ACME OF DISHONESTY. Instead of being an honest and ju : standard of deferred payments , gold i when used alone , an instrument of I galizcd plunder. Instead of maintaii Ing the equity of contracts , it has moi than doubled the aggregate of indivu ual , coiterate and public debts , tin doubling the burdens of the taxpaye Its effect upon the national debt illui trates this proposition. In 1SJG the n tional debt was $2,78:3,000,000. : Sine t'hat ' time we have paid as interest $2 538,000,000 , a sum almost as great s the original debt. In 1SO-1 the debt wa ? 1,071,979,527. Though there has bee a reduction of the debt , if expressed i dollar , there has been an actual ii crease ) expressed in products in whic debts are ultimately paid. It would t < day take more than two and one-hal times as many pounds of cotton to pa whait remains than it would have take to pay the entire amount in 18GG ; o corn it would take nearly double t'h ' amount. AYhat is true of the publi debt is true of private obligation ; When we pause to think of the fac that there has been a general declin in prices of nearly 50 per cent. , or , i other words , an appreciation of 100 pe cent , in the gold standard of deferre payments , then we begin to realize th nature of the tremendous burden whic rests upon the wealth producers wh will either have to meet their obligji tions or become serfs upon the lain which has been made productive b ; their own sacrifice and labor. Basin ; the estimate upon the official figures o the census of 1SOO , it is found that tin interest upon our aggregate debt at per cent , is $2,720J9.322.29 : ! per annum This sum is greater than the annua increase of wealth. To meet this in terest charge not only requires the an nual increase of wealth , but makes i necessary either to compound the in terest or draw from the savings of tin past. This is very nice for the fellow : inside the gold trust. Instead of gel < monometallism being a standard of de ferred payments , it is a standard of le galized confiscation. McKinley and the Trusts. Perhaps President McKinley is no afraid of the currency question , anc then , on the other hand , perhaps he i ; afraid of it. There are certain indications whicl point to the conclusion that currency "reform" will be sidetracked until af ter the Persidential conflict of 1900 At any rate the loud cries of profes sional reformers for action on the mon ey question by the present Congress have been hushed and the Republicans have decided to leave the matter en tirely in the hands of the next Con gress. By the easy pathway of a pro crastinating committee the monetary question will be kept in the back ground and the campaign of 1900 will be fought on a platform of generalities. An esteemed Republican contempor ary is convinced that this committee will discover that its constituents arc in favor of legislation which shall put the maintenance of the gold standard beyond all question , and which shall make it certain that all government and private obligations shall be paid in gold or in gold value money. Of course it is easy to assert that such opinions are held by the constituents of Repub lican Congressmen , but as a matter of fact there are many Republicans who are in doubt on this question. One of the leading Republicans of the nation ( who from his position can hardly be called a constituent ) is not firmly con vinced as to what "reforms" should be made in the currency. This gentleman is William MeKinley , President of the United States. As long as McKinley can evade the issue , as long as he can palter in a double sense , as long as he can talk bimetallism and gold mono metallism in the same breath , he will continue so to do. Extreme gold advocates will have to possess their souls in patience. There is to be a Republican policy of procras tination on the money question. The leaders of the Republican parly realize that the 0,500,000 Democrats who voted for Bryan and silver in 1SOU are to be reckoned Avith , and that the "sil ver lunacy" is still far from being dead much less buried. Chicago Demo crat. A Taste of Imperialism. Sir Charles Dilke of England , in an article in this month's Forum , dis cusses the possible future relations of the United States and ( Jreat Britain. lie necessarily has to touch upon the Philippines and takes it for granted that we are to annex them and "rule them , " as he terms it. As to the ruler he suggests that "no better temporary rulers can be found than American naval officers , under the ireneral