Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, February 16, 1899, Image 13

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If itwas only health , we
mip.ht let it cling.
But it is a cough. One cold
no sooner passes off before
another comes. But it's the
same old cough all the time.
And it's the same ; old story ,
too. Tiicrc is first the cold ,
then the cough , then pneu
monia or consumption with the
long sickness , and life tremb
ling in the balance.
loosens the grasp of yourcough.
The congestion of the throat
and lunge is removed ; all in
flammation is subdued ; the
parts arc put perfectly at rest
and the cough drops away. It
has no diseased tissues on
which to hang.
Cherry Pectoral
draws out inflammation of the
Acfvloc Free *
Kcineinber we linro a McrtlPftlDepr.rt-
inctit. If vou liv < 3 any cninjilalnt v.-hit-
ever ami tlosiro Jho best inecil adrico
you r.ii : pns blv obtain , write the
doctor fr M-y. ; Vou will rcc-eivo a
prompt ri'iv. itlmut cost.
AdUrciS , UK. J. O AYKK.
Lowell , Mass.
Isa varicly which l > riifs r
fron : "i to7"cts. per liii-hcl |
inori1 than aa\ other \i- i
r cty Kr > n. It is ou HIP
wheat lii 1 Is of Wcstorn
( ' : > iiada that Midi a jzrade
is grown , and a farm of
IG'.facros is piven fri.ito
o\--ry boua lide si-ttlcr.
For part - . | , ; \ to Doparlmont of ti ; Iiile-
rii'r. ( ) tti\\a I'a i.li or N l.nrtholoinew , S06 5th
! St. li s M > in < \pcnt for Go\"t of t'tin.idu.
Storm Effects on
TI'.o tidolilco effects of gales on Likes
having no ordinary tides is very con
siderable. In the Caspian a gale ivill
raise the water on either side six feet ,
causiug a total difference of level of
tvv-olve feet , and in Lake Erie heavy
gales occasionally cause a difference of
level of more- than fifteen feet.
Go to Work.
Go to work on lumbago as if you in
tended to cure it , and with the use of
St. Jacobs Oil it can be cured very
promptly and surely. Rub hard for pen
Theological Discussion.
Yabsley Do you believe that heaven
Is a place of eternal rest ?
Mudge I don't know anything about
it. I know , though , that eternal work
vould be it wouldu t be heaven. In
dianapolis Journal.
Oniou Seed 8c arid Up a Lib.
Catalogue tells how to grcnv 1,213 bus.
per acre as easily as 100 bushels. Largest
growers of Earliest Vegetables and Farm
Seeds. Earliest vegetables always vay.
Salx.cr's Seeds produce them weeks ahead
of others. Coffee Berry 15c. per Ib. Pota
toes $1.20 a Bhl.
Cutthisout and send with Me. Tor great
Catalogue and 10 packages of vegetable
and Hewer seed novelties to JOHN
CKOSSE , WIS. ( c. n. )
Ivi : Tonics from Vegetables.
A proposal lias been made by a
French chemist to obtain easily assim
ilable iron tonics from vegetables by
feeding the plants judiciously with iron
On Canada's Free Homestead
Wetaskiwin , Alta. , April 5 , 1808.
W. F. McCrcary. Government Immi-
graition Commissioner , Winnipeg :
Dear Sir I like the country very
much so far. Have seen a great
number of farmers from the States ,
and every one seen so far says
they have done well and like it
here far better than where they came
from , and all claim it to be the best
country for a poor man tha.t they were
ever in , and with good crops this season
I predict a great rush. There are some
nice claims to be had yet , but will not
last long.
I do not find it any colder than in
Iowa and am feeling much better than
wluMi 1 left there March 1. I think this
a great country for those who are suf
fering with throat ami lung troubles. 1
have seen men that had as high as
SI1- , bushels wheat per acre and near
10i ) b u sih els oats , but they weigh from
- ! . " > to T > 1 poundc ? per bushel , but the gen
eral run is 2.1 to 50 wheat , 20 to 73 oats ,
and -lock looking fin-e : some cattle run
ning out were nearly in market Ilesh.
1 ixpect to return to the States late
this fall for stock , etc. Will write you
when I want to go. Thanking you all
for past favors , 1 remain , most respect
fully yours ,
( Signed ) DR. D. E. STREVELL.
