Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, February 09, 1899, Image 7

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    I'lllllnuii ve !
' h < n Y i o.
r ran < : on Iclt ide
XIH. thluh
Knrmark , sq.inr *
ITOJ right fur
"southern bramlei
( % 'iltlc have but 0111
"half < lliinoiiil K ' 01
Iff ! ldc
NiitlVe cattle 1)HV
. , , , I lii oat wattle
Kaiue on Gordon and Snake Creeks
Hones have same brand ( in If ft thigh
A Itcwai- of $250 will be paid to an >
pernon for information leading to the arrest and
anal conviction of any person or persons steal
cattle with above nratid
Postofflce address
Brownler , Ni b
On left Hide or any
part of animal. Kur-
mark right ear out
off ; horxcs 'iranded
same on left hip Also
has stock branded H
auxldr or shoulder ,
rJK orVorO \ I.
orO or FZ. Also
the following , tn - rst on on side ana hip
I'Z' t
Lh uui'i ' :
I.JiK on i
2 to
Hrownlee ,
Branded on left
ide : some H l''ft
sloe and thi li
on left tMfjh
Range l uc-k Lake
* \ mtman , N
On le t > u1e ; ItorbCA
same on left shoulder
ui left Bide
where on
ntl. ( > " nor
or thij h B *
noith pronpp3
Middle L np rher
and BiifTalo Lake
. < h j.
> , - - r t -
* ' " u < { t
Pontoffic * address
Iljrannis , N
n right tide ; her
sen same on rijrl.t
ne six mil
Sertbtsest of Moth
r Laka pracinct
I'ostofflee .will res s
on rijjhl
stele in I h p
Also have-tock
9B ritht Hide ai d bij
on ri > lit hi )
Rante-Soi.thweslein ! icn\
roeloffieeaddr <
fin left htp
ude Als >
on left hip
and left side
horses sume
brands on shou'der.s
r Jtanse 22-mDes
ortli of llyannis
.iililn -
On right hip :
ses right B l
Hlionl. er
-Keren miles north of U\annK
Pul man , Nel
Catt'e ' branded , ion
rnt ; horses branded
fcitme as cattle except
reversed S ,
Sea block
lianpe St ver
Rod Stephen-on
Lakes and South
Hvnnnifl Neb
nnnded anvwherr
on ri ht 'de : bur
M'S same on left
; h' nlder
.1 \ \ '
C '
V-i ! l I' ' e N. ! !
On rUM - - ' ' I1 .
i 4 i. ui. . ' . r I. V
on ef ' ? v
I \ .
Hrowulce. M
Branded on either
aide name a < on cut
alto both Jaws
Marshall & Wolfeiidcn
Kennedy , Neb.
Some s on the left
Hordes s on left
Hranrt is small
Karnmrk Quarter
lip behind , hhlf , nr-
cle forward on left ejir
Hange Lone Tree
jam Hudson
Simeon Neb
Left hip on catt li-
l/i ft shoulder on
SOBIP horse > IMZ\
r on left xnouldcr
Kange between
Cordon and snake
Uivcr and N'iobrart
i.flt oar- tagged All entile ilphornrd
William M. Dunbar
Lessee from Heine & Kroeccr
rortv Vrb
Kit her hide
Left car oi cattle
Kaiiie head outlay
Cody. Nebraska
On right side.
Right ear split
Kange , Little
White river
Peeler Thorben.
Gordon. Nebraska
On right side : S' ot
right hip. f horsi
brand and T on
right shoulder
AIM ) cattle brande-'g ,
I , * on left side IL $ .
Range , fowl milchf jM
south of I , win II & * ? ,
Cody , Nebraska
Horse brand II'
on left shoulder
Cattle , right car
split.Range. . Little
White rncr , S. I ) .
Carl Ti
110 miles
north and 6 miles
east ot < ; r.lon
D ( \ Nelson.
fodv , Nebraska.
On right hip.
