,
with apparently no prospect of going
On the whole island there was only
one truck strong enough to carry the
machines from the dock to the fort ,
and that was in charge of an Irishman
in the employ of the city of Boston ,
who doggedly maintained that he took
no orders except from the city offi
cials , and the authority of the United
States Government was nothing to
him. It was alreadjr late in the after
noon , and there was no possibility of
reaching the office of the authorities in
time to secure the permit. The men
simply took the driver to their bar
racks , got him dead drunk and did
their own driving. And the searchlight
shone down the bay that night Bos
ton Transcript.
How 3IcCarthy Benefited. One Man.
T. H. McCarthy , the sou of Justin
McCarthy , who has been lecttiriug in
this country on Omar Khayyam , says
that after a lecture in Brooklyn one of
the hearers thanked him for his exposi
tion of the Persian poet's work , and
added : "I never before knew the differ
ence between Omar Khayyam and
Hunyadi Jauos. " Saturday Evening
In Boston.
r Irs. Le Count of Chicago ( calling on
Mrs. Stimleton of Boston ) I suppose ,
of course , you have a telephone in'your
house ?
Mrs. S. Oh , my dear Mrs. Le Count ,
we use direct thought transference ; we
have a speaking tube. Boston Tran
i ACKACHE is a symptom.
Something- makes the backache and that something
requires attention or the backache can never be perma
nently stopped. " I suffered for years with a long list of
troubles , " v/rites MRS. C. KLENK , of Wells , Minn. ( Box 151) ) , to
Mrs. Pinkham , "and I "want to
thank you for my complete re
covery. LydiaE. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound is a wonderful
medicine for women.
" I had severe female complaints
causing terrible backache and ner
vous prostration ; was dizzy most of
the time , had headache and such a tired feeling. I now have
taken seven bottles of your Compound and have also used the
Sanative Wash and feel like a new woman. I must say I never
had anything help me so much. I have better health than I
ever had in my life. I sleep well at night , and can work all
day without feeling tired. I give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound all the
credit , for I know it has
cured me of all my
troubles. I would not
do without your reme
dies for anything. "
Meade , Mich. , writes :
"Two years ago I was
troubled with constant
backache and
headache and
was very nerv
ous. I resolved
to try your medicine -
> cine and took two
bottles of Lydia
E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com
pound , and on taking
the third a tumor was
expelled. I was a little
frightened and sent for the doctor ; and he said that it was for
tunate for me that it came away. I got quite well after that
and have your Confound alone to thank for my recovery. "
Multitudes of women suffer constantly with backache. Other
grateful multitudes have been relieved of it by Mrs. Pinkham's
advice and medicine.
Cut this ad out uml > en 1 to us with gl.RO. stat *
whether Uents'or Ladles' , iind will -.cnil you
press. ( . ' O. D. subject to exam
ination. Kumrnr It at your
express tittlrc ari'l if yon
fln'l H ageniiinr lV.I3iao4el
bicli grade ? 40.00 ACS *
JKVVEI. 03 represented ,
ami the grandest hargila
you ever heard of. pay
the express airrnt the
balance. SI5.95aniS
jezpress charges.
Ja Ollf of tiie br.t Mcjrtle *
in a dp , finest steil tubinjf ,
best mate rial through
out , drop for.ro connetv-
tions. full ball bearing ,
two-piece hanger , high
Krade puarantte Isini
tube tires , hlch jrrade equipment throughout , finest finish , enameled blatL. prtrn or marona. l . nd-oitie nickel
trimming , any srear. 20 , 22 , 24 or 26 inch frame. WE SEND A BINDING ONE TEAK GI'AKANTEC. HKUt.K TO-D1Y.
YOU CAN SELL ONE A WEEK "Address prime nncDimv " . nni.n \ CHICAGO it i
AT G3O.OO EACH. , SEARS , ROEBUCK & GO. ( Inc. ) , , ILL
is on every box of LAXATIVE BRQ&JG QUININE TABLETS , Accept no substitute represented to be "just 23 good , "
SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS IH jim Druggists refund tlie money
THE UNITED STATES if it fails to cure.
The Boy Spoiled the Dinner.
There was company for dinner , and
the platter in front of the host contain
ed : i line roast of beef. lie drew the
sharp carving knife across the ringing
steel for a few times , just because that
is a way carvers have , drove the fork
deep into the steaming beef , described
a scalping-kuife flourish in the air and
gracefully began operations. Two nice
' marbleized slices clear across the roast
had resulted , and he was turning off
the third when the blade struck a
skewer , made a sliding upward motion
and came out at the top with a result
that the proposed slice looked like a
frost-bitten leaf curled by the sun.
The man could not say intense things
in the presence of his guests , but he
froze his wife with a look , made a
grim joke about the iudigestibility of
roasted hardwood , inquired whether
the butcher also ran a woodyard , dug
the skewer out viciously and ordered
little Willie , who had made several at
tempts to tell something , to keep stiller
or leave the table. His evident temper
led to an embarrassing silence , and lit
tle Willie saw an opening that he could
not resist.
"Cook has burnt her nose orful , " he
"Too bad , " said the father , whose
good humor was coining back. "How
did she do it ? "
"Tryin' ter pull them skewers out
with her teeth. " Detroit ree Press.
One ThiriK Needful.
Smith I want to give uiy typewriter
girl an appropriate Christmas present.
What would you suggest ?
