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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1899)
DOBEHT I HI2iK5 addrew Cady. Nebraska on loft side ; harecs g&oie left ghoul mango OBI SBI ! south AL WIO HEATH Piitoffice addres * Cody , Nebraska n left side ; horses lefthhouidei Enngo north Cutcotub Lafce S A WIKSLOW Cody , Nebraska Branded oh cither Sid ; boi firs sum on left shoulder &ftnso-3-ml. north. east ot Ell and south of Miol-rarariTer. 13- ml loutli went of Cody A C 'PostofQca ' address On right side jalso : on rUrht ahoulde - on left hiu also 3 ! 3Poo { - Pee Ranch on Niobrar COLIC itdy. in ish Sanu-ason out ' * ! ! ide and -honlder Kxnge cant and xonth- snd w : * t of Cody B EGBERTS Postofllco address Cody. Nebraski On ett > er .side so-ne K E K ; ionn K 1C 11 Uaii o northwest o * ody FRANK J. JONES address Cody.Nebras'ka On right side ; bin. so s.anio on lef I chonldcr Kanjc. eiRht miles of 0 dy CHAKLE3 GART3IDE Postoflice address iit.c ! > ran li d i > H side ; also ( ' ( > left hip of tatil ind left shoulder o ior-es Ranire orrMobror 10 mi south west Cod .TOHK SHANGUAK PostoSJcf address Cody , N On lelt side A Iso onlrft HoraoK J S on left shoulder and Luke Creek J P GARDINER Postofflce address Cody , Nebraski On 'eft ' side of cat tie ; horses Origh arm Rang ( , north am r south of Nlobrar ; Rivr,12-mllessoutl west of Cody TBBD AND WILLTAJIMATBEE. rostofflcs address Cody Nel On left side ; horses same left shoulder Barmaik notch on underside of right e < ir Ran e cast and nuth of Kll 8TEKLE Postofficf address ? CodXebrask : On left side ; a' o L < : or W lj on left sub olon on loft hip ; and horses on left shoulder Kanire-Mouth o Bear Creek H SFAGKK Peitofflce ad In ss Cadf , Neowsk. . Cltle branded as on eat on left side , hip and ehoulder ; horses itwe e , Saako Crock FRANK MOGLE Postofflcc address Cody. Nebraska On either de raitlr herd mark left ear elipprd and riuht oai split.-horscs brande same o leit shoulder Rr.ugc nn Niobmr.i and Medicine Canyon EARL COJrSTOCK , MANAJER. address Valentine. NH , L'ko cut on itbet or Jlnrfcs like Oil lofl hip and | ft shoulder "iO.OO ! K W A B D for sufficient evl- tOCO T , rany ptrr o ol l Mllnn cattle of CHAS S NICHOLS Po > iufflce address " .frrlinan. Neb i IIP * of cattle ; h 4 * i ; .iiO left I shider i R.i : e between Bear Cji-ckand Niobrara Rirf r , 9-ml Koutboast of Me r rim an SELDBR BROTHERS Postoffier address Merrimnn. N On li ( ' 'de of h It * ; alM > F3 horse * Ion left Msho'ldij Range , north ai 'I south of Mobrar.t Jliver,0-mi s uthtMHt ol SIcrrimau FOLSOM address Meriimaii. Neb Branded on left aide Range no th ol Merrimau E F DEVINE Postofflce address Merriman. Net Brai ded on lefl side ; horses smie on left shoulder Range between Bear Creek and tht Niobiara river.9-m ! S.E. of Merriman QKORGK STOVER Merriman. Neb On 'eft - > ido : horses same left shoulder Rnlige-TJttle White River South Dakota GEORGE JKSSEK Poslolflee address Mciriman. iN On ither leH side or hip ; hordes wimc < n left oltoulder pk ng ? KastofCot tonwood J-xke GENTIIY. ABBOTT & MONAHAK Pontofllce address Ilyannis Both on lef' sit'e Stock branded 4' It IT A l < ? ft hip ; Uo N N N . any < vhero .1 . R'ft side ; ulbO r A left side Itange head Middle Loup C S WILLIAMS P MoSlco address Gudop , Nebraska On lelt side ; alsc W I left side ; also Jlefthipalsc : \V on aide and S on hip ; horses S on lefl jaw Range-Eight nvlo 'i of Gallop ALBERT NFN7.EL ' 'otoflii'e address Nenel.ebniska On either suls of cat tle ; hor-es samp 'ause noitheast of Nenzel ADAMSON Postoflice address Chesterfield , Neb. Br nded as on cut ; some 5 on left hip : some just oe brand like on cut on left thitrh Range between Bordmtin and Suakf W G SAWYER P stofflro a ldress Oasis , Nebraska Butler & Quisenbery Have eharg - of these attle ; buries I ) nn [ eft .shoulder : some stock branded ! iiiy\\hcreon animal Range , Snake Driver RICHARDS & CAIRNES CO. Cattle branded on any part of-mimal : also the following 1 orses