Roman "War
In Spain many traces of Roman war
solids are to found.
& & ® &ss * &i&ei ! * &sm
For Infants and Children.
iu Havi
le Prep aration for Assimilating -
similating LkeyoodandRegula-
ling the S losadis andBoivels of Bears
Promotes Digesiiop
ness andRest.Gontalns neither
Opium lorpiiine norllioeral.
Aperfect Remedy forCons'iipa-
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea ,
\Vorms .Convulsions Jcverisli-
TacSzuulc Signature of
, .
= 55 Handsomely illustrated Catalogueof KOUSE.-
ING GOODS , Etc. , sent FREE on application.
It contains thousands of articles which we
Retail at Wholesale Prices. CARPETS , DRAPERIES , LAMPS , DINNER
SETS , etc. , shown in colors. People all over the world buy from it. Why ?
Because it brings to them EIGHT FLOORS ( EACH 2O5 BY ISO FEET ) of
goods in compact form 6OO pages to select from.
148 , 150. 152 , 154 , I5G , 158 , 160 , 162 , 164 , 166 West Madison St. , CHICAGO , ILL.
'Cleanliness ' Is Nae Pride , Dirt's Nae
Honesty. " Common Sense Dic
tates the Use of
Prince -Licrlitcnstxi.-i lin * IJecn In4
vjfibla for l'orlYear. . * .
Hidden nv.uy in tiie exquisitely pic
turesque : iiul mii iuliceut castle of Eis-
grub , in Moravia , an old world ruler
celebrated in .solitude the fortieth an
niversary of his accession to ti ; >
throne. lie is not insane. On the con
trary , lie is one of the nest Intellect
ually brilliant 'i.sveil as the most kindhearted -
hearted of European sovereigns. Yet
during these forty years lie has been
practically invisible : u the \vorld. No
one save his only brother and his confi
dential secretaries and servants know
even what ho looks like , and iiiy sub
jects , iike the rest of the people on the
continent , can only form conjectures
as TO the nature of his rppt-air.nce.
This hermit ruler is ihu reigning
Prince of Liechtenstein , an independ
ent sovereign , who , theoreil-jally. is
still in a state o ! ' war against Prussia.
For , when , in ISGfj. the various sovcr- j
eign slates of ( Jeniviuy were called
upon to array themselves cither on the
ide of Austria or of Prussia , the
Prince of Liechtenstein cast in his lot
with Austria , boldly declared war
against Prussia , and put on a v.ar foot
ing his army of about 300 men.
After the conclusion of the campaign
Prussia concluded peace with the va
rious States that had taken part iu
the conflict. But somehow or other the
principality of Liechtenstein was over
looked or forgotten by Bismarck , and
as if his attention had been drawn to
the matter it would have resulted iu a
doniand for indemnities , the Prince
naturally foreboro to call the attention
of Prussia to the neglect. No peace
h.mng been concluded , therefore , bo-
tweui the two countries , tb-y are theo
retically still in a state of war.
Few people are aware of the icasou
for this mysterious seclusion of the
Prince of Liechtenstein , who. hi spite
of the smalliiess of his dominions , is
one of the very wealthiest rulers of the
world. The fact of the matter is that
he is nlllieted with an intoslinal ail
ment of such a character as debars him
from the society of IKS fellow creatures ,
and to render his Isolation necessary.
He entertains large parties of guests
at his various castles during the shoot
ing season , and likewise his palnco at
Vienna during the c .rnival week. Bui
while his guests are never permitted
to want for anything , and are simply
overwhelmed with delicate alienions ! ,
they never set eyes on their host
throughout the entire time they are
underneath his roof , and if they have
anything to communicate to him they
must do so by letter.
It is a very sad life , and yet that it
has not rendered the Prince a mis
anthrope is shown by his boundless
charity and philanthropy and by the
number of his scientific studies and
works which have won for him the
honorary membership of the Imperial
Academy of Science of Austria , lie is
close upon GO years of age now.
His next heir is his brother , Francis
now Austrian ambassador at St. Pe
tersburg , and who will succeed not
only to his vast estates , but likewise
to his sovereignty of Liechtenstein and
to his dukedom of Troppau. St. Louis
Typioiil !
