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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1899)
f" WILLIAM A. ALLMAN. Postcffice address Pine RMge , S. D. On side and hip Horsee on right slioulder Z ' RiuigeVoll Crude ALBERT LAMB. rostofflce address . Allen , S. D. Cattle same as on cut ; horses on left hip same as cattle on left vhoultlcr Rauge Bear Creek ( I WILLIAM PROVOST. Postoffice address Albany , Neb. On right side ; hors es left shoulder Range Head of Stinkiug Water FRANK SALWAY , JR. . rostofflce address Allen , S. D. As on cut ; also SS left hip : half top circle FS on left aide ; also on left side Horses M left hip Range Corn Creek CHARLES RICHARD , SR. Postoffice address Porcupine , S. D. On left sideIiorscs same without bar. on left shoulder. i Range Porcupine District. CHARLES CUNY. Posfofnce address Manderson S.D. On left side Also clear around both hips like a breeching har ness , uors s as cut on left thigh : counter brand/ ; ; right o\er the T HENRY JONES. Postolllce address Mandersou , S. D. On left side Horses same on left shoulder Rnngo Wounded Knee Creek. CHAS , TWISS. .Postofflce address Mauderson. S. On left side Horses , left shoulder' Jlange White River [ JOHN GRAHAM. Postofflce address Pine Ridge , S. D. On left side Horses same on l Range Pass Creek ELNORE LITTLE CHIEF. ostofflce address Pine Ridge , S. D , On left side ; horses ame left shoulder Eango-Whito river WILLIAM WALKS ON THE GROUND. Postoffice address Porcupine , S. D. Lef t shoulder or side Horses same on shoulder Range Woundud Knee PRETTY HIP. JR. ! ' sto'Hce addreas Porcupine , S. D. IxCft side and hip Horses same on shoulder Range Porcupine Creek. GEORGE WHITE FACE. P2 > Postoffice address Allen , S. D. On left side ; also on left side Horses same on left hip Range Corn Creek SHORT HORN. If ' Postofflce address Pine Ridge. S. D. On lelt side ; horses tame ou shoulder Range Wounded Knee. JUDGE THUNDER BEAR. Postoffice address Manderson , S. D. On Left side jhorscs same on left hip Range Wounded Knee GEORGE FIRETHUNDE3. a Postoffice address Pine Ridcc , S. D. On leftside ; horses same 'ctt shoulder. Range Near Pine Ridge Agency. JAMES GRASS. Postoffice address Porcupine , S. D. On left shoulder and hip ; horses same on hip Range Porcupine Creek. JOSEPH FAST HORSE. i Postofflce address Pine Ridge , S.D. Cattle same as cut ; horses same on left hip. Range-Spring Creek JOHN LEE. Postoffice address Pine Ridge , S.D. On left side Horses left thigh Range-Wolf Creek. PETE RICHARD. Postofflce address Merriman , Neb. On left side ; horses P R on left thigh Range-Lake Creek , South Dakota. JOHN FARNHAM. Postoffice address Interior , S. D. Left side or hip or both Horses same on left thigh Range-Jackson Co. JOHN POURIER. Postoffice addn. / Mandcrsrn , S. I > . On left side ; also on jaw Horses on left shoulder. Range Mouth WoundedKuee and White river. JAMES TWISS. Postoffice address Porcupine. S. D. On left side ; horses same on left hip Range Porcupine Creole THOMAS TYON. Postofflce address Pine Sidgo.S. D. Anywhere on left side Horses same lef thij CHARLES H. GIROUX. Postoffice address Pine Ridge , S. D. On left side Horses same on left shoulder. Ransre-Wolf Creek MANUEL ROMERO. Postoffice address Pine Ridge , 3. D. On left side Horses left shoulder Kange-SpringCreek tt d Wounded Knee. SAMUEL SMITH. Postoffice address Allen , t > . D. On left side Horses same on left hip. Range Corn Creek JOSEPH BROWN , JR. Postofflce address Manderson. S. D Left side or hip Horses "o on left shoulder Range-White river and Mouth Wound ed Knee. JOHN MESTETH. Postofflce address Porcupine , S. D.j On left side Also on left side Range Porcupine Creek. GEORGE HARVCY. 