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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1899)
"W. D McGAA Creston , S. D. Left or cither side of cattlealso VJelt sideoi neck. Swal low fork rhiht car , imdorbit left ; right ear nubbed off : i n. dorbit l f : ir Some on left jaw and home wattle left jaw Othi-r brands left any part u animal , ; ft siJtior any part of animal , > \n \ branded the folloxung , lelt I- Also some catle bearing the follow- 'iiiKr brandsvK'lt ' ck : X i Inch m left iiorse brands shoul lows dcr lull II 1C ii d. ICILulp or thigh thigh thigh , ortnlgh , hip. Anyone selling horses or. cattle hearing the above brands will be prosecuted. Information regard ing th.-ft liberally rewarded. Hange-at uurney Brings and Cottonwood. HJCRBERT O. BI5ONETTE. MANAGER. J Postoffico address Pine Ridge. S. I ) . Cattl" branded as on 'iit. IIOK on left side ; some U eitherside : Koine on left side ; some older stock , , any whereon animal. Horses E Ken Some on left hip Range Rpi miles nonli- anvwhere on * en - ri"llt pirli1 east of Pine nidge , m Shannon Co JOHN OIIOST BEAU , MANAGER Postcfticc address Pine Kld Tf , S. D.I Cnttle branded U C on lefthiji iu-at Io as oncui : sumo branded on liftsldjiilso r > u on leu. cilihorse - * Kumeniiivit btioulder RansreV ounded Iviiee and \Yakpam- mi Lake.ShannonCo. L. C. Peyton. , Nebraska. On left side , itange Pole Creek. SHOUT non.v for sale Geo. H. Hill. r Gallop , On leftside uange-50 touth of . P.W. . Pruden. Merriman. Xcb. Some itndpd ! same as cut on botli i ip-i. Nortbei'-i u-nge - ol .Morrimun Geo. L. Coleman. Cocly , Nc-'iraska ' On left sid ; iior&cs O eft slioul l"r nanceTen miles west of Snaixu uiver Falls Alex Burr. Pullman , Nebr. On right side ; hDrsos same left hhoulder. nerd mark-Dew lap Range Brush Like and South Geo. W. Monnier. Mcrrlman , eb. l eft should or and leftthishsomc on left hiphor- ; ses same left tin si ) jiangc East anil Southvaat i Grant Bixlcr. Merriman. Neb. Some on left side ; some on left hip ; horses same lef- . Jange Six miles Northeastof 2Ierri maU- < 3 S fe - H. B. Sears. Cody , Nebraska Mostly on right hip omc on bora hips , Range-Medicine i Lake S. J. Goodin. Cody , Nebraska Cattle branded as on cut ; horses s me. Range North of the Snake C. Even son. r - Cody. Ncbra ' - On left F'-i - < ini thigh ; horsi > aiuo on left side Range I'-rwcen Bnake and JS . . . \l \ * MARTIN RED BEAK. Pns'office address L'ine Ridge , S.D. On left bid ; ; horses same left thiff i. Range-Wolf Creek. A THOMPSON Postofflce Addreai Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut be- blnd leftanoulder Range on tlie Bchlagle TV G CARSON rostofflco Addresr Simoon Neb Stock branded an left hip same 13 CUt CUtRange Range , head- < vr > rter * of the tchlaglo D M SEARS Posto.T.o * address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded a * oncutleftsldesonu ; en left hip Horse.1 saineou left shoul dcr Range , 8 quart. Lake J1GRGAREIDGE and SON rostofflce address Simeon Ise' ) Cattle branded as on cut ; or 1 J or V I ) on left hip with bole in rglit earwhon uu- lerj-yrs eld ; horses iamcas cut and I J Kango Gordon Creek and Itlver ALBERT WHIPPLE Postofflce address Rosebud , S. D. Branded ou leftside , some SOS Horses o cither shoul- i ; SgSej J Soriiu.uV rlJfSjS branded on ' ,2icS3 ! either s > houi- Icrthus FRANK ROTIILEUTNER Postoffice address Kilgore. Neb. Cattle branded on cither side as on nit. same on bip Some on If ft sldo VA ROBERT BAD WOUND. PosioJllce address Allen. S. P Left < iidealsf ; loir 553 fr&H 3 U , - BG Uange-ConiCreek T. K. FRANKS. P ) stonVe address Mornman , Nc , : ilcrtsidcear-m.irk ; SS gfi ? irulcr slope Horses J S on lett slioulder Range ten miles northeast of Uterrl- mun. S. H. Rose > i d. S. D. Also Ii U n left side Ca tie un > rent on both ears ; horses branded ( u left shoulder Range On A ntc- lope and Sprin : Creeks Joseph Fail-bead. Lavaoa. Neb. left- side Als , on loft side ; alsosanif ro-i. verted on left thigh Horses shoulder _ _ Fair head Lake and Snake river Clarence Cutcomb. Cody , Nebraska. Left side on largo cattle. On F g" Binall stock JjW v' left side ; ga < cl- left'shouldt-r I Range-Southeast o' Cutcomb Lake Shadbolt and Fleisbman. Cody. Nebraska Left side ; S F left shoulder ; herdmark- dewlaj * . nange Ranges 36 and 37 , between Nio brara and the Snake. James Goodfellosv and Son. Cody , Nebraska. On left side ; hor. scs JG rigtic Mm1 and mostly on jaw. nance Between the Nioir'ra nnd [ Medicine Lake. H. Carter. if''l'1r- vrf Vk : \vt W gjV yjJ On left side ; some X T left side , horses T left shoulder SHORT HORN Stock. nange Between Niobrara and the Snake. HORACE WALLINOFORD Postofflce Address Chesterfield Neb Cattle bran-led on left side ana nn ! : left ear crop edj square ; somefc 'n left side &f ehoulder horsea brand ed cross an chor on left shoulder. 