Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, February 16, 1899, Image 1

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' - " . * . . , * . *
l > etachcd Cottage Had Fifty-Two
Inmates When the Flames Broke
Out Thermometer Registered 23
Beloiv TYhen Inmates Turned Out.
Fatal Fire at Yanktoii.
At 2 o'clock Sunday morning with the
thermometer registering 23 degrees below
zsro , a fire fatal in its effects broke out in
one of thcco"tag2i of Ihe South Dakota
S ale Inf e Asylum at Yanktoii , resulting
in one of the most horrifying catastrophes
in the history of the State , seventeen people
being burned to a coal.
following is the list of missing :
Augusta Uoerse , Lake County.
.Julia Erickson. Meade County.
Ella Lokkan. Codington County.
Margaret Lynch. Union County.
Josina Olson. H : mlin County.
Martenia Tennison , Pennington County.
Elizabeth Stolphe , Davison County.
Mrs. Kampani , Brown County.
Maggie Fljnn , Hamlin County.
Lucina Gossage , Ilamlin County
Adelina Hiiley , Potter County.
Christina Johnson , Codington County.
Jennie Kroning , Pennington County.
Louisa Keene. Codintcn County.
Caroline Lindberg. Brown County.
Katie Plavitz. Bon llomme County.
Gaini Swenson , Kingsbury County.
Owing to the crowded condition of tne
main building this cottage , three stories
high , was utilized for keeping female pa
tients , there being in the building at the
time the fire started fifty-two people , forty
of whom were inmates and the other twelve
The fighting of the fire was seriously
handicapped by tiie reason thai the steam
pipes from the boiler of the main building
passed through the cottage for healing
purposes , ami then on to the water tank.
As the fire progressed these pipes were
burst from the terrible heat , thus cutting
off the pumping power and leaving only
direct pressure from the ic.nk w&ch was
iu no way sufficient. Two streams of
water were turned upon the burning build-
dug , but to no avail.
Strenuous efforts were made to save all
tiie inmates. All that could be done was
done , but Ihe fire had the advantage and
kept it. Those who did escape came down
the narrow passageway in their night
clothes and bare feet into the bitter cold ,
and' had it not been that shelter and
warmth were so near at hand the result ,
terrible as it was , would have been far
worse. All that remains of the once hand
some three-story structure is the bare ,
gaunt walls. Tiie interior is gutted most
completely. Hardly a six-inch piece of
-wood remains at the bottom / > the base
ment , and in the debris can be seen portions
tions of the charred remains of the un
fortunates. These appear to be in one
spot , showing that they had crowded to
gether either on the first or second floors ,
perhaps both , at that point , and the floors
Hiving way had thrown them in this seem
ing pile. The exact cause of the lire Is un
Ice Breaks "from Its Moorings and
Carries Skaters Away.
Fifteen skaters living in the suburbs of
Uogers Bark ami Lake Forest , Chicago ,
were carried out into Lake Michigan on ice
Hoes Sunday. Ten of them were rescued.
During the entire evening searching parties
made fruitless efforts to secure some trace
of the missing six.
The misbing :
Attorney Elmer D. Brothers , employed
m the ofiice of Attorney Luther Lafliu
Miss Orel Manney , 17 years old , niece of
Attorney Brothers.
Chruncey Manney , aged 23 , nephew of
Attorney Brothers.
George Mallory , student at Lake Forest
University , home in Ponuac , 111.
Guy Cnrron , student at Lake Forest
"University , home in St. Anne , 111.
Arthur Fletcher. Havens wood Park.
All of those who were rescued were car
ried out on the ice off Lake Forest , and
( woof the number who ventured on the
frozen lake there arc supposed to have been
drowned. The remaining three of the fif
teen were carried away on floe off Rogers
A sudden change in the wind caused ( he
ice half a mile to the north to suddenly
break. The vast force exerted upon the
iloe near shore , upon which the unfortu
nate parly were , caused a rapid disintegra
tion. Before they had realized their posi
tion escape was impossible.
Naval Bill to Carry $ loOOOOOO.
The House Xaval Committee has struck
a total on the naval appropriation bill
about lo be reported , showing that it will
carry something over $143,003,000 , of which
about $11,000,000 will be for the first year's
appropriation on three new battleships ,
three armored cruisers and six small
Warmed Up with 13 to 'iO IJashos
With the temperature at zero three
culprits were placed in the pillory in the
jail yard at Wilmington , Del. , Saturday.