This tinifly note is to be fount' ! in the
Century : It is tvuc that the prepared
ness for Avar on the parL of the Span
iards was greater in proportion to the
strength of the two nations than the
preparedness of the United Stales. In
eases where we actually had a slrongei
armament , the great disproportion of
loss , and the comparative inelJfceUve-
ness of tiie Spanish arms , of course re
dound to the credit of this country.
The strength of America being , how
ever , so preponderant , and on some oc
casions our armament being so much
more powerful , it is fortunate that
there were occasions for many heroic
acts on the part of Americans that
were in the nature of "forlorn hopes. " |
Among these the most conspicuous is
ilie case of the crew of the Merriuiac. J
Though Uie immediate object of the j
sinking of the collier was not n ceo in- {
plished , no event of the war afforded
greater proof of the high morale of the
entire navy , oflicers and men alike. The
desire of officers and seamen to partici |
pate in what must have looked like am
inevitable sacrilice of limb or life is ,
not the least interesting and , indeed j
pathetic part of Lieut , llobson's thrill
ing narrative. The fact that so 111:1113 :
stood ready to engage in the perilous
duty , while it does not take a single
leaf from the laurels of those who act- ,
nally took part in the maneuver , make *
the heroism of the officer and crew of
the Merrimac significantly typical. [
In 3IuIi-iil During the Wai * .
An amusing account is given in the
Century of the experiences of "An
American in Madrid During the War. "
The writer , Mr. Kdmond Kelly , was
called from Paris to the Spanish cap
ital at the outbreak of the war on bus
iness of urgent importance. Fortu
nately , as he thought , he spoke French
iluently and had a Paris address ; and
his principal disguise was "a foulard
cravat , which Frenchmen tie in a loose
bow like that in which our grandmoth
ers tied their bonnet-strings fifty years
ago. " The Spanish charge d'affaires at
Paris gave him no encouragement.
There was risk of being arrested rs a
spy , and treated accordingly. Mr. Kelly
found his invasion of hostile territory
so cas'y , however , as to be positively
humiliating. He spent seven weeks in j
Madrid , suffering little or no annoy
A Very Clever Younj ? JLady ,
Governess Come , Ethel ; it's time for
good little girls to be in bed.
Ethel Yeth , Mith Morgan ; but you
know I have been naughty to-dajv-
Jeweler's Weekly.
Some people's idea of hospitality isLe
Lo give guests an opportunity to take
i chance in a raffle of some kind.
A Bamboo Suspension Bridge.
A recent British consular report from
the far east describes a suspension
bridge of 1500 feet span , made of bam
boo. The cane was split up into libers
and twisted together to form the cables.
Considering its span , ; h ' material of
the structure is quite remarkable. The
old tradition that almost anything can
be made out of bamboo receives here a
good illustration iu the field of engin
A KG el Woman Rides a Uieycle.
The oldest bicyclist is a woi'.uin agnd
9.'J. who is an adopt rider. Most people
could enjoy health until old 'ie ' if they
tool : precautions to prevent diseases of
the digestive organs by taking : : : i 'oocu-
.sioual dosi ! of IIos tPtter's Stomach P it-
teiv. EVOJI after dysppjishi , iiM'iestioi :
and constipation have toenred : i foothold
: he Bitters will afford relief.
Codfish in tlis I'onnbseot.
Codfishes weighing twenty-six pounds
have been caught lately iu the Penob-
scot Kiver , whence their species disappeared -
peared fifty years ago , driven away by
sawdust from the lumbe ; mills.
Chicago Furniture House Ilns Fur
nished Nearly a Million HOMICS.
To be the largest furniture house in tlui
world is : i distinction which the John M.
Smyth Coa.pany , lot ) to 100 West Madi
son street , Chicago , enjoys. An idea of
the magnitude of the establishment maybe
bo gained from the fact that the building
contains seven JUK ! onehalt'acres of floor
space and that during its third of u cen
tury of business it has furnished nearly
three-quarters of : i million homes , or more
Ihan the entire population of some States.
One of the business principles of the linn
is if goods are not as represented they
may be returned and the money will be
refunded. The linn issues a large , beau
tifully illustrated catalogue of household
goods which are retailed at wholesale
prices. It will be sent free on application.
J-Jcr A i .