8 E and A B MCALVEY Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses some on left shoulder nange on Square Lake G W K1ME fostofflce address Kennedy xeb Cattle branded as on cut or on hip ; horses same. Some on leftside and bar on . hip /f Range , " .one Tree Valley FLOYD KIMB Poatofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left hip or aide 01 both Horses with H en left shoulder , Kango _ Riisb Lake , Gordon 3 and North Loup N 3 ROWLEY f'os'offlce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on "It aide : nd hinlinr- PS on left houlderalso ; 1 the formei . - . - on either hip latter on ight'side Also ion on either side orvssJ Ranee , Bordman between ? ? v&a uig Bend aud the Springs rostoffice address Valentine. Neb Cattle branded same as on cut ; some on left side nnd hip : horses same ou left shoulder. Cattle range , Gor don and Bordman ; Horse range , Steer Creole , between the and Snake D L McLANE 1'ostoffice Address Rosebud , S D Cattle branded s cut on either .ide ; also F L R _ nd F H Horses branded on left shoulder nnd colts three links Ilange n-.outh of Cottonw oed , RED SHIRT Postofllce Address Rosebud , S D Cattle branded on left side same as cut. Horse 6ranJ eden left shoulder with a K. Ranch in Little White PEF.RY PARKER \ > stoffice address Kennedy Nel > Cattle branded . 'me ' as cut. Horses , P on left ! ioulder Hange.Mouth o ! CLEMENT WHIRLIND SOI DIEH Postofiice Address Rosebud , S n Cattle brand on left hip like cut Horses branded same on left shoul der. Range , on Big White River THEODORE DOYLS "ostofflee address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on It side and hip Jiorees same on left ' oulder Some on left side Rauge.Rush LakeGordon und North oup EIME Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattio branded on left side with both ears cropped square Horses same as cattle - tlo but on left shoul der lias Weir's cat tle , also , U BI irange.Gordou Creek G LADELY ostofHce address Newton Neb Cattio branded ime as cut or on hip Horse * L on left ank Range , between ; rirdon creek and . .e LOUD D B STOKER Postofflce addreoa Ne < vion Neb Cattle branded a : on cut Also U on shoulder , on sidf , I on hip leftside Also C on left Jav in addition to U B 1 on side Range o-t Gordon creek and south RAYMOND 1'OBtofHco Address Rosebud , 8. D Cattle branded left boulder and hip Horses branded frith only OBO > on bit blp GEORGF PETB rJonpstoel.S D Some A B E left side and left hip Horses M. on left hip and some same on left shoulder No horses sold un less bnuid Is Invert- cd making K Kange head of Whet Stone . C53 r > * r rg M J. T7ALKER Postofflce Addres /&M Simeon Neb Cfl ? a Cattle branifi ! ( OI sameonleftshoul- der. Range , sum er. 4 miles from \vim T , - C TT BENNETT Postofflee Address Simeon Neb Stock branded \ ithTcn left hip n',3 ) same as cut Range , between Gordon and Snake creeks and on ttie Niobrarst rlvor ' 'ostofflce Address Simeon , Neb. Cattle and horses branded same as cnt on left side Range between Gordon and b'niki- creeks and on th < = Niobrara river B LORD Postofflce Addres Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut back of right shoulder and on right hip Range , on the Niobrara REUBEN QUICK BEAR. Postofflce Address Rosebud S I Cattle oranded sain as cut or on hip Runeh on Blac. j Pipe Creek TODD SMITH. Postofllce Address Rosebud SD Cattle branded same as cut a Dia- r.ond T Horses branded ho fame. Ranch n \ \ line Thunder Oreek ROBERT FINLAYSON Poetoffice addres Newton Neb Stock rranilp same as cut Range on Gor ( o Creek GEORGE DECORY. Postonlco Address Rosebud , S D Cattio branded on left side same as cutHorses Horses branded G D on left hip Ranch on Lone and Antelope oreek eastof Roiebud BEN BEAUOVI3 Postofflce Address Rosebud , S I Stock branded ] p't shoulder three inchi long ; side four inch.