r Ill W. . McGAA. ( teuton , S. D. Left or elihct side 'of cattle ; JSOV left .side of neck. Swal low fork vifjht car , nndcrbit left : right car nnbbcd off : rlnrbit lef ear Horrre on left Jaw and some xvflltlc left jaw Other braucs left any part of animal , leftbiJeor auv partof animal , i > : ii branded the following , left Also some catllo bearing tha follow ing brands : Alclt neck ; X left side or Miuti.uci ; \ \ nm tup or thli/h IClt H It , li-K lt.ll lil | ' thigluhigh thigh , ortnish , hip. Anyone selling horses or cattle bearing the above brands will be-prosecuted. Information regarding theft liberally rewarded. Range at uurucy Springs and Coitonwood. HERBERT 'O. U1SONETTB. MANAGER. Posloffice address Pine Eid4-e. S. D. Catti < - branded ns on : cut , HOB on left side ; some IJ W on eitherside ; Some on left side ; some older stock. .any where on animal. Horses K It nn left hip tiom anywhere on Range-Seven mites nonh- f.lSSSI riijht pulp oastof Pine Ridge , in Shannon Co JOHN GHOST BEAR. MANAGER 'Postoffice address Pine Ridpe , S. D. Cnttle branded Ii C r on Icftlnpofcnt'Icnd ' on cut : some branded 'I ' on Kftsidealso ; r > n on leic side ; horses I- - same on left shoulder Range Wounded Knee and Walcpam- iilLake.ShaunouCo. L. G. Peyton. Lavaca , Nebraska. On left side. Range Pole Crek. SHORT HORX uuLrs for sale Geo. R Bill. Gallop , Nebraska On leflsldo Eaiige-10 miles south of Meniman P. AV. Pruden. Merriman. Veb. Home tir.nilcd : same as cut on both \.n \ . R.nge NovtLer-t ol iMorriman Geo. L. Golem an. Cody , Nebraska On left side ; horses O eft.shoulder - miles - west of Snake River LJt'i3&l n ± ' "X ± 4jJ-3 ? itZl Alex Burr. Pullman. Nebr. On right side ; horses sume left biiotilder. nerd mark-Dew lap f Iiange Brush L'ike and Soutli If Geo. W. Monnier. Tlcrrlman , Neb. Left shoulder and Ieftthighsome ; on lefthphor- ! ; ses same left thigh nange East and Southeast Llerrnnan Grant Bixler. ile'rriman. Neb. Some on left side ; some on left hip ; horses same lei' thigh. Range Six miles Northeast of Mcrri man. H. E. Sears. Cofiy , Nebraska llostly on righthip some on both hips Range-Medicine S. J. Goodin. Cody , Nebraska Cattle branded as on cut ; horses same. Range North of the Snake C. Bvenson. Cody , Nebraska On left side and thigh ; Itorcea same * v en left side Range Between jjBnake KARTIN RED BEAR. Poa'offtce address IMnc Hldge , S.D. On left sldj ; horses same left thigi. Range-Wolf Creek. A THOMPSON PostofUce Addres ; Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut be hind leftshoulder Range on the Schlagle T7 O CARSON fostofnco Address Simoon Neb Stock branded on left hip eame as cut " ' SX D M 6EAT13 I'oato.Toa address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded a' oncutIeftsldesoinc ; en left hip iiorsc. came on left shoul der Range , Square Lake SIGROARETDGE and SON Pos'ofHce address Simeon Ne' > Cattle bnindnti ns on cut ; or f J or V D on left lnj > with hole in rghtear\vhen iiit- deri'-yrs old ; horses same as cut and IJ lianpe Cordon Creek aud Niohrnrn River ALBERT WIIIPPLE Postofiice address Rosebud , S. D. Hranded on left side , some SOS Horses on cither shoul der Some an branded 01 : either shoul lerthus FRANK ROTIILEUTNER Postofflce address Kilgore , Neb. Cattle branded