Hange. Medicine
ake to the
Snake river
Gordon. Nebraska
Knttpe.14 tulle * north
of Gordon
F. r. Durih'li ! , Manager.
Gordon. Nebraska
< 'attleal ! o branded
* M > on right hip
Horses jind mule *
rand'-d * mnc a < cut
u left xhouldcr
.1. P
, Nebraska
One bunch branded
ns on cut on left side
One bunch biandcd
' { .on left hip .
Ilor-rs .f on left
Hange. in miles
between Mobrara
and Snake rivers
F I > jimo iso
Albany. N'eb
( ' . .ttle'branded n
fr'SSon le t ribR 01
riuht shoulder ; lt
so f-D mriuht hip nd 1 is
ribs : fi 011 'eft ' hip we
Hordes F"l > or SH > j
ru.'i > t sbi'ii'der
KnneeT mi i on- r
rwst of AlliHti ) Nel-
II <
Gordon Neb
brand F nn
left shoulder
of Gordo : >
Codv Neb MI
\so ! II nn ripi't u
IJsnge Chamherlnn
Flats and Sual.1
* .lirqn irrlt ! Mowlns
Si ITHK. Manager.
Merriioan "sob
.Mtle bnn'd OM on
f .boiililf Soi.ie
ofatt'f ' li..v - v.-u inns f .
, Tl'f'lll , ( S "ll
ft h'w Ifo's t r t'
.1 i f - ! ' " ( 'i
H i iii tin- j
. .M"in
i s ) i i .if a
r r | i fo
.M ' . U K v.'ih n > C . - .
I Items From the State Capital.
I On < - of the pieawmtesl hours wo ever
spent was at Lincoln two weeks ago ,
when W. U. Price , legal adviser of the
state auditor , and the writer played 1
billiards with "Uncle Jake" Wolfe , ,
i commissioner of public lands and I
'buildings. ' Despite his years Uncle
Jake is a good player and it kept Price s
and the editor busv to beat him.
Hon. John Shore was found at his
post , voting regularh for \V. V. Allen
for senator. Ho had been present at
every roll call except one when we saw
him. au had never nissed voting. As
ho remarked , "It's ail we can do ; just
vote , and take what the republicans
are willing to give us. " Our representative - ! j
tativo is one of the finest appearing ;
men in the hou&e , and as he has a j '
mind of his own he can bo relied upon ,
to vote always according to his con vie-1a
tionb. He voted against the resolution * ! I
to recall L'ol. btotboiiburg , of the iHrsl '
jSeura > ka , and believe he was right in
doing bo.
Gov. Poynter received the scribe
verv cordially , and chatted pleasantly
ior a few minutes. The governor is
working hard , and up to date his course
ms been such as to win the approval of
ail Compared with Uov. tiolcomb ,
Poynter is a small man physically , but
he nab brains and knows how to use
them. He is respectful to all , but
when his mouth closes suddenly it
meaus that one has said enough , ise-
will never need to feel
ashamed of their governor.
Auditor Cornell , Secretary of State
Porter , Treasurer Meserve and Supt.
Jackson all met the writer with a smile
and hearty hand shake , and each in
quired about friends in this section of
the state and expr3ss > ed their apprecia
tion of the .support they received from
the northwest during the last campaign.
Prof. Berkley , of Brown , .second as
sistant cler \ of the house , and N. E.
Gardner of Kin a Palm , engrossing
lerk for the senate , were found bn.-sily
engaged in their duties , and pleasantly
i raw ing a .sa hay of 3 00 per day.
These are the only apuointoos from
lm ection of ihe state , and they are a
credit to their home counties.
Representative Shore hays it will be
hard wor to pass any law affecting
the stork industry in any way. He
ho thinks it will be hard work to
amend the game Jaw.
Concerning Delinquent Tpxes
Delinquent taxes have all been carried -
ried np to the 1898 books , and they
show some very queer thing's. We
know at least two men who arc per
fectly good who have never paid a
cent of taxes to the county , their tax
running1 way back to the early 'SO's.
