Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, February 23, 1899, Image 1

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isre srs ,
Successor to the Late M. Faure Re
ceives 48 Votes to 279 for Mclinc
Disorders Follow Its Announce
ment Many Arrests Made.
France's New President.
has been officially announced that
Xioubet has been electe 1 President of the
French Republic. The Xational Assembly
met at Versailles at I o'clock Saturday
afternoon. Loubet , President of the Sen-
ale , declared Ihe sitting open , amid the ap
plause of the leflists.
The members of the Xalional Assembh.
iiamch , the members of the Senate and
the Chamber of Deputies , began to assem
ble at 10 o'clock in Ihe morning. Loubel- ,
President o ! ' the Senate and presiding
officer , and candidate for President 01
Franco , arrived at that hour. Friends sur
rounded LouTjet. IIo said to them : "I :
you lee me , J hope you won't vote for me. '
At 2-JO the ballot was completed. Whil
the checking was in progress the member :
of the Assembly left the hall , assembled ii
the galleries and corridors and discussec
the chances of Ihe election. The officia
count suid 812 votes were cat > t , and that M.
Loubet recehcdIS3 , M. Meline 279 and 5t
were scattered. When the sitting of tht
Assembly was resumed the tellers enterec
and announced the result as heretofon
given. Senator Cimruau. for the teller :
then said :
' Loubcl having obtained an absolub
majority. I prjjlaim I.nn president of the
republic. "
The annou iccment wasgieeled with pro
longed applause , mingled with violent pro
tests from the rightists : nd leftisls ant
of "Vive ! "
shouting la r publique
Great disorders followed the electioi
Saturday and continued all dtfy Sunday
Many -arrests have been made. An or
ganized effort will be made loause him tc
Gas Caused Their Death , but Whisky
Seems to Have Lied to It.
Mrs. Charles Fahrenkampagetl 83 years
Iiertwo children , Florence and William ,
aged respectively 10 and 0 years , and an
unknown woman , aged about 35 years ,
were found dead Sunday in a room in Mrs.
Fahrenkamp's home in Philadelphia , Pa.
The gas was turned on , and life had ap
parently been extinct for several days.
Scattered about the first floor were
remnants of cigars and cigarettes and
-empty beer and whisky bottles.
The bodies were found by a next door
neighbour , who had forced an entrance tc
the house. Last Friday morning Mrs.
Wilson , living next door , Avas asked by
Florence to assist her in raising her mother
from the floor , where the child said she
was sleeping. Mrs. Wilson told her she
was unable to do so , and suggested that
the girl cover her mother and allow her to
continue sleeping. The two women and
the boy , it is believed , were then dead and
from the position of the girl , who occupied
another room , it is thought that she was
-overcome by the gas while trying to lift
her mother. Mrs. Fahrenkamp's husband ,
i who is a traveling salesman , left home
about a we3k atro on business for his firm.
About 2OOO Men and Women Toot
Part in It in Chicago.
A riot in which 2.000 men , women and
children took part , occurred Sunday after-
at the Star Theater , Chicago , and be-
re the police arrived the interior of the
theater had been badly damaged. Scenery
which was to have been used in the present
ation of a play had been tied up by legal
proceedings , and after the audience had
waited until 4:30 : p. m. for the curtain to
go up. many began to clamor for the re-
turn of their money. They were refused
at the box office , and three minutes after
ward chairs were broken in pieces and
liurled at the stage , chandeliers were brok
en , carpets were torn up and the theater
and sidewalk outside was one mass of
fighting , yelling humanity. The clanging
of the patrol wagon bells scattered the
crowd in a harry , however. Later in the (
afternoon Ihe money was iciiindcd lo those
who presented their coupons.
Collision Near Brussels Kills and
Injures Over a Hundred.
An express train from Calais , carrying
passengers from London , collided with a
train at a standstill at Forest , near Brussels. \
Twenty-one passengers were killed and
100 injured. It is said that owing to the
fog the engineer did not see the sighals.
The collision was appalling. The express
locomotive mounted on top of the last
carriages of the other train , which were
filled with passengers. These cars were
smashed to pieces. There were no Ameri
cans or Englishmen among the victims.
Vcrdiict in the Shea Case.