on either side as on out. same on hip Some on if.ft side ROBERT BAD WOUND. Postoffice address Allen. R Left side ; alsc on Iplt norsc 10 on ! ort hip. Range Corn Creek T. F. FRANKS. PostofHce address Merrininn , On loft sii2cear-mirk ; iiHlorsloe ] 1 torses J S on lelt shoulder Ranjjo ten miios northeast of Merrl- nan. 3. H. KHIilEL. RoseV d. S. D. Also B U . n left side Ca tie un ! < rent on both enrs ; horses branded tn left ehoulder Range On fl ntc- ippe and Sprin : ; Creeks Joseph Fairhead. .avaca. Neb. loft- * side Ala _ onleltMdojj ilso same ro- & crted on left thigh Horses K shoulder Range-Between Fair head Lake and Snake rivet Clarence Cutcomb. Cody , Nebraska. Left side on large cattle. On email slock loft side ; horses Al left shoulder Range-Southeast o' Cutcomb Lake Shadbolt and Fleishman. Cody. Nebraska Left side ; S F left shoulder ; herdmark- dewlap. . nange uanges so and 37 , between A'lo- ' brara and the Snake. James Goodfello\v and Son. Cody , Nebraska. Ou left side ; hor. ees JG right side and mostly on Jaw. nance Between the Niolrira and Medicine Lake. W , H. Carter. rostofflce adddt > sa Cody , Nebraska. ' On left side ; some X T left side , horses T left shoulder Enoar jionw stock , jiange Between NIobrnra jind the HORACE \VALLT2tGFORD Postofiice ndrtrcfia " Chesterfield yeb Cattle branded o i left ilcle and hip ; left ear crop ed square : some leftside & on left Bliouldcr . . , -i horses brand ' * ? rd eross an chor on left shoulder. 8 E and A B MCALVEY Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses same on left shoulder uange ou Square Lake G TV KlilK PojtoCice address Kennedy jeb Cattle branded as on cut or on hip ; horses snmo. Some . - , , on leltslde ga and bar ou . iiange , " .one Tree Valley FLOYD KIME PoKtonice address Kennedy Neb Cattle brandjd on left hip or side 01 bo.th Horsfe vith n on lefc shoulder , r.ange nush Lake , Gordon 3 and North Loup Pos'olice sddress Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on > ft side Mid limthor- os on left , iMtilderjalso Z& rj tlic \J& \ < & on either on uuheraide R.inse. Bnrdman betveen nig uend and the Springs rostofflce address VnkMitinc , Neb Cat tlo bnindcd same as on cut ; some on left side and hip : Imrsep same on left shoulder. Cattle range , Gor don and Bordnuin ; Horse range. Steer jH Creek , betweeT the aJ.Molraa ; aud Snake D L McLANE Poston .ce Address Rosebud , 3 D Cattle branded is cut on either s.ile ; also F L 11 and V 11 Horses branded on left shoulder and cells . three links Iiange ir.oulhof CcttonwooU , P.ED SHIRT Postofnce Address Rosebud , S I ) Cattle branded on left side same as cut. Horses brand ed on left shorlder with a K. Ranch in Little White PERRY PA RICE U ? ostof3ce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded uiicascut. Horses , P on left 'loulder Range.Mouth of t'crdmun CLEMENT IIIRLIND SOI DIET I'ostofiice A d lrc s . Rosebud , S D W& & Cattle brand on left hip like cut Iloises branded same on left shoul der. Range , on Big White River THEODORE DOYLE 'ostofflce nddross Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on It side and hip liorst-s snmeonleft er Some | on left side itauge.Rush 3 1 Lake.Gordon I and North oup KIME Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left