"How well Mrs. Plollet holds her
age ! "
"Yes ; she doesn't look a day older
than she says she is. " Indianapolis
Beware of Ointments Cor Catarrh
that Contain Mercury ,
is mercury will surely destroy the < .PIJ .I of
vmulluml complete ! } derange the whola system
when entering it tin nigh : tliu nitifons siirfioca.
ucli articles should never lie used exx-ept o'l
prescriptions from n-putabli ! plnsiehiix. as the
tlamago they will do is tenfold to the g.iol ; > ou
can poss&s'uly deiivo fi.v.n them. Hall's C.-itairh
t'uro. manufactured IK F. J. Cht-'irjy & < ' < > . . To-
k'do , Ohio , contains n > mercury , and i- . taken
internally , acting dirw'uy upon the bluo.l and
mucous surfaces of the system. ii : buying Ihili's
Catarrh Cure be sure you get the geimin" . It H
taken internally anil mad" in Toledo , Ohio , bj
F. .1. Cheney & Co. Testunonials free.
Ci ? Sokl by DrupKiits , 7.Vper bottu * .
FooI af Chinese Babies.
Chinese babies are fed on rice and
nothing else after they are a few
months old. Cow's milk is never given
to them.
Won't Have to Wait.
We don't have to wait for cold , sore
ness and stiffness will come on from
excessive exercise , but it will go im
mediately after using St. Jacobs Oil to
soften and strengthen the strained
George Eliot was near her riOth year
when she wrote "iliddlemarch' ' and
this was succeeded by that powerful j
book , "Daniel Deronda. ' '
To Cure n Colil in One.Dny
Take Laxative Cuomo Quinine Tab'n'is. All
( Irugaisls refund tiieinonoy if it fails to cure.
iSe. " The genuine has L. B ! Q. on each tablet.
Western Australia has an act in force
prohibiting the landing of any OM : who j
canot write out a given passage in Eng
I Jci'.ow that my life was srs.t'd by
Cure for Consuiiiiliou. .John A. Mi'.k-r.
fc'i Sable. Mirli. . A ril Ul.
Hood breeding is the result of much
good SOIIM ? , seme good nature , and a lit
tle s.-'lf-denL'.l for the sake of others.
Cured of Catarrh of Long
Ex-Congressman A. T. Gouilwyn.
Ex-Congrcssnmn A. T. Gocilwyn , from
Alabnma , writes the following letter :
The Pe-ru-na Company
- - Drus Manufacturing
pany , Columbus , Ohio :
Gentlemen I have now used t\vo bottles
"f Pe-ru-na. and am a well man to-day. I
could feel the end effects of your medicine
before 1 had used it a week , after siifTeriug
with catarrh for over a year. Respectfully ,
Catarrh In its various forms is rapidly be
coming a national curse. An undoubted
remedy has been discovered by Dr. Hart-
man. This remedy has been thoroughly test
ed during the past forty years. Prominent
men have come to know of its virtues and
are making public utterances on the subject.
To save the country we must save the pee
ple. To save the people we must protect
them from disease. The disease that is at
once the most prevalent and stubborn ol
cure is catarrh. Public men of all parties
recognize in Pe-ru-ua a national catarrh
remedy of uncqnaled merit. "Seed to Dr.
Hartman , Columbus , Ohio , for * free book
on catarrh.
The Surgical Chair and its Tortures May bo Avoided by "Women "Who
Heed Mrs. Pinkkam's Advico.
Woman's modesty is natural ; it is charming- .
To many women a ft 11 statement ol their troubles to a male physician i * al
most impossible. The whole truth nsay be told to Mrs. I'hikhani because she1
is a. woman , and her advice is freely
offered to all women sufferers.
Mrs. O. E : LADD , of 19th and N
Sts. , Galvcslon , Texas , whose
letter is printed below , v.as
completely discouraged when
she first wrote to Sirs. I'iiiic-
ham. Here is what she sa\-s :
" DE-LI : } Ins. PixrcHAJi : i
wrote to you some time ago ,
telling- you of i .y ills , but (
now I write to thank you . . "
for tiie good your remedies fr wsss '
have done me. I have used v *
two bottles of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound , three packages of
Sanative Wash , and one box
of Liver Pills , and to-day I
call myself a , well wonai. I
suffered with backache , con
stant headache , whites , sirk
-.toinach. no appetite , could not
* ! eep , and was very nervous. At
iine of menstruation was in tcr-
ible pain. Your medicine is
worth its weight in gold. 1 never
: au say enough in praise of itI have
recommended it to many friend0. If only
all suffering' ' women would try it , there would be
more happy homes and healthy women. I thank
you for the change your medicine has made in. me.
