Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, February 16, 1899, Image 8
BARGAINS 49 i 1 * * " % . P * " " IF * * I A i F" * * A ff * * Uli NDERWEAR tote tote to tote 4 ? AND tote 4 * to 49 BLANKETS & tote tote 4 ? To make room for Spring Good * tote tote 4S tote 4 ? 4 to 4 ? 4 * 40 Dozen Ladies' Fleeced Cotton Ribbed 4 * 30c | 4 ? VasU and Pants that sold at 40c now at 30 Doaen Wool Fleeced Ribbed Vesta and tote 57c to tote 49 Pants that sold at 75 cents now to 49 4 * 50 Doaen Gents Cotton Merino Shirts and 30c | Drawers that Bold for 40 cents now of ofto tote to tote to 49 Also a number of the tote tote 49 to tote 49 to A tote tote tote to At tray down figure * tote tote 49 to tote to tote i 49 49 EOF NT tote tote tote tote tote 49 to 49 VALENTINE NEBRASKA tote tote 49 teNT 10 quart Dishpan , 8 qt Pail , Wash Basin , Quart Measure , graduated , Flour Sifter , 2 qt Pail , Quart Dipper , Soup Ladle , Potato Masher Large Cake Mould and a Pint Tincup , all best quality of tin \ . 10 quart Dishpan , 2 quart Pudding Pan , Wash Basin , Pint Drinking Cup , Quart Dipper , Soup Ladle , Basting Spoon , Grater , and a 2 quart Covered Pail , all made of the fiiiost Enameled Ware , R. OR JACKSON M DENTIST Ofie * ever T. C. Hornby's store Stairway on west side Operations as nearly painless possible. J. S. ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy Otfice at Eslabrook House on Cherry St. VALFNTTNE , NEB- K j 0. W.MOREY | THE VALENTINE WATCH / MAKER I AND JEWELER Carries a full line of * ter- ling silver novelties ASK FOR FORSAU AT ALL SALOONS IN THE © ITY A. M. MORRISSET O ATTORNEY ' AT LAW VALENTINE , NEB O. A. WELLS J. B. WELLS WELLS BROS. E NTISTS ! Office over CJierry Co\istty Hank A. N. COMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURG-EON Office at Quigley's Drug Store. Front Nights-Upstairs-Red A WINTER EXCURSION. If sick you can find lielp. If crippled with rheumatism you can be cured. If tired you need rest und the place to go is HOT SPRINGS , SOUTH DAKOTA The expense is less than j'ou imagine. "The Northwestern Line" has announced special excursions , certain days this mouth at CHEAP RATES. The Evans Hotel will remain open and this und all other hotels and boarding houses ur < ; service with low rates durinc the winter. Round Trip Rate From Valentine - - and corresponding reductions from ctherpoints west. Climate , Water , Scenery and Hotels are un excelled Thirty days tune allowed and any aernt F. , E. & M V. It. K. . or J. H. Gshle , Traveling Passenger Agent , DenNon , Iowa , o-in tell you more about it. The next date will be February 14 : and 28. . WIRE FENCE. . . OPtN Strongest feucc on ttto market , i * perfectly * af 'and an effectual barrier all form'of Hto k. < f No. H ii lvnnifcd steel * ire. Crox wires sccwrel > clamped. ltie\- reasivc Hritc fur cat alogue Most , this C. WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT EOBEST GOOD , Editor and Publisher $1MO Per Yenr t Advance PUBLISHED KVEKY THUKSDAY. at t fa a Pout-office at Valentine. Cherry . Nehraika. as Second-class matter. This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full. Venting Events. Farmer's Institute February 16 and 17. K. P. Masquerade carnival , March 17. County Commissioners March 21 A 8 * ier's Meeting -March 21 Joe Bush is up from Brownlec. Fine ncrr line of Shoes at T. C. Hornby'n. Wanted Baled har. Darenport < fc Thachcr. Lottie Dwyer visited in Crookston this week. New Style * in Mackintoshei at T. C. Hornby's. A full line of feed always on hand at PettrcrcTr's. Elegant line of new dre s goods at T. C. Hornby' * . Will Ware of near Kennedy , was in town yesterdaj' . John Guth waa on the ick list the first of the week. Ely D. Valentine and wife were in town from Woodlake , Monday. Farmers and Stockmen's Institute today and tomorrow. Turn out. D. Stinard is closing out all his heav } * goods suilj , overcoats , etc. "It is reported that Judge Walcott will soon open a set of abstract books. Jas. Wellford is down from Boiling Springs visiting his son and other friends. Wanted 1,000 bushels of shelled corn and 500 bushels of oats at W. A. Pettycrew'a. 48 Ed Calkins , J. Lowe and Chris Hoist , of Cody , registered at the Donoher yesterday. The Lenten season began yester day. Easter cornea rery early this year April 2. Davenport & Thacher hare , a con tract to deliver 400 tons of hay at Fort Robinson. W. E. Hale } ' was in the