What does your mirror say ? Does it tell you of some little streaks of gray ? Are you pleased ? Do your friends of the same age show this loss of power also ? Just remember that gray hair never becomes darker without help , while dark hair rapidly becomes gray when once the change begins. will bring back to your hat the color of youth. It never fails. It is just as sure as that heat melts snow , or that water quenches fire. It cleanses the scalp also and prevents the formation of dandruff. It feeds and nour ishes the bulbs of the hair making them produce a luxu riant growth. It stops the hair From falling out and gives a fine soft finish to the hair as well. Wo have a book on tlio Hair and Scalp which you taay obtain free Ujitm request. If you do not obtain all the benefits voa "oipcctcrt from the use of the Vizor , w rite the Doctor ubont It. Address , DU. J. C. AVER Lowell , iilaas. i BSacSs isy Price 60 centa ot all druggists or K. P. Hall & ' Nashua. N. II. THE NEWS SERVICE IS A FEATURE OF THE i'SHEADY PHINTS FURNISHED BY CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION 411 DOUGLAS STREET , SIOUX CITY , IA. Keeps both rider and siJJIe per fectly dry in the hardest storms. Substitutes will disappoint. Ask for Pommel Slicker- 18 7 Fish Brand it it , entirely new. If not for sale in your town , write for catalogue to jj A. J. TOWER. Boston. Mass. FARM SaUcr's Seeds are Warranted t Prodnw. * Mabloi Lulber , Eut Troy , I' . aitoniined the world ! bv pravi ne 2iO lu.heli BIp Four O&ts ; J. Brelder Mlialrolt , Wli. , 173 buiheli Barley , and H. Lovejoy. Red Winir , Minn. , by crowing 3rO bushels Salitr'i Cori . doubt write them. \ \ nl.h | j > er acre. If you e to gain I J frJO neir cnitomers , hence Mill tend on trial 110 DOLLARS WORTH FOR IOc 110 pV : . of rare farnf t di , Ef It Bush , Rape for Sheen I-- $3,000Corn , "Big Four Cat. , " Btardlew Barley , i " " out Tcermli yiildln ; 7 tons hav ptr acr on , oil , etc. , " 40c. Wheat , " ii eluding our mimaioth Seed CaUlogae. ttlling all about our / Fam S ed , etc. , U mailed jou upon receipt , ofbut IOc. pottace , pontively worth 410.tlf . " & 100,000 bbli. S tdl' . $1 SUandupabbl. 25 pf ] i. earlteit Vegetable eat Field of Western Canada , their vastness and pi uetiveness and the bi expanse of the Gras plains east of the Ro Mountains , as well as bountiful row ards for of the husbandman , \ \ hat impressed the V COIIMM Kihtors on their trip through that com last SHIUUUT. Free homes can be had there , ' - obtained from tbe Department of uterior , Ottawa , Canada , or K. liartholomew , Bth St. , Des loiues. Iowa , Agt. for Gov't of Cans A Good Carder I * u pleasure anil n profit Grocery's seed boofc reds a riiihi bcelnnlns fitpvnry's Seed Insure must successful en'lliii ; C- / ' > < . < Jas. .1.11. Ore orv .v . > . sic.nf . . : v i'redioaiuent. Dude ( { ' street giimiu ) Wbat i you lookiat ? Gamin i , . .xing at his interrogatoi Nuthin * . Dude doesn't know wbetUer to \ mad or not. Harlem Life. . . _ Hevvard Offered i'or Merrill's It It is not generally known that a ward was once offered for Senator } rill's life. He told the story him at a meeting of the Vermont His tor Society about four years ago. "In early days of the late war , " he s "my picture was put forth by a n newspaper , with ai advertisement Coring a reward for me. dead or al af $25. That was usually offered the recovery of runaway slaves. T described me as 'a person who u-c be expected to have been the autho "Yankee Doodle" rather than of the fernal tariff of 1SG1. ' The picture v of course , pleasing to the old mas of the South , being after the manne Hogarth , and I have not learned thr has been made immortal by presei tion in any of their historical societ It will be for posterity to say , if pos ity should ever trouble itself to anything , whether or not Vermou made a mistake in not .surrendering for the ? 