The jury in the Paddy Shea murder case
3/Wichita , Kau. , returned a verdict of
fACrderinthe second degree. Shea was
tried for killing of Ed Dawson , a noted
crook , last July.
The Business World as Seen by R.
G. Dun & Co.
R. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly H ' \ icw of
Trade says : Beyond question business is
expanding , and in many branches it is
larger , notwithstanding speculative combi
nations which tend to reduce it. All mo
nopolies , or attempted monopolies , stimu
late business while they are coming.but.
tend to stifle it after they come , and the
throng of combinations and trusts which
have been formed or proposed have given
temporary impetus to trade. But beyond
the influence of these there is a genuine
and substantial enlargement of business
due to the unexampled prosperity of a
growing population.
Atlantic exports of wheat have been re
tarded by the blizzard , but have been 2- ,
205,710 bushels , Hour included , against . ' } , -
142,037 last year. When it is remembered
that the exports of corn are almost as large
as the largest ever known there is reason
for astonishment at the continued foreign
demand. That it persists in spite of the
strong advance in prices here since Sept. 1 ,
Is most encouraging. There is much more
inquiry for wool anil the manufacturers
have a larger demand for heavy weight
goods , but the.\ maintain that they cannot
pay prices now demanded for wool and
most of the purchases made appear to have
been at some concessions. Failures for the
week have been 178 in Ihe United States
against 293 last year , and IS in Canada
against 33 last year.
City of Chicago and Company Agree
Upon Terms.
The cliailer of the Illinois Telephone
and Teiegtaph Company , after being
amended to meet some requirements of the
Mayor , was passed by the Chicago City
Council by a vote of f > ! 5 Io4. Theordinance
as amended provides for a franchise for
thirty years , covering all the territory in
side the limits of the city of Chicago. The
compensation to be paid the city is nothing
for the first ten years ; 3 per cent , of the
gross receipts for the second ( en
years ; 5 per cent , for the next five years ,
and 7 per cent , for the remaining five years.
In all conduits one duct shall be given to
the city and the city can use all the com
pany's"poles. . The cost of telephones shall
not be more than $85 a year for business
instruments ; , $30 for residences and $125 for
public telephones. The city is given a
number of telephones free , and can rent
instruments for lire and police use for § 5 a
year. An option is given the city to pur
chase the plant at the end of the franchise.
Cracksmen Blow Open a Vault at
Ohorlin , Ohio , hut Get No Cash.
Cracksmen gained an entrance to the
vault of the Oberlin , Ohio , Banking Com
pany , Saturday night. The robbers cut
the trolley wire of the Cleveland Berea
Electric Railway , which runs directly past
the bank , and attached the current to a
drill with which to operate on the outside
door of the vault. After forcing this door
the robbers inserted a big charge of powU
der and blew the interior of the vault into
a thousand pieces. The walls on all sides
were badly shattered , plastering was torn
off and the vault doors were blown over
twenty feet out of their settings. However ,
no money was secured , as the robbers failed
to get into the hig safe , evidently for lack
of time. The papers and books inside the
vault were damaged beyond recognition.
No clew whatever has been found to the
peipetrators. '
Administration Determined to Push
Campaign in Philippines.
The administration is determined lo
rapidly extend the jurisdiction of the United
States over the whole Philippine group ,
acting on the theory that delay is danger
ous ; that anarchy and a general paralysis
of such inlerests as the islands support will
be brought about through failure lo prompt
ly replace Spanish sovereignty over the isl
ands by that of the United Slates. The
decision involves Ihe necessity of a naval
campaign , and this will be instituted as
soon as Dewcy receives reinforcements in
{ he shape of gunboats now on the way ( o
Wall Falls on Firemen.
By the collapse of a wall during Ihe pro
of a small fire in Baltimore at
building of the Baltimore Barrel Company ,
len firemen were injured. The wall car
ried down with it a ladder upon which Ihe $
men were standing , playing a line of hose
upon the flame ? . It is thought that none of
he men were dangerously hurt.