A careful estimate places the amount
of delinquent taxes at $80,000 , and it
is very probable that they will
amount to $100,000. If this amount
was paid into the treasury all out
standing bonds and warrants of the
county could be paid , the court house
could be built , and there would still
be a handsome surplus left. The
thought calls up visions of Utopia.
Think what a blessing it would be to
live in a. county which wai entirely
out of debt , which paid cash to its
creditors , and Avhich was constantly
increasing in taxable valuation.
How insignificent each man's taxes
would be ! What public improvements
could and would be made ! But alas ,
the tax dodger and shirker is ahravs
with us , and we will have to wait sev
eral years ere we realize the blissful
condition above set forth. We are
gratified to note , however , that our
county treasurer and commissionei s
.ire doing their best to collect these
taxes , and we hope they will succeed.
Eli 4rfclnct. i
Henry Heckel went to O'Neill last week on a
visit with his brother.
Rev. Hunt closed his nicotine at Center the
n.iddleof last wt-t-k on account or the cold
eather and cauu- home
Our local gnmndtuie saw his ili'-dow if h-
nut before niHni ' . ul if he slept unti < ion
weill have uu e.n\
H. O. liiioilri'h won ; lu- > iaiuilu tii > f'b.an
. .ei la.st > eck. i'.ert is uojng tu work ih.n- .
1'lic river up this \ vah.t been frozen over
for tin Ins ! wi-ek The 1Cis of Mitlk'ient thick-
IIPS tt > ittlruit. of te tniK crossing with n load.
The cold nu/.llh r ol tii i last week has caused
to gather up their cat tie atid feed. Al- of
the weather hac b > en very cold , there
has not been a heavy fall of snow At the pres-
111 writing ( .ttondaj ) the indications are that
the.tcathur wilt moderate.
Miss Lillj o.idt went to Yalrnti. e ia > . .tnt -
nnlaj. ritnr in Monday.
harl lrm \ \ 5 loailniK a car of hay , on oir ;
! ' track , the forepart of the week.
M..J. .Jonlrf is bal . .gi } every day this cold
Mtlit-r tn lie shipped to Fort Koliiuson.
.1.1. hie ! wa. ut lom his ranch las werk
.ntl reports -loek as dmnt well drs > i-iti the ' < ) id
\ \ < -nt to Yali-ntine last Saturdn >
inaKs-Hn < tl pioof on hi * tree clam and thus
in-rfcct hs : ; uJ 10 160 acres ot Uncle Sam's do
main. .1 .Ionian and A. Ren on avom-
Danud him n tritne eK.
\V S. Kilgore made. 11 business trip to Wood- wl
lake \ionday
Ch ckeniox ( is ir. tiie neighborhood. The
.1.1 | v " .I.Hf pin K > e ik air tli-Hfilicfd o c-
M Pb I < ( It'cinti ha jus r t 'ri.nl fnim
Kioto Ireland wh r-h \v-nt to MS ! : f i ds ex
d'fa ! if * * . \vh'in ne nd n t * cen for r
* > Mr e I' r r s i da "JY
& lio&e.
I | Third and Last Call ,
ri ; This is the third and last call for the
, 'attention ' of the people of ( 'herrv county
to the Farmer's Institute to be held in
j Valentine on Thursday and Friday ,
February 16 and 17.
Examine your programs and see the
good ' things that are in store for those
j who attend. We have just received
j another letter from Prof. Taylor saying
that he is very much pleased with our
program and that every speaker prom
ised by the State University will be on
hand and perform the parts assigned.
One speaker writes that in addition to
the work assigned him he will give a
talk on the side issues of farming , such
as poultry , small fruits , and beeB.
The topics rcprpsented on the pro
gram are so varied th"t every one in
'reach ' of Valentine will be profited by
attending. It makes no difference
what your profession : be it fanner.
'stockman , merchant , lawyer , doctor or
The people of Valentine should spe
that the hall is crowded Thursday and
Friday evening a d Friday afternoon.