23 Virginia reward. " Pi burg Dispatch. Embarrassed. The Princess of Wales never car any money about with her. It was so long ago that the princess , on tempting to enter an entertainment cognita , found herself without th shillings required to pay the enlni Cec. Disagreeable February. The discomforts of this month can jscaped by taking advantage of the i .or excursions of the Louisville and Xj rille Railroad to one o the many plea ; -cports of the South. This line offers surpassed facilities for reaching the ci n the South , the winter resorts of jenntit'ul gulf coast , " of Florida , of C "ornia , and of the West Indies. W U. P. Atmore , General Passenger Ag Louisville , Ky. , for folders descriptiv > Florida or the gulf coast. A Go ii ! "iliiti , Indeed , "Kve-u in geography the bencfu plans of nature appear , " remarked Poindexter. "Do they ? " asked Mr. Pcrkasic. "Well , consider for yourself the suit if the CViarics were near Island. " Detroit Journal. Io\vto Avoid Shrinking Umlcrwc No greater personal discomfort car ; > erne than the wearing of undorv ivhich is hardened and drawn up in w ; ng. Yet if care be given the work rouble m.iy be prevented. Impure s md too hot water are responsible imch of the ruin wrought in wasl ivoolen and silk goods. When read : ) esiu , fill a tub half full of warm wn u which dissolve a fourth of a bai [ very soap ; wash the articles througl insp and squeeze , but do not wring. II m the line , while still damp press wit lot iron. By this washing the garmt yill remain soft and white. ELIZA R. PAIIKE1 Feminine Sisterliness. "What made you lose your place the line ? " "Because I wasn't going to be kits > y the lieutenant right after he smsi 3d that odious , peppermint chew Bagley girl ! " Cleveland Plain Dea How's This ! We oiler One Hundred Dollars reward for ae of Catarrh that cannot be cured by II 'KtarihCure. F. J. CIIKXF.Y & CO. . rroi > < = . . Toledc We the undersigned have Iviionn F. J. Clu or the last 15 years , and lvjlie\e him perk lonorable in all business transactions and lii ially able to carry out any obligation mini lioir linn. Vr.sT&Tiu.\x. Wholesale Druc t * , Toledi VAI.DING , KIXXAX & JlAitvix. Whole ) rti { : ; ! sts. Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally. HP ircctly upon the blood and iniicons surface lie system. IMico 7."c per bottl" . Sold bj ) rtiiivts. ; Testimonials fiee. Natural Tootlip eks. Toothpicks prepared by Nature L product of Spain and Mexico. A ct taratively small plant in Kew Gardi vas estimated to have 17,000 , ant arge specimen in the same place co lave had no less than fil.OOO. t. Jacobs Oil cures Rheumatism. 5t. Jacobs Oil " Neuralgia. 5t. Jacobs Oil " Lumbago. 5t. Jacobs Oil " Sciatica. 5t. Jacobs Oil " Sprains > t. Jacobs Oil " Bruises. ic. Jacobs Oil " Soreness. " . Stiffness. > t. Jacobs Oil > t. Jacobs Oil " Backache. " Muscular Aches. > t. Jacobs Oil A Cunning Youth. Auntie A penny for your thought ! Little nephew I was thinking tha . ' kept quiet and pretended to be tin ng you'd wonder what I was think ibout , and say just what you c jimme the penny ! To Cure a Cold in One Day 'ake Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets. .riigirSsts refund the money if it fails toci 3c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tnlj More for Her Money. "I hear that your daughter has br u off her engagement with the con s it true ? " "Yes ; she ran across a chance to . duke at the same figure. " Piso's Cure for Consumption has In . godsend to me. Win. B. McClell Chester. Fla. . Sent. 17. 1S95. A Thoughtful Man. "And did the smell of powder sc ; ou , dear ? " she asked. "No , darling , " replied her hero. ' he first smell of powder I thought ou. " Philadelphia North Americai The Public Awards the Pnlm to Hale'a Hone : orohound and Tar as a cough remedy. Of lragg ; Pike's Toothache Drops Cnro in one Minute. Cleverrst Horses. The broad-headed horses are the cl rest. In the British household ca % y the horses with broad forehe : 2arn their drill nacre rapidly than thers. Mrs. WuiHiv's SOOTUINI ; STHOP lor Child etluiiK : sottfiis the KUQIK. reauces inflsininati ' i * ' -Till r- . ir' - ; . . Itf. . ( ' -"t-i i bOr.tl WANTED. Case of bad hnalth that RTP'A-N'S i ot beucllt. Send 5 cents to Rlpaus Chemical i tew York , for 10 samples and 1.000 testimonials. He Saw Too Much. .Taggs My dear , you are getting b jr looking as you grow older. Yc cauty appears to have doubled. Mrs. Jaggs That will do , Mr. Jag ou've been drinking again ! THE RUSE OF A DETECF1V How n Sleuth Managed to Get an mission Under l-ifiicnltics. "I had to resort to a queer ruse to get an admission from a man I after , " said a private detective. ' 'T had