'Postoffice address Porcupine , 8. D. On leftside. Horses same on lef4 shouldi'r Range-White river and Mouth of Spring Creek. * r- ANTOINE HERMAN. Postoffice address Kyle , S. DOn - On left shoulder On left side Also horses on left thigh Tyq Ringu 1'o.atoe * & Creek R. C. STIRK. Pcstofflce address JSrjg31 Pine Ridge , S.D. 115 and 55 on left sideHorses Horses 115 on left nio"T < > n . also 5 CD left thJgh Range-White River WILLIAM VLANDRY. Postoffice address Allen. S. D. On both sides On side and hip Range Little Wliite River. NICHOLAS JANIS. Postoffice address Kyle , S. D. On left side Horses same on left ho , lder Range Big Whit * River. BENJAMIN ROWLAND. Postofflce address Kyle. S. D. On leftside and hip Horses , Jj" It left thigh. Range Big White River. CHARLES CLIFFORD. PoBtofflce address Kyle , S. D.t Jn left slds or hip. Ilorees same on left thigh ; also JCCgteft -ide. Ear-mark , tip o-'id under-bit Range Wl-lie River CHARLES JONES. Postoffice address Porcupine. SD. . On left hip and Jaw Horses same oren < > on left shoulder Range White River JOHN P. BISONKTTE. Postoffice address Manderson , S. D. > n right sirto torses p B on left , , tiange-Eock Spring ! i . , JULIA DAVIDSON. istofflce address Kylc.S. D On risht shoul der and hip Horses J on left hip "Range Wliite River sinrt Month of Medicine Root ELICK SALWAY. Postoffice address Allen. S. D. On snoulder s > lde and 'lip. Horses S 3 on left shoulder. Range Com Creek E. G. BETTELYOUN. Postofflce address Pine Ridge. S. D. Anywhere ; horses same. Range Little White River C. W. ALLEN , MANAGER. Postofflce address Merriman , Neo. Stock branded as on cutalso ; A leftslioul- dcr , B left side , Olett hip. Range LittJa White river , S. D. I will pay SlOO for sufficient evidence to convict anyone of stealing cattle bear ing these brands. WILLIAM SHANGRAN. Postoffice address Corty , Neb- On left side Horses , same Range Lake Creeft South Dakota , ROBERT RANDALL. Postoffice address Allen. S. DOn - On left Eicle Horses sai he on left shoulder Range B ar Creek * BANDY WILLIAMS. Postoffice address Merrlraan , Neb. Mostly on left side , some on right side Horses same left Shoulder Range-Lake Oracle , South Dakota. BENJAMIN JANI9. Postoffice address Kyle , S. D. On left side ; horses " "K.on hip. Range Medicine Root Creek , EDGAR FIRE THUNDER. Postofflce address Allen , S.D On left side Also on left .side Ear mark i ! ear split and hang- < in ? : fig isangc-Eear Creek ROBERT WHITE RABBIT. Postofilce address Merriman , Neb. On lelt side and hip. Horses same on left thigh. Range Lake Creek South Dakota. PETER LADEAUX. Fostoflico address Allen , S. D Left side and hip both Horses same on lef thigh Range Bear Creek A. W. MEANS. Postofllce address Tine Ridge , S. D. On both sides Horses same minus half circle on top.on left tliigh Range-Little Wnite river. WILLIAM TWISS. Postofflce address Mandersou , S. D On lelt side Horses on left thteh Range-Big White S river ELEX ADA3IS Postoffice address Manderson , S. D Left side or hip 011 horses and cattle ; also 2 on shoulder , ( ) on side --nd O OH left side of cattle. Arrow reversed on all cattle sold. Range Mouth Wounded Knee. ARTHUR ROFF. Postoffice address Merriman , jS'eb On side ; also R on jaw Horses R O on Hugh Range-Lake Creek niul Little White river. SETH GARY. Postoffice address Mernman , Neb. On both side and hip Herd-mark , dew-lap Horses sarno on left shoulder Raiifre-Lalce Oeek and Little \\liite river. JOSEPH KOCER. Postoffice address Gordon , Neb _ Left side and hip Horses , left shoul der. Range-Little White river. South Dakota. E. COFFEY AND SONS , rostofflce address Gordon , Neb. * On left side and E on jaw ; some J Con right- hip and J On jaw ilorsesFEandjc on shoulder , Range , Little White river. South Dakota. JOHN T. GREEN. Postoffice address Mernman , On left side Horses same on left shoulder ; waddle un der neck of young stock Creek iaand Little White river jr. J. PECK. Postofflce address Cody , Neb. On both sides Horses CC on left thigh Range HeadPass Creek , South Dak. C. H. LITTLE. Postoffice address Merriman , Neb. On either side Horses same on hip Also either = We Ranee Lake Creek tV,3W * > &zj h& South Dakota. JOHN GRESH. Postofflce address Merrlraan , Neb On both aides ; some on right side and hip ) Horses