Payment of Illinois Volunteers. $
The Illinois House of I'epresentatives
adopted the report of the Committee on
Military Affairs recommending the adop-
lion of a resolution favoring the payment
of the Illinois volunteers from the lime of
assembling at the home stalions to the
time of muster into the United Slates ser- to
Spain to Free Filipinos ,
tt Las been decided by the SpanisL
Government to liberate the Filipinos who to
have been deported to the Caroline and
Ladronc Islands in order to influence the 2
Filipinos to release the Spaniards they
hold a ? prisoners. $
Hanging in Chicago.
Robert Howard , colored , was hanged in $ $
Chicago last Friday for complicity in the
jijurder of F. C. Metcalf last November ,
for the purpose of robbery.
Three Dig Buildings Burned. 4 =
Fire has destroyed three
six-story business -
ness buildings in Philadelphia , entailing
aggregate loss little short of 5400,000.
Fate of McEnery Resolution Seems
a Question of Doubt.
House leaders in Washington familiar
With foreign questions say no program has
been matured or even outlined thus far as
to what will be done with the McEnery
resolution relating to the Philippines ,
passed by the Senate. It will probably go
to the Foreign Affairs Committee , although
the point has been made that with the
ratification of the treaty the Philippines
are no longer foreign lerritory. Chairman
Hitt of the Committee on Foreign
Affairs said he would talk with
his committee associates before determ
ining on any plan. Mr. Dinsmore ,
of Arkansas , the ranking minority member
of the committee , says the minority has not
matured any line of action , although it may
propose an amendment designed to elimin-
ale any suggestion of a colonial nature
which the resolution may now convey.
Some of the members of the committee
stated privately that they would not vote ,
for the resolution if it could be construed
as objectionable to llio administration.
Owing to the absence of all exact plans the
impression prevails in some quarters that
there w ill be no haste toward considering
the subject.
Garcia' * ? Son Indites a Loiter to the
Cuban Assembly.
Gen. Carlos Garcia's letter to the Cuban
Assembly , which was published in the
papers of Havana in spite of the Assembly's
Dfforts to suppress it , has created a sensa-
lion in that city. La Discuscion. the only
Cuban organ , the editor of which , Senor
Coronado , is a member of the Assembly ,
makes an attempt at defending the action
of the body , refusing outright , however ,
to print Garcia's letter , which stigmatizes
the withdrawal of the troops as a cowardly
insult to the ( Tend chieftain's memory.
Several prominent Cubans , whose protests
against the Assembly's course could find
no room in the public press , have published
letters privately and have scattered them
broadcast through the town.
Hoyal Decree Issued by Belgium
Jtiffects Importations of Fruit.
A royal decree which has been issued in
Belgium effects the partial prohibition of
the importation of fivsh fruits and living
] > IPU S from , America into Belgium. Under
the decree future importations of that soit
must be accompanied by certificates that
they arc absolutely free from the blight
known as the San Jose scale.
Surviving Commanders of Destroyed
Warships to Be Courtmartialed.
A Madrid dispatch states that all the
surviving captains of the Spanish warships
destroyed off Santiago. Cuba , and in Manila
Bay by the American tleets will be court-
She Took Off Forty-Two Persons
The steamer Hottcrdam , from Rollerdani ,
reports < that on February t > she sighled the
British steamer Rossmore in a sinking con
dition. The Rotterdam took off those on
board the Hossmore , forty-two in all. Xine
member of the crew had been taken off by
the steamer Trojan before the Rotterdam
came up.
Greato.st Amateur Runner Dead.
Lawrence E. Meyers , the famous short
distance runner , died suddenly in Xew
York , Thursday night , of pneumonia. His
running records still stand , no amateur or
professional having ever equaled them.
SeArcii People are Hurt.
The locomotive on the Grand Trunk express -
press jumped the track east of Lennoxville ,
Quebec , Thursday , and the train followed.
Xo one was killed , but three trainmen and
four passengers were injured.
Chicago Cattle , common to prime ,
$3.00 to $0.00 ; hogs , shipping grades ,
? 3.00 to § 4.00 ; sheep , fair to choice , $3.00
to $4.75 ; wheat , Xo. 2 red , 72c to 74c ;
corn , Xo. 2 , 3Gc to 38c ; oats , Xo. 2 , 28c
to 20c ; rye , Xo. 2 , 5Hc to 57c ; butter ,
choice creamery , 20c to 22c ; eggs , fresh ,
22cto 24c : potatoes- , choice , 35c to uOc
per bushel.