con trol , of course , of a prudent and train ed statesman. " The English Lord also says : "Where will the two empires < Great Britain and the United States ) touch ? " How do the believers in a re public like that ? The United State < an empire ! And would not that be Jikely to occur if we start in to "rule" the Philippines ? The next step would be to apply to the mass of the people In this country the policy which tlie American people had themselves in augurated. and the Trusts. When the trusts can make it appear that "reducing the expense of produc tion" will result in giving good wages to employes , then the workingmen in * v Consistently give their support to the Republican party , which is the pro tector of trusts. But until such a show ing has been made a wage-earner win votes the Republican ticket votes di rectly against his own interests. Undei existing conditions , when the working man votes for a Republican candidati he votes to have wages reduced and t < destroy competition , and thus to en banco the cost of the necessities of life It is one of the unexplained problem ; of the day that men who work for t living continue to give their votes to i party which is directly opposed to theii welfare , and which has done and is do ing .all it can to build up an aristocracy of wealth and to establish a peasantry of labor. When a party is under tin control of AVall street and is mauagec by the trusts , the workingman has nothing to expect of that party. The Republicans are perfectly frank it their attitude toward labor. They bol ster the trusts and the trusts sandbaj labor and there you are. IIow lone will labor lend its aid to its own undo ing ? A Good Deal in the Katio. A Democrat who thinks there i "nothing in the ratio" is no Democrat He needs educating. He should get a free silver primer , and learn his A B C's , says the Mississippi Valley Demo crat. The ratio is the whole thing , The addition of the fractional part of a grain to the weight of rhe silver dollar lar would add millions to the debts of the people. It would do even more. It would lessen the tendency of the dollar to circulate , which is one of its most valuable characteristics. A dollar that does not circulate freely fails to perform its natural function , and might as well not be in existence , except as a basis of credit. What we need now , above everything else , is a dollar that will circulate ; and the experience of ages proves t'hat the silver dollar per forms this function better than any other. If there is any legitimate ob jection to the silver dollar it is that it is already too large. The true ratio is IS1to 1. France has proved this by sustaining bimetallism at that ratio , and with the single exception of Mexi co the people of France are in better financial condition than those of any other nation. They have a per capita circulation nearly twice as large as ours and it circulates. The French government , through its folly in sus taining an immense army , is poor , but the French people are rich. The same conditions existed in Jefferson's time , as explained by him in his letters written while he was minister to that country. The French have always maintained bimetallism , and it has made the people rich. Any attempt on the part of their government to enforce monometallism , or the ruinous meas ures of the gold standard , would result in immediate revolution. As a people the French are less submissive to wrong than we are. To talk about in creasing the ratio , or to advise the set ting aside of the financial issue for a wild goose chase after trusts , is to talk idiocy. The people will have none of it. The mother of trusts is the gold standard , and the way to kill trusts is to slaughter the hideous old vultur ? that breeds them. Government for Some of the I'eopic. The real power in the Republican party cares nothing for the fundamen tal principles of our civilization ; the men who really dominate that organi zation have no conception of the real purposes of all government , but look upon it merely as an instrument for the advancement of their individual inter ests. The President is too much of a politician and too willing a tool in the hands of this influence to take a bold stand for the people , for the preserva tion of liberty at home and its exten sion abroad. Louisville Dispatch. Increase of the Army. Army reorganization in the line of in crease means the deprivation of many of the poorer families of this land of sources of support. Who among the "upper