Though blanketed they were greatly be
numbed. Later two of them , with six
others , were warmed up with fifteen t 7
< ; .forty lashes. /
Business Xot Shaken by Speculative
11. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Itcview of
Trade says : The solid basis for good bus
iness has not been shaken by speculative
reaction. Stocks ha\c been slightly lower
and Ihe : : : r.rkct is all the safer , because
much un.soundness and unreason have
been shaken out. Speculation in wheat ,
which for a time depressed prices ,
has also taken a turn and with
heavy exports the market tends
upward again. Dispatches from ail
parts of the country show extraordinary
activity in the chief branches of trade and
a business much larger than a year ago in
nearly all. Atlantic exports of wheat this
week were 3,290,092 bushels , flour included ,
against 2,174,921 last year , and total exports ,
including the Pacific , 4,017.403. bushels
against 2,960,515 last year.
The cotton market is in slightly stronger
position. What wool is worth in view of
the great slocks yet unconsumed few are
'able ' to judge and that fact hinders adjust
ment of prices for goods. Sales have been
small. The iron industry is so exploited by
consolidations and attempts of that nature
thai it is wonderful prices have not re-
flecled distrust. Instead there have been
general advances iii pig because the de
mand has been large for Bessemer at Pitts-
burg at SI 1.40 and gray forge at 510.75. and
in finished products because nearly all are
in demand beyond the capacity of works
for some time to come. Failures for the
week have been 217 in the United States ,
against 203 last year , and 33 in Canada ,
against 43 list year.
Owners of Delayed Vessels Uneasy
Regarding Their Ships.
The reports of the terrible hurricane en
countered on the last western voyage by
Ihe big liners St. Louis , Lticania and La
Champagne have made the owners of de
layed vessels somewhat uneasy regarding
their ships. Seafaring men have given up
all hope of ever seeing the British freighter
Almida , which sailed from Shields , Eng
land , for New York on December 19 last ,
in command of Capt. A. McGregor , with a
crew of twenty-five men. The missing
steamer is a steel vessel of 1,542 tons and
carried a general cargo. The steamer
Catania , from Glasgow , December 21 ,
ought to have arrived at New York several
days ago , but probably has been delayed
by the hurricane.
Hall' a Million to a Million Dollars'
Damage Is Done.
A lire which caused a loss of $600,000 to
51,000,000 and threatened lo destroy an en
tire block , started in Walker & Bell's bag
factory in Xew York Thursday , and soon
spread to the adjoining property , including
three small hotels , from which Ihe guests
escaped. A large number of girls em
ployed in the bag factory became panic
stricken , but were gotten out safely.
Indians at the "White House.
A number of Indians from the Xorth-
tvest called at the White House Thursday.
The Yanktons were there to advance the
settlement of their claims against the Gov
ernment arising under the treaty of 1872
and to secure payment of $5,000 which they
assert is due them from the Great Northern
Railway Company for right-of-way through
their reservation. The Assiniboines com
plained that the Government has not ob
served the obligations of the treaty of 1851 ,
which expires in 1901.
Editors Sent to Jail.
In the United Slates Court at Cincinnati
Thursday C. W. Moore , formerly editor
and publisher of the defunct Blue Grass
Blade , at Lexington , Ky. , and his printer ,
James Hughes , were found guilty of mis
using the mails. The specification to the
charge was the sending of the Blue Grass
Blade through the mails , which promul
gated immoral doctrines on love and mar
Going to the Orient to Wed.
Miss Charlotte Ives of Chambersburg ,
Pa. , is in San Francisco on her way to
China , accompanied by ,111 * . and Mrs. Mer .
rill of Boston. She is going to the Orient
to wed John Ilisley Putnom. His home is
at Saratoga Springs , N. Y. , but he entered
the consular service of the United States
Government some time ago and is now
stationed at Chin Kiang , China.
"Gold King of Klondike" Weds.
Alexander MacDonald of Dawson City ,
N. W. T. , known as the "Gold King of the
Klondike , " and reputed to be worth 25-
000,000 to 30,000,000 , has been married to
Miss Margaret Chrisholm , daughter of Mr.
Chrisholm , superintendent of the Thames
Water police in London.
Iiarge Rubber Company Formed.