Indianapolis Cattle , shipping , $3.00 to
o.7o ; hogs , choice light , $2.75 to $4.25 ;
sheep , common to choice , $2.50 to $4.25 ;
wheat , No. 2 red , G9c to 71c ; corn , No. 2
'lite , 34c to 35c ; oat.s No. 2 white , 30c
to 32c.
St. Louis Cattle , $3.50 to $0.25 ; hogs ,
$3.00 to $4.00 ; sheep , $3.00 to $4.50 ;
wheat , No. 2 , 73c to 75c ; corn , No. 2
yellow , 34c to 35c ; oats , No. 2 , 2Sc to 30c ;
rye. No. 2 , 55c to 5Gc.
Cincinnati Cattle , $2.50 to $5.75 ; hogs ,
$3.00 to $4.25 ; sheep , $2.50 to $4.50 ;
wheat. No. 2 , 74e to 7Gc ; corn , Xo. 2
mixed. 35c to 3d- ; oats , No. 2 mixed , 29e
to 31 c ; ryiNo. . 2. C,2c to G4c.
Detroit Cattle , $2.50 to $5.75 ; hogs ,
$2.50 to $4.25 ; sheep , $3.00 to $4.75 ;
wheat. No. 2 , 73c to 75c ; corn. Xo. 2
yellow , 8ie ( to 3Se ; oats , No. 2 white , 32c
34c ; rye , (51 ( c lo t > 3c.
Toledo Wheat , No. 2 mixed , 73c to
74c ; corn , No. 2 mixed , 35c to 3Gc : oats ,
No. 2 white , 2lc to 30c ; rye , No. 2. 5Gc
5Sc ; clover seed , old , $3.55 to $3.05.
Milwaukee V.'hcat. Xo. 2 spring , 70c
72c- corn , Xo. 3 , 32c to 34c ; oats , Xo.
white , 30c to 32c ; rye , Xo. 1 , 5Uc to 5Sc ;
liarleXo. . 2 , 45o to 52c ; pork , mess ,
$10.00 lo $10.50.
Buffalo Cattle , good shipping steers ,
$3.00 to $ G.OO ; hogs , common to choice ,
$3.25 to $4.bO ; sheep , fair tp choice weth
ers , $3.50 to $4.75 : lambs , common to
vxtra , § 4.50 to $5.25.
N.w York-Cattle , $3.2T to $ G.25 ; hogs ,
3.00 to $4.75 ; sheep , " 3.00 to $5.25'
wheat , > To. 2 red , 85c to SGc ; corn , No.
44c to 4Gc ; oats , Xo. 2 white , SGc to
3Sc ; butter , creamery , IGc to 23c ; eggs.
Western , 22c to 24c
Results of the Great Cold Have Not
Been Serious to Stock Interests-
Snow on Ground Improves the
Wheat Situation Other Items-
Slight Loss in Stock.
Reports are being received from all parts
of the state as to the damage lo live stock
and winter wheat by the severe weather.
On the whole it is found that live stock has
escaped in an extraordinary degree. Some
stock on the open ranges perished , , and a
number of flocks of sheep in different parts
of the state died during the blizzard. The
native cattle on the open range suffered
more than the feeders brought into the
state from Arizona and Colorado dur
ing the past two years. Stockmen gener
ally regard this as the crucial test , as it has
never been so cold in Xebraska before , and
if this stock from warmer climes can stand
the rigors of this winter it is agreed that
the question of importing this southwest
stock for feeding purposes in the state is
definitely solved. The loss of range stock
will not exceed I per cent , in the aggreal
gate , while in past winters , when the
weather was much less severe , it has run
as high as 5 per cent. The damage to win
ter wheat is believed to be 25 per cent. Ten
inches of snow now covers the wheat fields
of the state , which very much improves the
Ncbraskans Killed in Manila to Be
Buried in Native Soil.
Adjt. Gen. Barry received the following
telegram from Congressman Stark last
week :
A corps of undertakers left San Fran
cisco .January 27 with all necessary sup
plies to return at Government expense , in
Hermetically sealo.-l caskets , the remains of
our dead.