Lj'dia E. I'lnkham's Vegetable Compound and Mrs. T'inkham's
saved thousands of women from hospital operations.
The lives of v/onu n are hard ; whether at home with a ceaseless round of do ;
mestic duties or working-at 'some regular employment , their daily tasks make
constant war on health. If all women understood themselves fully and knew
how exactly and soothingly Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound acts
on the female organs , there would be less .siril'e ring1.
efereliody you know to
M& 3 J a
The Tin Tags taken from Horseshoe , "J. T. , "
Cross Bow , Good Luck and Drummond
Natural Leaf will pay for any one or all of
this list of desirable and useful thing's and
you have vour good chewing' tobacco besides.
Every man , woman and child in America can find something
on this'ih > t that they \vould like to have and am have FKKK !
Wite : your name and address plainly and send every tag you
can get to us mentioning the number of the present you want.
Any assortment of the different kinds of tags mentioned above
will be accepted as follows :
1 Match Box , quaint design , im IS Alarm Clock , nickel , warranted 200
ported from Japan 25 20 Carvrs , bucl.honi handle , ouil
2 Knife , on = bUde , good steel 25 steel 200
3 Scissors , 45-mch , good steel . . . . 25 21 Six 1 Rogers' Teaspoons , best ( iuil. 225
4 Child's Set , KnifeForl , : and Spcon 25 22 Knives and Forks , six each , bucK-
6 Salt and I'eppcr , cn < - each , quad horn handles 2 0
ruple p'ate on white metal . . CO 2U Clock , 8-day , Calnidsr , ' 1 herrnuni-
G Razor , hello .v ground , ! : nc Knghsh eter , Hsrcmcter SCO
site ! CO 24 Sieve , \Vilson IIe = : rr , size No. SO
7 Hutter Knifr , triple plate , be > i qua ! . CO cr No. 40 00
8 SugarShltiipleplatcbe3tqiality ! GO 25 Tool Pet , no : pa\ ! things , Lu real
9 Stamp Hov , s'.e. linj ; silver 70 tools CoO
10 Knife , "Keen Kr.t--"two : blades 70 20 Toiie : Set , rlecoralsd j.orcclain ,
11 IJatc'ier Knife , "Keen Kuttcr , " very liandscmr. 00
8-incli blade 75 27 Watch'solid silver , full jeweled . 10CD
12 Shear- , " Keen Kuttcr , " S-incb , 23 Scvvinq M-.chine , fust ciass-.vita
nickel . . . 75 ; il ! attarhments 1'CO
13 NsitSctCrackerandC PicU.'i'vcr SO 21 Revolver , Colt's , hc t finality . . . I OH )
14 Nail Kile , sterling silver , amethyst .V ) Kiilc , Winchester , IC-rnot , 22-c.il ItC ! )
ct , C-inch 100 31 Shot Gun , double Lnrcl , hanniicr-
15 Tooth Brash , sterling silver , siie- j lt.ssf ita ! tv. ist 20JO
thyst set , G-incir 100 32 Guir ( Waihburn ) , rost-.vord , in-
16 Taper Cutter , sterling silver , anc- l.iid with niothcr-of-pcarl. . . . 20CO
t'jyst set , 7-inch 100 33 Bicyck , standard make , ladies' cr
17 IJ.iscIJ'-Il , "Association , " bestqad 100 crnts' 2500
18Vatch , 'tern uin.mi set , gujran- UGOKS- clcicselections = ara =
tced good tm = keeper 200 as lat yeat'i list , 40 tags each.
This offer expires Hovsm&sr 3d , (8S9 ( ,
Address all \our Tags and the correspondence about them to
D3Ur2NlGKB BRAFJCH , St. Louis , Trio ,
Trip'.o Invitation.