German settlement Monday looking after his cattle interests. Jim and Charles Hudson were in town from Sparks Tuesday shaking hands with friends. Walter Wilde , of Oelrichs , S. D. , was in town this week taking treat ment from Dr. Dwyer. A brother of Henry Woodsdn , a worthy colored man on the Niobrara , is visiting him this week. John Antrim , of Traer , Iowa , visit ed with his parents-in-law , J. W. Tucker and wife , this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferdon came down from Chadron this morning to look after business interests. To Cure n Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it iails to cure. 25c. The uenuitie has L. B. Q. on each tablet. A farm/to rent to a farmer for one or three years , cash or grain rent. Call at this office for particulars. P. O. Parsons , photographer , will take a few pupils in photography at the low rate of 815.00 per month. Carl Seelc } ' , deputy internal reve nue collector , was in town Saturday loooking after the interests of Uncle Sara. Sara.Miss Miss Jessie Bowring , of Merriman , is visiting in town this week , and will takr the teacher's examination Saturda } ' . Despite the cold weather Saturday the teacher's association was about as well attended as usual by country teachers. Mrs. Crawford's scholars made a lot of valentines last week and Tues day had a very joyful time presenting them to their parents. The three menths old baby of E. W. fi Reed , on the Niobrara. died Tuesday morning. Mrs. Reed was reported very ill but we are told she is recover ing her usual good health. t What's the use sending away for I goods when you can buy them so cheaply in Valentine. Notice Carl- i son < fc Anderson's advertisement and see what you can buy for a dollar. A very pleasant progressive high- five party -was given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Welle Tuesday evening , at which half a * core of couples enjoyed themselves. The favors were won by Mrs. E. Sparka and M. V. Nicholson , while Mrs. T. . Hornbv and E. Sparks received the equivalent of a leather medal. O. N. Davis , of near Simeon , was in town Tuesday. New Goodrich Sewin ? Machines a.t . . Hornby's. M. P. Brosius of the north table has purchased the Capt.Howell place , adjoining" his present farm. This office feels slighted. Neither the head push , the foreman nor the devil received a valentine this year. Washington's birthday next Wed nesday. How the lather of his coun try would enjoy the politics of the day ! Dr. Lewis was called to Simeon a few days ago to prescribe for the eldest daughter of J. W. Burleigh who is ill of lung" trouble. John Britt was in from the table Tuesday and ordered his paper sent to the postoffice which was ? recently christened in his honor. J. A. W. Johnson , of Reige , has been visiting- the family of his father in the Treat part of town the forepart of the week. Newport Republican. G. F. Heine , of Hooper , member of the firm of Heine & Kroeger , stock raisers in this county , was in town yesterday looking after business in terests Miss Fanny VanBuskirk returned from Whitney Thursday morning. Mrs. Vivian Laurie arrived in the city last Tuesday morning and is vis iting friends. Gordon Journal. The Rev. Oastler , of Gordon , will occupy the pulpit atthePresoyterian church one week from Sunda } ' , ex changing with the Rev. J. C. Sloan who held services here Sunday. The standpipe at O'Neill froze last Friday night , the hot water pipe at the Brans hotel froze and burot , and yet we are prepared to say that there was a hot time in O'Neill that night. j A license to marry was issued Sat urday to Henry Worthington Hols- claw and Lucy A. Laten , of Rosebud. The ceremony was performed at the home of the groom's father. Lee Holsclaw. The church having been finished at Wood River , and the guilds in good working order , Miss Childe will soon mevc to Holdrege to help build up the work there under Rev. Osborn. Platte Missionary. The writer made his first visit to Sioux City lant Friday , and to say that he was surprised at the amount of business being done in that town is putting it mildly. He wishes Sioux City was in the state of Nebraska. Dick Grooms was in from Niobrara Falls Monday , walking on air and telling his friends "Its a boy : born Saturday night : Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Reese were there. " We con gratulate Dick , who bought a primer for his son before he