Newspaper repoits say that there have
oeen appropriations and contributions for
.hat purpose in Xebraska. Advise me by
wire what the procedure nieans as I have
letters which I must answer on that sub
ject. ( Signed ) W. L. STAUK.
Lincoln : To Col. W. L. Stark , Wash
ington , D. C. : Eeplying to your telegram
the purposes of the appropriation for the
sare of honored dead are supplemental to
that of the United States Government.
Will enable Governor to meet any emerg
ency in caring for our honored dead.
P. II. liAituv ,
Adjutant General.
Great Release at Omaha Following
the Holdup of the Late Storm.
Vast quanlilies of freight , the result of
2ongestion growing out of the recent storm
'jave moved both ways out of Xebraska
and the adjacent states from Omaha in
the past few days. Much of this
freight was probably goods which
it was unsafe lo attempt to handle with
such frightful weather. The volume of
business fell off enormously , because it was
ioo cold for cattle and ranch men to do any
shipping. Xow the traffic has resumed
normal conditions on all roads of the State.
On the Union Pacific and Burlington
roads energetic work was necessary to keep
the flyers moving , but was done. Xot
at any time was the transcontinental traffic
interrupted through the Omaha-Ogden
Safebreakers Work at Neligh.
The safe in the hardware store of B. J.
Wright at Xeligh was blown open. The
thieves secured $18 in cash , three rings ,
two diamonds and one sapphire , amounting
altogether in value to about $100. The safe
was entirely ruined. Tools were secured
at Lytle's carpenter shop and together with
papers from tjie safe were found near
Myers' livery barn. The burglars are pro-
sumed to be home talent and the same that
haveconnnitted similar depredations withP1
in the last year.
Strife at Kearney School.
' The Kearney Reform School muddle
came to a definite settlement last week by
the appointment of John C. Sprecher as
superintendent and J. X. Campbell as as
sistant. That this action was to be taken
has been known for some time , it being a
question only of how long the friends of
Hoxie could delay the matter. Sprecher
and Campbell make a combination that is
generally acceptable to the fusion leaders.
Bank Pays Its Dchts.
Three years ago When the Bank of Wy
more failed , besides the money individual
depositors had therein , were several thou
sand dollars belonging to the city , town
ship and school funds , some of which 1
been paid at intervals since -then. L ; . . . . :
week the city , township and School Board
officials succeeded in adjusting matters
with the defunct bank and have jointly
taken a trust deed to the building.
Wires Are Hung in Wymore.
Wymore's new telephone exchange was
connected up the other day , starling out
with eighty subsci ibers. There is no doubt
but that enough new subscribers will be
added when spring comes to run the total
up to 150. Wymore and Blue Springs aie
on the same exchange and the citizens of
both towns are already beginning torealixe
the many conveniences which will accrue
from a good exchange. of
Cluster Into the Guard.
An order was issue. ] in Lincoln provid
ing for the mustering in of Company L.
Second IJegimeut , of the Nebraska Xationn 1
Guard , on the evening of February 23.
General Barry was present to swear in
the new company.
Fanner Hurt in a Runaway.
Dcdrich Schrocder , a German farmer
living about nine miles north of Columbus- ,
was seriously injured in a runaway acci
dent while returning home from town.
He was reported to be in a critical con
Jackson Mau Killed.
James Timlin was instantly killed by
falling from a tree he was trimming at
Jackson recently. in
State Institution Keeps Open House
to Honor the Occasion.
A grateful change in temperature arrived
in time for the Charter Day exercises of the
University of Xebraska , which commenced
Feb. 15 at the State farm and closed on the
evening of the 10th with the Charter Day
oration by Dr. A. F. XighUngale , super
intendent of the Chicago schools. The
dairy building was inspected and the pro
cess of buttermaking watched with interest
by a crowd of spectators. The Society of
Electrical Engineers kept open house in
the armory. The exhibit of electrical de
vices was very creditable One of the most
interesting was the wireless telegraphy
arranged afler the plan of Marconi.
On the second day all departments of the
University received visitors , who found
most instructive demonstrations going on
in all departments In the mechanical arts
building , an athletic exhibit in the gym
nasium and a fine art display iu the library
The new features received much atten
tion. In the school of domestic science
which was established only a few months
ago , and is under the direction of Miss Rosa
Bouton , all callers were treated to warm
biscuit and maple syrup served by the do
mestic science class , which now numbers
sixteen. The foundry was crowded all the
afternoon with those eager to see the boys
handle the liquid metal.