Articles of incorporation were filed with
the secretary of state of New Jersey of the
Rubber Goods Manufacturing Company ,
with an authorized capital stock of $50-
000,000 , one-half of which is to be preferred
and the other half common stock.
Big Contribution to War Revenue
A mortgage for $20,000,000 , given to the
'Central Trust Company of New York city
by the Colorado & Southern Railway , was
filed in Denver last Saturday. The revenue
stamps used aggregated $35,250.
Bad Kansas Fire.
The business portion of Herington , Kan. ,
including a hotel , drug store , jewelry store
and a large livery barn , burned Thursday.
The loss is from $75,000 to $100,000.
$10OOOO Fire at Mansfield , Ohio.
An explosion in the japanning depart-
ptnent of Ihc Baxter stove works at Mans-
teeld , Ohio , Saturday caused a fire with a
{ loss of $100,000.
Ijittle Formality About the Cere
mony , Although a Xumber of Per
sons Were Present Is Xow Ready
for Transmission to Spain.
President Signs Peace Treaty.
The official copy of the treaty of peace
with Spain , bearing the signatures of the
Spanish and American commissioners ,
which was ratified by the Senate last week ,
as certified by Vice President Hobart , was
certified by the President and Secretary
Hay at 2:33 : o'clock Friday afternoon in
the library of the , executive mansion.
There was little formality observed , al
though a number of persons were present
by invitation of the President. While
signing the document the President and
the Secretary of State sat at tiie round
table in the center of the library. The cere
mony occupied only a few minutes , and at
its conclusion Secretary Hay replaced the
document in the crimson velvet case and
took it to the State Department for trans
mission to Madrid.
Voluntary Move on Part of the
American Wire Company.
John W. Gates , chairman of the board of
directors of the American Steel and Wire
Company , confirms the report from Chicago
that that company would on March 1 ad
vance the wages of its 80,000 employes.
This increase in wages , Mr. Gates said ,
which would amount in the aggregate to
between $750,000 and $1,000,000 a year , had
been made by the management entirely of
its own accord and not as a re
sponse to any of its employes. The
advance is to be made on a sliding scale
that will give the poorest paid em
ployes the greater proportion of benefit. It
provides that all employes earning $ l..oO a
day or less shall receive an advance of 10
per cent. All earning between $1.50 and
$2 per day will get an advance of 7J < per
f-ent. , and all who now earn between $2 and
.f2.oO will have an increase of 5 per cent.
The company is enabled to make this ad
vance by the enormous saving it has been
able to effect through consolidation.
Liberals Dissatisfied and Will Corn-
complain to Washington.
Gen. Henry , at San Juan de Porto Rico ,
has appointed Francisco Acuna , Independ
ent Liberal , now attorney for the Supreme
Court , to be Secretary of State ; Dr. Cell ,
Liberal , has been appointed Secretary of
Finance and Frederico Degatan , Radical ,
has been appointed Secretary of the Inter
ior. The Liberals are dissatisfied with
Gen. Henry's change of policy. Munos
Riviera announces his intention of going to
Washington soon in order to secure "relief
from the oppressive militarism , " which he
saj-s will "estrange the Porto Ricans from
the United States. "
Message Sent to Congress Urging
the Necessity of Its Construction.
President McKinley has sent a message to
Congress calling attention to the urgent
necessity for the construction of a cable
across the Pacific Ocean. He makes no
specific recommendation as to the mode by
which it shall be secured , the main point
being its imperative necessity.
Had Sixty People 011 Board , but
Nearly All Escape.
The steamer P. D. Staggs , which collided
with a railway bridge at Johnsonville ,
Tenn. , Wednesday night , drifted four miles
down the river and burned. Sixty people
were on board. It is reported all were
saved except the second clerk , Robert Scott
and six or eight roustabouts.
Big Dipper Reservoir Breaks.
The reservoir at the Big Dipper mine in
the Iowa Hill near Auburn , Cal. , has
broken and carried away the entire mill ,
blacksmith shop and drying house. Five
Chinese and one white man , Joseph Far-
ber , were killed and their bodies found
several miles down the canyon. The loss
to the mine is heavy and will reach upward
of $20,000.
Dismissed for Misconduct.
Secretary Alger summarily dismissed
from the military academy Charles L. Ba-
ender of Morerly , Mo. , and F. G. Lane of
Keosauqua , Iowa , two cadets who have
been recommended by the academy boaid
for dismissal because of misconduct.