been some trouble at a club twoen two young men. One thrc glass of wine into the other's i The other did not resent the iusul he should have done. When his fa heard of it he threatened to disinl hi ? son unless he whipped the man had thrown the wine in his face , father was a member of the same and he made a wager of a wine su that his son could and would whit other fellow. Soon after this the met the man who had insulted him whipped him. The fight occurred prominent street , and as two of ' with hii young man's friends were the time , there was talk of an ac against them and his father for spiracy. Our agency was rctaiue get the evidence needed. "It was decided that it would be essary to get an admission from father of the young man who had n the assault. I was told to get ii tried many ways and failed. lie not know I was a detective. He known me for a number of years , thought I was engaged in other v. I had another plan to get from what 1 wanted. I told him a . ' York publication was having the a written up and illustrated. I sa had seen the picture of the light w had been prepared for it. lie pleased at the publicity that the l was to get , for the story of the a at the club had been printed ant wanted it known that his son avenged the insult. I intimated if he cared to see it I thought I c get him the picture that had been pared for publication. lie was engi see it. "I had a frieud , a newspaper ai who made me a picture. He mm faithful copy of the street scene w the fight occurred and he made a likeness of the figures in it. The ture showed one man stealing up hind another and striking him froir rear. Behind him were two other i who were supposed to have accoi nie < I him to see fair play. The fa was thought to have been in the nc borhood , but as he wasn't seen he left off the picture. I took the pic to the father , lie examined it c fully. "Who are these two men5 he as pointing to the two onlookers. " 'They are the two Blacks who \ along with your sou to see that bo fair play , ' I told him. " 'That's all righthe laid ; 'but is this ? ' pointing at the man who striking at the other from behind. " 'Why , that's jour son , ' I told : ' "That's a lie ! ' he exclaimed , son stood right in front of him am" him squarely in the face. I told to do that aud stand up in front of all the time. I went along to see he would do it. I was right across street and the two nieu who were my son were close enough to set that happened. They will tell you he didn't hit him from behind , faced him fairly and whipped him ly. That was the way we- made i to do. If that's printed I'll whip mail who made it. ' "It wasn't printed. Nor was t : any court proceeding taken on ncc < of the alleged conspiracy. The concerned in it on both sides got gether and settled it out of com- nttsburg News. TRUMPET CALLS. Ram's Horn Sounds a Warning ? ' to the Unredeemed. SALOON is devil's rocrui - * - - station. id does pour II is w into dirty cap The best bei riptn where b i g g e st thi are. are.Life Life is Ihelj ness of built d \v o 11 i house of olerr Auger closes the eyes o reason soon as it opens the mouth. Faith sings on , wheu reason sigh : says "God doesn't care. " God gives us uiouutaiu views that may discover lowland dangers. Blessing comes from doing what Jou't want to do for Christ's sake. In proportion as you say , "I am my own , " all things become yours. Ananias warns every man win inxious to get a reputation for libe : ty. Bequest of Valuable Engraving Scbultess von Meiss , a wealthy sen of Zurich , Switzerland , who rec y died , left a valuable collection of Cravings to the Polytechnic Instil ) f Zurich. It comprises 12,000 pie ill of the first rank , and some of tl jxtremely rare , such as ' 'The Betrot Fewess , " by Rembrandt. The gi Dutch master is represented by oieces , Lucas de Leyde by 138 , jrecht Durer l y 111 , aud Schoenga > v S9. ' What's that button you're w < ng ? " asked the young thing ; "not S > f the American Revolution ? " " > ; aid the Major ; "I should think not. iroud of that button. It is the insigi lie outward and visible sign of argest military society in the Un3 Sialcs. "What's its name ? " "Society he First Man Up San Juan Hill Philadelphia Press. Too many men mistake gall for a ty. The pay days of those who work eve are