Brown Well , if she's like mine I
think a pocket dictionary and speller
would be the proper thing.
i'robably the most active lady in Eu
rope ? is tlie Queen of the Belgians , whenever
never sits down except when she is
taking a meal or playing on the piano
or the harp. Her majesty is a first-rate
For Infants and Children.
Hie Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Not His Fault.
'I don't know , " said the doctor who
was examining the applicant for in
surance. "I'm afraid there may be
trouble over your expansion. It isn't
so great as it ought to be. "
"Oh , " replied the man ; "if that's all ,
we can soon remedy it. I'll move out
of my flat into a house where I may
practice for a-week or two and get
back into my old form , if you say so. "
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications , as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There is only out'
way to euro Deafness , and that is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in-
Hamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear
ing , and when it is entirely closed Deafness is
the result ; and unless the inflammation can betaken
taken out and this tube restored to its normal
condition , hearing will be destroed forever ;
nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh.
which is nothing but an inflamed condition of
the mucous surfaces.
"Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness ( caused by catarrh ) that can
not be cured by Uall's Catarrh Cure. Send for
circulars , free.F. .
F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O.
by Druggists , 75c.
The Cuinminsville
"The average politician , " said the
Cumminsville sage , "regards a cam
paign somewhat after the way of a
bottle. He won't open it unless he
thinks there is something in ir. " Cin-
nati Enquirer.
Make Sure.
There have been years of misery suf
fered from a little nerve because St.
Jacobs Oil was not used to cure neural
gia , which affected it. Make sure and
don't wait.
A scientist estimates the time since
the earth became suiliciently cooled to
become the abode of plants and ani
mals to be about 110.000,000 years , with
in limits of error ranging between 15-
000,000 and 30,000,000 years.
A fine person or a beauteous face are
in vain without the grace of deport
ment. Churchill.
WANTED. Casooriiad health that If I'P'.VXSwill
not bi-ucllt. Send f c-ent3 to III pans Clienilc.il C'
New York , for 10 samples and 1.000 testimonials.
HIr. . AVlnilow's booTHiNo STBDP lor Children
teetlnDK ; sotteus the Ktiias. reances infltmmatiou
sUays pain , cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottle.
A few folds of newspaper under the
cake tin prevents it burning while in
the oven.
& revity Is the Sou ! of Wit. 3 S
Good Wife , You
"I nave Rene 14 day * at a tlmo vrlthont n.
movement of the bowels , not being able to
move them except by using hot water injections.
Chronic constipation for seven years placed me ! a
this terrible condition ; during that time I did ev
erything 1 heard of but never found any relief : such
was my case until I began using CASCARCTS. I
now have from one to three passages a day , and if I
was rich I would give S100.00 for each movement ; It
is such a relief. " AYLMEKL. HUNT.
16S9 Russell bt. Detroit , illch.
\ $ $ %
Pleasant , Palatable. Potent , Taste Good. Do
Good , Sever Sicken , Weaken , or Gripe. 10c,20c , tOc.
Sterllac &eadj Cocpujj , Chicago , oatreil , Keir York. 333
Don't be fooled with a mackintosh
or rubber coat. If icu wantacoat
that will ke-p you dry in the hard
est storri buy the Fish Brand
Slicker. If not for sals in your
town , wt/te for catalogue to
A. J. TOWER. Boston. Mass.
please s y yon caw the advertisement
la tUla papex
ish to 3in thia rear ? , , Uf )
new customs' . nml ht-cca oiler
" IPkg. ] 3 JJay ciHili.h . Juc
1 Pku. Early Kiyo rabbis . . V < c
1 " Eariieti R.l Vest . . . 1
1 " J-or Li h'r V < scomber 1IOC
1 " Salzpr > } ! e-r Lmuto . 1JC !
1 " California fix Tomato. . a-
1 " Early Dinner Onion aJ'c
3 " Brilliant Flower Sseiis. . . 15o
Worth $1.00. for 14-Cts.
Abova 19 pk - . worth il.C-J. v
mail you fre , tootherr..h O".r „
I'lnnt au i Seed t'atalogue. uio.-i re
ceipt of this nctlte end 1-to po-raso
jj you once try ulzer' * Seed * jca will
- , .J - "ever KBC alone without them Cn-
-j ji m
i f2Sl'SiS ' S.3lon Seed GHcanl apulb. I'otu-
i5S CSS feKf to" ct if-1. 0 a bt > I. Catalogue
-werca" aione 5 C6nt * . : 'o. f. > .
i .TOHX A. SALZKII CKI > CO. , ! . Cro te. VI .
a ? a § BSWK
Gives rref in FITS misitcs tni
or a Fi i.Etrial oaritgf S.-J ? > v
Drnsrplst- One lies sent r * 'Pii'l
it JB receipt cf SI.CO. Si bci s Si.OO.
dretsTHOS. rOPlUi ! . raiLi. , Pi. *
A Good Garden
Is a pteasuriami a pr.fitp . - - yaeil ' X. dl-
Tects : i rialit bexnrltu ( . < - < . < r- e 1 i- ' .r th
most bufttrssfii't-iiJiiiK. ' trii' ! ' s r.n I' Ireo.
( . 31. Ci i-Kory A : Son. Mabii'lica < i. Mas * .
Lata Prtac'sjil jsaralzer C. 3. Pension Bar.ac.
.1 jrrs. ia last ar. i
Should for oar
. . . . . . . - samples. The completes : eves
issued. Sioux City Kewspapor lnlonr !
Sioux Cltv. -
Best Cough Sjmp. Tastes Good. Use
in time. Sold