Oj'Ster Famine Threatened.
Ice has formed in the Chesapeake Bay
and Patapsco River to such a thickness that
navigation for the bay craft is practically
suspended. Should the freeze continue
there will soon be an oyster famine.
Georgia Peach Crop Injured.
Advices received from the peach growing
centers in South Georgia indicate that the
peach and plum crops have been cut off at
least a third and maybe a half by the pres
ent cold snap.
Fitz and Jeffries Sign.
"Bob59 Fitzsimmons and Jim Jeffries
have signed articles for a fight , twenty-
five rounds or to a finish , between April 1 '
and April 24 , before the club offering the
largest purse.
Sharltey Matched with Mitchell.
Tom Sharkey and Charley Mitchell have
been matched to meet in a twenty-round
bout at the Bolingbroke Club , London , for
a purse of $11,000 , May 29 ,
Gen. Garcia's Remains Arrived in
Cuba February 9.
The United States gunboat Nashville ,
bearing the body of Gen. Calixto Garcia ,
steamed slowly into Havana Harbor at 1
o'clock Friday afternoon , the guns of
Morro Castle and the American squadron
saluting her. The solemn booming an
nounced the arrival to the expectant city.
Everywhere householders and ships
lowered a thousand flags to half mast , and
black streamers soon surmounted the Cu
ban banners. By the time the gunboat had
come to anchor thousands of people
crowded the water front. The marines
lowered the casket to the tug chartered by
the Cuban committee and Garcia's remains ,
hereafter to be in the keeping of the Cubans ,
were borne to La Machina wharf. There'
Senor Frederico Mora , Civil Governor of
Havana , Mayor Perfecto Lacoste , the mem
bers of the Municipal Council : the members
of the junta patriotica , Commodore B. J.i
Cromwell , captain of the port , many naval'
officers , Maj. Gen. Ludlow , Governor of
the Department of Havana and several )
members of his staff , were assembled. Two
companies of the Eighth Regular Infantry
with the regimental band were lined up to
receive the coffin , which , draped w.ith the
Cuban flag and bearing a wreath of flowers - '
ers , was carried on the shoulders of mem
bers of the junta between the saluting
ranks of regulars to the hearse. On the
order of Gen. Ludlow all official flags were
kept at half mast until after the public
funeral which occurred Saturday.
Court of Inquiry Appointed to In
vestigate "Embalmed Beef. "
President McKinley lias appointed a
court of inquiry to examine into the charges
touching the meat furnished the American
army during the war with Spain , and other
matters involved in charges made by Gen.
Miles against the administration of war
affairs. The court will consist of Gen.
Wade , Col. George W. Davis of the Ninth
Infantry , and Col. Gillespie of the corps of
engineers , now stationed in Xew York.
The formal order issued by Secretary
Alger , after giving the detail of the court ,
says :
The court is hereby directed to
investigate the allegations of the
major general commanding the army
irol respect to the unfituess for issue
of certain articles of food furnished
by the Subsistence Department to the
troops in the field during the recent opera
tions in Cuba and Porto Rico. In addition
to the findings of facts the court will sub
mit an opinion upon the merits of the cases ,
and the grounds , with such recommendations
tions as to further proceedings as may be
warranted by the facts developed during
the course of the inquiry.
Gen. Miles when seen had nothing to say
concerning the appointment of the court.
He has been accumulating a large amount
of evidence along the lines of the inquiry ,
a large part of which has been already
transmitted to the War Investigation Com
Cannot Fight in Chicago.
The six-round go arranged between Cor-
bett and Sharkey , which was to take place
in Chicago March 7 , is off. Mayor Harrison
has emphatically vetoed the proposition ,
saying that so long as he was mayor of
Chicago Corbett and Sharlcey , whom he
characterized as "two burly sluggers who
cannot help but give a brutal exhibition , ' '
would not meet in the Windy City.
Bills to License Boxing.