side with both enrs cropped square norsea same as cat tle hut ou left shoul der ncs Welr'a cat tle , also , UBI nanse.Gordon Greet G LADELY 'ostofRce address Newton Neb Cattle branded : .ime as cut or on hip Ilorcca L on left 'auk Range , between : Jordoi creek and ho Lbup D B STONEB Postoffica addrccs Newton Neb Cattle branded a * on cut Also U on shoulder , K on side , I on hip leftside Also 0 on lofc Jaw In addition to U B I on side Range 0:1 : Gordon creek and south B W BAYMOND 'ostofflce Address ' Rosebud , 5. D ) tattle branded left : boulder and hip R ; Horse branded ai rith only cne 8 on GEORGE PETK Tionestecl.BD Borne ABE left side and left hip IIorscsM- left Lip and some same ou left shoulder No horses sold un- less"brand is invert ed making K Range head of WhecStoae If Po3offlce ( Address Simeon Neb Cattle branded oc rftihtside ; horses game on laft shoul. der. Range , bum mor. on sfiajfp nv er , 4 miles from mouth ; \vinter , t miles south of Sim ton BENNETT Postofflea Address Simeon Neb Stock branded % lib 7 en left hip also s line as cut Range , between Gordon and Saake - creeks and on llo Niobrara rlvor J TV r.URLEIGH " ostofflco Address Simeon , Neb. Cattle and horses branded same as cut on left slda Range between Gordon and Snikc creeks and on the Niobrara river JOZN B LORD Postofflce Addres Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut baok of right shoulder and on right hip Range , on tlio Niobrara REUBEN QUICK BEAR. Postoffice Address Rosebud S I Cattle orandcd sam as cut or on hip ffjk Itocch on Blacl Pipe Creek TODD SMITH. Postofflce Address Rosebud SD Cattle branded sAnie as cut a Diamond mend T Horses branded he fams. Ranch ui tt hiio Tlmuuer Crbek ROBERT FINLAYSON Postoffico addreai Newton Neb Stock brande' ' same as cut KangeonGordo Ci ocl : ; GEORGE DECORY. Postofflce Address Rosebud , S D Cattle branded on left side same as cutHorses Horses branded G D on left hip Ranch on Lone and Antelope creek east of Roiebud BEN BEAUOVI3 CMLUggpp Postofflce Address fe l StiliS Rosebud , S I ! IT JSJ Stock brandel left jS shoulder three inches jjlong | ; side four Inchoj , . Brand Feconl 6y4"i22vrs , Ranch on iiSx i lorso Creek D. R7AY Ice Address Rceabud. S D Cattle branded on left thigh or hip same as cut Horses branded jame on left shoul- lier BEN TUROEON PjstolHce Address Eoncsteel. S E Cattle branded on left side same as cut and right eaj crop pea. pea.Horses branded Ton left shoulder Also with circle clo A WJI. F. SCHMIDT. Postofllce Address Rosebud , S , D , "raided saina as en ut or with unacr he S ; rigut ear slip md dulaped. Horses branded ame on left hip ALEX BORDEAUX. r , Postoffica Address Rosebud , S I Horses are brand : ( ? on left thigh ; cattl. on left side with hsl crop on left ear , Also cat- lie MK with nc icrop on ear Gustave Gunderson. 