Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, February 16, 1899, Image 11
V , ILLlAM A. ALLMAN. fire addrcs' On side and Horse ? on right shoulder 45 -Woli ( Jre. . ALBERT LAMB. Postofilce addr ss Allen. S. 1) . CM tic same as on cut ; horses on irft u , , Kimenscaulcon lelt iiouhlcr Range Kosr Creek WILLIAM PROVOST. Postofficc address Albany , NeOn & * * Kfiv l . * * . - - * Jr- * * > On right -.idft ; her us Mtshou'dfT Range To id g \\aiur FRANK SALWAY , JH. Postoffice Allen , h. As on cut ; also s left hip : ! ; . " [ top eitcl * ' J'a ? p _ ou left iido ; RCyS'J J'MO ' Pfe. on left s.i ! Worses left ! np Range Corn CIIM'.LCS RICHARD , SR. Postofflce address Porcupine , S. 1 On loft Miehortt ! < Silira wi'ho it ba on left 5-houlJer. R.iige Porcupii CHARLES CUNY. Mandeison On left side Also around both hj : s like a brec-fhing U.n- uess. nc : 5s us cut on h'flth-gliH'oiifiTer brnnii 'f light o\er the T HENRY JONES Posto'l'ce address TT&Z& \ M.UV' ' rson , S. 1 On left Mde .me on Id RanecVounde Knee Croflc. CHAS TWISS. Po5tofT.ce addrcs-s JNiuudersou , S On left side left shoulder ' RaiiEe White iiver JOHN GRAHAM. PostofTice address Pine Ridge , 15. I ! On left side Horses suuo en hi P li Itauso-Pass Crce ELNORE LITTLE CHIEF. ? osrofiice addres Pine Ridge , S. D. Oa leftside ; horses same 10ft shoulder Range-White river WILLIAM WALKS ON THE GROUND. Fo tofficc address Porcupin" , S. 1" L"f t ' houldcr or sla Ilorsos eame o Range V/ounde Knee PRETTY HIP. JR. Post fHcc address T'orcupiuo , S. D. Left side and hip Creek. GEORGE WHITE FACE. PostofCcc addrc-s AI1 . S. D On left side ; & 1E < W ou left side Horses same on le ! hip Range-Corn Creel SHORT HORN. FostoT.ce address Pintilidge. . .S. I * . On leit 5 > ide ; horses iutneon sliouider Itaugc Woiii.iled Knee. JUDGE THUNDER BEAR. Postoffice address Manderson , S. D. On Left sidehorsej ; same on left hip Range-Wounded GEORGE F1RETI1UNDE2. Postofficc addrec3 PincRidec.S. fi On leftside ; liorse same 'elt ' slionldT. Rmge Near I'm Ridge Agency. JAMMS GRASS Postofilce address ' Porcupine , S. I ) . On left shoulder and hip ; 'lories sine on Ii ! | ) llange Porcupine Civck. , -ss V : JOSEPH FAST HORSE. Postoffice ad.lrcss Pine Ridge , S.D Caltle guineas cut 11 hordes same on lei -LH Hangc-Sprin ? Creel JOHN LEE. Postofflcc address Pi Ridge , S.U. On left side Horses left thi h Range-Wolf Crock. JMITE RICHARD. Postoffice addrcsi Mcrrinian. Neb On leftside : horse : P It on left thigh Range-Lake Creek , : i Dakota. JO.'IN FARXHAM. I'ostofiire add-c-s Interior , s. I ) . Left side or Lip or both Hoi EOS same o : : left l high Range-Jackson Co. JOHN POURIEil. Postolfice S'lilrv f Manders. n , . 1\ On lefts.tle : f ? Z ? ? also i& $ on jaw ' 'r rr $ Jvf Horses on left shouMer. R.uigc - ; > \\ouudLiiKuecand : White river. PoFtoHlCG address Porcupine. S. 1) . Onlc.rt suit' ; isoisas snme on left hip Range Porcupine Cixek THOMAS TYON. address Pine Sidic , S. IX Anywhere on left side Horbessame lilt hip CHARLES II. GIROUX. PoPtffTice address Pine Ridge , S. D. On left side Horses same on lei1 Ehouider. R.inze-Wo'.f Creek MANUEL ROMERO. Postoffice address Pine Ridge , S. D. 1 On left side n rsos left shoaidcr Rango-Spring Creek a cud Wounded Knee. SAMUEL SMITH. PostofTice address Alien , e. D. On left side Horses same on left hip. Range Corn Creek JOSEPH BROWN , JR. Postoffice address Manderson , S D Left side or hip Horses " cu left shoulder Range-White river ami Mouth Wounded - ed Kuee. JOHN ME3TETH. Postoffice address Porcupine , S. D On left side Also ou left side 't.in.zoPorcupine deck. GEORGE HAttVCY. 