FLATO COMMISSION COMPAN LIVE STOCK S LLSM : AND BROKE S Cnpiint 9iC3GtiO.GO F. W. FLATO. .lit , lvirpm. | . Kn IF Ilism / PAUL FKATO. Vice Pn-suient. JIM > HORN \ ( attp ! -l-n' ! J. 0 DAULMAN. Jvicretary. E.V CAIIOW. flog Salesma5 JOHN D SKITZ. HUGH HITCHCOCK , Sheep ED II HIED , JOHN F. CLARY , Cashiei SOUTH OMAHA , NEBRASKA DRUM-FLATO COMMISSION COMPANY Capital $500.000.00. CHICAGO. KANSAS CITY. ST. LOUIS { { TOOK EXCHANGE RESTAURANT. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. E. T. MILLEB , Proprietor. * LODGING FOR STOCKMEN NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS' v 262 H SKBEr. South Omaha. Thre * Doors From C rncr RATES : $1.00 to * 1.50 Per Day. Telephone No. 67 85.00 to 67.00 Per tt e k. R ED HOTEL. MRS. .JOHN H.KD.Proprielress. . STOCKMEN'S PATRONAGE ESPECHLLY SOLICITED. ' 5tl i. B Irand ' M Streets. Si ath. Omaha , Nebr A Few Facts For Cattle Dealers. ft domon-traU'd in the pant that Stands at top as a market for Ranga Feeders Yon CHI s ti.- < fvouiNHlf as to thf jnnli of that cttiirernfiit l > y corapunnjr Tiip SUPS at SJQUX ' 'i .y , last M-ar , with those at any other com i ctitive market Yon can also : iskoiir neighbors who have sold ca'lle at Sioux City. Tins year Sioux < 'iiv is in thn field for fat ent ile as wi-11 as feederPli j srreat h ef slaughtering plant of the Cudnln Packing Co. Is reid\ : for business . The capacity of tlie Stock Yards lias been pft ft greatly increased and you will find excellent facilities for handling your business. No chargHs. except for f ed ordered if your cattle are not old on our market r he Sioux City Stock Yards Co. JOHN U. 1CEENE , General Hjgliest market price paid aud prompt returns. Refereiic- Omaha National Bank. F. S. BUSH & COMPANY. 513 South IStli St. , OMAHA , NEB We charge no commission. LIVESTOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOUTH OMAHA , NEBRASKA Eloom 1O8 Kxrhanae IIKtff. HefTonces : STOCK YARDS PACKERS' NATIONAL NATIONAL BANE BANK. Telphone 141 We hare % largo cllentxce among ; Nebraska Feeders and can always oeat Omaha prices t r Ranch customers IF NOFIF1KD BEFOUE SHIPMKNT. r Why Pay $30. For a dr > p-head machine when you1 i tlL jri JA-T i-rVJ * % / can get a first-class machine for 821.00 ! i by writing to 1. H EMERY , Valentine , - Nebr. P. O. Parsons Photographer HRK rented the \ . G Shaw Art Cnllcnr in this City for one year and will be hero Irom 1ST TO iSTBL OFEVKRT MONTH rirnt-rlasu Work in cTery Particular Guarant-ecd. Se c of Work at the Red Frou Millinery and Ladies' Furnisliing Goods CALL AND GET PRICES. COEA GILLETT. 1 NEWS'DEKOC ROBERT GOOD , Editor and Publisher The World-Herald thinks an } ' sized standing army will be too big if Alger R to remain at the head of it. Good sense , that. The peace treaty has been ratified by the U. S. Senate , and novr the query is being propounded : "Are the Filipinos citizens of the United States , or are they subjects ? Query No. 2 : Can the United States have a ' 'subject ? ' ' This paper is a standing advertise ment of northwest Nebraska , especially Cherry . county , and when a copy reaches a new town it is passed from hand to hand until everybody knows of us our paper , our people , and our stock industry. Burloigh , of the Star-Journal , has dropped his standing editorial "This is a republican year,1'and is demanding that people pay their tuxes. No repub lican dare plead "hard times" as an excuse for not paying up , even though we are still engaged in licking revenue stamps If this legislature doesn't ass a reso lution in favor of electing U.S. Senators by a direct vote of the people we will bo much disappointed. The legisla tors now assembled in Lincoln are al most unanimously in favor of such method , and the people of the state are practically a unit on the subject. The stand which Representative Fisher has taken was a disappointment to his friends among the.republicans in Clmdron. The comments of a few of the losal republicans who first saw the bulletin announcing Msher's change to Thompson indicates the fooling of the party in this section. Chadron Journal A bill to reapportion the legislative districts of the state has been intro duced in the house. If passed it will give Cherry , Sheridan and l > awes counties one representative each , aud the counties of Rock , Brown and Key a Paha will be cut off this sanatoria I dis trict. Keya 1 aha will be attached to Holt and 13oyd , and the three allowed tvro representatives. The Rushville Recorder supported Fisher for representative , but now comes out and says he does not repre sent. The Recorder is evidently dis gusted with republicans and their prin ciples , and declares "the election of senator should be taken out of the hands of the present managers and turned over to the people. " Right you are , Bro. Cooper , but why not lend these sentiments your support election time ? Remember it is two years be fore we elect another