School Reports
Report of district number two. Feb-
ruarv 3 , 1899 : Those neither absent
nor tardy are Ira Hooper. Byrd Ward ,
Melvin ' , Khoda and Vannie Hooper ,
and Ralph Brosius. Those tardy but
not absent are Cecil Higgle. Will Bro
sius , Iora Segcr , Chua , Walter and
Viola i Brosius , Maude and Byrd Melton
Those missing one day are Fred Cottle ,
Walter Brosius. Harry Ward and
Johnnie Melton. Average daily at
tendance 13. Jennie Morgareidge ,
Report of school in district ntnnbu-
fty. Cherry count } ' , for the month
ending January 27 : Number of days
taught. 20 ; number of pupils enrolled ,
13 ; average attendance , 11 ; those not
absent , Mary .Jordan and Allen Ben
Mm ; absent but one day. Hernic-e Kief ,
and Anna Ctihcl. Mrs. M. II. Harden ,
Where Sh 11 it be Built ?
Agitation in regard to the location
of the new court house is now on.
Several sites are suggested. One is
west of Smyser's liver } ' barn ; another
the old Fischei corner , opposite the
la ; another the corner east of
th piesent building : still others
favor locating the building in the
west < part of town ; a large percentage
of our people would like it on the hill
near Christensen's , and another fav
orite site is just north of the Episco
pal church. In a.ny event , it is very
probable that the site will be donated
the countno matter where the
building is located. It is thought
that the commissioners will settle
this matter at their next meeting.
An Apology
Our blank paper order failed to ma
terialize this morning1 , consequently
ahout three-fourths of our subscrib
ers will receive their papers one day
late this week.
Broke an Arm.
Ma rguerite Miller , thelittledaugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller , ac
cidentally fell over the coal bucket
Tuesday night and broke an arm. Dr.
Conipton was called and administered
to the wants of the child , and at this
writing , it is gettingalong - nicely.
fo Xon-rrttlrtent Defendants.
U. D. Crocker , full Christian and true name
unknown nnd J. F S. I'hilK full chriEtian ad
true name unknown , non-resident defendants.
You and each of you arc herehy notified that
on the 10th dav of January. 1899 , Oscar S. ( . 'nm-
irps as plaintiff , filed in the district sourt of
Cherry county. Nebraska , his petition ajrai-isl
yon as defendants , the object and prajer of
which f < < to have an accounting of the amount
paid by plaintiff for taxes , interest , penalties
and costs on the following described premises
and ieal estate , to-wlt : The southeast quarter
f section ntne. tmu.
hip thirtr-thn-e. raii 'e
thirtj-one. in Cherry count * . Nebraska , for the
vaars 1R95.18fl6 and 1897 , with interest then on.
and an attorney fee of ten per centum of the
amount so found to be due : that the amount 50
found to be due for such taxes , interest , penal ,
tir-s. costs and attorney foe be fixed and estab
lished a * a valid and subsisting lien on said taxed
premises and ri-.il e < iate. and suncrior to al1
iber liens , eq-ntieso' ctite : theivin ot the
i'd d feiidHM or either of thi'tii , or ; > nv : .
claiming h\ . through , or under them , or eithei
f thorn ; that th suil premises : trul re M estate
void for the < cm < * tirM ; < n thereof. toxKh i
with tlipfnt.s Of MIII and cots ol s.Ueth.H tin
flefendiits : be former barren , foreclosed and
excluded out of all right. Mile- . inter j't or eq iii >
redempti > s in and to the same or am part
Ai'd ' you are further notified and required to
answer auid petition tin or before the lath da\
March. 1S95. A M. MORKIHSKV , '
2f. 17 Attorney for Plaintiff
tf sick you can find help. If crippled
with ilirimiutism v u mil be cuied
It rlred JOH nee I nsi and the place
to po N
The expcns" is l.-ss th.m 5011 Imanine. "The
NorthWfsrein Line" h-ts announced
special excursions , non.iin days
this nioitth > it
The Kvans Hotel will remain men .uu ! tlrs
d A 1 other hotels Hiid hii.irdin ? . , IMIOS j
v\n \ srood wvire with iow rates itining the
Konnd Trip Rate From
Vnl t > r - - * T.2O
o rrcspondi'ig * i ctson-'r t'l'-Mt n
C t1. ' t --Cfii r , i d MM' " ! * r uu-
iiVti I'nnu -a\N r i-.f t. \ vl l an-i aiiv
g i K F &M V U K nr .1 -I able" ,
' ' "Ig ' 'oM' , * | J 1 | ' > vr.nil. . | - " . \ CHI
I. 'T e v atAI , . . .
February 14 and 28.