'Postofflce address Porcupine , 8. D. On leftside Horses same on lef * shoulder Range-White river and Mouth of Spring Creek. j AITOINS HERMAN. JS-uJpfcSLt Postofficc address Kyle. S. 1 On left aljoulticr On left side Also horses on left uange Po.au Crcok It. C. STIRK. Frs'ofTlce atfdrpsa I'ine Ridge , S.D 115 and 5p on left side Horses 113 on loft ' - ' " ' ' " also 5 < n left tl n WILLIAM VLANDIIY. ! Post Allen , S. I On both sides On sit and liij ) Range Lltt NICHOLAS JANIS. Kyle. S. D. Cn loft side Horses same on left ho ldr i uatige Big White uiver. BENJAMIN ROWLAND. Poslofflce address Kyle. S. T Oalcftsideandhi Jlorsea. Si lei thlgli. JMtil Kivcr ? ' CHARLES CLIFFORD. . 'cstorneeacMrcss Kile , S. I ) n left s'd3 or hip. H-rjcssame en left thigh ; also J Cfl glclt , ide. Ear-mark , tip a-id umicr.bit R , D3e-\MI eRher CHARLES JONES. Postoffice address Porcupine. S. L" On left Lip and ja Horses same or < ? on left shoulder Itanse-WhUeRive JOHN P. BISONETTE. Slnndcrso" , S. D. S0 ! ! 12 on left 'lip ' JLTLIA DAVIDSON. Jbtoffice address Kyle. S. U On rl ht shoul derand Lip Horses J on le ! CLICK SVLW\Y. 'ostodce ju'drc-ss Alien , a. D. n snou'.dcr t iJe and Worses S 3 on left shoulder. Range Con- Creek E. G. EETTELYOUN. Postofflce address Pine Ridge. S. 13 Anywhere ; horse same. Range Little White River C , W. ALLEN , MANAGER. PostofPce address MeiTinian , Ken. stock branded as ou : utilso A loft houl- ler , U leftsice ! , Cleft lip. Range Little A'hitc river , S. D. I \\iil pay Sioo for iullieieat evidence to louvicl anyone of .tearing . entile bcar- ng thebC urands. WILLIAM SHANGRAN. Postofilco address Cody , Neb On left side Ilorses , same Range Lake Crect South Dakota ROBERT P. AND ALL. 'ostofflce address Allen. S. D- ) n left side lorses sane : on left houldcr Unge Bear Creek SANDY WILLIAMS. Postoffice address Mcrrlman , Neb. Mostly on left side , some on right side Horses same left Shoulder Range-Lake Creek , South Dakota. BENJAMIN JANIS. Poitofllcc address Kile , S. D. On left side ; horses "It on hip. Kange Medicine Root Creek. EDGAR FIRE THUNDER. Postoffice add rcss Allen , S. I On lef . side ' .SZfr : 'soonieft fsSlj : ear split and hang ing i a ige-Bear Creel ROBERT WHITE RABBIT. Postoffice address Merriinan , Neb. On lelt side aid hip. Horses same on left thigh. Rouge Lake Creek South Dakota. sjj PETE ! : LADEAUX. Postoffice address Allen , S. D Left side and hi { Horses same oa lef I M-h Itange Bear Creel A. W. MEANS. Postofilce address Pine Ridge , S. D. On bolh bides Horses same minus half circle on top.oa left thigh. Range-Little Wnite river , WILLIAM TWISS. PostoP.ice adtlrt-.s Mandeisuii.S. D ITorsf-s Range-Big White river ELES ADAMS. Postoffice address Manderson , S. D I Left side or hip ou sideofeftttle. Arrow i ovei-M d on all cattle sn.i. : Jfaime Mouth WouiKk-d Knee. ARTHUR P.OFF. Postoffice ad dress Mei riman , JN'eb On bide ; also ion Jaw Horses R n on thigh Range-Lake Creek fifc-2 nnd Little White liver. SETH GARY. ifiii e address Mernman , Neb On both side and hip Ilerd-nurk. . ' - dev.-lap Horses same on left shoulder Range-Lalc Crook and Little \\liite rsver. JOSEPH 3COCER. Postoffice address Gordon. Neb. Left side and hip Horses , left shoul der. Range-Little White Soulli Dakota. -z ± & . NtaS ! river , E. COITEY AND SONS. Postoffice address Gordon , Neb. On left side nnd Ken on jaw ; some .3 Con r'mht hip and J on jaw i lorscs PE and .3 c on shoulder , nange. Little White ri\er , Dakota. JOHN T. GREEN. Postoffice address Mernman , Neb On left side Ilorses same on left shoulder ; waddle un der neck of young S&ft stock ime.-Lake Creek Little White river J. J. PECK. Postoffice address Cody , Neb. On both eides Horses CC on left thigh Range HeadPass , Creek , South Dak. C. H. LITTLE. 