crust , " so called , wJU become a representative of the personnel of this iirmy ? It is tire humble , slavish , brave voting man who must bear the brunt of : ill this defense and elevation of the re public uii'der the scheme which is out lined in connection with the imperial policy and colonial extension idea of the administration. Ami what will hi ? their reward ? St. Paul Globe. The Puhlic and Its Servants. Only once in a while , it seems , do the people wake up to the fact that they ire masters and not serfs. For much of Ihe time they go along bowing and scraping to their magistrates and their mayors and their governors and their legislators and their office-hol'ding fel lows in general. For practically all of the time they are under a sense of lopeless subserviency to the persons not at all above their own status in Mtizenship whom they have themselves lothed with official authority. Louis- rille Commercial. An Hnsy Problem. Let us suppose till at property now orjsidercd to be worth $10,000,000,000 huuld be suddenly thrown on the mar- : et to be sold for cash. Obviously it ould bring no more than $10,000,000- K)0 ) , because that is the world's entire tock of money. But suppose that only ; 5.000,000,000 in money is available for he purchase of those particular goods , 5 it not more than that sum , and hence , hat prices would immediately fall no ialf ? STORIES OF SPIRITS. One of Which Was Quite Fasily an Naturally Accounted For. When Spiritualism was comparative ljf new and we were youngsters , w used to hear delightful spooky storie about mysterious actions of furnitur and things , which one never seems t hear nowadays. I remember one abon some people who had guests invited t a grand dinner. The table was sprea with all the dishes , but the meal ha not yet been served. The family ha a great store of beautiful glass an china , and it was all on the table. Fo a moment the servants were all out o the dining-room , and just at that me ment all the people in the rest of th house heard a' deafening crash of fa ! ing dishes ; from the dining-room ther came the sound of glassware precip : tated upon the floor and crushing int fragments , and in the midst of th roar of this wreck there rose to the tei rifled ears of the host and hostess th high , clear note of the smashing o much thin china. Everybody in th house family , guests , servants rusl ed to the dining-room door at the sain moment , expecting to see nothing les than the table overthrown and ever ; precious dish on it broken , and wha did they behold ? The table set in pel feet order , with not a thing on it dis turbed. What had made the awfu crash ? Nobody ever knew. Not a disl was even nicked in that house tha day. The spirits so the story ran t < us had just made a terrible ghostl ; crash for the fun of it and the alarm o the household. I remember that this story impresscc me a great deal more than it woulc have impressed me if the dishes ha < really been found smashed , though i could have been proved that no huiaai being had been in the room at the time I had never before heard of a ghos that was a crash and nothing more. . ' fancy the astonishment of those alleg ed people was not greater than that 01 a friend of mine over an episode not a all similar. This gentleman's wife am daughter were out shopping one after noon , and he reached home ahead oJ them. So far from feeling grieved ant outraged at not finding them there t ( make him welcome , he set to worl pleasantly to give them a surprise bj getting them their supper. He hadn'i much in the house , but he set out whal he had , and placed on each of three plates a nice lot of sardines , and ther went out to make them some tea. lie got it made and came back , and looked at his table in astonishment. His sup per was gone ! The plates which he had put on the table were there just where he had placed them , but they were as clean as when he put them on. He knew that there was not another human being in the house. What sprite had wafted away those sardines ? This is a true story. There was not another human being in the house , but the gentleman owned two delightful cocker spaniels , and they were in the house. AVho can doubt that , as they licked the plates which had contained the sardines , they had said to them selves , "Go to ; we Avill make it unnec essary for our dear master to Avash these plates ? " Boston Transcript. The British Government laboratory last year analyzed 1,5SO samples of so- called "temperance" drinks. Of this number