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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1899)
BARGAINS IN tote to tote to tote to tote 4 * AND & 49 49 LANKET tote tote tote tote 49 to 49 To make-room for Spring Goods tote tote 49 tote 4 ? tofr fr frto 49 Dozen Ladies' Fleeced Cotton Ribbed to 49 49 Vests and Pants that sold at 40c now at . . .300 § 49 30 Dozen Wool Fleeced Ribbed Vests and 57cl 49 Pantg that sold at 75 cants now 4 ? 4 ? 50 Dozen Genta Cotton Merino Shirts and 30c | Drawers that Bold for -iO cents now C * 49 Ako a number of those 49 4 49 ? At way dotvn figures 49 49 49 49 49 49 VALENTINE NEBRASKA 49 4 ? 10 quart Dishpan , S cjt Pail , Wash Basin , Quart Measure , graduated , Flour Sifter , 2 qt Pail , Quart Dipper , Soup Ladle , Potato Mash or Large Cake Mould and a Pint Tincup , all best quality of tin hNn. % ijfc ® 10 quart Dishpan , 2 quart Pudding Pan , Wash Basin , Pint Drinking Oup , Quart Dipper , Soup Ladle. Basting Spoon , Grater , and a 2 quart Covered. Pail , all made of the finest Enameled A\rare. * T $ R.O.R. JACKSON DENTIST Ofllce over T. C. Hornby's store Stairway on , vest side Operations as nearly painless as possible. . - _ _ - _ , * - _ - . - J. S. ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness und accuracy Office at Estabrook HonsHon Cherry St. VALENTINE , NEB- O.W.MOREY THE VALENTINE WATCH / MAKER AND JEWELER Carries a full line of sterling - K ling silver novelties FORSALFAT ALL SALOONS IN THE CITY A. M. MORRISSET ! O - tr0 ATTORNEY AT LAW VALENTINE , NEE < ' . A. WELLS J. IVKI.L I WELLS BROS. ENTIST Office ovt'f C'icrrjVm fjRaitJt PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Quigley'f ) Drug Store Front Isights-Upstairs-Red j M. RICE | , BEPKESKNTS THK PAEMERS' MUTUAL and NEBBA3KA MERCANTILE MUTUA ] Insurance Companies of Lincoln M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY Valentine , Nebraska [ 'radices ir. District Court and U. S. Lan < Ollice Icai ! Estate aim Itancb Property bouirht and sold. Bonded Abstractor. 124 DOSES Of our Syrup Sarsaparilla with Iodide of Potassium \vill purify your blood better than any patent medicine you can buy and it costs you no more $1,00 FOR 124 DOSES i DRUG S STORE AVe are agents for Pasteur's J3LA.OKLEG Yaccinc WESTERN NEWS-OEMOCRA1 BOBEBT GOOD , Editor and Publishe Per Vecrr m Atlvnna PUBLISHED EVKRY THUIIS1M.Y. Enlrred at tte Post-office at Valentine. Cherr BOuntY. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. This paper will be mailed regulurl ; to its subscribers until a definite orde Co discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full. tfventx. Georgia Minstrels , February 24. Saint Patrick's Day , March 17. K. P. Masquerade carnival. March 17. County Commissioners March 21 Ansoisor's Meeting -March 21 Easier , April 2. "Washington's birthday yesterday Fine new line of Shoe * at T. C Hornby' * . Wanted Baled hay. Davenport < ! Thacher. Spring begins in just one mor month. Styles in Mackintoshes at 1 C. Hornby'i. A full line of feed always on han at PettTcreTf's. Elegant line of netr dress foods a T. C. Hornby's. Jessie Bowriny returned home t Merriman , Sunday. C. V. Thorn was down from Cod Saturda } ' and Sunday. It would do your soul good to se the editor milk a cow. Frank Rothlentner was down fror Kilgore Saturday on business. F. Mo le , of Cod- , was in Valentin Friday and made this office a call. C. Cole , of Codj- , was in town thi week receiving" medical treatment. D. Stinard is closing out all hi heavy goods suits , overcoats , etc. \V. E. Waite and son Arthur wer in town from Chesterfield this weeli liert White , of Merriman , was i town Tuesda3r on land-office business Quite a number of parties wer kept in town yesterday by the stern Wanted 1,000 bushels of shelle corn and 500 bushels of oata at W. J * Pettycrew's. 48 The reported deal of D. S. Ludwi for the Ferguson property has bee declared off. James D. Corder , of Pine Ridgeha been appointed a carpenter at th Rosebud Indian School. C. W. Bennett , a prosperous rancf man near Simeon , was in town o Monday transacting business. Chas. Girtside , Chet Goodrich an Mrs. Sisler. all of Cody , were in tow Friday on land-office business. Fred Strong , of Brown ] ee , was i town one day the latter part of laa week on a hurried business trip. To Cure a Cold in One I ay. Take Laxative IJromo Quinine Tablets. A rtniKRists refund