Dr. Xightingale's address at the Oliver
was on "Wendell Phillips , " ' and was pref
aced by a musical program by the Uni-
Marshal Sleeps in Ice Box Three
Weeks to Capture Thieves.
The city marshal of Springfield , this
state , and his assistants have placed under
arrest four parties who have been systematically -
matically robbing the saloon of Peter A.
Smith for the last two months. They are
U. L. Bosteler , John Wetsel , Louis Hous-
child and John Tyo. Marshal Cragle got a
tip about three weeks ago that the gang
had a key and was making frequent trips
to , the saloon during the night and drawing
largely from a barrel ofhisky , after
which" they went out and locked the
door behind them. For Ihe last three
weeks the marshal and other parties
have been secreted in the ice box In the
saloon ; until atfcr midnight. Their patience
was rewarded a few nights since , when
they surprised Bosteler , who was just then
taking a drink behind the bar. One or two
trv the others implicated in the robbery
were stationed on the outside and fled , but
Bosteler gave their names and before day
light Sheriff Startzer had them all under
lock and key. Thv.nj : : are all well Known
anil the news created a sensation.
Artesian Well Breaks Loose.
The large eight-inch artesian well that is
the pride of Xiobrara as well as the town's
safety , burst at the valve and the mill ,
water supply and electric light were obliged
to shut down for repairs. It is thought
tiiat when the electric light was put out
and the power shut down not a sufficient
flow of water was allowed to run through ,
and the little that did run was stopped by
severe cold Aveather , thus bursting the
valve. It was throwing up rocks and fears
were entertained that they may choke up
the well.
Leases of Cattle and Sheep.
A dispatch from Gering states that the
severe cold has resulted in a considerable
loss of stock , the more extensive losses ,
however , being among Ihe sheepmen.
From 100 to 150 head is the way the sheep
losses arc reported from the various
bunches. Cattle losses so far are not re
ported in larger than six or seven head in a
herd , but it is feared that the losses of the
cattlemen will come in case of later storms ,
which will find many cattle in a poor
Attempt of Despairing Woman.
Mrs. Bottio 3iiler ! of Oxford attempted to
throw herself in front of a moving train
with suicidal intent. Her intention was
divined by friends standing near in time to
save her. Mrs. Miller has been almost
crazed with grief since the death of her
husband , a railr uul man. who was run over
by a freight l-in : in the Oxford yards a
few weeks ago.
Sale of For ! Sidney Reservation.
TheSecretai\ Ihe Interior has under
consideration the sale of the old Fort Sid
ney Reservation under conditions submitted
ted by Register and Receiver of the United
States Land Office as lo the best means of
the disposition of the property. The sale
will probably take place in the course of
ninety days.
Two Falls at Osceola.
Albert Jones of Osceola received a
serious injury to his head in falling from a
wagon. He was unconscious for several
hours , but it is thought he will recover. b
Miss Annubelhi Smith , daughter of Eev.
F. Smith , also fell on the icy sidewalk
and fractured her collarbone. b
Farmer's Hand Mangled.
Edward Ikulgin , a fanner living eight 1a 1b
miles southwest of Ashland , received a
severe injuries while shelling corn. His
left hand was caught in the gearing of the ir
machine and three fingers and his thumb irv
wore badh mangled , the first finger being P
cntiielv severed from his hand.
Good Price for Hay. Vi ,
During the cold snap the Warren Live di
Stock Company ot" Cheyenne sent rush or
ders for ; ili baled hay in Ihe Lodge Pole
vulloy and vicinity of Sidney. A number o
car * of hay and alfalfa wore immediately irsi
loaded and lop-notch figures realized. si
tl :
Prosperity Hit Pierce County.
Prosperity has hit Pierce Count } ' . An ! >
Osmond real estate agency has sold over r
1.000 acro.s of choice farm lands near that rtl :
town within the last month. All land tlf
agents report largely increased inquiries tl :
Young Woman Badly Burned.
Miss Hanna McMillan , daughter of a
prominent fanner of Osmond , was severely ir .
burned about the hands and face while :
blacking a stove , using gasoline to thin the
mixture. She will recover. .