over one-third were found to contain more than the 2 per cent , of al- 2ohol allowed by law. Some of the sam ples contained as much as G to S per ient. AVheii a traveler in the grand duchy ) f Baden wants to send a telegram ivhile he is on the train he writes the nessage on"a post card , with the re- lucst that it be wired , puts on a stamp ind drops it into the train letter box. it the next station the box is cleared md the message sent. Recent observations among Indians shOAV that in South America , as Avell as n North America , the red Avoman lives onger than the red man. But the tverage duration of life is only seveu- : een years for both sexes in the South , ind 22 per cent , of the Indians die dur- ng the first year of life. A SAVSS ! paper relates that near the iieatushole , on the lake of Thun , an icentric hermit has built a cottage , in vliicli he dwells , shut off from the vorld , his food being brought to him y a servant. He is a millionaire of Jasle , afflicted with the mania that omeone intends to poison him. Prompted by the fact that all new of- ice buildings and new fine apartment louses in Manhattan are being provid- d Avith refrigerating tubes and appar- tus , several Brooklyn capitalists have lanned a monster cold storage AAare- louse in which coolness will be manu- actured for private consumption. The recent sale in Boston of the es- ute of Jernegan Avho organized the ompauy and engineered the scheme Dr extracting gold from sea water- bowed that he was not only thrifty , ut "imposing" in more ways than one. t is said that a parlor set apparently f inlaid roscAA'ood AA-as but imitation , ud that hardly any of the .Ternegan nruiture proved to be Avhat it purport- fl to be. "Clarison" is the name of a new lade-to-order language , constructed : om French , Italian , Spanish and 'ortuguese. ' The author of "Clarison" laims that it can be completely mas- ; red in two or three weeks. Apropos of the agitation on the sub- : ct of cheaper postage between this nmtry and Great Britain , it is pointed lit tnat the cost of a first-class ocean assage between this country and Eu- > pe averages about $100. The charge for conveying the same weight of let ters as the passenger Aveighs is ? 1S7. German military authorities haA' < found employment for the Mennonit < private Avho refused to bear arms through conscientious scruples by as i signing him to the company of laborers ! at Magdeburg. They had tested his | religious convictions by keeping him ii ] prison for nearly three years on charge ; ' of insubordination. In Pittsburg a decision was liaudee down the other day in the case of i colored man convicted of the murdei of his Avife to the effect that he must b ( sentenced again , because the judge hai erred in omitting to ask the prisonei before sentence Avas pronounced if h ( had anything to say Avhy the death sen tence should not be declared. The first practical test of a fire en gine mounted on rubber tires Avas made at NCAV York the other day , in response to an alarm. „ It AAas a five-ton engine auel was draAvii noiselessly to the fire at a gallop , running in and out of the street car tracks in a Avay Avhich ofter means an upset , and appeared to be Aery much easier for the horses. One of Manager Gran's opera cemi pany notified him the other day in NCAA York that she did not like the papei on the Avails of her room in a certain hotel. She did not Avish to change her rooms , for they suiteel her , but she de clared that she could not stand the col or of the paper. The point of this story is the fact that the paper AA'as immedi ately changed. The Minnesota building at the Trans- Mississippi Exposition , which AA as the most attractive of all the State build ings , has been presented to Omaha by Minnesota for permanent erection in one of her city parks. A Kansas man had offered $1,000 for it with the idea of moving it to Topeka for a home , but his proposition Avas declined. It has been discoverc-el that the new Tombs prison in NOAV York has been constructed upon plans that are defec tive. The iron girders supporting the floors are carrying more Aveight than they Avill bear. As the contract does not provide for any penalty in the event of tlefective plans the contractor cannot be held responsible , and the ex pense of making the changes , AA'hich may amount to the practical recon struction of the building , Avill have to be borne by the city. In France gold coin is becoming rare in the circulation , as bankers and mon ey changers are