Two bills were introduced in the Mis
souri Legislature Thursday licensing box
ing and sparring contests , one by Burleigh
of St. Louis , allowing limited round con
tests. The other bill , by Caldwell of Kan
sas City , licensing all kinds of boxing and
sparring matches and athletic contests hij
cities of over 100,000 inhabitants.-
Chicago Cattle , common to prime ,
$3.00 to $6.25 ; hogs , shipping grades ,
$3.00 to $4.00 ; sheep , fair to choice , $3.00
to $4.50 ; wheat , Xo. 2 red , 72c to 73c ;
corn , Xo. 2 , 37c to 3Sc ; oats , Xo. 2 , 27c
to 29c ; rye , Xo. 2 , 54c to 56c ; butter ,
choice creamery , ISc to 19c ; eggs , fresh ,
IGc to 18c ; potatoes , choice , 30c to 45c
per bushel.
Indianapolis Cattle , shipping , $3.00 to
$5.75 ; hogs , choice li.cht , $2.75 to $4.00 ;
saeep , common to choice , $2.50 to $1.25 ;
wheat , Xo. 2 red , 69c to 71c ; corn , Xo. 2
white , 35c to 3Gc ; oats , Xo. 2 white , 30c
to 32c.
St. Louis-Cattle , $3.50 to $6.25 ; hogs ,
$3.00 to $4.00 ; sheep , $3.00 to $4.50 ;
wheat , Xo. 2 , 73c to 75c ; corn , No. 2
yellow , 34c to 35c ; oats , Xo. 2 , 27c to 29c ;
rye , Xo. 2 , 55c to 50c.
Cincinnati Cattle , $2.50 to $5.75 ; hogs ,
$3.00 to $4.00 ; sheep , $2.50 to $4.50 ;
wheat , Xo. 2 , 71c to 73c ; corn , Xo. 2
mixed , 35c to 36c ; oats , Xo. 2 mixed , 30c
to 31c ; rye , No. 2 , 63c to G5c.
Detroit Cattle , $2.50 to $5.75 ; hogs ,
$2.50 to $4.00 ; sheep , $3.00 to $4.25 ;
wheat , No. 2 , 71c to 73c ; corn , ISo. * 2
yellow , 3Gc to 37c ; oats. No. 2 white , 32c
to 34c ; rye , 59c to Glc.
Toledo Wheat , No. 2 mixed , 71c to
73c ; corn , Xo. 2 mixed , 36c to 37c ; oats ,
No. 2 white , 2Sc to 30c ; rye , No. 2 , 55c
to 57c ; clover seed , new , $3.75 to $3.85.
Milwaukee Wheat , No. 2 spring , 69c
to 70c ; corn , No. 3 , 33c to 34c ; oats , No.
2 white , 29c to 31c ; rye , No. 1 , 55c to 57c ;
barley , No. 2 , 45c to 53c ; pork , mess ,
$9.50 to $10.00.
Buffalo Cattle , good shipping steers ,
? 3.00 to $6.00 ; hogs , common to choice ,
$3.25 to $4.25 ; sheep , fair to choice weth-
ers , $3.50 to $4.50 ; lambs , common to
extra , $4.50 to $5.25.
New York Cattle , $3.25 lo $6.00 ; hogs ,
? 3.00 to $4.25 ; sheep , $3.00 to $4.75 ;
wheat , No. 2 red , S2c to 83c ; corn , No.
2,43c to 46c ; oats , No. 2 white , 35c to 37c ;
butter , creamery , 15c to 20c ; eggs , West
ern , 19c to 20f
Seven Members of the First Nebraska
Volunteer Regiment Killed in the
Battle with Filipinos at Manila ,
February 4 and . " .
Fell at 3Ianila.
After great difficulty ihc offi-
eials of the War Department have :
issued a corrected list of those
who fell in the recent battle with
the Filipinos , among which are
the following from the First Ne
braska :
Killed - :
R. W. KELLS , Company L , :
Omaha : :
HARRY HULL , Company A , :
hotel clerk , Hastings. :
DAVIS LAGGER , Company I. :
lawver ; was a lieutenant in State :
Milftia. :
L. L. BEGLER. Company F , :
Lincoln. :
C. 0. BALLENGER. Company :
L , Omaha. :
_ C. . R. KECKLEY , Company A , :
Four more were wounded.