money if it fails lo euro. 25 ( Tho. genuine has L. P. . Q. on each tablet. P. Balgord and son. of Rosebut were in town the first of the weelf visiting and transacting business. A farm to rent to a farmer for on or three years , cash or grain rem Call at this office for particulars. The Rosebud mail did not run \a terday on account of the stern : which was the severest of the seasor The county clerk is busily engage in inakinr out the assessors' books fo this 3rear and has nearly complete the job. Carlson & Anderson sell a verynea tank heater that all stockmen shoul inspect before buying anything i that line. Miss E. M. Davisson returned horn to Longpine Saturday after a thre < weeks visit with her sister , Mrs. Robt Good. Frank Thorn is working in tin county treasurer's office this week assisting in preparing notices to de linquent taxpayers. Geo. H. Webb , of Rosebud , who ha ; been visiting his father , who was ver ill in Wisconsin , was in town 3Tester lay on his way home. Dr. J. C. Dwver made a trip t < Woodlake Sunday to see Jack Kief ivho has been quite ill. The docto : reports that he is convalescent. D. H. Cronin , the editor of th < O'Neill Frontier , has been appointee postmaster of his town. Congratula Lions are extended from this office. Wm. Ferdon tells us that the losse ; af the Comstock outfit approxhnate < : mly sixteen head instead of thirty a : we reported last week. Little Margaret Brans , daughter of Dr. Evans who has been .seriousl : 111 with the typhoid fever , is , we ar < jlad to state , rapidly recovering.- Norden Borealis. New Goodrich Sewing Machines at T. C. Hornbv's. C. PL Thompson is erecting- barn on his lots in the southeast part of town. Carpenters are at work on the hose house , which ib being- built on lots north of the Emery property. X. Elliott was in from McCann on Monday , havingbuniness before W. E. Haley in connection with real estate in that neighborhood. Insure your farm property and stock againbt fire , lightningand tor nadoes at one per cent in the Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company , of Ne braska. I. M. Rice , agent. 8 Wm. Ballard was in from-his ranch Monday and reported stock withstanding standing- the late cold weather in his neighborhood fairly well , there being scarcely any losses whatever. Valentine citizens think they are having- hard time with their villag-e -water supply , but they have been havingan easy time of it compared to Long-pine and other places. Dr. Peters paid a very hig-h com pliment to our western cattle when he said that a (5-nionths old calf here was so well developed it was readil } mistaken for one Jl-months old. W. H. Carter , who visited friendt and relatives in Spi ing-view for sev eral weeks past , returned last Friday , and now visits at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Shore , in this city. All accounts due me have beer placed in the hands of the Cherr } County Bank and Sheriff Sti ong" , f01 collection. Please settle. 2t JOHN HOFFMAN. John Lord was in town Monday and says the NEWS-DEMOCRAT was misin formed regarding his losses of cattle during the recent cold snap. He says that he didn't lose a head during the "below zero' * weather. Judge Walcott. although having n large law practice , is always prepared to attend to more and takes the proper course to obtain it by inserting inga professional card in the column * of the NEWS-DEMOCKAT. D. S. Ludwig received a car of lime a car of windmills and pumps , and a car of wide tire wagons last week , Dan sold four wagons during the week , and thought business in that line was pretty dull. He sells wagons cheaper than anybody in town. W. H. Sellers , of Gallop , was ir town Tuesday to complete the deai for the Ed Dibble farm , near Gallop , which he purchased. He made thit office a pleasant visit and informed us that the NEWS-DEMOCKAT was a Household necessity with them. Hon. Otto Mutz , ex-state senator , of Keya Paha county , was called tc Otoe county , this state , to attend the last sad rites of his mother , Tuesda } morning. Only one month ago he was summoned thus to attend the funeral of his father. Bassett Eagle , "Bowman's Big City Show" which appeared at the opera house Tuesday evening was rank , ft wouldn't pass muster in a cross-road Indian village. The magic lantern was the best part of the show , which didn't produce one-third of their advertised