sorting it out and sell ing it for export. Inasmuch as the smallest bank notes are for 50 francs each , some inconvenience is resulting from this. In Germany the extreme ac- tiA'ity of the electrical trade is absorb ing large sums of money ami has a good deal to do Avith the high rates. As an example of the extent to which the industry is being developed , it may be said that one of the large companies , AA'hich had in 1889 4-12 men in its fac tories , noAV has over 0,000. REQUIRES JOLLY MEN. Undertakers Must Be Good-Natured to Stand the Constant Strain. An undertaker Avho does business up town Avho is fat and jolly and Avho loves the good things of life and can laugh until his sides shake at a joke , bared his leg in the cooliug-off room and sheAved a lot of black and blue marks just above the knee. "That's AA'hcre I pinch myself to stop laughing at some funerals , " he said. "You know that the undertaker , of all people , Is not permitted to eAen smile at the last sei'A'ices of the dead and the fun-loA'ing element in my nature often gets the better of me , even at funerals , so tbat to keep a long face I just grab my leg at the length of my arm and pinch until E ache. Sometimes the pain brings ; ictual tears to my eyes and the folks around me , I suppose , think I am mighty susceptible , and so I am , but Qor to sorrow. "I got these big marks , you see , day before yesterday at the funeral of an 3ld-tiiner in my Avard whom I had jrown up Avith from school days. He svas one of the meanest men that ever ived. He Avas too mean to belong to : he church , and they hael to get a Pres- 3yterian preacher to say a word over .lira , for the priest wouldn't , and when : hat good man talked about the many rirtues and good deeds of the deael and pictured him going round the AA'orld ivith charity and kindness , I thought I voulel go into a fit. Five pinches in ill , good strong ones , I gaA'e myself , ind then I had to leave my place along side the box when I imagined I saw he dead man AA'inkiug at me. "My friends tell me I ought to get out > f the business , but I hold that it needs L Jolly , good-natured fellow like me to ttaud the constant strain of being al- vays in the mix Avith sorrow and ears. " Brooklyn Times. Why He Didn't It is not always easy to be polite. Vitness this from the Chicago Post : "Why don't you ansAver ? " said mad- .mo , impatiently , to the Scandinavian- > n the step-ladder engaged in putting ip new window fixtures. The man gulped and replied gently : "I haAe my inout' full of screws ; I iot can speak till I svaller some. " Needed Everywhere. "Swiggs has invented another kind f metal street car fender. " "What is it ? " "He wears it over his knees to keep eople from stepping on his toes. " 'tick. An Argument. "The minister asked me hoAv I eouhj efend the practice of skating on Sim ay. " "What did you say ? " "I said it might thaw on MondaA * . " > uck. This Avould be a quiet , peaceable rorld were it not for the movements f the under jaw. UNASSAILABLE LOGIC Which'Won n Debate for His Citizen ; of Cyclone Canyon. Our town ball was filled to ovetfloAY ing last Thursday evening with pc pl < anxious to hear the oratorical coutes between the debating societies of Itee Dog and our sister city , Cyclone Can yon. The subject chosen is one of vita interest in this community , namely "Resolved , Should a man stop to argut or pull his gun ? " The Cyclone Canyon contingent ar rived in this city curiy on the eveuinj in question and assumed charge of UK negative side of the question , with Col Hank Bludsoe and Bad Jim as leaders while Short Card Hennessy and Centei Fire Johnson , of this city , undertool to steer the affirmative side to victory We , the editor of the Clarion , and Maj Mosely , the well-known undertaker were unanimously elected judges of th < contest , our decision to be final. Some remarks were passed by th < Cyclone Canyon crowd as to the Stiles : of Maj. Mosely for the position o1 judge , they claiming that it was to his interest in a business way to render i decision calculated to start a row. The Major , however , quickly silenced hi * calumniators by royally offering t ( bury any one killed in the hall thai evening free of cost , and his handsome offer was followed by a roar of ap plause. The debate lasted for a fill hour and a half , and at the conclusion as we were summing up the points anc were on the point of rendering a decis ion in favor of the affirmative side , the Cyclone Canyon crowd got the drop or us and we were forced , rather reluc tantly. it is true , to gracefully yield anc decide as follows : "Resolved , That it all cases , and at any stage of the game the man who gets his gun out first has by far the best of an argument- ! ! ! * Tied Dot * Clarion. INQUIRY SOON ABANDONED. Father ftop ? Questioning Wlieii Sou Mix-jH } I-miT ami History. A 10-year-old ( Vdar avenue boy is quite a reader , considering his tender age. and hi.