- . long. Braiul Foconl < l22vrs. Raaeh o : 'lorae Creek D. B1AY Postofflce Address Rcecbud , S D Cattle branded on I-ft thigh or hip same as cut Horses branded wine on left shoul der BEN TUKGEON > y. Pjstofflce Addre-.s Bonesteel , S L Cattle branded OP side same as cut and riffht eaa crop pea.Horses Horses branded Ton left shoulder Also with cir cle A WM. F. FCHMIDT. Postofflco Address Rosebud , S , D , ' f randed same as on : u : or with under UieS ; rlRDtear slip % nd dulaped. Horses branded ; ame on left hip ALEX BORDEAUX. - _ _ Postofflca Address Rosebud , S 1 Horses are brand c on left thigh ; : on left sldo with ha' crop on left Eg , ear , Alsocat-fiv. t " tie M B with noJ.SJi- jjcrop on ear Gustave Gunderson. Cody , Nebraska On left side ; horses l on left shoulder. Range-Between Snak and the Niobrara JOHN H HARNAN. PoHtoClco address Brownlco Neb j-'ameason cut Also and AE bo Horses on lelt shoulder Goo-o Creek and North Loup K BELDING Postofllo addrcsi Browni Neb On rlglit 3lde or lert hIP- ' Cair Crcck B and E T SMITH Is * ' Postofnce aadress Brownlee Neb Cattle and horses on left side ; also hor- .cs on right side Rance.Qoose Creak E. R. VANDEGRIFT. Postoffice address . Neb Same as on ca Range beiwten Goose Creek ui.d L eg North Lou'p J. M. HANNA. Fostofiice address Seneca , Neb. Branded as on cut ; some P on right hip and some on right hip Ranfre Cal _ _ Creek Valley in Ctier- rounty E. E. ORR. ORR.Postofflce Postofflce address Newton , Neb. 5 a Cattle branded any where on left side ; horses onieflshoul- der Range , between W fpy prong and & 3 | | 2f3gd S5g JOSEPH KENNEDY. Postofflce address Brownlee. ISsb. Cattio and horses iirandedonleft side or hip Range , North Loup R. U. FADD1S. Postoflice nddreEs Puss Neb .ruiKe. North Loa : > I. L. 5IERCURE. Postofflce address .if Seneca W7 P. GRIER. Postoff-ce address Seneca , N h. On IP ft hip ? [ * fe 5 < n nKnupp ' ' tblp ; 1 % . ; Ranee , beJ J 2ifei : tween Senec.i n : Noruay on M''l l ! LO..IP B W PEARSON" Postofflce address Brov.'nlee Neb Same as on cut Horses same on pft shoulder ; , Goose Creek JOHN H SALZMAlvN PostoSlce addreb > Brownlce Neb On left hip. TLc herd marl : is a dev. . Jap Range on Go&e ? Creek. FRANK T LEB FostoflJce address Brownlee Neb Cattle on left side ; horses same on left shoulder. Range 4 rnilss northeast of Sromilee Z. A GERMAN Pcstffice address Newton Neb Cattle branded eTon on left shoulder a . i'- have care i. - ( branded 5P under lined. li Loup DICK Pestoface address Brownlee Neb On left sidcand hip also 8 o& left hip Range , Korth Loup ' CHARLES H PostofRce addres * Brownlee , Ncbr Either right or left side on rattle Horses same on j Iclt shoulder I Left ear cut oflf i rl cattle Jiang e , Loup riv er - a Sis , HENRY FAULHABER PostOulce a.Idrcaa Brownlce. Neb J Cattle on ioft atda Horses tninn OD left shoulder RaKge. Lo j > fires DAVID STEADMAN Postofilce address Pass. Neb Cattle on 'eftside Has tbarjj ' of cattle liranded " right cide- ! $ horses Some horses onleltahoul- 23 der JOHN CHALOUD : : ddres8 Brownlee , Neb Cattio aurt torsos on right siil.- R&nse. 151 D E PERKINS FostofUce addrjsa Kaiser , Neb On left hip unge , .Loup River j TALBOT i GALLOP Postofilce artOreafl Seneca. Neb. Cattle brar. le } left < ide IIors"3 branded on leftahou'derj ' ! Range fce SJ tween M > ( ! 'ii < - Lo and Dismal 1 GEORGE GRAY Postofflce address " 1 Le .101 d. Ne"br On left hip DrA6 on right hip or side Range. Loup and Dismal z * -ij CRONIN BRO3. PostofQce Thedforri. Ncbr Or. right Hltl - ftnuge , betw- Loup WALT HARDY. Postoflice address SenecaNeb. Left side on cnttle ; horsp * . If ft shoulder ; uiso on left side Sp * & * & * somes on ri JULIUS HECKMAN. Postofflr < ? r.-re39 ! | Broui . . e , NeO S'me as or < ut Range lou'.h ( Brownlfti M. DUNHAM. Postoniceccidresa Kennecy , Neb Stock branded on left side as on cut. Range Gordon Creek. K GRANT PcstotScc n-'rtrese ; On left side Range. Lo KTO- IRA SPENCEr. Fostofllce address Brownlee Neb Branded on leftside Range , Calf Creek andSvrBn Lake Val ley 8 E J T. WALLINaFGRD PostofHce address Kennedy Web Stsck branded Eanieascut on left Forae branded with bar underneath W * njwbreon JoCi /