legislative ticket. Chadron republicans seem to be eternally engaged in factional fights , and now that the postoffice question has been settled they are pulling hair over Fisher's course in yoting for Thompson. The party is dividing into two camps , but after the war is over they will all kiss and make up. This is one peculiarity of the republicans ; no matter heir they hate , despise or try to kill one of their men , thev alwavs line / * > up after the war is over. Witness the crawfish act of the anti-Eckles forces since Eckles was appointed postmaster. What sense is there in quoting to the McKinlev expansionists tho.se old ob solete words of the Declaration of In dependence , "Al just governments derive their powers from the consent of the governed. " Tiiey don't believe it. Their success in ' 98 Wits socure.l through a suppression and denial of this consent. Men were driven to the polls and forced to vote the republican ticket or lose thnir jobs , while others were frightened by the threat of ruin to the country if the demands of the Ickleheimers were not complied with. It is out of reason to suppose that these imperialists will apply this principle to the Philippines when they have no respect - i ! spect for it here at home. O'Xeill In- ' dependent. Hostilities between insurgents and i the American troops broke out at Manila - ; nila last Sunday in which 20 Americans i were killed and 125 wounded ; the insurgent - surgent loss being much heavier. W. i J. Bryan in speaking of this engage- i mtnt. sa > s : "The engagement is to be : deplored , but it does not change the i situation. Forcible annexation is not a peaceful process. If we enter upon i a career of conquest wo must expect bloodshed. A resolution promising independence - dependence to the Philippines would probably prevent further trouble , and I hope that such a resolution will be passed. The Philippine question is a grave one , bui we can trust the intelli gence and patriotism of the people to solve it aright. Until the nation's policy is finally determined our soldiers may be depended upon to defend American interests at any cost. " . 3 Live Stock Notes , 3 , Every stockman who can possibly got away from homo for a day or two should attend the meeting of the Farmers and Stockmen's Institute in this city next week. Dr. A. T. Peters will talk on blackleg , and as he is a specialist in this line all should hear him. The time is coming when every acre of land in Sheridan county will be taken up for cattle or sheep , and those of our people who are looking to the future will do well to get their land in sucu shape as to buy other quarters near it while it is cheap. We have had several inquiries the past year for land , and we bel eve the coming year will see a distinct move from east tovest. . Rushville Recorder. A large body of men rode up to the ranch of .John Swanson , nerr Rawlins recently , and after threatening to kill Mr. Swanson , ordered him to move his bunch of sheep from his own land and ranch. Warr nts were issued for three men whom ho recognized and Sheriff MeDaniel armed with the requisite papers , has left for the see'ie of the trouble. This is the .second raid within a month and the authorities are de termined to bring the guilty parties to justice. Northwestern Stockman. The National Live Stock Association passed resolutions as follows : "En dorsing the work of the agricultural department in the grass and forage investigation vostigation and urging that $10OOU be appropriated by the government to carry on the work ; instructing Presi dent Springer to a k President JNIc- Kinley to issue an executive order giv ing the Cdttlo of the United States preference in the Cuban trade , as a benefit no less to the Cubans than to the Americans , and to urge congress to take similar action when laws are made for the government of Cuba. " While the exports of cattle from this country are stilted in figures that con- v-jy some idea to the mind , the exports of meat , figured in pounds , are beyond the comprehension of most of us For instance , what idea do the figures 2,152,803,962 convey ? This is the number of pounds of beef and pork products exported during 1803 , and it is an increase of 291,253,222 pounds as compared with 1897. The exports of beef products amounted to 457,478,367 pounds and of hog products 1,095,3 5- , 289 pounds. It is the largest year's exports of moat products in the history of the country , and the value of cattle and hogs and of their products e < - ported is about $ lS2Oi)0,000. ) o The Burlington iv.ilroad has the fol lowing to say of the gradual change in methods of farming in western Xebras- ka : ' 'There are scores of men in west ern Nebraska- Frontier , Red Wil low , ilayes , Hitchcock , Chase and Dundv counties who are making mon ey hand over fist raising cattle. These same men tried to get rich raising corn and selling it to the grain dealer