left town. Frank Frush came up from Wood- lake Monday morning- see a doctor. His horse fell on him Sunday evening and bruised his right side , shoulder and limb pretty badly. No bones broken but Frank will not be able to do much work for a few weeks. T. A. CofTej came in yesterday from the sand hills where he had been for several days this week on business. Mr. Coffey says that cattle in the sand hills are doing fine and have suffered not a bit as a result of the severe weather during the past few weeks. Chadron Journal. Receipts at South Omaha yesterday - day were 2,549 cattle , 8,340 hogs and 8,67G sheep. Markets were slightly lower than the two days before , and but few stockers and feeders were offered. Those sold brought $4.25 to 84.55. Hogs averaged 83.58. Kansas City , St. Louis and Chicago all re ported the markets weak and about 10 cents lower. The trial of Stat'e vs Freeman , as sault on the person of Wm. Ward , was heaid in Judge Towne's court Monday befoie the following jury , by agreement : D. Peters , W. A. Pettv- crew , Henry Taylor , H. W. Graham and Nels Polen. The case went to the jury about 3 p. m. , and that body deliberated all afternoon and night and finally reported a disagreement. A new trial will be held today. While in O'Neill last week we had the pleasure of meeting John Hep- kins , who is said to have a lead pipe cinch on the wardenship of the peni tentiary when the present incumbent walks the plank. Mr. Hopkins as sured us that the editorial brethren who chanced to apply for board at his hostelry would be well treated , and that all delinquent subscribers who stopped at his place would be kept in the dungeon. Died , Monday morning , after an illness of five months , Mrs. E. D. Cohota , at her home near Fort Nio brara. She leaves a husband and six children , the eldest of the little ones being 10 years of age and the young est five months. It is not yet known what disposition the husband will make of the children , but we are told they will be sent to some home. Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. J. M. Bates , yesterday , fol lowed by interment at the Fort. j O To got room for our Spring stock. Get our prices before purchasing We also give a few prices on FOR CASH QregOB Salmon , 8 cans for B B Oysters , 2 cans for - S5c Ginger Snaps , 3 Ibs for - S5c Baking Powder , 3 Ibs for S5c Heina' Pickles , per gallon California Hams , per lb. , 7c GENERAL MERCHANTS s a f * Doesn't care for large sales. lie wants large profits. METHODS CHANGE Small profits and lots of 'em. That's what counts. SEE THE POINT ? If so , for further particulars call on Kanch orders a specialty Fafllham & Dl All our Heavy Weight Suits , Our prices on Boots and Shoes Overcoats and Fur Coats * , in men's are lower than anybody's , qualitj boys' ' and children's , go at a sacri and fit considered , and we have all fice. j styles and sizes. Our spring stock will soon been Practical Tailoring in all iU on hand and we must have room. branches. D. Stinard , Clothier. Wide Tire Wagons' Are acknowledged to be the best and to meet the growing demand I ordered and HAVE JUST EECEIVED A CAE LOAD Iii addition to tin's I have just received a car of "WIND MOTOE" WIND MILLS . . Which I am selling very cneaply Try me before buying anything in my line elsewhere Valentine. Nebraska D. S. 50 YEARS * EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. \nyone Jendlnff n gfcetch and description mr urkly nsrertnin our opinion free whether an vontinn la probably p.itcntabJe. Communica- nnfltrictlyconBdenti.il. Handbookon Patents it free. Oldest atrency for secnnns patents. ' .itcnts taken throush JIunn & Co. recclTO a'ai notice , without clinrce , in the handsomely Illustrated weekly. Lnreest c r- . " * ton of any scientific Journal. Terms , $3 a : foir months , $ L Soldbyall newidcalers. " . 'J Office. C25 F St. , Wufetuzton. D. C. Strayea or Stolen. One white-faced heifercoming tYroin the spring , branded _ on left ids and M on left hip. Liberal reward ia offered by Chris Jensen , Gallop , Neb. JSntt-ny Xotlcc. Taken up by the subscriber Hrlii"- twelve nul a soutUwttt of Cody on section 3 to SuS oJ. rails * 35 , one light gray mare 10 or H years old. weisht about . . 7.W. no mark * or brands to b been. Said tnare came onto my premise * aborit the iqth of August , isas , and fias been to" premis.es continually since. WILLIAM MATBSB. . -urc * * jj itviicCt