'ody , Nebraska nleft side ; horses on left shoulder. Oi ange-Bet\rcen Snak al alR ad the Nlobrara R : JOHN H HAHNAN. Posto&ce address Brownleo Neb Same as on cut Also - aud AK be Horses ca leit shoulder e Gooe Creek and North Loup L K BELDING PostoflTo'1 address . _ Erowul Neb On right side or hip On left sfds or hip ; or . L on left hip. Range , Call Creek 3 B and E T SMITD : Postofiice address Brownlec Neb Cattle and horses on left side ; also hordes des on right aide Ransre.Qooso Creek E. R. VANDEGRIFT. Postoffice address Rrov.ulec. Neb. Same as on cis' Raise between Goose Creek art ! North Leap J. M. HANNA Poetofnce address Seneca. Nib Branded as on cut ; some v P on right \ * Nand hip and some on right hip Ranpe fait Creek Valley in Ciit-r- county E. E. ORR. ORR.Postofflce Postofflce address Newton , Neb. Cattle branded any where on left side ; horses on left shoul der Rnnce , between north prong and Not th Loup and Gordon Creek JOSEPH KENNEDY. Postofnce address Brownlee , Neb. Cattle and horses branded on left side or hip Range , North Loup R. M. FADD1S. Postoffice nddress Pass Neb Ranee , Norh Loup Eh or I. L. MERCURE. i'oatofflco address SenecaNeb On right ! rrr * < * - xT XIJL ) - gssi S"ther U.uigu. Southwest fSeneca P. GRIER. PostoTlce addres ? Scnca , Nvb. On left Irp M33H Irpfe ii . rw ? Rause , bc- -UJ twcen if a- . ' ' on B W PEARSON Postofnce address Bro\vnlee Neb Same as on cut Horses same on eft shoulder Range , Goose Creek JOHN H SALZ3IANN ' Postofflce addres ; Brownlee Neb On left hip. The herd mark is a dew. lap Range on Goose Creek. FRANK T LEE rostofflce address Brownlee Neb Baltic on left side ; ir.rses same on left shoulder. Range t nilss northeast ot 5rownlee L A GERMAN Pi stTice address Newton N'eb Cattle branded e .t" . erside ior fs same on left shoulder a so have cato Jt a < . < / . hrandeJ SP under . tanjje-North DICK 3ICNALL estofflce address Brownleo Neb ; nleftsidcand hip Iso oa le.'t hip ange. North Loup X CHARLES n FAUI/3ABEB Fortofllca Jirownlee , Nebr Either right or left.side on entile Horses same on lett shoulder Left ear cut off oicaitle Range , Louprlv- er HENRY FAULHABER Fostofflce address- Brownlce. Neb , Cattle on Icf : eldr Horses same OB- Iff t shoulder 9 „ , Razgo , Loup rlvei. DAVID STEADHAN Tostofflce address Pass , Neb Cattle en 'oft ' Has cliarg'-of _ cattle . branded vi txjSS I right side llgpi ) ] Morses rlt..fi * r Some Horses onleftshoul- JOHN CITALOUD PoslofT-oe addrcs * Brownlee , Neb Cattle and horscr on right side Range. Bls D K PI5RKIN3 Postoffice address Ilalser , Neb On left hip ' * nge , Loup River TALBOT & GALLOP Postofiice nddress Seneca , Neb. Cattle branded oa left sirffc Horses branded on k'ftshotiUiui Pango he- - twrcn Mladic LoUj and Dismal GEORGE GRAY . . . / . } f .r l Postofllce address A.M ; ; , \ . \ ' ! Le 'ford. Nebr On left hip m DrAG on right hip or side Range. Loup and Dismal CP.ONIN BROS. $ % 2& PostcfSco nddresa- i fe % Thedford. Nebr On right sld ' * * * Range , betxvccn Loup and Dlsras WALT HARDY. Postofllce nddress Seneca. Neb Left side on ciltle ; horses , If ft shoulder . : iUc on left sicio seme Ktt R.lll"eSOUttl Loup. JULIUS HECKMAN. PostofHce r. Brown'ee , Ne5 S me as on cut Range south , oj' ' Browalee M. DUNHAM. Postofllcecadrcssiv Kennedy. Neb B Stock branded oa left * - side as on cut. Range Gordon Creek. -sf Vf K GRANT Postofllce addresi Brownleo Neb Oaieft side se. Loup IRA EFENCEK Fojto.Tlce address Brownlee Neb Branded on left aide Range. Call Creek and Swan Lake Val ley - a z ORH PostofHce Rtlrtress Brownlee Neb On left side J P. WALLINGFORD Postofflce address Kennedy Keb Ktock branda 1 ameisout oa left ide Some branded flth bar undersea A V anywhere oa l Idt j