State Camp Meets at Fremont for
Its Annual Convention.
men of America held its annual meeting in
Masonic Hall at Fremont , Feb. 8 , and was
ailed to order by W. F. Elsasser of Omaha , j
state advisor , in the absence of State Consul
Thompson. About 250 delegates were
present. But little -work was ac
complished at the iirsl session , i
except the appointment of the dif- (
different committees and hearing the re- j
ports of the officers. Quite a number of
additional roprwatatives were present at
the afte neou Session. The election of
officers was then taken up and the follow
ing were chosen : B. F. Giirert , Tekamalu
advisor ; C. E. Moffett , Bloomington , state |
banker ; W. A. Forsyth , Loomis , state j
clerk : W. II. Bearing , Plattsmouth. state
counsel. A head physician for the state
was not selected. That official is appointed
by the head camp , being generally theper-
on designated for the place by the .state
convention. As there were several aspir
ants' for the place it was thought be > t to
leave the entire matter for the decision of
Ihe head camp.
Cool Suicide ol * Stranger.
Frank Woolcatt of Belaire , Mich. , com
mitted suicide in Hastings at the Lindellsi
Hotel bj" severing his right jugular vein
with a pocketknife. The suicide had been
carefully planned and Woolcatt went about
liis task with peculiar deliberation. He
placed the bedspread on the floor and in
the center of it he placed a vessel beside
which he knelt and thrust the blade into
his throat. He held his head in such a po
sition as to let the stream of blood pour
into the vessel. He must have remained in
this position for some time , as the vessel
was completely filled. When life was
nearly extinct he crawled to the door ami
died in a sitting posture with his face to
ward the wall.
Incendiary Destroys a House.
Investigation of the burning of the house
occupied by James Shelly at "Wymore
shows that it was caused by an incendiary.
The flames plainly originated on the out
side and soon gained such head way that the
family had barely time to escape. Suspi
cion was at once directed toward Jack
Shearer , who had been ejected from the
house a month before , whom , it is said ,
made threats that he would get even witli
Rawlings , the owner of the house. A war
rant was sworn out , charging Shearer
with having set the house on lire , and he
was arrested and placed in jail.
Mun Missing.
Silas Bailey , an old man working for L.
Morse at Benkleman disappeared during
the recent cold snap and no trace of him
can be found. Searching parties have been
out and word sent in all directions. A re
ward of $25 is olfered for information of his
whereabouts. It is feared that his mind
became deranged and he has wandered
away or perished with the cold.
Stromsburg Bank Reorganizes.
The Stromsburg bank has been sold to a
stock company , consisting of John Buck
ley , Peter Buckley , L. II. Headstrom , C. A.
Merrill , Noah S. Clark , Alex Scott. Irvin
Scott , James Scott and Ira Banta. John
Buckley is president , L. II. Headstrom vice
president and Ira Banta cashier. Mr.
Banta will manage the bank.
Slot Machines Must Go.
Mayor Fitzpatrick of Columbus has
ordered all slot machines to bo removed.
The Chief of Police has served the orders
ind all who fail to comply will be arrested
and tried under the State law. There are
probably fifty or more of all kinds of i
machines in the city.
Verdict in a Murder Case.
The jury in the Gloysteiu case at Nebraska -
braska City returned a verdict of man
slaughter. They were out about six hours. <
Anton Gloystein was charged with the
murder of George Smith near Syracuse last
May. _
Scarlet Fever at Schuyler.
Scarlet fever has broken out in Schuyler.
The families of Rev. N. A. Martin , j" L.
Anderson and Mrs. llolman are now
quarantined. The disease is in a mild
One You ii Ranchman Found Dead
and Another Probably Dying ? .
Lambert Xeumann , aged 20 years , son oft
Henry Xeumann , ranchman , residing at
Sunol. six miles west of Lodge Pole , was *
found dead in bed the other morning , ami
Roy Wilson , a young farm hand , sleeping
in the same bed. nearly dead. A physician ,
w was called , says it is a case of poison
in . The family is unable to account fur
it. The young men went to bed early the
night i before in the best of health and
spirits and when they did not get tip for
breakfast , after several calls , Mr. Xeumann
entered the room and found his sou partly
out of bed , dead , and young Wilson dying.
The attending physician is unable to give
any account of the cause of the boys * con
Distillery Will Produce Starch.
Papers conveying the distillery property
located at Nebraska City , and which life *
been inoperative since it was acquired by
the whisky trust a few years ago , to tin :
Argo Manufacturing Company have been
placed on record. The Argo company is
owned In the Mortons , who will utilize thw
distillery buildings in connection with their
starch and cattle feeding interests. Latet
01 some improvements will be made and a
new industry , now being projected , will bo
located on the property. The considera
tion . named in the deed is § 10,503.
Workmen Hurt in Explosion.