Nebraska Short Notes. f'
Allen is agitating the question of putting :
water works.
Americans Have No Imperial Deaigua
Taking : Over of Sovereignty a Duty
Made Necessary by War Nation's
Authority Will Be Asserted.
President ! McKiuIeyr for the first time
since Dewey's victory at Manila , has
made public declaration of what lias been
and is the policy of the administration re
garding the Philippines. This public dec
laration was made by him in Boston
Thursday night at the banquet of the
Home Market Club , at which he was the
guest of honor. lie proclaimed it to be
his duty , as the chief executive of the na
tion , to possess and hold the Philippines
until Congress shall direct otherwise. He
also stated that at no time did one word
or line go from him either to Manila or
the American peace commissioners which
did not place as Ihe first consideration the
welfare and the rights of the Filipinos.
To this h-c added that "no imperial de
signs lurk in the American mind. "
In his address President McKinley re
viewed , at length the Philippine situation ,
saying that the country must bravely face
the new issue and decide it for the best
interests of the islanders as well as the
people at home. That this country has no
imperial designs was positively declared
by the nation's chief executive. He said
an imperial policy was opposed to the
principles of the American Government
and could not be entertained. Cession oC
the Philippines , Mr. McKinley said , be
came a necessity , and , hard though the
duty is , it will have to be borne. As for
the future of the islands , it rests with
Congress , the representative of the peo-
people , and the people will do what id
right. '
While grieving over every drop of blood
shed at Manila , whether from the veins
of a brave American or a misguided na
tive , the President said the Filipinos will
be compelled to respect the authority of
the United States and then will be shown
that the conqueror is working for the isl
ands' good.
The banquet of the Homo Market Club
at Mechanics' Hall was the largest af
fair of the kind ever arranged in this
country , the exact number of persons who
were served being 1,914. Besides these ,
there were fully 3,800 spectators in the
Preaidtnt of France a Victim of
M. Felix Fatirc , tanner , shipbuilder ,
soldier , deputy , cabinet minister , and final
ly president of the republic of France ,
died in the Palace Elysee , Paris , at 10
o'clock Thursday night of apoplexy. He
was stricken down at the conclusion of a
hard day's work , and breathed his life out
in the room where he was accustomed
daily to do more work than any other
member of the Government. Mine. Faure
was with her husband at the end.
The president was working with M. la
Gall , chef de cabinet , when , about o
o'clock , he complained that he felt ill. He
did not attach much importance to it , and
went out for an hour's drive , hoping the
indisposition would pass off. Instead , it
became worse , and on his return to tha
Elysee M. le Gall noticed a marked and
alarming change in his face.
Mine. Faure was immediately informed
The president was taken to his room and
messengers were hastily sent to fetch the
nearest physician. One quickly returned
ivith a medical man , who at once applied
jlisters. In spite of this the patient grew
rapidly worse , and it was not long until
rjb . Launcelongue and Dr. Potin arrived ,
jut after a very brief examination de
clared that there was nothing to be done.
There had been a rush of blood to the
jrain and the president was past human
Until a late hour the crowds remained
n front of the Elysee. On the boule-
rards , the greatest emotion was displayed.
Parisians heard the news as they were
eaving the places of amusement , but
vere utterly incredulous at first , so sud-
len and unexpected was the calamity. AH
he streets in the vicinity of the Elysee
illed up with private carriages , whose
ccupants < waited anxiously for furthei
nformation. At 12:30 an order was is
sued that no one should IH > admitted to"
ho palace.
In the present disorderly condition ol
mblic ' affairs , with justice paralyzed and
evolution < menacing , it is not remarkable
hat the people of Paris at first took it
'or < granted that Faure was poisoned , but
here seems to be no doubt that he died a
latural though sudden death. Ho was
elected president Jan. 17. ISO. ) . He had
jeen minister of marine in the Dupuy cab-
net , and was elected president following
he resignation of M. Casimir-Porier.
president ad interim and the successor of
M. Carnet , who was killed by an anarch-
st assassin. As his term would not have
xpired until 1902 , the French presidents
being elected for seven years , it will be
incumbent upon the two chambers to
unite at once and elect his successor.