branded the same Range between Gordon 01 the F.E. &M. V.R R. and Hyannis on B , SrM. R. R. in Northwestern Nebraska. Address , BAKTLKTT RICUAKOS. Chadron , Nebraska J W OSTRANDER address Rnsliville , Veb On ! rft thiffh or hip ; horses .T loft thigh Range-Head waters of Gordon Crook MOREY & HEWETT Po.stofllce address Gordon , Neb On left side of rattle i or-cs siniHleft ; sliuii der ; also. on left . Ide of ome , js Range Honth [ r > nj.ke35-mi south- CUbt 111 1-KlU It ER1CICSON & AUSTIN Fosloflice address Oi. tell sii'c ami horses O or A e it jaw Hanse two in lice northwest of Ken nedy DAWSON & BALL Postofflro address Che-tt rllele. Neb Cattle branded on left Hld < > as on cut ; also V lelt neck andZ left hip ; some V N-ft icck. V left shoulder and Z lefthiojhorses VZ left hip. Range S * ke Eirer.31,32.33. GEORGE G BOTH WELL Postoffice nridrrss fullmaii. Neb Brui'ded as on out ; a n ) i lefthip Range south and east of Pullman P PULLMAN PostofTice ad dress Pullman. Branded as on cut ; Also p on shouliI'T on side I * on hip' also w sidf Ji liii ) also V on snouldor , Wonsidt I'on hip Range north prong of North Loup CHAS S HOYT PostoTlce address Pullman , Neb Brandetl nn Ijft side aNo 00 on left side ; nlso ' "between eyes and n ' .se Uaiigc I'-miles west of Pullman J L ROSEBERRY Postoffl'-o I' ! Branded on left hin ; horses same o d- mark-double dew-lap Range south and east of Brush Ilili S H DYE Po toffieeaddress Pull an , Vcb Branded on left side A reward of ? 100 will be paid for in formation leading to the arrest and final ' Oiiviction of any person for killing , ri vine off or conceal mgan > ol my cattle II A BUCK Postolllce a-ldrc. s Hj'.nnis. Neb Branilcd on lelt side Range eighteen miles north of IIvar.nLi L L MORRILL Postcjfllee address Hvannis. NH > 'n left side ; also S 'ii left hip ; horses left shoulder Range 2.vmiles lorth of llyannis H C MASON PoRtofllce nddresH Hvannis , Nel n left side ; " -nun .sine on lofi sid't' ( | up Siinit on left hi , Horses - J0111'dS llnnge-Motlu-r I ake slimmer rai'jre bam , A SAULTS Postofflce address Gregory. On Inft side or hip ; horses same on left shoulder RangeArkansa Valley and Suakr JOE CULBEUTSON Pojtfilco nddress Pullman. Neb Branded on leftside ; horses T T on right shoulder ; a crop mid slit in leftearof cattle Ranpe Ko ks of North Loup River C JENSEV a dress Gallop. Xehraskn Lett bi-le on private t-i.k .1 d nyhiin , . on cattle on left side ofeai lie h M.orr left .sidi s C.J on lefl slmulder. -Eiuht miles south of Gallop JULIUS PBTEUSON I'o t-ifllee ad'In ss Gregory.eb Branded as on cut Range two miles north of Gregory D N GOURLKY PostofJJco address Rushrille , Neb On left hip ; alsu 5OO on lefl side : horses left shoulder 'iaiige-C'cdarLakf QBE Postofflce addres Mernman , Nt ! On left side : also cj Con nplit side horses 3 left shoulder Range no th and south of Merriman CHARLES I ONli V/OLF Post office address Allen 3 D On right side and shoulder , horses same on right thiirh Range-Bear Creek MORRIS JANIES Potofrice address Roi-nud , s. D. Cuttle hraiid.-d o'n left .sine > IP on < t irorses sfjsj on lef' tiiigh $ & % R1 ! * Rrngeon Rock Creek JOHN A LOGAN Fostofllco address Allen , S. D. On loft shoulder and hip : some ] on Ieftshnu1drnndj | on left side. Ear mark-left ear erop'd Range-Bear Creek FIIA"WK A GALLIGO Pos oflice ju Manderson , S. D. Left side and on \oiing- stock stock rande- lelt Range-Rock Springs Basin JAMES BUSH address \llen S on lelt siiir on 1 f ! side Horses on left hip iiange Bear Creek R M FA DIMS Postoflice dress P.iss , NYb Range , Nor.h Loup Riyer CHARLESLONG MAN Postofflce address Allen S 1 > On left .side of cattle Range Bear Creek GJEOKGE N DAVIS Postofllee address Simeon , Neb Bnmded on right side or hi ] ) Also < > n ! ' ft hip Mor-es on right noulder as on cut and CHARGING BEAU PostolTieo nd dress Allen S I ) On left.nut * , iiid thigh horses on thigh Range Bear Creek 3TSADMAN HUO5 PoitofiJce address IN i .Sou Br.tul on Icit nan ' o i aitie Ift. > " & - " * A { 'AA ndi il on k ilrfa&e.i I. ft aide and ; ' f ' * . ' * v'- " and Wan 5C ' , - * ' ) -5 v. _ * . -l-ci C F COOPER Postofllee address Kennedj- Cattle branded on left side same as Stock ovt-r one year olden on right , side : horses saint on leftflhoulder Rangekouth & west ol Ilsickbcrrv Lake and I urlew Also some brando n eft leu JACOBSON BROTHERS Postoflice address ( ! regor > , N'el > On left side ; some same with I on li ft shoulder horses left shoulder Range Gr - don and Goose Lake DAN WEBSTER Postoflice address llarlun , .NcbrJsk : . On left side or hip ; bonse.sbiandcd same lelt sh ul "er " Kange between Nio * biaraand Knal-o riv' ers , south of nun O J KELLAR e addresr Brown .v-ebr eft side l "SO. betweer av \ : Creek an < ? A T BRACKKTT Postofflce address Riege Neb iJrandcd on left ide : Uange-Threr miles Southeast of Georgia WILLIAM WILSON Postoffice aldress KlUoro Nel Branded on left side Georgia H SCHULTZ Po tofnce address McCann Net ) stock branded as on cut Range xorth and south of Growa WILHELM ANDERSON PoBtofTico address McCann Nei Branded < > n li ft side horst 8 same on left hip R mice between the Niobrara and Snake JOHN DUBRAY Postofflce address Merriman. Neb On left side , jaw or hip Ranee Lak Creek < outh Dakota. A. B. CAP WELL Postofflee address Pullman Neb On left sidoof cattle Range M > rth Loi.p BROS , "o ro i-f drtn- tock tiranded sans * as rut on left side - ln JOE ROOKS JR , Posfofilce address Allen S l ) On leftside , horaes sume on tcigh .tange Bear Creek S S BEEKLET 'g&lsn ' Postoffln- add5 - V & ! W , " ; " 'iy -5- P ' f4 | ik ' Ke.nodj N , . | . 'SuffT W l r f "i on - l-or H V DOWNING Postoflu-e addreas Oregon. Neb On left side ; also COLE o" side Range Slevcn-oii Lake J W PIKE & SONS . . .jgi S } Postolflce addrecs l Crookston Neb ifv fy ' sx srs , B" d on eitl.0 . side of animal Semen n right hip Range Between Snake an < J Bordmnn near Chesterfleld E E AND II E WOODRUFF PostotTice address Hyannis. Neb On left hip and lell * ide. Also stock branded on left side and reversed S on right _ _ _ shoulder ; also right bipand left side Range-Mother Lake 31 RICHARDSON Postofflce addreas ' McCann Neb Branded on leftside Rane--McCann DAVIS 'ostoffice address llyannis , Neb On right side bore on left sho'ilde also cat tie o o H on riirht si-t Range 10 mill"- north of U.annis R A WESTOVER PostofTice address Lakeland. Nel Branded on left hip and shniihlc Some on right side Range in Brown and Cherrjcountio ; at headwater * of tbe Calamus river. R. nstoffiee'ddres \ Icntinc. Neb Cattle branded on eft hip ; horses the ame Range en Dry Val- er HAD UAH * . I'ostoniet---d 're.s * Allen S D On leftdho.ilder.tnd baron side ; horses same on thigh Range-Bear T J Pos'oRlco addrei Valentine. Nefc Branded on right iiile ; horses sam Kaiise-10 mllri eait of Valentine the Ntobrara Joseph W. Bownet P. O. address Hernman , Nebr Rightcar cropped Hole in center of lelt ear Mango Lake creek S. D. Joe Vlondray Cody , Xebraaka Left ni.ic. Laft ar cropped. V on left shonldtr ol horses. Charles Cenard Rosebud S. D. Range Rig While and iiad Rivera Charles C. Tackett Rosehn-J , 3. D. Range head of An- Hm.p near at. Manra mission tlorses branded on left thfjh Peter Ylondray Rosebud. 8. D. T eft side. Left ear cropped Horses branded VH. "Ranee Llttie White . at mouth of Cedar'reck. Louis J. Richards Merrlman. Neb Paul Didier Roseftnd. K. D Horses Cattlo. hole in each ear Hange Big and Little White Riverw Louis F. Richards Merriman Neb Henry Pratt Rosebud S. D. Left side Horses same on left shoulder Deer-horn clip on some cattle John DeCory Ro ebud. S. D , Some branded ID (17 on left siUt Horses JD oa left hip uange in Meyer Co on Antelope Creek Thomas Farren Rosebud. S. D. ID 1183 either left : de or hip F on left i res _ sjumjjer Range head of intalope Charle * Richards f iiarrlmaii. Nab 1 Newman Bros. & Nations , nrtj. Nebraska i point left shoe * ' r \\n \ O t n int left sinulder Also Jp n left shoulder on left hip - mleftsid * < ii