'Postofilce address Merriinan , Neb. On either side Horses same on hp. Also either = We Range Lake Creek South Dakota. JOHN GRESH Postoffice address Mcrrlman , Neb DnhotliBidessome ; m righl side and ilp aorsessame wlth- mt bar , left thigh Sange-Lake Creek t Little White river1 GARNER BROTHERS , ' , Postofflce addrcs * Cody , Neb Anywhrrr onca'tle ; rors s , on fct shoul der. Range north of Eli G. O. FAIRHEAD. Prstnmco nddrcsi Mcrr.m.fi , NP ft cf-sr-resjw rT v Cattle en left MISS lef SS PSSf Ho-scs. C on let SrafL'SgiBSS&J shoi.'dcr . bptween wooil I.a' < Lomder utid Bea Creel : W. R. WHITE. Mernnma. Neb On eUher sulc ; borne S U E on leftsi.lo Ilai ge Sotuheast of Meirunau / B ? FRANK LIVEKMORE. Postoalce ac . . V.hi'o River aw & \Sn.ith _ _ ot teda , -rrMr t--pV-r ' - reek , S. D. J. O ROL'RKE. Postoffice addresa Kyle , S. O. On left side and hip. Hors a , J on left ehouider Hinge Big White p.lv-r B. F. ROYLES. Post office address 'Merriinan , No ! As on out , left sldt Range between Reservation VETAL Posli'iffioe nddrcss Coi'.y. Neb. fattle br.in'led r.hcre ; some with uili-rpc : < itli [ 5 5533 tl > L' l > r.ud ; * - - - fiorsfs o : : left shoulder Itaugp Little River .itiil Moutii of L'edar Creek , S. IX GEOUGE COLITOFF. Po tofficc address I ine Ridge , S. D I.ot.Je ; of cattle left dio.iMfr ol horse se ; a cangn White Cl.-j \J \ Creek. GEORGE GIROUX. Postofl'ice address Allen , S. I ) ' [ ) n left ECC : aivl : high. ) n Kftlunk Range-Head of Pass Jreek. GUS CRAVEN. Postoffiee address . Manderson , SOn - ! - On left sidj i- : > : 05 , on U-i < lur v i ' o t i > r under- ncath. R : ' .C-D0' \Vlt river. P.APTISTE POVRIER. Postoffice address Mandcrsor , S. D 3n left side , .lorscs same on left ihoulder ; counter , jr.ind , horse bead on lz't ! sliowlder. Ra.'ge-Wlntc river iud Wounded Knee CHARLCS C. MARRIVALL. l'ostoffiC3 ad 1 less Albany , NeD. on right side ilorses same left hip Range-Lime Kiln WILLIAM L. PATTON. 'ostofTlce address Mauderson. S. D. ) n either side Torses same left houlderlow Iano ; Wountlod fneo and AVlnte iver GEO. K. BROWN. Postoflice addiess Manderson , S. D. On left side ; aso ! nround hfp.bom lett side. Horses same on left s ! o i dr. . Kangc Lutl" White . river and Brown 3 Lake. LEWIS SnANGRAX. 'ostofflce address Kyle , S. D In left shoulder and Ide Also n left side i ga [ orsea , ZS on leu high Barge Big Ivcr. JOHN > r.d dress Kyle. S. D. On left side ul cattle ; lcftshouTdron liors. ts ; also J21 or 112 ou left hide of cattle. Range on Big White Rtvcr. ANTOINE JAN13. JOE RICH A I. D. PostofTce ad-'n.'ss A'.ren , S. D. On right si ! > g * 'd sH Range Eagle Nest Creek. ELICK HICIHRD. Ai tn , 9. D , On left suieotcattl * JOHN SWALLOW. Fostofficc address AlieS D. Left side on ratt'e. Horses , underlined II on left shoulder V g 3 s * > 5 SKS Range-Little J V ® White Klver afess. , & . tZC.TTfc . ii - - - " " - STfSPH * LEWIS VEON. JENNIE SEARS. Fostomce address Manc'cnion. S. D ' .n left side and jaw Range on White : iver J. O. ROOK. PostofTicp Alien. S. BI On left sJe Horses , O on rlgti th.Ui E nge Lltt Whltft Klver Pasj Crock. J. It. PUGH AND SONS , ' . 'ostoffice address Pine Ridge , S. D i J.iitlo branded as oa t Ilcrses"on left ! : oulder ' ILmye Flint Dutte Little White uivcr DAVID COTTIEIi. PostyTice eddress Allen , 's. O On left side , rhjy O'.r s.I.t . nan-e-LIttloWhlti BENJAMIN CLAYMOF.2. PostofBee acldrcr.3 Allen , S. D. On leftside ; a'so C n shoulder. B sd ? , > on hip. Horses. C on sho- ; ! I--r and underlined iJLor. hip. nance ' .ittle Wlilto uJver LEWIS COTTIER. Postofflco addresj Allen. 3. H On left side ; also 23 iiidorJIned DH c Ic't side of soaioi right car split Horses , 4 on righl Up nan c-Llttle Whttj uiver Postofflce address Interior , S. D. tock branded as on cut , left side end Jaw Range Fotatoo I. . B. LESSERT. Postofllce tdtfrsss Merrirnan , N , On left side ; also oo inicsldo , Sil uo. derlined norecs. underlined M oa left thigh . Range-Little WhjU Rlrer JOSEPH KNIGHT. fostofflce address Pine Eidge , S. D. On left hip ; wattle > n neck Horses same on left ' sange