They failed. Fortunately , they saw their mistake , changed their methods , and went in for cattle and hogs. They raise less corn and more millet and sorghum. They feed what they raise to their stock. Today they have mon ey enough to ride in palace cars and stop at the best hotels if they want to. " L. II. Kernck , of McLean county , Illinois , had the best cattle that came on the Chicago market this week. The , ' were splendid Polled Angus steers , numbering sixteen head , and they brought $6.30 per 100 pounds , their average weight being 1,460 pounds. The good advance that has taken place in prices for beef cattle has caused a similar advance in feedersand there is a very good demand at the present time for good steers to fatten. The present inquiry is very largely for steers that weigh from 800 up to 1,000 pounds , and a good many lots are taken thnt weigh on an average of 1,100 pounds , and even more Early in the season light weight stock cattle were the favorite sellers , but the present in quiry is for larger cattle of good quality to put on corn. Farmers , as a rule , are buying a better class of cattle to fatten than in recent years , as they find I from experience that it pays better to give it a little more and .thereby get a better grade to start with. All the surrounding country is buying , the shipments being made to Illinois , Indiana , Ohio and Iowa. Prime feed ers now sell at $4.60 to $4.82 } per 100 pounds. A well known sheep seller snid to the writer a day or two ago : "There is no danger of a mutton famine for many months to come. Something like 600,000 sheep and lambs are now feeding in the state of Minnesota alone. I'hen there are fully 400,0 .0 head that are being fattened in the state of Colorado rado , a big share consisting of Mexican lambs around Fort Collins. National Stockman. t ' -r mil T - It - If fid il V S\L ! GEO. G. SCHWAUVi , PROP. Thb market always kc-wpc. .1 supply of ? u MlL In addition to a first-class line of Steak * . IvonstP , Dry Salt Muata Smoker ! Hams , Breakfast BacuMi and Vegetables Si-tier' * Old Stand on Main Streat , VALENTINE , NEBRASKA AT ArP < sA T\L 2iL.j OI s HEADQUARTERS FOR . ; ? W.CS , LIQUORS AND CIO ft * ? Of the Choicest Brands " ? . " ' ? VAi-H'HINE NEBRASKA * * 'is ' ? 5 * * ' . ? " 0 * V MRS , HARRIS BOARDING HOUSE AND BAKERY , Fruits x and / Confectionery Meals at all hours/ Price , 25 cent. First door South of Valentine Bank 4 ? ? The DONOHER & 89 DONOHERv Jn continually adding improvements and it is now ti ! % fr best equipped , and most comfortable $ > KIPxST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL $ IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA jf ' V . * ' ) Hot and Cold Wotcr Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Feom $ jj ow * s * fc * HERRY OUNTY RANK Valentine , Nebraska Kvory frility : extended onstoiners consistent with conaertfatire banking . < c.hang < ' litiiiiriit and sold. Loans upon good security solicited at reasodsibU f.iir.s. County depository E. SPAHICS. Prpsident CHARLES SPARKS Cashier C. H. COKXELLi. Pre * i < k'nt. M. V. J y , Cashier F VALENTINE. Valentine , Nebraska. A General Kan king RnsSncssTraimacfed Bnys and Sells Domestic mid Foreign Kxchnuge Correspondent * ; Chemical National Bank. New York. First National R.ink. Omaba Nrtr. 0. M. SAGBSER , Hair cutting and shaving. HOT AND GOLD BATHS. J. C. DWYER. E. II. DWTER. DWYER BROiS. PKYSiGIANS AND SURGEONS Superintendents of Private Hospital. For the Treatment of Diseases- All Kinds of Surgical Oper ations Successfully Performed. FALENTINE , - - NEBRASKA THEDFORD HOSPITAL Modern fquiomcnt. Up-to-date ures. All the newer methods in - MEDICINE and HUIIOERY Hppcialties h.iv forer. Catairh. Canrrr. Rupture and Files cured without the knifp. Disrate of the eye. car , stomach aud of women , and nil chronic diseises. Will answer calls hy mail or wire vrithiu a distance of 100 miles. Htpular days : THURSDAY and FRIDAY at SENECA MULLEN- -and - Thc balance of the week at THEDFORD. Dr. M. . OLARS , Manaer FIRST CLASS MILL I have established a Feed and Saw Mill 3 miles south [ Cody , at the mouth of Medicine Cinyon. and am now prepared to prinri Feed. Torn Meal and Graham. C" turn out all kinds of Lumber and di mension stuff , and Native 8hinnle . Give ns a trial order. J. F. HOOK The OWL SALOON Golden Sheaf Pure White Rye , SiisqtiPharma Ryp.and Cpdar Creek I ouisvillo , Kentucky , Bourbon Whisky. Pure Clrapp & Cognac Brandy's | 'r c//c/t O TokaAnffellica.PortSheri7 and Black ber y in wood , claret , Riepling , Sautemes. Cooks Imperial ; Gasts and Clicquot in bot- tla. . Damiana and oth er Cordials. Aso : Agent forFrad Krags Celebrated Pii- PI PaleEaar fjrfimily nsg , and C. H. THOMPSON , THE M. Walter * . Prop. THEDfORD - - NEBRASKA SSlll Prices for Feed. Ur-in , bulk 50c per cwt $9.00 ton bulk 60c per cwt 11.00 ton 40c " $7.CO " Chop Feed 70c $13.00 " Corn 65c " Oats $1.00