When a Chinaman gives n. granl
party he sends three invitations 10 oah
guest one two days before the event.
another on the day itself , and the third j
ju-.t before the hour has struck , to signify - ,
nify how impatient he is for his visit- i
or's arrival.
livery One Knows. j
Why trifle with a sprain when every (
one knows that St. Jacobs Oil used in |
the worst case will so strengthen the in- j
jured muscle as to make it the best rein j
'v for this dreaded pain. i
Joy of Pence. j
"As soon as a soldier gets home he
wants to do three things/ '
"What are thoyV
"Eat a square meal , kiss his sweet
heart and get his photograph taken. "
In "Winter Use Alien's Fooi.-Er.se.
A powder to be shaken into the shoes.
During winter your feet feel uncomfort
able. nervous , and often cold and daup.
If you have perspiring , smarting fec-i or
tlgat shoes , try Alien's Foot-Ease. It
warms and re&ts the feet and makes
walking easy. Cures swollea aid
sweating feet , blisters and callous spots.
Relieves corns and bunions of all pain
and is a certain cure for chilblains and
frost bites. Try it to-day. Sold by all
druggibts and shoe stores for 2V. Trial
pa-'kago mailed FREE. Addrebs Alien
S. Olmste-d. Le Roy. N. .
Perfect Trust.
"Mr ? . Tumpkins simply adores her
husband. "
"Is she raving over him all the time ? "
'No , but she lots him pick out her
Christmas wesont.-- Chicago Record.
Kromus Inermis Grass !
It's the greatest grass on earth Salzer
says so. This grass yields to 7 tons
better hay than timothy in dry. rainless
countries ; yields even more than that in
Ohio , Ind. . Mich. , Wis. , Iowa , II ! . . Mo. .
Kans. . Nehr. . Mont. , yes iu every State of
the I'nion ! Snlzer warrants this ! Pota
toes ? 1.20 a Bbi.
Send this notice to JOHN A. SALZER
SEED CO. . LA CROSSE. WIS. . and 10
rents postage and receive their great Seed
Catalogue and sample of this grass seed
and niue other farm seed Rareties free.
A FooliaJi Question.
The Preacher And so you go to Sun-
da j * school , my little mail ?
The Little ManNo. . Christmas is
past , ain't it ?
IrnrnsTor sale , 52 per Mere c Bb.tM Ta
crotygatil paid. J.
Wowisib to gain th-'t sen.2X > .JOO
IIH-V cu ti-r.erij. cn < l hence otter
Above 10 pkg * . , \-nrtk Sl.OO , we vill
irxjl jou frc-o. together with oargreat
I'lunt , ainl heed C'utalocua. ' pen re-
opi _ t Ottilia nolle.'as < i 14 < ? , G6lcge
\\'c icvito jour tradup.cdkr.W wLoij
jouonco try Salzcr'A Seetfo jou wm
never { .et nl > ni ? without tnerc On-
l- loa * * -cd < 58 and up u Ilj. I'otrt-
tocs at * 1- " ° " DblCataiogae
, , iRof. tentKo. . C.N.
. ; OHN A. KALZKii SCii > CO. , 1.0 Cro
* * * Isavc sod your valuable CASCA-
KETS au t n J tt'eii peifict. Cou.da't do
vltlHt'it tlr-M 1 uavc Uhcd tlieni for sometime
fur ; .1. g : vt. 'i ur J bllio" TS s ? , and am now com
pletely f.rc ! . Jcceomrcind tbcui. to every one.
O.-.ce trnJo i Will never be v.i thout them in
tfc.y fumii'- . " EDVA. . MAKX , Altaay. N. Y.
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Go * > I. Do
Gcc-U. Se-er S.cfec-K. Wcafccc. or Gripe , 10e 2C-C.50C.
. . . CURE COiSTPAT10J. . . .
S crIic ! tttcitJj CompjDj , CMrazc. Montrral. XeVort. . SZ1
Sold and auarantccd by alldrcc-
Ksisto CVKK Tobacco KabitT
" Slvesrrl.er ia F17E miaates. Sand
% TFrS ; Strial pscUase. Sola by
4Sy&rsKSs One ! 5os scat postpaid
S tx l50 receipt of ZI.CO. Et = tests 93.00.
fcadreaa cs. roraia. ruiia. . PI.
' J O K N W. P $ O R R \ S , WASHWfiTOH. D. L
TriadpU xaalc r v. 3. Fiitltm Bvu .
wxmaa TO
O. X. U. 7-99