uncertain. Not a Lawyer. If all uewspriper stories are tru lawyers meet with many reverses tjheir attempts to browbeat feminii witnesses. One of the latest exampl comes from the Cleveland Leader. "Now , " saiu the lawyer who was co ducting the cross-examination , "yt will please state how and where yc first met this man. " "I think , " said the lady with tl sharp nose , "that it was " "Never mind what you think , " inte rupted the lawyer. "We want fac here. We don't care what you thin ' listen to wh ; and we haven't time to you think. Now please tell us whe and when it was that you first met th man. " The witness made no reply , "Come , come , " urged the lawyer , ' demand an ans.vcr to the question have put. " "The witness will please answer tl question , " said the court , in impressh tones. "Can't , " sflid the lady. "Why not ? " "The court doesn't care to hear wh ; I think , does it ? " "No. " "Then there's no use a-questionii me any further. I am not a lawyer , can't talk without thinking. " So they called the next witness. Our Policy of Territorial Kxpansioi Amiexntionists are advocating the add tion of Canada to this cor.ntry , and thin it can be accomplished in a peaceful mainer nor without exciting a quarrel with Enj land. Stit-h questions call * for the wise statesmanship , jnst as dyspepsia , const pntiou , liver and kidney diseases call f < a reliable remedy like Hosteller's Stou ach Bitters. _ Cmiicse Impersonator Is Surprise * Fen Chang Ma' , the great Chines fi male impersonator , now in No York , went behind the scenes and 'nl the greenroom during a visit to tl Ca-siuo theater , and with all the strau ; things he saw he wns most surpris3 to learn that the chorus girls wei really women and not female imj'p senators like bnusclf , as he has ! in acrined. In "Winter Use Allen's Foot-Ens ! A powder to be shaken into the shoe During winter your feet feel uucornfoi able , nervous , and often cold and dam If you have perspiring , smarting feet < tight shoes , try Allen's Foot-Ease. warms and rests the feet and maki walking easy. Cures swollen ar sweating feet , blisters and callous spot Relieves corns and bunions of all pa ! and is a certain cure for chilblains ar frost bites. Try it to-day. Sold by a druggists and shoe stores for iiac. TrS ; package mailed FREE. Address Allc B. Olmsted. Le Roy. N. Y. Chance , "Pardon me , madam , but your hat on crooked. " "Just back from the Philippines , suppose , sir ? " "Why do you suppose so ? " "Because the style has changed i your absence. " Cleveland Plain Dea er. _ Oh , That Delicious Coffee ! Costs but Ic. per Ib. to grow. Salz < has the seed. German Coffee Berry , pk luc. ; .Java Coffee pkg. 15c. Salzer's No American Chicory lf > e. Cnt this out a 11 hond Ific. for any of above packages send oOf. and get all 3 pligs. and gre ; Catalogue free to .JOHN A. SALZE SEED"CO. . , La Crosse. Wis. Ic. u About the Sixe of It. Willie Say , pa , what's an impressioi 1st ? Pa An impressionist , Willie , is a artist who gives one the impression thr he soils more pictures than he can pain Chicago News. "Will Get There. It is deep down to the sciatic nervt but St. Jacobs Oil will get there by vi orous rubbing , and will soothe the al fected nerve and drive out the torment ing pains. The worst cases have bee ; promptly cured. Giving ; Them the Uenelit. "They say the Wiggleharas have i skeleton in their closet. " "Nonsense ! There isn't a closet ii their flat that is big enough to hold : skeleton which would be worth nolle ing. " Many North I'ole Scekerw. Since the beginning of the sixteenth century sixty-nine explorers of the arc tic regions are mentioned by name In the history of north polar expeditions. It has been estimated by authorities that half of those who went to the north never returned , but of the num ber of men composing these different expeditious there is no positive infor- natiou. Mrs. Ijany try's Glares. The Emperor of Germany has just purchased a number of blooded mares bred and trained by Mrs. Langtry. Mrs. Langtry likewise sold a mare to the French Government for $12,000 , so that It would seem that the ex-actress is doing distinctly better as a breeder of horses than on the stage. Restored to Health by-Pe-ru-na. A LETTER FROM THE AUDITOR OF THE INTERIOR , GOV. T. C. FLETCHER. Hon. Thomas