Anything in the line of Clothing , j *
49 Hats or Caps , Boois or Shoes , & *
49 SCipleor Fancy Groceries , j *
49 49 Stoneware , Dry Goods 1 *
49 49 Notions , Salt Meat , Grain or Feed ,
49 Be sure to call and get prices atE
Attorney Smith of the U. P. road
was here attending" district court
Tuesday and had the case filed
apainst the company by the owners
oir the cattle that L.LT. Wells shipped
ir here last fall , transferred to the I
federal court. They sued the I
railroad company for $2,000 damages !
for not properly feeding- the cattle
while in the stock yards here.- Kimball -
ball Observer
, -
All work promptly att9an > rt
When Visiting
. Pet * Day
Good Service
, A , Hornback
N orth-\Vestern Line" is to he
to mid from tlie
OFf - -
jw * ? ' %
r Y. 7)2Bit. ;
d in
oiTers hut .tins to nil cush
r. * of
Wire. * * oft
Pine , Sft * * # . Oil * find fill
kitidx of Rancherx * Supplies
Anrone sending a sfcelch and dcscrlpUon may
quietly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention In probably pitentnble. Communica
tions utrictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
"iit free. OldMt nccncy for sccunnp patents.
Pitents taken through Munn & Co. recelr *
P'dal notice , rrlthout chnrgc. in the
SC !
X handsomely llln trated woetly. Tersest eh-
latlon of ny sfiientifle Journal. Ternw. 93 a
ir : four months , | L Sold by all newsdealer * .
' 'm&Co.311New York
: ch OSoc , 635 F 8U , Washlogtoo , D. C.
Appointment of Aflminiati'ator
In the County Court of Cherry Connty. JJebnu-
ka. in thn M-itterof the Eatate of D.M. Under
wood. Deceased.
Emma H. Underwood having filed In my office
n ' .etitlon prayins : for the appointment of Jonn
I'nderwood as administrator of the estate of D.
M i Underwood , deceased AH penons inter-
en ted in said estate will take notice that I h ve
fixed : N tunlat. February 11. 1899 , at 10 o'clock
a m . as the time , and my oftlce In Valentine.
Cherry county. Nebraska a the place for hear
inP of sain petition at which timn and place all
pernon < < interstid in said estate may appear
and show cause if any thre bwhy nuch ad-
iniiiistrar/ir uhould notb < a pointed.
Witness my hand and the seal of the countr
court of said county thi * 19ih day of .lanuary
1899 W. K.TOWJTJB.
SKAL County Judge.
Attention , Stockmen
Fanners and the General
Any parties wishing
Will ue given
Special Prices
bftween tin's a id lotli of April. Shop
west of pcliool house , at
Hugh Hovill , Manager
Herri man N
J-j ale 3 J
Alllonloft tide or
north of Hi
B Bovill
Mernman Neb
Left side or hip
Range north ef EH
B H. TWrr > Bros.
Newton , Keb.
Horses same 01
left shoulder
Ranee between
the Gordon and the
Gorsnch Bros.
Ve\\to . , N'ebrnsk
Cattle bniliiled r e
as on cut
teft sric : or hi
I'amr < * on
L T. Kichardaon.
Kennedy ,
Some on left
nersae en
left ihonlder
Stolts & Stetter.
Cody. bra > k
Branded on left side
Knige. Tin Can Lak *
and Morgan Flats
H A. MrQnadc.
Valentine. Neb
Branded on