attrac tions. H. Brockman and Wm. Brown , of Brocksburg , stopped over in the city Tuesday night. Brockman informed a Herald reporter that they had the cattle thieves pretty well located and that there would be a wholesale pull ing match in the near future. Springview Herald. J. W. Ostrander. of Rushville , who owns a ranch on the headwaters of Gordon creek , in the west part of the county , was in town Saturday paying his taxes , and transacting other busi ness. He expressed considerable sur prise over the growth of our town during the last three years. Prosecuting Attorney Morrissey was at Brownlee Monday to try the case of State vs Belding for stealing a calf. The case developed into a personal affair before it was through and Judge Growden , who tried the case , dismissed the defendant. Tom McClain was the prosecuting witness. E. Shackelton. who lives about seven miles this side of Norden. was in town Tuesday with a load of wheat which he sold to the Minnechaduza Mill. He was one of a party from the same locality , consisting- George and Roy Hancock , Johnnie Brock. Rudolph Langor , Gene Hutchinson , and Bob Roberts. The entire party brought in wheat , averaging fifty bushels to the load. The Georgia Minstrels plaved to the largest house of any like organi zation for five years. ' The program was pleasing in every respect. The special features were Elenora Dardis. Soprano , Chas. H. Marrs , Tenoi , Eddie F. Elliott , Mimic , and the Eclipse Quartette in plantation melo dies. The band and orchestra is un der the direction of Mr. J. H. Ross. Telegram , Columbus. Neb. At Cornell Hall. Friday evening , February 24. f - ci/t To get room for our Spring stock. Get our prices before purchasing We also give a few prices on FOR CASH OregOD Salmon , 3 cans ior 25c B B Oysters , 2 cans for - 25c Ginger Snaps , 3 Ibs for - 25c Baking Powder , S Ibs for 25c Heinz' Pickles , per gallon 25c California Hams , per Ib. , 7c GENERAL MERCHANTS Doesn't care for large sales. lie wants large profits. METHODS CHANGE Small profits and lots of 'em. That's what counts. SEE THE POINT ? If so , for further particulars call on Ranch orders a specialty Fafllham & All our Ileavy Weight Suits , Overcoats and Fur Coats , in men's boys' and children's , go at a sacri fice. fice.Our Our spring stock will soon been on hand and we must have room. D. Stinard , Clothier. Wide Tire \Vagons , Are acknowledged to he the best and to meet the growing demand I ordered and HAVE JUST EECEIVED A CAR LOAD Iii addition to this 1 have just received a car of . "WIND MOTOR" WIND MILLS "Which I am selling very cneaply Try me before buying anything in my line elsewhere Valentine , Nebraska Jj. O. LUQV/ICJ 5O YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anvone sending n sketch and description may inlrsiv ascertain our opinion free whether an ncentum is prohnhly patentcble. Comniunica- tioiis strictly confidential. Handbookon Patents -ofit f rec. Oldest nsency for securing patents. I'-itonts tiiken throush Munn & Co. receive > r fat notice , without charge , in the cientifi t handsomely illn trnted weekly. Jjireest clr- alatioii of any scientific journal. Terms. 33 a fir : four months , § 1. Soldbyall newsdealers. " S&Co.361Brea * New York uvaacb Office. 625 F St. , Washington. I > . C. Our prices on Boots and Shoes are lower than anybody's , quality and fit considered , and we have all rf atyles and sizes. Practical Tailoring in all its branches. Slrayctl or Stolen. Oue white-faced heifercoiningtvrom the spring , branded * - * on left aide and M on left hip. Liberal reward is offered by Chris Jensen , Gallop , Xeb. Xottcc. Taken uu by the subscriber iiYinz iwelv miles southwest ot C'o'l von section 3. township 33. Taupe 35. one lij.h : gray mare 10 or 11 years old , weight aliout 7."x > . no marks or brands to b sei-n. Said m < tre came -nto my premise * about the l.'ith of August , 1SUS , and l"us been to rny premises continually since. since.WILI.IAH MAYBKB. TYi/'cn L'J ) . At mv place near Wood Lake , one two-year old bteer , of Hereford stock , branded O I L o both hips , and X on left bide Just back of Tore lej ; . Owner is requested to rtmove said steer or it will be sold according to law. 45 PAUL KEXXICOTT. Xoticc. Taken up October S , 1SOS , ten mile ? sontk of. Cody. Nebraska , one white cow braiu ea on left side and one red calf with no brand U/ Taken up by X 4 v