C. Fletcher , the noted war Governor of the State of Missouri , Is a great friend of Pe-ru-ua. He writes : The Pe-ru na Drug M'f'g Co. , Columbus , Ohio : Gentlemen For years I have been al'Heted with chronic catarrh , which has gone through my whole system , and no one knows the torture and misery I have passed through. My doctor has prescribed various remedies , and 1 have never found any relief until 1 was persuaded by a friend to use Dr. llartmau's Pe-ru-na. After the use of one bottle I feel like a new man. It also cured me of a dropping I had In my throat , and built my system up generally. To those who are suffering with catarrh I take pleasure in recommending your great medicine. Very respectfully , Thomas C. Fletcher. Everything that affects the welfare of the people is a legitimate subject of comment to the real statesman. The statesman Is not a narrow man. It is the politician who is narrow. The true statesman looks out on the world as It is. and seeks , as far as Is In his power , to remedy evils and encour age the good. l hese extreme nervous disorders were treated with wonderful success by the dis coverer of Dr. Williams PinK Pitts for PMe People , previous to his discovery bemd or e ed to the public generally. This remeay is the only Known speciric in ma.ny dise es that.untU recent ye rswere pronounced in curable. Ytercsthe \ proof ; James Crocket , a sturdy old Scotchman living in Detroit , Mich , at 88 Montcalru St. , was cured ot I.ocomotor Ataxia by these pills. For many years he has been n chief engineer of one of those big pat-senger palace steamers plyiiig upon the great lakes. This is a position of great respon sibility and the anxiety causes a treat nervous strain. Mr Crocket says : "For fifteen years I watched the bitf engines and boilers without a single I accident , ami only noticed that I was getting nervous. Suddenly without warning I was taken sick , and was pro -trated. I had the best of physi cians but grew gradually worse. At a council of doctors , they said I had nervtms prostration , and had destroved my whole nervous "system and would never recover. For three VC.MS I was unable to move from my bed. The doctor said 1 had locomoUjr ataxia , and would never be able to walk again. "The pains and suffering T csperieaced during those years are almost indescribable The Inend that came to see me bid mf good-bye when they left me and I was given up. T'- doctors said nothiug more could be. 21 ' done. My wife- kept rcadiug to me. articles about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People.Vfinalh decided to try thuu. The first box gave me relief. I continued to u e them for about two years before I could get strength enough to walk. I am neatly seventy-five years old and there is not a man in this citv that can KicL hig'.icr'or walk further than lean and to-dav I owe my present j nd ' iHh to Dr Williams' I'ink Pills for Pale People for they saved my 1. , . ' . ' it Lzening A'eivs. The . ,50 cents Genuine p .r box &re sold at all only in druggists P&tK&des or sent Like direct 1- ! This by m&il. Address the b'MtorciNE. COMPANY , SchenccUdy , To Have Pleasure. Of course , we live to have pleasure nnd to avoid pain , and that Is why ao many use St. Jacobs Oil to cure i : eu- malism , quickly and surely to get rid nt it. It is the best cure. Not Tnkintr It , Pcrhupn. Customer ( handing over the mou-T ) This mixture will cure the grip , -vlll it ? Druggist It will knock It every time1 , ma'am. We sell more of this stuff ta grip patients than all other kinds put together. Customer You're a new prescription clerk , aren't you ? What has beoo * . ; ofi the young man who generally st.uida behind this counter ? DruggistHe's down with tt * < > ma'am l \ 11 \ \ v inVi \\rawv ) \J HON. WIKI. YOUNGBLOOD. TltEASUKT DErAHTSlKNT OFFICE ov AUDITOR roit INTKKIOK. WASHINGTON. U. C. , De < - . R , l < - < The Pe-ru-na Drus MTg Co. , ( V Ohio : Gentlemen I've often heard of your r medicine and have persuaded my wife , who has been much of a sufferer from ttarrh , to try Pe-ru-na , and after using uno buttl * she has wonderfully Improved. It has proved nil you have claimed for It , and X take pleasure in recommending It to anyona who Is alllicted with catarrh. Yours. V/m. YoungblooiS. Auditor for the Interior. Catarrh In Its various forms Is rapid'y be coming a national curse. An iir.tl- : ! ) t.e < j remedy has been discovered by Dr Hart- man. This remedy has been thoroughly ; tested during the pact forty years. 