- ? father delighted in encour aging Iiis literary taste. Not long ago the father suggested to the boy that he should read up on the life and death of Nathan Hale , the spy and hero of the revolution. A ff\v evenings later the father ask ed the hid if lie had carried out his re quest. The hey said he had. * "Who v/as Nathan Halo ? " the father inquired. "lie was stringed up by the British soldiers. " was the s-omewhat irreverent reply. "You should say hanged , " said the father. "Siriiijrcd up is jusl the same , " said The boy. "Xu. " raid the fat her , ' 'it isn't just tii" ! % s : > iu < ' . " "Well. " wild llio bo v. "it's just the same to Nathan Halo. This AVU ; something of a poser , and the father disc-ri-etly changed the sub ject . " why did the British hang Na than Hale ? " lit' risked. "i > -us < - , " replied the boy promptly , v.s- ' ie rubbers ! for Ge-n'ral Tins Viroecr.s ! definition of a spy's duties wr.s too much for the falher , and h" promptly dropped the ITale in quiry tii-i1 ? : tnd thi-n. Cleveland I'lain Dealer. N o Hess Tears. Whwaiting1 ? ! in the tenement house elisiriet in ( hi o a lunn saA" a little child in vv'liltt * ; : ( ] . on the sill of a third siory wi"-i\v. The man did not tvivaia. * ; : : \\-ith a very pale face he ran : u-r srf tlu rirret : : nd up the stair way. TIe tJie right door , as if by insJIiic-f. aii'I opened it softly. He : IAV the ciuIyur id of the child , anel iiuii. as he readied out his hand , the chi-il fei ! out. At tlic same instant lie was s-j/- < 1 ! > y the arm , and a Avom- m's voic ( feujandcd to know Avhat he meant by intrudintr. "The child ! the c-hild ! " he said , in a frantic Avhisper. She has fallen out of the AvindoAv ! " rhe Avoman siniied broadly , and Avalk- ing to the A\-indoAV pulled in the child D.V means of a short and stout rope , ind di'pesiu-d it on a cliair. Then she turned to the amazed man , and said , : ranqtully. "I suppose you mean all ight. bt'i ? iloly : Avasn't in danger at all. [ can't spare time from my work to ivalch her. and she Avill play by the window , so I just tie her up this way. Vhen she frills out and Avants to get Kick she just yells , and I haul her in. " rhe Avoll-nic.'Jiiinp : man left a elime for he child and departed Avoudering. HeV s Xot Taking Coffee. St-rgtant Piersou was one of the jest-liked men in the company , but he wouldn't tolerate fool questions. On the norninjr of July : \ he sat on the bank ) f the intrenchinent , drinking coffee. : Ie was n-aily exposing himself unnec- 'ssarily. One of the men near-by was iervotsly watching him. Their eyes net and the private , somewhat embar- assed. r marked , for the lack of some- hing b tter to say : "Are you taking a cup of coffee ? " A lonl : of disgust spread over Pier- ion's sneaking countenance. "Am I taking coffer-V" he began , nockingly. A Mauser bullet knocked he cup from his hand. "No. sir. " he continued , with added art-asm , "I'm not taking coffee. " New fork Sun. Houses All Built of Zinc. All the iiouses in Beira , East Africa , .re built of zinc. If a person becomes II on the street he is placed on a zinc tretcher. carried to a zinc hospital ud , if he dies , is burned in a zinc offin. The town is called "the zinc ity. " No woman ever went through a hurch service without feeling to see I her dress was all right in the back. Ueii lit of Suppose the premium on gold should go to 10 per cent , here , Avhile golel prices in England remained unchanged , , and they could not fall except from a decrease in the supply of gold , and if gold AA-ent to a premium here its ten dency Avould be to go to gold standard : countries , so that if prices changed at all in such countries the tcn-.Lney Avould be to rise and not to fall. This premium Avould amount then to a bounty on exports of 10 per cent. , pre cisely as in the case of the fall of silver in the trade betAveen England and In dia. For , as it would take 10 per cent , more goods , in the case assumed , to get the same amount of gold here than it would in England , goods would go te > England , until either by overstocking