same with out bar , left thigh Range-Lake Creek & Little White river' GARNER BROTHERS Postofflce address Cody , Neb Anywhcrr on cattle ; horses , on lelt shoul der. Range north of Ell G. O. FA1RIIEAD. PoEtofflce address Merriman. Neb Cattle on left Md-j si" < l hin ; some left side only. Ho see , 6 on left shoulder Range , between Cottomvood Lake. Leander and Bear Creek W. R. WHITE. Postofflce address Merriman. Neb \ _ On either side ; some \ . SU Eon leftside Range Southeast of Merrim&n FRANK LTVERMORE. Postofflce addres rnd\k Neb i On both sides' or animalalso ; Lou hip or bhonlder Range--I-ittJM White River and Month of Cellar Creek , S. D. J. O'ROURKE. Postofflce address Kyle. S. D. On lef t side and hip. Hors a. J on left choulder Riiige Big White River B. F. BOYLES. Postoffice addreaa MerrimanNcl > As on cut , loft sidt Range between Reservation VETAL VLANDRY. Postoffice address Cody , Neb. Cattle branded any where ; some with underneath the brand Horses on left shoulder _ Range Little White Riverand Mouth of Cedar Creek , S. D. GEORGE COLHOFF. Postoffice address Pine Ridge , S. D Leftside of cattl left shoulder of horse se ? Rang ? White CIy : ' ' " Creek. GEORGE GIROUX. Postoffice address Allen , S. D On left 6ideand _ thigh. Horses ojjlefttlauk & iLj Range Head of Pass Creek. MyA t& * GUS CRAVEN. Po tofflci * address Mandcraon , S. i . Onlcftsidd Hoi es , on ifit hip wi i o tt i > . r under neath. R ti.e-B } u Wl i e * Tt river. BAPTISTS POURIER. i'ostoffice address Manderson , S. DOn - On left side , lorses same on left shoulder ; counter- brand , horse head on Isht shoulder. Range-While river ind Wounded Knee CHARLES C. MARRIVALL. Postoffics a Albany , Neb. On right side Horses same left liip Range-Lime Kiln WILLIAM L. PATTON. Postofflce address Manderson. S. D. ) n either side 'torses same left houlderlow Ranje : Wounded Knee and White river GEO. R. BROWN. Postofllce addiess Manderson , S. D. On left side ; a'so around hip-bcne lett side. Horses same on left si o i d r Kanjje-Litf le White river anil Brown Lake. LEWIS SHANGRAN Postofflce addressC ' Kyle , S.D 3n left shoulder and side Also n left side RTorses , ZS on left ihlgh Racge Big Iver , [ JOHN Postofflco address Kyle. S. D. On left side of cattle ; leftshould-ronhore. fs ; also 121 or 112 on ( eft side of cattle. Range on White River. ANTOINE JANIS. lclK".S.n - Leftrfdeon ca'tler lei t thigh on lu.rses. < r Knee Orccic JOE RICHARD. rostofflce address Allen , S. D. On right side Hnrsesij left Rjinge Eagle Nest Creek. ELICK RICHARD. Postoffice : dircs ? ' Allen. S. D ) On left side or cattle * left S . Range-.CagIet.9rt i * * * rt-not * r J Creek tf JOHN SWALLOW. Tostoffice address Allen , S. D. Left side on cattle. Horses , underlined H on left shoulder Range-Little White River LEWIS VEON. PostoHlcc Bilfiros Pine Kldge. 3. As on oat Ran eoa L Creek. JENNIE SEARS. Postofilce address Mandemon , S. D ) n left side and Jaw Range on White over J. O. ROOK. PostofQce editress Allen. S. E ) On left side Horses. O on thish Range Lt ! White Pass J. R. PUGH AND SONS. 'ostofflce address Pine Ridge , S. D "attlo branded as on ut Horses on left - Iioulder Range Flint Butte CM i Little White River (5f5 ( ? DAVID COTTIER. PostofficeAllen. Allen. S On left side , r oar split Rango-LIttle luver BENJAMIN" CLAYMOKE. PostofSee address Allen , 8.D. < > n left side ; also C i shoulder , B side , > on hip. Horses , C on shoul- ter and underlined ; Lou hip. Banco ittle White River LEWIS COTTIER. Postofflco addreea Allen. 3 On left side ; v underlined Dfl left side rf right ear split Horses , * on hip Range-Little WfalM iilver L. FISHER. * ostofflce address Interior , S. D. < tock branded as on ut. left side and Jaw Hange Potato B Creek I. . B. LESSERT. Postofllce efldreas Merriman , N On left aideal same side , Sol derllned Horses. nnd-rilneiS & L JOSEPH KNIGHT , 'ostofflce address Pine Ridge , S. I ) . On left hip ; wattle n neck Horses same on left houlder sangeYoonAed nee Creels.