At about 5oO on the morning of Febru
ary 8 the boilers at the Columbia Brewing
Company's plant in the southeastern part
of ! Columbus exploded with a terrific re
port < which was heard all over town.
Thomas Ilannon and Louis Luchsinger ,
two employes , were bruised and scalded ,
the latter seriously. The heavj boiler was
carried over 200 "feet and some fragmenls
were hurled for a distance of more fian four
blocks. ! The engine room and cooper shop
were completely demolished and the loss
will be about § 2,000.
Crop and Stock Reports Wauled
At a meeting of citizens at Benk-'Inmu
the following resolutions were adopted :
Whereas , The State of Xebraska dow
not maintain a state immigration agency ,
and believinir that II. II. Xo. U > if enacted ,
will \ empower a state board of agriculture ,
also a state board of immigration , for this
compilation and diffusion of crop reports
and live stock statistics ; therefore , b < it
Kesolvcd , That v.e request our State.
Senator , and Representative to u.-e their
best j ( endeavors for the enactment of said
bill j ; into a law.
Salt ? ol' a Railroad.
Thf sale of the Yanktoii. Xorfolk &
South western Railroad took place at Hut
court house in Pierce ii few days since , the
master in chancery of ftf [ Tinted States
circuit of IhedistrXebraska ] : selling
Ihe railnja to-W ' ral ) : . : , ! ! oi'Xorwaik ,
Ohio. The price paid by Mr. Graham was
$43,000Mr. . Graham was the complainant
in the foreclosure proceedings in April ,
1808. and was one of the contractors in the
building of the proposed road in 1897. It is
his intention to build the road as soon as
Burglar Prolongs Sentence.
Frank Graham , the Edison burglar , and
Albert Young , the Arapahoe highwayman ,
wen' each sentenced in District Court at
Beaver City to fn e years in the peniten
tiary. Graham , since hi * conviction , has
been < writing letters to different persons ,
saying he would kill them as soon as ho
had served his time. Some of these letters
came into the possesssion of the judge and
Graham's sentence was made much longer
than it would have been otherwise.
Woman Killed by a. Train.
As the first section of L'nion Pacific Xo.
1 was coming into the yards at Columbus
the other day it struck a horse and buggy
at a crossing about four blocks east of the
depot. Mrs. John Dischuer , aged about GO
years , was almost insiantly killed and her
son , Thomas , aged about 23 , was severely
injured. The horse was thrown about 100
feet and was so badly injured that it was
Brings in Tax Money.
Foreclosure proceedings on the Union
Pacific land in Xebraska have been com
menced. Before a perfect title to there
lands can be acquired , all back taxes on
them must be paid. There is now due-
Lincoln County on L'nion Pacific lands a
little over § 45.000 back taxes. This amount ,
if paid into the treasury , would put the
county practically on a cash basis.
Xebraska Short Xotes.
Albert Young of Arapahoe was convicted
in the District Court at Beaver City of
highway robbery.
The Republican Valley Poultry and Pet
Stock Association held its annual meeting
at Superior this week.
A shoe store at Lindsay. Platte County ,
was robbed one night recently and seventy-
four pairs of shoes stolen.
The new telephone exchange at Wymoro
has been completed. The exchange will
be open for business next week.
The Southern Gage County Teachers'
Association met at Blue Springs this week.
A large number of teachers were present.
P. D. Smith's elevator at St. Edward is
being pushed to completion as fast as the
lumber arrives. It will have a capacity of
10.000 bushels.
While hauling household goods at Tilden
Hans Voght slipped from the wagon brake ,
on which he was standing , and fell , to the
frozen ground , breaking his leg.
It is thought that Hastings will soon have
a plow factory. II. S. Ball of Ottumwa ,
Iowa , has been making inquires in Hast
ings in regard to a good location.
A building boom is promised Table Rock
early the coming season. One of the build
ings contemplated is a hotel. Five new
business blocks are talked of and two new
brick residences.
An adjourned meeting of the Dodge
County Agricultural Society is to be held
at Fremont February 20th , for the purpose
of considering the advisabity of selling the
society's grounds to pay the indebtedness
of the association.
County Treasurer Hanning in following
up the taxes on some cattle fed in Furnas
County located the business end of the ven
ture in Chicago , and received a check foi
$142.37 from L. Z. Leiter. father of the fa
mous Joe , in liquidation of the deUn < -