the market there Avith American goods , or from the scarcity of gold , prices iu gold-standard countries Avould come down. But , as before stated , prices AA'Oiild be upheld iu such count rits by the iufloAV of gold from this country. On the other hand , just as in tbe.easfr of India , this condition Avould ch jjk , im ports into the United States , Ifoi- the reason that , gold prices not h.ning ' changed in gold-standard countries goods could not be shipped to the Uni ted States to be sold for our money , and this money reconverted directly or through merchandise into gold a train- without loss. Hence the statem-1 t re cently made in the London NOAV- , that a premium on gold in the United . ntes Avould operate as a protective ta : > u" l& entirely true ; but it would do more- than operate at the same time as a. bounty on exports. Consequently bi metallism for the United Statea'one Avould not only benefit us under condi tions of a stable par betAveen silvt i and gold , but should gold , under coiul c ons of free coinage in the United Stats go to a premium , it Avould still , ami ' .u a still greater degree , redound to t he- benefit of the United States , ami t ake- possible a degree of protection t1' t In impossible under the single gold - .iml- ard. Destroyers of Confidence. The apostles of "sound money"are - ! always in a terrorized condition lest 'confidence" should be destroyed. If a. ' silver man A'entures to say anything ] about the principles of monetary science , he is iiistairtly charged mth being a "repudiator , and a dsturbeH of public confidence. " They are in tal fear of "agitation" ( unless th > ; can elo the agitating ) , and every tluie of their prophesies has failed ( anu they' haAe all failed ) , the failure has IK.u as cribed , iu part , at least , to the ( fit urn- , stance that some silver man hn > .ii something. But Avhen has a gel 1 aia DA'er hesitated to "agitate" and "confidence , " if he could gain an1t ; = n. thereby ? Perhaps someone can j , . -rmj us. The truth is that in the fir- the oid men got in their work s ret- , ly , and demonetized silver wit ho . -n.y body knowing it but tlu'inselu-s. Ofj course , silver could not be ! ' < without discussion and argunn- , as they choose to term it , "agif- n. n.t Nor can any reform be inatig ; t without "agitation. " Those \ \ \l. beneficiaries of a Avrong are n ar.- l.al1 ways opposed to its undoing , ai. : 3H"ort to that end is characterizi t [ ) robriously as an "agitation. " Km ivhen they make an effort to inr. . .heir advantages , that is more A . tnt , y designated a "movement f form. " Silver iNiiiiit Schools. The Silver Night School Lcail.s pro ) arcd for the campaign of 1900. t.i . rj : ogether , make a handy mann il foi campaign Avorkers , sliOAving by : int netical problems the cause ami t tfec ] > f IOAA- prices , the number and - - * eij > f foreclosures resulting from IOAV ) rices , production ami distribution o : ; vc-alrh , and , Avhat every champion o , he people's rights should know , s- * rej hing of the profits realized by oMiIci ] 'trust" corporations. The Conquest of the Vernaeul r. Mrs. Fremont , in her sketch of th1 ife of her father Senator0 'on- ells the folloAving of tim Frenr-h iii < hp ] it St. Louis , at the time of tin * pui ! ihase of Louisiana : "It was a p loner among the older French 1.0 : t earn English ; but the o acquire fluent English for all use ind for use from the pulpit espefl.ill ; "To force himself into familiar j.ra Ice , the Bishop secluded himself lor vhile Avith the family of an Amcric ; armer , Avhere he would heav French. Soon he hael trained eijou o announce a sermon in English. "My father was present , and hi fee ngs can be imagined when the p ; d , refined Bishop said : " 'My friends , I'm right down glad ee such a smart chance of folk * o-day I" Novel Bait for Catching Fish. Dutch fishermen make nstonlsui ] atches by means of the following vd imple plan : They put a numbt-i ive worms and insects in a bottk- ially filled with Avater and then ci t securely. The bottle is dropped i he water , the fisherman sinking iue alongside. It appears that Ight of the Avriggling contents of ottle so excites the appetite of "tl nny tribes that they fall easy vlctij o the baited hooks. Hartland , In Devonshire , has nly three vicars since 17GO. The pr ] nt vicar has held the place since is predecessor held it for sixtyj ears , having served as curaif for ears before , and succeedl& $ "an umbent rrho served tliii'tJ"-se | ears. V-