1'rom- inent men have come to know of its \tuea and are makl'ng public utt rnnres . : , the subject. To save the country wo n > ' . . s.ive the people. To save the people \\c ruuat protect them from disease. The iftoaae that is at once the most prevalent and stub , born of cure is catarrh. And this ad , and v.c will send you this bignew 1S39 ] " ; style , 210 Ib. high-grade Reservoir Coal and "Wood i Cook Stove by freight C. O. ! > . , subject to cxurr.i I nation , examine it at j our freight depot , and it found ' perfectly batlsfactory and the greatest stove bargain ] you over caw or heard of. pay the freight txemn OTTR SPECIAL PEICE , SI4.5O , le-3 H.OO sent with order , or $13.SO and freight charges. Freight amounts to ne-ct to nothing compared writli wh.it you sa'ie in price Will ship this stove cither from foundry at Keokul : , la. , or Chicago , depeudmi ; where you live and t.n freight on the btovo will average 81.25 for each SUO miles from cither point. is size No. S , oven Is 18x19x11. It is isado from very best pit ? iron , in very latest full Kococo design , oven nearly square , lias e-tra large flues , heavy covers , heavy linings and Riatea , heat reflector , handsome nickel plated oven ehelf , heavy tin lined oen doora , handsome nickel plated front , name plntes , o-.en door panel * , nickel towel rod , Larr nickel tea pot holder. CKb'irn patent o > en door kicker , mounted on largo handsome Rococo " . Estra "Woo : f rata ewinc feed. > cemented oven top , lined reservoir Stacdlsh porcelain ; large , deep , genuine " Burner. "We isaufa a 'vritton Wood Frce.so it can bo instantly changed from a Coal Burner to a perfect " binclmpr guarantee with e\ery stove , we tiuaranteu it to reach v u in perfect condition. "Wo can furiiioji any DON'T DELAY. VTo wilMnvo you < iO OO. parts wanted in years to coma. ORDERTO-DAY. SEARS , KOEB13CK & CO. ( inc. ) , CH8CAGG , SLE. . "IF AT FIRST YOU DON' SUCCEED , TRY A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever. . T. FE1.1X GOCttALD'P OlilTAfc Dl CUKAM , OU MAGICAL HKAb'JIt J i : . HeniovesTan. PiiBi.les. Frcctle * , ' 1'utchw , I'nLf.cil bkin - - * ti r- * e. T.1 > K\A ' - diseases. i nrl tv < * rT bior.i" ! * on Luiuly , aiui < lcflec iificuor. . It haa 8t < i' S tie tit : cl 19 veaif , r.i. < l n BO harnii'nivip t .r e it to be jure it IM } > rcp- criy izibir. Accept no ijim' rut of Mliaiai nan-c Lr L. A. Knjr < ti ! to a la ; j > f tLr -"iit-ton ( c va * ' " " "Aayou vtfifaxvi Ir cthtm , 1 rf"Oir.iprr. l ' ( lour- f oud f ! * if n > r. < < tlia ott L-nrn.fii ) of all the ( -km { t'pora- tiers ' For tale by oil DrCtr7 - ' and Fancy Goods Dealers In the U. S. , Cana 'as ard Eurcf . FERD. I. HOPKINS , I'rop'r , 57 Great Jones St. . N Y. FOR 64 . We wish to pain this rear 200C < ] new customers , and hence oiler ' 1 Pkg. 13 Day Radish lOc I . 1 Pkp. Early HIpe Cabbcg * 10o i jjl | J srlisst Ked Beet . . . HJo i Long Lishtn'g Cncurab r 30o i SalzerVBest JUttace 15c _ Californio FicTomato. 20o ' 1 ' Early Dinner Onion lOo ! 3 " Brilliant FiowetScodi 15o Worth $1.00 , for 14 Cii. Alxwe 10 pkc ? . , trorth SI ft ) , we Trill' ' mailyoufree.togetherwithoarKreat Plant and Seed Catalogue upon receipt - I ceipt otthis , notice and 1'Ic postage We invite jonr trade ard know when jou once try Salicr'n Setd * jos will never uetalong withcnl then : . On ion Seed 680 and no a II * . Potatoes - ' [ toes at $1.20 a bbl. Catalouae ' nlono 5 centfl.o O. N. I JOHN A. 9A.LZEI1 SEED CO. . las Crc eWJa. ACR.FL1) For S mctny colmol so > > l"-l i' ! . _ The ' JSt-aruli Light , " by K. loyers , 1-J2 pages ; the "Seed Sower. " by A. K. Movers 1"2 pajies- tlie "SaciPd Sonus. No. l , " 200 pages , by Mr. D. Sankey. Granaliau and Stobbins. 1'riccs 25 cents , by mall 35 cents encli. Write for cata logues of ne\v slieet music , books ami folios at new prices. Address. If. P. Dean Sheet Mnsic Store , Sioux City , I MENTION THIS PAPER urnr * WKrnr > a TO JBTOTUnu. S. C. N. U. - . - - 8-99 bUHtJ ) HntHfc ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. TasteaGood. Use la time. Sold